McHenry 681-M-l IN8IJRB TOUR PBRTT in the city or country. FOR SALE M4--i' <5;..: WE PROP] whmwr located in UM U. S. or Canada, aninit fit*, borglary, windstorm, all la one policy. For information call Jacob Frits. Real Eatate FOR SALE -- Walnut dining room | and Insurance, Mate St.. JLoknsburf. set, complete with buffet, china cabi- j Phone McHenry 672-R-2. 'At Chtnet, 6 chairs and extension table, cago, phone Lincoln 133S. 17-13 Five dollars is *27 j the least we pay for dead horses and ' cows in good condition. Wheeling 1944 Roper Gas Stove and one bed- . ,. „ ' room set. Call Wonder Lake 171. DEAD ANIMALS • m FDR SALE--Five-room house, ce- Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. Anient basement, electric pump, year 3. Reverro the charges No help hnm*. Address Box F, m needed to load. •27-2 around home. care of Plaindealer. 14-tf HAVE YOU nEARI) about the new FOR SALE--Boy's bicycle in good r«h*ed Auto Liability and Property condition; also pair of ice shoe; Damage rates? They will surprwe •Wat** .u. i2. Phone McHenry i yoo. Ask as for insurance rate*. 614-J-l *26-2 j rh« Kent Co^ McHenry. Jrhone 8. 27-tt FOR SALE--Extra large lot, 66x186, | I Wattles subdivision, call Grayslake GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let as T881 or William. Ahrens 607 Frbnt; jjspoge of your garbage each week, fe; St., West McHenry. 26-2 or 0ftener jf desired. Reasonable FOR SALE IN McHENRY--2 story, "tea. Regular year round route, for- «n kut atorker.i merly George Meyers. Ben J. Smith. tf 6 rooms, forced air, oil heat, stocker, merly George Meyers garage', 3 acres land, 50 fruit trees; Phone S65. .* i one mile from railroad, priced 1 • • ' •f*• < $8,960. Also business property, 10 »»»»»»»»»«»»»»»»»»»•»»»»••» < rooms, 12-car garage, corner on . J<tfmeburg, phone 'McHenry 672nRu2- McCnllom Lake 4Vr'» " or Chicago Lincoln 1S3S. 26tf < • V"' FOR SALE-Tf^l^oArt' "" """""" V ' ' economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- "• (By Miss Ercell Loclc) V ville Rock Wool Home Insulation Last Saturday night the "Screwy • '•Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call( Do^en" sponsored a Turkey party • LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. at Horn's. The proceeds of the 36tf.1 party will be used for the children's • Christmas party. The U. S. navy , was represented by Ensign J. E. Kinstler and wife and Ensign R. L. FOR RENT FOR RENT--200-acfe farm equipped Black and wife. The Kinstlers and for feeder cattle and hogs. 180 Blacks have been living in a Knollacres tillable. Well fenced, tiled, wood cottage, while the male memlimed. Cash or shares. References bers are attached to the naval air required. Box "L" Care of Plain- station at Glenview. dealer. - 24-4 Now for the suspense! Wfco won ---- ......I mn tihiwh the turkeys? Well, here is the WANTED TO RENT answer: Fred Edmonds was the -- ---- lucky winner of turkey No. 1 and WANTED--To rent or buy a medium George Harker reminded him of all sized farm. Write Box Z 9< Plain-,the good fish that hp (George) had dealer. *27 supplied in the past. •-- _. - Z I n! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reimer were WANTED TO REN^ -- l^ouse,„1 trying hard to win a pair of drum rooms or more. Call McHenry 31.; sticks when turkey No. 2 was won Dr. H. S. Fike, 305 Waukegan&U, Betty Cermak, whose tats hand, • Jerry, is a liker of turkey. j I Otto and Emma Pyritz captured bird No. 3; wonder if it will be as {good as the brand they raised last year. j Turkey No. 4 went to Tony Miller. J Lee Sawdo doesn't care, he has a | pheasant at home. j Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel was the j winner of No. 5, and speaking of ;them, it was Mr. Feiereisel's umpiteenth birthday Friday, November 16. J Number six goes to Mrs. Gertrude Glosson, McHenry, who attended the f'te KttJar Willi Um atmy Friday night in the enst of the Junior Class Ptejr were three fins from , this community who m a swell job. Those three girls were Lorrie Larson, Gerrie Nimtz, and Untie Matsst. * " Punkin Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larson, caught a mink Sunday morning by the slew, Joe Crick has been released from service and is at home with his two sisters and parents, Friday, November 16, the Ladies pinochle club met at Mrs. Thojnas Kane's home for dinner. I hear the food was delicious. All the members attended and after the feast they played pinochle. Mrs. George Schu bert won first prize, Mrs. Syd Smith, aeeond and Mrs. Lee Larson, con^j solation. naming White House After the war of 1812, a whit* coat of paint was given to the President's home to cover black smudges caused when the British set fire to the building. It was then that the mansion was given the name of "White House." . Fowl Pax Vaccine v"A ebmmoa method of applying fowl pox vaccine is to pull a few feathers from the inside portion of the thigh Mid apply the vaccitie with a brush against the feather openings. Once vaccination has been started, it must be continued every year. WANTED TO BUY m ,,.i-- WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS GAMBLE'S AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE 459 WEST McHENRY : party with her husband and friends. Hey! How does Tony Miller get 1 that way? He's got turkey No. 7 WANTWt m MTY pn„r n. av> 1 hi the bag, too. I guess he won't M,nmre istarve- However, Lee Sawdo is not room rammer home, near McHenry. worrying--he's still got that pheaon or near Fox River. Address Box "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Woman to care for elderly lady and take care of house. Two in family. Tel. McHenry, 215-R. Call between 5 and 6:30 p.m. 27 sant at home. Turkey No. 8 goes to Grandma' Horn, who has been and is a favorite j of the community. ~~ The navy attendance was increased' by Didk Nimtz, who was with his wife, Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen. Next was a special surprise. Lit- HELP WANTED--Married man to tle Edd>' Horn won a nine pound work on farm. Will have own house muscovy duck, ribbons, bells and all. to live in. Address "T," care Mc- The duck was donated by Mr. and Henry Plaindealer. 22-tf; Mrs. Freisinger. •-- ------ I The ninth turkey was won by HELP WANTED--Men for construc- Ann Horn; looks like the Horns had tion work. Ivar Fredricksen, Won-!luck. der Lake. Tel. Wonder Lake 221.; George Baumbeck took over the 14-tf i eleventh turkey. Jim Powers and wife, Mary, and WANTED j George Whiting were t>.ere. Jiin . • •• -- nad that erleam in his eyes but no WANTED--Box stove, call 68-W. j turkey--(The National doesn't sell *27! turkeys, but they do have the trim- ^rm mfnaprTMrs0 Harry Lock took turkey No. SIT. mn Cattle and Hog: 12 home with her--Ah! we eat. Farm. ^ Will operate on profit shar- Clarence Feiereisel won turkey No. LILrff18 w competent man. Ref- i3_i hnagine he did it to keep his erences. Box K, Care of Plain-|wife company. (Remember, she won* 24-4, turkey No. 5?) Little Yvonne Horn, daughter of dealer. LOST Joe and Libby Horn, won the four- _ . „„„--iv * ,, ; -------- iteenht bird. DOG LOST Child s pet --- -Toy fox i Frank Madsen and wife, visitors terrier answers to name of Mickey. 0f the Syd Smiths, finished up the Anyone knowing whereabouts of this 1 evening with turkey fifteen, dog, please notify Arthur Tonyan,1 Delicious hot sandwiches Writing Paper fiised All kinds, .qf,writing and book pa-" per are sized with animal glue to provide non-fuzzy surfaces, facilitate smooth movement of the pen, withstand erasures; or to make a suitable finish for a good printing job. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Plaindealer. A.P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. -- --Road Building-- Tel. 204-M McHenry. Ik SEWER CLOGGED? •Have It Cleaned With the 8ANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING All Work Guaranteed H. L.RAPP Crystal Lake, IlL Crystal Lake St* Straetoral Steel • Ornamental Iron Bailding Specialties Steel Stairs and Sailings SM Railroad St Marenge 144 MARENGO, ILL. Al's Welding Servioe West of C. & N. W. Depot Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRF8, Operator Phone 615-W.l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $15 for Old or In jured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnaburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE We pay phone charges. r.r. When fW Med «f any Mnt Pfcene 48 er llt-M OrNB A Elm - McH«nr» TeL McHenry *4S-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Decorating and Paporkanglng . ' Dependable Weif9 10^ K. C^REEN ST., * "t- v •• LMkMt PMnt Winder Lake, 111 ROTHKRMEL ELECTRIC SHOP ELBCTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO REPAIRS Let m satiaiate that next electrical Job of years. LEO O. ROTHERMEL, Prop. Phone McHenry 272-M N4 Riverside Drive DR. R/DeROMX IM Green Street ffcene !•«-«. MOUmj Hens: it aa. to 1 , except Wednsadsy. .T< day and PMday nl^to to Idl 1 Other hewn hy Office HtoU.lJtto«iM^|Nn,We«, FrL Mghte: Other Hoara by AppaCntssent H. & VAN DENBURGH. DC. Phc CMrapractor IM Green St. Tet IM-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebrnn Ml Job Women and Yoong Men Needed Fof- Permanent Position In Packing Department JP IS PLEASANT WORK WITH A GROlflf. NEW WORKERS ARE PAID A GUARANTEED WAGE AND TRAINED SO THEY CAN PARTICIPATE IN PRODUCTION BONUS WITHIN THREE WEEKS AND IN PROFIT SHARING PUN IN SIX, MONTHS. • - -- i RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORPORATION PHONE RICHMOND S WOMDBB LAXS B08 *. wobwiok ; - • PHOTOGRAPHER Portraitart CMaeraUl M. tit -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, IlL. rwuuOO. (tail Mile Sooth of oirfcHBt^Sl Flowcrg for all occastong! ' -siF pa. a s . rat 'iTii t ili' •.. .« ti MCH^NRY.ILL. Richmond Road. •27 MISCELLANEOUS served later and after dancing to the music furnished by Otto Pyritz, all went home happy in the thought that HHOdtUimSEPHROnLi Dn AiiUTCmTnIOMN -- Hua„v^in g 'fbe kids of McCullom Lake will have" a nice party at Christmas time. sold our home, will sell at public auction a complete line of household goods cm Sunday, December 2, at 1:30 p.m., Frank Heckmann, 114 Main street, - West McHenry. 27 YOUR GUESTS--will marvel at the beauty of your bathroom when All the children are to report to' Horns everv Wednesday evening at seven to rehearse for the party, Sunday, the eighteenth was the Golden Anniversary of "Grandma Horn" and her husband. The coupie you paint it with Nu-Enamel. Carey i?!*8 STiTpr*8e<* the middle of Electric Shop, Green St., McHenry. 'h.e afternoon when their many ' 97 '"ends, neighbors and relatives -- gathered to pay tribute to two FORTY-ONE cents will protect a|PeoPle °* wedded bliss. Later -a man's or lady's suit from moth dam-1 very delicious luncheon was served age for 5 years. One spraying of their three daughters. Gifts were Berlou Guaranteed Mothspray does,in abundance and appropriate for it, or Berlou pays the damage--Bol-1 occasion. A list of those at- -ger's Drug Store. ---• 1 27; tending would resemble a roster of • ' ithe community plus several' who WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR- j came from far away places. ING -- All work fully guaranteed.! Wednesday, November 14, Mrs. Lee "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc-1 Larson drove and Mrs. William Henry; Tel. 379. > -42-tf Haley, Mrt. Clarence Feiereisel, Mrs. -- George Schubert, and Mrs. Thonjas ATTENTION--Am prepared to haul j Kane went with her into Chicago hay, grain and corn; also household | where they went to a,Smorgasboard furniture. Prompt reasonable ser-1 on Rush street to eat, and latex to , vice. Call McHenry 622-M-l. *26-21 the Chrysanthemum show in Lincoln! | Park. Subscribe for The Plaindealer 1 Jack Reimer, after being at Fort !< " r GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE % 'W ^ CLEANERS 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M RINGWOOD, ILL. UNEQUALLED Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power 1 "veling and Grading. J. R NETT Johmhurf P. O.--McHenry Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- Cinders Black Dirt -- Limestone Dump Trucks For Hire Phone Johnsburg 677-W4 McHenry, IlL Treat MASTITIS In roorbcrd while cowf in 4tr .. b«M r--ulw. T«k of •vary cow with BwbiTwtCtJi! ihw w»l iftnii «-LAC B>ib> G*AC to * tjiriit fee lb ||^||^||^ 1^1 ctmt if G4JUC nvi la 4tr frufcwlM. WwfcU 4ft-- BOLGER'S DRUG STORE McHenry, IlL -v.. - •laai-V':. 50 to 60 Hours Weekly Time and One-Half Over 40 Howl m tOSITIONS NOW AVAttAKLS PRODUCTION ARC WELDERS : •' ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS A TURRET LATHE OPERATORS MACHINISTS TRUCK and TRACTOR BfECH^lCS J * lor ASSEBSBLY WORK In bseofltin^l responsible organization, apply to ~ THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. LIBERTTVILLE, ILLINOIS v;' "Aak any of our Men or Women" ^ : f' ' V I •cr £ c* , • 5* < ^ m WEINGART TRUCKING McHENRT, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Filling This area hat • population of about five miHils Unlike a region which is characterized bjr one or two dominant - types of industry, Chicago and Northern Illinois industry is highly diversified. In addition, this area is a world hub of agricultural and commercial activity. These factors combine to provide an economic ., balance that tends to cushioi/ fluctuations in business. What do wt mem--industrial diversification? • . There are 10,000 manufacturing plants in Chicago and Northern Illinois. They make everything from tractors to toothpaste, from abrasive wheels to X-ray equipment--a total annual production even before the war of almost 4Vi billion dollars. 86% of all types of U. S. industries ate represented in this area. „ . Why is Chicago and Northern Illinois so important m tht nation's; igricmltuft? It is because this area is situated in the center of the rich midwest agricultural valley, unquestionably the greatest food producing uea in the world. This, in turn, has raade Chicago and Northern Illinois an outstanding center for food processing and distribution. Here is also an area that creates tremendous buying powerof its own--the goods and services for living that people here wane and must have. iTbat do wt mtan--tnmendws buying power? We mean, for instance, that this yor the total income of people Iftring here reached a rate of 7Vi billion dollars annually, that this income is of course reflected in buying power, and that buying power created retail trade in the Chicago ana Northern Illinois area exceed-, ing 2 billion dollars in 1943. More than that is the fact that the Chicago area is an outstanding center of wholesale trade--another 5V4 billion dollar market. One building alone--the Merchandise Mart-- attracts 400,000 buyers a year. These are some of the reasons why Chicago is nationally known as the "Great Central Market." What dots all this mean to you? It means that if vou are contemplating location or expansion of an industry that could benefit by participation in a market unequalled in size and diversity, the Chicago and Northern Illinois area deserves your thorough investigation, we shall be glad to assist your study of this area and all it holds for ^ostw*r industry. Inland Great Isdmtrles leading in this eree have these entsMMins Railroad Center of the Unitod States * World Airport Waterways • Geographical Center of U. S. Population Financial Center • The "Great Central Market" Producing and Processing Center • leader in Iron and Steel Manufacturing • Good Labor Relations Record • 2,500,000 Kilowatts of Power * Tremendous Coal Reserves • Abundant * Gas .and 01 * Good Government • Good living _ - 4:'"' -1ib --• ,? This is the. fourth of a series of advertisements on the industrial, agricultural and residential _ -- tdntanses of ChicagQ ,y\d.$0rthern Illinois. For more information, communicate with the TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT * • . ti&rmmtiouou thohuhutrial, agHcutmrmi and ruidnmal Jtvekfmtmt tf Ckkmgo mm4 Northern Wmm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NOHTHEBN ILLINOIS fllTIBN UNITES OAS AN» ELECTBIC COMPANY .. •• -is - ... % ,. . .. . • •• • t-.? . t ...n>.. 1.Ifa*.-A