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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1945, p. 9

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I (By Miaa Brag Lock) f (Miaa BnaD iod) "IIM Mils of thie comnmMli % by the hand of fete? Afar •fidkiatilr kMwn m 'Al," to hL» many friends and ac- Sitvtneii, died Saturday, October , at Ma hom* in BvookfiaML The tpaniaf of "Al" marks the and of Dii life filled with warm friendliness ^ for all who knew him. Al, a pioneer and foulness man of thia eowuqity since early in 1980, will lone ba remembered because of Ma lliiilinias and nbiUtjn'to make warm and laattaf friends. Hia rendition of a "Dark and Stonny Night" will beeome kfodary in the yean to come. Rw yeara aco ahnoat to the day ®d Horn, Wjpoii, paeeeda^py. He, too, waa taned on October 8i ; Two Requimn high masses will be S aaid in memory of "Al" Horn at the ;; request of ten neighbors. One ia to bf said at St Patrick's church, Me- W pMBKBeed fines a)tSr of etch church, U w before tfcayi are to be aaid. 0KB be any comfort to "A1V the peofrie in the W tMr wpM too, dure yew the passing of one grand parson. Well, folks, even though Sunday waa a bit on the drippy aide, many familiar faces of summer residents were aeen over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Try* Rongatad were out •ml HM Rimers were out working on their new edition. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Caverly have closed up and gone into Chicago for to hear weekend, wrrssi* ur yvm had such an enjonble id, Roee. We want to'wataifene Mr. and' Mrs. O. Mahar to UlyiHMr and wish tip- great roccaaa hi - their new OH,! Vtat „ yM to » no#? I jttat got word that Max CHARMW LBOIfAftD, Anrtienasr Having the undersigned V* 8. Vaed V< The Unfted States haa produced about 90 per cent more feed aom> ally during the present war period than in World War L Throw wnur Ae tore ^candni They have little food valoe make the spinach stringy. fpd a glad your bade, Jim. Lee Sawdo is back the winter. James Gregory ia home after three j Ingersol was in Paris, Prance half ywia in wrfic®. W«Tf, Milt home some French money. _ (next stop is Rome, Italy again after suffering from an injured beck. We're glad yowr np and aroond again, Lee. "What do you know," aaid Mrs. Pete *1 finally got some company cteaina from Chicago, Mr. and Mra. HTXnrmaniak and lira, R. Kolin bowed to the n*ed r» m.T^ i h«i,n i sister, Mae Wkianer, of In-, auction, on the Urbendale Poultry and add "old Betsw"to S?'hSifl<,iwi*pol,8» bMl- " «*P*ted to visitFarm, located three milea east of KddJ? Tonrt A * highe8t with Mrs. Rneckbeim this week. McHenry and one mile south of ir T0!*i £ „ J Last week I said we had a hero!Route 120 (turn south at the Lily Mrs. Mane McKim and Mrs. Hugh, living on Center Ave. Well, this I Lake lehool house), on Murphy, or McHenry, formerly of week we surely have a hero amongst f _ ^5 ^ere, spent Monday, shopping in jus in the form of J. Warner. He! FWDAY, NOVKMBEt 9 . ^rin* I heard a noise out in the yard so he -t 12 nvin«k nnn» rjn. , ;.L . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Staknick and j went out to see what it was and rtrncribcd nronertv to-wit* family were the weekend guests of; what do you think there was ? A Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff. Hopejakunk with his head in a bottle, so you enjoyed your visit folks. I Mr. Warner killed him. Don't yon. t "Hie other night when I saw Mrs i think that was brave to kill a skunk? ! consisting ft McKim she informed me thSEve"i 'M M „ On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. F. their thirteenth anquit farming, aell at property, H MEAD OF LIVESTOCK and His fo e .•ntgig ;;; *- McOULLOM LAKE'S 8CUWY DOBBI Your President and the fourteen Vioe-Preeidentg command you to *be present at a Gay Halloween Party ati Horn's Tavern on_Saturday, October 87, from 8 p.m., until yawning. Your membership card will be your ticket of admission. Wear what yon like but, do wear something. For fun be .""•-t," THS OOMMTimi . V Winter Driving It's time to winterise your ear. Let us give Ihat truck or oar a complete checkup, make ieceseary adjustments and repairs. Oeme in now before cold weather sets in ftr four supply of anti-freese, and check your bafc- CENTRAL GARAGE FEED J. SMITH, Prop.' Phone Towing Johnsburg now serving Delicious Sandwiches of All Kinds Home Made Soup and Chili Watch for our ad in next. '~i- week's issue M OKAHS OPENING OF THS ^ MILL INN North End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge Highway 31, North out of McHenry 4 miles Turn left at Ringwood, HI., follow blacktop to bridge THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 Come out and enjoy the evening Entertainment, Refreshments and Good DEAO STRONG and LARRY KNOWLTON Gerry Nimtx, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Syd Smith of this community, caught her hand in the wringer Saturday. It must be an awful feeling and we hope the pain leaves you soon. Gerry. Sorry folks, but last week I . aaid Jack Sales caught three ducks. He didn't catch three, he shot three. ! Keller celebrated niversary. 1 On Saturday, Oct. 20, Mr. and Mrs. Al Seyfferth attended the wedding of their niece, Betty Mench, daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mench, 'to O. Langdon of Racine, Wis. Sorry to hear that Vk Bassi, Jr., ^00 bales alfalfa hay (1st cutting); 12 Mudh Cows, 2 Holatein, 3 Ayrshire and 7 Shorthorn; 9 coming 2-year-old heifers^6 calvee; 6 steers; 5 yearling heifers. 3 Heed of Horace and 1 aet breeching harness, good shape. HAT AND MACHINERY HALLOWEEN r MASQUERADE DANCE Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary, W. L. R. and O-fltab THI BSn>OE, HcHXNST Sat. Evening, Oct. 27, 9 o'clock Prises 200 10-20 McCormkk uty (2nd -Deerinjf tractor; ducks got enough rawing about that to do me a life-time. Mrs. George Schuebert will move to Chicago about the first of November. Her daughter. Vi<Jet Theile, was out over the weekend, after her first week back at work. The Ladies Pinochle club of Mc- Cullom Lake had its last meeting at the home of Mrs. Florence Larson; on the eighteenth of tfiis month. The: Maywood. next meeting will be at Mrs. George! The P. T. A. social, with ftnlinaliaail'e A A _ m %* was confined to his home this past weekend with a sprained ankle. Mra. Larry Bartelt was hostess tot2-bottom tractor plow, 14-m.; Black-, n - ,a group of ladies from Lilymoor last hawk corn planter; single row cifclti- Uh well, you learn something new | Thursday. Cards and bunco wer« ,vator; single row tower gopher; 9-ft. every day and believe you me, I'll played and a delicious lunch was McCormick-Deerinir disc; 3-section never say any one caught three served. Our next party is to be at harrow, new; McCormick-Deering again. 111 say shot "cui" I Mrs. Mae Svoboda's home.- corn binder; McCormkk mower; aide Arleen Wijas wants to thank Mrs. delivery rake: McC©riRick-E>eering 2- Beiaecker and Mra. Weiler for the corn sheller; feed grinder; stock beautiful flowers she carried in the ! cutter; stock tank heater; stock tank procession at St. Mary's church. iwith hog waterer; Stewart Superior Mr. and Mrs. Tom Legge, visited ih°g feeder; 4 steel drums with fau- Chicago on Tueaday of last week, 'cets; grindstone; 4-wheel tractor after a shaping tour they saw the wagon with iitch for horses or auto; "Dolly Siatera" at the Chicago thea- 2-wheel trailer; hayrack wagon; pair tre. On Friday they visited Mrs. wagon double-trees and neckyoke; Legge's sister, Carolina Budd, of i**0" double-tree; garden seeder; hand i seeder; double hay fork and carrier; ^ Mrs. F.' 3-gal. pressure sprayer; 8^gal. white- Schuebert's home, the first of~Nov- Bitterman and Mrs. Steve Wijas as!wash sprayer, including 60 ft hose; ember. Mrs. Schuebert wants the'hostess, on Monday Was a great sue- platform scale; 2 Million Dollar baby next meeting to be at her home be-1 cess. Cards and bunco were played chick batteries, electric; 2 growing cause she is leaving our community an<i • lovely luncheon was served, batteries; 2 finishing batteries; 7 the first part of next month. ' I Visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Surtees * &-K&1 poultry fountains with stands; Staff Sgt. Josenh Crick; 36612084 Ion Sunday were Mrs, Surtee's ® 3-gal. poultry fountains; 6 James- 743d Tank Battalion, United States nephew, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. May- way self feeders; 18 flock feeders; 2 army, was awarded a Bronse Star nard> from Rockford, 111. The May- James way range feeders; 2 James- Medal for heroic action in connection j nards were on their way home from j W»F brooder stoves; 40 feet 3-in. with military operations »gainst the visiting their son. 1V>«n, who is in!water pipe; 25 30-dos. egg cases; enemy on the second of January training at Great Lakes. At Hazel's 12-ft. log chain; Dairy Maid hot 1946, in Belgium. At the grave risk Place. Walter Schaeffer celebrated water heater; 2 wash tanks; 3 8-gal. of losing his life or receiving serious'his birthday with seventeen guests, milk cans; 2 seamleea milk pails;1 wounds. Sgt. Crick dismounted from! Toinette Weiler celebrated her milk strainer; 4-ft. steel hog trough;: his tank in a hail of enemy fire to! thirteenth birthday on Saturday j 10-ft. wooden hog trough. j rescue two infantrymen who had I with Aunt Helen Novak and cousins, Trimo »,9K mnA been lying wounded in the ,now for Helen and Beverly Novak. She re- ,™MS--A11 sums of $25 and1 under five hours. His heroic, unselfish ac- <*»v®d thirteen gtfta which I think , 1 tion reflected great credit upon him-!«n't very unlucky, do you? Happy self and his unit. The above infor-! birthday, Toinette, and many more; : mation is taken from the official! of them. IfrJ™* ^ naners put out by Headquarters 99th' Mr. and Mr*. J. Warner spent the ^ ^be Infantry Division, APO 449, United weekend visitin# Mrs. Warner's ^ettled for States army. The entire community ' nephew, Mr. and Mra. C. Carlson of i untI is croud of Joe's brave undertaking, i Rockford. ! RU8SELL SCHURINGA I m sure Miss Jaunita Willits en-1 I think congratulations are in order | joyed herself when she went into j f°r ^ Louella Wallis who "was West McHenry State Bank, Clerking. Chicago with Mrs. Larson last week, promoted to Pfc; and S/Sgt. Bob I At least when she told me the story Einspar to T/Sgt. We have a fine selection of mod v. Admission !nrlN#iir 1h* GOOD MUSIO "MOSEY INN" TAVERN in the Welter Bnilding" RINGWOOD, ILL. Kail Pry Rvery Triday idjKt ATLAS PRAGKK BERR ' Fred Bowman, Prop. •;$s ii) of the day, she seemed very thrilled, and who wouldn't be when you hear of all the food she had to eat Mrs. Larson belongs to the Smorgasboard, a Swedish Club on the North side of Chicago, and asked Jaunita to go with her as her guest. Jaunita accented the invitation. For lunch she had the following (and this is not one b|t exagerated): potato salad, Waldorf salad, cottage cheese, swist. cheese, gouda cheese, some odd kin# of cold meat, shrimp, Chicken-aliu king, Swedish baked beans, Swedish meat balls, baked rice, lemon chiffotl pie. coffee, and of course she had radishes, celery, and olives. The only thing I can't understand is how she stays so little and tiny. It is » mysterv to me. All kidding asid€ we're glad you had such a swell time, Jaunita. Before I close for this week I simply must tell you of the lovely gathering at Nancv Rudin's home tho eighteenth of this month. The W. S. L. S., clnb, consisting. of a eroup of M. C. H. S.'s senior girls, had its weekW meeting at which we •played Dinochle (well for a little while anyhow) but as an added attraction | we had a slumber party too. All I ican say is there wasn't much slumjbering done but we did have a s>weltj~~ ; time. The girls present at thii, | "hi«r r'^4" w^ro Nancv Carev, Katies | Nye. FiWn Smith, Joan IhirTand jAsrgie MilW, Orsce Thompson, and | Nancv Rudin (we had to have her j "cuz" it was at her house). Oh yes, I and me too. Order your Christmas Carda early! yours now. erately priced Christmas carda. Order M'Henry Tire Recappers E. Elm St., McHenry Phono McHenry 4&A 24-HOUR SERVIGS SPECIALIZING IN FARM TRACTOR TIRES ^ AND TRUCK TIRES GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES GOODYEAR BATTERIES Why people enjoy living in . .7 ' LILYMCKDR (By Hattie Einspar) Folks, this is it. Is vour costume ready for that big frolicsome night i at the Lilymoor country club, SDon». ! sored by your neighbors the Lily* moor Property Owners association on. j Saturday, Oct. 27, 1945, at 8 p.mtp i You can't afford to miss this annual: I event where you meet al] your friends and neighbors who join hands , and partake of all games and dances arranged for the occasion. We know that you have enioved our other parties by being with us at all our affairs and we will trv to supersede all our other events by giving yoa some traditional games, some hew |ones, some old ones and what have | vou. With the help of the romantic | harvest moon, your best beau or girl , at vour side yo>i *v;'| dance to the strains of the Knifhti of Rhythin, Come one, come all. bring your fam- KILLS ENEMIES YOU CANT SEE Doa't wail for darMt to ifpni Buit KA of prodacttoa BOW. laviublc (rnM m* MR tu»»ri tlwa IK* and DM. CHAN ur NOWt Fall aad aiat*» araa a nral tradni of aw if Uwy air Im aloar. A V*ror brwhiat villi CWbola till dotroy MI af KM mviable proAl calm. CkfMa putri «ato aS iMcna* Mifaeea Uh imaa. dries white I pooad coma 100 ^an Irrl B«l to laying hoi--*. Iiruodw houwa. daaraa, bat pcaa. r*bbttnr*. i lafta. Kilteb/ caalact aurh isriwUt m Whether you live in a^aty apartment easOy accessiUe to your business t .. a home with a yard for the children in any of the attractive suburban communities ... a country place ... of a home in one of Northern Illinois' progressive smaller cities or towns, the finest recra* ttionsl and cultural advantages in the nation are available to you. For Chicago and Northern' Illinois is truly a leading education^ center of the world. Northwestern University, the University o£ Chicago -- these are only the two largest of scores of outstanding institutions providing almost unlimited facilities for learning. Open pOnwaiiaa . aabao rIt rtanlak Waifcua. dypk- IM, boa chlorfa. ALK ALSO UOC AS A DRY DIP AWD-A8A DRY DUQNFX l * Bard Vm itk. Vl »lb Ilk DISINFECTANT BY DOSTINU B1 Iwk <H»e:a Si» I.taii. iMd.ct. aMl *lhead. fw*~. "» 9mba.r S Ih aJa0d:My ^lklaa.i SrJla0t( W' i tfayiClnilalfc. D O N T t ! l V O U P Hi t S D I f McflBNRY COUNTY FARMERS OO-OPBtATIYB ASSOCI to everyone are the thousands of fine churches, great libraries, the Chicago Art Institute, the Museum of Natural History, and t|(| _ Museum Of Science and Industry. The Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium and Brookfidd Zoological Park . . . the opera, -the theatre, symphony music are here for your enjoyment. And stretching westward from the Lake Michigan shore with its sandy beaches and excellent yacht harbors, 41,000 acres of pub; and forest preserves await your holiday with horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, swimming, sailing and golf--more than 200 courses within 40 miles of the city. The beautiful valleys of the Fox and Rock Rivers, the inviting waters of numerous inland lakes--all are within easy reach by fine auto highways. Two major league baseball clubs, college and professional focitball, the colorful Golden Gloves boxing tournament, the Mackinac Yacht races, the International livestock Show -- these some of the many important competitions centering here. There winter shorts -- jskating, skiing, tobogganing, hockey, ice boating, duck shooting. Then, too, this area is within a day's drive or a few /v-r- . -f ; hours by plane of fht»-W«""n«l*n, Mirhigan and_rinadian fithirqy. and resort country. ~ ^ The great diversification of opportunity in Chicago and Northern fllinni« allows people to follow the kind of work they like . . . to lift where and as they like ... to play and relax as they like, # why people enjoy living in Chicago and Northern Illinois. "' In triii leortini ia iMs eree have Railroad Center of (he United States * World Airport Waterways * Geographical Center of U. S. Population Financial Center • The "Great Central Market" • Producing and Processing Center • Leader in Iron and Great Manufacturing laiowWttttfPdnwer Gas and,Oit Labor Relations Record • 2,500,000 V ' Tremendous Coal Reserves * Abundant 'Good G TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT ^ H f 9 ) mtfMM m t t e i n f a r r - ' i ^ mf Ckiemw N f t i e r u f f f i m i i t PUBLIC 8EBVICE COMPANY OF MOHTHEBM ILLZITOIS WEBTBBN UNITED OAS AND ELECTB1C COMPANY V,,

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