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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1945, p. 1

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• . / '•:' .1 " '•*'*• ' ' "i"' *^£4 ^ - v£ P^-if:^" '"•m '- ^ ' A ? ? , f ^ , • . : ' W3PCZ . < •• v " t J £ < fitfci'rrfi iigfaiMrititii»iiiiimT^f-4^r:^hfilffiii^rM^^-^^ ^ ri ._#,r_^ .^ .... . * • * '"< " -*• ""*}»£> ^ '*(? -'. * < " -f *'•?%/ f\ &, / ,-..», , ^4.^'* - < «v- >->.. ,-- . 4^ »-?•?% ^ r» '" •• vn^1, """v ' *' .*"•«" -*^*'jnv • ?»' * • * » -us# - . • i<•*«<£ ••"V't, '**" aw^-.*wj£j?' ' ' ? at* ^ •*»*.•••» •»*.- - v:i '• • ' ' t"'* ^ r tf»H<W-.:;; •;-?y --,E :~;; ".^SMgr '"M;-"? *"W *>« 7'V •" •»•'". ;; *£T*i »#*** Xi ,w#.tT ' Hfc » ' •' :> Volume 70 •'HENRY. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 Ho. 31 MM . ..r> ,,,<• «;f- Ss^ias«3^ Houses of God Plan Holiday .I* .'ifi-; :'i MRS. R. B. J0NES1DRE LETTERS If. not only the true holiday j mil present a Christmas play in with the temperatures hov-1 tabloid form. It is in two scenes art* Mar aero and the softly fall- with a n^guo and epilogue The aavw* it's not only that our boys! toyshop brings the familiar Christ-j am on theft way home; it's just n\as figures to life, and ends with! am j tiling combined that makes it the tableaux of the birth of thei • xwJoU-fMhkHMd Christmas that;Christ Child, Mary, Joseph and the! ' celebrating again this year. wise men, worshiping. The children. _*t a warm, happy glow it puts; singing as angels, complete the pres- f our hearts to know the war is • entation and that peace reigns once DIES FOLLOWIKS LOW ILLNESS Last Rites Held Monday MondBf At St Patrick's ^ -- - •• , .. , An untimely passing cast a dark _ On Sunday monung the adult wor- shadow over a McHenry home and: Dear Santa: • Mrtll Ka mm af fkn _« « 1 « .• • m ... ... FOR OLD SANTA Dear Santa Clans: Christmas is coming soon. This is what I want; a snow shovel, Lkholn logs, aa army fort, airiPlanaa, Jeeps, walkie talkie, and a .tin pistol. Abo land nuts. Your friend, DONALD ROGERS. bring some candy DETAILS OF NEW FOSrAL SERVICE GIVEN TOriRUC tarly Morning and Afternoon Deliveries Throughout McHenry MOHS WINS 55-45 GAME {FROM WAUCONDA FIVE LAST SATURDAY NIGHT Led by Lloyd Freund'* 22 points the MCHS WarAors won a free-. scoring basketball game from Wan-' conda on our local floor last Saturday night, 55 to 45. The game appeared to be safe at half time and Mac inserted subs with the idea of saving the regulars for i the county tournament. However., I MSO H RAR" by EARL R. WALSH Don't tell the boss we said McHenry's starting lineup, was for the finish a soon become a reality, it was learned plenty of steam. Waucond- had different ideas, closing . . . . , t .. th"* P"1"." .d»ertu»i4 «. tte PV«I This Christmas >ds we go to i ship service will be held at the aiso robbed that home of the holi- Please bring «e a ba«ket*m«king 'ast week in the announcement that Murphy plaved an outstanding g10^^ aS comPact'y as possible i to worship in freedom the church, with Rev. Wayne Price de- day spirit this past week when Mrs. set, a telephone a nurse set. some McHenry will have free house to floor game. "Sonny" Miller showed. ^ -- - - •« « • • ^-- if -- annrAnriafA fAn o i t_ /\ • . • ^ *1 _ v 1 » A. L _AL _ M i 1 MMMMMMM. A dream of long standing will the" finish and" had to turn on din^ so^your^s^S1 wws^P'S in - ,.'*••• of the Christ child, let us offer livering a sermon appropriate for Gwendolyn Overton Jones died at new shoes for my big doll, a* music hou®e delivery of mail after January improvement both on offense and a prayer of thanks to Him for the! the occasion. The choir, under the the home of her parents. Mayor and I box and some candy and nuts. I 1946. defense. Carl Neiss wasn't hitting peace and Happiness in our hearts, direction of Mrs. C. W. Goodell, will Mrs. R. I. Overton, on Riverside am trying to be a good girl. Don't . Details of the long awaited ser* the basket in his usual style, but It is with much gladness that we rendey special music, including The Drive. Only a brave and hopeful forget my new address, 302 Broad v'ce ,^a' gnet the New Year, confident that Inn At Bethlehem, * number taken spirit had kept her with friends and street. Thank you. * yet, but all our hopes and desires will come, from one ofBacns noted selections. famjjy during much of her thirty-' ""wm' »"" «« K trae. In church on Christmas morn, Ztai Bvan®elieal Lath««n .five years, after a childhood illness wa can at least partly show our | At the Zion Bvangelical Lutheran had greatly impaired her health. j Dear Santa PATTY ANN FREUND, Town Teal McHenry again has a town bialilthave not been" completed as was right in there. Lockwood was ,.v, out as new points are cleared again the main re-bounder. Tn fact ^ up we hope to bring the information the whole team showed improvement * _____ # to the public. in passing and feeding the ball to * uruc 1 While the service will begin soon men in best scoring position. have baiSed toSlher JId fre a™ flunks to our Maker for the bene-!church service will be held Her loss other8 ^ egpecJ Please brinK me a blackboard and afler the fil?L°f.the year- ^ ^ld* Coafh B,ou 1 tlt's ^weights had an^o"^ fimlhome game in our its that peace has brought. at 9 ° Sitv, » iallv during the last few years of, chalk, a train and other toys and c,s ® ^ carry out their easy time rolling un a victory. local gym next Sunday night W*n- St. Mary's - •„ !f.h^ I ^ war- ^r being restricted to lead a candy. Bring my brother, Ed, some Pre.sent V.roced"1 re °J. getting the.r On the prevrous night (Friday) the' u there withtwo t The miniature Bethlehem _scene will .ljshted Christmas toee^ ^ ,ife- she had devoted_ herself nice toys top. He is 2% and I am L^Lu!""1. t™V^ieirt0 J®ei!^!.re *nd First game starts at 7:80 p.m. tenms. again ^"portrayed thi8 h0iiday sea- plants. Rev. H. C. Noll, pastor, will ^ ,bright^nin the lives of others. years old.' Merry ^Christmas ";o Announceme,?t <>* the exact date of absolved a 48 to 27 drubbing, •en in one corner of the beautiful' deliver the holiday sermon Her days were spent in constant all. ° ^ diurch. On the main altar and both- The preyious Sunday, December , ^,-itingr of letters to relatives and, side altars will be lovely poinsettuis > the children will hold their annua, jrjenjn service and the sending • ' .and other potted plants. Colorful program, featuring the singing of Q£ hQXes to bring cheer to those far Dear Santa: lights -will also enhance the scene. ! carols and individual ^rformanc^. from home We would There will be high masses at 5:00, 'This, program will be held at; 7.6 Gwendolvn Overton was born on doll, buggy, also nuts and candy for Postmaster Ra, 6300, 8:00 and 10:00, with the adult i Sunday evening. At9 ^ ju]y jo 1910 jn McHenry where she Christmas, Don't forget mom and clear one point especially, namely. ^ r dioir furnishing the »««ic at the coming ^ere will be »- OHmnmnon £$£ Sd ^ t I that it . is not compulsory to have G. Miller fint two masses and the. last one service for admts. sehool, graduating from the lat- Love, The fcirls' choir will sing at 8 _ * at St. John's ter in 1929. In 1933 she received her ROSEMARY AND LOLA JEAN TOMMY T¥l like doll beds and ,the new schedule will be delayed McHENRY B pending the arrival of necessary ma- Buss 0 terial and the "go ahead" signal of Althoff ...0 the government postal service. Neiss 2 Not Compulsory Murphy ....4 Ray McGee wishes to ® Z'."."~.'.'.0 2 o'clock. Low masses will be said at Christmas services •dIO and 9:00. ti,P to make"!ho State Teachers college and substimoTbeau- tuted at the local grade school for Dear Santa: church, Johnsburgr, will b. M i». "S "f.K? RITZERT. one time. mail delivered. A person may either Lockwood . continue to call for their mail at tot at q either post office or have it delivered. I<J 1 AL.i> However, they must choose just one •^.TTr.rtvnA AK of these two sen-ices. The only cost WAIiiaJNDA « ™ Harvey FT fw 1 0 4 r> 0 0 pp : A 1 1 4 direction of Sister Andreella, fill inspiring services even more beau- J»tea at^tne local S S i " ^ " S c 5 ^ , 1 f t " ? t h S e T u t o O n J u l y 8 . 1 9 3 7 . S h . u n i t e d i n W h . r . e . n d g » n » . n d h o l , t m f o r • Watch," Christmas carol two low ma«a« immediately Jone^ 0r" Dol,^ yo'irt rest"o?my"broth,™ heTd"ln""p^lt' off^'wiu'be at"the *»»rd»« ss^'ss sr.'sg -- •"1 -JS. . ^^0,.^ they GLENN, CHARLES AND JOHN FMdS" for solo and chorus; and Nacht " Introit by Tozer, Kyrie from lived until he entered army service! RITZERT. last, "And There Were Shepherds," "Jesu, Rex Pacis" mass by Descher-,in 1943 During his absence she w- r,"--' (teO«l«tog Silent Night) by double]meier,,Gl.ri.„from_Chim..Jn..._hy turn^to make her horn. w,th her_DearJanta^laus^ ^ ^ ^ 23 B We would like a wagon and rock- to the public will be the installation " "a^®V 1 . , ,937 Che was unitpH in »»K horse and guns and holsters for of a home box which may be pur- _ i to R Ben Jones of Or^ Christmas; also candy and nuts, chased at any hardware store. Boxes jjw to K. Ben jones 01 ur- „ . . 1 . .. held in post offices will be at the Jj*«rdon * same rate as at the present time. ™*ven J. In order to have mail delivered a ',"vea^ *!: person must have a street address _ovatney . .w in McHenry. Those who wish to 'T- ^ % continue to get their mail in West j^'n^ten w McHenry may maintain their boxes Wirts in that pos toff ice; however, no mail Farnsworth, Graduate, "Tecum Prin- parents. xr ,, . , ... At 5 o'clock, several parts j>f the cipium" by Lipp, Credo from St. After serving in both European Noah s Ark game, a majorette doll, •MSS- will be in honor o: iy Rev. L. A. Dobbelsteen in honor of "Rie Nativity Child Jesus (based upon tr _ Christmas themes) by the same com-1 chermeier, Communio by Tozer, j Diad On Saturday , poser. At the offertory the choir will Hodie by Korman and ,^e88J®nal- i While she had been in poor health D**r 8ant* Sing "Hodie Christus Natus Est" by j "Sing, O' Heavens^ by^ Stoughton. for r™ Korman. " J At the iq us will be delivered to houses from that TOTALS It FT • 0 A 2 | 0 2 0 0 • s I would like a bride doll with a uvuvrmi IU IIVUBCB iivui uiai w . , ; hence the necessity of a Mc- *»rHFKRY* 14--Rl--41--55 according to WAUCONDA e_21-Se-45 two deliveries' sections, one in the GAMBLE STORE HAS 1 early morning and another in early in *(m MSiif OWN1R j afternoon, and one. in the early AS ITS MW^UWIiWfc in the residential section. QEOROE 7. OOLLETTE p.m. ; Of course, there was the little matter of backing necessary to start the ball a bouncin'. The McHenry County Farmers Co-onerative A««o- 2 "'ntion (or just plain Farmers' Mill> o came to the rescue and equipment «:has been purchased. The boys are c grateful for this help and hope that a few good crowds will soon put the team on a paying basis. |>P' The . first team lost a thrilling 44 4 0; to 43 game at Cary this week ami 1: are anxious to even matters when 2|the Cary team comes to town. The J 2; second team , won quite handilj. 34. • 5 to 25. J" 1! A] Some of the boys had to talce 0 ; in both games due to the shortage 2, of players on hand at Cary. Hue's „ 0 a list of the fellows who uvAction: ^ -- i Tom Bolger, Don Schsefer, Kay : 11 Smith, Bob Newkirk, George Jackson, LeRoy Smith, Don Bam|i4» Don Meyer and Jim Larkin. I D_„ 101 some time, her condition became , "~"Ii~ wni v«n nlAano hrin«r > morning, in wie re»iue.iii«« Rev- A- J- Neidert and Rev^ Clar- critical only three months ago and The east side of town will be known Manager Don Howard has setnrtj Coach Stuessy of St. Mary's (Woodstock) to referee the game her* Sunday night. Another Chicago resident, tired of ^1 ^theis.sfTLtrsizxr&vzi:rr.^-**&£?**.•«*^^Xns;3 srjzjmrb XTSJ2. *=SiZlLSSS:^S»• • B"-LI-.«SSS.SS» • ^ '"-^1 "• •l»«i»« ^^ht;ma.. Zt""** D~*n,b*r| MARCTA ANDERSON. "Missa Brevis in honor of St. An- 1 consecutive year for the 12 o'clock the The body rested at the Peter M. Dear Santa: I want a cowboy suit and a football. I would like an airplane set. f*ony," by Wilkens will be sung at | service. Preceding the mas«, we Juste|| funeral home until Monday a with "Adeste" also being; choir will sing Silent Night. Low morning> when last rites were cont the <:00 and :8-W- ducted at St. Patrick's church, with r » old Xh(ink you the mass will be O, Sing Aj Confessions will be. heard on Mrg, Carl Weber and the church1 • DANNY O'SHEA Carol" by Haan. I cember 24 from - _U |. Q 5. choir rendering music. Previously. I __r-_ 9 o'clock mass will also fea- afternoon and from 7 until 9 m the a ghort 8ervice wa8 held at the Peter [n».r q»n*« ri-nai S o'clock, being | aung at tiie offertory. The hymn fol- masses will be said at «•» • 11 WB MA fitlLA A 0/\n^A«a I Anc U'lfl ftA Joyous The Sure music, with hymns being offered j evening. M. Justen funeral home, where the §y the girls' choir. The program fof I Ringwood-Greenwood u-j been at reet There Earl , , - _ ..... Vie 1A o'clock high mass will be! The Christmas note and «P*rit wlJ1 Conway sang "In The Sweet By and third grade. I would like •Mich as at the early high mass. {be strongly dominant in the morn- B ,, ,^011 house ..... . , Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix and Rev. I ing worship service at the Ring- William O'Rourke. Rev. Clar-:J£y '"t*** ,wou'd »ke a set of dishes. Eugene Baumhofer will officiate at w^d and Greenwood churches on nourKe' n -- the services. • Sunday. December 23. The choirs Baumh0fer _ ^ , v Iwil1 L®*®1 tl?® congregation in singing requiem mag8 on Monday morning, Rev. William A. O'Rourke has an- the fine old Christmas hymns and with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix CHORUS GROUPS PRESENT ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Well, that's the dope so far oa tfte town team. Let's be on hand Sunday night to help get the boys off on the right foot. time cater to the needs of the local . public in the general merchandise line. The man is George F. Collette, . Nothing riiacysyl ^ who last Monday took over the man- the J*e»tl tTs,It agement of the Gamble's Authorised Dealer store in West McHenry replacing 'Bud" Richtmyre and liarry ^e ouJ Sxt^oor-- In spite of the extreme cold wave Millard. nic, a good Mi-. 1 ntry vrinds erate his siure «s >i ii»o you bet! I am 8 years old and I am in last Sunday evening to attend the the pa«t. offering a complete line of ( have in spite of the extreme cow wave oimara to on been doing but shovelling right op Sd'S^TSSrsts&JEi Jk-£asx.T2 r8r& t ^•***.***& _ _ doll, * annual Christmas program given by merchandise, including hardware, in- ^ doll house and a two-wheeler bike, the choral groups at the high school, and ladies' wear, paints, in- Koob'k 245 gift lad the Park* Featured numbers which proved sulation, Coronado appliances, «uU Pub team to a ^nMrS wte ow - new Fox River Grove--Believe it or not the Wooden Soldiers" by eight girla to Mr. Coliette, for he has been an 7^°.hn Zen? had^9 strikM and missed appropriately dressed »rv!li!"LT ,^pj;/Wp,Ln.i • Please bring my mother and my popular were "Star Dust" sung by a sunnlies. tires and trucks. TTiefines and Re . Ei*e father something nice. Thank you. Senior Girls chorus, "The Parade of The business is not entirely ofer officiated at the solemn SHARON O'SHEA. k« o»«rhf orirla Collette. be« and two selections for their part, employee of the Sherwin Williams 200 by 2 pin*~~CharHe^ Las<h at the by the mixed company for eighteen years, ten of; same time had V striMs and Mt 'Ai»A»I«r QaKwaii. fliAAA kfivin<v AMIlt in tllA fCtlll Neither OW n®u A the same schedule of masses carols. Specisl Christmas chwr num-' t in t£€ Mnrtuary.' Burial was.D**r &AntM: for Christmas Day, 1945, as the pre-! bers and solos will be featured. The jn the cj,urch cemetery. ' 1 wrote t< •ious year. j pastor urges all to heed the gracious Palibearers were Elmer Freund, As the faithful Uke their places summons, "O Come All Ye Faithful, Homer FiuGerald. Joseph and James tn the dimly lighted chuieh just Joyful and Triumphant, as family, w_isu M^elvin Whiting and James *un- * -•»* " r .r , a,,* in 1 t-, T - ,c *»_ Wfore the first high maas at 6'friends and neighbors rejoice to- p ^ 1 fruits and nuts and a Judy farm. ""y°uth;.^er ^SfaiS!^ c5 rVn ^ Ln Th^ unll S other good ones but we're sorry-- Velock, the choir with Mrs. Carligether in God's great gift of his rowers- | Thank yta. part to the excellent guidance of Collette will join him. They will re- !Ion to be the Sayior of the world. | RUSTY GIBB8. The Ringwood service will be at a ... _. -al. q;.i. -- 9:30 o'clock and the Greenwood ser- AIhOIIk UlC SICK [Dear Santa: - . - , . vice at 11. A cordial invitation is 1 Please bring me a doll and nuts accompaniments at the ,*cho£1 LOCAL DONATIONS extended for all to attend. In the and a story book. ffV»r Ralph bring the ^s.. r Freund evening at 8 o'clock the Greenwood w . * an airplane. For Lindy bring a set and Catherine^ i^hwerma.n Sunday school will sponsor a com- , ^,e_L 1S_ rt^!?E^r?iVllA: of dishes. Dennie and Chris a teddy Weber at the •"Silent Night.' organ, will render The congregation will again kneel before the minia lure Bethlehem scene, lighted only by the bright star which guided the Charmed Tsauny i There are Sister Andreella. Able accompanists 8ide in the Perry house on Richmond _ " for the * program were two senior Road. *".?** _ . . . ^ girls who have been providing piano -- f , . J , ^ * • • • * j Bight (Thursday) in the finals of the: > | 'bounty basketball toornament at | i Woodstock. - • i :"0 ir has chosen the mass by ns, with MAdeste Fidelis" at the offertory. For 1 they will render "O Saltftans" by Browne and "Tantum Ergo" by Montani. Low masses will . follow at S:0C, •:30, 9:00, 9:90 and 10:00. Community Methodist FOR ERTMANN sunaay scnooi wu. • -- .5j. . .... _..a - Following the deduction of taxes fXJND 00 OVER $200 munity Christmas s program and hw home fdllowin^ h^iUhiaUon Bring Kennie and Dale some and other expe^es, a total of >32.8€ narty to which the public is invited. Victory Memorial hospital, Wau- toys ^ Thank you, Santa. remained tx> be added to the Ertmann All are asked to come and hear the k«£an. Your friend, _ Family Fire Fund. children in Christmas songs and re- * Mrs. Rose Miller is still quite ifl PATTY LEE MARSHALL. -- . citations at the Woodstock hospital. NOTICE ,-r®«T mninnnuini an> m«? At the Ringwood church, also in Mrs. Jack Nichols has been con- Dear Santa Claus: ' The McHenry Laundry ^ . The big game will be played tothe evening at 8 o'clock, the Sunday fined to her home in West McHenry Please bring me a blackboard and closed from December 24 until Jan- Fd Bertjila $ 2.00 n«ht at 8 o clock. Remember--only school will present a fine Christmas due to illness. a steam shovel. Bobfeie. who is 3 usry 2. No pickiips^or^dehvcnes^ Soe^lneV. Mrs. Wm. 5.00 one game. 1 -» -K""t " *"*irt Mac's boys rolled over Harvard | _ .. '46 to 23 Monday night and took He-- The Fred Ertmann Family Fir? bron into nmp Wednesday night t» F»ind has now grown to a total of earn their way into the finals. | $233.86 for the McHenry vicinity, will be Latest contributors are the follow- The children^ program, so much Pro?ram "imilar to the one at Greenanticipsted each year, will be given Community residents are urged to at the Methodist church next Sunday hanov davl evening, December 23, beginning at! •"«£ *"d ro aP t P h y e S 7:30. The primary department^^will | of childhood »»<» J»ten •to ^he old have the first part of the program, vft ev*r nf>w' Christmas y consisting of the following numbers Program Song, "Merry Christmas" -I1/ 1 Ji**? My Way"--Homer Bassett; are so many. A Christmas Wish"--Patsy Anne McCracken; "A Little Girl"--Dianr.e yet ever new, Christmas story, morning and evening _ worshippers will have the opportunity to make MURDER VICTIM LANOE FREQUENT McHENRY VISITOR A Friend Varls, Mr. and Mrs. Paul i years old, would like a trailer truck 31-fp 'and some blocks. Mommie said we ... *.n* „„„ __ r ha,e been good boj^. I will b. 5 kitchen will be closed .1 •^| , • years old on December 27. Goodbye day Christmas. 31. Marshall : Santa. r t/.v/ . " 1.00 Read all about it .next! Your little friend. RICHARD MBNCEL. McGee's -- Folks throughout the Chicago area ^, j, white Christmas gifts for the bene- have been reading with interest of **®*r ®*nta. fit of those in need, of whom there deveiopments growing out of the Will you please bring us a big bam baking set, ,a weaving" set, a paint Freund. Jacob -- brush and games and nuts. Don't Frishv. Robert. Sr forget the rest of the family. , W. McHenry State Bank ELLA JEAN BUSS. Overton, R. I. .Freund. S. H. 1.00 „.. 5.00 They wont even grre m spe*e I 5,00 write a letter to Santa Claus, buti ,^.10.00 we can wish each of you a full mea .... : 2.00 sure of happiness at this joyous Ma_- .... 2.00 son of Christmas. I 10.00 M R^*"-Wh« , moke than 40CI ruix bert; "Plenty"--Ronnie Lowe; "My GROWN CHICKENS DIED ^Wish"---Peter Crosby; "A speech"-- ^ BLAZE SATURDAY slaying last week of Lawrence A.' »nd some animals. We would also prgr Santa Claus: Lange, secretary to Charles Morse, like a tractor that clicks. Please. • j an) a in second grade. mrmsHZA paovsn 1 Hi e-h Si- hooi Conrert Ptoc«k1s S2.8S rATAt TO YOUNG I The fund which has passed the JOHNSPURG MAN president of Fairbanks Morse and hrinp us some candy, fruit and nuts. wouid like a ice box and table and $11,000 mark, will be drawn to a ~ 1 * J --•* a Set of dishes and crayons. And ci0se tonight (Thursday) at a meetcolor book. Bring my sister, Mary i ing, of county chairmen in Wood- Ann, a baby doll. And a winter coat. With love. holds Will yon ple»«e bring us each a MARGARET AND MARY ANN KARL. I am siek in bed and cannot coma in to see you so 1 am having mother write a letter instead. Please try md brir>"» me a doll with long hair if you have one, a black-board, a telephone, some books and anything .. «... . • -•-- me. stock. No more donations are being solicited. jeoimro SVSNTS Co. Lange, 38 was found face down Thank you. on the blood drenched living room , ^onr friend a.,__ .... ^ ^ duubraM.y*******m floor of his bachelor apartment at JIMMY AND JERRY BLAKE Allan KiMesel, My Greeting"---Anita; < 3148 Wilson avenue early in the eve- - Barger; "Be Happy ^Shirley Downs;, ^ - ning iast Wednesday, Dec. 12. Dear Santa? "A Happy Welcome"--Arthur Zoell- A great loss was suffered at the * ner; "Happiness"--Stevie Fike; "Not Duesler-Henn chicken ranch north of . The deatn oi nr,^ winge Big Enough"--Lelaine Price; "Open McHenrv early last Saturday after- special m/^les Al-o. '^e candy, f™it .nd the Door"--Gerry Groeby; "A Be- noon. Mr. Henn had just left the ginner's Wish" -- George Krick!; ! chickens and gone into his house for on several occasions aboat ten 3** ymir 'Your Christmas"--Skinper King. i lunch when a passerby knocked on, ago. , , MARION and DOLORES BLAKE. Exercise, "Christmas" the door and informed the family / Few clues were found lentil early " "No Room in the Inn"--Barbara that one of the chitken houses was this week when Dear Santo: SmS Ster*'1t?'«l«»l Br. department wm «.m- K. iHei.., ol- »-ldow of "'T^idlTkr.wLkTnTdS ST Mr SSu?%"n TrT,w^ ,^iS: ^"TddS^V"."^ :id . .he.*™., 1Hk. b.byjn,tb.r. ^ A-b-r-Ul . I--!T.» Joan Cohins; "The Christmas Porter" to stnn lllVkl|VI ( UVC9HKT m9 Please try; East- River Road Pinochle Club Mrs. Tliomas Tfamneeoa. W. S. C. S.--Christmas Pwrty. ? ft C. D. of A.--Cliilitiw Pwy* Jsamury 5 M..-A" ----- IS ."nd'=5^- mnb £ ^ nim~ i nv vorisuuH rvi wr w DIOU •«. uv a.v mA av »l» »•*•• -l--uKM s-A - - --» af Ai»•1 ra VAMt « _ A.lA lKf With I VMOA1Q1* . A "[ * -^-John Vyeital; "8aata'a Helpers"-- completely destroyed, the one house. Heiss stocks were found alon^ ^ JM"** );4 ^ Please don't forget my mom Jimmy Downs; "My ChristmasBud- Between 400 and B00 full grown lunge's in the office safe of Mr., A iour • Gr**Ung f°r' c*l*c*te,w died in the lire. Morse. "COOKY" BLAKE, daddy, Mether"- Mro. Heiss was once a govrmess to Mrs. Jeannette Morse ^ __ G*t vonr Htv mail boxes at John Genius McKean, New York and Flor-i Dear Santa: . .t Goodsir; "That,J. VyeiUl Hardware 8tore. 31-fp W* society woman and • M^,"> ^ ' ' Morse Further developments will be giada> For Christinas this year I •ydtel; "A Nice Nickels; "A Christ- Thsnk yon, Saatf. - BARBARA LYWN '--Marie Rodin. gins and- VbZo"y sJ;L Wribe for The PlaindenHr noted with interest locally. I i woul^ like some eolored i TUTUSZT OHm at Mrs Walter TrexwriL Just received a shtpaoent e# etty bona at John J. VfeitaTs Hardware Store. tb Wm*J& A yoang man, a Johnsburg dent was taken by death on Saturday, December 15, 1945. when Esstt Schmitt, 35, passed^ away at Dixon, The deceased, born September 1?» in Johnsburg, had been m poor health since childhood, when he atf\ fered sleeping fin. His death wa» attributed to inBoensa. • , Survivors include his mother. Mis* Elisabeth SefcmKt tour sistors and seven brothers: Mrs. " Anton J-. Joseph M-_ Qsorpe J„ f HwQTi Mrs. fci % all of HeHenr*; Albwrt M. of Grove; Mta. of Ringwood; l of Richmond. His him In Jsath ' " X • f Pwafal ssrvtoaswespe hsid itA Join's a«ieh at li ^lsdk esi y nesday.

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