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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1945, p. 3

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Mi*. Jaaaft, tad Aunt spant Saunders home Is Mn. just returned from of the Biatfwood school n putt ^ Mossy'" ^•MSidLotLSlm- *aiSid Mm wen the. aaest original and Judms Mn Ma. u Mrs. Chutes Past, Gaorce flhepard and Mr. Kaifsr. • W. & C. 8. bdd a dinner la :|KMUjf*A kail on Wednssday. Alba. 8. W. Browa «pa a visitor in ^vjpfcago Imadty. •«. Catherine Vogel and *randa Phillip, and Mrs. Dan l#aram daughter, Susan, of KDdbom fad Mrs. Jamea TTninells and «r, Jan, of H Mrs. Frank!! Stephenson and. ChartfesCaCT visited relatives at Rater, Barbara, oM^aydake spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Sibre Whiting. Mrs. Bay Merchant entertained the B--e» club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prises ««n awarded to Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. Thoaaas Doherty. Mr. and -Mrs. Jake Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams of Mc- Henry spant Wednesday evening fa the WoU Shadie" Ivni Miss Mar^ •ntHtatned st a bridal tar Mrs. ViMttt Vamps* Smith) at the home of Marion Hawley Thursday evening. A mode wedding furnished amusement for the evening. Each guest brought s receipt and gave it to the bride. She received'many nice gifts. The employees and their families enjoyed a Halloween party in the recreation room at the chemicaT plant Saturday evening. Mrs. Strube of Chicago ia visiting Mrs. George lbs* OaoqBS "flings id, in company with Mrs. Boy TWd, Mrs. George Bossing, Mn. Eva Parkins, Clara »n and Mrs. Westlake of .. . tmi Skmday in the atSycaawi*. ' Mrs. Cornelia Marble was a weekend guest in the Ben Walkington home. j H. C. Hughes of Woodstock was a caller hers Sunday afternoon. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bauer and family spent Friday evening in th<? home of her father, Joe Kattner, at Spring Grove. Pvt. Busael Lea <ff Texas is enjoying a furlough in die Harold Ackerman and John Hogftghomes. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and Mr. and Mrs. GordoiTTJerg left for i children of Greenwood spent Sun- their home in Phoenix, Aris., Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. day, after spending a few weeks George Shepard. ; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Neal and sons, Oscar Berg. *nd_ J®hn- *®nt ,®5tttrd»y Fred Wiedrich, Jr., is spending night and Sunday with relatives in th« ^ Aib«rt Lea, Mina. Chicago and Bellwood. _ Mrs. Georria Thomas and H . _ stop te a* Mjr us s little usttfldjher about our adenea work, hook wBbi' exchange library and school paper. Kenneth Betts was absent from school Monday because of illness. We are enjoying our "Weekly; Readers" in the upper grade room.! Hiese Weekly Banders are school j papers which come to our school each week. LILYMOOR NOV. 21,1945 & MTHtBUrr HTi F9t 'm" TMomns of ARMY VETERANS HOW n cimiAK urt L_:rr z: Mrs. Emma Beatty spent the weekend with relatives at .Woodstock and Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner Georgia and daughter, Hiley Jean, of Woodstock war* callers in the William McCannon home, Sundav aftamoon. Mr. and Mr*. Bobert Thompson of McHenry were callers in the William Between now and November 21, thousands of Army veterans will reenlist in Uncle Sam's new volunteer peacetime Army. Because -- •ten who have been discharged between May 12 and November 1 of this year and reenlist on or before November 21 will be able to return to the Army with the same grade aa they held when discharged. Men with six months of satisfactory service discharged as privates will, on reenlistment before November 21, be given the grade of private first class. Men now in the Army who apply for discharge after NOVEMBER 1 for the purpose of reenlistirif in the Regular Army will also retain their . present grades, if they enlist within s 20 days after discharge and t>efore FEBRUARY 1,1946. "BIST JOB IN TNI WORLD" These special privileges are typical of the new law recently passed by Congress. Few opportunities for a lifetime career offer as many attractive advantages. Can you think of any other job that would give you good pay, your food, clothing, quarters, free metrical and dental care, world-wide travel, 30 days' furlough every year, education and training in any of nearly 200 skills or trades, and enable you to retire with a life inmme any time after BOyears'service t There isn't any! That's why a 'Job in the Regular Army has been called "The Best Job in the World." HltHUQIITS OF THE HEW ENLISTMENT PROGRAM 1. Balistmots for 1%, 2 or S (l-ywi NiUltmMti permitted i with 6 month** Mrric*.) 2. Mw rwallitini retain pMMt yd--, if tb*y rwcnliit within 20 days aftar diachArf* and Mori F«b. 1, 1946. Th* mim applies to man discharged httwwn May 12 and Nov. 1, 1945, who raanlut Man Nov. 21, 1945. 3. An increase ia tfca wnlistroant bonus to $50 for each year of active service sine* th* bonafWM last paid, or sine* last eotry into service. 4. 20% extra pay whan nvnsas. ' 5. Paid forlooth, up to 90 days, depending on length of iwtha; with furlough travel paid to home aad return, for mas acm fin tha Anay who enlist. 6. Muataring-oat pay (based upon length of service) to all man who are discharged to reenlist. 7. Option to retire at half pay for the rest of yottr life after 20 years' service--or three quarters pay aftar 30 yean. IKsiismeBt tnroswo in grade of Mute or First Bsrgeam up to $155.35 pe^aMMMh for life.) AU previous acthre federal military service counts toward ntinasat 8. BeaaAts of OI BUI of Rights. 9. Family allowaaces for the term of enlistmsnt for dependents of men who enlist or reenlist before July 1, 1946. 10. Choice of branch of service and overakas theeter ia Air, Ground or Service forces on 3-yaer enlistments. guests in the Harrison-Feet home. j McCannon horn* Sunday afternoon, j Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and fam-. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman ily spent Sunday with the latter s | an<j dauguhtuer, Lillian Ackennari, mother Mrs. Hunter near McHenry. and Harold Lea spent Sunday after- 1 Elijah Coates of Crystal Lake noon jn the Herbert Wagner home . spent Monday mght with Mr. tnd at pejj t.«w jMrs. Lester Carr. _ _ .} Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington I Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Howard «nd ^ere Woodstock visitors Saturday, daughter Alice, wd Mr. and Mrs.) Miss Dorothy Doberstein was one Kenenth Merchant of Kenosha were, the models at the Hospital Benei callers in the Bay Merchant home fit party at St. Mary's gymnasium !Su^ay^ve«m^ o •„ u u .u •' '"t Woodstock Saturday evening, j The W. S. C S. will hold their, and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and next m«ft»ng November 14, with chiWren spent Sunday with her ! •'[?'. Low. A pot-luck dinner mother, Mrs. David Powers, at Crvsi will be served at noon. \ ^ L«loe k Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon ofi Mrs Albert Ebel and Mrs. Ray- Crystal Lake were fc*ll®js *n i mond Rattray of Algonquin were Harnson-Peet home Sunday after- Sunday supper guests in the Weldon no??' , TT . 'Andreas home. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harmer and sop, Mr ana Mrs. Harold Ackerman Robert, of Gurnee wtun visitors in and daughter and Russel Lea were the Beatty-Low home Sunday after- gun(jay dinner guests in the John noon. j Hotran home Alice and Marion Pwl spent Sun- Miss Vivian Valen ine of Chicago day with their parents, Mr. and ST)ent the ^^end with Mrs. Harold Mr«.. Charles Peet. iStanek Mre. Rose Jepson is visiting in Floyd Poss of Richmond snent the home of her son, Harold, and (jjonday evening with his brother, family at Geneva, 111. iWavne Foss j?r*ran^ „WSter i?r' Rinrwood School Notrs ^d Mrs. Mitchell ^Kane and M«>. Betty Feltes visited her grand- P«ul Walkington a.tended & party pgrgHts ]ast Sunday. m \he Glenn Benoy home Saturday ge^n fislh have joined the science evening. „ Jt 'unit in the lower rrsde «w)m. Tinker Lt. Lester Kliirtworth of Madison, the turtle, has joined the unit also Wis., spent Sunday with his mo'.her, for one Mrs. George Martin. , I The third grade are building an _ Among those from here to attend vrigwam outside on one part the funeral of Alfred Steinke at f th school grounds Waukegan Monday were" Mr. and; Grad; four havp been working on MrS. Ray Merchant, Mr. and Mrs.! their pjirrjm unit. Roy Harrison, Edith and Loren, Mrs. • \ye had some in'eresting costumes Charles Coles, Charles Kronn and ^ our jjaiioween .party last week. Lois, Arthur Krohn, Mr. and Mrs. j D^j-othy Smth. who is in eighth Clarence Harrison and .Mr. and Mrs. ffradp jn school, won the grand prize Glenn Benoy. Alfred Steinke was for t|w ^ cos.limP. ^ °. j • •°,f®r Our Rinrwood hoys defeated the Walker. He had just been dis-; McCollum Lak*» ba* s in a «rame of charged three^ weeks from 3V> yeaf^; f0otH«ll last. Siturdav afternoon, o . service when he was taken ill j LeRov and Marie Ritrert treated with polio and was sick one week. jthe children of the upner-prade room He leaves his wifte and small daugh-, |0 jcp and pop last week, ter. The remains were brought to birthdays are onlv several Rmgwood for burial. Ringwpod davs aT>nr(. MY PER MONTH-- ENLISTED MEN to FM, MONTMtV fa)^Plus 20% Increase for Service Overseas, (b)--Pies 90% if Member of Flying Crews, Parachutist, etc. (c) ftas 5% Increase in Pay for Bach 3 Years of Service. " ' i ' "j**' Master Sergeant Uw" or First Sergeant ^138.00 Technical Sergeant 114.00 Staff Sfrgeant • r'» )MJ)0 Sergeant . • . 78.00 Corporal. . 66UX) Private Ftrw Class. 3i00 Private .... MUX) incomi Arrot! 20 fears' 39 fears' Service tarWee ^89.70 f 15545 74.10 128.23 62.40 108XW 50.70 87.73 42.90 74Jt5 35.10 60.73 32.50 36.25 SIf THi JOB THkOUOH MMUST NOW Aritout mmmst U.S.ARMY $. ammy uatumm nAnom : BE A "GUARDIAN Of VICTORY* OR, OROUN*. SIRVlCg FORCCft ELGIN friends' pxtenH symnathj' to the young wife and daugh er. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison drove to Madison, Wis., Monday to get their daughter. Amy. She will «»>er>d a months vacation with her parents here. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins an<f son. David, of Beloit called at the home jf Rev. and Mrs. Collins Thursday. They were on their way to Notre Dame, where their son Larry, received his commission as Ensign. Alec Anderson went to Rockford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., visited with Bob Vogel and Charles Hess at the veterans hospital at Woods, Wis., TV'irsday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukiegan spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison moved from their farm home to the home in town which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. Fidre*. conntv suneHn^en^en* of schools, visited our school last Tuesday forenoon. We are glad to (By Hattie Einspar) On Halloween might the Lily Lake P. T. A. had their children's party at the Lilymoor club house. There | were clowns, little girls dressed as old fashioned ladies, pirates, Bo-j peeps, boys dressed aa girls, a bride and little Bobby Bartelt dress-; ed as Kayo. He brought his dresser drawer to sleep in. Bobby isn't aj year old yet but he sure looked like i Kayo with his derby and all. The judges had a hard time picking out] the winners, which, by the way,j were Arlene Wijas, Eileen Landl, Buddy Milinac, Lois Kurbyum and Bobfcy Bartelt. Games were played and the winners were Jane Blake, Lucile Nielsen, Roberta Wirfs, Roger, Svoboda and Joan Kriem. Every' child was served chocolate milk, cookies and candy and the adults coffee and doughnuts. j On Saturday,'December 1, the I*,; T. A. will have a bake sale and bazaar at the Lilymoor club house,! under the chairmanship of Mra. j Gladys Meehan. Jo Bartelt and Lillian, Wijas. They are also planning to, hive a Christmas party for th£ school children under the chairman-; ship of F. Keller and Ed Meehan. j had a few birthdays this week on Sunday. Mrs. Sally Koch cele-! Vra'ed her birthdav and so did little1 Ar!«"»e Wijas: on Tuesday, November ?. Mrs. Lea Bassi and on Saturday,c November 10, Mrs. Jo Bersecker. Riflrht here I think would be a p-ood i<*ea to tell when the Birthdav Hub will have its first party. It will he on Saturday, November 17. All those who have birthdays in Noven- Ker will he honorary gufests. , On Saturday last. Fred Svohoda, Pioh^rd Mar«h, Dick W«»rd. Hugh M'imhy and Coach McCrncken visited TT>bina 'n «ee the Illinois-Great Lake® game, which by the wav Great Lakes v on 6 to 1. This last weekend Mr. and Mi , S"lhn and Mr. and Mrs. CostcHa* visited their cot age to celebrate thei^r* Costellos' elevnth anniversary. Th^vW also invited Mr. and Mrs. M. Fields, i. who are their neighbors. t ' rtober'a Wirfs, who is eight yearsH of ?ge wanted to plav ladv of ths * house Sunday so she asked her mother ; if she could make «uooer. Her, mother said ve«. Rrvb-«rt< wknted; some m"stard for sandwiches nndl she reached in the cupboard for i if and it slinned from her hprtdii the mustard flying evervwhf»re, ovfri the ceiling, walls, cupboards, cur- • tains, and sink. Well, mothrr w*s| angry a little but on Monday, she thought it was quite funny so she-' - told the story to me. Sometimes our little helpers stake us do twice as | much work but they have to learn: Rev. Ruekkheim was a Chicago visitor on Wednesday. ^ ) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kurbyum! were Chicago^ visitors over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zavachy vis-' ited Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bartelt mi Sunday. Right here we want to welcome home Herman' Topel from the uvy, I hear he is home for good. w , Last Thursday the ladies of Lilymoor met with Mrs. J, Warner, with bunco and cards and, a delicious luncheon. Mrs. F. E. WViler will be our next hostess. Mrs. A1 Seyfferth and Lottie Bransford were Chicago visitors on Saturday. feat Idaho firas tf 1M end a strip at cooeirsr Hi long by 20 to 39 mites period of 24 hours. Htci Hn known to overtake running mm on horseback. • Ta Da Away With Sweden's foremost armament ventor predicts that the gm It abo«f to disappear as a weapon of nr. He predicts iat rockets and jet propulsion will improve in accuracy, until it will be possible to hit a dime with a rocket: at a di«t«iy» of m milgf, Need of Maagaaesv Manganese, a material i§§i small quantities to toughen steel may be needed in the human diet, recent tests indicate. " Mew Bebet Telephens A new invention answers the telephone when you are not at home. It consists essentially of an automatic recorder and record player, When the telephone bell rings the caller hears, a message which tells him you are absent. He is able to record any message he may want to leave. Subscribe for The FlaindeafC# t "%rJi • ltdi kit iineieiai 2t Ml ^ Ottacet o( Siftoo-crpt jowioi, 60 Cirltri 60 M . COQM ipptbmr, L aid complttc iinwctif t. THOMAS P. BOLGEB, DRUGS ENTERTAINMENT FINE FOODS AND LIQUORS . We cater to Parlies and Banquet* f ,v Entertain your family and friends % C t at the RIVERSIDE HOTEL .(At the State Bridge, McHenry) Phone Fox Hole 266 not mwm V \ v; i \ - ¥ - - s • w- 'IK, nW:. u«UEN <0» --, '""Z-tJS NORTHERN ILLINOIS CORPORATION SfNHAi OfFICiSt Of KAIB, ItUJfOIS • fffAMCM OPPfCfS* AIMOM flOTM • tOCgFOtO • tfLWOCIf • fllfttfNO • MXON • U9MNH /?c, / Sect** (HI |^\"|{( )LK A »»,Oil,lit JIBwartiig fer ••r SERVICE MEI As the many men and women from Illinois Bell pat away their uniforms, they'll find a big fob waiting for them here. That job is to help as provide more and better telephone service for families in rural areas. In the territory served by Illinois Bell, ratal telephones have increased 115% during the past ten years. Now as men and materials become available, we want to offer more and betHf telephone service to more rural families. Few people appreciate a telephone as much as the folks who live on farms. . * ^ -- rr • ttlcod Outstanding appearance features of the new 1946 Chevrolet inelude: new Beauty-Leader Stylmf; Insurious Body bj Fisher; new Wide-Wing radiator friUe; new hood oraamentatioa; new ; dro-tooe color hw^; new insUument panel; ^ " gnd massive new "Car-Saver" bumpers both front , and rear. V® Notable engineering features include: Chevrolet's proved \alve> in-Head Thrift-Master Engine for performance with economy; the famous Unfriend Knee Action Ride fcrcontfart; Ertra-Eaay Vacuum- Power Shift and Shockproof Steering for driving ease; and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes for. smooth, safe, positive stops. lor years, Chevrolet has been the most economical of all largestsslling low-priced cars, from the all-roand standpoint of gas, oil, tfres and upkeep: snd the new Chevrolet for 1946 is designed and built to Maintain this reputation lor highest quality at low coat. Be son to see this besutiful new oar st your Chevrolet dealer's. FUST 7 CHEVROLET % -CHEVROLET SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET ILLINOIS ROUTES 31 and 12(V- McHENRY, ILUNOIS, IP - > fiT V" * < v ^ Y 3mm£„ M *£xSL. -- ^ 1 PHONE

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