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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1945, p. 3

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Thvnday, August 2S» 1045 ***»&?? •: '/.%s$~S\> %• Y Page r M9 r-'--i * 5* jp^ as RINGWOOD V* (By Mrs. George Shepard) Sir. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago spent Wednesday afternoon and evening in the George Shepard bome. Min at the Lain Geneva Hotel, Thnrsday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauer of Lake Zurich spent Sunday in the Mitchell Kane how. Mr. and Mrs. Say Merchant, Mrs. Paid Hill and daughter, Patricia, and Mrs. Charles • Coles and daughter, Suxanne, spent Sunday with relatives at Kenosha. Mr. and, Mrs. Fred. Wiedrich, Jr., Lieut. Lester Klintworth of Madi- and dau_g hter, Mary Ann, are spend •on spent Wednesday and .Thursday; ing a few week's traveling through with his mother. Mrs; George Mar- m : J *- Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Vailliancourt entertained her daughter, Mrs. Albert Escher and family of Chicago, the past week. Mrs. Alan Ainger, daughter, Naney, and son, .George of Greenwood spent Tuesday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Charles Peet entertained the W. S. C. S., at her home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson of May wood spent Wednesday in the Clayton Bruce home.' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper Mid daughters of Chicago spent Wednes- a*y here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell Were tipitors at Antioch Wednesday. Jdr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas 'and family spent Tuesday evening at Woodstock. Suzanne and Frank Muzzy had their tonsils removed at the Woodstock hospital Tuesday. Pvt. Dick Kelley spent Friday in Chicago. Mis? Carol Rattray of Algonquin is visiting in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon An-1 children of Oakridge, Tenn., spent dreas. , . _ « j Friday evening in the Ed Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Dewey and home Mrs. Austin and children reehildren of Armstrong spent the mained until Saturday evening. /nth Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr.; Mr. and Mrs Bob Lenard and and Mrs, Paul Norman and son of daughters of Marietta, Georgia, and Evanston spent Friday with Mrs., Percy Lenard of Lake Geneva spent Jepson. . a Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and son, j jack Lenard and family. David, of Rockford spent Sunday Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mrs. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wm. Hoffman were visitors in An- Feet. Maxirie^nnd Patty Clay, who j tioch Saturday. liave been speftdinp two weeks here, Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund of returned ho^e1 with them. - j McHenry spent Monday evening in Mrs. Rav Peters of Harvard spent j the George Shepard home. Friday with Mrs. Viola Low and at-j Roberta Lenard of Marietta. Geor- Wisconsin and Minnesota. Cadet Audrey Merchant of Elgin spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Merchant took her back to Elgin Thursday evening. A new honor roll is being erected in the park by the 4-H club girls. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith anSi family, Mrs.. Wilbur JBenoy- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe And family of Huntley and Mrs. Wattles arid son. Glenn, of Mc- Heftry spent Sunday in the Chancy Harrison home. Mrs. Jack Leonard attended t|ie military funeral of Joseph Rotheri- ^s,' Friday morning at Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and. family attended a party > at Woodstock Saturday evening. Billie Smith of McHenry was a visitor in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Andrew Hawley accompanied her husband on another trip in the northern part of Wisconsin. They will be gone all week. Miss Shirley Kruger of Chicago spent the past week with Phyllis Low. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer of Wauconda and Mrs. A1 Austin and TWKK TOLD %- y TALES w. Item* of Interest Takan From the Klea of the Plaiadealer of Tears Ago band, under the leadership of -- Cal a lot In Colby Point subdivision, be- Curtis, has been progressing finely | low the dam, to Mr. Ireland of Chiduring the spring. - icago. The West Side hand will give a Pierre Wosnuk will move into concert at Riverside Hall, on Satins day evening. FORTY TBASS A0Q Kent's fiat on. Waukegan street Saturday. V. E. Murphy and family are oc- * j-cupying the Charles Umbrecht cottage at Oakhurst for a fe# weeks Valuable Ingredient ' ! . National Cfchrcrafty , Cobalt is used as an ingredient in Mexico's national university alloys fpr the making of high-speed ^,unded in 1553,. half a century cutting tools. ; fore John Harvard was born. iMu/. SIXTY YEARS AGO Justen Bros., the West side furni* ture dealers, have gone to Chicago to buy a new hearse. The McHenry Brick company lost about twenty thousand new made brick by the severe rain storm of Sunday last. .The front of Henry Colby's .store in the Riverside block, has just been treated to a new coat of paint, which much improves its appearance. On Thursday evening of last week William Saylor and Miss Belle Colby were married, at the residence of the bride's parents, just east of this village. Fred Schneider is a new employee I Plans for the McHenry Sash St in the Borden factory. I Door Co., are now under way tot A new awning now adorns the {the founding of a new factory in home of Uncle Sam on the West! McHenry which may in the futuro Side. I give employment to someofth&mecf Work on the foundation of the new;in this city. , • 1 -; •'! Brefeld block was started Monday. • m m ' i..». The residence of the C. H. Granger1 ' ' . w r ? * estate is being treated to a new coat of paint. Many improvements are being made in the interior of the German Catholic school building. THIRTY YEARS AGO tint YEARS AGO The work of repairing the Universalis^ church has been commenced and is progressing favorably. Mrs. Spaulding and daughter, having purchased the lot and building lately owned by Dr. Childs, in West McHenry, have commenced moving the building to the rear of the lot and will immediately put up a handsome two story store, with living rooms in the rear. McHenry can now boast of one of the best bands in McHenry or Lake counties. Hie McHenry Military C. Unti, the progressive ice crepim manufacturer, has invested in a Ford roadster, which he will put to good use. especially during the busy summer Mason. The new home being erected by M. M. Niesen on Water street is fast nearing completion. Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 27 cents per pound last Saturday. Aids Cleaning A small paintbrush is convenient tor cleaning coil bedsorings. --• ' twti Farrow . Ifce straight furrow may b* this mark of a good plowman, but the wise farmer plows a level furrow. For a few <!ays.only wo will sell best grade binder twine for 8% cents per pound spot, cash. William Bonslett. Sheriff Wandrack - of Woodstock has invested in a new Ford runabout, which should be of great assistance to hini in the discharge of his official duties. Restore Put Though no treatment will male* •; | badly burned pan like new again* j many a pan that looks hopeless may. i be restored to use if proper care is ! taken in cleaning. First, let the: I pan cool* gradually. Never pour cold' i, water into a hot, dry pan. This is' t likely to make the metal buckle and leave an unsteady pan. When the' pan has cooled, fill it half full of cold vater and heat the water! gradually to boiling. Baking soda added to the water may help softenu the burned material. After heating scrape out loosened material, add mnrp urAt»r in tha nin an/I ranAaf tended the W. S. C. S. at the Charles Pp<»* horr>*. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice M»e, Mrs. Walter Low and 'eOni«in spent Monday in Elgin. Lieut. Virginia Jepson of Battle Creek. Mich., is spending a fifteenday furlough with her mother, Mr3. Rose JeDson. The Sunshine 4-H girls entertained their mothers and leaders at a picnic at Walkun Woods and to the show at Crystal LaVe Thursday evening. ^ Fr?»r Oordian, order of Francisgia, is spending two weeks with her cousins, Peggy Ann and Butchie Lenard. DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT TO CLOSE DOORS EARLY THIS AT7TUMH Starting this week, the Chicago plant of the Douglas Aircraft .company in Park Ridge will operate on a 5-day, 40-hour week. The new schedule will remain in effect until dan Monte of St. Francis Monastery, I the plant completes its shortened Burlington, Wis., took his solemn jAAF contract for C-64 airplanes, vows Ausrust 15. and spent Friday *or the end of October. Aneust 17. with Wayne Foss. ! .Termination of jobs at the huge Mrs. Roland McCannon and chil-! aircraft plant was started last Fndren of Woodstock spent Fridsv d®y when' slightly more than 3,300 evening with her mother, Mrs. Rose efr>ployes were dismiss- Jeoeon I ed. Further reductions in personnel, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal returned was announced by John C. Buckhome Friday from a two-weeks visit I waiter, plant manager, will be made with their daughter and husband at• progressively work necessary to Somers, Iowa. Johnny Neal, -who complete the last m line airplane is finished in each department. Indications are that only a skeleton crew will be employed at the has been spending the summer there, returned home with them. The Chemical company gave a picnic for their employes and their[P1™* aft?r November 1, when the families at Benedict Lake, Wis., Sun day. About 200 were in attendance. 'The September meeting of the W. 8. C. S. will be with Mrs. Rose#Jep~ son. the meeting to start at 1 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Geneva, 111., spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and i ceptions will be plant Mirs. Paul Walkington and son, Jay, | maintenance crews and only work remaining to be accomplished will be in connection with the official* closing out of the company's contract. • The new 5-day, 40-hour week became effective at the close of the second shift last Friday night Employees reporting on Monday will work through Friday. Only exprotection, some em- TWENTY YEARS AGO Kent and Green report the sale of„ Read the Want Ads AND TIRES ARE NOW visited Seaman Paul Walkington atlpfoyees on special assignments who Great Lakes Saturday. will continue on a six-day week. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dix and famlly of Salem, Wis., spent Saturday DON A. WICKS, v evening in the Roy Neal home. ! PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth, Jr.. of | Woodstock, Illinois Chicago were callers on Mrs. Cora, STATE OF ILLINOIS Kelley Sunday. | COUNTY OF McHENRY. ss. We have a large and complete stock of fiOOB^t^ARs Tractor Tires, Tubes, Rims Immediate delivery iii most sizes Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and family attended the Alemite picnic Sunday. Pvt. Dick Kelley returned to tyenda Monday after a 23-day furlough Till his home here. Owen Carlson is a visitor in the home of his sister, Mrs. Clayton | Bruce. He has just returned from , overseas. ' I Miss Edna Peet of Rockford is spending her vacation with her par-! onts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. ' | Roy Dodd, Jr., returned home Fri-! day f rom a week's vacation with John Neal at Somers, Iowa. j Mrs. Walter Harrison and son, | Sari, and Miss Lillie Darby were' •isitcrs at Waukegan and Liberty-; viUe Tuesday. * ! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and children and Edna Peet of Rockford and Mr. a^d Mrs. Ed Peet were Sundays dinner guests in the Ben Fo^it home i at Sprin« Grove. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison: t Wednesday evening with relaives at Antioch. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marion, left Monday for a visit with j|ieir daughter and sister. Mrs. John Woodward and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon and Jlr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Xiake spent Sunday evening in the -llarrison-Peet home. Miss Donna Kane of Diamond Lake -spent the past week with her uncles and aunt, Mr. and Mi?. Mitchell t Kane. | Pvt. Robert J. Smart of Camp • Rocker. Alabama, and Bill Smart of Wfeukegan spent Wednesday with* their cousin, Bob Brennan. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT JOHN M. PITZEN, Plaintiff, f vs. * j KATE JARNECKE, ET AL. | Defendants. ! COMPLAINT IN CHANCERY FOR PARTITION AND TO QUIET TITLE. NO. 30462. Affidavit showing that the defend- j ants Elizabeth Barbian, Barbara Hammer, Emma Miller, Mike Pitxen, Mat Pitzen, Kate Neisenberger, Lena Feit, Frank Pitzen, Henry Pitzen, Laura Kuhn. Marie Pitzen and Clara Pitzen are non-residents j Of the. State of Illinois and have: gone out' of this State and that the Defendants Frank Barbian and "Unknown Owners" on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon said defendants, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby given to said named defendants that the plaintiff in the above entitled cause filed-his complaint in said cause on the 18th day of August 1946. and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said-court, and that you, the said named defendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before the 1st Monday in the month of October, 1945, and in the event you fail to do so default may be entered against ^ eDIn6ER, With tractor tires available now, let's to put inside of them. If you want better traction, constant inflation, less slippage, slower tread wear and less Jaounce, the answer certainly is SOLUTION lOO" THE SOLUTION TO EXTRA TRACTION Clerk of said Court. Aug. 23-30 and Sept. 6) Garbage Disposal Piofit Gardiner Grove, Calif., is making a little profit from its municipal gar- • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons bage collection and disposal system, of Spring Grove were supper guests The community has just completed in the Ed Peet home Sunday evening. three years of collection, and dis- What Fanne# Say About ^ "Solution lOO" . --- The "Solution 100" filled tires on my tractor are more than satisfactory. Thertf is less slippage-- more even pull and more comfortable ride . . . and, too, "Solution 100" saves me over 10 per cent in fuel consumption.--Oliver (Junior) King, Tiffin, Ohio. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison spent Sunday in the Elos Borgeson home near Hebron. Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., and son, Melyin, of Mundelein spent Friday in the Mitchell Kane home. Miss Lillie "Darby left for her home at Klamath Falls, Oregon, af- > fcer spending the summer with her sister?. Mrs. Walter Harrison and Mrs. Doolittle, at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and of Barrington and Mrs. Apjley of Libertyville spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mrs. Kenneth Bain of Hallsville, III., spent the weekend in the Mitchoil Kane home. Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Sunday in the W. A. Collins home at Beloit. Mrs. Thomas Doherty, with posal at a cost of $15,000. Revenues from service charges totaled $16,- ®00 a year, leaving a balance of $1,000 a year. The city charges 80 cents a month for once-a-week collection of garbage from homes and corresponding higher rates for stores, hotels, etc. Service charges are billed three months in advance on postcards. The sanitary land fill method of disposal is uied for garbage with the city paying $175 a month for use of a privately operaated fill si* miles from the city. Rubbish is collected separately on special call from citizens and at an additional charge with disposal at a dump maintained by -the pity. Less bounce--smoother riding by far. Recommend "Solution 100" method of filling' and weighting tractor tires. "Solution 100" method eliminates inflation and air pressure trouble--saving time, trouble and worry.--Julius L. Heifer*. H&rpstor, Ohio. We are now equipped to service yotir tractor with "Solution 100" on your own farm premises. Prompt service. / s • Extra weight means extra traction . T . more work in less time with less fuel. So get "Solution 100," the 0oodyear process of filling tractor tires with liquid. Does away with running underinflated . .. . and constant cheeking; „^ In case of emergency, we give you 24-hour service on vulcanizing your farm tractor tires. Phone McHenry 424 for estimate. McHenry Tire Recappers PHONE McHENRY 424 BILL GOODING, Proprietor- Ill EAST ELM STREET McHENRY North Carolina's Motto North Carolina's motto, "'Esse RD.ul p of woman from Harvard,1 Quam Vkiort." «8§£n« WM C-TWi ' '• '- ^ * ' ' \ :. 1

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