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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1945, p. 10

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n i »ii»i Society • '-^rr'-r tMrerview Camp • :.'&•: . • 1W Held Election * T Rhrerriew Camp, R. N. A., will c |iold election of officers at their next 'meeting on Tuesday evening, ^>ecemattend All members are urged to in the Legion hall o'clock m Miaday «rwrfxif» tar ft. mrnAtn Wasted a twfcrty-«*e cent gift for exchange. Everyone is urged to attend, as important basinets matters will be discussed. The committee in charge includes Mrs. John R. Knox, Mrs. Joseph Gussardo, Mrs. George De- Roche, Mrs. -John Kildsy and Miss Mary Ann Miller. • • • home of Heme Bureau To Hold Christmas Party All members of the Ringwood unit * * • . j of the Home Bureau, please take ,Royal Neighbor Camp V (notice! In order to raise funds for IflpsnsTn Card Party ^ 4 the purpose of sending candidates Pox River Valley Carlft "l'w' »•,|to Farm and Home Week, each mem- ,is sponsoring a public card party, ber is asked, if she can, to bring jfc'. ,ito be held on Friday evening, No-1 »n item to the Christmas party, to P , i? • vember 30, in the K. of C. hall. A be sold in basaar fashion. This is, ^ beautiful blanket, as .yell as other)of course, a request. The Christmas • jt 'i's special prizes, will be awarded dur-i party is to be held at L Sng the evening. Refreshments will " ft; , toe served at»^ close of the party. |; -55./ SHold Baptism " • • m£?c\ Sunday V Nancy Haye, infant daughter of jgi t: I"' "Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood, t . _ , "was baptised at the Lockwood home j Mrs. Mary Stenger is chairman of s£ ' last Sunday afternoon by Rev. Wayne I the committee in charge, with mem- It ' Price of the Methodist church. Spon- bers being mothers of the second v'.\ * . sors were Amanda Behrens and Ar- grade pupils. A very special musii /ithur Johnson, the baby's aunt and cal program has been planned m- £r,: ' j 4 uncle. Others present for the bap- j eluding selections by the school or- „vlt :^ytism were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Behrens; chestra and also by Several high of Hebron, Mrs. Ollie Lockwood, school students. L V V ,* "Mrs. Arthur Johnson and sun, Gene, j * * * V - «f Crystal Lake and Betty Lou Fish- CeWbrates Birthday . of this city; v I Anniversary November 25 { . • . • Lewis Allan Blomgren of Pistakee ..pi-v T,--i j Bay celebrated his birthday anniver- -^y^-^Frank ^ nnk Harrwons (sary on November 25 by enjoying a Mrs. J. H. Nixon Jui • • ... •"" .rv" ^ P. T. A. Meeting Oa Oocenter 5 The next meeting of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P. T. A. will be held on December 5, in the school hall. ^ >Tri1nIWM™y F™nkV'Itak" Hwri- •» son were honored guests last Satur-. J*®?- Sve^'-fin™? Srtv Mc" "** M^*»d Mr"' Murwlni! Prifi PulaL taugh, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Denman, &2 i SS in ThnmtSf »«H Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer, Miss Sirt W), HU Shirley Covalt, Miss Lucille Steffes •5££2* and Lewis Blomgren, Jr. Cards pro- Mrs Thomas Harrison, Mr. and Mrs'. msTiS Allen Noonan, Allen, Jr., and Mary as }}T- B1?m*ren pleasantly passed Ann, all of McHenry; and Mr. and another milestone; # Chicken Dinner Mrs. John Zinimerli of At M R churdi Dec. 6 JM*m- W The W. S. C. S. of the Community LONG WINDED tt was in a suit for damages, for false imprisonment, and the attorney for the plaintiff had been addressing the jury for several hours, without giving any sign of coming to a conclusion. Finally the good old judge peered down through his spectacles, and gently told the onrushing orator : "Mr. Robertson, I feel certain that you already made that point." "Oh, I beg your pardon, your honor," Robertson answered, "I must have forgotten." "No apology is really necessary, Mr. Robertson. It was so long ago, you know." • * • ' . W ...... A. J. Wirt* Family -Entertains On Holiday Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz enter- Methodist church will sponsor the annual chicken dinner and bazaar in the church hall on Thursday, December 6. Serving will begin at 5:30 ALL SEWED UP ers Nurse--I'm making out the bill Tor Mrs. Jones operation. Shall I make the usual charge? Doctor--Add 50 cents to it. I can't find my scissors. tained relatives at their home on; o'clock and will continue until ail Thanksgiving Day. The table was! are served. The various circles of beautifully decorated in keeping with the W. S. C. S. will have booths, at the holiday season, being centered i which many attractive articles will ,with an enormous turkey. After the j be on display. This is a good chance dinner, cards were played and an to catch up on your Christmas shorpi enjoyable afternoon spent. Those, ping- as well as enjoy a delicious present were Dr. and Mrs. Henry meal. -Freund of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.; " • • • Mell Miller of Woodstock, Mr. and Fred Bohlanders Are Mrs. J B. Wirtz, daughter, Bette,; Married Fifty-Five Years Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson and On November 23 of this year, Mr. Gerry, all of and Mrs. Fred Bohlander of West . ; McHenry marked their fifty-fifth i wedding anniversary. Both are feeljing quite well and enjoy daily walks and rides through the city. During St. Mary's-St. j the past year they have taken sevchildren, Roger and McHenry. * •• * P. T. A. Planning ' PabUc Card Party The V P. T. A. of Patrick's school is planning a public card party, to be held on Sunday evening, December 9, at 8 o'clock in the school hall. Money raised will the near ftiture. Ringwood 4-H Clubs Plan Xaas Party The Ringwood 4-H clubs met the home of LuAnn Bauer on Reassuring Girl Diner -- Please, waiter, is it necessary to have that wretched cat prowling about among the tables? Waiter--Well, it's like this, ma'am, when there's rabbit stew on the menn, the manager thinks it adds to the enjoyment of the meal if our cat is well in evidence, so to speak, ma'am. One-Sided Conversation Soldier (standing in line near phone)--Say, pal, can't you get your number? You've been sitting at that phone for five minutes now, without saying a word. What are you waiting for. anyway? Sailor--I'm not waiting. I'm talk ing to my wife. eral lengthy auto trips to visit relatives in other states. Mrs. Bohlander was born in Monee, Dl., 77 years ago last November 19, be used for the children's Christmas j and Mr. Bohlander was born in party. Tickets will sell for fifty j Green Garden, 111., on August 21, cents, tax included. Pivot style ,82 years ago. One son. Roy, died will be employed in cards. several years ago. They have two Co-chairmen in charge of the I granddaughters, Anna Marie Knowles event are Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. j of Glen Beulah, Wis., and Gladys Albert Tonyan, Mrs. Elmer Freund j Mae Bohlander of Milwaukee; also and Mrs. Joseph May. Members of j two grcpt grandchildren. "their committee will be chosen in j The couole resided in Chicago urilil A j 1902, when they came to McHenry ! and began operation of a general 'store in the Stoffel building in West McHenry. They continued in this1, yo" a *°88,P? U t . at business until their retirement in I . Cora--Someone who puts 1 and 2 No- 1927. I together and gets 22. vember 20, the meeting being opened' Congratulations are extended this by Charlotte Hogan, president of the I fine couple on their wedding anniv- Happy Clover club. Plans for rais- rersary. ing money for a new flag pole were «*• • »*• • u . discussed. Proceeds from the salej Mixing Dr nltt Dod Not & Cto thctatod.centen>lece ^"i Speed Up Intoxication Awards achieved by each member Despite the general belief that during the year were presented to there is a greater tendency toward them by the leaders. The serving of; drunkenness if alcoholic beverages refreshments concluded the meeting. ! are mixed successively, it is re- The clubs are planning a Christ- ported in the Journal of the American Medical association, that it is probable that the differences are really quite small and that an equal amount of alcohol, taken in the same total volume of liquid. Up in the Air Girl Aviator (after landing in a tree)--I was trying to make a new record. Farmer--You did. You're the first woman who ever climbed down a tree before climbing up it. How Gossip Grows Dora (noting war poster warning people not to gossip)--How would Sports News Wifie--It says here that a roan beat his wife to death with a golf club. Hubby -- Really? How strokes did it take him? many «nas party to be held at the home of Ferol Martin on December 17. i Pinochle Club Met I At Diets Heme j The last meeting of the East River Road Pinochle club was held at the home of Mrs. Ben Dietz, with Mrs. John Braeseke, Mrs. George Glos and Mrs. Dietz winning prizes. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Thomas Thonneson on Dec. 6. • • • Altar and Rosary Plan Xaias Party . ^ The Altar and Rosary sodaHty of St Patrick's church is planning its annual Christmas party, to be held No Respect for Age Coy Matron--Why, sometimes I'm taken for my own daughterj Gallant Young Man -- Nonsense! You don't look old enough to have a daughter so old! The payroll sMi| plan, under which many millions m dollars have i apMd by industrial plant workiulul Svinu sigt inll ai lesui lunewul loi ini iaa iMo---r. ^po n^o PQ-T^ tes, will definitely be retained after the conclusion of the current Victory Loan Drive. Renslow P. Sherer, state chairman, War Finance Committee of Illinois, has announced that word has been received from the Trquury in Washington that the plan is to be offered on a permanent basis to the hundreds of industrial plants in Illinois. Through all war. loans and the present and final Victory Loan, Mr. Sherer pointed out, the mnjor part of the state's plants have enrolled many thousands of employees for bond purchases through payroll savings. And, he added, scores of plant hspds and employee representatives have indicated their desire to War Financie Committee members that this plan of thrift be continued. "The payroll savings plan has been one of the most Important influences in sll war loans and is again proving eminently forceful in the present Victory Loan campaign throughout Illinois," Mr. Sherer said. ,'The fundamental values of individual thrift are all present in the payroll wrings plan. It is certain many employees who may not have previously followed a systematic program of personal savings, have now acquired this habit. Plant managements and employees from all sections of Illinois have told us they definitely want the plan continued. They can now schedule long-range bond purchase commitments with the knowledge that the payroll savings plan will be continued in effect." 4'i 'rmost popular torlumon A wedding of interest, to MeHeni|r folks took place at the Congregational church at Crystal Lake on Saturday, November 24, uniting in Miss Dork i Sf orensen, daugh* groom** borne tn make mssHMW McmiBss . , „ „ - _ | A marriage Heapm has been issjmft and Sorense® in Wfcukegan to Leon Smith, Scot that city, and Darold Thomas, son I Henry, * usual RubiiMff wiU perform on his famed StradivarioWe violin. Since his meteoric rise to fame as of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas of j cago. McHenry. The bride wore an aqua dress with black accessories and a corsage of white pom poms. Her maid of honor was attired in a fbschia-colorand Virginia Nichols, Chi- Animal protein comes nearer ing our needs for tissue building and repair. ^ 1" >i r*1 NOW 19 THE TIMK TO ttT F - ^ 5- WINTER BLANKETS '.-/'ft; fhqae McHenry 19. i , , , t 1 , . * TO THt CLEANERS lw« Pick Up and DeUv«r ; i{. f A 1 "Jmt "s-W; ANNUAL IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM AT SCHOOLS BEGINS ON DECEMBER 4 Parents are asked to please note the following immunization program which will take place in the next few weeks in the local schools: On December 4, ,at 9 o'clock, in the grade school gym, the Schick test only will be given. On December 7, at the same time, a radio artist, Rubinoff has concentrated on concert appearances. His dynamic style, his impassioned playing, his ability to coax pathos and humor and stirring melody from his selections have won him new laurels in a difficult field. In the past he has appeared as guest soloist and conductor with the Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City and London symphony orchestras. The program of light classicsl music will include "Intermezzo" and the first violin performance of Gershwin's immortal "Rhapsody in Blue." Tickets may be obtained in advance of the date, Thursday, Dec." 6, afternoon matinee or evening, from any member of the high school band, under the direction of Clarence Olson. They may also be purchased same place, there will be reading j person or by mail from Wbodstock of these tests, with toxoid given to positive reactors and also to all children not over ten years of age who have not received their first toxoid. On January 4, at 9 o'clock, at the gym, the final toxoid and smallpox vaccinations will be given. * Parents are invited to accompany their qhildern to the clinic and are urged to see that any child receive {>rotection during the first year of ife. Joanne Rulien. school nurse, invites everyone to please avail themselves of tnis service. Daily Sentinel. When ordering by mail please send money order or check also inclose addressed stamped return envelope. Prices: Evening, 8:00 o'clock, $1. and 20c tax, total $1.20; matinee 2:30 o'clock, 60c and 10c tax, total 60c. COMING EVENTS Lady November 2S Foresters. Nov. 29, 30 and Dee. 1 Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsor* ed by O. E. S. Njrrealber N Card Party--Jl of C. hall--Sponsored by Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. December S Altar and Rosary Sodality^--Christmas Party. December 4 Home Bureau--Mrs. J. H. Nixon. Riverview Camp, R. N. A.--Election Of Officers. December I P. T. A. UVCVHVfT WJL C. D. of A. East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. _ Thomas Thonneson. Chicken Dinner and Basaar--Methodist Church Hall. Decessber 7 Christian Mothers and Altar Society. December 9 Public Card Party--St, CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish tp thank friends and relatives for cards snd gifts during my illness in the hos- GEORGE STEINSftOERFER. pital. MRS. CARD OF THANKS I wish in this way to thank friends for cards and gifts received during my recent stay in the hospital. MRS. FRANCES PAT$KE. CARD OF THANKS wish in this manner to thank all those who in any way assisted | us in our recent bereavement. Mrs. Emlna Anderson, Set. Robert Anderson, Mrs. Stanley Carlson and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Dsvis and Daughter, Mr. and Mrs. •: Family. Ted Kooistra and •28 SSS1DSHOE CHANGES jSt would produce, practically equivalent effects. The Journal says in | answer to a query: j "The concentration of alcohol in the blood and brain is determined j chiefly by the amount of alcohol j consumed. However, the rate of ab- | sorption slso affects the concentre- j tion reached, since if It is slow ! some of -the alcohol may be de- | stroyed or excreted before the peak ; is reached. Absorption may be j delayed by dilution or by delay in emptying the stomach, since more rapid absorption occurs below the ; pylorus. The greater intoxicating j effect of liquor taven on an I empty stomach than that taken ; after a meal has been. often re- i marked. Water or foodstuffs taken : witrt liquor may be expected, ac- j cordingly, to lessen the intoxicat- 1 ing effect. Excitement or activity j may also slow absorption of alcohoL Factors accelerating gastric iemptying increase the effect of alcoholic beverages. Individual susceptibilities may depend on the previous experiences and associations of th^ drinkers. Time Out Paw--Why are you taking that whistle with you tonight? Daughter--I have a date with a football player. * Love's Grand He--I'd go through fire for you. She--Don't put yourself mil. FIRST AID Patrick's Hall--Sponsored by PTA O. E. S. Installation of Officers-- WGM Johanna Thompson, Installing Officer. December 16 Christmas Choral Concert. December 17 Christmas Party -- Ringwood 4»II Clubs--Ferol Martin Home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso and; son have moved from the home of* her parents, tne Henry Kinsalas, to i! [ an apartment in the Harry Nielsen > home in the north part of McHenry Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich have 2 PHONE 123>l moved from the Charles Herdrich * place on Park avenue, recently purchased by Peter Miller, to the Hcrdrich home on Fox street. The Mary's-St. j place vacated will be tenanted by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller. Check Fireplaee Because of its massive weight, the fireplace chimney should be checked periodically for settling, often indicated by plaster cracks in the neighborhood of the mantel. Cracks in face of fireplace may also indicate rD\ o your ™C hr:is tmas shoppi• ng e_a ; major trouble. Look, too, for loose ( at the John J. Vycital Hdwe. 28-sp | bricks. A ****** * 11 "TffH I ff 11 n | n 111 m t n Gifts of Allure The Nye Jewelry Store is not going out of fruitless. Your purchases ar« protected ap always- •! Ife have a larger stock of , GIFT ITEMS ' Iban ever before. Here arte some: miMM i :: «?•? BULOVA WATCHES i ' E A R L AND PEARL CHOKERS - 1847 ROGERS SILVER PLATE f EN AND PENCIL SETS IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS , |>ANGLE AND CHARM BRACELETS ; BILL FOLDS JtlNGS RINGS RINGS i|)IAMONEil^ Watoh repair man at the bench. AH work and purchases \ \ ' guaranteed. 2 A. E. NYE (lr WEST M'HENST :: HHi H'i11 n t nu mim11 u»a11»mt'» i i i i i i h :: i :: Instructor--And what would you do for a man suffering from a wound in the head? Student -- I'd put a tourniquet around his neck. Due to redecorating, we will not be able to open our bakery this weekend, but will reopen on Thursday, December 6 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP HSSBEBT wourr IMMf'Otr MAKMW PROM Hourwooo Remove Wrinkles For most wools, steam pressing la fee only way to take out wrinkles, smooth the surface, and sharpen the creases. If you haven't a steam iron, use an ordinary iron and two clean press cloths, one of wool and one of firm cotton cloth. Or, simpler yet, use ore of the treated press Cloths and follow directions on the irt OIIICKIbuy m mm* Read the Want Ads n nrnianm w njKft to yaw* Mm mi HP IT It* OTIVMMMatl m ar o IBuY gfcaam StAW Head of the Class Mother--Here's a telegram from Junior. Father--Well, did he pass his examinations this time? Mother--No, but he's at the top of the list of those who failed. Along the Trail Motorist (buying a pail of berries -ti an Indian by the roadside)-- b t you only charged 50 cents a pail for these berries last year. Now you want a dollar. Why? Indian--Big war some place! White Sauerkraut In order to keep homemade sauerkraut from turning dark on the top of the jars, as the liquid in the jars goes down, refill to the top witl| boiling brine made up of two table* spoonfuls of salt to a quart of waterf If the temperature is in the 70s, if will probably be feaaible brine about the third day aftei making the kraut, and again about 10 days later. Seal the jars tightly afUfir the last rebrining. - . .I... .. / .. ,• - ' . .. > PASS-CASE OR BIUF0LV „.QUICK AS A FLASH! &ick Sfroditto OiTHi OLD SOUTH IsSec^ag die ftie beauty sad gncious livihg df the Old Sooth--Virginia Red Trio, containing thne Guest Cruets of Cologne--each a different ftagxaoce 1.00. Laige Luxury Decanter of Beh> Ue Buh Ciysols l.M. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE * T 'jS-J** •••S1 •>- ' .. 1km /ciMfek" i, suinnK <5 A man*s idea of a man's gift. Hm ] can be detached easily and the wallet billfold for drees wear...or use diem dvring business hours. There's a hidden money pocket, roomy compartments, card and stamp puckess and a change purse. Designed and crafted by Swank with all the ex* cellence you expect of this i name. Genuine Mo* McGEE'S McHENWf mrnmmm - .. - rid' / ffo. •m m

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