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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1945, p. 8

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v>\ 1"% * Society Notest t?£ iB< OBfitr Otw of Sfcotte. sfrvei Jaany beautiful ftwm! booqMts and fifts. Among her moat treasured momenta of the day were those when she received telephone calls from her son, Harrison, and grandson, Que S"m ith, in California, and her da»uugsri hter, Villa, in Cleveland, Ohio. * * Metoral Read For Mrs. Walter Harrison Onfe 4 Holds Meeting Circle 4, W. S. C. S., will hold a &T, *©rk meeting at the Community ' llathodist church on Friday after- The Ring III Soon, November 16, betfinnng at 1:30 Bureau met on Tuesday at the home o'clock. nirersary. Despite their advanced years, Mrs. Ju*ten*s parents are in very good health. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan entertained the following at their home last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. John ; Herd rich and son, Mr. and Mrs. j Norm Crowley and William McGinnie of Chicago, and Tom Smith, recently -4ft nee Marriage Of er Resident Here ,„.r The Ringwood Unit of the Home discharged from the navy, ,t the home j Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton, sons, of Mrs. Peter Freund. A pot-luck (Charles and Tom, Mrs. Eleanor .Nye luncheon was held and the usual ar-1 and Arthur Martin were _ Sunday ray of extra good things to eat were ! guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sntprovided. * jton and Mr. and |Irs. Harry Min- • viO»e marriage on September 24 in •V -"^tfce rectory of Holy Name Cathedral, was a member of this group from 1920 until her passing. |t was "" " . . i. j 0f A memorial was read in honor of 'eer.May ww>d. William^ who is Announcement has teen made ol, Harrison who,®? furlough from the anny, expects _ _ O -- ' A m | h j g r e l e a s e i n t h e n e a r f u t u r e . Mrs. William VanDenbooth and "7 "" , ^ nihorf agrreed that, as1 a special mark or son-in-law, John Bolton, of Lake jMwrly^McHenry.and Mr.Gl reg^t, there would be no social j county, were callers in the home of -ttler. The ®<h*P v Wia. activities for a period of thirty days, her sister, Mrs. Henry Kinsala one Mr home at North L«Jce, wis. «~ .. dav this week. It was1 voted that the group shoula, " „ . , . _ send four delegates to Farm and j Charles Sutton visite® friends and _J Home .Week at Urbana in February, relatives in Chicago last week. , JNo group has been permitted more j Mrs. Eleanor O'Neill of Lake Ge- ;• v'h Mrs. B. Juerjens was hostess, at i than x>ne since the travel restric-1 neva and Miss Jean Justen of Chi- |h® meeting of the East Rl e* tions due to the war, have been in ----* '--•-* --A --»«•»<»*#-- v, j&oad Pinochle club on Thursday! effect ' B- Whwlock, h«ltb ch«if- Albfcift Vales. Mrs. Ben Dietz ™an gave a report on undulant • en*t.ln the gr.»p -I*"*,* ^November 20. •:V • • on the methods of turning dry leaves into leaf mold and humus. Ceasnutnity Night . Mrs. P. L. Cormier, foods chair- ;AtRin?wood Chiirc ^ , I man, served portions of grape jelly Sunday morning, N°V.18, W 11 had been canned in, Tin, instead Edith Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso and son, John, and Donald Kinsala visited Mr. Corso's relatives in Oak Park on Monday. Melvin Whiting of Elgin, who was recently discharged from service, visited relatives here last week. Little itiss Muriel Frett of Chi, j i n__r |^_ Town. ll,c usu#1 bcigucago iiss sBppeeinMdxiinnKg mthiiss wwewe»k wwiitihn hneeir First Metho ' Mrs. A. Freund, home manage-1 grandparents, Mrs. Catherine Boger 5^ °£ t ^lwl^hi-ffinelv illus- iment *ave » detailed re- and Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Frett. trated "and interesting lecture de- P°rt on. differ f e,?t "i^.hod! r®mov" j Charles Corso is the new employee scribing and showing beautiful views at Schwerman Chevrolet Sales. He M America's western mour^ ^ Cll oUnn* „e SI o 1nSwngUypS:!^«ll, and f ^lement of ^ ^ jpam. onecoming Party" 'or "Bill" Strom x . ents, the Henry Kinsalas that subject was given by Mrs. J.! Among those who attended the H. Nixon. • golden wedding celebaritton of Mr. I Instead of a minor lesson, each and Mrs. William L.«McCannon in! member brought articles, and their Ringwood last Sunday were Mr. and l . .... . patterns, suitable for Christmas jyfrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.! Fifty fruests from Milwaukee and gifts. More than eighty-five pieces Richard Fleming, Miss Mary Flem-. Chicago gathered at the Harry Zim- of handiwork were m this display. ing) MA. Peter M. Justen, Mr. and ermann home on the Fox Kiver, _ Mrs. Alex Adams, Mr. and Mrs. ast Saturday evening to enjoy a, JB Nick Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompomecoming party in honor of the, ||T/JIJflT||4|lfl son, all of McHenry, and Miss Ve- ^immermann s son-in-law Bill f f f yA1f/||ff IM rena Justen of Chicago. Strom, who was released last ^ek Mr and Mrg M Moderhack and 1 f^ter a long period of # se^ce ir^| 9children, Darleen and Kenneth, and! the Seabees. Many ^ % Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kreutzer and' folks Pre««nt had^ not met f r St. Charles spent Sunday evening baby of Chicago spent the weekend long a^period as four ^ars due to with Mr. and ^ Linus Newman visiting Mrs. Ida Kreutzer. •the war. y» Mrs. Albert Justen and daughter,; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkleman ijoyment as well as the eennt^errttaaiinnmmeenntt Janet> and Mrs- Peter A. Freund and ! and son of Oak Park were McHenry daughter Donna w<jre Waukegan caiier8 last weekend. jilannea. ^ # and Kenosha callers last Friday. j Mrs. Eleanor Foley and daughter, Dinner guests in the McLaughlin j Julia, spent Saturday in Chicago. Entertains Friends i home last Sunday were Mr. and1 Sunday guests in the home of . On 13th Birthday _ ^ -r Mrs. .William F. Doherty and Mr. Mrs. Martin N. May were Mr. and Rosina, daughter of Mr and Mrs- and Mrs. James E. Doherty and son, Mrs. Ray Hennigen of Woodstock, James D. Curran of Route 1, West Jimmy. : Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and McHenry, celebrated her thirteenth Mrs. Lewis McDonald and grand-! children and Mrs. May Bungard of |>irthday anniversary last Friday by son? jerry McDonald, of Woodstock Elmhurst. entertaining the girls of the eighth caned jn tj,e Linus Newman home' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Albert and "son, grade at St. Mary s-St. Patrick s . on Friday. • Ronald, were Chicago callers on Sat- «chool, of which she is a member. Victor Johnson^ who was recently I urday. Clames provided entertainment for j discharged from service after many i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson the young folks after which a tasty months overseas, spent last week-, and Mr. and Mrs. George'Johnson of lunch was served by Mrs. Curran and • en(j jn Chicago. i McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Harry the guest of honor was presented, Mrs Peter A Freund, Jr., was a Alexander of Hebron surprised Mrs. Jnth many beautiful guts. While j Chicago shopper last Thursday. j Ada Smith of Elgin on her eighty- Koeina celebrated her birthday on Mrs. Lowell Nienstedt of Crystal sixth birthday anniversary last Fri- ErkUy'Jhei,aCtUal W8S Sun ay'1 visited in the Elmer Freund ; day evening. November ll. home here one day last week. j Miss Verena Justen of Chicago * * . • | Frank Vales of Chicago has been; spent the weekend with her mother, On _ • ' ' j visiting in the home of his brother, Mrs. Gertrude listen. hth Birthday j Albert Vales. [ Mrs. Henry Weber and daughter, ly Freund daughter of the) Larry Foster, Jack Swatek and Joan, spent Friday in Chicago. The Etaei Freunds, ^entertained class- j George Vales of Chicago visited in latter remained to spend the week- "T' . mates at St. Mary's-St. Patifck 31 the Albert Vales home during the end in the home of the William . achool and a few other friends at a; past week. - George remained for a Perkinsons. On Saturday evening -iiJParty held at her home on Center ^ longer visit with his parents. The she attended a birthdav party in -v^street last Friday, November 9, on ,young men, all members of Carl;honor of Miss Marilyn Perkinson. ^ Jithe ^ occasion of her eighth birthday, Sands orchestra, recently returned Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edstrom, anniversary. The children met at, from a nine months' engagement in daughter, Eleanor, and son, Daniel, gLj^.-.Uhe Freund home after school and' Texas. In December they will begin attended the wedding of Miss Betty m*'1 ^ several hours of games^ with t playing at the Carlton hotel in Edstrom in Chicago last Sunday. i iShirley Conway, Sharon FitzGerald j Washington, D. C. Miss Mary Grace Murphy of Mt. <; ' •"d Marcia Anderson winning prizes.. Mrs. Gertrude Ritter and Mr. and St. Claire college%n Iowa spent the v* .* At the close of the party, Judys Mrs. Ira A. Dowell spent the week- weekend visiting her parents, Mr. * another, assisted by Mrs. Herman j end in Chicago. and Mrs. Hugh Murfthy. If',. , Nye and Mrs. Lowell Nienstedt,; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen accom-' Mrs. William A. Nye and daugh- Tf' ^serve" a tasty lunch, including birth- j nanied by their grandson, Terry ters, who have been with their hus- ,V--_jday cake and cocoa. | Kreuger, of Delavan, Wis., and Mrs. band and father at Natchitoches, La., - Invited guests besides those^ al- (Harold Skow of Woodstock, spent returned home last week to spend t- ready mentioned were Donna ^ Kay-|a few days recently in Springfield,; the winter months here. • fefeNlST"!' on * Ct' Mar]?ne Freund, I where they helped Mrs. Justen's par- Charles Owen and Maurice Ross of t',v" ^^Gayle Brefeld, Jacqueline Justen.' < -Sharon O'Shea, Patty Rosing, Shirley LT. AND MRS. R. F. JUSTEN fn a'beautiful wedding ceremony performed at the Sacred Heart chapjel in Quantico, Va., on September 7, Miss Elaine Fredricksen of Wonder Lake became the bride of Lt. Richard F. Justen of the marine corps. Skokie visited in the Robert Thomp-! CARD OF THANKS son home on Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. Victor Milbrandt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyk and son and son wish to express their tll*nlri of Chicago spent Sunday with her for all the expressions of sympathy mother, Mrs. Cora Herdrich. extended them in their recent be- Mrs. Henry Heuser, Frank Bonkpfrmvemeilt. >.r Bob Schauble, Jean Backer, Phyllis j Ratchke, Juanita Meeks and Dorothy! CARD OF THANK# 1 Heuser, all of Chicago, _ spent the I wish in this way to thank friends weekend in the home of Mrs. Helen for cards, letters and gifts received Heuser. ^ during my recent illness; my thanks Among those from here who at- also to those who helped us move tended the wedding of Miss Teresa into our new home.' Howden and LeRoy Conway in Rich- MRS. EDWARD J. THENNES. mond last Saturday were Mr. anfli , Mrs. John Phalin, Mr. and Mrs.] CARD OF THANKS Michael Knox and daughters, Mabel f In this manner we wish to thank and Florence, Mrs. John Bolger, Miss 0ur many kind friends, relatives and Nellie Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Chr- neighbors for their kindnesses, which ence Anglese, Mr. and Mrs. James helped make our fifty-fifth wedding Doherty, Mrs. Kathryn Conway, Mr. anniversary such a pleasant one. We and Mrs. Dan O'Shea, Mr. and Mrs. j are also grateful to ReV. Neidert George Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Am- and Rev. Thennes for their services. bMtd tet ef turn. nlSion oords of p«lp- _ will be needed next year to ffl the nation's military and cMl ftM c*qufc«meiits.> . n ^p--^ - , Women en Juries Women may now serve on Juries in 29 states, the number being recently increased by new Arizona legislation. Sixteen of the stctes make jury service compulsory iot women, the other 13 states give the right of refusal to the women. weddtn* celebs*. occasion we enJos^ ed. If# especially thank these who brought as beautiful flowers and % gifts and ,-those who arranged and served the refreshments. We «1i>H always cherish the memories of the day with grateful thanks to thoaa_ wno made it so pleasant for us. T: _ MR. and MRS. WM. McCANNON. ^ : -- ~ ' ' Order your Rubber Stamps 4t nS Plaindealer. m J* 1 HOW IS THE TUB TO OSf WINTER TO TBS * X . " « ' *- FITZCERAU) CLEANERS Phone McHenry 191 ; <#e«t kcHenry, Pick Up and Deliver brose Schaefer and H. Fenske. MR. and MRS. WM. OEFFLING. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen and sons, Tommy and Jimmie, and Mr. CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. George Justen, daughter, We would like in this way to ex- Patricia, and son, Jerry, spent Sun- press our sincere thanks to all day with Mr. and Mrs* Michael Jus-j those who sent cards and gifts and ten- . „ „ - who visited us during our recent Judge William M. Carroll and wife stay in the hospital. of Woodstock attended the dinner for veterans and their families - at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's hall last Sunday evening. Not So Very Simple Although simple in appearance, • fluorescent lamp requires more than 1,000 distinct manufacturing operations and is assembled from 36 separate parts, t MRS. GEORGE MICHELS AND DONALD. THIS CHRISTMAS Why wear out yourself and your shoe leather hunting for gifts anyone else can also buy? You'll save time and money . . . and you'll know your gifts Cannot be .duplicated. • / RWICK'S STUDIO Come to Mi Place restaurant for your Thanksgiving turkey dtenfer next Thursday. Sweet Cider Making About 4 to 4Vi gallons of sweet cider can be obtained from the average bushel of apples. ANNOUNCEMENT fy^ Black Forest Tayern •••; ' Formerly the Pit ^Located on Highway invitee you all to come out and get acquainted OPEN DOORS WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 21 ^ K. , -m ' - -VH "niurlwell, Rita Barbian, Ann Loretta Weber. Sally Nye, Susan Sayler and Carol Olsen. * * * .Surprise Mrs. Ada Smitii On Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Ada Smith of Elgin, a native of McHenry, was' surprised by members of her family last Friday evening, November 9, on her eighty-sixth ! birthday anniversary. She is in good .. health and is very active despite her ; advanced years. Her mind is still as keen as it was back in the final days of the last century when she was the first woman ever to serve on the school board in this city. Among those present to eh joy a pleasant evening at Mrs. Smith's . home last Friday evening were Mr. " and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. ^ and Mrs. George Johnson of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexi>: ander of Hebron, Miss Maud Granger, who makes her home with Mrs. Srttith, the latter's two sons, Granger and George Smithj of. Elgin and McHENRY TOWN CLUB --W. E. COMES-- Thanksgiving Dinner With all the Trimmings . *' Serving from 2 P.M. until closing Please call for reservations McHENRY 12 (jototuaK •ATM BUtSLES.. Relax feisbisnket of fragrant foanv - 'with enter made velvety soft by mfrnMng new BATH BUB* When you proceed with batlt nates Iwbbles disappear. H left Unefem and sparkling mBATH BUBBLES, toa OF TWBfTV-ONE PACKETS HfiQ mfa. Southern ffm gnM^i White em* ami smarts 8 Drug Store mm K1WNBT Dont Miss Hearing TWO WORLDS IN FINAL WAR Which Worlds? Why Will It Be Final? E, E Public Address # E. Comstock Representative of Watchtower Societv SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, -- 3 PM. CRYSTAL LAKE HIGH SCHOOL LITTLE THEATRE mm All Welcome Ko Collection "Z: f- NATIONALLY ADVERTISID anmaMr. err.4.n.«i Expertly tailored of famous BARBOUR OVERCOATING fabric and lined throughout with warm, luxurious quilted rayon. Smart; snUg protection against die elements. Sizes 6 to 16. A truly wonder value at McGEE'S ^.McHENRY * Phone McHenry 271 Mr. Extra Trie Hon rapraxntf thi Extra Bar Lanqth that ftvM Superior Pulllnq Powar to FIRESTONE GROUND 6RIP TRACTOR ERTIFICATl TIRES NEEDED yi 7ire$tonc G R O U N D G R I P TRACTOR TIRES i . .s'S1 f ; v' >{.%.* - * '* MR. EXTRA TRACTION really has something to shout about. Rationing is lifted... now erery fanner can enjoy the superior performance and extra polling power that only Ground Grips can give. , -- The triple-braced bars on Ground Grips give a forceful cleaning action leaving tire clean and sharp for the next }>ite. The longer, afttuuger, cleaner traction bars take a deeper, firmer bite giving up to 16%, k more pull at the drawbar. Extra traction prevents spinning, triple-braced ban keep ten strong and rigid. They're built with strong, tough rubber for longerwear. m a x i m u m T R A C T I O N Walter J. Freund TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING All Work Guaranteed OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION Vhone 294 Main St., West McHenry " • . . • . . . . * * ^

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