-V mm tAMMM mm of burnt MM Frees Ftkeef the of Tun Af« 4* SIXTY YEARS AGO i/| WThe celebrated young stallion .."George 0," owned by Geo W. Owen In this village, bias been dangerously aiek for the past ten days, but is now better. v The many frifends in this vicinity ef Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knight, of Chicago, send congratulations on the " o o or >n rii rhn a~ni rinrrrr rr*"r 'AUCTION II,. .... . U^:K • •" j • ' <• «»>• < _, I m Charles Leonard A Ed rVogel, Auctioneer* ' mi a new market in West truck wttl be used for •ice. Baby CMh An excellent wash cloth tor baby can be made of three or thicknesses of gauze bound the edge with a ribbon, or around with crochet cotton. eral of these make an acceptable present for a baby shower. Tel 904-M 8SWES 0LOO0KD? Ha** It NO m Week f H. L.EAPP 15rystal Lake, IB. Crystal Lab* ttt Track* For Kb* J*hn*burg tT7 McHenry, say water in the ground that at any tine within the peat twenty years. FIFTY Simon Stoffel is treating his store front to a coat of paint. John Neish is the artist. Barbian Broe., are giving the front of their store a new coat of paint, which, when completed will present a very handsome appearance. Cal Curtis is doing the work. C. B. Murphy has moved his grocery stock to the Howe block in the store formerly occupied by C. R. fluber, and is now settled and ready to accommodate his customers. Walter Lee has opened a bakery in Heimer's block, on Elm street, where he will keep on hand bakery supplies of all kinds. FORTY YEARS AGO State Bank of Richmond, Clerking ...Having decided to quit farming, trill sell at Public Auction on the Jacob May farm, 2 miles east of Richmond on 173, 1 mile south of Washington school house, 2 miles West and North of Spring Grove, 2 miles East, 1 mile North of Solon on MONDAY, DECEMBER S, IMS Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp fthe following property: 11 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK N. J. Justen has this week moved his furniture stock across the street into his recently purchased building, John Stoffel is moving his grocery stock into the building thus vacated by Mr. Justen. The Wagester Sisters are showing one of the most complete lilies of millinery to be found in McHenry county. The marriage of Bruce ,W. Starritt of Terra Cotta to Clara M. Thompson of Barreville took place at the Univei-salist church in this village at high noon yesterday. Simon StofTel on Monday completed a deed for 749 acres of- Kansas land at $8.25 per acre.-- Refiaishing Kitchen TaMoe Old kitchen tables can fie gay by applying Stenciled dealSrir --a flower spray at each corner of the top, or a conventionalized border around the edge. This ornamentation is put on after the table has been painted or lacquered a solid color. A qoat-Tjf good waterproof varnish will enhance durability and make the surface easier to clean. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer To settle Estate, will sell the following personal property on the Hafer Farm located 2 miles West of Fremont Center, 4 miles East of Volo, 3 miles north of Wauconda, on the Volo-Gilmer black- tot road on A rejasot for permit M a plane Ssaa «n won* Lame tbled, aendlte investigation. ber % ggjf Mutiw ly Forward*. Frani to adjourn. M« R. L OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. material tor color fast- I a scrap of material colored trimming to be a* rick rack or tape, to SSKSS um£ mofc a plaoe of white cloth. WasfcJnjKUt v a l a e a p , d r y a n d i n n . , . , Consisting of Holsteins ft Gaern* _Jpeys, some close "springers Hay, Grain and Machinery 20 tons of good hay in barn; 300 *T>u. oats; 20 ft. silage in 12-ft. silo:'garden a head 75 shocks of corn-in field; wagon and 19% pounds. rack; hay rake; 1 wagon; mower; A new cement walk is being concorn planter; grain drill; sulky plow; structed on the west side of Water 2-section drag; milk wagon; washing street, from Stilling's garage to THIRTY YEARS AGO , J. C. Debrecht, the Johnsburg merchant, recently took from his of cabbage weighing tanks; 4 milk cans; pails; fork and shovels, and other small - tools too numerous to mention. Deinlein's grocery store. The work of razing the N. A. Heumann house is completed and . Mr(u. - thus another one of McHenry's old TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and, landmarks has passed out of exisunder that amount cash, over that tence. amount a credit of six months at six I J«mes Green has moved his family per cent will be extended on notes | to this viHage from Ringwood and approved by the clerk. Anyone de-, taken up his abode in the Miss Charsinng credit, kindly make arrange-; lotte Madden house on Elm street, ments before purchase is made. No property to be removed unjtii settled tor. M * JACOB MAY, Owner W. B. HARRISON AUCTION TWENTY YEARS AGO # CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer % The undersigned, having decided to quit farming, will sell at public auction all his personal property on the farm 2 miles north of 120 on State's Attorney A. H. Pouse has sold his <home on Main street in West McHenry to Matt Laures. Mrs. John Niesen has sold her AUCTION ms the Wonder Lake-Ringwood blacktop '.?• ^ road, 2Vt miles Southwest of Ringwood, 1 mile east of Wonder Lake, 9 """ """ miles northeast of Woodstock, 5 miles northwest of McHenry and 2 miles southeast of Barnard's Mill, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 Having purchased a farm, I jam j offering for sale the following per- | sonal property at my farm residence known as Chas. Bratzke Farm, lojcated on Rollins Rd., being 4 miles north of Grey slake, 4 miles southeast miles east of Hwy. west of Hwy 46, 8 miles northwest of Mundelein, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER, 8 AT 11 O'CLOCK Watch for Auction Arrow WEDNESDAY, DEO. 5 Commencing jit 11:30 o'clock sharp die following property to-wit: 54 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 24 Choice Cows 24 Hulsteins--mostly new milkers and Springer*--several with calve* by side. This is a good home raised herd. 4 two-year-old Holstein Heifers-- Springing. Two-year-old Holstein Stock boll. 6-months-old Holstein ball 2 yearling Holstein heifers 8 Holstein H eifers--calve*--J ta § months old. Three head of good work horses* THOGS: 13 head shoats -- weight about 100 lbs. ea. One brood sow. Feed and Machinery 25 acres shocked corn--hybred-- good hard corn; 5 acres standing corn; 2 silos--12 ft. and 14 ft.--both full; 30 ton alfalfa and clover, mixed --in barn; 15 ton mixed nay--in barn; 1,000 bu. oats; 150 bu. wheat; stack straw; IHC tractor; 3-bottom tractor plow; tractor disc; Mc-D. mower; J-D. hammermill; side delivery rake; Chevrolet pick-up, 1988, good condition; Broadcast seeder; corn planter; Mc-D. corn binder; 2 wagons and boxes; horse disc; 2 sleighs;, platform scale; Mc-D. grain binder;flpanure spreader; Iron-wheel wagon ' ^nd rack; hay loader; hog rack; dump rake; hay fork and rope; 18 milk cans; DeLaval milking ma« chine; 2 set harness and collars; miscellaneous other tools and equipment. Commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp This will be one of the largest sales held in 1945 and it will be necesary to sell all machinery and equipment before noon. Lunch Wagon on Grounds Law Wyoming wa* the first of the »• states to pass a law requiring enrichment of Hour and braid. At fee prssant time, bread is enriched a war food order which wfll Ineffective after the war The Wyoarisg law will effective on May 18, lft£. Other state* that are following Wyoming's lead in enrichment legislation include North and South Dakota, Oregon, Washington, Indiana, Georgia and North Carolina. The government signed the bill on February 13, IMS. JACOB FRITZ EMI Estate and Imnrance Office i«s*4 Telephone Net. 800 Stoffel A Edhafesparfor for aB property in the beet MeHKNRY - - ILLINOIS * toflSfor Old or fern or Cows Standing M Bans If Alb*. Mfctt's Mink Kaneh HM-t CAUr AT OMCC ON DEAD HOGS, HOR8E8 i CATTLE W* pay phone charge*. WEINOAET TRUCKIMO 8and, Gravel, Black Dirt, Fiii and LisMstone Telephone McHenry ISS-R-2 ELEOTBIC SHOP ELBCTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO R^AIRS ~ Let ns eetiaMte tiuA Most dedrical Jab *f y*ars. LBO G. ROTHERMEL. Pmp. ' Phoo* McHenry I7I>M 304 Rjvenide Drive TeL McHenry S4S-J ; HAEOLD H. BELL Paintiag. Deceratiag and Paptrhaagiag Dependable Werk ; io* N. GREEN sr., M'HBNRY Straetaral Steel - OraaamUl Iron Batlding Speeialtiee ; Stair* and RaiUngf ^ i H. L. BBOXEK IM •Railroad St. Marengo 144 MARENGO, ILL. Al'g Welding. Service Wat of C. ft N. W. Depot •ectric Portable WeMiag Acetylene Weldiag and Catting 4&HX W. WIRFS, Opersdar Phone US-W-I or 464 ^ ^ INSURANCE 1 EAtL I. VAL9 Reliable Companies <Vhea yea need lam sat i ef any Mi Phone 4S or 11S-M Oreen ft Elm MtHnry Office Honrs Daily Except There. 10 to IS, 1 to 4'M, Men, Wed, Pri. Nifkts: 7 to t. Other Honrs by Appointment H. a VAN DENBURGH, DC, PhC Cbirepraetor 120 Green 81M. MB. McHenry Phone Hebron I2S aarrr.:. 3 Saturn. to S PA| ^ WOMDEE FLOEAL 00. Ml* One Hila Sovtfc «f MeHenry LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at six per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled '0' 41--CATTLE--44 20 Hclstein, Guernsey, Dnrhai„, and Swiss cows, consisting of 4 cows, I for. with calf at side, 4 cows fresh in| past 40 days, 8 springing, balance j ALBERT 163 HEAD OF UVE8T0CK R. HATER, Estate Consisting of 48 Head of Holstein Cows Which includes 12 head of regis tered cows with papers, a number of heifers, 7 to 24 old (5 bred, balance open), j All heifers are vaccinated and some of the cows are vaccinated; 1 Guern-1 sey bull, IS months old; 1 Durham I bull, 6 months old, from John Hart' °A Cl°" ThUU , k„d a«\rS-l8?H lh^e^0,K^iC|! ii13lH0RSES A°ND HARNESS - Iron' 2 Holstein pure bred bulls ;grty team of geldings, 4 and 7 years Anyone desiring good quality high 0ld, wt. 3200 lbs., gentle; Strawberry cows and heifers will be roan gelding, 3 years old, AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer .producing cows and heifers given a grand opportunity to im- •v - prove their herds by the purchase of , .(Cows or heifers at tliis sale. 54 Chester White feeder pigs; 4 Chester White brood sows; 1 boar. 6 head of good work horses. 'SI . € • Machinery Case DC tractor on rubber, with «!»= cultivator, new; Case 5 tractor on '" rubber; 16-in. 2-bottom tractor plow; * 14-in. 2-bottom tractor plow; 8-ft. tractor disc; 1-row cultivators; years old, wt. 1,450 lbs., gentle; Brown saddle horse, wt. 1000 }bs.; 2 sets of breeching harness and collars. 16 PIGS--8 Ohio Improved Chester White Gilts, 5 months old, average wt. 120 lbs.; 8 Ohio Improved Chester White barrows, 5 months old, average weight 120 lbs. POULTRY--45 White Rock pullets, ready to lay; 10 Bantam chickens. MACHINERY--New A. C. 8-ft tor disc; new New hay loader; J. D. -- k.--"--• Case silo filler^ new; Case power (good condition); Mc-D. corn planter corn binder, new in 1945, with bundle ^>th check wire, soy bean and fertil- . carrier and elevator; Mc-D. grain . binder, 8 ft. cut; Emerson 8-ft. grain drill; grain blower, new; John Deere corn planter with fertilizer attach- ,;V- n,en^J Gehl hammer mill; Case '* mower; Case side delivery rake; New »k Idea hay loader; 8 section drag, •at' Case manure spreader on rubber; * robber tired wagon; 2 truck wagons # and boxes; hay carrier and grab ^ fork; rubber tired milk cart; 2 large izer attachment; Mc-D. 8% quack digger; 8-ft. Tiger grain drill (with tractor hitch tractor); Mc-D. grain binder; Deering corn binder; Moline corn binder; Mc-D. 8-inch burr mill; 8-sec. iron drag (with new folding draw bar); Oliver 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow; side delivery rake; McC. 5-ft. mower; Bradley end gate seeder; sulky surface cultivator; walking cultivator; walking plow; gasoline tanks; 2 sets harness; sad-1 bob-sled ^nd box;,wood wheel wagon -die; quantity of woven wire and land double box; iron wheel wagon • barbed wire; new hay rope; litter!and reck; rubber tired wagon and *1 carrier; set of scales; scalding kettle; rack; double wagon box; fanning .Y y .heater; fanning mill j mill; com shelter; slip scraper; 3 'V ^h motor; chick feeders and water- seated buggy. f;V f™! ^ hunks; 3 portable ho£ FEED -- 400 bushel Vicland oats; houses 8x16; quantit"y" of- 'j4u n-k' ; hog 1200 bushel good ripe corn; 16-ft. feeders and troughs.- Milking Equipment * Universal 3 single unit milking ^machine with 5 pails; electric hot >w«^er heater;. sterilizng tanks; 18 ^ milk cans; pails and strainers. '*1 Feed " ••£ 2,000 bu. Vicland oats; 25 acres . standing corn; 10 acres shock corn; ^20 tons mixed hay; 30 ft. silage in ^ .1® ft* silo; 400 bales soy bean hay; • j?. 1,000 bales straw. f' Quantity of Household Furnitare Cook stove; 2 heating stoves; pres- Asuw cooker; 4 tons coal; some wood, i Poultry •*iv ISO chickens; 15 Mallard ducks. ip- Thi* is a large sale and will' be started at 10 a.m., sharp. All ma- Havine decided to quit farming will sell at Public Auction on 1 Abe Coombs farm located on Roi 120, 4 miles west of Grayslake, S miles east of Volo, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 beginning at 11 o'clock 41 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of j.- S6 cows and heifers, mostly Histeins, 2 Jersey, 5 Guernsey--several fresh and some springing--*11 bang* tested. 3 two-year-old Holstein heiftrac- j ere--bred; 3 18 month* old Hols Idea push type heifers. One Purebred Holetein manure spreader registered, 22 months old. 4 Heed of Good work horse*, mares, 2 geldings; 10 heed feeder pigs--weight about 75. lbs., each; 100 chicken* -- feeders and water fountains. PEED--86 bales Timothy; 416 bales mixed hay; 188 bales second cutting alfalfa; 1,600 bu. Columbia oats; 86 acres standing corn; two 12-ft. silos --58 ft. silage. Machinery Int. 10-20 tractor on rubber, good condition; J. D. tandem tractor disc; 2-bottom 16-in. tractor plow; 8-ft, pulverizer; 6-ft. Hoosier drill; Mc4). corn binder; Mc-D. corn binder with carrier; 8-ft. Mc-D. grain binder; i dump rake; Mc-D. side delivery rake; )Mc-D. manure spreader; Mc-D. rope hay loader; 4-section wood drag; 2- I section Wood drag; Mc-D. 10 in. burr ! mill; J. D. corn planter with fertiliser attachment; 2 rubber tired wagons with racks; iron wheel wagon with box; bob sleigh; cultivator; Mc-D. silo filler with"36 ft. pipe and dist.; Mc-D. stationary hay baler; walking plows; walking cultivators; 5 ft Int. oil bath mower; corn shelter; 3 rolls new hog fence; 76 steel posts; oil brooder stove; 3 H. P. Int. gas engine; 2V& H. P. Empire gas engine; sup scrap- M'HBNRY, ILL. ...... WHf have Junior strain his eyes? Bright, nevr light bulbs are readily available now to make your home more cheerful mote safer. llllil '.WT. " S silage in 14-ft. silo; 26 ton alfalfa, clover and timothy hay; 24 ton of Red Top hay; 400 bales of wheat straw (stored in barn). BEES--3 Swarms of Bees MILKING EQUIPMENT--New Rite- Way 2 single unit milking machine, complete with motor, pump and pipe for 36 stanchions; sterilizing rack; U)see Electric water heater; Losee electric inilk stirrer; 2 sterilizing. r-- „-- --, tanks; 10 milk cans; pails; strainers;:er; 3 chicken coops; 2 6x8 pig far- «S: „ rowing houses; Cowboy tank heater; BUILDINGS--New 10x12 ft. brooder 'grappl« house on skids; 8x8 ft. brooder house; 10x30 ft. turkey growing house and pen, (well built, in 2 sections, room for 75 turkeys). MISCELLANEOUS -- 30 bushel hog ^Wnery and equipment -will be soldi feeder; New Bradley pump jack; ^before noon. ^ Lunch wagon on grounds. ' - TERMS -- All sums of $25 and ^finder, cash; over that amount a ^credit of 6 months at 6 per cent on good bankable notes will be extended, pif credit is desired make arrangejMnt wth the dork before sale. No property to be removed until settled WALTSE B. HARBISON Owner t 200 it. new hay rope; anvil; forge: grindstone; 6 rolls snow fence; 75 steel posts; 2 brooder stoves; woven wire; 10 milk cans; 3 5-gallon cans; 3 steel barrels for gas, 50 gajlon bar- ™ with hog waterer; hog troughs; chicken feeders and waterers; forks shovels: etc. FURNITURE--Warm Morning (coal or wood) heatinar stove (good condition); Spiegel Kitchen range (good condition); fruit Jars; etc. EMIL AND MATTIE RADKE Owners ipple fork; fanning mill and grain sacks; Rite-way milker with pipe for, 26 cows; 9 milk cans; pails and strainers; gas heater; washing and sterilizing tanks; scales; electric c l i p p e r s ; e l e c t r i c f e n c e ; f o r k s , shovels, etc.; 2 set work harness; 1 saddle; 11 gas barrels; 4 oil barrels: some household articles and many other articles of tools and equipment. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS^ and Heisraa, Auctioneers • Public Auction Service Co., Clerk > Weet McHenry State Bank, . ..TERMS--All sums of f25.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at six per cent will be extended on notes approved bv the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. W. F. Dim M*MBKR Qyp Exchange yout wiot^-size and bumed-oat light bulbs for new ones that will give fM good, adequate light--everywhere in your home. Fill empty sockets. Bring your old light bulbs to your neatest Public Service Stan S -or light bulb agency. Swap 'em! Gee all the good, new bulbs you need and want Pttt bright, new light bulbs In your living , in closets, on stairways, In your attic cellar. Keep "spares'* on hand.. ' ^Most sizes of standard burned-out light bulbs (marked *P.& of N.I." ork MRenewal Service") may be exchanged^ for new bulbs without charge; others at a «UgV renewal charge. " % - COMPANY Of NOITNIIM ILLINOIS Practically all sizes and types of new light bulbs . «re now available at your Public Service Store or ktmrnm® " *uthodlW '""•w m. - ."J