FOB SALE WAHTBD TO iHTY--Child's roll top Junior and tricycle. Call McHenry bicycle 612-J-S FDR SALE -- 1986 Pontiac Sedan, WANTED--Cabinet 5% foot high and 28 inches across. 151-M after 5 p.m. Call McHeni HELP WANTED Good tires, uphol Geo. B. Kane, W. 22 FOR SALE--Two choice 75-ft. buildin* lots on Waukegan street. One j HELP WANTED--Married man to block from schools and business sec- work on farm. Will have own house tion. Phone McHenry 89-R. *22-2 j to iive in. Address ^"T," care Mc- 22-tf FOR SALE--Boy's all wool, bine Henry Plaindealer. plaid mackinaw, size 12. Mrs. Charles WANTED--lioys to deliver papers. Miller, Volo Tel. McHenry 627-R-2. j Krause News Agency. 22 1379. Tel. McHenry 21-2 FOR SALE--225 White Rock pullets HELP WANTED---Woman for^genand cockerels; also 10 Bantam cockerels and hens, Ford Jackson. Phone Johnsburg 685-W-2. . ^ *22 eral store work. Bolger's Drug Store. 18-tf FOR SALE--Good used, kitchen coal range--Apply Saturday and Sunday, only at the Happy Days Cottage, Country Club Subdivision. E. Weber. WANTED TO BUY--Modern sum- HELP WANTED--Men for construction work. Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder bake. Tel. Wonder Lake 221. 14-tf •22 mer home between Antioch, $8,000 to JDR dt* gas stove, i Jacob FYitz,'real estate, Johnsburg. Pennsole " Earl B. Preteman, Ring-! phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, 111., %Ringwood rn-- IS Diane, as v«B as son,Donald, and wife, Donnie WANTED Doolin, Mr. and Mrs.Theodore Tjernberg, and daughter, Leath. The Brenners were out oyer the weekend and I hear that A1 and • couple of his boy friends, along with George Goranson, Bill Schlitt, and Clarence Feiereisel. got up at 5:30 in the morning and went hunting, with no lock at all. However, Jack Sales got up at 8:00, went hunting and caught three ducks. If this story sounds a little one sided, maybe it is because I got the information from Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Betke and daughter, Evelyn, were recent visitors of Mrs. George Schuebert. Also visitors over the weekend ,at Schueberts were Mr. and Mrs. John Behmke of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Fuhmark, and Mrs. Titatila. Miss Jaunita Willits and sister, lone, spent the past Friday on a | shopping excursion in Chicago. George Goranson, director of the - - j . Park and Beach committee of the McHenry and •" " Property Owners association, re- $15,000, cash. ALBERT RODIG quests that all boats be removed from . . , .„ . „ beach as soon as possible after - ~ .. Above is a picture of Albert Rodig, ^he shooting season is over, in order 17-tf about whom we told of * J"11® *®r"!to make way for the intended dredg- T- ^ce. record last week. Albert has ing of the iake and new sand for the LOST | received his honorable discharg#ftomjbe#ch. Your co-operation in -this ---- . f^ army* matter will help a let folks, so how Boxer bullr long Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mr. 1 white breast. Dog's and Mrs. Leo Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. t*rM> CAI V T 4- iA-iQC mall ' WWI,Cl IB in service. Reward. Mike Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin tiT tank fruit TS!Ca" collect Irving 6377, Chicago. 22 Freund, Miss Bernice Hiller, Miss wood, Corp. -Lincoln 1333. FOR SALE -- Self-feeding Victrola 5ric^h. Phone McHenry 677-W-l. *22 LOST -- fcrindle tftil and ears; ! owner is boy about it? Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, who are Jensen's sister and brother-in-lang, t«_v fmjt hffi and'"'-- ~ - ' **" -- -- 1 visited at the Jensen's for a few days | j ' i t / j x M p C u l l r t m t a c t + . . E s t e l l e H i l l e r , N o r b e r t H i l l e r , M i s s | t h i s p a s t w e e k . M r . M i l l e r h a s b e e n landscaped Krv 424 C A1M^ 8 ^ura Fersching, of Woodstock, Ar-[in service for six years. Leonard S«h!^erVifrf , 3f1n1 VE. EplSm, S4t7., McHenry. 2222 os!d?iesit. Tchur c^hl uaen d LVoesnt icbee twPeaerkn . MMethr-s .:nold E els and Miss Lorraine Over- Jensen, Jr., was very thrilled over a fplf nf Towa wer<, gue8ta - - Whit* u "ISI ^awn8' McHenry. ^ the Louis Schmitt home, Sunday FOR SALE!--75 to 100 *vWilo u,ld, se,l,l I Phon« 425. 22 1 eavveenniinngp The occasion was the first for $1.50 each ^ Also for sale large,! LOST -- Pair light brown rimmed! wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. square dining room table. Frank' reading glasses, on or near Riverside;ijOU13 _ \ Petrosky, Route 1, Richmond, 111., Drive, on Saturday afternoon. Finder! Mrs. Art Klein, in company with 1 mile north of Richmond, on-Twin please return to Plaindealer office. jMrs. Albert Britz and son, Tommy, . Lakes Road. *22 22 j Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove, work last Friday and has been in ' • ' 1 and Mrs. Andy Strant and daughter, bed the past week. Hurry up and FOR SALE -- Hampshire purebred LOST --- Set of several keys on Sun- | Yvonne, of Chicago visited in the: Set well! gun h^ uncle brought him from overseas. Inquired about Con McDonald, Sunday afternoon and Hugh and Jean both said he's doing fine. Lee Sawdo, employee of Carey Electric, fell and injured his spine at boars by Illinois grand champion day night on Riverside Drive. Con and other quality sires. Also brood • tains Chevrolet car keys and home sows and weanling pigs, both grades key. Tel. Round Lake 3133. *22 and registered. Also purebred Shrop- j viranuT T ivvatto •shire rams. Millgate Farms, 2 miles ! MloUfiLuAJlBOUS west of Wadsworth, 111. Tel. Lake Villa 2151. 22-2 FOR SALE--900 white oak posts; 17 Muscovy ducks. Call McHenry '4U2-J-2. f 22 FOR SALE -- 1969 Dodge % ton panel truck; motor in first class condition. Phone McHenry 321. 22 AUCTION SALE--Having sold our home, will sell at public auction on Sunday, Oct. 28, at 1:00 p.m., household goods, including several antiques. George iF. Lindsay, 505 S. Green street, McHenry. 22 FOR SALE--Ten-foot soda fountain, one 7-ft and one 8-ft. candy case, computing, scales, National cash register. Call McHenry 74-W. 22 FOR SALE -- "Bill" Glosson. S87J-1. 40 Phone uscovy di ne McH YOU CANT buy a new breakfast set for $1.75. But that's all it e"ry costs to make it look like new again 221 with Nu-Enamel. Carey Electric Shop. Green St., McHenry: Woodstock hospital with Mrs. Hank Britz and infant daughter and Louis Bell. The friends of Albert Adams are sorry to hear he is again confined to his bed in the home of his parents, Mr. £nd Mrs. Otto Adams. First Lt. Angela B. Tonyan has been given an honorable discharge from the anny after serving 2 years overseas. Welcome home, Angela. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann are celebrating their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary, Sunday. Open house will be held to friends in the afternoon. Miss Louella Thelen returned home from the Woodstock hospital last week after a recent appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels moved into their new home, which they recently purchased, Tuesday at Pistakee Bay. * Sgt. Donald Hettermann is home on a short furlough with his father, Henry Hettermann, before, reporting Dry cleaning cannot |0Ver8?a^o-n j 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Hiller and AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sunday afternobq. 3:30, October 28* Frqd C. SchoeweK 103 Court St., McHenry. Watch forV^n nouncement in next week's ad coTumns. * ... 22 22 ARTICLES mothproofed with Berlou are guaranteed against moth damage for five years remove Berlou. Average cost to Mrs. Pat Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent of Woodstock visited Mrs. Rochelle Saturday night. Mrs. Pauline White and daughter, Pamela, have mov*ed to Chicago. Any news contributions will be greatly appreciated and may be left in the box at Horns', McDonalds' and at Crick's grocery store. Thank you. avoidant* Is bmig * trMtnteai; in this, tlw layman a* tin new* of the accidant can assist tqr • 'ft«r simple precautionary measufas. Bleeding fnim a wound should be. stopped by a pressure dressing or by pressing on the pressure points, rarely by tourniquet. The injured person should be kept warm and in a prone position. Usually the person in shock should hare his feet a little higher than his head. When medical treatment is likely to be delayed, sulfa powder should be sprinkled into the wound. An accident victim should not be picked up and crowded into the back seat of a car, but should be moved by an experienced ambulance crew* Rarely is a traction splint indicate ed; much harm can be done bj one. Better first aid technique is to make a spHnt by wrapping a pillow around the broken limb and tying it above and below fie wound. Newspapers or boards can be used lor stiffening. I* f ALL' 'OitA, Edward Borch of Power Lake fell from a ladder while doing carpenter work on a residence at Nippersink, one recent morning and passed away at the Wfelworth county hospital a few* hours later. Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealei. Al's Welding Service At Schwerman's Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 277 or 177 M'HENRT, ILL. SPRING GROVE FOR SALE--Straw, 50c per bale; also alfalfa hay. Peter A. Freund. Tel. McHenry 614-R-l. *20-3 FOB SALE -- Eight-room home on Waukegan street; one one-half j ^Kpray"™srait oTd^ss is°8c ai^'v visit^ with Everett Hiller in modern kitchen: Bolter's Drue Store 22jthe Sacred Heart sanitarium at Gennew boiler : * " eva, Sunday. ^ PUT IN YOUR ORDER NOW--For Initiation of the new school hall driven wells ahd repairing. ILTester: was held Tuesday evening, with St. j Cards were played and refreshments amwi I T aL m'm D \T M a A y ] V IA1/4IVI«V iVtn I J bathrooms, dinette. New, Installing n for hot water heat. Tel. McHenry -M-l. 19-tf FOR SALR--;Water front lots in city, half mile from depot, close to all schools, $1,500 each; subject to raise. Call owner, telephone McHenry 207-R. (by Mrs. Charles Freund) The annual Halloween party will be held at St. Peter's Parish hall on Saturday night, Oct. 20. This is a "Hard Timr' dance and prises will be given those dressed in the best hard time costumes. Refreshments will be served and a good time is assured all those who attend. Everybody welcome. A firemen's-meeting was held in the town hall on Monday night. It was also a party as they entertained firemen from nearby towns, firemen with whom they had participated in water fights throughout the summer. Bacon, 203 John St., West McHenry,1 John's B. V. M. sodality holding the j served. 111. Phone 175, WE INSURE YOUR {PROPERTY in the cit: 19-4! wherever located •20-4 first meeting. A short business meeting was held, with Rev. A. J. PERSONAL I Neidert and Rev. C. Thennes giving ty or country, | appropriate talks; also a word of the U. S. or; tthhaannkkss ffrroomm tthhee nprreessiiddee nt, Mrs. Jos. ]N)R saif _ TTHti&r ' Canada, against fire, burglary, wind-; King for the whole hearted co-od- «Saver2 in storm' a" in P°,icy- For inform- eration the ladies have shown in ' PiJ^ ation caI1 Jacob Fritz' 86,11 Estate recent carnivals. Cards and bunco ' 70 ria,1"" and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg.; followed, with Miss Barbara Alj Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chi-1 thofP, Mrs. Lena Hettermann, Mrs. FOR SALE--Bar and back bar. In- ca*°, Phone Lincoln 1383. 17-13 Steve May and Mrs. Henry Tonyan j0hn Doetsch and children of Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Michels are the happy parents of a baby daughter. Mrs. Michels is the former Miss Lucille Hergott. Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Hergott are the grand parents. Mrs. Math Nimsgern spent Friday in Chicago. Sunday visitors in the Arthur Kattner home were Mr. and Mrs. quire 202 Phone 360. WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $16 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Mfttt'a Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOG8, HORSES * CATTLE We pay phone charges. SEWER CLOGGED?. Have It Cleaned With tha SANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING AU Work Guaranteed H. L. RAPP Crystal Lake, I1L Phone Crystal'Lake B8S Cwaawrdal "Ffcotogcapflty ITS - KlvsnUa Dr^e MeHENRY. ILL. V For MFRIGERATieN ^obeviob f.v; oiii WONDER LAKE 568 WUBmuf 14*|v "BAKOLD H. BCLt £ajjattag, DoeeratiBg sad Papsrhaagfag 105 N. GREEN SIV STHENRT ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO REPAIRS Let aa eataate d«t next electrical Job of years. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prop. Phone McHeary 272-M 804 Riverside Drive S. H. Frenod &Soo COKTRAOTOKS AND BUILDKR8 Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building Tour Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic ! - land Crane Service. «-Road Bnildlng-- T«Hl)4-M McHenry, Il» Structural Steel • Ornamental Iron Bailding Spedalties Steel Stairs and Rallln||i H. t. BBCKER 990 Railroad St. Marengo 144 MARENGO, ILL. WEINGART TRUCKING MeHENRY, ILL. Sani, Gravel, Black Dirt, FflBng and Liaiastene Ttfephena McBenry 65S-B-I •. 8. TAN DmUBGH. DC, MC IM U N. 9M-B. McHeary Behw m DR. R» DaROME 110 'ST iM. Offlse 10 daily except V< day and Friday7 nights to Other hy appoint sunt. TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 H. WATXIHR •ft Dwtisl - Tasadsy > Batsrdays: t aja. to I y Merategs by Anstolafll DR . H.S. FIKE Waakegaa fl& Phase 81 ilcidowtr, Ob. FIRE AUTO INSDRARCE 1 EAIL R. VUSI Companias nrhsn yen asad Ibsm bbis of any Ua| Phwe a or 118-M Green A Elm McHenry Telephone No. 800 Stoffel A RdhansperfBT lamm agents for aD elasaea of property in the best oc^aaiea. WEST MeHENKT - - lLLIN(MS Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt .. Power r aveling and Grading. J. E. NETT lohnsbarg P. O.--McHeary JACOB FRITZ Red Estate and Insurance 878-R-8 Chicago Office me„LnM0in 1888-4 MeHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 808-R-l One BStle South Of McHenry on Route SI Flowers for all occasions! Wi Green Street, McHenry TREE SPRAYING AND WHITE- SL'jlf Mi«SQhirW mrfr'JnH Sett* /"r i.Mu and Mr8, William 21'tf! WASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. nri™^ in1 i°i.n^urar-« - - *no bi, c ttZ • T~ i tvi McHenrv 681-M-l 16-tf ^ ^ Stilling winning prizes in. Miss Catherine Huff of Chicago FOR SALE--Year-Toundcomfort and I^1- "enenry oe^ m i. bunco. A delicious, lunch was served; spent the weekend with her father,! economy with^^lre-proof Johns-Man-1 SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS AND 1^.^® °ficers- e „ . Mike Huff. | gBe Rock Wool Home Insulation |OSTERNS CLEANED--Wells Bros.,I Art Ja^k»on s 1*c-: s- 1*• has je*' Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and; ; *Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call | phone Crystal Lake 648-M or Wood-1 P°rt®d to the armory in Chicago after j family of Chicago were visitors in i SJEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. I stock 830. 19-tf! enjoyingr a short leave with his par- the home of Mrs. Bertha Esh on j 36tf. 1 tents, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson. |S unday. In the afternoon they vis-! ' TRACTOR CHAINS--We now have the lea.8t wc P*Y foT dead horses and • complete line of tractor ehains at ®ows condition. Wheeling DEAD ANIMALS --Five dollars i< »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»i Very reasonable prices. Klfest McHenry, 111. FOR RENT FOR CASH RENT Farm known as Kennefceck Farm-- , 86 acres tillable soil, 15 acres new .^Seeding for hay--85 acres good pasture. Price 1750. per year. See ; v Leo Miller or call 620-R-2. 21-2 FOR RENT--Good soil and Ibuildings; all tillable land; medium sixe farm; modern home, water in house and bam. Address Box X, care McHenry Plaindealer. 22-tf Gamble's,! Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No 21-213* Revere the charges. No help ! needed to load. 14-tf FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms, commercial buildings, etc. Also floor sanding and reflnishing. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave.,Phone 131, Woodstock, 111. 51tf McCullom Lake (By Miss Ercell Lock) WANTED TO RENT ited Louis Bell, who is a patient at Woodstock hospital. I Supper guests in the Math Nims-1 srern home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgern of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgern, Jr., of North Chicago. Seaman and Mrs. Henry Brits are the parents of a daughter, born at Woodstock hospital on Saturday, October 13. Seaman Britx is serving overseas. A nice crowd attended' the fire- Mr. ahd Mrs. Ralph Trigin are the proud parents of a biby girl, named Gail, who was born Serptember 8 at the Walter Memorial hospital. Mrs. Lottie Bennett is the mother ,. , ,. , . , „ _ HAVE YOU HEARD about the new of a baby boy, born at the hospital | £®n »danc® "eld in the town hall on reduced Auto Liability and Property in Woodstock. ^ I rw aij~, Damage rates? They will surprise I A letter was received from Bob *"• L*nt' Alice yon. Ask os for insurance rates.! Struck and his address has been; ana Mn The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. changed. He is now at New York, | 27-tf GARBAGE COLI.ECTING -- Let us nnm< .. A ^ dispose of your garbage each week, WANT TO RENT Lieutenant Com- or 0ft«ner if desired. Reasonable d«nre to rent^Ouse rates. ReKuUr year round route, foror apartment. Apply Mrs. Jimmy merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Robertson, McCullom Lake, West McHenry, 111. Phone 656-M-l. 19-tf WANTED TO BUY Phone 866. WANTED - . TO BUY OR TRADE RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS GAMBLE'S ^ AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE 450 WEST MeHENRY --- ' mu WATCH AND JBWHLRT REPAIR. ING -- All work fully guaranteed. "Torchy" Krause, 810 Elm St., McHenry. Tel. 879. 42-tf Dog and Cat Carriers Fleas and ticks from cats and dogs can transmit typhus fever and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Eskimo Takes Food To express enjoyment of an ex* cellent meal, the guest at an ic*Hmo dinner takes all left over food away with him. t> New York, instead of San Francisco. Judith Nelson, granddaughter of Mrs. Washburn, celebrated her third birthday last Saturday. Guests at her party were her sister, Royce Ann, Barbara and George Krickl, -Donna Rae Hallie and Arlene Theile. Joe Kilfeather was invited but wasn't able to come out from . Chicago. Judith received many nice presents from her friends. Tasty eats and a nice time wer£ had by all. Pvt. Joe O'Connor has been transferred from Denver, Colo., to Walla Walla, Wash., and expects to be home some time in November. Mr. and Mr*. William Ames were out over the weekend and spent a good deal of the time raking leaves and working in their yard. Mr. and Mrs. John Silhanek unexpectedly dropped in on Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lock, Sunday afternoon. They hadn't seen each other for about Ave or six years and had a nice time talking over old times. A few of the weekenders seen Lucille Nelson, son, visited friends in Sharon over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Britx entertained in their home on Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Brits. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein and family of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus and family, Ben Britz of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and sons. Joseph Brown left on Saturday for Minneapolis. Minn., where he was called by the death of his brother, Henry Brown. Funeral services ware held on Monday.,, wr--- IM '•ul GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE • m WE NEED FOR OUR PEACETIME PRODUCTION PROGRAM OFFIC® EMPLOYES* CLERK * : r' BOOKKXEPKBS ' - , A STENOOKAPHXKS i.v mechanical draftsmen PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT f.f' CLEANERS 103 Street Phone McHenry 104*M T R f A T Chronic Mastitis WITH 1 M;-. fj [w Mm i-LM tflMliKmbkbTfiiik vM Buhl (MAC A ^nli'imwMi imllr 4ew Ae iolk lieel^icHfvi ne 4tk|MMiriiiaMM((MaiW. (K* Plai eel wUck eews ew Iefcew4 ir cMdM «idi IiOi Tm Cards. Hmt ue VUB. TW* frUC far e«kk lenetiem. WATTLES DRUG STORB McHepry, HL ^ New Water A, new method of water purifies* tion, developed by the Mathieson Alkali works, for the removal of tastes and odors cause! by industrial waste has been described by G. P. Vincent of the Mathieson research and development department at a meeting of th« American Chemical society. The water is first treated with chlorine, to kill germs, and then with chlorine dioxide to remove "chlorphenol" taste and odor. In tests on a plant scale at one of the Alter plants of the Niagara Falls, N. water department, it was demonstrated over a period of several months, according to Dr. Vincent, that wster which was too contaminated for the usual chlorine treatment was successfully purified tqr tht new process. The entire Niagara Falls water is now purified in this manner. T|ie chlorine dioxide is made by treating sodium chlorite with chlorine water, using the customary chlorinating apparatus at the filter plant. It is claimed that the new process is not only much more efficient than ordinary chlorination, but is slso more economical and simpler to operate. Need Rubber StampeT Plaindealer. Order at MACHINISTS •" SPRAT PAINTERS :^ '> £ MATERIAL HANDLEB8 --7 ^ ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR# 7 ^ TURRET LATHE OPERATOR# * ^ DRILL PRESS OPERATORS. PRODUCTION ARO WELDER# TRUCK AND TRACTOR MECHANICS We are interested in securing the, services of individuals whb ilaely niWHMMiit fnll tima amnlnvmailt. : « . .'••> • *•: ? • '" . * • * "Adc ftny of our onplojees." '« V r ' • THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. LIBERTYVTLLE, ILLINOIS ' m1 mmm* - t f ~ » * •. (ki. xneeijiV.4M»«f : if**** yy •» »<.» -i:i •,¥~r vS'. .T JT 3 'TT•srgr