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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1945, p. 2

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•M Hf MMMI i M Ml 1I1 111 I WW LILY LAKE •411 III 11 » M i n i t » t 1 I H I H flxiagthe ill the of (By Dick Hyatt) Weil, folks, here I am igain with more news and gossip. The past week has been a little more alive i to Paul Altissimo, who received word, so there will be something' to write *ft®r two years of silence, his hom lftst Thursday, Mr. Skaily fell through the ceiling. The injuries he suffered were quite serious. Folks, there is an example for yon. We can never be too careful. Take caution and prevent such accidents. We wish to express oar sympathy from •ad'at the-Lianas :hsass- wsrslfai. &«"• nd her Vearis. Mrs. Vearie's sister tea resident of Pirtiskee Bur. Also Mr. Lamas has announced that Us son, has received his wings. Congratulations! As usual the Gilmores spent the weekend in Chicago, as Mrs. Gilnoc* can't stay away from her i that long, she gets rather Ion Well it is sort of quiet out here. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Spending Sunday afternoon at. the Glick residence was Mr. Mansfield, a nephew of Mr. Glick, he intends to BENEFIT DANCE/ £ / Sponsored by Sunday Nighters of th»> ^Cdpmunity Methodist Charch ' ; ~ THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 8:30 p m. | BRIDGE BALLROOM, McHENRY Modern and Old Time Dancing , S|tusic %y Joe Turner's Orchestra *•* »'#,(* :'j, IIc r " "t llHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU«5s2» Dealer Franchise 'Now Open for A Fast Selling Automobile IJ^HE Chicago distributor of a fast selling m quality motor car has an attractive dealership open in this city. We are looking for a man of integritv and ability, with a proven sales record in either the automotive or a related fieljji. Our program calls for volume sales as •oon as new car production is approved^and our plans include complete co-operation with ear dealers in such phases of their business as local advertising, merchandising and business management. ' Write for confldentia?teterview ... 1 A. 8. DAVIS Hudson Sales Corp. 2345 S. Michigan Affe ' Chicago, 16, Illinois NOW ON DISPLAY The first band new CoKonado Washer since 1942. -- Check theee Coronado Heaturaa win you visit ont stare; large porcelain tdlg cadmium plated "wringer; msssive balloon nolle; large, high vane agitator; ssaled-lneil tranmruiwioo and lifatinte lubricated motor. We have worked oat a plan that eeems the most satisfactory lor the sale of the first washers, became T-->ti*V are naturally limited now... come in to* day and find out bow to Coronado -.HThe drawing to seta* thfr^tarchaser of this first new washing machine will take {tace Saturday, October 20. ^ •:*v Telephone 459 PI9 TTWnmf 99Q91 - Authorized Dealer ( West McHtnry, Illinois two years ,4f , „ ~ , northern Italy. Upon receiving this .. V181^in8' at ine nome M about, I hope. message Paul learned his parents, Mrs Swanson last weekend were the Saturday night was spent by most and aunt and uncle had passed away Ben°*r /am»y- They had nice of the folks at the lake at Rudy's in the intervening time. The mess-! we. ®T r "J* ride out here and Place. & Here the Beautifying Club age also stated two nephews of his I _ j.evei2r , j, heltf its annual instulation of offi- are also missing in Germany. ° cers. The affair was in the form Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cinelli wish of a dinner. A very delightful pro- to announce the engagement of their _ _ gram was had afterward. Music son, Pfc. Curtiss Struts, to Miss go to the Orient in a month, to tend was later furnished by Mr. Juke Box , Sally Wendt of Chicago. No plans; to his olive groves. and his twenty records. have been made as yet for the wed-; We are glad to hear that Jeanette Yes, folks, another accident has ding. Congratulations, folks! jDunn has returned home from the occurred here at the lake. While Spending a grand eventful week- h&sprtal where she * underwent an ; appendix operation last week. Jean- | ette will be unable -to attend school for a few weeks, but is coming along nicely otherwise. Everyone wishes you a speedy recovery, Jeanette. We also deeply regret that Mrs. 1 Parker has received a telegram stat- ; ing her brother, a resident of Spring- 1 field, 111., has passed away. Y,ou \ have our deepest sympathy. All the people of Lily Lake wish • to welcome Johnny Milinac back home. Good to be home again hey, !Johnny? Well, lots of luck to you j in that old phase "civilian life." * Mr. and Mrs. Willert have received ! a letter from their grandson, Wil- ! bert Shaper, who is in the air force. I He is now in Mpnilit Wilbert has spent just about every summer out here with his grandparents. We wish you all the luck in the world, that is only good luck. Say there is mellow music, coming to my ears every time I pass a certain house, and two figures float by the light. Also comes the count, "one and two, one and two." Yes, who is the gentleman that is taking dancing lessons from hit daughter? Mistly waltzing. I'll give you his initals, C. N. I wonder? Last week Mrs. Vineer's husband reported back to Fort Sheridan to await his discharge. Tuesday the awaited news arrived. Mr. Vineer is once again with ufc, we welcome you home. Visiting at the home of the Joe Yaegers is their son, Jerome's, fiancee Bernice Murphy of Chicago. Bernice came out to enjoy the dinner given by the Beautifying Club last Saturday night. Say folks, it seems we have two able comedians in ..our midst, that we've been sort of overlooking. Or I wonder if they might be looking for a job. .Mr. Yaeger might be so he can play some more pinochle again, but Mr. Simmons, I don't know about him. Whatever the reason, they added to the gaity of the event Saturday night by helping to serve the, coffee. Nice going. I wondered where they learned how? Things really happened around the C. J. Hyatt home last week, folks. Those darling little twins awoke before the rest of the household one morning and got to the jar of mustard. Their baby sister was an inviting object. Soon she was a howling mustard doll. Keep your eyes on those kids, folks, they might turn out to be our own little deadend kids, ha ha! ! ! Mr. and Mrs. Kirk pre visiting at the Cinelli home for a few days. Mrs. Kirk is the sister of Mrs. Cinelli. They sure have nice' weather for their stay. Here's hoping you have a nice time. On Sunday "afternoon Theresa Wunos of Rockford visited her sister, J. Vallone, here at the lake. Mrs. Yallane is the owner of the Lily Lake grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. Codina and family, newcomers here at the lake, are doing quite a bit of remodeling. They are putting on ja new roof and many other things. They have moved out here with us as permanent residents. Loads of good luck to you, folks. Last Friday evening there was quite a mixup. Evelyn Lavin worked overtime and with the trains running on the other time she had to take a different train. After calling home to inform them several times and receiving no answer she called Anne Krieger, who located the Normands. They went to Crystal Lake to meet her. Meanwhile Evelyn was at Barrington, waiting. After about a half hour the Normands arrived on the scene at Barrington. I wonder what Evelyn would have done if not located. If you are as confused as 1 am, folks, you won't know what it's all about either. Another load of furniture has recently found its way to the lake. The owners of this are Mr. and Mrs. Abbinniti and family. The Abbinnitis are now spending their first winter out here, and as far as they can see, they say they love it. Their son, Sgt. Sam Palumbo, is expected home very shortly. He has been in the service for four and' a half years. Almost, hey, Mr. Hintz. Last Sunday a group of friends gathered at the Hintz place for a reunion, (of olcLfriends) before the Hintzs leave A-Cfew took the chair upon which Ray was sitting and proceeded to carry it to the lake, to give the occupant and all a little dip. Somehow or other Mr., Hintz escaped but the -chair didn't. The water was kind of chilly tfoyhow, folks, and we wouldn't want Ray to catch cold. There was suite a lively weekend spent at the LaMeire home. Among the guests present were: Mr. pnd Mrs. Hazelbauer and their children. Mr. Hazelbauer has been recently discharged from the navy. They intend to purchase a home here at the, lake. Also present were Mrs. LaMeire's two other daughters, Mrs. Melone and Mrs. Konig, also the later's husband and 'baby. All enjoyed a grand weekend. ? The weather was in tune and there were several other visitors in the vicinity. Weekend guests at the Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Vacik and daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. Hendrichs and granddaughter. The former are from Cicero and the later are from palatine. The Andersons also had guests on Monday, Mrs. Netzel and daughter, Nancy, from Woodstock. Mighty bpsy weekend wasn't it, /oiks? Spending Monday at the Bitter- 2?n . hpme was ' Mrs. Bitterman, Frankie s mother. She enjoyed a nice Indian Summer day here at the lake. Say, Frank, Sr., and the boys have been doing some hunting lately, but I haven't seen anything they got or heard, them talk about shooting anything. _ WWIe on the subject, folks, Junior SefelaTone has got a hawk with a ^ , A. Kiehl, he fwr rw eld. A double ^ , he held at Hie. Kiehl'. aunts will return to California sogne time nest week and all the relatives will be out from the city to bid them farewell. Well, happy birthday, Cliff, and have a- pleasant journey, folks! Mr. and Mrs. M. Morrison from one and only Beverly Rintaia! Clinton, Iowa, are visiting at the McDermott home. While here they went to the football game, in Chicago. 'SP7-. K* e#|jr ft&ltala, secretary; Itichard Hyatt,, treasurer. All the young people in the vicinity have not as yet responded to our call. We would like all to oeme oat and Join. One of our Tommy Doreey fans spent last Friday in Chicago--our On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Norland, also the Lavin girls, entertained the young people's club in the recreation room of their home. Refreshments were served and a very An open letter to the 'teen agers of Lily Lake and all those who are interested in them "It is with the deepest interest and appreciation of their difficulties that I have W&tched the progress of our young folk in their attempt to orteen offyou with the desire to get together in good clean fun can't be . , , • , - -- wrong. Keep on meeting. Make a enjoyable time was had by all who nife f.Jy, answer their needs program and follow it. When you were present. After the club had (. h®altMm growth ami recreation, run into trouble, don't throw up its business meeting, there was j . 13 .a .to home( t^ack- the sponge and resign. What's the dancing, and many other games were j ?ioun .v f .ln , J"e®"z,nfiT the need i matter with you ? Have you no iea On. We really had a swell! ? an outlet for their energies, they i confidence in your own abilities ? sff 5»rur8wirWWT-. i b- y„u h.™. •euragement of bobbies, prtetiee of the Mdad graces, fire only a few of the things these boys and girls could look forwards fr/**eir organisation. . "We owe them every bit of support and encouragement we can give them. And, boys and girls, I, for Young people often hare abllitlea whicchh their ppaarne nts do not For ekample: Balzac'a father .n, soi„c M yon ^ ^ „ "Don't b. dfocoaragftl ov.r y«,r I first difficulties jn organizing. Four " " * carried on. -time.. Just to remind you if there is any news you have for this column, please bring to the Hyatt home anytime around dinner time! I would appreciate this very much and it would help to make this column more complete. Last Saturday was spent in Chicago by Dick Hyatt: While visiting his many friends he did a little shopping. Dick had lunch at his grandmother's and also visited some of his former teachers. There was a lot more could have been done if only one had time, A week ago last Tuesday the Young JPeoples Club of Lily Lake and Lilymoor had its first election rgi _ certainly be | Ask advice when you think' you need I homes of - friends. him to be a banker, but, he a famous artist; Cellini's wanted him to be a bvt the son made himself a goldsmith; Darwin's father tried to make a minister of the boy who became a nnowned naturalist; and Damroechfc parents sent him to medical college; he had to practice his music at the eeteeeeeaaa ,i wf- ipI cII uUBv slins the compounding oi pre* scripdons, we carry a large lad varied stock of drugsk fcept fresh and potent through rapid turnover* Yoor physicua knows that be can count on us for die flaost difcotlt and compli* fated formulas. Bring your aext orescription to ast Thomas P. Bolger_ "The McHenry Druggist" Sponsored by the 2JLYMOOR PROPERTY LAND OWNERS! IMPROVEMENT AflSOOIATlOlt (IK00RP6RATEfi> SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2^ ; REFRESHMENTS « 8 p.m. ULYMOOR COUNTRY CLUBHOUSE < on* Route 120, East of McHenry COME AND BRING YOUR PR^CMi Dance to the times of - fHJS KHIOHTS Or KBYTHM --PRIZES-- ». t '"f & H":.. : . I 't 1 • " ' j1 < ,1v - _ " &>. c .•'Ai-. :VV" : '•>" "V i r H f vipz ^ -v ***- U '~b advantages of strength, permanence and fire-safety, this quality steel Imildklg costs mo mm than a wooden building of comparable size. The answer to the low coat of the "Quonset 40" lies in the efficiency and economy of the Stran-Steel aroh*rib training system, with its patented noiliitf groove in etude and joieta (hat permits siding and roofing to be nailed on speedily and permanendy^ Stran-Steel construction has been tested and proved in tens of thousands of military "Quoneets" produced by Great Lake* Steel Corporation for the armed foreee. It providee you with a building that is "better from the* ground up**--sturdier, longer-lasting, easier to erect, uee and maintain. The standard "Quonset W is a clear-span building wide and as long g§ you want it-4C, 6C, 80V10C, eto.-with a free-rolling 12Txl2T door, andfouf windows and ventilating louversJn each end-panel. Through the adaptability of the Stran-Steel framing system, it is a simple matter to provide additional wrndows on the sides, ventilating equipment or interior . ., rC v-Vi quality features of construction and materials in a 20^-wide Stran-Steel arch-rib building. Lengdi to meet requirements--24'. 36", 48*, W, etc. Walk-door and two windows in each end-panel additional windows in sides if required. Pire-saf^ sturdy, adaptable to scores of farm usee. If you are planning on a new building for your farmj you g|t more pmlw0 for your money in a uniform-quality, uniform-strength MQuoneet 40.* Let m five you oomplete information on thia great Strait-Steel btiilding now. Lt BAKKOM & COMPANY, IK. »1 "v, ,

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