'"V #• *>£;V '" .. r • v.jJS-.: '^'4 M >.A !'< y" t5 ^*v *JrT^"" 206 lttrnn*Tff on all - Home appliances repaired Business hours: 12:46 to 5:30 p.i£u 6:90 to 8:30 p.% Mii riMit ftnvMtar >J~v fsfc V- •eifc Every day except Sunday >> " „ CLIFFORD E. WILSON, PROP •i\fxnAfuxfiAi"LrxAAri-rijy>iv\f¥VVw/vvvvvv>r>Ofw^f|*'njfc^ * * ^^*1* •r A-\'< «ntA» THE BAND EVEKT HIOH1 :J . „v-~« ••SQf&dii'- •;«. tithe ;:• '- •• l ", , ,5., *£W*-' ^ , •v^ Kitchen Open At Noon ^ Christmas and New Year'# § } THE BEST IN FOOD AND DRINK * * STATE BBIDOE, McHINRY FOX HOLf HOTEL Phont WPhone 348 DOLLS 79c to $2.98 CBS'S DESK SET TINT TOT TOWER CART MODEL AIRPLANES PULL TOY, metal CHAIRS! CHAIRS! : uiV 25c, 43c, 90c CHAIRS Sturdily Built $1.48 to A "little red chair" of * hardwood,, well braced. Seat 10" high. George, the Grasshopper " 95c Book Assortment - 49c - Chain Swing Set Big Bag of Blocks 84c Many other toys to » . choose from. wSPE( *1A1. -- GLASSBAKE, 11-pc. set .._ - . .11.98 MIRRORS, round and oblong ^ 1 id ALCOHOL SUPER CREST__ F >7Q_ ' TIRES 1; V"C 100 x 16 ^ ' per gallon $13.95 Plae Tax -• -y Pbom W The frbncHy Store -- Geo.- CoBette, Owner West McHenry EDrroirs nut Vmkm at KM Ky» SwSs4 IV. W._ P. Cm l» «Ma ktimt rmim* Mi JWV9MHW #f Mi \ mi hu may mMtmsmI i m ikqr wtU ha amtwarad tm 11 cahumL Na rapUa* em 6* mmfe fcy ww, fail enfjr In At eobumm which WtiUutpmrim Ait nmimpapat ragnlarly. Regional Eip»Miwi: In line with the Veterans administration's objective of taking! the administration out to the "grassroots" of the country, rather than centralizing the organization in Washington, Administrator Omar N. Bradley has announced the opening of 21 new centrally-located regional offices and the contracting for approximately 300 advisement centers. Regional downtown offices wore opened in Des Moines, Wichita, Atlanta, Minneapolis, San Francisco. Portland, Indianapolis, Lot Ahgeles, Muskogee, Okla., Phoenix. Helena, Mont., Detroit, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Chicago, Newark, Hartford, Charleston, W. Va., and Charlotte, N. C. New advisement centers were opened at Greenville, S. C.; Benedict college, Columbia, S. C.; University of Kansas at Kansas City, Mo.; Tuskegee institute, Tuskegee, Ala.; Eastern Oregon college at La Grande, Ore., ami Superior State Teachers college, Superior, Wis. Services of the advisement centers are available to all veterans planning to continue their education or take vocational or rehabilitation training either under public law 16 or the G.I. bill of rights. Regional offices function as the operational offices of the administration. Individual case records are maintained at these offices and claims are rated and adjudicated. Almost all benefits administered by the administration can be handled at the regional office level. Question* and Anawert Q. In July, 1944, my brother was killed on Guam. I was made his beneficiary in his insurance policy. But before he went across he made a will that has never come to light and this is causing some trouble among the heirs as he was single. Another brother in service says a duplicate will was made and kept on record somewhere. Could you tell me where this will is kept?-- R. A. B., Houston, Mo. A. Of course we would have no knowledge where the will might be. You might write tp the finance officer of his outfit. If you are referring to national life insurance, the money will be paid to whoever was named beneficiary in the policy re-1 gardless of any will. Q. Would it be possible for a soldier to get a release from the srmy, if he is 25 years old, has a wife and three small children, who live In the country with no modern conveniences. The wife's health is not good and a 21-month-old baby daughter must have an operation for removal of a bone growth on her foot. He is now somewhere in Japan aboard a ship?--Mrs. M. E. M., Port Allegany, Pa. A. He is eligible to apply for release because of the three children. • Q* I have a friend who has been in the army siace December, 1944, Be left tbe states on July t, 1945 and Is now la Japan. He fcai no dependents and Is 19 years eld. WIO yon please tall ma haw many points he has and haw long It will be before he Is sent back to the states? -- Miss D. P., Dennisoa, Ohio. A. He has approximately 16 points as of December S, 1945 and needs 55 to become eligible for discharge. He probably has many more months to serve. Q. Win a mother who has a son killed In action, and who Is physically unable to make her owe sapport, lose her pension if she marries? Will a father's pension be discontinued If he marries? -- Mr. T. 8., Jackson, Tenn. t A. In the case of a parent, the question of marriage is not considered. The pension is based upon dependency and whether the parent, mother or father, has sufficient income to keep them. Q. My son was killed in Italy October 1 a year ago. Bis wife is named as beneficiary In his insurance but hasn't received any yet. What Is the delay? - A mother, Brownsville, Tenn. A. Have you filed a claim for your insurance? Suggest that you write to your aearest Veterans administration office, probably at Nashville or Memphis, set out all the facts and am sure you will get some action. Q- When a soldier has been through hen of the hattMUM for two yearsaadjas bean dhi^rttd with •an be cleared up by being at kmt and rest, hew ean ha get this psyeheaaaistls name el his discharge so he ean gate eoBegef--J. J. 0., Westby. Wis. A. You have evidently received a medical discharge and would suggest that you make application to your regional Veterans administration for a re-examination and an apnoal from the medical A i «|||| the: bitthm suweme artistry profound underan nature, fib. Gonfaloniers • issara&snKt aOMnc «m it* waa; with T to ittctsm of it. The sculptor prepared for , the eventuality. Soderini, true to form, frtisroed when he Inspected the statue, and inquired critically, "Do. you not think the is IB-proportioned?" Michelangelo a^mltttiN with feigned reluctance that possibly it was,' and, mounting the siaffold, gave the of. fending member a few harmless taps with his hammer, dislodging a handful of marble dust that he had •craped up from the floor for that purpose. "Ah, that is magnificent I" exclaimed Soderttt* "Now you bavl given it life indeed. I am satisfied!" --Your Life. - Hul • OookiBjg wlQi tabist heat make teujgli riiafcts tender. The moisture may be applied in the form ef water, vegetable or fruit Juice, or mUk. Diy heal fa best for tender cuts. Thia meana that no moisture is added, the meat is neither covered nor basted. Low to moderate •teady heat Is beat for cooking all meate, all cuts, fay all methods. It makes for evenness of cooking, tenderness, preserve* flavor and pro* •ents waste in shrinkage. lithet^ vate agef _ duke of Ifts&tui, imprisonment was! Ceived t*uis XIV Casale. Vm was times in. Several wMch was the B was brought j%J< on November ried in St. Paul'jt c under the name ef ; -V-. - j" «CCMt«d ioti, a pri- I Charlea, having '£. • ^iPcrcttr^f, oTlhe foitreas o| at varioas: ns, the lasts# Ue, to whfa±. Xi ' & §iMed there >, _ ettftiMaa bullie weddtog rtot'SSL* back to at kaat the second B. C., when lOraa merged with flia betrothal ring. Its otSglnJ^s todtt at^ tributad both to tbe iC^tl«Qs a»d the early Romans. At secular in sijnifc mans using a slgaet ring to ihat the hpiwail was emimWig Ma worldly goods qxn his wife and that •he had the right to aeal all much goods. The church apparency did not recognize Ol exfa^enoa ef tiie wedding ring ipitil the second century A. D. and the first record of a ring used in a wedding ceremony is in the fifth century. B Vaccinating Calvae Vaccination of calves four to eight mfoths old is a recogniaad aid in the control of brucellosis^ V. • There are 8,545 registered tals In the United States. _-- Irving ' Washington Irving was captured by Mediterranean pirates when he was in Europe in 1815. West McHenry State Bank Member Federal Reserve Sygtan Member Federal Deposit Ingnranoe Corporation M + I I H t M H I M M I I I I M M I l » H M 4 l i m t I I H M H M ' I -'r&jr: *<•',* ft! zi Vr: v, H W - s Battleship Fire Control The fire control equipment of a Suicide is unknown amoaa Battleship costs more than $1,000,000. Zuni Indiana oMVew Mexieow Do Your CMstmes Shopping * ;TT'""T ' • Christmas ^ <R»ee SiSSdg; Hunting Knives in leather casii Universal Chrome Plated Electric Iron . Master Shaving Mirror .... Leather Gloves Nesco Water Bath Canner Kromex Beautiful Cake Cover Decorated Wood Nut Bowl and Mallet Pyrex Oblong Roasters ...... White Enameled Kitchen Stools City Mail Boxes City ||ail Boxes, aluminum Wm, H. Althoff Hdwe. Cor. Route 31 and Main StJWest McHenry . - S A V HESTER OILS "The Best For Legs" GET OUR PRICES ON TANK WAGON 8ERVICES, 1 Jr,4k iW -5 h:, .. tu - Jik. * WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE TOU MONET FUEL OIL, GASOLINE LUBRICANTS WEST OF 0. A N-W. R. R., WEST M'HENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE M'HENRY 240 SAV E '0 SANDWICHES | SOUP GOOD BEERliiM LIQUORS < MAXQ '-L FOR THI FARM! Here ere diree all-steel, arch-rib buildings that are "naturals" lor many farm ueee. lasted and proved under widely varying conditions by die armed foroea throughout die world, these "Quonsets" provide firesafety and freedom from rot, aag, warp and termite destruction. They ere economical to boy and maintain. Constructed jrith Stran-Steel nmttmbl* framing members ^ tneae bi^Uy flexible buildings are easy to ean be added to simply and economically risSnSSsZi.1. i--w ir£rv SMe widhM an sveilable. M dsahee. W/;. •??-, ^ wTSTtaSTi- JSrwtftU S4" k •» "i & COMPAIIY. Phone Woodstock tl, Woodstock, III •> IK •r&r.. V* «>•> ' "t- >$*'14