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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1945, p. 8

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IH• *••!•*»!•»•<•«••••• jfer, Irene and Stella Thennes, Rosel- ^ I la Regner, Helen and Rita Brown, ! I Bemice - Smith, Jtfrs. Arnold Hay, •:'A > I Carolyn Hay, Mrs. Joseph Sompel, ' .] J j Mrs. Alfred May and Milly Nogl. Dolores Schtaitt, Dolores TIM, Dorothy Schmitt, Doris Odfling, Jane Schmitt, Kathleen Oeffling, Luann Baur, Mary Ann Freund, Norma, Paul, LeRoy and Grace Hiller. Vycitat Employees Enjoy An Outing mmmx , Atiffnst 23, IMS mpi o I. I. OAtJSD Evening Bridge Club Has Summer Meeting Employees of Vytftafs Hardware MMM Conrt Joyce Kilmer "" " Has Social Meeting - Court Joyce Kilmer Htf. W§, Cath- „ i r-- olise Daughters of Ameriua, met ln«are today enjoying their first annual The Eveninir Bridire club' which'the K" °! C .ha11 on Thursday, Au- reunion at Walkup Woods, Crystal has not met regularly during the j *"Bt 1®'/| or "J?*"* "Sih iJSi ' Vu' Alth°u*h p,en*y of 'ried ; summer months, enjoyed a get-to- w«™ eni®^' chicken would seem to be enough mgether at the Country Club recently. > K? i„ ^""d ducement to attend there is *n asijOards were enjoyed, with prizes won; m taje, Mrs. sortment of other food also to whe ST Susan'olsen Sd lEsTRoS I wl're se7 V Thompson. Club activities will be ?"loc^,e _1.Refr®s!1 1 rnents.iTfI ™ m ba5>eball a l1resumed% in the fall. - - • * ; _ Announce Daughter's ^Approaching Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Diedrich of 3Volo announce the approaching mar- __jriag€ of their daughter, Agnes, to " Mr. Donald Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. , • John Hay of Richmond Road. The , • jceremony will take place on Wednes- . »\4 tday, August 29. at 9:30 o'clock at St. VjPeter's churchy Tfolo. Open house " Will be held during the evening at '• *'4Uia> hriHp's home. :$H • • ~ ft t v, Htertain Fof. Jllride-To-Be :y'J< A pre-iiupHal'-s^#<w:;%^:'i(^ 'it '-i 'the Nick Diedrich home in Volo last ; Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss Agnes Diedrich, a bride-to-be. Hosg^^ tesses were Miss Evelyn Hay and viTlMiss Helen Diedrich, the latter a . .\«ister of the guest of honor. Bunco r .i Was enjoyed, with prizes being mertied by Miss Mary Ann Regner, Miss Helen Obenauf and Mrs. Clarence Etten. The party was concluded v With the serving of tasty refresh- ^tnent-s. Others in attendance besides those r Already mentioned were Theresa Wegener, Marion Wegener, Mary Ved at the close of the meeting. The next time the organization will convene will fck&Sept. 6. Eatertans Friends On Fourth Birthday Little Lois May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May, entertained several of her friends at a birthday party on Monday afternoon in honor I Forester Picnic of her fourth birthday anniversary, j Enjoyed Sunday is being spen ing. Those attending are /Mr. and Mrs. John Vycital, Mr. i^id Mrs. Ch.arles Vycital and fajtiiif7 Miss Lorraine Reinboldt, Miss Marie Tonyan, Patrick Krohn, Miss Frances Vycital, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe aad Mrs. Harold Vycital and family. • The annual Forester picnic was held last Sunday .at ConWay's Woods, with twenty-seven families bringing their baskiet lunches at. noon. Later, Games provided fun for the little folks, with prizes awarded to the winners. At the close of the afternoon, Mrs. May served an appetizing lunch. Those present were Marie and Dorothy Stoffel, Joan Collins, Marilyn Anderson, Geraldine, Gene and Jeanette Freund And May- Lookont Point Club Is Planning Picnic v Lookout Point Community Club of Wonder Lake is planning a picnic, to be held on Sunday, August 26, at Lookout Point bathing beach. There will be special prizes, including a victory bond, a ten-pound canned ham, and a ladies fall purse. There will be games that all can atJ°the "akePlE FestiviS^m ebe^n Henry Kenneb^ck wu winner of the at 10:30 a.m. and will continue -til Sauer Anna Di^rich, Marie ^ h«d his share of plASSg^s Those attending are asked to bring Annual Sutton t tffll be Reunion Sunday UHotual their own lunch. Coffee furnished by the club. • * * Garage Employees Visit Lotus Beds MRS. LAURA KENT After an extended illness, six weeks of which were spent in thre hospital, sixty persons engaged in the various; Mrs. Laura Kent passed from this activities which made up the day's! life on August 9, 1945. Funeral serentertainment. Tug-of-war and base-! vices were held on August 13 at ball was engaged in by the adults, St. Patrick's church, with burial in and sack races and running races by ; the church cemetery. . ^ the children, with prizes to the win- "» • ' ' ., ^ u .. w Funeral Services tMondafe^ Juvenile Director Martin Wegener]-- _ _ __ . . knocked but one of his old time Babe *Or LftWfvDCe J. M8raer™'^» ;;: Ruth home runs to bring in the win-1 ------. ning ran for his team. State Trus-1 ^ sympathy of friends is extee Ralph Schraiiner of Aurora would Mrs> Peter Schaefer ih the not be outdone by Martin and ob-1 death of her brother, Lawrence J. liged hiB team with two home* runs. | Maher, 48, who passed away sud' Henry Schmitt won first attendance j denly Friday, August 24, 1946, at prize and Roman Bauer, second, the Veterans Administration hospital, Milwaukee, Wis. Funeral services were held at 9:30 o'clock on Monday morning from the Veterans Funeral chapel, with -burial in the Veterans cemetery. A son of the late Thomas and Ellen Maher, he is survived by four broth-1 family and their friends held their frs' Martin, Ralph and annual reunion at the old Sutton/?™68 ^her of Chicago; and three homestead at Emerald Park last'-?eal and *Jrs, Thirty-two members of the Sutton Mayor R. I. Overton treated em- j Sunday. The gathering also served of Chicago and Mrs. ployees of the Ofivvperrft/omn MWonttonrr SSdalIems 1I ttno khmoniAorr Eir . Rt? . SQuutfttonnn onn„ hhiios WbivrttVhi-. i Mane scnaefer of this city. both in McHenry and Crystal Lake | day anniversary and Miss Alice Sutto an outing last Sunday which in- ton of Pasadena, Calif., who is visit- COMING EVENTS eluded several glorius hours at Pergenzer's Resort at Grass Lake. After viewing the lotus beds and taking ing her home town for thtf flfrSt' time in seven years. A "pi/nic din-1 speed boat rides, the group returned lawn, and cards, games and visiting j to the Overton home for the remain-1 provided entertainment. , . . , August 23 ner and supper were enjoyed on the J Lady FBrttfters--Meeting. 4 August 24, 25, 26 G«y Nineties Carnival -- McCulIom Those who attended were Miss Lake. | Alice Sutton of Pasadena; Mr. and Mrs. George Hoelscher of Wheaton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larkin and daughter,, Lucille Frisch, and John Sut- • August 26 Picnic--Sponsored by Wonder Lake Lookout Point Community Club. August 427 Registration at High School--Juniors and Seniors. •ATH M MutatUateoffinlgrMtfoMw soft by BATH BUft* KBLVhoi fpu |»DQMd uMi Iwt^ •oap mlm bubbles disappear. Ubb kft ttiriMS and mUh| wSOMHH BUBBLE*S toot •OX OP IW0OY-ON6 PACKETS sfjjpo Is UM Gantorift SeMthcni P1m Smm WIQIui (CscMtfonJi WbO» • «m« AMTKXKTiS Bolger's Drug Store GREEN STREET M'HENRY der of the afternoon. Those who made the trip- were the Ben Miller family. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Al. I Wood, the Arthur Edstrom family, W. C. Drennan, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. ton of Elgin; R. E. Sutton and Overton, Mrs. M. J. Walsh and. daughter, Gertrude, Edward Knox, daughters, Dorothy and Mary, and Dorothy and Anna Knox, Eleanor and i O. E. S. Miss Louise Walsh of McHenry; Mr. Marion Larkin, Mrs. Mary McCabej August 28 and Mrs. William Cowan of Harvard; j and John Vinson of Chicago; Mrs. Registration at High School--Fresh- Marjorie Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Her-[William Sutton of Maywood; Mr. men and Sophomores. and Mrs. Robert Hoelscher of Pala-1 September 1 * tine; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sutton i Barn Dance--Lilymoor Club House, of Elmhurst; Miss Georgianna Dona- September 1 and 2 hue Of Huntley; M. A. Sutton, Mr.' Johnsburg Carnival--Nell's Ballroom, and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and son, Tom, j September 6 . William Sutton, Mrs. Jack) Walsh,, C. D. of A. Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Miss Genevieve I Sept£$tber 7 Knox and Miss Anna Frisby, all of Christian Mothers and Altar Socifty. McHenry, man Berkley and the Donald Johnson family of Crystal Lake. A, late suimmer wedding of great beauty took place on Thursday, August 16, at St. Mary's church, when Miss Lorraine Schaefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer of West McHenry, became the bride of Lieut. Edward J. Gausden, U. S. M. C., son of Mrs. Adelaide Gausden, also of West Mchenry. The altar of the church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with bouquets of gladioli and phlox. Rev. Father Charles O'Brien of Chicago, a cousin of the groom, officiated at the ceremony. The attractive bride approached the altar on the -arm of her father, who gave her in -marriage. She wore a white satin gown, trimmed in lace, with sweetheart neckline. She had a long train and long veil, the latter held in place by a crown id lace and beads. Her bridal bouquet consisted of white roses. Mrs. -Evelyn Albright, elder sister of the bride, served as matron of honor, wearing a gold taffeta dress with ruffled skirt and a net halo-effect headpiece. Her bouquet included purple bachelor's buttons and white carnations. The two bridesmaids were Miss Clarice Schaefer, the bride's sister, and Miss Lucille Weingart, a friend. Both wore dresses of the aam4 color and styling as that of Mrs. Albright and carried bouquets of purple bachelor's buttons, tied with gold ribbons. Little Judy Freund acted as floWer girl, making a pretty picture in a floor length dress of blue taffeta with tiny matching hat. She carried a colonial bouquet of daisies. Corp. Richard Williams served .as best man and Herb Reihansperger, (recently discharged from army service, acted as groomsman. Both are i close friends of the groom. Ushers were Eugene, brother of the bride, | and James O'Brien, cousin of the groom. Earl Conway acted as vocal soloist, singing "Ave Maria" at the offertory. Following the service, a wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party at the Schaefer home, follow-! ed at 5. o'clock by a reception for 150! at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall. After a wedding trip in the north, t the couple reside for the present j with the bride's sister, Mrs. Albright,! in the Country Club subdivision. j Lieut. Gausden, McHenry's first marine flyer, will return to Glenviewj naval air base for the present. .The: bride has been employed for the past! few years at the West McHenry post-! office. ^ Both are graduates of the1 local high school with the class of! 1940. Many out of town guests were • in attendance at the wedding. Subscribe for the Plaindealer At a 9 o'clock ceremony solemnised at St. Mary s church on Saturday morning, Miss Wanda Smith, daughter of Martin B. Smith of St. Louis, 'Mo., and Mrs. Kathryn Smith of McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Jack McCafferty, son of Mrs. Frieda McCafferty of Wbnder I^ake. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at- the service. The bride was charming in a twopiece dress of chartreuse, with which she wore white accessories. Her cor-; sage was of white roses. Miss Shirley Smith acted as m/ud of honor for her sister, wearing a i pink dress and white accessories and ! a corsage of various colored asters, j | Stanley McCafferty of Chicago, i I brother of the groom, served as best | man. " ; A wedding, breakfast was served^ for the bridal party and the irame-1 diate families at Karls Cafe following the nuptials, after which the: 'couple left on a' short honeymoon j j trip. They are now at home at Won- j der Lake. Miss Smith is a graduate of the ' high school _ AIM been enpleyed fer the past six years at the Alemite. The grooa, also employed at the Alemite, is * graduate of a Chicago school. LONG PROCESSION MARKS LILT LAK V-J CELEBRATION Much comment has been made concerning the very patriotic fashion in which Lily Lake observed the Victory evening celebration. Soon after residents recovered from the initial shock of the wonderful news, Alfred Seyfferth gathered together about fifteen of the young folks from the Lake and organised a procession. Mr. Seyfferth, himself donned a World War I uniform which belonged to his son, and in addition provided his followers with muskets, rifles and American flags. n»e group proceeded on a long march down the highway and back, making a very impressive and patriotic picture which will long be remembered by Lily Lake residents. Order your rubber stamps ifc Hi* ' Plaindealer. RaidkNrfc Hearing Aid *40 nmtprieu-- •M fifty • nmUk't AmM. Hm MPxh - MAM IV COME IN AND HEAR FOR YOURSELF • ' V ' . ' BoIgerVtSug GREEN STREET <1 M'HENRY '* VOGUE CLEANERS P-kqne McHenry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver Try the Vogue for splendid service and excellent Workmanship •' r " • . . •. Fitzgerald's Men's Shop [Representative} West McHenry <1 Thirteenth Birthday Celebrated Monday ' On Monday afternoon, August 20, Miss Norma Hiller entertained a number of her classmates at her home near Ringwood, the occasion being her thirteenth birthday anniversary. Games were played, with each truest receiving a prise, and at the - close of the afternoon delicious CARD OF THAN*# I desire in this manner to express my profound thanks to the September 1# Advance Night--O. E. S. MARRIED AT ST. JOHN'S Miss Virginia Freund of Woodrefreshments were served. The guest! many friends and neighbors who, stock and Paul Pitzen of Johnsburg | of honor was the recipient of many I sent flowers and cards and who vis- j were married in a 9 o'clock cere-1 lovely gifts from her friends. ited me during my recent illness in, mony at St. John's church on Wed-1 Those in attendance were Betty the hospital. I am most grateful, j nesday morning. Complete details I Miller, Betty Schmitt, Clarene Freund,' MRS. JACOB THIEL. will appear in next week's issue. arc the FACTS " ^Benefit JOHN'S SCHOOL Johnsbiir GRAND CI / % Reports imply that (because large" stocks of raw wool are available, men's clothing will be plentiful again almost immediately. It's trtie that thexQ,,are large stocks of wool in warehouses. \ -v * * • • / " However, the making of fine clothing is unlike most manufacturing ^processes in that no mechanical substitute has yet been found for deft human fingers, jailors must serve long yeans as apprentices befbre they are equipped to take their places beside the oldtime gfrfflfri fonftn men of Hart Schaffrier & Marx* , •0 For the present our selection of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothing will necessarily be somewhat limited, if yoji don't find just what yon want in our stocks on your first call, won't you please be patient with lis and come back later T ' . ; - The quality of these good clothes is better than ever before in • " '"r the long history of this foremost maker, of the world's most widely . - , # . preferred clothing. Believe us, they are truly worth waiting for. McGEE'S Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Ms?'. r> n

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