McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1945, p. 7

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RINGWOOD (By Mr*. George Shepard) The Bunco club was entertained In the home of Mr*. Lizzie Thompson in McMenry lliursday. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. William McCannon. Mesdames George Haberiein, and S. M Stenhenson attended the Legion Auxiliary George Shepaxd card party at the heme of Mrs. Clara Foster in Riehmbnd Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Oliver Laurence spent Toesday evening in the Harold Kelley home near Wfapdstock. Mr. and Mr*.Ruseel Banners of Pell Lake anwmnee the birth of a son at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Sonners was fonusrly Miss Betty Lm UtaK daughter ef the Harold KeOeys, formerly of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Neal art enjoying a two weeks vacation from the Chemical plant. They are visiting relatives in Chicago and also their daughter and husband at Somen, Iowa. ! Mrs. Sfcre Whiting aftd daughters spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. David Powers, at Crystal Lake. Pvt. Milton Laurence of Camp Livingston, La., spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. Haberiein D Leading physicians - attest the fact that we --itmtn highest ethical standards. Why searcfi farther when it costs so more to be advantaged fcjoartkiUrtMrricfi^. . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green St. MeHenry, BL- • • • • • e t t>* Mr. and Mrs. George •pent Thursday In Cfcicago. Mrs. Rose Jepeon is visiting h«r Lfster KMnt^ son. Wis., spent Sui mother, Mrs. George ! Mr. and Mrs. Ted CpMHI daughter, Virginia, in Michigan. Iievt Lpater KHntworth of Madi- ~ ndsy with his Martin. Kooistra and two sons of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson spent Sunday with friends in 'Chicago. Mr. said Mrs. George Sheperd spent Sunday in tha Alan Ainger home near GrsfSnwood. Pvt. Richard. Keeley of Nevada is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wynne Jolitz. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low entertained their card- dub at their home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren of Waukegan and Mrs. Riley and daughter of Milwaukee spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Tlie W, S. C. &. will meet with Mrs. Rose Jepeon Friday, August 17. Ernest Shook, son and daughter of Belvidere, spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch and Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner and son, Billy, of Royal Oak. Mich., spent Sunday with Mrs Jennie Bacon. Miss Amy Laurence and Robert Shueberg of Chicago spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence home. Mr. and Mrs- Joe Laurence, Wm. Laurence and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nimsgern and children of MeHenry spent Sunday with Jlrs. -Abe Laurence. Mis; Mary Maxwell of Areola, 111., is visiting with Helen Ruth Butler. Mr. and Mrs. C» L. Harrison and daughter, Carol, and Mrs. Wattles and son. Glen, of MeHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the Lonnie Smith home. IVrol Martin, Carol Hhrrison, Dorothy * Smith, Charlotte Hogan and Phyllis Bruce spent three days the past week at the 4-H Camp Olivet at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughter, Lu Ann, spent Wednesday evening with her father, Joseph Kattner, at Spring Grove. Mrs. Ada Carr, of Muscatine, Iowa,' called on Rev. and Mrs. Collins Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Bauer and son, Marvin, were visitors at Woodstock Friday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walter*. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Psttise and, children of Barrington spent Sunday: with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. J Mr. and Mrs. Malscb of Glenview were callers in the Clayton Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Sunday afternoon in the T. H. Jones home at Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw and Mrs. TWICE TOLD TALKS Items of Intereet Thken Proas the Files ef the Pklndeslor of Tears Ago SIXTY YEARS AGO Cora Jencks of Chicago are spending Antes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr are the a few days with Mrs. parents of a son, born Sunday, August 5. Mrs. Paul Wfclkington and son, J*y. >v isited her husband at Great Lakes CLARENCE'S SHOP » JOHHBBURG Place orders Bow for Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather goods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, etc. - - -- CLARENCE J. SMITH Route 1, MeHenry, Hi- Mrs. Neil Harrington spent the weekend with her husband, Pvt. Neil I Harrington in Chicago. 1 Elijah Coates of Crystal Lake is visiting his sister, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Ben Walkington returned home Friday from the hospital at Libertyville. She is much improved. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich land family of Harvard spent Sun- 'day with the former's parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Charles Brennan and Janet ! Johnson spent Saturday with the i former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Black- Iman, at Zion City. Janet remained [for a few weeks visit. | Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., was a {visitor at Waukegan Saturday. I Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Charles i Peet spent Wednesday morning in MeHenry. David Walkington of . Phoenix, Arizona, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday in the Ernest Andreas home at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stardy and four daughters of Lake Geneva spent Sunday in the Oscar Berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doberstein and Mrs. Robert Olson of Chicago spent Sun* day with Mrs. Doberstein and daughter,, Dorothy. A timber sixty-five feet long was taken through this village on Mon-' day. It was on the way to Johnsburg, to be used in building the new tower on the church. * We have been experiencing the hottest weather of the season for Ce past few days. We understand that the Northwestern will soon begin to run a Sunday train regularly and return, in order to accommodate the great mass of people who can get away on no other day. ^ Butter--creamery fancy, 16 to 17 cents; eggs, good fresh, 10H to 11 cents; cheese, young American 9% cents; full cream cheddar 7 cents; old chickens Mi cents, spring chickens 18 to 14 cents; turkeys, ljve 9 cents per pound. FIFTY YEARS AGO Dr. Auringer lias moved his office to the Stroner building, one door west of A. P. Beer's store, West MeHenry. A cottage and nearly a half acre of land, near the village of MeHenry for $350. Inquire of Perry & Owen. We learn that Peter Freund has sold his residence in this village. We have not learned the name of the purchaser nor the consideration. Married--At the parsonage of the German cLurch in this village, July 17, 1895. by the Rev. Father Kirsch, Christopher Stegemann, of MeHenry, and Mrs. Walburga Koerner, of Chicago. ties as clerk at the C. A N. W. station here. He entered upon the duties the first of the week. The job is good until the end of the summer season. The recent rains have played havoc j with the roads in the village. The] gravel man has remedied the trouble to a certain extent, although there is still plenty of room for improvement on some of them. In spite of the unfavorable weafher the work of rasing the old Village hall building seems to progress uninterruptedly. All of the lumber on the building has already been taken away, while only a small portion of the old wall remains intact. A new cement roadway has been built from the main roadway through the. Geo. J. Sayer fkrm at Pistakee Bay to the cottages on this end of the hey. TWENTY YEARS AGO Mr, Schoewer was quite badly injured Monday when a horse, which he was shoeing, stepped on his foot. Work has been started on a large bungalow in the Stenger subdivision for Joseph J. Weiler. The cost will be between $6,000 and $7,000. Mrs. B. F. Wentworth has taken the Campfire girls to Des Plaines for a week's outing. The old "Rough" farm, near Volo, lately owned by Mr. Wattles ef MeHenry, has been sold and will be subdivided in the near future. FORTY YEARS AGO SLOW DEATH Work on the new walks about town is being rapidly pushed. Math Heimer is making still more improvements about his property. We are informed that Wm. Bonslett contemplates putting in a firstclass feed mill in the very near future. Eldredge ft Wattles shipped two carloads of the choicest hogs to Chicago last week that ever went out of MeHenry. The Hunter-Weckler Boat company, after very careful consideration, has decided to remain at their present quarters for another year. ~ THIRTY YEARS AG0 Vaughn Jones has taken up his du- Following an afternoon in the ring, Bullfighter Sidney Franklin was entertained at the home of an American dowager. Although admiring his skill, the wealthy hostess deplored the, cruelty of his profession. He tried to explain the fine points of the art to her. But she would have none of his explanations. She was horrified that anyone could kill an innocent, helpless bull. For more* than an hour she continued in this vein. ~-- "My dear madam,"" finally Interrupted Franklin, who had somehpw managed to keep afloat in this torrent of words, "it is true that I have killed a number of bulls in my day, but never to my knowledge have I bored one to death!" Help , the Yttng Bride With FmcrgeiKj Recipe A novel shower for a new bride-- especially one who will be called on to do a certain amount of entertainlag and la inexperienced in meal planning and cooking--ia an eroerftney shelf Shower for her pantry. At the shower She Magazine describes, each guest brought her fevcrite emergency company recipe, the sdrt that can be prepared in a hmy. Each recipe was attached to a boat containing the necessary ingredients for its preparation. A cake box, besides cake flour and a Package of baking chocolate, had a bottle of vanilla.' A box of flow was accompanied by two cans of tiny frankfurters, with directfns tor snraslng the dough and baking. Date nut bread in cans and glasses ef chssss provided for the casual eaflee guest. A deep fst fryer end a large can ef shortening brought a recipe for doughnuts. One guest, famous for her fruit cake, brought both a loaf of her cake as well as the "makings" for another. Four nrge Jars of jam with a tart shell recipe suggested another emergency dessert The hostess* gift to the bride was three-fold. A reliable cook-book of the loose-leaf variety had its original covers replaced by ones of oil cloth in the bride's kitchen colors -of black and wjhite. A set of Spices In white cans with black tops end a set of cooking extracts and food colorings carried a card, "To add to the flavor and spice of your new life!" Good ^ISnkst Durability of the nsp is an important quality that every good blanket should possess. To determine this quality when purchasing blankets, the housewife should examine them to see if the weave is firm enough and the fiber long enough to be securely locked in the weave structure. A double weave has two sets of filling and permits more napping without the danger o% "over-napping." A blanket that has been overnapped provides warmth at a sacrifice of strength. It is desirable to choose s blanket 10 inches longer and 18 inches wider than the mattress. Wartime sestrictions now limit blanket lengths to 84 inches, but this is usually adequate. Rayon binding* ordinarily hold color better in cleaning than do sateen. Fret eats Wishing { To prevent corks from |^ 1 bottles rub cork with vaseline. WONDER LAKE 568 3*' White Sauce White sauce blends well with plain-cooked onions, carrots, parsnips, or turnips* «r <r FROM THIS NATION-WIDE Northern Illinois Mm Cwifl SsHnr... ef bm dfta Hiioe Mka nn%. HeCT...Mo»a»«#» IMq. lima «*>-- mod fa» (o*4 bbM Wa*M AilMrt . . . Pw eeooeel mi i MOO.OOO Umm rf "fewer...n-oM ap* «f imtamn, heat mi kmm. Tim «* y *r Ah --Cimmp --* fc I'uWS umV- " --* >li mill. .At. m. t-o .n. •. Mim mbmr mdmHJ. 4 -M- Cw " • " --* * w ^ M MMfe- Jmouution MB *•»* r -j j .m- U)« , » miON COMFANY • FUSUC SMV1CE COMPANY OF NOSTHBRN ILUNOH WIS I IAN UNITED CAS AND BUCTRlC COMPANY • ILLINOIS NORTHERN UTILITIES COMPANY p u b l i c ssivics c o m p a h v o p h o r t i W I S T I I N V M I T S B O A S A R B I I I C I a?* Th,e advertisemeatshown here is one of a series that will ^>pear in national magazines iM newspapers that drcuhMji throughout the country. In reading this and succeeding advertisements you will see that their purpose is to further the industrial progress, of Northern Illinois, Northern Illinois communities primarily intsrested in business and industrial development will share directly in the results of this promotional progtam. Other communities, whose interests chiefly center around residential development, are bound to reap the collateral benefit* which are invariably derived from die broad growth of industrial activity in (|* Northern Illinois area. Meanwhile, our Territorial Information Depart-' ment will welcome die opportunity to be of further service by cooperating with * the various local organizations working toward die future progress nC ifMP community. f I R N I L L I N O I S : I € C O M M N Y VERSATILE LADY'S STOMACH WAS LIKE A GAS FACTORY; MEALS TURNED TO OAS - Housewife--How ere you on fancy dishes? Cook--Just as easy as I can be, ma'am, but things will break sometimes. In the Amy - First Pvt.--I hear the new army tifle"6nly weighs 8.69 pounds. Second Pvt. -- Yeah, but after you've carried it on a march fo&a flew hours, the decimal drops out! Girdle Giggle Joe^-rm going to bring my girt S corsage tonight. Bill--I suppose you know your girl well enough to do that but I'm just going to bring mine fiowefgi Quick Thinking t Gob--You're a lovely, sweet girl, Anna-- Girl--But my name is Kate. Gob^--You're s lovely, sweet girl, anna love you with all my heart! Wrsng Patty! Jones--There's s new arrival in the family. Smith--Congratulations! Jones--Don't say that. It's my mother-in-law back again! School Dase Teacher--Johnny, how does if happen that your answers are right today? Johnny--My Dad went out of town 4>n business. , ^ No Joke "" Jones--Loan me five buckSr will, you? / Smith--No! ' ' Jones--Oh, I was only fooling. Smith--I wasn't, Ahead Backwards Doc--How are you toddaayjT Patient--Well, I'm better than I /was before, but I'm not as good as J was before I got as bad as I am : • One lady said recently that her stomach used to be like a "gas factory!" That is, when she ate a meal it seemed to turn right into gas. She Was always bloated, had awful stomach gas pains, daily headaches and constant irregular bowel action. Now, however, this lady says she is FREE OF STOMACH GAS and she says the change is due to taking ERB-HELP. Her meals agree with her. No gas or bloat after eating. Headaches and constipation are gone. "Oh! what relief." states this lady. uWhv don't other gas and constipation sufferers get Erb-Help?" ERB-HELP contains 12 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Get ERB-HELP., Bolger's Drug Store. Telephone No. S0| Stoffel ft Rtihantpergw. Insurance agents for aD elassss ef property in tike best «oayaaiss. WEST MeHENRY - - ILLINOIS AeP.Fremad^o, * Excavating Contract* Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building-- TeL 204-M McHtnry, Ik A. WORWICE PBOTOGSAPHB PovtraHare Coaiaiereial Photography Phone -- Sireraide Drive MeHKNKT. 'Mr. Heapeiek ' T * Father--Now children tell me who has been the most obedient during the last month and done everything Mother asked him to do. Children--you, daddy! Detour Please Tourist--Is it far to the next town? Native--Wal, it'a pretty far. But it seems farther than it is, and you'll find out it ain't. *eed Care • The construction of milking machines is such that persistent care must be exercised in cleaning them. --------- ^ * TOpdresstng Wheat Topdressing heat with manure hi winter is one of the most effective ways of helping protect the wheat from heaving, and the application will help get better aeedinga next spring. Best results are obtjuned wnsn nve to six loads of pisr acwCare spued thhdy. Structural Steel - OrnaaieBtal Iroa Building Spedahiea Steel Stairs and Ralliags H. L. BECKER 330 Railroad St. Mareage 144 MARENGO, ILL. S. H. Frend OOKTRAOTORt : AMD BUILDXas ' * Our Experience is at Yew-Ssrvflss in Boildiac Tear Wants. Phone 56-W MeHenry - ^ 'jr. 1 --WiMlb We pay 16 to |15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Stawlhgi or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Bsad Phone JohnsbnTg 66» J-I CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSE8 * CATTLE We pay phons charges. JOHK T. BRDA SHEET METAL WOES* Pemaces, Pipe, FMhp ai Getter* 1H N. Green 8t, 243-E DR H. S. no Tetertaarien ItS tNuAegaa St. McHENET, ILL. OCIee Heers--Daily Eicept Than. IS te IX 1M to 4 Jt, Men, WoA, IH Nights: 7 te S. Other Hoars by AppsiatflMnt H. & VAN DEN BURGH, DC, PhC CUreprseter 1M Greea St TeL X»S-E. MeHeacy Residence Pheae Hebrea IK TEL. WONDER LAKE 41t ^ DR. 0. L. WATKDIt "••"'••r Dentist . « •Office Heave • Taesday A Sstardsys: • te C " Evsadnga and Snnday Mornings by Appointment! Al'g Welding StirrlM At Sckwerssaa'a Chsvrelst Sales Electric Portable Acetylene Wddiag and ALEX W. WIRF8, Phone 415-W-l er IH or Iff M*HENRY, ILL. ML R. DOOMS lit Grssn Bkrsst ----r- MiiH--j Office Hears: It aja. te S pjs». daily except Wedaeeday. -Taei day and Friday alghts te SJtpji Other hears by appelatmeat. MoHEHRY FLORAL Oa - Phone 60S-R-1 -- One Mils South of MeHenry on Route 31 Flowtfi for all oqomIo-- 1 JACOB 7RRZ Real Estate and InsiirtBM Main SU Jehaeharg TeL MeHenry eTMUS Chicago 01 ins liartla Office SEWER OLOOOED? Have It Cleaned With the SANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING All Work Gearaateedl***: H. L. RAPP , Crystal Lake, I1L Pheae Crystal Lake 332 FIRE AUTO INSURANCE r£S EARL R. WALSI Preeeatiag Reliable Companies When yoa aeed iasarsacs of aay klai Pheae 43 er 118-M Qreen ft Eli , McHauy WEINOART TRUCKING j McHENRT, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, aad Lisseetoae Telepheas MeHenry C6S-R-1 TeL MeHenry 143-J ± HAROLD H. BELL Painting. Decoratiag and ' Paperhaaging Dependable Work ' 103 N. GREEN STr, , _ . hTHENRY Phone MeHenry OT4W -- Baieaeit Exesvatk« -- NETT'S SAHD ft GRAVEL 3 - Special Ratee en Rend Gravel aad \U\'> Lot FUHng . . EM Dirt.. Pvwet leveling aad Gnrihg, • -m„ J. EL WITT • 9V • jniaL k --"

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