the H tea I14 an oyitar aheU hi J U l i l 111IHUKUMMMI* (By Dick Hyattt . fW. the New Year ha* arrived UMjtarifiif all tin tee and trktclt accompanied it It sea Man Winter has come, bat with the amount of complaints one hears when going oat of doors, yon would think he just wasn't welcome. After all your celebrating over the New Year's holidays, don't slight the P. T. A. weekly meeting. It's the first meeting of the New Year and, after all, I know everyone wants to start the New Year off with a hang. On Christmas Eve the Teen Age club gathered some of its members and a few pother friends together and toured the subdivision singing _ .. carols. Among the most popular CATTLR--lT liettd of Swiss milk songs sung were "Silent Night," ebws; several springing and some ["Jingle Bells," and "Hark the Herald new milkers; 1 Swiss heifer, 2 years Angels Sing!" After all the trampold, bred; Swiss ball, one year old;' >ng and with hoarse voices, they O • • •-- ^ • I fm -- • IA WAl*o rrtiiKwtfli --<*>ni^ian WILLIAM A. CHANDLER, Aaet. Having sold my farm I will sell al gp&Mc auction on farm located 2 n>lles east of McHenry, one mile west of Lily Lake, on State Route 120, an SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 Beginning at 12:00 o'clock sharp, the following property to-wit head &:• 2 Durham corn fed heifers, 10 mos. old. BORSfSS -- Grey team, 10 and 11 yean old; brown mare, 10 years old; set breeching harness; set team lines. FEED--350 bushels Vickland oats, "clean; 10 ton ear corn in crib, hand and Mra. mitir , marnea w xoraar ^matta of Chicago on Dwiishw M. ~^~Gn Chnxtaaai day Mr: m-- ' Normand and the Latin girls entertained Mr. and Mrs. McDeinott and their son, also Mr. *nd Mrs. J of'MeHenry. Visiting with Dottie and Dick Shaver over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Palmer and their daughter. I wonder if Mr. Palmer was afraid of our roads, as he left his car at the highway and the family walked down through the snow to the Shaver's place. Mr. and Mrs. Cederberg and daughter attended the wedding of a niece in Chicago on the twenty-second of December. When preparing to come home they found the car had broken down and the folks were obliged to remain in Chicago over the Christmas holidays. We are also sorry to hear their dog was hit by a car, but after treatment by a veterinarian he survived the accident and is now coming along nicely. Some brave men--giving up their Sunday afternoon of leajure for one of work. Mr. Dermott, Mr. La Meire and Paul Harvey had quite a 2 miles north of Mundelein on.time while cleaning 'off the ice so -- it --- . it would be ready for skating. As one of the men Remarked, they were were refreshed with goodies furnish ed by the Ladies League and Mr. and 'AUCTION picked, good hard corn; 100 bushels nortl. „ . wheat and oats mixed; 125 bales oat j, Hwy. 45. at the corner of Petersen straw; 325 bales first cutting alfalfa Rd., and Hwy. 45, % mile south unf 01 uie. ^emarjcea, uiey and timothy mixed; 80 bales second of Hwy. 21, 4 miles southeast of j doing a bit of penance to eliminate ^ cutting alfalfa. , j Grayslake, 4 miles northwest of *nmo n* MACHINERY -- Mc-D. F-12 tracfor,! Libertyville, on with 12-inch plow and double row _cultivator attachments; Mc-D. 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow, like new; Mc-D. side delivery rake; 9-ft. disc; Mc-D. 6-ft. grain binder; Mc-D. corn binder; Mc-D. 6-ft. mower; dump rake; 4-roll Appleton corn husker; 8-ft. Broadcast seeder; Mc-D. corn planter with check wire and fertiliser attachment, new; hay loader, like new; two horse cultivator; rubber tired wagon and rack; steel wheel wagon and box; 2-section drags; 2- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 at 12 o'clock sharp CATTLE---9 Holstein and Guernsey cows consisting of 3 close springers, balance bred hack and milking good; some of the wrongs they did during the old year. Niee going, fellows! Over the New Year holidays Mrs. Torti was honored with a visit from her sons, James and Anthony, and their wives, also five of her grandchildren, a sister and many mends of Chicago. * TT 7 " r' Wwee are ggliaada TtoO hneeaarr thnat MMrrss.. ? . S w ? „ , k i i . o n c e . s . h , f e e l t a , h e r aection spring tooth harrow; one]3rd calf heifers. 10 Holstein and Guernsey open heifers (choice); 6 Holstein heifer calves (4 to 6 months old); Purebred Holstein bull, 18 months old; Holstein bull calf, 6 weeks old. This is a home raised herd, being and horse cultivator; bob sleigh; corn sheller, new; platform scale, 1,000- lb. capacity; 7 steel cow stanchions; wheelbarrow; two oil barrels; tractor oil and gun grease; slip scraper; 40 ft. doable 6-inch drive belt, like r new; scalding kettle; 110 ft. hay Horn hens. rope; emerytool grinder with elec- MACHINERY 6-ft. trie motor; 70 wood fence posts; 20 wood corner posts; 21 6-ft. steel posts; 21 5-ft. steel posts; 160 rds. of new barbed wire; electric fence controller; 6 milk cans; 2 wash tanks; pails and strainers and many other articles of tools, etc. POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT --75 Austrian White pullets; one 4-deck •800 chick oil brooder; one 300 chick Oil brooder; feeders and waterers; .20 steel nests; forks, shovels, etc. HOUSEHOLD -- Dining room set; gasoline stove; 2-hole white enamel garbage burner and other household furniture. One 12-gauge Winchester pump tun, good condition. Terms: All sums of S25.00 and Under that amount cash, over that •meant a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone deairatg credit, kindly make arransrements before purchase is made. No " to be removed until settled 2-wheel trailer; 14-ft. grass seeder for dr^g; 13 drinking cups and pipe; new breeching harness; DeLaval cream separator (like new); oil brooder; barrels; used window and doors; 2 sterilizing tanks (one with bottle gas heating unit). BUILDINGS--New 10xl2-ft. insulated, double-floored brooder house. FEED -- 2,700 bushel ripe DeKalb 404A corn; 15 ton baled 1st cutting alfalfa; 10 ton baled 2nd cutting alfalfa; 5 ton baled timothy hay; 20 M1(H, ton baled oats. This hay was put up linfkntif Kain nr «*n ** * jroparty tOm PHAHKXHSTILL U_ P*°PWeat McHewy State Bank, Clerking , • JOSEPH KATTNE8 AUCTION Charles Leonard and Ed Vogal, AocUonesrs. Phone 478 Having decided to quit' farming, I will sell at public auction on my located 5 miles southeast of md, 4 miles northwest of Fox , 1 mile east of Spring Grove, 36 mile north of highway 12, on MONDAY, JANUARY 7TH Cwmmeflag at It o'clock 14# HEAD OF LIVESTOCK* of Holsteia and Guernaey caws; C first calf heifers, _ W; If 2-year-old heifers; 12 L-year-old heifera; 3 f-month- old rcrs; 1 Holstein ball, 2 yean old. Brown Gelding, 8 years old, 1. M!"/' 1° ye*r" oId* wt- 1 HOGS--50 feeding pigs, wt. 150 lbs HORSES AND HARNESS--Team of outstanding matched Bay horses, 7. years old, wt. 3,200 lbs.; 2 sets of harness. POULTRY--100 AAAA White Rock pullets, laying good; 50 yearling Leg- Mc-D. mower; Deering 6-ft. grain windrower; J. D. dump rake; J. D. harrow cart; 300 chick oil brooder; Case 22x36 inch threshing machine; Case silo filler and pipe (excellent condition); Mc-D. push type hay loader; Power cylinder corn sheller; rubber-tired wagon and hog rack; sulky cultivator; dump rake; horse-drawn disc; Chevrolet lift'A'"r^ cultivator; self, after a week of sickness. The family left Sunday morning to spend the holidays in Chicago. Mrs. La Meire received quite a surprise when she was handed that small package from the postman and combined with that surprise was. a great honor. When opening the AUCTION to ha t*t waa sank by ji with and MA. also ha frTand had visthe holiday were Mr of Chicago. M>. and Mra. Mackey iton over the holidays* of tha visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Carta and their son, Batch. We are all sorry to hear that Mrs. Mackey fell Sunday morning and hart her back Mid arm quite severly. We would like to congratulate Mrs. Misckey, as she celebrated bar birthday on Saturday, December 29. On Friday morning Mrs. Yaeger made the trip to Chicago to attend a bridal shower of a very deer friend. Sunday came along just as usual and the C. O. Hyatts and their afmfly were on their way to Chicago to visit with the Willard Hyatt's. It was cute to see all three children coming down'the hill to the car all dressed op in their best clothes, the girls carrying the dolls Santa Claus brought them and Kenny with his panda. We are all glad to hate that James Krien, Sr., who is in the navy, is home on a 15-day furlough. He is the father of seven children and is very happy to be home with them. Having been stationed, or rather confined, to the hospital at Great Lakes, some of the children frequently went to visit with him, bat fSSSifrh and banco party, invited. A ' Aaaerican Craaaa Tha aid world boasts a number of species of large and oddly ornamented cranes, but tare in North America bat two species occur, tha large white whooping crane and the thaee races of tha smaller gray sandhill crane. One of the three races of tha sandhill crane is the Florida crane, which occur* m the Florida peninsula and adjacent states. Hie other two races are separated on size alone, the smaller being called the little brown crane; the larger the sandhill. Lesser and greater sandhill cranes would be much more appropriate since tha juvenal plumage of both birds is rusty brown, that of the smaller one no more so than the larger. The adults are light blue-gray with a bald patch on the forehead which is rich red sparsely covered with black, hair-like feathers. The large aize of these birds, with their partially naked red heads, leads some hunters in the Canadian prairie provinces to refer to them as wild turkeys, but they are not even remotely related to that bird. TAVERN Wflttr Bttlkttnt », ILL. .! , ' ' i * - --^ ]ATLA8 PRAOXR BEEt fced Rdwnuui, Propu Subscribe for The Plaindealer CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Will sell at public auction on farm located 4 miles west of Round Lake, 5 miles north of .Wauconda and one mile east of Volo, on Route 120, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 Beginning at 11:30 o'clock1 sharp, the following described personal property: 40 CHOICE HOLSTEIN COWS AND HEIFERS consisting of f 10 close springers; 16 recently fresh; 3 two and one-half-year-old heifers, springing; 4 18-month-old open heifers; 6 10 to 14-month-old heifers; Holstein bull, 20-months-old. This is a real dairy. All cattle are T. B. and Bangs tested and heifers are calf vaccinated. FEES)--760 bales mixed hay; 480 bales second cutting alfalfa; 20 tons without being rained on. afFikfUitiMnRAANi* I1T iUo1R EE # 1-- L I ABC waAs hAin sgi ma-• 1 iwi c viM _ q ft , trwtor cQittvfttor{ ss'bot" 6x9-fL Grev i» *• torn plow; 8-ft. tractor tandem disc; ^ ^ bS;: <"«*:. ^Uondrvi.Mc-D. dresser; commode; curtains; electric light fixtares; sink, etc. KARL AXBERG, Pre*. Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Gurnee Antioch PaMic Auction Service Co., Clerk Tel. Burlington, Wisconsin, 866-W AUCTION^ Chaa. Leonard A Ed Vogel, Aacts. State Bank of Rkhmond, Clerking The farm having been sold I will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the John Harms farm, located tt mile south of Richmond and 1 mile east of Route 12 on 15 Hill, or 1 mile south of Route 173, turn west of Miller Corner's on Solon Mills road on SUNDAY, JAN. f, lMf Commencing at 12:30 p. m. sharp, the following described property: 18 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 8 Holstein milk cows, 1 fresh milk- MVtlMAwCMm**N EfMRYet--aaM c-D. M tractomr# _ orvn !ea r,i i 2a iymear lingV hei.f e.r s, 1 Jy earling tractor cultivation; Mc-D. _ _machine 22-38; Mc-D. corn husker, 4-roll { Mc-D. silo filler, 14 ifaidi; Case pick-up brier; Mc-D. 3- bottom 14-inch tractor plow; Mc-D. manure spreader on rubber; Mc-D. ;tractor disc; Oliver tractor grain drill with fertilizer attachment; Mc- D. power corn binder with bundle loader and conveyor bundle carrier; Me-D. corn binder with conveyor ball, 2 ball calves, 4 heifer calves, 1 team bay horses. 150 Barred-rock pallets, 400 Cockerels. Hay, Grain and Machinery About 600 bales clover and alfalfa hay; about 600 bales straw; 1,000 bushels oats; 15 ton new corn; about 20 tons two-year-old corn; 20 ft. of silage in 12x30-ft. silo; 180 bales jonvey 2nd cutting^ alfalfa hay; about 250 bwidle carrier; McCormick Deering; bales; 2nd cutting clover'and alfalfa; SSS^ ,at" tw? double harnesses; hay car, fork ttaacchhmmeenntt;, MMcc--JD>.. 88--fftt.. ggrraaiinn bbiinnddeerr;: and rope; milking machine, double Mc-D. side rake; Case 7-ft. quack digger; Mc-D. 3-sec. wood beam drag; Gehl hammermill; Peoria fertilizer and lime spreader; U. S. -grain blower;~fi*ft. Mc-D. mower; 5- ft. Mc-D. mower; 2 Linsey rubber • tire wagons with hay racks; Mc-D. ' 6-ft. horse disc; Mc-D. single row cultivator; welkin* plow; 7-ft culti- ; 2 hog oilers; rill; blacksmith steel wheel wagon sets of breeching SaHET* EQUIPMENT--26 8-g*l. milk i; Wash and solution tanks, pails Strainers; DeLaval milking mawttb two doable units, one * doable unit, new; 2 extra unit, pump and pipeline complete; also sterilizing tanks; milk cans, MACHINERY -- F-20 tractor with tractor cultivator; H-C 14-in. 2-bothorae mower, 6-ft. cut; corn planter; dump rake; 1-row horse cultivator, like new; John Deere grain binder; iron-wheeled wagon and rack; Star Line silage feed cart; 6-ft wood water tank; potato planter; ell burner tank heater; set double harness; electric fence controller; pump jack, with electric motor; 800-size chick electric brooder and small tools and other items too numerous to mention. FURNITURE--Some household furniture, including upright piano with bench. Not responsible for accidents shoald any occur. TERMS -- All sams of $26 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months at 6 per cent on good bankable notes will be extended. If credit is desired make arsangement wth the clerk before sale. No property to be.removed until settled °r ARTHUR J. KAISER Weet McHenry State Bank, Clerking PLOSINO OUT AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD and ED VOGEL, Auctioneers Having decided to quit farming, I will hold a closing out sale on the farm known as the Ray Page farm, located one mile south of McHenry Flour Mills, West McHenry, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 commencing folio at 12:30 p.m., the allowing described property, ttoo--WWiitt : 24 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of , 22 CATTLE--18 head .# Holsteins, •ii, _ ,--.--' 11"• uwnweys jana orown awus miicr fiVw v on * "trainers; M. D. silo cows, 8 fresh cows, 5 heavy springtract9* °n rubber and j ers, balance milking good; 2 Guern• • , . --tl ' "Jo h"n D.e.e. r e | gey hw euifeerras,, yy ewarr oo li da ;; Hn ooluswteiinn hn eeiufeerr , 'n?1c-D. iside del^iv-i coming 2 "years old; Holstein bull, ery rake, new; Oliver hay loader, ig months old. new; Oliver ---•••• wagon hitch new; wnver nay joaaer, r corn binder, lowier, 2. HORSES--Good work team sound, 1» *ls*d one y«*r; dump gpey mare, 7 years old, wt 1,800; , ytea for 62 cows; Frigideire coaler, 10 can size. Sipp scraper senqwr, and many other too numerous to mention. -- .160 tons of haled alfalfa Sr hay; 800 bales of second alfa hay; 200 bales of SOU bu. of oats; 35 tons of ft silo feed in 2 14-ft WAGON ON GROUNDS . _ a large sale all machinery 1--Afl sams of $26.00 and that atnoont cash, ever that .t a endH <tf six months at «*t will ha extended on notes pad by the elerk. Anyone 'deeradit, kindly make arranaetam purchase is made. No to If ranged ontt settled rake; steel wheel wagon and grain grey gelding, 10 years old, wt. 1^300 box; rubber-tired wagon and rack; Hay, Grain and Machinery bob sleigh; three-section drag; twosection drag; walking plow, John I)eere; two-horse cultivator; Broadcast seeder; Zepher 14-in. tractor plow; wheelbarrow; grass seeder; 7-ft tandem disc, Mc-D.; Mc-D. corn planter with fertilizer attachment; 1 power driven milk separator; buzzsaw; fanning mill; 4 rolls of snow fence; 2 rolls woven-wire fence, 2 rolls barbed-wire fence, new; hirnd corn planter; blacksmith forge and vice; oil-burning tank heater; Model- 42 combine, 1-year-old; $Ic-D. manure spreader; stone boat; hog feeder, self feeding; 80 foot endless drive belt; 500 chick electric brooder; water f o u n t a i n s , f e e d t r o u g h s ; f o r k s , shovels and various small farm equipment; 1 gasoline engine and gasoline barrels. TE8M8--All sums of |26.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at six per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. to *• »•"" 4. 0. UMB414/ „ ? r' • 't .j ***<$*' .. t ^ < v. 1^^ iLmllLgl L |La 11 n>w nv rFwniwif vwiuns • im WDCU An Pnipose RTT Cntain Dye h*UA*AMMD**y**m*hhkiuPatncnY i thm ftisrf dym that maaay caw buyl Use it for Ceianese, acetate Rayon, Nylon ujft Mixtures as well as for cotton, silk, linear Poor new "decorstor" shades--Champagne, Feachglow, Desert Tan, Sonny Ecru. They'll bring the sunshine right into your home, and perk up an entire room just as they parte up your old curtains. Definitely gatenas* ttmi-- to you know yooll have no dye failures. IN XHt BIG BOX Thomas P. Bolge*1 "The McHenry Druggist'* 1:30 p.m., sharp , Jan. 9 • v34J . At Gaulke's Sale Barn--3 V * ' V"-'< -Charles Leo: Route 47- -Woodstock, Illinois inai*d, Auctioneer' ; : ; W mix OF DAIRY COWS, EITHiR SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. FEEDER PIGS CALVES STOCK BULLS ' HORSES BEEF CATTLE - SHEEP ~ BROOD SOWS FEEDER CATTLE §* YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL FARMERS: Call Tuesday and track will pick up your calves Wednesday morning, for fee of 25c per head. Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if yon have livestock to consign 1 ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE. All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before the sale or bring ipnininj of sale. Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly Installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vt of 1 per cent interest Woodstock (Commission Sales Go* Inc. WM. E. GAULKE, Owner--Plum* 872 Bulbsnatcher Story without Words... 10 acres shock corn; 16 acres standing corn; 3 tons baled mixed hay; small amount loose hay; 14 ft, silage in 14-ft. silo. Farm-All tractor, rubber in front; Mc-D. tractor cultivator; 8-ft tractor disc; 14-in. traetor plow; 8-section drag; hay loader; Moline corn planter with 120 rods wire; Van Brunt 7-ft. grain drill; Mc-D. 5-ft mower; horse cultivator; steel wheel wagon with box; steel wheel wagon and hay rack; Case 14-in. hammermill, nearly new; 75-ft. power drive belt; set breeching harness; 140 ft. hay rope; electric fence controller; MC-D. milking machine, 2 single units .With pipe line for 22 cows; 14 milk cans, pails and strainer; 2 tanks for solution and washing. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at six per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No goperty to be removed until settled JOHN W. KILDAY / BRKHffiNUP 1.1^. • PUBLIC SERVIC1 COMPANY Off NORTHBRN ILLINOIf \ • + *.... MORAL: Don't be a bulbsnatcher. lighten if% your home, make it more pleasant. Have plenty of good light. Avoid eyestrain risks. It's easy! Just fill empty light sockets, and replace burnedout light bulbs with adequate, bright, ^ew bulfac» Keep "spares" on hand. Remember Our Liberal Renewal Policy Standard buttled-out light bulbs (marked "P. S. of N. I." or "Renewal Service") in 25 to 200 watt sizes, may be exchanged for new bulbs without charge; others at a slight renewal charge. Bring your burned-out bulbs to your Public Service store for exchange. Poetically all sizes of new light bulbs are now available at vour Public Sovice store or bulb agency, " * - a-.,A. .*.ti ; •m '• 1 . <!.„"r.\ VTiv - .. •• r, ..