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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1945, p. 3

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•Mb M Oct. 1, 1M5 °lb Qtv Conadl in regular Mayor Sty < rien' pMidin|. Aldermen ym> BUM, Frennd, Stgntr, Ton- Absent: Alttoff, Ferwerda. otkm by Regner, seconded by aid,, that the minutes of the regular L Motion ttpt that it collector's report H read. Metio* earby BOM. eeeonded by'Regthe clerk's report be api read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Bms, that the foQoWlnflr bill* be paid as approvedfry the finance committee: Motion carried. ,..$128.60 -- 116.80 .132.60 Motkm by _ Bnss, seconded by W. C. Pelts, salary ..... 121.00 Fretmd, that the treasurer's report • _ . _ „ . . _ * ,K a. ha annroved. u reed, lffntinn nr. ! Walsh, office expense.. 85.00 Howard Cairgs, salary be approved its;Peter Wirfs, salary Arthur J. Smith, salary be approved ^Motion by as read. Motion car- Freund, seconded by 47.13 : • i - v . ->•,. -s ir In the compounding oT prescription*--ut in every other seiyics you seek tn assurance of fall value. Here each pceecripdon is priced in accordance with a care* fal schedule. Because par volume is large, oar overhead is low. It costs no more, eta less, to come here to Prescription Headquarters* Thomas P. Bolger "The MeHenry Druggist" Maym» Boss, clerical salary, commissions ....-- Collector of Int. Rev., v income tax 166.20 The MeHenry Plaindealeg* , printing ...........-- -- • Paul E. Gerasch, labor--waterworks ...... William Brefeld, labor--waterworks | Buss Motor Sales, repairs, oil I --police car -- ; T. A F. Sales A Service, gas and oil for police car and waterworks .......--....... it. I. Overton Motor Sales, . ; bituminous patching material Al's Welding Service, repairing fird. hydrants audit 4»M ..W15.W Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor, JSARL R. WALSH, City CTerk. »»iinn m h h m i i i i i i » » i» Wonder Lake {By Hatlle Sinspar) Hello folks, here we are again with more news. Welcome home, Johnnie Milinac. that if they started to strip It now there wont be anyhing UflftTb^^Tunc the time fbr its at tite museum will be up. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svoboda visited in Oak Park. We have it hero living on Center Ave., owned by Mr. and Mrs. Koch, by the name of Tuffy. He is a little fox terrier he killed a possum; P• T. A., is having a -------- ' ' 1 ' with Mrs. F. Bittenaann and Mrs. Steve Wijaa as hostesses. Come, ^ ^ one, come all! Mrs. Tom Legge en-1 when Varies UNUSUAL unusual McGtads, j °f son"°f Mr." and TMtorTs. .Jvemhn, . last Thursday afternoon with cards 0f Diamond Lake. and bunco, and servefl alovelylunch-'burns la8t week m eoh. Mrs. Jo Bartelt will be hostess electric cord. Mrs. McGimds ^ » y rn0°n" prepared toast and pulled the plug Don t forget, kiddies, the Lily Lake from an electric toaster, leaving tha k. « . • -- -- -- • lt««av AVA A IV* MV VI !• | i* * T • " » ™ Hallo"wV e V'e>n< ' VcWo4r VdI aWtMtaMcIVhIIeVdU tWo •a wffBallll Now that you are released from the | on Mrs. Koch's porch Sunday. So party on Hallowe'en night, Oct. 31, moment later Charles came marriiness lleett 'ss sseeee Vvoouu oonncr#e iinn au 1 yOU he really is a good protector, j at the Lilymoor club. --* *i-- -1-- •_*%3* while and hope that you will havei What man was threading needles and innocently put the plug into Me _ Correction mouth. The full 110-volt chaift for Mrs. Keller,! The Meehan's Mastadano basket- qTlicl'1,y se.nt ,the W reeling, and ............ ........ i ti. - • .. „ ... niiuci *i>u Mrs. Sunde who .ball players are the ex-players 0f ®ause<» ugly bums on his lips and t t t l l l l l M l l l l t t t t t l l l l i l l Pacific were sewing aprons with change the Lane Technical high school.' ton^ue- A potion of his tongue and (By Delia Cheney) iff?'""- ^elcome home, pockets for the tickets sellers at Sorry! - nl?st °'1 hl5 1 lower lip were burned yi 1 ££{""*' ° Juck- J Snly the Hallowe'en dance? : foff completely, in fact. wish my Bobb*y w*s home too. C„ e,l e,b g ,M, r. and, „M rs. .L . „B artelt's wedding anniversary Saturday great success in all your under- j Satiardav pveninir ; takings. You sure deserve it after j Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Sunde who! Hello Folks: Looks like I have to retract my | Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Morris a last week's statement and say we've Fields on Saturday were Mr. and|night were M"r. and Mrs. W. P. Eins- «kh u8°?e , "ice i Mrs. R. W^ods from Genoa City, ^ and j^.. and Mrs. r. Biesecker. 85.44 feather( although the woolen blanket j Wis., and[Mr. ami Mrs. Steve Ni- ^ards were played and a lovely | fe«L8 P,enty «®od »t night. kowski of Twin Lakes, Wis. Poor iunch was sejiyed. Happy anniver- 5.00 First on our list of community'f®1**., ?' 18 ^ture 1...J,*s /,.herisary, Jo and Larry. news this week is the school board j ou^3, w®ek .••ttle _Cissy goodly crowd of iubscribe for The Plaindealer l^ead the Want Ad« farl R. Walsh, freight erni WW MJ»!.lotion. A cto-d of T.U S^PieHs .PlS »"iui '«">«• «* «»• ">««?»• www* h.»e 5'0°;VK;.,°d mo™ • ner-ap. It wu > h«d ehoira u both:m"ch """• > ot. U,i". toT«'y «•<•>«• j, ijSjJS'°"ch' Mr' ,nd 27.01 men were more than well qualified to and you want t° «njoy it as long as|J°8ePh Stejskal, j fill the post, Mr. Sellek having been jyou can" , | with the Harris Trust and Savings Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kurbyum and , . M- MiM • mnA M„ B.nk .nd Mr. Richrd, tain, •»«.-; «j Chiogo .i.itor. thi, ^ supper store.!»ast weekend. _ Sorry to hear that Fred Svoboda,1 Fred H. Helmick, I Frank J. Ko^plka and Mr. and Mrs. S Fred Svoboda were visitors at the jger of a large school supp^, 11.75 The election of community club of-! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keller had a jr hvirt his leg in playing foot-' w*s held off due to the late-!surprise visitor Friday, October, 12, w-ii Fridav ernard N. Smith, gravel and ]ness of hour and general confusion, ja distinguished friend of the family! Visiting Mr and Mrs Steve Wijas r ^ i n g 2 0 -- - R e m e m b e r t h e d a t e , t h e f < M i n e r s t a t e s e n a t o r J a m e s B - S u n d a y w e r e M r . a n d M r s . P . B o b e r o j estern United 6. A S. Co., 1 Community club election of officers j Leonardo of Chicago, and his , wife. and get. P Bobero. ! at 8:30 Daylight Saving Time, at; They spent the day looking in and On-Monday evening. October 22, Illinois Bell Telephone Co., {Harrison school. .around Lilymoor and seem to enjofv {. « p T A nocial at Lilvmoor club telephone service ....... SJ5 October 27-Remember the date-'the ™m>undings. He was curious 13 » x" A' sociai ^ • - - to see Mr. Seyfferth s home, so Mr. ENTERTAINMENT : FINE FOODS AND LIQUORS t We cater to Parties and Banquets vi Entertain your family and friends ^ ^ .at th»' ? RIVERSIDE HOTEL , 1 (At the State Bridge, MeHenry) ; ;" r-.-'r flioiieir'.;'r- tif; >r., S'® f-M Fox Hole 266 Hotel SIS Public Service. Company, power and light 200.99; Gun^club Women's The' ^e"er obliged him and introduced • ^ «»th. N. Schmitt. iMsruo. Brid/e. 9 o°T«k (Stum. DriI., hta «• Mr ««" »" S«yff.rth »d f t »»dit 67.09 t25 it wasn* lour before they discovered * twydtab, M b.nd ^Ith^Vn'rh'^inT'ot'oM" ^cuLgsisiisr '^issr'kisssss. - ~sr?r ,There 6.90 around in Wonder Lake 13 ^hful thinking that the former Little Keith Mason is having a! senat°r ami^his wrfe wjH attend the <$> Collector of Int. Rev., income tax long they were old acquaintances and j began to talk of the olden days.' Mr. Seyfferth showed the senator and his wife around the entire es-; iPHPI LOANS f^t HOMES Returning reterans caa btiy or Wld a home wtthout paying a single cent down. (If the house does not cost over approximately )6,000.) ^ ' This loan can be financed through one mortgage in our association. The mortgage by law must have interest at four per cent. Payments on principal and interest are paid monthly like rent. This association has already made a great number of these loans and oaa answer your questions from actual experience. MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 4 F. R. Xelley, Secretary State Bank Building , Marengo ha vine ,«i»u u» wm mvvc : change of scenery thi. week .ihI i yl!,,m0<'f Property Owner's ;the doctor, M the Chic.»o Memo™! | hospital will be back with Mom and Saturday, October 27, at the Farm Service Way * AUCTION Kt1 r#£; L. H. FREEMAN Jb SOW, TeL 1U or 122, Hebron, I1L, Auctioneers Th* farm having been rented, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction e* the farm known as the WALT PEATT FARM, located 7 miles Northeast of Woodstock, 111., % mile South of Greenwood on blacktop, or first drive South of Greenwood Cemetery, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 IMS, commencing at 11 o'clock sharp 90 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK tftn* ^U^r Calves, 7 months old; 1 Dnrhan Heifer, 6 ssontha old; 1 Slack A^us Heifer, 6 months old; 1 Black An- 'gns Ball, 6 months old; 1 Holstein Stock Ball, 18 isonths old. Bight of these cows are springing, 8 are new milkers and balance are Dad Mason in a couple of weeks We're holding our fingers crossed for you, Keith, and hoping very much the prediction will come true. Glad to see you up and about in the nice sunshine again, Mrs. C. Mayer. We miss your cheery smile while you work out in your garden. Here we have a happy announcement of the engagement of Dorothy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wendt, to Raymond Baty. Raymond has just been discharged from the army and decided his post-war plans and dreams were incomplete without Dorothy. We hear the knot will be tied sometime in the spring. An engagement dinner was given by Mrs. Wendt last Sunday. Remember Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burrell, who were interested in raising bees? They sold their cottage here^ last spring and we hear they have bought a small farm in Michigan. where they plwi to continue raising bees as w*>U as other miscellaneous stock, like chickens and some vegetables. May we extend a belated but nevertheless heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Walsh on the death of Mrs. Walsh's mother. No words but onlv time can erase the grief on<> fe^ls at the loss of one so dear anfl sweet. Hurry up and get well, Vera Hen- •horne, the gang at the *Ringwood Chemical plant miss you and anyway it's no fun being at the Woodstock hospital when it's still nice enough to be outside in the sunshine for awhile, anyway. Hope by the time the paper goes to press, you will be home ajwiin and off to work very soon as your rider and the seven children are lonesome. Do<5gy news comes from the home of Mrs. Frank Wendt that "Skipnv" came home from the hospital and is do'nsr very nicely. We're not being catty, but, the hi* an<i run driver who injured Mrs. Wohnrade'A cat might like to know he was taken to the hospital where it w*s found his leg was broken and he is now wearing a cast and is netting along very well. N«"ws From Harrison School ^ It wa« a busy day Friday for Harrison school so«»nt in good fellowship *nd visiting with Mrs. Mary Endres, "^yntv superintendent, Mrs. Verda Dierze**. ass't county superintendent, ^nd Miss Letton, representative from Scott Foresman Co. The children were all on their best behavior and performed their lessons well. The day wasn't ended with school out for -Mrj. E. Foley and Mrs. B. Blount, as thev .attended a reading conference at Hebron that evening. We are all glad to see Ronnie Fi*dericksen back to school again. niness still hss its hand on some of the school children this week and we find Barbara Sellek, Jerry Cristy and Bobby Cormier's seats empty. Hurry up and get well as yonr classmates can't play with you unless your seats are occupied by your cheery presence, •Great plans are being made for our Halloween party to be held on October 26 in the afternoon. The witches and cats and goblins , are Lilymoor club. Well, here's hoping, Frank, that we get to meet the former senator and his wife on that night. Also visiting Mir. and Mrs. A1 Seyfferth this last weekend were Mrs. Fred Mack, formerly Mrs. P. Her- j rick, who was the former owner of the Lakeside Inn in 1922, and Fred W. Guttensohn, who was the engineer, on the fire engine that Mr. Seyfferth has ? on exhibition at the Rosenwald 1 Museum in Chicago. That was nine-; teen years ago. Mr. Guttensohn 1 thinks so much of that fire engine j that he goes to the museum once a; month to see if it's okay. This lastj month he found that somebody hadj taken something off it. He came to Mr. Seyfferth to complain. He said CIU WAVE J milking good and will freshen in December. All of these cattle are first {getting ready to be in on the fan. and second calf heifers ex< and this is a real chance <A ccept three. They are large and of best, quality to bay the best at auction. ; HORSES--Sorrel Gelding, light mane and tail, S years old, weight 1,TM lbs.; Chestnut Mare, 12 years eld, weight 1,500 flw. This tetm is perfectly broke and saf^ for anyone to handle. _ HOGS--58 Spotted Poland China Shoats, weight from 75 to 125 lbs. • - POULTRY--150 White Rock Pullets, ready to lay. FEED--300 bushels of Vicland oats, SO tons of baled first cutting alfalfa, SO tons of baled second, cutting alfalfa; 12 tons olf baled timothy bay; 8 tens of baled mixed hay; 10 tons of baled straw; 26 acres of .good standing com of early maturity. . MACHINERY--WC Allis-Chalmers tractor on rubber with power lift anltivator, Model 45 Gehl hammer mill (new), bu« saw, all steel ***me 4a*w), silo filler, power hay hoist rope and pulleys, McCormick three bottom 16-in. tractor plow with extra lays, 7-ft. tandem tractor disc, ioar section all steel drag, cultipacker, John Deere broadcast seeder, Emerson aide delivery rake, Deering mower, dump rake, single row cultivator, •ne horse cultivator, 8-ft. McCormick grain binder, John Deere corn binder with handle loader, John Deere corn binder with bundle carrier, feed cutter, New Idea manure spreader, McCormick steel wheel roller bearing wagon, S silo Wagons, 2 'steel wheel wagons and hay racks, wood wheel wagon and triple wagon box, S portable hog houses, 2 steel hog self feeders, barrels, troughs and other hog equipment, 3 H.P. gas engine, grapple fork, electric 8tewart cow diprptflYstationary hay baler, 3 drive belts, 150, 75 and 60 ft.; bock rake for Allis-Chalmers trhctor, set of heavy truck chains for AIlis- Chahmers tractor, set of weights for Allis-Chalmers tractbr, set of acetylene welding torch and cutting tip (new), power lawn, mower. Power drill press, vise, wrenches and all small tools on farm. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--De Laval milking machine, complete with ^ 1 units, compressor and motor isnd pipe for 23 cows; » »-ga». wash and solution tanks, electric Dairy Maid hot water heater, pails nd strainers, etc. Quantify of Henaeheld ftndtea _ Yf.lj'. 1. r- Usual Illinois Farm Auction Service Terms. Farm Auction Service w "Auctions that pay are managed the Farna Service WwJ R. D. Keafc Lake Geneva, Phone 242; OMhier. m A. Freeman, Mstrtet Representative. Phone 122, Bel Clerk. Wayne ami Helen Tronsen could hardly wait to tell the good news of their father's return home, for good, discharged from the navy Indian summer is very important just now in the lower room. We have some lovely pictures of real Indians of the Blackfoot tribe. Robert Roubik had some of these very Indians, including "Short Man" ana "Two Guns," for his own personal friends. He also told us of "Two Guns" picture on the Buffalo nickel. Lynn Cheney's happiness knows no brands over a dream not expected to come true so soon with the re ceiving of a bike formerly ridden by "Cal" Kolar, a neighbor. Cal's experience in the • airforce flying bombers can hold ne more thrills than the flying rides Lynn is taking down the hills. HURT IN FALL Fireman W. B. Churchirillo, of Chicago, sustained an injury to the soine last week when he fell from the Chicago and Northwestern tracks at Dundee road viaduct east of Barrington. He dropped about fifteen feet to the road gravel. According to reports, a light or empty freight locomotive on which he fired, and which traveled to Chicago, sustained a broken valve, showering the cab with steam and water. The fireman, conductor and engineer wwre forced to jump. Order yonr rnbber stampe «t the Plaindealer. ^ Now is th« time to pot that steel-tired tractor of yours on RUBBER We have a most complete stock of new TRACTOR, TIRES, TUBES and RIMS mafi rwraiMi COLB WAVE • lack kit coaiaiavljMl naTli ot SIIomtH MMO^ cotton appUouoc, aautnliMr nd comptal* iaictacueaa. THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRUGS on band. Also some very good buys in for that extra tractor at large savings.' 48-hour service on change overs from yonr job--nothing too small or too lrge. No obligation. Get OOQDYEAR Sure-Grip Tread on your worn Tractor Tires 311 East Elm Street b1 to rubber. Let us figurv Estimtes cheerfully given-- Phone MeHenry 424 MeHenry Tire Recappers Bill Gooding, Proprietor v ' ' " • .-w, " * . . . • ' 4 ; ' ' ' i j ' . Your War Fund Contributions.. • • 1 ' "t ' 4 ' " ' 19 •A?r-v COUNTY'S Is $36,433 Of Which 54% 0oes to Which Now, More Than Ever, Must Function to Maintafrfthe Morale of Your Boys Stranded in Foreign Lands,^Hospitals at Home and Separation Centers. When Your Local Committee Calls On You McHENRY COUNTY r-4b

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