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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1945, 10 & 11

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v'r 'VV'W.^V- 4l'n"i. •" . •• 4 1 . * T'• -'• « 'X 1A c ,**, -5 -v; •:'*V'.j •" ~.v-- :'*+'hx"~~ *'V*- nj : Authorized Dealer ..' * i _ •_• / 4f "TH* mXHDILT STORE" £' _* _1'J*- •' "*':vC £ Come into dtfitBf ttl. .vent. Sp«dAl stock, of iWM 1B»rt9tlIM!!«*«r gmaxingly low prices. You'll find many critical hard-to-get items and prices tailored to It every budget." ' •'• V? •' " ' •'•' •' '.i.'*'" " '»----i-«\ . \ - C.C ^ i • 74 t 'f1 ~ i %'4 1" . f,fV • , • - --1.'" . ' V* We have so many things that yon need for your home, yonr farm, your automobile, and should ytm desire something that is not stocked, we will order it from our 8pec$»l, Order ^ Department. Gamble's every day tow prices prevail on these orders, too. -;r & **j AHmWermiT T--Mif for tlw Lii* iMl Raaar Mad-- far tb MM! Gaaric Biila far (It Yomm&Uril • i Mil 1 11IIIf«1 >MM I MMI t Mi»f Come in, shop around, you'll like it. Outstanding buys are here in many different lines--but come early for best selections doling this extraordinary sale. , ,, BUD RICHTMYRK AKD HARRY MILLARD. --P.'>r Snecial A 8UP1B VAWigil 3 Ten Capacity HYDRAULIC JACKS t<zm r** •* t* ;* ^ - ' " ' - . " -• x -' "« ' - . * -Tf- ;„ - - ' (_I ) ••' • -3.*** iw. , * * V' ..X ii. • - ' S»>" ; . < ; v.*: -I'r,1 * o • * ' a X*1 •" m will be held "(•'< A OPEN EVENINGS 3"' Oritic81 Genet Tetadwo1* Electric UBited SOPPW (jostoia®* «*gr B*4* Out Bib Style 6-INCH -«LIP JOINT "' *• ,i 4\ •' s'ft t , r; sy fe ^. HIAWATHA BICYCLES THBIFTY PAYMENT PLAN Our famous Hiawatha bikes. Heavy duty frame With streamlined double bar construction. 26 inch wheels with balloon tires; ball bearing pedals; enameled chain guard and New Departure brake. A real buy for your money. Can be purchased on our thrifty payment plan. Drawing will be held. '• £f.-' SALE PRICE 18c IDmrtocp forged. Adjustable. Handy -.At; arband the home. -, : } r: NO. 11, 24-INCH Aluminum Levels $3.79 ' •Eice Boiler, l>/2 qt. Ladle, y2 qt ..... Windsor Pot, 6 qt. Windsor Pot, 4 qt. Percolator, 8 cup Open Sauce Pan, 1 qt. Open Sauce Pan, 1 Vi qt. 27c Open Sauce Pan, 2 qt. «^„.35c Water Pail, 12 qt. --79c Glaring Cup 15c Gombinet, 10 qt. 79c fry Pan, enameled, 10 in. ...95c I Gamble's Crest GAMBLE'S 100% PURE fDeluxe Tires PENNSYLVANIA OIL per gallon 600/16 SIZE $13.95 Pint Fed. Tax To meet the tire needs of American motorists, American ingenuity has developed this New Creat Deluxe lire, a product of the finest technical; (drill ami made from U. S. Government controlled Synthetic (Buna'S) Robber. Years of manufacturing knowledge and thorough testing are. back of every Crest Tire iiutarrag a1 rility of construction that is second none. • .,3*0 finer oU is p»od»eed in America or the world than Gamble's Permit Grade No. 316 Motor' OiL Compare specifications with any «il on the •utrkct. Special Electric Fencer Units Battery Type, Steel Case Battery Type Sealed P/ower, Steel Case $15.95 Combination Battlry and Electric, Steel Case $19.95 All Electric, Steel Case $18.75 We Also Have a Complete Lias of Assessories For Fencers VARCON BATTERY 24 MONTH GUARANTEE OK A SERVICE BASIS Here to a battery for fcojajiifti and tractors as. jrell as passenger «m that see average scrvto. This 45-plate battery is low in price but high in performance. A tfr# Varcon will give farm equipment fall battery power at an cstiih^y low cost. 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 •! ' I Kill t int t M O MONARCH 12 ga. 6 or Vh ch. ^ SHOTGUN SHELLS SALE PRICED 16 g». -- $1.00 _ «0 ga.- HIPOWER SHOTGUN SHELLS 12 ga. -- $1.38 18 ga. -- $1-30 20 ga!$1.30 Rifle cartridges, 22 long rifl«^ 34c bex. Limited Supply. • j,ii nit i n m m it 11 m 11 Mil II n nuiiin Mil i ii o ••••" ^ i * I LAMPCORD S" 4c o ;Appliance Cord Set ]; Rayon Cord, No. 18, 6 ft, 4 i t ;; Replacement appliance Cord, TVi H. : Exteneion Cord With Push-Thrn Socket Hhtge Mirror fOCUGHT '6%. incltsealedbeam Three-inch round mirror, foglight. Gives safer mounted on -an adjustable Vision driving iiy hinged arm. 4|!g, rain or snrow. 89c : I % Eveready Flashlight Cells ®a* 10® ? / Ray-O-Vsc Flashlight Cells ea. 10c 1 , Tiger Dry Cell V/i V. Battery --iea. SSe1 ftsj;- . 45-V. Portable "B" Battery $1^0 Milk Strainer, 8,5/f in. 15c Ice Pick 10c Can Opener -• v ' - 10c Basting Spoon /: 25c Strainer, 5 infch 1-- 25c HI H || | HI | |-'f'f'f't"f f t t't'T'f'T'* ' *1 '• * *• *• .«• .ii i*i .ii I*. it. j. - 4>0N'T BfiSft THIS ONE ^ A® PUMP $2.15 S$<&al No. 2 HEAVY DUTY FLASHLIGHT . BATTERY/ Eveready 8 V. Hot Shot $2»25 Dry Cell 6 V. Battery $189 Tiger HD. "B" Battery $1.89 Super Service 41V. Battery HJW mm Firmly sewed, fine quality, corn, lightweight. Bakelite Attachment Grip Pony Monolite Rayon Cord Sets, 8-ft. with cube tap Masda Bnfcs, 40-W. •° Attachment Plugs for use with cap Deluxe Switch Plug with armor Duplex Receptacle Brown Cube Outlet Taps _ Ivory Cube Tap Wall Receptacle Switch Double Light Socket ... Pull Chain Socket Interior Kitchen Current Outlet Taps Wall Receptacle and Switch 1 Ivory Service Block 5c 5e 29c 10c 5c 20c 12c H 12c lOe 12c ISc 12c lOe .'12c X . ."t„« *. ,i **.Mi-. *;* ,%J£v j- 0 ; ' • ' Tim »rl" "» 4 f 4 J -mipisw'wv i^ip« *•£ Z;K y ¥ r -• | . * » • JlMJ. wmmme r»,t nUi'iiii' , *">r . - W • » i \ . * m •i H I U H H I I U I I I H M M H H H . f ' » f ' S ' * : :• " m t - * . ;A*dversary Tnmllirs for the Lad iea! Kassr Blades for the Men! • • Csr tbe rVc'v' » i~ *"f*°, ^ w fT0%. LOW PRICES OFFER YOU THE UTMOST NOW FOR OUR jORAND OPENING- SALE WE ARE MAKING OUTSTANDING RE ^--' / , ' PUCTIONB TO REALLY GIVE YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET TO KNOW OUR STORE, OUR MERCHANDISE, AND U8. LOOK ' 1 : -JOVER ALL THE ITEMS, AND MAKE YOUR SHOPPINff LIST ff*M>•»>11nmhi11»t>•€tiiiHt^"^NOW WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING V<fe K:l ? > »y y • •• v vt!:, j • .•••- • , am Authorized Dealer ^THZ TEIKNDLY STORE" y Is - ^ * '* Ji' mi • West McHenry, Illinois . t ti $1.98 to $3.99 Softened more feminine classics and exciting new blouses in FaU colon. Wem-, . . en's and Misses' sixes ~ _ V • • SKIRTS $2.98 to $4.98 Gay clan plaids and warm pastels in wool rayon fabrics. . Pair oqe with a blouse, a sweater or a jacket $1.98 to A grand assortment of new Fall handbags. Simulated leather or fabrics in smart colors to compliment yonr coat or suit it » t -Jfc. _ ^JT r v . r : , "-j' % Vj. / SWEATER ' » r % L o n g - s l e e v e d , boxy s l i p o v e r s and c & r d i - W-Ki gans, knit from 100 per cent wool yarns, • ' Girls-' sixes 7 to 16 > 7.'" v' ,-'.' / - *' t GIRLS' PANTIES Oelanese warp knit panties for girls, from 2 to 12. fturt elastic waist . . . ribbed cuffs .1 59c JUMPER DRESSES $2.79 GIRLS' DRESSES Plaid and plain color jumpers in pleated styles. Just the change of a blouse and they're fresh and clean. Sixes 3 to 6X Regular 2f*12c INFANTS' SUITS Long-slleved striped polo shirts with contrasting plain color panties. Knit jersey in assorted colors Smart little cotton dresses for tiny misses. Dirndl and princess styles. Assorted colors and prints. Sixes 6 to*1SX ITCHEN TOWELS Regular 49c 33c 'HITE ANKLETS 19c 2 for 29c HOSE Regnlar 49c dose out 9c WOMEN'S AND MI8SES' Exciting new styles for Fall, stressing a softer,. more feminine silhouette . . interesting new Hies of color . » » wonderful wool «r rayon # fabrics, all make Gamble's collection of Fall dresses a "must-see" for every woman. Prices are wonderful, too, ranging from $ WRAP-AROUND SHIRTS Infants' soft knit cotton shirts. Wrap- 'J ^ around style with side ties J jC SLIPOVER VESTS 39e Knit cotton undershirts ~ in slipover style . long or shirt sleeves. Sixes 0 to-3 v ^ ; : ' - Baby Buntings Infants' Oil Silk Bibs 29c WOMEN'S WEAR pr. 80c ; sheer hose. 56c SHEER HOSE 42 gauge hose . . . for special-occasion wear. SEAMLESS HOSE 75 denier seamless rayon hose. fall shades. All sixir PANTIES - Regular style panties of knit rayon. Part-elastio waists. Large sise GOWNS Lovely rayon crepe nighties in women'#- sises. Assorted colors BRAS 69c styles. MEN% WORK PANTS Btntan twill work pants . . .easy to wash and iron. $1.98 ; TOTS' OVERALLS Washable bib-style overalls in sixes 4 to 8. JKhaki only -89c ;r BLANKETS T , " • Warm fluffy blankets of 25 per cant wool and 75 per cent cotton. Assorted colors $5.95 E - BLANKETS s - --i Cotton sheet blankets ... regular sise . . . assoried colors v ! ' '.. • J $239 BOYS' SHORTS . :I_ Fine quality broadcloth shorts in O lf assorted colors. Gripper ftxmt. »iW* Sixes 24 to 30 1.. ^ r. • uvv TWEED TROUSERS Baok-to-school trousers tailored AA £kQ from a scientifically mixed wool ^ MX and rayon fabric FLANNEL SHIRTS Boys' long-sleeved flannel shirts. Assorted bright plaids , , . oonvertible collars $1.12 am Authorized Dealer "TBZ PEXEMQLY STORE" WOHXH'S PRINT HANKIES A grand assortment of cotton print handkerchiefs, all in eyecatching colors WASH CLOTHS White cloths with colored bor- • ' • ' i ders. Limit 3 to a customer RAYON HOSIERY Leg-flattering seamless rayon reinforced at heel* and toes. Nc^w Fall shades in all sixes. Pair 34c MEN'S---- WORK SHIRTS Blue chambray^ shirts. Fast color. Limit 1 to a customer 98c OOVEttf TROUSERS ' Heavy grey covert work trousers in men's sixes. Sturdy, dependable fabric. Pair $1.79 BIB OVERALLS Men's bib-style overalls ef blue denim. Limit 1 pair to a customer $1.55 •s4. I i i ><niT'iir 1*1 aitrti i nWliTr iMini*t i ^••w.-tfa• s*.-*. jk<f* 1 iSjU.. i- I • I LuU. ..nail., •.». « . »JtoLu. s» i-,. ,-:x.

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