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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1945, p. 2

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IIIMH, LILY LAKE • (By Dick Hyatt) -• Here it is again, folks, *11 the sews and gossip of the j®»t week. Or at least all I've gathered. Everyone or at least most of us have been busy raking leaves in our yards, so there wasn't much doing. Well here we go. The Lily Lake Ladies League held its bi-weekly meeting fct the hotel, Wednesday, October 17. / Quite a large crowd attended, but the ladiat would like a still larger one at,the next meeting, which will be held next Monday evening. Well be seeing you . . . ." We regret to hear that Mr*. Lucus, from the lake here, was rushed to the hospital last Thursday, when she had a heart attack. She is quite bad and is under an oxygen tent. A grand farewell party was held last Saturday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hints at the Hintx place. Everyone attending will agree that a splended time was had by all. All refreshments were free. Many as I've'heard did not get home till the wee hours Sunday morning. The JOHNTAILOR Cleaning, Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same Day . / •„. 'i""*K'i'h -h r ; LAUNDRY AGENCY .jv;:., ; Satisfaction Guaranteed 416 Main Street WestMcHenry BUCKWHEAT FLOUR SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR PANCAKE and WAFFLE FLOUR _ WHOLEWHEAT FLOUR CORN MEAL AH stone ground product!!; : McHenry Flour Mills Phone 92 R Every Iten aa OaMaadiag "Buy" SPECIAL Tns WEEK OlHiY GOLDFISH FURNACE CEMENT ASBESTOS (Bin E««y to apply asbestos insulating nam, fir* and vermin proof. Helps reduce Urm« C««* MM H*; -'if. " Mil '«i' •' sm WT-V'"-! 4* & r w- m- 5 tb. Mode of beat quality asbestos materials; • Adheres irmly to metal castings. Two live healthy a Goldfish in a drum shaped bowl, plants,- rainbow chips and 1 pkg. Fish Foff. CHIMNEY SWEEP 48 es. eaa WEATHBKW Oiitt L'jJiUA • "Red Devil" a real glass cutter, hand honed wheel. 6 inch red iron head om 9c Size % in. * '2 ft. u inch ; hide. Made of brawn calves hair. httlTOK paly 25c Semi-elastic •tool blade, ae 3f inch SPAR VARUM , Per gallon turn (ONMP 15c Per gallon Crystal clear all perpese isfc for Per lb. i--rta Indefinitely. While costing a little ordinary potty, it noes a permanent glazing job. JUnti's are not faite aura when they will be leaving us, so I would like to wish them a very pleasant trip in^wfl] report behalf of all the residents of Lily1 Lake. Mrs. Sindt, a resident of the lake, has been down with rheumatism, llr. Sundt has also been rather ill the. past few weeks. Another mime can be added to oar list of newcomers. This is Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. They now. own a home on the south side of the highway. When passing by their place over the weekend you will hear the sound of hammers, as an addition is being built on. a Over the weekend tTfew of our younger folks visited Chicago. Among them were Kenenth Strata who stayed «t his grandmother's and went to Chicago visiting other relatives. Also Dick Hyatt, who visited at his brother's home, and made a tour of the school he attended when, living in the city. Both lads hltd a good time, but were impatient to get back out here. ' . < , Anyone wanting instructions in cooking can see a man with the. well known initals, C. N. This man had to maintain himself while his wife and the rest of the family want to a wedding over the weekend. I wonder how he made'out? I heard he looked all over for that one and only item, the ean opener. Well, he don't look like he starved. Mrs. Normand and her two daughters, Evelyn and Ruth Lavin, have spent the weekend in Iowa, attending the Gilman wedding. Well, folks, another one of our boys is back home. This week we are honored with the return of Sgt. Sam Palumbo, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abbinanti. He arrived home last Thursday. Sam is expecting to receive a discharge very soon, while home he intends to do some hunting. Our town was just a bussing with visitors this past week among them were the following: After spending a few days in Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Becker stoped off here at the lake to visit Mrs. Becker's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yaeger. Mr. Becker has recently been discharged from the navy. A most delightful day was spent by the couple while here. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Frigoe visited the home of the Esser's, also on Sunday the Essers were also visited by their other daughter, Mrs. Williams, and her husband and daughter, Shirley. All enjoyed the time spent here. Well, folks, the other owner of the hotel has arrived her* at last. His name I suppose is already familiar to you- all but I will mentionit for those who are not familiar with it. He is Mr. Kissel. Welcome to Lily Lake, Mr. Kissel* Mrs. Mackay has been making quite frequent trips to -the city the past week, as they are moving from their city home. Visiting the Mackay's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bober, who are residents of Wauconda. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Abbinanti were also visited by their neice and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Abbinanti. The guests enjoyed themselves and visited wfth Sam. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of the lake went to Monroe, Wis., over the weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Burchard and their son, Bob Burchard, who has just returned from overseas. They had an enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace spent Sat- ; urday in Milwaukee, visiting rela- ] tives. Sunday there was a family j reunion held at Mrs. Wallace's grandmother's home at Grayslake. There ! were members present from Ohio. i Everyone had a delightful time. Well, folks, I would just like to i remind you that you can purchaso j this paper at the Lily Lake Grocery Store. The papers arrive there every Friday morning. The leaves have mostly all fallen and the corn has been cut. Yes, it really looks as if winter is here I Before "we can let autumn pass we I must let Halloween come and go. There are two celebrations out here planned for the Halloween time. One will be the Lilymoor dance next Saturday night at the country club. I suppose everyone will be present for the good time that will be had. The other is a party which will also be held at the country club. This will be put on by the Lily Lake school. We are all looking forward to these two events and hope to have a delightful time. . On Monday evening the Lily Lake P. T. A. held its social at the country club. "The crowd attending was quite large but it could have been much larger. Where were the rest of you? All present had a very enjoyable time. This -week, folks, the column is not quite as large as the preceding ones, as there is a lack of news, so as a reminder to < all--iijtvould be greatly appreciated if JM|U would drop your news at thg^flRptt home any evening. Thank to Chicago Mr. and IKn. Charles Bosch celebrated their twenty-second wedding anniversary, PHfey in their home by inviting their firiends to spend this happy occasion with them. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sehons, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Man, Jr., BUI Mara, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Vale*. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaoghan and son, Joe. and Marine Ed Roak spent the weekend in the Charles Busch home. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Snyder of Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Bob WUke and son, Jimmy, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Peter F. Freund home. Mrs. Ten* Lay, Leo Michels and Jos. P. Michels visited with Mrs. Clarenee Michels in the Woodstock hospital FHday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and daughter, Charlene, and Mrs. Marie Frett and Bill Smith spent Sunday at New Munster, Wis. Mr. and Mrs: Carl Klapperich of Meyer, Iowa, and Isador Klapperich ya in ! *•*» I* were visin the heme of the Althoff family, Sandayv Miss Catherine Althoff of Eight was-a weekend guest in her heme here. The infant dwrtter of Mr. and idert officiating at the ceremony. Miss Evelyn Michels and Gerald Hergott were sponsors. Guests in the home were Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph P. Michels and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hergott and son, Gerald, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sweet. Mr»; Art Stilling, Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mire. Elizabeth Freund and Mrs. I*na Hettermann visited with Mrs. Peter freund, Jr., in the Victory Memorial hospital, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hi Adams celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in their home Wednesday. spent several Schaefer home visiting of California the John P. friends and relatives Corp. Fred Huemann is serving with the0occupational army in Germany. Open house was held for Vernon Rheinboldt, who was discharged from the army, in the home of his sisters, iints*lTt • When you entrust your physician's prescription to a pharmacv, the integrity of that establishment is naturally your first consideration. Our reputation has beea built upon a firm foundation of skilled service, fresh, potent drugs and uniformly hit prices. So, bring your doctor's prescription here. Thomas P. Bolger McHenry Druggist" - vuvvpp wuif*««v maths, is enfeylnff • furlough with hie pmnbTlfr. and Mi*, jos. L FfceundL and expects his discharge from Ft. Sheridui neat week* Mr. and Mrs. Alex Friend and Haney of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Horiek of Woodstock, Mr. and Mia. Jea. Regner and Betty, lite. Florence 43eier and son. Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Smith and daughters, Jimmy Hettermann and Bob Frett, Mrs. Helen Kreutser, Mrs. Dick Hester *nd sons, Jimmy and Dickie, Mr. afgd Mrs. Kick Miller surprised Eugene King on his eighteenth birthday anniversary, Sunday. Per< ctviliana in tM5 than three ot < more than was consumed in IMC. Bead the Want Ads "I'WinrAniwi U yon aafar pi vH%yW^i"3 lis or nenrftfc pus. try this rsrips 4st lap Rayen ^ •made rayon will replace milUons of yards of rayon imported from Japan before the war. For the last five; yean before World War II, rayon imports to Australia averaged 80,000,000 yards annually. art ~ latoa. Gst a aafan of nA « i' -y ".i; CompamtH a J toMk ^ » *' a witfc • Mil of water, ail lis jaice of 4 Isaoas. It's easr, • and no ttoafak at *0. Ton ns«4 • iiHafrasnwib two class a dqr. On ' 5*«a- ** kouri -- _ aatfcms w if1*'% pSSf in "« nd )«t 4 an fcd bMtar, KsS wfll east ymt aotUng to try a* ft k «dd by fP«r lute aasar^issfc COBMUBfl It Iff M THOMAS P. BOLG A DRUG STORES % 'i Sponsored by t)MI LILYMOOR PROPB&TY LAND OWNERS IMPROVEMENT ASS03IATIof^ (INCORPORATED) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 'r':° ^ 8 p.m. ; ; LILYMOOR COUNTRY CLUBHOU8E on Route 120, East of McHenry OOME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS Dance to the tones of Irtte KNIGHTS OF RHYTiMf 0 c OAI|ORE Michels SavC* W, ':', f -x- <&,ir> • y| ' ' S !' Althoff Hdwe. (por. Route 31 and Main St., 1 £ ^ " 4? j . By "Tippy" Klein and Evel Mrs. George Michels and aid, underwent appendectomies the. past week in the Woodstock hospital. Both mother and son are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen wil) celebrate their silver wedding anniversary Saturday, October 27. Open house will be held in the evening. Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefer is a patient in the Sacred Heart Sanitarium "in Milwaukee. Cards and letters may be addressed to her with the above address. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Huemann celebrated their ..fifty-fifth wedding anniversary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner of-Voto visited in the home of the Althoff family one night last week. Wm. Meyers and Irvin Schaefer enjoyed a week of hunting in South Dakota. Mrs. Wm. Meyers, Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Mrs. Walter Freund and Mrs. George King were Elgin .callers Saturday afternoon. Capt. and Mrs. E. J. Wiater visited in the John Smith home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Weldt of Chicago and daughter, Mae Alice, spent Sunday in the John Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huff, and Mrs. Albert Huff spent several days with the Demerath family in Wisconsin last Week. Mrs. Alfred Thelen and children and Mrs. Gene Anderson and children spent Sunday in Chicago. Don Busch, R. M. 8-C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosch is enjoying Admission 60, Tax Included IF YOU NECD A LARGER BUILDING ... ^jHere is a 20*-wide stt&!»building, available in various lengths to meet ^our needs, that gives you steel construction at tit best. The sturdy, - Adaptable "Quonset 20" is fire-safe, rot-proof, sag-proof, termite-proof N|nd age-resistant--"better from the ground up"--yet it costs no more than ||n ordinary building of comparable size. ask yqu to inspect the "Quonset 20" foot by foot and feature by feature, |nd see how much more value it offers for the money. The interior ie ' elcar-span, permitting full use of every inch of space. The framing is vfturdy, efficient Stran-Steel arch-rib construction--uniform in quality and Strength--with its patented nailing groove that permits exterior covering Snd interior fixtures to be nailed directly to the framing members, simply ,'„/|jnd permanently. The siding and roofing are bigh-quality sheet steel, proof wind, weather, fire and dry-rot... easy and economical to maintain. tafeguard your farm profits and property with these stronger, longerlisting, fire-safe buildings. Tested and proved in the)tens of thousands vff military "Quonsets" produced by Great Lakes Steel Corporation for Jhe armed forces, the "Quonset 20" and the larger "Quonset 40" are fvailable now to meet your building requirements • 'i* let us give you :1|omplete information on them. "<Ne*er huMags and Strne-Steel *«•*« nre products ef«ieat T ~ Lakes Steel Corporation, a uaM of 49'wide and in lengths to meat »requirements; clear-span ^ interior through Stran-Steel arch-rib construction; four windoiM, ventilating louvers and \Zx\T free-rolling door in each end-panel; sheet steal exterior. Additional windows can be accommodated simply . on sides--standar4~insulatii£' , board can be nailed directly te the interior of Stran-Steel arch ribs. Fire-safe, low-cost; low maintenance, speedy te erect ..--j BAKKOM & COMPANY, Inc. WOOSSTOCX * KMDSnCK 91 " "" ,:ik,>>..if'v,

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