FOR SALE Will be on tale Friday at Radio store, 510 Main street, McHenry. T*1 .456. WILL GIVE AWAY--{Poor kittens. iter and Wall, folka,ltn.N©rmaW .£1 joined the ranks ^ the wejtong people. Every nomag she seen making the trip to Chicago Harry Ward, near Johnsburg church, with her daughter, Evelyn. 26 TUBE SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. m McHenry 681-M-L 16-tf %. v. 90S SALE--One wine color living room nig, bought 60 days ago, top i-i'ST'v quality. Can be seen Sunday or r ^ S^d tiKir^k> 9 thsibd1tfsionW'BaSt CASH FOR POSTAGE STAMP COLRiver Road, see sign on mail box.gJ^ONS^ , -------- 2207 Van Buren St, Chicago 12, 111. k t j poR SALE--Spotted Poland China, *** mmr HELP WANTED boars, can be registered. Fnnk Jung, Rt 1, McHenry, phone Richmond 474. ' fm- . ---- HELP WANTED--Married man to FOR SALE--White enameled kitchen1 worfc on farm. Will have own house range, good condition. Frank Jung, to live in. Address "T," care Mc- -R t. 1, MccHHeen ry, phone Richmond 47ij Henry Plaindealer. 22-tf FOR SALE--Upright piano. Richmond 6S6. |lg»A FOR SALE--Young fryers, alive or HELP WANTED--Men for construc- Phone i tion work. Ivar Fredricksen, Won- •26 der Lake. TmL Wonder Lake 221. 14-tf . / ; rtjf .A; dressed; also four dining room chairs, HELP WANTED--Factory help, men and odd table. Lester Bacon, ,WesLjan(i women. Holmes Products Co., McHenry, phone 175. *26 j 218 N. Madison street; Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 189. 24-3 WANTED FOR SALE--Model-A Ford sedan; tires. Motor recently overuled. R. Gruener, Sunnyside Estatee, Johnsburg. - *26 | WANTED--Junior bed, reasonably FwOvRp SaAi L1 gB -MTUunsacronTv-yii dHnurck*k s.^("VdrHwpr priced. C. S. Kiehl, Route 2, Mc- phone McHenry 681-IU1. now for thanksgiving. Bauer, Tel. McHenry 691-M-2. *26; Mr. and Mn. KB entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Negal and Rosemary Blanchard oa Sunday and all came away, praising the wonderful dinner they had been served, particularly the lemon cream pie. Spending the weekend at Dottie and Dick Shavers' were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Palmer and their daughter, Linda Jane. The Palmers are residents of Evans ton, and seem to like it out here. Visiting with the Tort is over the sekend were Judge Bonelli and his daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. Poskipp. All enjoyed a delicious dinner torepared by Mrs. Torti, before which all but Mrs. Torti spent the morning hunting but without any suc- Moadaf* ten Tiflp «WHe saloons toek out Itaenses in this village Monday, J. J. GiBtt at hi* tand and C. H. Ostrandar in Mn. Uriener's building. FOR SALB - HwtroU citing opet»te on profit Henry 616-J-2. "or ing basis with /competent man. References. Box "K," Care of Plain- FOR SALE--Boy's bicycle in good dealer. 24-4 condition; also pair of ice shoe, skates, size 12. Phone McHenry j 614-J-l. *26-21 LOST * • -- LOST--Small brown Daschshund, in FOR SALE--1943 "Indian 45" Motor, vicinity of Griswold Lake on Monday. Cycle--saddle bags and accessories. Answers to name "Jerry." Reward. 8,800 miles. See Bob Hodgson, Call Chicago, Victory 1430. 25-2 Crocketts Subdivision. *26 - : | LOST--Small roan cow with horns. FOR SALE:--Extra large lot, "66x186, Phone Hebron 414. Sig Nelson, He- Wattles subdivision, call Grayslake bron, 111. ' ' • 26 7331 or William Ahrens 607 Front St, West McHenry. *26-2 FOR SALE IN McHENRY--2 story, 6 rooms, forced air, oil heat, stocker, garage, 3 acres land, 50 fruit trees; one mile from railroad, priced $8,950. Also business property, 10 rooms, 12-car garage, corner on highway, 233x230. Jacob Fritz, Johnsburg, phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago Lincoln 133S. 26tf FOR SALE -- Spring chickens and ducks. Albert Schmidt, West McHenry, phone McHenry 687-J-2. 26 WANTED TO BUT ~r- . WANTED r TO BtJY OR TRADE RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS GAMBLE'S AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE 459 WEST McHENRY ---- FOR SALE--Geese and turkeys. Call _r 4 _ John Passfteld, McHenry 612-W-2. | WANTED TO BUY -- four or five *25-2 room summer home, near McHenry, • 1 J on or near Fox River. Address Box FOR SALE -- Confinement raised, I "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf premium young turkeys, from 10 to 24 lbs; dressed, 50 cents per lb; also live birds. Edwin Schmelzer, 4H miles southwest of McHenry, phone McHenry 613-R-l. *25-2 FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manvilie Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. S6tf. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Three-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Private bath. Couple preferred. 500 North Park street. 26 < » I I I I I I t H1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I| H M LILY LAKE Well, folks, there is another face to be seen at thO Gnn home as they have their new little girl home with them. It sure is nice with a little one about isnt it? One day last week, N. Wrublewski entertained a few ladies in honor of Mrs. Kiehl, who celebrated her birthday during the week. Among the friends present were Mrs. Kiehl s mother, M. Then and Betty Thorsell. Mrs. Wrublewski prepared a very delightful luncheon, after which the guests played pinochle for the remainder of the afternoon. We are sorry to hear that Marv Schiavoni left toY the hospital Tuesday, where she might undergo an operation. All the details are not yet. known. We all hope for your speedy recovery, Mary. Oh, what a weekend around the McDermott home. Mr. and Mrs. B Morrison were in from Clinton, Iowa. Also Mr. McDermott has left for the northern part of Michigan, where he will hunt deer. Here's hoping you come back with a nice dear, Clyde. Taking a day off Sunday the Wirfs and some friends spent the day in Chicago. Say, folks, does anyone know why Evelyn Lavin is treating her sister, Ruth, so particularly nice here of late? I wonder--Could it be she likes a certain kind of cooking. In view of the fact that Sunday was Armistice day, let's turn back the pages of life to November. 11, 1918 and see what happened that day. It was a day of joyous celebration, marking the end of the war. But the occasion we commemorate on this day , is one of prayer for the boys killed in the first world war, and now we have still more reason Armistice Day brings back more vivid and frequent visions of this past war, and of the many who died for our happiness and freedom. So, in closing the column this week let's all say a short prayer that they may have found an everlasting happiness. May their souls rest in peace, Amen. fimr YEARS S. McDonald is treating his residence to a coat of paint inside and out, which will neatly improve its appearance. E. B. Perkns 1* doing the work. There will be Thanksgiving partiee at both the Riverside Hotel and McHenry House Hall. Mn. Myrtle Slimpin left on Wednesday of last week for Kankakee, where she expects to remain during the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Shunt acher. Frank Holly, Perry Thompson and John Thompson came from Lake Geneva Saturday on their wheels and spent Sonday with W. D. Wentworth and wife. (By Dick Hyatt) Remember, folks, the Lily Lake P. T. A., will have its social next Friday night at the clubhouse. Let's all try to get out for it as it would be nice to see some new faces. Cards, bunco and refreshments are always enjoyed by all. What to do on Tuesday nights, is that a problem of yours? Why don't you stop in at the Bus Stop Tavern where starting this Tuesday evening FORTY YEARS A06 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilbert are now occupying the Mn. Susie Smith house on John street. Ptiil 'Kane has resigned his posi- wPy wv ll 'ft .IVVI.lQI'i.O4,T-,IjK,|,. " SWEWtr N0MNI again U«t night. Inn T. Witt. iriM at one time managed the affairs of the Plaindealer Co., and ef lite- has taken an netiva part in the publication of the Harvard Herald, has purchased the Richmond Gazette of P. K. Wright and will conduct it in the future. m n* eeiiar her ankle. • and Mn. John Conrad have the Vaaqr bungalow to thtee Perry mom road. Charles Malgaard of Emerald Park was tiie winner of the flOO in gold I® iipwil BMI coffee cup>, rub wtOi baking soda oa a lamp cloth, then wash in aoapgr water, riaae Md dfy. Read the Want Alt tBIRTY YEARS AGO Hie weeds on the east of Fox river and leading up to the bridge have been cut and tnose responsiUe for their removal anvsly have the thanks of the community. ( Dr. C. II. Fager^ has Just let the contract for a beautiful new six-room bungalow, to be erected on his lot just east of the^N. J. Nye residence. The workmen an still at work on the Bofden property in Centervill* A big improvement is alrealy noticeable. The interior work it the village hall is progressing nicely and the board hopes to hold its meetings therein in the near future. M I L L INN (Formerly Barnard's Mill) Sad of Wonder Lake at «• OPEN ALL WINTER Wlna) tiquor, Beer aid Sani- Dinners, Sat, 5 p.m. antil 12-- wW»ee at all times. Snn^ from 1 pja. until 7 poa. STEAKS--ROASTS--CHICKEN--LOBSTER .Meet Your Friends at the Mill Inn . ' *' *W E. M (DEAC) STRONG L. L. (LARRY) KNOWLTON J TWICE TOlt ItesM ef Interest TaliEsn Frem the Filen of the Plaindealer. ef Yean Age |Gifb of all Kind# MEN • .. . • • 6, S J - ?l »>• ' /f'» «/• fh' V:.Vv- - i- • - -: • i "MOSEY INN" TAVERN .......... ^oca^e^ jn ^ Building ~ ^ EINQWOOD, Uik Pish Fry Every Friday Night ATLAS PRAOER BEER Ffe4 Bowman, Prop^ ' AU Pupate UT i Caztaia Dye •rOUMUNIHD tmdftM m«* Mrfn MUKTLf :,p- •.. its fcirf dye that money caa bvyt it lor Cflanwf, acetate Rayon, Nylon snd- Mizoires as weR as Cor cotton, silk, linen; four new "decorator" shades--Champagne, PcachgUyw, Desert Tan, Sonny Ecru. They'll bring the sunshine right into your home, aad perk an entire room just as they perk up your old c tains. Definitely W--so you know youll have no dye failures. IN THE BIO Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" '• SIXTY YEARS AGO WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- House, 6 rooms or more. Call McHenry 31. Dr. H. S. Fike, 305 Waukegan St. 23-tf MISCELLANEOUS Smith ft Snyder are putting up * large cold stonge building in the rear of their block, in West McHenry. Jos. Lawrence is building a new FOR RENT--200-acre farm equipped bingo parties will be held promptly for feeder cattle and hogs. 180 at 8:30 pjn. acres tillable. Well fenced, tiled,! w. uvm •_ n Mlimoendi.m i Casrh_ _o r «sth na res. Refert>e.n c• es and Patricia Andree have been in S2ST* 2^ibed 8ever»1 during the past dealer- * week with severe colds, Also Mary LaMeire has been sick in bed and may have to go. to the hospital. We all hope you will be well soon, Mary. Meanwhile Mrs. La Meire's other daughter, Mrs. Konig, has gone to Woodruff, Wis., for a vacation. Also her son, Lawrence has received his discharge from the navy in the past week. NOTICE -- Live s t o c k t r u c k i n g . ! Last week we r e p o r t e d Harry Sex 1 , . , , . , . . Frank Raycrsft,, West McHenry,! was in the hospiUl. Well, he has I ^ undersignedI having^ decided to Phone 149-J. 25-2 j been operated on and is comingq farming will^ell allthe personal 1 alonir nicplv * property at public auction 2Vi miles w . . «v 11 m i west of Woodstock on the' blacktop Welcome home. _ Yes, all the Franklinville, Woodstock road on friends out here join in together and welcome Wally O'Brien back EDWARDS AND KELLOGG AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer W* * • T " '^1 -* , .. ,-a, . if.'./ , '*w U 1 ! ' " ^ *»<«' 'A "A *SiU •*> « -Mi I * H*. ,-V • '«•»>• '<•_ H' v •i' -t i .4 r.-i> ft.' ... ^ • - i ' ^ 4J •>' .^tr . a 1.: ^ d Northern IlUnol £ • Z-Z t Us ' -• UNEQUALLED DV «« AND D1VERS1TT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING -- All work fully guaranteed. "Torchy" Krause, 810 Elm St., McHenry. Tel. 379. 42-tf WE INSURE YOUR PER8ONAL PROPERTY in the city or country. wherever located in uy c the U. S. or Canada, against fire, burglary, windstorm, all m one policy. For information nil Jacob Fritz, Real Estate and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chicago, phone Lincoln 1333. 17-13 DEAD ~ANIMALS^ Five dollars * the least we pay for dead horses and "cows in good condition. Wheeling home. Wally has received his discharge and is back home once again. Also Wally's brother-in-law, Mr. Vetter, is expected home any day with his discharge. It seems the Hintz are having quite a nice time on their trip, according to the letter Mr. Gilmore has received. The Hintz wish to say hello to their many friends here at the lake. " All join in and wish Mr. and Mrs. Abbinnati hearty congratulations, as they celebrated their Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling eleventh anniversary on the 7th of No. ^event" ann^erss , 8. Reverse the charges. No help !*ovem!»?r-. a htt.le ,am: needed to load. 14-tf !_n J ^e , ?5cfslon and HAVE YOU nEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise yoi'. Ask us for insurance rates. Th« Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tt -ilARBAGE COLI.ECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, •or oftener if desired. Reasonable _ rates. Regular year round route, for- •terly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. SUNDAY, NOV. 18 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp the following described property, to-* wit: 30 HEAD 07 LIVESTOCK Consisting-of 17 Choke Cows Many of which will be' fresh balance close springers. These cows were all bred through the Dundee Artificial Breeding Program 10 yearling heifers all of which an fealfhood" vaccinated, This entire herd has been under state supervision in Bangs testing program for two years and all „ _ . - , , ,showed negative at a test just cornall spent a very delightful evening.; pieted Happy birthday to Ray Etten. Ray Anyone desiring clean cows and celebrated his birthday on the 12th caifhood vaccinated heifers ahould of November. He was also priyil-; attend this 8ale, edged with a day on work as the, Machinery weather did not permit any. | International corn planter with Sunday was a day of celebration fertilizer attachment andT „ tongue Wt. tr.ctor Mc-D. Monday was little Dolores' birthday, dump rake; Mc-D. hay loader; silage was one year old !a?•n?d? 18 cart; 6-ft. IHC grain binder; IHC .the youngest of the three children. corn bind walking plow; horse iwShich' trhe giift s^ nweer^rea »op esnee^de.d A. mafotnegr j drawn cultivator. the guests were the grandpfifentaT, Set of breeching harness. Scalding kettle with jack;-stock ft-i tf Mr. and. Mrs. C. O. Hyatt and Mr. 2x2x6 140 ft hay rone Need Rubber Stamps? Order at' of ^unS"and uncfe®? and°MrS nUsS! i^jP0°n ^ f°rk; ne^ h°* Plaindealer. I and her son, Roscoe, who are residents GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE m BXm Street CLEANERS Phone McHenry 104'M *"&!> jjl self feeder. Milking Equipment Surg? milking machine, single unit, new; double unit Perfection milking machine, motor ai)d pump; Losee electric milk stirrer; 12 8-gal. cans; 2 milk pails. * Feed 30 tons clover hay, baled; 3 tons mixed hay, baled; 2 tons bean hay, j baled; 19 bushels Balbo seed rye: j 500 bushels Vicland oats; 200 lbs. i timothy seed; 18 ft. silage in 16-ft. j silo. ' j Including many other articles too j numerous to mention. j TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at six per cent will be extenedd on notes | approved by the clerk. Anyone de- I siring credit, kindly msMT arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. 1 EDWARDS AND KELLOGG Owners Fint National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking This area has a population of about five milttoa. Unlike a region which is characterized by one or two dominant^, types of industry, Chicago and Northern Illinois industry is highlf - diversified. In addition, this area is a world hub of agricultural ana commercial activity. These factors combine to provide an economic ~ balance that tends to cushion fluctuations In business. W bit do w* mtm*--industrial diversification? There are 10,000 manufacturing plants in Chicago and Northern -Illinois. They make everything from tractors to toothpaste, from abrasive wfieeb to X-ray equipment--a total annual production eve* before the war of almost 4V5 billion dollars. 86% of all types of U. SL industries are represented in this area. Why is Chicago and Northern Illinois to imporUmt Ml tit natrom'f tgricmltmn? It is because this area is situated in the center of the rich mid- . west agricultural vallejr, unquestionably the greatest food producing area in the world. This, in turn, has made Chicago and Northers Illhiois an outstanding center for food processing and distribution. Here is also an area that creates tremendous buving power of its own--the goods and services living that people here warn and must have. What Jo we nuan--trtniendoms toying power? . \ We mean, for instance, that this year the total income of peopte living here reached a rate of 7V4 billion dollars annually, that tnis income is of course reflected in buying power, and that buying power created retail trade in the Chicago ana Northern Illinois area exceed* ing 2 billion dollars in 1943. More than that is the fact that the Cmcagtysrea is ah outstanding center of wholesale trade--anothflt 5V4 bunbn dollar market. One building alone-- the Merchandise Mart--Jttracts 400,000 buyers a year. These are some of the reasons why Chicago is nationally known as the "Great Central Market." Who* dm all this mum to yom? • I It means that if vou are contemplating location or expansion <# an industrv that could benefit by participation in a market unequalleijl in size and diversity, the Chicago and Northern Illinois area deservfeL your thorough investigation, we shall be glad to assist your study, of this area and all it holds for postwar industry. Great Industries lsia»a|la this ana INNS these evtstitfM| Railroad Centar of Ilia United States * World Airport Waterways * Geographical Centar of U. S. Poputartea Financial Center * The "Great Central Market" ^ Producing and ProceMiwg CeMer • leader in ton and Step Manufacturing • Good Lobar Relations Record • 2,500,00ft Kilowatts of Power • Tremendous Cool Reserves • Abwndaat Gas and OR * Good Government • Good Living This is die fourth of a series of advertisements on the industrial; agricultural and residential advantages of QhicagOjjyid J^Iprth^rn Illinois. For more information, communicate^with the " ~ TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT -- hflrmatiomon tkeJmJuttrial, agriadtmrmJ and nridentiai devthfmnt tf Chicago and Northern IUtmit ; tC SERVICE COMPANY OF MOBTHEBH WEtTEBN UNITED OAS AlfD ELECTUC COMPANY Jty.. i .. - .. . «w... ... - v. KLt,.. % ^ h. * .» ..J..1*: