,.., J&^bk i -> y iff v- ••* *14^ -J&f vA'.f, * • .i . Jt; j? . : . " % • « > C " - *r ' *" ~ "" " "" - > mirnmm '" • <•". • - -.••• •.<• Ylanr, wc believe, is a good win ^•tnd a good resolution. Our good with is foryoa-- note health, nnv ImpiaM Hd prosperity! And our lesokttBUu icsolved to give you still better service in NEW YEAR f 9 4 TTTZOKlALD'B MIX'S BHOr If*: •$ ••»•'• * L^REFMMP HOTIL HAPPY S F W ^ I 19 to JOHN THE TAILOR West McHenry •>."'" ? ,-- McHENBY Co. FARMERS CO OP. ASSN. NEW HOPE JmcM Qood VJkitei LENNON BEVERAOE CO. Schlits Distributor PEACE ON fARTH J OUR HEARTIEST GOOD WISHES • • • and *v«ry member of! your family this New . Y«ar of 1946. Everything you want most dearly is our Now Yeor Wish lor yow •' • A S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES TTnijgi . PlymouA ' Podge Truck* „K •'?/• **7* » > h*- Mvm. to him; Too da ugh Chicaeo. family «iU dt St the table. -in of their CUltMl HAPPY NEW YEAR. (By Vanese Sells) Mr. and Hn. JMms Selsdorf, and three children will qtKd their holiday hi Chicago, also, where a reunion dinner will take place. Christmas will have come wil (one ^ M? *i™.e ^is ^ts int0 but aittUS 'writing it is Christmaw Eve. How many Christmas Eve's hare been passed in im* life inmany diff- •rent ways. Those when I was a /V - . little girl, and I found it difficult to *»£ we reportedthat slippro to sleep because of the excite-1UP that kept the two Jurgtmota ment of waiting for Claus-- i serv"lce®ien tnMfflig at a weet my first Christmas M a married <***} k**- *5 woman, the Christmas at which we Sfn*fy discharged had a child of our own, pad the first r~pV .u*5Tn • «h. u... __i„ Christmai. lh,t w.«it UkTone, th.t »">"•* »' «• """J.0 I tad to fK without my ^tb«r.! Jw«» ^I?Sd ™ Perhaps everyone has these mental j vl® ^ » inJiuT mu 3A3E SSna|?is0Ue^ ^ and ^ lMt:?heVu^^yl wiH thEroDuIghT ORsp'ecSi alN OaTrrEan:g eTmheinst with thi VWmmsihmimn gmttm n Jiurmm of WuMm Newtpmptt iiM Sn Strmt, JV. Wn VulUiw ton, O. Cn it *bi* to bring readers thk iwHjr cobumm on problems of the petermi1 *md ismic--»ew ami his family. Question? mmnady thbeey midreatmd to the mbove Bureau , and son of «"« '*•? «w«ill -Ik jmnns.wrewreemmi min .• ssuubbsseeqquue nt of this com- cbny* umn'_ I*® repltes cmn be made aiirr et* u/Ul mafpipl,e abru t ino ntlhyi s inn etwhsep acpoelru mrne guwlhairlcyk. Letter - Writmg Rule* '•ftte Veterans' administraHdh, faced with an unprecedented volume of correspondence and a shortfor Christmas. Ted ie a Co*wain u» age of trained personnel, has ap- - ( jo veterans everywhere to firl, who years ago asked her daddy: . Mr.~T7^tnfrahri^- k?****** to ®®ci^,bus # |-' if there reallv vna a Santa, and he Mr- *"d *"• J- Ch"stopherson, a ness and to follow certain rules to told her if she read it in the New mo»t beloved «mpk o?1" <^"^ict- ; expedite its processing. York Sun, it wu w. Surely every. ^ Veterans' administration is one has read that famous answer, f^.v® of theTn] home for Christmas now receiVing approximately 125,000 one HAPPY , SENYYEAB m We still believe in Santa CJaus »t Uncle Sam's navy. our house. We sure like that small | - • it will n*k. . Utter P.™„ anyone reading that tender editorial,i but the gist of it was--"Yes, there !*^S r? ChnstmM get-Uat*ther at believe in uman nais a. Santa as len( as you I the goodness iimwent in hi ture. The little saint, who lived and .died in the third century A. D., has |lonp lost his identity in the fat, rosy {Dutchman conjured op by the imagi- I nation of Old Holland, and trans- Rlanted into New Amsterdam of the ew World, and taken to the hearts W all America. It doesnt matter what you call him, perhaps you i the 'Christopherson home. One daughter, who resides in Harian, Iowa, will be unable to come to her par-, ent's home for the holidays, hot will be holding special festivities at her own home. She is Mrs. Enoch Nyrup, and with her husband will celebrate her twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. S*n WrthdaTtthofU"tto Christ Child,"'"and 1* th*. ^ °f the ?to^in*' 3l ^tyth?cSSui of the PrLe of1» ™ «nS Peace should mean to an wpBiet; v lci^i world--there is still in the ^Krt« Santa. Tne candy in my stocking I of all, something divine in Washington and the skeleton force is working bvertime in an effort to keep up witt the mail. Here are some rules which will aid in getting early answers to your letters: 1. Include the veteran's name, address, legibly wrlttenrln every letter; 2. Give the 'XT' number in letters relating to pensions, compensation, rehabilitation or trsiining; S. Include th# "N," "V" or "K" numbers and the serial number of We hereby proclaim that we are resolved to give our friends and patrons the superior kind of service that will keep them wearing a path to our door. We furthermore proclaim that our friends are the finest in all the world, and we wish them loads of good luck, good cheer and good health for the year 1946. Central Garage Stockings hang at one end of our T1T„ w await Santa Claus -- perhaps yon Ia^fk th* °\ °Ile ff> th* veteran in each letter regarding th bated breath of |another i insurance; 4. Give the "XC" number tat the case of a deceased veteran. Unless the "N" or policy number and serial number in insurance correspondence are given it means that a master index of 14,000,000 names must be checked for proper ideni Santa: ! got at Sunday school. I put it in to sharewhatyou hate '^STose^j g *»&«* to k-P "V ^her out 1 love, and with your felkmr man. i s*narayou believe in thi^ then you, too, believe in Santa Claqp-- W«~ "TflIrd that, more than any " o£h*r request, small IfcBdren aH over And with that I shall say, "Happy; tification. This Ust contains 228,000 NeV Year to all--and to all a .Good Smiins of whom 98,000 are named the country were Claus please bri That prayer wi Wonder Lake hi lowe returned to his wife and that Santa back home, rered in one ^wb«i Cecil Balivilian life, and, ro sons. One of John and 13,000 have no middle initial. There are 150,000 Johnsons and 120,000 Browns. MeCul|om Lakc (?a«*,on- and a™wn Q. Have been reading your servi »•••••••••»•••»•»••»•»•»•<1 lee bureaa In the local papers. Our the little boys had never seen his (By Miss Ercell Lock) i^l^^iis ^VWandhwish>0to father, and timidly refuses over- " . " . . . : tares from this strange man who hasi Well, all you people dreaming of a o«®S ttem back wajt to know to invaded h* small world. After a "White Christmas" sure had a dream whom to write and when. Ana wnen Christmas celebration with the little come true. An over dose at that, they arrive does the government familv and his wife's parents, Mr. Hope it was a Merry Christmas for employees, or the American Legion and Mrs. August Reiss, the young all and that the kids' wishes of' take care of services. Can there be couple will leave the two little boys Santa Claus were fulfilled. a chnreb funeral of the kinfolks' with Grandma and Grandpa, and go Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wetle drove to choice? Please explain the proceon a honeymoon for t*ne weeks, to Indiana Saturday, December 22, to dure to be taken and oblige.--The try and make up for die empty years | spend Christmas with Mrs. Wetle's Mothers of Rock County, Nebraska, just past. sister. _ _ , A.--The quartermaster corps is Another Wonder Lake Home very Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kadtke and Mr. now mairing pians to bring the nearly get their daddy in home. Nelson,^the being bodies of our war dead now in Euro- Wally Lareen is one of those ®i^ty {Je fome^hy lis and J«ne WMh- ^ cemeteries to this country at thousand bed up in Seattle without;""™' 2 a v some future time probably next ttrraannssnpnorrttaattiinonn hnoommee . AArftteerr nniinnee-, children, Judy snd Royce Ann, spent1 . IT* . • ^ ^. ' Chri t ith Mm Washburn Phv- ^ »Prm8- There is no transportation teen months in the South Pacific, ^nri"""*" wun mrs. vvasnDurri, rny- makino Wally thought he might be back with »« andJane's mother. It was the, «valabenow. They aremaking his wife, Larry and Lillian, but|fi™t Christmas they were all to-.jj'"™L nl«?nf k!n Seattle U as far as the young navy fr ether for several years. New plans are complete, the next of kin man has been able to get. He did Ye»r> *** 71" ?"? i?.ur ye51T of of *U our de®d j* notified telephone hom^ and tell them that marrjed life for the Radtkes and New and you will be advised of the prop soon he will go directly to Great Year8 ^ »® M"- R«dtke's birth-1 er procedure. Lakes, and come home as a civilian. daJ[ anniversary. Congratulations! Q.--What Is the proper procedure The next week will probably be the ^?a,n 1 this community has been to locate a soldier we haven't heard longest one Mrs. Lars en will ever,saddened by the untimely passing of from for nearly a year?--Mr. and spend! However, it will be like ha*- ®ne of T°"T friends and neighbors, Mrg- P>> Lading, Mich. ing two Christmases at that little Jai"es •• Pup«k, uncle of Jerry Cer- ^--Your best bet is to ask the home--one now and one when that mak. w™> passed away Tuesday, I>e-1 a^(j of your local Red Cross, who belated present (Daddy) arrives at Jf" *222eJSwin contact their field services. In the door. tal where he was being treated for' unavailing write to the •, double pneumonia. The passing of lfe a ' u"avam"8' _ Thfuu fti. Iihlf imtirfniirirn u_ "Uncle Jim," as he was known office of the Adjutant General, War Eieo™ ^oley ajd ^?. BernS throu«hout the community, marked department. Washington, D. C • •*-.'* • " , v : of strength is the oak, Ijifiir*' - extends its limbs horisontaUy in defiance of gravity. May.suieh strength and stardmess be yours in 1946 and in tite years to come--strength to weather every storm and cross-current that life may bring. Good luck to you, good friends, and many happy returns «f the day! I GLADSTONE'S qi .. rpv,„ the end of s life filled with deep rerh^ m.!T^ K*rd for all the chUdren who came in klUed in action was married and Christmas program at Harrison COntact with him, as well as the separated from his first wife, then entertaining anrf ^h ui.h ju grownups. With his friends and re- divoreed and married again. He bas entertaining one, and the children ^ ^ -n Mrrow named bis wife with whom he wss Felix Matsat, Jr., senior at L S. living when be was called to the S' Q. -- A soldier who has been all knew their parts to perfection. A full house was there to witness 2ie nrocram too in fact such . D ' of J-cksonvile, I1L. is spending army as beneficiary in bis Insur the program, too, in fact such a hi> Yuletide Vac.Uon with hkfbm- ance. Can the first wife get bis insurance?--Mrs. E. P., Brownsville, Tenn. A.--The wife who is now named full house that there was standing .. room only in the back of the room. y^e Ladies Pinochle club met at The musical numbers and pageant Mrs ^ home Thumby, De were based around that old and cember 20, for a Christmas party. . . h, _j., yet ever new, story of the nativity. and the usual game of cards. Each a8, h,ia benefl<^"J !n hta P0"®* W,U A glittering white, and pi-operly member u^k a present, which was' «e* th?/ns,"^5®; . .. .. beautiful angel, young Joan Biggers, ,numbered, then matching numbers ,f a aoldierreeid vesbls disread the main, portions of the playlet. were dra^n by the ladies.' In this ch*r*e by other than the potat sys- Pine characterizations were pres- way ajj received a gift. tern, that is on a dependency charge, ented by Richard Wahnrade, Richard do-8 in this community sure will he lose his mustering-ont pay | Richards, and Lee Burt, who por- do _0 for sweets. A 2-pound box or privileges to which be Is entitled trayed selfish persons--not recess- of candy was left on Mrs. Lee Lar- under the GT. Bill of Rights?--Worarily of Bibical times. The Three son»s mailbox but before she knew ried Mother, Table Grove, 111. i w ise men were Richard Hessler, ^ tjje dogs knocked it down and ate A.--If he was discharged on a de- Lynn Cheney and Melvin Ness, au- ajj ^he contents with the exception pendency or convenience cause, he thentically Hurbaned. Sandi Sella, a 0f a caramel, which was wrapped in wju iose his mustering-out pay, but yellow angel, anyone of the 'heaven- paper. not necessarily his benefits under , ly host, sanp Away in a Manger. W^hile writing, this column the G j I..II Sel'ek Y „auteTld*r y t beau" household was gayly approached by Ar'n,' veteran of World War t.ful ' M.ry," »,,h R»b.rt Armstrong G(,orBe B^mbakV LMnard J«n«„ . ^ j*" * I!!!^•„ J.TL-" in the role of ' Joseph. Small Ran- „_J danp-htpr Patsv Rimrincr Christ- S? VL?--. . w™* dolph Sellek, with his pixie face and mas carolg ' ^*n a w"e 0 a ^°rld War I his lisping dramatic voice, was out- Mr and' Mrs john ciark and receive a pension at bi« death? Will 1 standing, as a child with a lamb. daughter, Jaunine, of Lombard, the government furnish money or al- The rest of the school were a spent Christmas with Willits. Mrs.< lowance at time of aeatn of World chorus in starched white collars and Clark is a daughter of Mr. Willits. War I veteran? Wife, Miami, Texas, big red bows. Two solos were pre- Miss Colletta Lenard, of Chicago,, A. The Veterans' administration sented by members of the chorus. and a summer resident of this com- says it a World War I veteran is to- |John Mailman sang "Out on the munity called me Christmas Day. tally disabled he is entitled to a non- | Hills," and Sharon Grace Sells sang she was visiting the George Jus- service connected disability pension. "Mother Mary is Softly Singing." tens of McHenry. i if the widow of a World War I vetj The program ended on a high Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walton went in- eran is living with him at the time of note--Santa Claus arrived. Each to Chicago when they received word ^js death or was separated through child was given a present and a bag .oJf LMF_r . Walton's sister's death. > < .• • . _I_ _ I _ _ _ of candy before the old gentlemen went on about his rounds. The third and fourth grade mothers gave refreshments of coffee and cup cakes to the entire gathering. A candlelight ceremony was the Christmas presentation at the Gospel club on Sunday afternoon. AU the children participated in giving the events of the birth of Christ, as given in various parts 6f the New Testament. Jeanne Resheeke took the major part as reader, the responses being made by song, or verse Sthe other children. A special ering was taken up to give to an orphanage as a. .gesture of' good John Swansor. as a smiling and cheerful helper of Santa, gave out presents for all the children. A Cmyer for Christmas was given by ary Ann Martin, and a Good-bye poem by Betty Jo Wright. Santa Claus left many small packages at the heme of Dr. Raymond Watkins, which were called for by his little patients. We are so sorry that little Ronnie Aredrickson must spend the holidays in the hospital Our best wishes for an early return Big Pat Sullivan is another tbose slated te spend Us Well, that's all for this year and Happy New Year, folks. 8ua 8trokes Repeated A person who haw suffered sua stroke is thereafter extra susceptible to heat. Teadei Quick freezing makes meat tender. It is believed that the for* mation of ice crystals within the fibers of the moat, which result tat splitting the fibers, taring about the "tenderizing." * rawed t'oro 11M fable of a woman pr*pe who afterward bore the name of Joan, first appeared in the 13th century. According to the Dominican chronicler, Jean de MaiUy, the alleged Popess is placed about the year 1100. The story goes that a very talented woman dressed as a man became notary to the Curia, then Cardinal and finally Pope. Another chronicler, Martin of Troppau, wrote that« after Leo IV (847-855) the English, man, John of Mainz, occupied the papal chair for two years, seven months and four days. He was, it is alleged, a woman. However, the legend has been discarded by church authorities as a pure figment of the taa|lita|kK> < misconduct of the veteran, she is entitled to a pension of $45 per month. The Veterans' administration pays $100 to the undertaker for burial of a World War I veteran. Q._My has band wfll complete Sve years ef service la February and has SS points. He Is tat Maalls itl. C. SMh Servtee Be. I Mi a ssi ilss aaR Is 1 seas what Mke a part ef the occupational army. Is Oris sof--Mrs. M. T., AJ--Actually a service battalion may not be part 4 as occupational unit, but a transportation corps, such as your husband is tat, is to all practical purposes part ef the occupation army lor he may stay in Manila as as be Is there. Uoney Rich Besides its sugar content, hottey contains mineral elements, vitamins, enzymes, pigments, volatile oils and aromatic bodies. Producing Family Feed fliroufhout the world it takes two families to produce enough food for themselves and an additional family. In the United States one ISsin family _ ad other products for itself and four other mm- We are grateful for your consideratidh of our services during the past year. The trust and confidence you have shewn in us -are our incentive to attempt greater things in the years to com WEBER PLUMBING and HEATING We're raising our voice to wish you year filled with good things, health and ealth. May all your wishes for happiness come true. EADDOCK SWEET SHOP p GREETINGS FOR the New Year yfe have found that friendship tat business is its greatest asset and vt jjve gTateful for yours. mwioi m* WE'VE SEEN a great changes and'Be4t<k%ihc4 . »i in our day . . . changes in styles, changes in customs, and changes in transportation. But one tiling has remained unchanged during all these years-- Our determination to lead the way St all times in value-giving. We enter 1946 fully pledged to stand fey our time-honored custom. Happy New Year, friends!. A. P. FRESNO GREETINGS AND GOOD WISHES FOR NEW YEAR • * Oar heartfelt thanks are extended to all our customers and acquaintances of the past twenty-two . and one-half years for the patronage we have had during the time we have served the people of this community. " ^ On January 1, 1946, MB. HAROLD STEFAN, an experienced repairman, will take over the Nye Jewelry Store. We solieite for him the same kindly patronage apd good will you have always extended to us in the past. ' NYC JEWELRY ** '