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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1945, p. 8

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«!&!/ mmmm. 'R»M •!t•f t•l •V•Q di WWW» 1 iHmmtrUita. • <£/: 7 /< .*' t;?r^ RBB ENTERPRISE FACES DANGEROUS OPPOSITION NOW THAT THE SHOOTING Is •11 over; now that those who* evil Intention* to enslave the world have been unconditionally crushed, we can look backward, and possibly re- View the thoughts and actions of those who opposed our participation in the fighting of the conflict that has now ended. •* They, and in a small way I was one of them, believed world civilization, as the world had known it, was at stake in that conflict. They believed we could best serve the interests of civilization by retaining that civilization in America. By so doing we could, as Arthur Balfour bad said, carry it back to devastated Europe, and the world in general. Ifceir sympathies, and the materials of war we could produce, were with the nations fighting Hitlerism, but the best service, to humanity, they believed was the preservation of that civilization that had throiigh ao many centuries represented World progress. By our staying out ire believed that could be preserved. Then came Pearl Harbor, and we had to fight, we had no choice. The Japs represented the same evil purpose as did Hitler and his cohorts. The evil that threatened us, and •D the world, has been abjectly crushed. Now what of the civilization as we have known it in the pastT That thrfHiiHw had as a foundation the preAt system ef free enterprise. It elated, eppsr tunity to all men ef ability, ef energy, of genius to create and to produce. The efforts of sneb : men provided more jobs and mere commodities; raised ear standard ef living; increased ^ ear national wealth; all In Ainerr- "tea protted. We may retain that "r. system in this i--ntij tbengfc It is serlonsly threatened, and only • time can determine the future ' for ns. In England, France and through- Cut most of Europe, free enterprise has suffered a home-front defeet. The labor government'of England, which is not all labor, but doei represent all that element who seek JgntibiOf *B£ jpthlng, proposes to BinoTvanfe lnucn of English industry, the mines, transportation and Snance. What is true in England is also true in France and other European countries. They face that term of state socialism that caused world war, and against which armed forces were SiMr LunAtnd at H< Woolen cm be safely laundered at home. B handled property,, they come out soft and fluffy, and will fit as well as they did bin fore beingwashed. To make sure sweater* keep their original shape after laundering, dry them op a sweater block. First, try on the sweater to be sure it fits weO. Then lay it on a piece of heavy cardboard or corrugated pa- Kand draw a line around it, mak« allowances in the drawing for any changes needed in size. Cut out the frame with a sharp knife or razor, (hen cot the body and the sleeves into separate pieces. Cover the sweater block with unbleached muslin or old sheeting to keep the moisture on the cardboard from staining the garment, and for ease In pinning the garment in place. - It is important to use water of the same temperature Iter both washing and rinsing, for sudden changes to temperature may cause shrinkage. Prepare a generous amount of mild, pure soap suds, and squeew and work the garment in the suds without rubbing. If the garment is much soiled at the cuffs and neckline, or has an occasional spot, scrub the area with a small brush and a thick soap solution before putting the sweater into the tads water. Rinse the sweater twice, squeeze out the water, then roll the sweater in a bath towel, pressing it gently to remove any excess moisture. Clears Debt Transferring over $51,000,000 from revenue surplus to its sinking fund, North Carolina in 1045 for the first time desrsd itself of general fund debt ' Read the Want Ads N. McHeary MM HAROLD H. BELL ^Painting, Decorating and .Work 105 N. GREEN ST.. If HENRY I The world is again at peace, but it has not returned to the civilisation of but a few years ago. Much of it has accepted communism or state socialism. America is still following the ideology of capitalism and free enterprise. Some leaders who are pronouncing for a continuance of that system do so with their fingers crossed. The war caused the passing of free enterprise in most of Europe. It may do the same in this country, it it does not, American progress and example may take back to Europe that free enterprise systpbrJCurope ' hnew, and followed, for rtsufiQli i it ftp up to America to deciderWhai fuawe world civilization M to be. BOTHBtHSL EiEOTBlb ' SHOP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO REPAIRS Let ns estimate that next electrical Job of yours. LBO G. ROTHERMEL, Prep. Phone McHeary 272-M 9*4 Riverside Orive S. H. Freud & Son ' CONTRACTORS AMD BUILDXR8 Oar Experience is at Tour 0si vies fat Building Tour Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry life jC,. . • I ; S>V V " . tf', . ; OF AMERICA SUNG VETERAN SOLDIERS IN GROUPS OF SERVICE people fln Pershing square, Los Angeles, were those returning from kng, hard months and years of oversets csmpejgning. These were others yet is face their great adventure in and years of occupation of and thousands of small in the broad Pacific. For consecutive evenings I and listened to such groups, one common impulse was _ As one song ended, some one would start another. Z soon learned H was possible to determine whether fbo soldier starting a song was on way home, or on his way over, returning proposed only that reminded them at home. T were through with militant ». I knew the boy who offered ere the Tall Corn Grows" was Iowa. The young Jewish boy proposed "The Sidewalks of York" was far more interested Broadway and Washington Square in Hill street and Pershing e. An army chaplain, home- 'd bound, would introduce wellchurch songs, and always ived unanimous response. A ick boy from the south started spirituals, and all joined"with To those returning servicemen, what might be considered the songs of America, form$d-,.a Vocal expression of their dreams of home. • • • IF THE GOVERNMENT Is to provide a living for aU who ask it will mean idling debt on top of debt year after year antil we face national bankruptcy. We eaanet have balanced budgets H we are to provide for aU who prefer a dole to work. The ; American people cheerfully fta war, but they will not nds to provide deles for who want something for ime to stop reek- Tbe people i sees It that way. A.P. Freund Co. Excavatinf Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Cruns Ssrvftes. --Road MkHac-- Tet204-M HfcBonry, Ik WEBTGART TRUOKWG MeHHNRT, ILL. Senl, Gravel, Black Dirt* Ae irdb has as a modtol to fits lamp because qf the erroneous belief that its light is produced no energy consumption engineer has dope much new type of gfitw lamp, the size ct an average marble, emits continuously more light than hundreds of fireflies with an energy input thdt in a year's continuous burning does not odd up to one kilowatt hour. In a year, at average domestic power rotes, it consumes less ban three cents' worth of electrical The glow lamp actually is a ature fluoresces! lamp. A ~ takes place fa* a ran gas and resulting radiation (invisible) is verted by iiImissIiiw on the i wall of the bvflb late a soft _ glow. A tiny resistance in the miniature screw bssa serves as ballast The green light from this lamp fortunately falls in the region of maximum night sensitivity of the eye. Held beside a neon glow lamp of the ssme wattage in the daytime, the two lamps wotdd be Judged of equal brightness. However, to dark* accustomed eyes the green glow lamp appears four times Thus, the green glow lamp is t night Stairways, and ha suited as a light in bathrooms, Harmonious Chimney Sometimes, on account of Its contrasting color, s chimney seems to cut s house in parts. When painting a small dwelling in an attractive color scheme, it is important to make the chimney an integral part ef the picture. It may be painted with any suitable exterior paint Order your rubber stamps at the Platodealer. Office Honrs--Daily Efecept Than. It to IX l-JO to 4-M, Men, Wed* FrL Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appoint sunt H. 8. VAN DENBURGH, DC, PhC Chiropractor - 180 Green St TeL MML McHsnry Rssldsnct Phono Hebron 886 DR. R. DeROMS --D Ut Gi Office Honrs: It sjm. to 8 pa. daily except Wednesday. Jltoesdsy sad Friday nights to IM pjs. Other boars by appeintaieBt TEL. WONDER LAKB 41S DR. R. H. WATKIM8 - Office Honrs - Tnssday A Saturdays: • ua. Vsf ftm SR. H. S. TOR Phone it McHENRT. ILL, 18% INSURAHCE rAM EARL K. VAL9 Phone McHenry 687-R-t MITT'S BARD ft QRAVRL 8pedal Ratea on Read Gravel and Lot Filling .. Black Dirt . .-Fewer leveling and Grading. J. R.NWTT P. O*--McHenry KltilMt OOBpftRlflS When yen need Insurants ef • Phone a or 118-M Grow A Shi Al'i Welding Bervioe At Schwemsn's Chevrolet Seles Eketitc Portable W Acetylene Welding and ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator 616-W-l or *77 sr Iff 1CHENRY, ILL. Tslophono No. 888 Hotffli A Rolhaasptrgw Insurance agents for aO tlessss ef piopetif in tiie best «on|ulea. WEST McHENRT - - ILLINOIS Alaskan Highway V More than 12 million board feet of pressure-treated timber was used in '• building the Alaskan highway. wiinu to buy We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. lfett'i Mink Rftneh Johnsburg - Spring Grove Read Phone Johnsburg 66W-I CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HOR8E8 * CATTLE We pay phono chargsa> we soles squenfc because they dried out To lubricate them, the shoes in s shallow pan pour in enough neats-foot oil rver the soles. Let shoes remain h«il for several horns. Remove oil by wfctfng with a piece of then with s cloth. SEWER CLOGGED? Have It Cleaned With the SANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING All Work Guaranteed--- ^ B. L. RAPP » Crystal Lake, IH. Phone Crystal Lake U2 Structural Steel • Ornamental Iron BuiMing Specialties Steel Stairs and Bafllsfj H L. BECKER 330 Railroad 8t Marengo 144 IIAKBNQO, ILL. JACOB FRIT^T" RmI Estate md Insnrsnoo McHenry <71-1 CUeage Office mm Lincoln 1S3S-4 y. _CHURCH SERVICES St Mary's Catholic Chareh 7KM, 8:80, 10:00 and U'JO Holy Days: 6:00; 8K)0: 10:00v Week Days: 6:46 and 8:00. ^ | First Friday: 6:80 and, 8:00. Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday- Alter 8:00 Mass on Ifeunday; 8:00 p. m. and 7:00^. m. Msgr. C. 8. Faster. St Patrisk's Catholic Church 8:00, »:00, 10:00 and 11HM Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:86 On first Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00 and before snd during ths 7:80 Mms. Confessions: * Saturdays: 4:90 to 6:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. ft Jtha's CatheRc ftmday: 7M. 9m and 11M. Holy Dsys: 7:00 and 8KMI Weekdan: 8.-00 Writ IWday: 8^0. Confessions: Saterdays: f-JOandtdlO Thursday befmre First triton-- tM snd 7«0. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. < ft Peters Csthile Church, f 8pring Grove r «• : 8:88 and lfeQ0.g<f - . •4isnd Itf wrmmmamju. 8KM. ' 1': First Friday: 8^8. # ' Confessions: ^ Saturdays: M and 7:18. Thursday before First Fridsy-- 2:8Q snd 7:Iit Rev. John L. Paleides, Pastor. Zien BrangeKcsl Ijrtho^a^ John St East jd Highway 81 West McSenty, IU. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, A cordial _____ all mho have no is extended to ffHiAiiflr , "Christ Our Only Talldiw Polntr W E L C O M E Listen ts the feterustianal Lutheran Hour Sunday*--WGN 11:80 ajn. Conuannity Chareh Sunday School: 10:00 ajn. WorsUp Soviesr: HKW Junior Lesgue Epworth League: _8^pjn. Rev.. Waym (JO p«. 8^0 p ayne Price, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a.m. Divine services--8:00 pan. . 0. L. Pfotenhsuer, fMtot. eod Church HL Sunday--niblic worship, 140. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals - Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty, director. Deer SkfarLeatter Garments made of deer skins, of which there Is a decided shortage, are especially desirable for use in sub-zero weather, as such skins prowe sett by grf» |-jr^ at ths same i." crapleavings. WAe ing legumes whidbi " - ^ . g* -1.. passures xor iivssiock. end fertfllzers wffl increnss the growth of sll those crops, . STASTS- : have also helpe. Plowing under instead of burntat ll •uch leavings as straw and torn-, V •talks is a good measure, but itb r they decay they use soil nitrogN»" and the cn» grown on the land k r starved. Apidying nitrogen fertffimr ^ is a good 'idM. Legumes are mneh^ v : higher in nitrogtti and do not lis ; CHy City •according; to ^Arte- Si totle, the ancient Greek philosopher, "should protect the inhabitants and ' ' MIM haonv^** i the stock is complete and you have many different numbers from which' to The 1945 Cards have are beauties and the prices are These cards are put up in boxes of 25. We will print your name on them without ^ Sr" McHEHRY FLORAL 00. Phono MB-R-1 Oil Wo Sonth of MeEonry on Ronto 31 Tlowm for all ooessioRg! A. WORWICX Portraiture Cflnuaercial Photography >78 -- Riverside Drive McHENRT, ILL. -- For ^STRIGERATIOH SERVICE CaD WONDER LAKE 669 • ft... Prices range from per box McHENRY PLA1NDEALER f v i;? J.*.J _ _

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