J NOW SERVING ri. '* /';f- • • 1 " '••""• "'•' *•'•'« _ 'V. V- ;>,!\ •-; • S:-V. -:• . -•?>*•< • .m- 1 '"* * "s r-~ "• "*• • < froi* • . .:jfviyf fcW*^4V" I ^ <f, Vhjt* i Mt-.'T'."'* ' 5:30 Until Closing ," ?*?-' litiwy d»y «x«pt Tnwdagr • -. ^ if* f •' ' k ** " *•* " ' * •>" * '* - ' t -*; *$' * f * * * "« V. * " j " * V _ « 4 $ ' ,1 •" / ^ •** ;.••:.•••• Oar Specials CHICKEN -J. STEAK! FRENCH FRIED SBJtlkP Milii^HIClOEN sftajkifyi if>; fak* Koee Itpioii qot a few days the past week with her daughter and family at Woodstock. A. E. Hawley of Elcui was a dinnerguest in the L. E. Hawley Mrs. Lill Orphans home at Woodstock. State Bank of Rich--d, Cletkiag home Wednesday. Mrs. Hawley, lower room teacherr, ! Having decided to discontinue 1 Conway spent Wednesday ! took some of the children from her . farming" I am offering for PdMic in the Oliver,, Lawrence home. Mrs.! room to McHenirryy llaisstt week. They Sale on my farm known .as "Trude 8. W. Brown spent Wednesday in went for their Schick test. Chicago. • i 'J • Sgggaasi^ Vi--s. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and, TAtWQDl TD^ daughter, Marion-, spent Monday JOHN SB U K(* evening in Elgin. j' Mrs. Arthur Merrell of Solon Mills ™ 1 1-- - -u-i.1-- spent TJ^ursday afternoon with Mrs. By "Tippy" Klein and Evelyn Michels j Acres," located on the Johnsburgi Road, 1 mile east and 1% miles north of the village of Spring Grove, 111., half, way between Routes 178 and 12, on SAT., DEC. 22, 1945 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Oarages Homes ROUTE 1, RINGWOOD, •197 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK V Consisting of iT Milk Cows and Heifers 50 Hogs. This is a young herd of Holsteins r AT TfitS Come and "browse" around ' COSTUME JEWELRY AND SCARFS LAMPS FIGURINES COPPER « GLASS ' 1 SYROCO WOOD DOLUS GAMES in Mil H HH III IWUfHIH 11 I I I I I111I I t I W 111 M I I I FitzG Id' PHONE 19 eraia s . WEST McHENRY Leather Jackets W.00I Coats $7.40 and up Leisure Coats $5.95 and' up Sheepskin Vests $13.95 and ujte^iSii $4.95 and up evening in the George Shepard home, are asked to remember the date, Mrs! D'. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake Monday, December 17," at 6:30 p.m., spent Wednesday afternoon in the in the school hall. A Christmas Louis Hawley home. party will be held with a pot-luck Mrs. Emma Anderson and Mrs. lunch. Each lady is asked to bring Ted Kooistra of Harvard were callers a dish and a 10c exchange gift. Forhere Friday afternoon. ester juveniles will be entertained Mrs. Joe E. Miller of Richmond at a Christmas party Sunday jafter- and Guernseys, new milkers and and Mrs. Ed Bauer were shoppers noon, December 23. j springers. 10 bred Heifers all vacin Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt, Mr. .cinated in calfhood. 1 Holatein Bull. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein and Mrs Lawrence Siehoff, Mr. andf The hogs are Durocs ranging in spent Friday in the home 5f their Mrs. Wm. Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. weight from 60 to 180 lbs. I Duroc daughter, Mrs. Harold Weber, and George Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred1 boar. family in Chicago. Oeffling and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller! Hay, Grain and Machinery Wayne Foss spent Friday night visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph . 50 tons alfalfa hay, both baled and with friends at Algonquin. {Hiller, Sunday evening. loose; silage, two. full silos; 1,500 Misses Florence and Evelyn Carey' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund and I bushels of'Oats; 2 stacks of straw;: of McHenry spent Friday in the! daughter, Donna Lee, art making corn, husked and cribbed; milking, Thomas Doherty home. their home for the present with his machine, DeLaval, four single units, Leonard Brown of Palatine was ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. I* Freund. land motor; hammermill, brand new,! a visitor in the home of' his father, Harold received his honorable dis-{IOC-International, never used; Mc-D. S. W. Brown. Saturday afternoon, charge from the army, November 26.: silo filler, 2 new sets of blades and I Mrs. Roy Neal and son, LeRoy, Welcome home, Harold! jnew elbow; hot water heater, new,! spent Saturday in Chicago. ! The school was closed several days electric, 18 gal. capacity; 8 portable. Mr. and Mrs. Paul1 Collins and the past week due to the flu epi- wooden hog houses in fine condition; daughter, Mary, of Arlington Heights demic iatock w*tering tank, new, round «^nM«Unra,r afterno°n with ReT- Miss Bernice King was absent from !^en.;nX J* 'jl? c^« 8 m d Mrs. Collins. * j her work in Woodstock the past two 9 i" t-.f' u:_h 1: Calvin Moore was a Chicago vis- HUA tn the flu. 2 electric fences, a new high line iter Saturday. W™ ! ° D T set, other a battery set; 1 metal1 The 4-H Sunshine and Happy Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. pelen and j hog waterer; 1 wooden hog feeder: Clover clubs will hold a Christmns *°"8' ,Mr- 1 ^min^ booster pump; 1 40 gal. narty at the home of Ferrol Martin, J T°8' | pressure Unk; 1 pump jack; 1 cream December 17. Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefer wno is a separator; Westmghouse El e c t r 1 c The 4-H club girls are selling Pat'ent *n ®*. T"er*se hospital, the j motor, 1V4 H. * P., completely recon- ' chances on a dresser scarf, the pro- Pa8t week* „ . , w „ , jditioned; wire--woven and barbed, ceeds to go towards the new flag M.1*. Catherine Smith, Mrs. Mamie some new, some slightly used; fence pole. It will be raffled off at jthe King and son, Gene, and Mrs. Tena; posts steel, over 100; several saws. I school Christmas program at Muzzy's' Lay visited in the Roy Horick home TERMS--All sums of >25 and under hall. December 21 in Woodstock Sunday. ;that amount, cash; over that amount i Mr. pnd Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs and fam- a credit of six months at 6 per cent i daughter have moved to the Ed ily have moved from the Joseph will be extended on notes approved Benoy farm near Greenwood. King home to the Sewel house in by clerk. „Tnose desiring credit i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coonrnd of Col- the Delia Miller subdivision, which; kindly make arrangements prior to orado Springs were visitors in the they purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. | purchase. No property to be re- ; home of Rev. ^nd Mrs. Collins Tues- King will move into their home the moved until settled for. !day. Mr. and Mrs) Coonrad former- latter part of the week. "w-n i» r> j ily ran a store in (Greenwood. j Mr. and Mrs. "Eddie" Frett re- Wagon i>ill He On urounds Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mrs. Paul! turned to the Mrs. Delia Miller home • g, u. TRUDE, OWNER---- I Hill nnd daughter, Patricia, and Mrs. i after visiting with his parents, Mr.! * • ninimii Charles Coles and daughter. Suzanne,Sand Mrs. Peter W. Frett in Witten-; Rankin* Fire spent Fridav in Elgin. They also burg, Wis. "Eddie" was given an: '•wiled on Cadet Audrey Merchant at honorable discharge from the navy, When banking fires, puui Hva i Sherman hosnital. recently. Glad to see you back! coal, with a amaU instrument either Mrs. iFred Wiedrich and daughter,; Mr and Mrs. Jos. Miller, Mr. and JS rear, or one side of fire pot. Mae, were visitors at McHenry Sat-; Mrs. Jos. E. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. T.hen f1®0® fresh coal in the deprMurday afternoon. Jacob P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs Harry won of the opposite side. Fire will be Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie | Rollenkark, M« .Wagner and daugh-to monun*- Stenhenson were callers at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Harrison and family spent Sund»v in the Henry M»rlowe home at Huntlev. Mr. »"d Mrs. William Harrison of Round Ij*ke snent Saturday afternoon «nth their narents, Mr. and Mr». Clayton Harrison. > Mr. and Mrs. Georre ShenaH «pent SUndav in the Alan Ainger home at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn TVeon of Crystal I-ake were visitors in the Harrison- Peet home Stindav. Mrs. Rov Neal and «on. LeRoy. visited relatives at Waukegan Sunday. Mr. and Mi?. Phelns Saunders of $vc»**ore and Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard spent Sunday In the Fr*»d Wiedrich. Jr.. home.> Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. snd Mr*. Bill Brennan spent Friday in Waukegan. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and daughter. Man- Ann, spent Saturday at Janesville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., are holding open- house Sunday, Decem* x>r 16 in honor of the golden "*eddin«r anpiver«nrv of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., from 1 p.m., 'til 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Mae Harrison were callers in the Henry Hinze home at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Geneva spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose Jepson. She returned home with them for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas, daughter, Marjorie, and son, Larry, of McHenry spent Sunday in the Walter Low home. Miss Alice Peet returned to her job, in Elgin Monday after a months absence. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, were visitors in the Leslie Allen home "near Hebron Sunday afternoon. -- Miss Marion Hawley spent Thurrday night with her aunt, Mrs. D. C. 1 Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Georgia Thomas of Woodstock, Mrs Nick Young, Mrs. Nick B. Freund and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of McHenry were dinner guests of Mrs. William McCannon Thursday. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Roae Jepson attended the annual conference of the W. S. C. S., at the Chicago Temple Friday. The U. S. C. S., will aerve a ain« iner at Muzzy'• hall Weanaaday, December 19. Mrs. David Powers, daughter, Evelyn, and sons, Jack and Joe, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powers and I daughters, Judy and Patsy and Ehillip Landis of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests in the Sibre Whiting home. Miss Peggy Whiting was one of a class to make her First Communion at St. Patrick's church in McHenry, Saturday. Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained several friends at her home Monday evening at a Stanley Products demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane spent Sunday in Chicago and attended the broadcasts of the A. B. C., and N. B. C., studios. Andrew Hawley was a business visitor at Tulsa, Okljs., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family were Elgin shoppers Saturday. Ring wood School Notaa Some pf the boys and girls have been absent from school because of illness. Miss EUisoii, visual ^education j teacher, showed m' educational simd - FOR SALE - CHRISTMAS TREES * 200 to choose from ^ ^ SINCLAIR SERVICE WOMS rCLAIR SERV1 Routes 31 and 120--McHenry PROUD TO AKHOUKCK nil OUB APPOniTMHT as AM AUTHORIZED PHILCO DEALER T™ RINGWOOD ELECTRIC and RADIO SHOP Electrical Contractors N^»|RI» FFNIFLITF* - Model Airplane fits Radio Service Electric COBUNiO SOON PHILOO - •- Check fhis l a t e s t chart on q u a n t i t i e s and d e l i v e r i e s AVAAABU NOW AVJULABU M TNI MAR r> ©Waffls Irons, T SNMril«r AppNai oaitwn, AppNanccs langM Refrlgsratori Washing Machines Cl»«ui«rs O Freezers IvIwamnva nvvvnig lWlMOTlaVAM Wstar Hsetsri Many neighborhood dealers already have some models for sale. _______ A few are now in stock at most dealers' stores. Deliveries of first models are be*' ing made to many dealers. Most dealers have • limited stock for sale. wmimm In some cases available now. May be generally available by eariy 194$. Some dealers should have limited Stocks for Christmas. Good quantities should be available after January There should be plenty ready for yotf after early January. r See your dealer. He should have a limited supply soon. Automatic ironers will probably be ready after the first of the year. A £ew may be 4m tbe nuurket after January 1. Good quantities will be on dealers' floors by early spring. Some may be ready next montftu A good supply will be on sale b§ late spring. The timetable above is based on the best information which OMavactuita csn give in. However, some deliveries may be held up by unforeseen delays, while faster recooversioo amif ' •peed others. If the appliances you want are not atyour neigh*. $ borhood dealers now, they'll be coming in soon, while no ap- *. plianccs are yet available at your Pubuc Service Score, atop ia . ^ , occasionally tor latest news, when they are in stock, you wi| M be notified thcough thsw •*. 7.V r . - a . V v* r; _ ^ : EE