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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1945, p. 7

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By Tarditid^ Xis a gift from Her high flying Wfllard, "Zeke" to you. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Becker have returned after an extensive stay at their farm in the Missouri Osark Mountains. Glad to see you hack, folks! Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber had as guests this weekend* Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeQuick and Mr. and Mrs. Veryl Dunbar of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glass and their young1 son, Joseph, are spending a pleasant week at their cottage on Orchard Drive, Just a reminder folks. Leave your news items at any one of our business places or at the box installed at the parking place on the beach. Thanks for your co-operation. ADIOS, , -2 News of Oar Servksisn " 8 l/c Robert Sales, who, after his recent 80-day leave, was assigned to doty in the Pacific, surprised his mother with a gift that will afford her many pleasant moments. It's a beautiful electric phonograph with a complete record album of selections. Sgt. Harold Smith, whose parents are the present occupants of the Joe Schaeffer homestead, is home enjoying a 30-day leave from two years combat duty in Europe. Ho served with the famous 28th Division which distinguished itself at St. Lo soon after the invasion. Welcome home! According to latest reports Ensign Jake Levesque and his lovely. (By Tippy Klein and Evelyn Michels) wife, AMM 2/c Evelyne, of the navy; > . air service, will soon be transferred I The Lady Forester® will hold, to a base close to home. I their regular monthly meeting Tues- Pfc. Joseph O'Connor has recently d*y evening, Aug. 27. ^ _ been transferred from Camp Crow-| Miss Betty Schons, Miss Catherine NEAT TRICK JOHNSBURG „ V) During the t%st World war farmers in this country had nearly 28,750,- 000 horses and mules. How the number it down to leas than half of that --down to lew than 11,500,000. Of that 12,500,000 less than 9,000,000 are and about 3,500,000 mules. ^images Never pour boiling water over cold dishes, or cold water over hot dishes. Harsh scouring and strong soaps may also damage dishes. ' Explosive _ Thesodium or chlorine of salt enters into the making of high ex* plosives, ethylene glycol, poisonous Proper Lighting Aid gases, sulfa drugs, aluminum, syn- "To GlHHi Eyesight thetic rubber, and tetraethyl lead Good eyesight plus electric lights Safe Seam Kipping To make a razor blade a jafe in* Strument for ripping seams, place one edge of the blade in a slit in a large cork. The cork serves as a Carryover The name ' over from the were unknown, knife was. a s Jp a hoi*, steel MI original pmcarried te r - handle and is also useful in protect- ftoe P00*®* ioT toe purpose of 1i--ng *th'•e- f*in dLe rs, 1 ing and mending quill pens. for h^gh octane gasoline. Keep Hunters on Gromd New York's Governor Dewey has signed a bill which prohibits New York hunters from using aircraft to F.malsiea Paiat The emulsified alkyd type of which is thinned with water, is a relatively new development in The scene is a train compartment in Romania. The characters: A German officer, a Romanian, an old lady and an attractive girl. The train enters a tunnel. The passengers hear first a kiss, then s vigorous slap. The old lady thinks: "What a good girl she is, such good j cloth, and then again with a cloth manners, such a fine moral charac- > wrung from clean water. Dry the ter." | bulb thoroughly. Do not put the bulb The girl thinks: "Isn't it odd' in water because the composition that the German tried to kiss the | that holds the base and the glass old lady, and not me/' i together may be loosened, says the The German thinks: "That Roma- i New York state college of home make easy reading. The homemaker should light the house properly for her family, but she should not waste electricity. To give the most light, bulbs should be dusted frequently, and , . „ , washed to remove fly specks, grease j delicious new flavor, and other dirt. For washing, always remove the bulb from the socket to prevent an electric shock. Wipe the glass with a damp soapy hunt deer. This legislation was the P*h*t industry and has gained HigH. result of protests by western New i er popularity. One coat of it hfctf York sportsmen over use of a plane ! most surfaces. It is easily applied The brine^'eft fro^Ta Jar of sweet i ot h" last fall to j bas no objectionable riof. pickles may be substituted for vine- deer concentrations gar when making a salad. It will contribute an entirely different and der. Mo., to duty with the Army (May, Miss Kay Jackson and Miss, nian is a smart lellow, he steals j economics Medical Corps at Denver, Colo. J Marie Jackson visited with Mrs. Geo.,] a kiss and I iget slapped." j Shade linings Jackson land infant daughter in the '• "i. . News Highlight* ^ .1 Woodstock hospital Tuesday evening.! ® headline^-news this week is Louis Schmitt visited with his wife ttofe coming Gay 90*s Carnival of | &n(j infant daughter in the Wbod- «P° **!stock hospital the past week. Property Owners Ass'n. which wUl| Mr &n v d Mrs. Frank May and take place on August 24, 25 and 26. d|ia|.hter8 Beverly, Arlette and. For the past four days workmen K~* Mr and Mrg Jog King and have been busy readying the pounds j ^ 'h^r john Deg€!n, Miss Jeanette and installing rides and other at- De«n, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Meyers,1 tractions which will make those! Ar* peter8i Ben Tonyan. and Gorthree dates long to be remembered don attended the Fencil and looked forward to every year. .|c at Sherwood park, Lake Villa, from now on. Saturday. Games were played with Harry Lock, president of the as-1 prizes awarded the winners. A WLS sociation and tne man behind the! orchestra and master of ceremonies gun, has spared no effort or ex- J furnished the entertainment and a pense in planning this "Gay 90's j good time was enjoyed by all.. Carnival." As proof of our state-! Petty Officer 2/c Edward Frett ment we wish to report that he has; js enjoying a leave with his wife, arranged for the nightly appearance j Marie, in the Mrs. Delia Miller home, of thQ McCullom Lake Blue Gills, j after serving overseas. who have recently returned from a jgr< and Mrs. Ford Jackson attendcommand performance before that a party in the Nick B. Freund great Irish leader in Rurffeia, Gen. j home Saturday evening. Tim O'Shenko. Those two derelicts) jane and Joan Michels,"twin daughexperienced some difficulty going, 'ter8 Qf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels, through Pasbull,^ which is near Moscow, due to a rear tire blowout on their tandam bicycle. The boys related other difficulties i mates. Bunco was played with a on their trip across the Atlantic in otize awarded each one present, a v^sb tub. Tha tub sprang a leak!Lunch and refreshments were served while they were in mid-ocean and to Betty Ann and Shirley Huff, one of these screwballs punched a Marilyn Turner. Marilyn Freund, hole in the bottom to let th^ water Flaine Frp"id. J?r>e Schmitt, Sally out. Needless to sav that the nertz King, Phyllis Smith, Judy Michels, get slapped." { Shade linings must be white or The Romanian thinks: "Am I a j light in color to reflect the light, smart fellow! I kiss the back of my | Light-colored walls, woodwork and hand, hit a German officer and get 1 furnishings reflect light; dark colors - - • - - - • ia ts . -A' 4 I ahaAvk 1 A/\ 1m-<1 W Mosqaite Nestf An important measure farmers can take against the mosquito is to clean up their breeding placesfill in puddles and ditches near the house where there is standing water, remove all old cans and receptacles from the premises, that may catch rain water, put a screen or cover over the rain barrel, and cor* rect any situation which might offer a breeding place. \ T-ii" --:--1 Read the Want Ads Order your Rubber Stamps at 1W Plaindealer. away with it." HAPPY LANDING absorb it. One 100-watt bulb gives 50 per cent more light than do four 25-watt bulbs for the same amount of current. A floor lamp that is high enough, and has. a - wide shade, throws a wider circle of light than does a bridge lamp; the usual lamp has a narrow shade that restricts the light to a small area. Water Mammal A muskrat (musquash) can traV' el as far as 50 yards under the water without coming up for air. His fur is nearly as fine and dense as that of a beaver. When treated and dyed it may be known as Hudson seal, Wallaby, Velvet Coney, River Mink, Sealskin and a number of other trade names. "MOSEY INN" TAVERN Located , in the Welter Building: RINGWOOD, ILL. Pish Fry Every Ittday NighlU^^-„w^, ,t,.v, 1 " i" ATLAS PRAGER BEEE w $ -l rted Bow^. ProE. . ^ : W'.. '^ . celebrated their 12th birthday anniversaries, Sunday, Aug. 19, by inviting their classmates and playwere all wet on their arrival, which is as they have always been. Aside from the Blue Gills there will be/numerous other attractions which should provide fun for young Jane and Platty Klein. Betty Lou Keenan and Doris Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Newkirk, George Jackson and son, Alan, Miss Glorice Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and Old alike. Come out for. the fun daughters were Sunday guests nf ;* in the Ford Jackson home. * . Everett Hiller of Sacred ^ Heart It was open house at George and i Seminary. Geneva, is spending his Betty Baumbecks' last Sunday. Need vacation m the home of his parents, we say more ? Practically all of MeCullom .Lake called to offer congratulations to Betty on her 18th birthday anniversary and to felicitate little Richard Anthony on his christening. Among the many folks to enjoy this gala event not to omit, __ ,. .. ^ . the refreshments and delicious buffet Hold those two dates open supper served were: Mr. and Mrs. I A pleasant Sunday afternoon Leonard McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiller. Let's not forget the two-day carnival to be sponsored by the Johnsburg Community club on Saturday and Sunday, September 1 and 2. The carnival, to be held at Nell's ballroom, will benefit St. John's school. erved were: Mr. and Mrs. I A Plea8*nt ., fcuna*y . * Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh brought a family fathering to the i, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cer- h°me Mrs. John J. ^und. Those mak. Mr.. and Mrs. Hwa„rwry, Reimer, present were Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Chester and Pauline Sheriff, Peter and Rose Kaminski, Mr, and Mrs. Thennes of Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Freund. and family, Mr. and George Harker, Mr.'and'Mrs. Fred Iparies Stilling and family, Mr. Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Olsen, and Mr*. Joseph M. ^aef"amJ family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Diedncn and family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Justen and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Thennes, Miss Shir* ley Freund. Ciarence Schaefer and Mrs. John J. Freund and Josephine. The afternoon was spent in cards Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomsen, Mr. and Mrs. Tryg Rojnstad, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sawdo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feltz, Mr. and«.Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel, Mr. and Mrs. A. ------- , , J. Doolin. Jim Pupik. Mrs. Arthur!and R»mes under the shady trees. Olsen, Mrs. Marie O'Connor, Mrs. Pauline White, our one and only Otter Ebert, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. William Baumbeck and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck. The able services of barrister. Otto Ebert. were appreciated and enjoyed bv all those present. Violets to you, F. W. Btailey and Odon Hubsch, for the splendid job you did on our honor roll grounds. Yoq have sweated and toiled all day cutting the grass and trimming the shrubbery. City Council Proceedings Special Meeting August 13, 1945 A special meeting of the City Council was called by Mayor Overton for the purpose of acting on the Tax levy Ordinance for the current year ami other business that might come before the council. It was further designated and agreed that in view of this special meeting, the Council Let us assure you]would not convene for regular sen»ithat your efforts are appreciated by all the parents of the servicemen whose names adorn our hononr roll. Ralph Trigin reports finding a set of keys which Ke hopes to return to the owners. It may cost you a sarsaparilla to get them back. We warn you! If you ever run into Bill Hecht ask him to tell you the story of the leg of lamb. We assure you it's a most interesting tale. Those two eatin' brothers, Hank and Frank Schmaus, are with us for a week, which makes it pretty monthly meeting on the following Monday, August 20. All members were present and participated in the meeting. Motion by Buss, seconded by Althoff. to pass and approve an ordinance, as read and in the amount of Sixteen thousand two hundred ninety- six and No/100 ($16,296.00) Dollars, for the levy of taxes for the current fiscal year. Motion carried. Reports of officers and city employees were received. , A petition, signed and presented by property owners in the John Street Office Boy--Please, sir, could 1 have the afternoon off? « Boss--Ah, yes. Your grandmother, I suppose? O. B.--Exactly, sir. She's making her first parachute jump. Beauty Hint Cora--How do you keep from getting sunburned? Sailor--I have a secret--pot one chance in a thousand to get sunburned. , Cora--What is it? Sailor--I wear an overcoat* Influential Marksmaa Corporal--While I was on leave, I met a gal whose father ia the best shot in the county. Sergeant--What does that make you? Corporal--Her fiance. Dangerous Locality Wifey--It says here that more accidents happen in the kitchen than anywhere else. Hubby--Yes, dear, and the worst of it is we men have to eat them! Speaking of Wall Street Myron--If money .talks, should we answer it? „ Byron--I dunno. What would you suggest? Myron--Just say, "Hi, Finance#** Head of the Class Teacher--How did Abraham Lincoln get the habit of wearing a beard? Scholar--J guess it just grew on him. , Way Down East Baggageman--A collision OB this railroad is impossible. Tourist--Impossible? How so? Baggageman--We have only ose train. •" ™- Educational Crisis Myron--I'm in a fix at school. Byron--What's up? Myron--The teacher says I must write more legibly. But if I do, she'll find out I can't spell! Wonderful Friendship Cal--My friend Hal offered to lend me money today. Sal--Did you take it? Cal--No, that sort of friendship too good to lose. THE ROLAINE GRILL WONDER LAKE Serving Choice foods Such As CHICKEN STEAKS, ETC. Parties may be arranged for luncheons or dinners by calling WONDER LAKE 226 EVSftf DAT AND SERVING FOOD EVERY DAY BUT MONDAY The War Has Ended But it will still be some time before you can get a new car or truck. Meaning that the best of care should still be given to> the ones you already have for nee. Let us service your car so it can continue serving yon. 04 CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. tough on Emma Pyritz, their next and Center Street section of the door neighbor. Now you may ask city, reouested the Council to take why ? Well here is the answer, i SUch action as necessary to designate#^ When the Schmaus boys fry their gajd section as a residential area/ Spanish fruit and what goes with and Prevent ^i^pepilion of business its they want the world to envy them,, establishments in the area. so they leave their windows wide; The Council aereed that the Mayor open. The tempting aroma emanat- j issue ~ a proclamation requesting | ing from these apertures finds its business places to close on V-J Day. way into the Pyritz home next door1 Motion by Ferwerda. seconded by with the result that Otto, Emma's, Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried, spouse, just sits there and drools j R. j. OVERTON. Mayor. and Emma is kept busy washing and' ironing his bibs. Our Wildcats scored another victory over Wonder Lake last Sunday. Don Doolin, pitcher, and Jack Clarke on the receiving end. deserve credit for this victory. Al. Brenner hit the apple for a home run in the eighth inning. The game ended with a score of 8 to 4 in favor of our Wildcats. ( Miss Lorraine Jensen, cadet nurse at the American hospital in Chicago, and Miss Jean Kamerling of Woodstock weire on our glamour parade this week. The gals sampled McCullom Lake's hosnitality and promised to come back for more. That tearful scene* we witnessed on Dick and Phyllis Nimtz's lawn wasn't as tragic as it seemed. One day last week we saw Dick and Phyllis on their knees with crocodile tears streaming down their cheeks. What tragedy could have befallen 1 hese two nice kids was our f^rst thought ? So we investigated, and here is what we learned. Phyllis' pop, Syd Smith, had a yen for some green onions so the Nimtz's decided to make him happy by harvesting their crop and presenting him with a bouquet. We hope that Pop appreciated their tear provoking effort*. That diamond-studded wrist watch Hifrese Sfoults i# so proud of these HEALTH ^ Headquarters ^ We like to think of this as an establishment where Health is dispensed, through the careful compounding of your physician's prescriptions. Because Health is your most precious possession, w* safeguard it with highest ethical standards, stilled! service and fresh ingredients. Bring^mr-- doctor's prescriptions to us. Bolger's Dnig Store Great Street I|£{g«itry Phone Towing Johnsburg P U B L I C S E R V I C E H O M E M A K E R S ' B U R E A l l brings you practical helps for wartime homemakieg SURPRISE YOUR GUESTS WITH NEW-TIME GLAMOUR, OLD-TIME GOODNESSI ttAt SANDWICH lOAf urn****111 Who* yo" .. - M COp HI Knttif loaf <A»v-old, ttMlfcea) Imgtb"** loto Wtd Wltapi p*" for the third. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • wWp fluffy 6) Urtnc cooto. PtMS 8^ ^ Ho«r to pnpen . brMd and «•* |) Remove ****" HEAVEN ON EARTH Wrtp •tator FKOSlW MK.W tt„ir cbeese What 6os. 1 wbola notion . Mtt* 1 pedug* boiltog How to prepare {>t cutting T) P-l wbol. d°T '8ev« this 1sl»c*.) Tuni » cool ta Chill until firm. (o. boiling 2) Dissolve g*l««n m eUghtly •TTUP^ * . m«lon. wiwi --- 1) po.1 -,VJ„ 'lit ink' slices «« r 3 He-Every time I kiss^jroa makes me a better man! - She--Well, you don't have to try to win a halo in one night. Time Marching Ota Cora--Why does a watch keep better time in March than in October? Dora--I dunno. Why? Cora--Because a spring is &etter than a fall. . Go Awiy, Please^ Be--If, you don't marry jane, FD take a rope and hang myself in your front yard. ' <> She--Now, Herbert, you know my father doesn't want you hanging around here. English Mayors Mayors of English cities are elected every year on November 9 by the councillors and aldermen of the borough councils from among the councillors or persons who are qualified to serve as councillors. Laws are administered by judges appointed by the crown who hold office for life and cannot be removed except on petition presented by both houses «f parliament However, Justices «f the peace can be removed for misconduct by the lord chencelloT. >Taste-teasing, sugar-saving desserts... Serve baked apples a la mode. While warm, slice two large baked apples crosswise. Top each half with vanilla ice cream. Pour syrup left from apples over top. Serves 4. Try mhring strawberries or raspberries with stiffly beaten egg whites. Add a dash of fruit syrup. Chill thoroughly. Serve in sherbet glasses. Chill pears of* peaches in can. Drain. Cook down syrup with a little sugar. Cool. In hollows of fruit place balls of ice cream or jelly. Press halves together. ChilL Poor pear or peach syrup over all. Good any time of year! Line 1-qt. casserole with leftover cake cut into strips ^about 1H" wide, %" thick. Pour in cups of unsweetened applesauce. Top with cake strips. Bake about 45 minutes in 375° oven. Serve plain, with costard sauce or cream. Real treat for family of 1 iMY Of HOaTHSBII \ tL Ji&ks. l » V MH

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