"d'l - •. agri. ^Ay'^-m; <Ms*f ' •• J-. -»•'.- «4=-'*~^Wtl-->-»-'*j'Lrr^ -' - -r 'HsZL&iXt: r *^ "';-i-V:- V'VLSfJj*. yj "V"/.- -JjUHIfW-^WWHTf 'tEWM* *!>•'• H3M*' m -s* - r v, -;1. -v* m-<: s £S'-rry*-^:1gf ;',v*^!3i>"«*-.i^*>#'•'-?:"•*%*#Z^-r""Vv > ? - . " • * * T ^ " •0 /•*£ .tw. W -1 >.. A«r . , » -* Pr J-»/»***v«r «»ri •-» J,. . « * »«. ,»£j ^ ^ l»Xt^#4 • - te; m ;- *vs -1 «&<% -v u" ^ r r -: - . / t * r «. v. - ^ . r - w~;,^ --4**^ * \ - i ^ ^ ^ / « •.** . E " r/ , , » - * .» ::_ ' " 'J • '-.-l '" ,* "" * •'"" •' : , • • . "' ' - • ' * "J '.•••»• -•. • • <? r**")Y ^ .»• 1 :\ \* '*"sm \iy •-&:x-;rU*.-$;^ iS '•" ;""Mf'--*e V * " >>- Vtlnme 70 M'HKMBT, tLLIKOIS, TBtJESDAY, NOVKMBKR 8,1MB HO. a " * -- - ' • * r "A LITTLE HOMEY" TO BE rRESEKTED BY JUHIOR CLASS ., |; Talented Cast Busy . I Preparing Three-Act *1 (Tomedy For Nov. 16 J. ALBIN ANDSR80N < LOSES nr &AOE TOE MAYOR 07 8PRINQFIELD On Wednesday of thu week the Plaindetler learned the unfortunate news that J. Albin Anderson, son of John Anderson of this city, had lost in his race for re-election as mayor of Springfield, Mass. 'Supported by the Republican party, the mayor for the past two and one-half years was defeated by only 307 votes by the Democratic candidate. Alderman Daniel Branton. Due to the vote being so close, there will be a recount. MILLER BROTHERS SERVE IN WAR AND PEACE v lliss Helen Stevens, director, and her Junior dramatic artists are spending many hours "after school" these days in preparation for the annual Junior presentation. This year's play, entitled "A Little Horey," is a three-act comedy' by William Davidson, and concerns the tribulations of ja teen-ager who j serv» for a two-year term. Supported j listens to everyone's advice on how J by all -of the newspapers in this to interest her young man, only tot Urge eastern city, his election this i It will be remembered that Mr. Anderson first became acting mayor of Springfield 'in the sfpring of 1943 when the mayor resigned his post to enter the navy. In the fall of j that year the former McHenry boy j was elected by a large majority to find that it . is much less successful than her own unique method. A very able cast has been selected and all promise to present a m7 enjoyable and professional play. 11m characters are as follows: • _ Cast . Gerry Minton (a teen-ager)--Carol) fall was taken for. granted; thus, the results of Tuesday's voting came as a distinct shock. i -CK • if- Discharged Veteran Elite Partnership With Brothi Photo by A. Worwtck. McHMMT NICK P. MILLER »to br A. Warwick. IteHMMgr JEROME lltLLER EUGENE MILLER CHARLES J. MILLER .Corp. Rigene J. Miller was induct-; M Charles J. Miller, 24, donned the arm^ on August 27, 1943, and ducted Into tile on S»t. >fick P. MiUer, 31. e„tered' Sgt. J^g »««. 22, M»™.nr mm. .t r.m» 16» and «ncettMat • • ,,v" ' J 15 v ' - „ , Bacon is another of our V 7 7~ ^-ining ai serving in th#^quart< 2?fck®;i.i^1^ert*!12frkJPR * local servicemen who has turned Pa,b?rne' ^ 'Je£Mor ^er8eas-J1* corps as a m^hanic. At present he AUTO AGGIKNT PROVES FATAL TIT LANETTE WHITII6 Requiem High Haas 2 f;f-v At St. Patrick's For fv Native <0f Ringwood Ttie entire community is thfs wtet' mourning the tragic death <rf a former local resident. Injuries suffered last Saturday afternoon in the collision of two autos, resulted in the death on Monday evening, Nov. 5, of Miss Lanette Whiting, whs passed away £ in Sherman hospital, Elgin. The accident occurred at tfca intersection of Routes 25 and 63 near Bonnie Dundee golf course. Thrown from the auto. Miss Whiting suffered a skull fracture aad other injuries which caused her death. The unfortunate victim was driving north on Route 25 and either failed to stop or stopped and thpn •Mi Bill" after six months of training at Caino i6' I942, since^ thtit time has Field, Fla., he left for service in 1944> and received his basic training started across the highway withoak T_ tt ' been Wlw quartermasters England, France, Germany and Bel- at Camp Hood, Texas. In August seeing the approaching car, driven days. "Bill" ar .. has been in England, France, Bel- is await mechanic. gium with a fighter bomber squadron, he left for overseas duty and is, by George Bahr, 19, a seaman . . _ - . "?liP^-hl9 Hf 19 His unit received the Presidential stationed with the auartermas- ond c,ass of the navy» ^ho , . - - 0 xr . . nvea wcr in w.e States from Okin- »1U,T» and Germany, serving as a one of the four sow of Mrs. Anna citation. Upon his recent return " ,8 ° w quairermas traveling west. He was accompanied the Minton household)--Gerry Nimtz, awa on 0ctober 18 and received his ^h,an,c_in *V.en8rir^erinK i M'Her of John streetfWest McHenrv, home he received his honorable dis- ter division as a truck driver > hy his parents, Mr. and Mra. Edwia 5 ° ° r " o ^ h ^ . f c i v i l i a n i n m - e n t hne, "Scoots (a i rived back U.I Dia'na (Gerry's older sister)-- Loretta h _ at Lakes on October and is now "waiting shipment home, who hastened Viete Larson; Delores Megglehammer (the 29. ED S;;T C 0 E Sh^^tJeh!T^ AMENDMENTS TO O.P.A. i r ifirnn #NN S^erf^ve ^ri« <» yttjggj 'ute^wir^Tr. HOUSING REO0LATIONS LEADERS lUR *r^*W / ' <3 -M. 'ooerated a similar business in Mc- IN COUNTY REVIEWED ..iATy*nii Mtif% VICTORY BOND Lois Weideman; Grandma Thornton, ^ t A. Thnr«»ll rant <iii1 • wll I UUliU (Martha's mother)--Joan May; The, Sure-Shot Man (exterminator)--;||I I iHni||||flHQ "w^Vor the pi.JtewJ, L, M lAKNUno selected as follows: Marian Smith, charge. Manila, Philippine Islands. director and sound effect manager; lSSQQirR rif"TV Hugh Murnhy. Doris Smith and Mar-^ IIIIHII*II piF I I ion Fre»nH. ticket managers; and .mfllllllfclf I •• I I Harry Mueller, advertising manager. Music between acts of the class • plav will be furnished by « girls' sextette and a boys' octet, who will sing selections from "The Desert j Song," and a vocal duet by Elaine j Jfplljnd Carol Harrison. _ ! Ticicets nre now on sale by high school students and can be reserved at the school office at 12:30 o'ctock •n Wednesday afternoon, November YEARS NOV. 13 Couple Spent Entire Lifetime Here; Hold Open House Nov. 11 | Arthur A. Thorsell, area rent di- '! rector for the Woodstock denfense- : rental area, consisting of McHenry j county, has stated that Amendment 67 to the OPA Housing Regulations, which became effective on September ! 15, 1945, extended the waiting period > provided in rent regulations, before ; a purchaser could evict a tenant of i the seller for self-occupancy, from ! three to six months unless the area director determined that conditions I within the area indicated that a three-month I cient for maintenance prevent cir DRIVE NAMED Township Chairman Calls Co operation In Last Rally "Tops" Mrs. . George Barbian, township RADIO QUEEN OP CHICAGO IS TITLE 6F KAY WESTPAUF 1 j Friends were happy to learn last Saturday that Kay Westfall, a pretty { brune;te who spends muth of her 1 time during the summer months in | this community, was voted radio; queen of Chicago by newspaper columnists at a gathering in the Actors' ©lub, 720 N. Rush street. Sh^ is • graduate of DePaul university, Where she formerly taught classes ih the history of drama and poetry interpretation. Miss Westfall, known to radio PUBLIC MAY VOTE ON PROPOSED NEW SCHOOL IN 1945 Great Saving Noted In Interest Drop On Necessary Borrowing , waiting period was suffi chairman of the Victory Bond drive Keener* for her work in day serials, I "ch™ ™, aintenance of stable rents w'hich began last week, announced be crowned on Saturday evening, , „ .. j • • ' • the leader* for th» vntinii« November 10. at the annual Amen-;proposed enlarg rcumyention and evasior.the leaden for-the ^"ousjwtion^ FPdor»tinn of Radio Ar.isU'lt will be r< Bahr of Dysort, la., and Mr. Mrs. George Heitman and daughter i Bethel, 19, of Keystone. Ia. The Bahr car was approaching the initersection from the east, driving on Route 72. and due to the bright sunj «hine failed to see the car driven iby Miss Whiiing until it was too | latp to stop. * I The two . autos collided with * [terri'ic imnrffct, throwing Mrs. HeH- . wan and Mrs. Bahr from their car. | The Whiting auto burst into flames «nd it was necessary to call^iha I Dundee fire department to extinguish | the blaze. | All of the Iowa motorists were injured. Mrs. Heitman and Mrs. Bahr | still being patients at Sherman? has- Ipital. Born In Ringwood The deceased was born in At the last meeting of the highi school board of education, plans I discussed concerning the1 wood fifty-four years ago, the dai enlargement of the school.1 ter of Delbert and Ellen Sntf i- u 'Ti. "U' on The-wiav She i<« pnthi^iaQtif nvor S»n Federation of Radio Ar.isls' lt will be remembered that the Whiting. She attended the McHenry tho »rt !foti«« * °' the co-onei ative snirit of those whom Antics party in the grand ballroom ; matter first came up for serious schools and in 1915 moved to Elgin, the act J»id regulations. L t P : P. . . . 0f Stevens hotel. Proceeds of i consideration in September, when it where she had since resided. She was the i was noted that the steady growth of a teacher in the Elgin public schools '4 . . . . . she has contacted for niH in r»iittin.j- of the btevens hotel, proceeui The investigation of the Woodstock V •».« to M H the affair which is open to On November 13, Mr. and Mrs. defense-rental area indicates that t h- ® er .JJJ' * P • j public. wili go to the sick and bene-; the school continued with 1945 fall for thirty-one years, twenty-one of M- - * I William L. ider iiresent rondition* »* ~ w1 funj 0f the local AFRA chapter, i registration. Class rooms were these having been as the first grade | ^iH observe I of their wedding, which took place ;quate to effectuate the purposes ui • ^ ... A , , . in Genoa Junction in 1895. The the Act. As a result, the rent di ' ,nto thls flnal dnVe McCannon of Ringwood under present existing conditions the v lS J the fiftieth anniversary three month waiting period is *ade- ** tne iimft -and Amonsr the Sirl< 'e* we foiled nnt^Vhe ««« =r>?rit Miss Westfall will be remembered 1 found to be inadequate in sise, in! teacher at the Grant school. o{- int/» thi« «n»l HriJ-L ' i as the lovelv model in several local addition to\ other handicaps which. During her early years here and couple will celebrate the momentous ; rector has determined that certift-; Workers'. occasion two days before the actual cates of eviction i«sued for McHenry Those who will have charge of fashion shovvs, her latest appearance jhave heen growing in importance , during her long residence in Elgin being ai_..the Colony thea er lastjeach year. jshe gained many friends because of „ summer. I* anniversary date by holding open County trill be issued on the three the various districts are as follows: Fttends are happy to hear of the house on Sunday, November 11, be- months basis. This waiting period West McHenry Eleanor Renard, progress of Keith Mason, S years ;tween 2 and 4 o'clock in the after- commences from the date of filing Homer FitzGerpM. Glenn .Wattles DISCHARGED SAILOR, •Id, of Wonder Lake, who is recover-. noon and between 7 and 9 in the a petition for a certificate with the and Bruce Nickels ' PHT TO VTHTTM TITFTI ing from cerebralspinal meningitis.e^w, area office. Green Street--Mary Walsh, Wil f„ _-- „v .... which is almost always fatal. Keith! lifelong rsndents of the commun- Other provisions of Amendment 67 lism Pi-ies. Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. IN WAUKEGAN HOSPITAL that at the present time the money i1^' J^p.u's of jChadron, Nebr.. Harold srful provide that a landlord who acquired Robert • -- ..... ™ «•»--- ! Three years ago the bon<js on t^e I her pleasing personality and efficienpresent building were paid' off, the i cy- In Elgin she was a faithful interest through the yeani having member of St Mary's Catholic tbeen 5 per cent. On Tuesday night: church. of last week a bond salesman 'was ' Survivors include seven bro hers, present at the meeting who stated William, Edwin and Earl of McHenill at his home for three weeks, jfty north of McHenry, the cheer was latet removed to Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, then to Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago, and is at present at Cook County hospital. Mrs. .R. Ben Jones is quite ill at Victory Memoriial hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. George Kane underwent a tonsillectomy at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, the first of the week. Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sstith, suffered a broken leg last Monday evening in Chicago. He is cbnfined to Augustjma hospital. Irvin Steinsdoerfer was a patient aft St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, hut week, where he underwent a tonsillectomy. Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer underit minor surgery at SU Tihirsss kospital last week. _ mM:t ' Kralowett. Mrs. Harold i his right of possession prior to the Phalin. Mrs. Helen Wegener and effective date of control, (Nov. l,,Mrs. Henry Stillingcould be borrowed at the unusually iof Chicago. Clarence of Elgin, and Funeral services for Alfred Stien-' 'ow rate of 2 per cent. j Raymond of Lake Geneva; also three ke, an ex-sailor and the second Wau- ' For this reason the board is anx-11)8 ' „ re* M ! Hayes of Mc- 1944) must be prepared to provid e r E a < =t McHenry--Mrs. Richard Flem- kegan polio victim, Were held on ious that if the community sees fitj#^' Mr? w ari£J] n « proof that he has a "compelling neV ing, Mrs. Ray McGee, John Thennes, Monday from the chapel at 1521 to do this necessary expanding of the! J01™*- and Mr»- Eleanor ONeill cessity" for asking possession for his Charles^^ Brown, Donald Weingart, | Washington street. - j school, they float the bond issue rela-lr* - nevm" Her Parents preceded j own occupancy if a landlord believes ^ Earl Marshall. Clarence ilUAltl A AM ! tt 4ki«o II il»« II I I II I• i in death. Anglese. A former ship's storekeeper, dis- tively ^arly, thus takjng advantage body rested at the Wait-Rossllison funeral Iednesday mo rought to the petition with the area rent office re-' From Route 120 sooth to city effort to save'^hiT'life?"^hThad"been The ho«rd feel" that if the proposed eral home here that he might have (WTlculty M Paul Kyis, Frank Gende, Larry ch&rged on October 6, Stienke died of a great saving. On a $100.000! A ii;«ONfuneral home ^n Elvin~^ntfl establishing a "compelling necess- Huck, Alex Adams, Harold Miller la8t Friday morning a few hours bond issue, the saving between a 2 w^n^v mornfnT T * ity" to the court he may, « an Vernon Freund, Loren Rothermel and after an ^ iung K wa8 ru8hed to a 5 per cent interest over a ? Swiiht tJ thi peter' M | alternate wuwe of action, file •, William Green. Victory Memorial hospital in an twenty-year period would be $30,000. ^'VLL £ quest.i ng a certificate .w hi.c h g- rant ts -lim its--.7F --red Heide, C„ooonnt ry Club hospitalized for a week previous to pprroojjeeeclt interests the public, the issue permission to remove the tenant tor subdivision; Ben Bauer, Elmer his death for suspected polio. Stienke should come up for a vote in the the landlord s own occupancy. A Freund, Dr. J. E. Sayler and Leonard had been a resident of Waukegan for next few months, so that this money petition must also be filed where McCnu:ken. „ jftVe years, except for* the time he1 could be saved. / possession is wanted for occupancy East side of river and Woodlawn spent in service, and was employed. Will Baiid Later ^latjves. other than «emben Park--Herman Schaefer and Robert!by the Johns Manville company. of the landlord's immediate family. Fristar. Jr. e ^ .K , when it Justen fun- Services were held at St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock . , Frisby. The amendment also removed th> Mineral Springs--Ben DWts and provision which allowed a landlord to g r Su^ton^ '^-- proceed directly under state law for Wonder Lake--Kinley Engvalseir. the purpose of extensive remodeling McCunom Lake--Paul Struck and that would make continuance of the i Clarence Feiereisel. tenancy while remodeling was in. Highway to Lily Lake -- Nick progress impractical, or for demol- (Weingart. Photo by A. Worwlck, McHwrr ishing the premises. The amendment, Lilv Lake--Bernie Pesckke. NOTICE Due to Armistice Day, November 11, falling on Sunday this year, the pest office department will observe -- -- . | now "requires that a landlord must the holiday on Monday, November 12. personalities and generous disposi- a petition for certificate with The lobbies of the McHanry post jtions of this elderly couple have made aK( rent office whenever removal effkes will be open frem 7 a.m. to | them beloved by all with whom they, a tonant ^ sought for the pur 9 am. and from 5 tun. to 6 p.m. i have come in contact. poses of remodeling or demolishing. ere will be no window service and j Mr. Cannon was born in Ureen- __ waiting period specified on the rural delivery. Mail will ^e dis- wood in 1872 in an old board shanty. qPA certideate may be anywhere at $ p.m. NOTICE ~~ay ft Sunday this year, the Weet Mc- State bank will be closed all ionday, November 12. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald of ^ Woodstock were callers in the home ~~ of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman on ly evening Toftwtopf* of this CoMMinity' Leave tt to the nation^ children to be on top at the bell when tt comes to stslng up the war "ftca Peail Hazbor to V-J Day they dedicated each purohase and sale of war bonds to fighting equipment. Then the Japs q u i t Schools at Wfcr Instantly became For Peace. The shifted from "Back ths Attack" to "Speed Rb Reoovery." The new goal was set at IBjBM hoapltal wits. Including a bed. wheel chair, X-Ray machine and surgical lnstru- Grownups could wdl listen to one ef the mllllpos of youngsters who are taking part In the Victory Loan, without a wonl from the young you have one of the main for buying extra Victory Bonds--the future of the "salesman" who may be your own son or daughter. Tour war bonds have Just helped to defeat the Maris and Japs who would have educated your children for death. Tour extra Victory will sseuie a brighter life for His wife, the former Mary"Grace from three to one month, depending Simpson, was born the same year, >n ^ factors and circumstances Ringwood. They were married twen- in7olTed in ^ individual case, ty-three years later and began farm- fenn, for petitioning wiU ing on the old Simpson homestead ^ by the OPA rent office. oh Route 31, north of Ringwood until j F - they sold the farm in 193&. Since. then they have been making their VTAP.HV FABM home in the little town of Ringwood. | » IHTUP* TW Here they live quieUy, daily vistta j SgyBRAL gMTKIIg IW with their many friends and the pur-. Jjtfj STOCK SXP081TION suit of their hobby, which consists ^ of caring for their 150 * j CHICAGO, NOV. I -- Kathryn A. Guernsey cow and calf, occupying McKindiy B McHenry county 4-H much of their time. . ciub Kiri, of Woodstock, will be Injured In Fall among the many Illinoia exhibitors Mr. McCannon. who is emp'oyed on at ^ forthcom!„ Chicago Market the farm of Kinley Engvalsen at _ atock -nj Coorpetition, Wonder Lalre. had the misfortime tc heJd ftt ^ Stock Yards break his .ankle in a fall from a, i a wagon on October 2, but continues j she ^ a Hereford calf of about his work in spite' of the hand- her own raising that she will exhibit icap Both he and Mr^ McCajinwi »re ^ junior classes of this event, in fairly good health ~ they ap-, which will take place for the fourth proach their golden wedding day . .. . Bridge to Schimmels-r-Paul Tanda. Ringwood -- N. C. Burt. South and weet of McHenry--Arthur Hoppe knd Merwin Strever. * Johnsburg -- Anton Sdimitt. NEWS ABOUT Actual building of course, eould Survivors include his wife, June j not be started at this time because Walker Stienke, a former Ringwood i of the shortage of labor. However, resident, and a year old daughter, if all legal requirements are com- Virginia Louise, of 606 N. Butrick plied with now, when they are to street. the advantage of the taxpayers, work on the new school can begin when conditions permit. An architect made a visit to the school on Tuesday of this week to this (Thursday) morning, with burial in the church cemetery. UNION FARMER IS % ACCUSED OF BEATim • ^ j YOUTHFUL EMPLOYEE # 1 HUNTING EXPERT Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Mattingly of Union, have received word from their _ _ daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Slinko, Adel- find oat just" whit the futurTneeds ma Beach, Port Townsend, Wash., will consist of. After studying the that she shot a three-point buck; matter, he will return to McHenry while hunting in the mountains near|in the near future and give an esti- Seattle last week. Mrs. Slinko also {mate on the amount of the bond is- WM Stanley Leisberg, 27, owner of a dairy farm near Union, was nsiaad in a warrant last Saturday which charged him with heating and halfstarving a 19-year-old boy who worked for him. The hoy. Jade Linneman, son of a Kankakee salesman, wai from Sherman hospital, Elgin, where for two wweks doctors had tr sated won second place in a fishing derby 'aue necessary to carry out plana, on Labor day, when she caught a The matter will then be turned over 22-pound salmon. to the public for their approval ' disapproval. {Nickels from Alamagordo, New Mex-| The board and Supt. Duker hope ico, to Pratt, Kas.; George Johnson 'bat residents of the daswelts on his body and the of malnutrition. Linneman said that on one occaaioa he was so weak from hunger that 1M fell and spilled a pail of stilk. punishment, Leisberg with a scoop shovel, the Another time, Linneman the farm basement and school from Fredrick, Okla., to' Childress,strict will give the propoeed project Tex.; and Richard Schmitt from; serious thought so that when it comes,. _. n _ . Donald Reed Meyer, eoauf Mr. Camp Bruno, Calif., to Tiburn, Calif, up for a vote, probably later this J*1" of preeeitvw wWle theifarmar and Mrs. Frank C. Mem. *eoenUy winter, it will be a weU infonned >nd hw wife wei* away. On their graduated from the Aviation Fire r. Control school at on Tuesday after spending cf* ,on *h® futiu* educational • - - - -- • stitution of their boys and girb Corp. Elmer Glosson arrived home th»' goes to the polls to dc- return, Leisberg tied a rope wamA i twenty-six cide on the future edu<»tioiud in- j Hn.nfm*n f./y*t an?T "^ susgendthe naval air tech- months in the Hawaiian lslands. sUtution bova wirls. I«" h,m until the youth conftased. nieal tratntng center at Jacksonville, Albert Garrett has received his Fla. Meyer com- discharge from the army and is at pleted tliii course present with his family here. with tk rate of( • aviation ftn con- j Clyde Dickson has received his >lman second discharge from the army. the nav^PNovem-: Irvin Steinsdoerfer was given his ber 16j 1M2, he honorable discharge last week, after recruit training at San serving in the army almost three Diego, Calif., and since then has years. Twenty-seven months were •oach their golden wedding J! year M a war-time substitute for seen ntuch action in the South Pise-1 spent in England and France, where The couple has no children ana biteroatioaal Live Stock Exposi- • ific, from where he was transferred he received the Good Conduct medsl. Mrs. McCannon has no immediate | to j^lr-onvill^ | relatives. Mr. McCannon has nve, j." R Grunewald, manager of the Leo J. Schaefer has received -his brothers and ^sisters, ! Golden Bull Farms near McHenry, I Master Sgt. James J. Doherty, Jr., discharge from .f^e army, as has Merchant and Mrs. EariStonnan of . made the Hampshireihas re-enlisted in the regular army,Donald Schaefer. Woodstock, Joseph McCannon of . ... _ . i Chula*Vista, Calif., Mrs. Edna Car* 8 of Chicago and James McCannon tf! ^ ^ Orfordville, Wis. Another brother, Burt McCannon, is deceassd. . The heartiest congratulations ^ of the community are extended on uw weeding anniversary. - • tr lLSL'"^ " classes of the show, to B, ft PAINTS CHURCH The wood and metal work on, the •xt^rior of St. John's church in Tohn^burg is receiving a coat of maq»- and ill «M«i for lit market tt* full ltttirMtflo«|l WiU>f«to- be staged t» Dseeiaher of for a period of three to M» re enlistment he at fluto army air motor since J' end has been stationed at Jefferson lMli T Barracka, Mo., and Salt Lake City, Tile market competition will con- Utah. After * ninety-day furlough Prior. Raymond AAliftt, former Evelyn f ' has I home from Europe tt, 1942, has received his SERVICES HELD Oik MONDAY AFTERNOON FOR HARRY M. OBER cording td Don A. Wicks, McHenry county State's attorney. Linneman, who worked eighteen months on the farm, was to have received $30 a month. However, he told Attorney Wicks that his sssployer would _ InrarisM^ m "" ! ' Funeral ' services for Harry M. i n*°in,y ^OB W" ^ Ober of Orystal Lake, who died onl_--a _ M„Mwn Friday night, November 2, IMS, atiME8. U. WilBnliW his home, were held on Monday afternoon. An employee of the Public Service company for many years, Mr. Ober was well known here, where he visited often. He was an active member of the Masonic nth# *>«-*' HEBE, T>TET> MOV. I » :; Sympathy extendi Wiedling family, sua d! Woodlawn Park, ir is extended the Ctareaee summer r as ideate in the death of Mrs. Has die B. Wiedling. who passed away on Friday, November 2, 1945, at her Chicago home. She bad been in poor health for several sist of all the fat classes for cattle, he will report to the reception center sheep, and swine that were formerly j nearest his he featured at the International Stock for ie-assignment. Show. Mr.'and Mrs. Maurice Crouch re- The show is sponsored by the turned last weekend from a week's luirinum oaint. Phil Meyers of j Union Stod: Yard and Tjransit Com- j visitin New York City wlwrw they Hu»igi<hluann^d , WVuis ., fofrmmerulyr lv ooff MMcc- operatsrs of the_ Chieago their The lamer will Henry. ia the steeple jack in charge of the work. He began his job four weeks ago and is about half finished at this time. Miss Charlene Krohn and Gene Brygsehtld of CMcasro ware weekend guests in the Fred ,W« Krohn home. pany, operassrs oi ne uusngo mar- visited tneir son. me tascer wui ket, in co-ujierntlon wMi the purebred leave on Nofsmber 15 aboard the live stock rtteerd aasesfsHons. | "Etterarise" for France. While in Hie first three 4pys of the show, New York Mr. and Mrs. Oooch also will ha Juvsted to |||%|V and the ; saw "Bob" Richardson, who has Anal two days to attmon sales of | been serving with the merchant a l l t h e a n i m a l s e v h i h i t e d j p u r f o a , ^ . . . Walter Lodge and oftmi took part Ov E. S. guest night ceremonies held heitfe. of the Survivors include his wife, Hasel? arrived two daughters, Mrs. Marian Karia weekend and of Crystal lake and Mrs. Janice years. Prsdyl of Chicago; also one brother,! She was active in club work in Joe Ober, of Crystal Lake. j Chicago and was past matron of William Strom reeehred his honor- Burial was in McHenry County j Humboldt Park chapter, No. 4W, able discharge last week after i Memorial cemetery on Highway 14. O. E. S. Her friendly personahty serving for two and one-half years, • i became known by many during her with the Seabees, twenty-three SERVICES FOR MISS ROSING Ion* residence here and thus her mimonths of this time in the Pacific. I Funeral services for Miss Ger- i timely passing is mourned^ • trade Rosing. 60, of Big Hollow. | host of friends as well as her w* Roland Jackson has received his,who died on Monday, Nov. 5, 1945. reaved family. discharged from the army." were held this (Thursday) morning i Survivors include her MMM. at the Round Lake Cattolie diurdi, Clarence:^ two diughtHti^MiWje £ * Charles Suttui. son ojb Mr* aal with burial in St. Peter's esmetery, and Edith. Mrs. "E. R. Sutton, who has been serving in the FMH(, arrived home last week. Yolo. Clifford Wilson has reechttd dischirge^ after many IMMI « ia *«r .• .'C-ILf S-. Nfat *J> -t-f Charles C. eats. Mr. and Mra. Last rites o'clock es» _ HUNK