' ' ' • V -. •*'- h r *0*SALE FOE SALE--DDT LOUSE POWDER Fhbwt'i Mill, Wsst McHenry. McHenry 29. 88 WAN19B TO JOWT-Snull home with cann. Charin Anifn, W«t McHenry. Tel. 71-J. - 88-tf WANTED TO RENT -- House, 6 rooms or more. Call McHenry 31. Dr. H. S. Fike, 306 Waukegan St. 23-tf :JFOR 8ALB--Just arrived, Coronado . leiettt'ic' stove, post-war model, mod- 1 - a K/ 1+} »%tlV VwTvf a jecately.priced, $109.50. |PBWWne McHenry 489. Gamble's. 33 ^ - ifOR SALB--100 White Rock AAA llets starting to lay; 75 black Orca it laying. Clarence Wohlert, McHenry 622-M-l. *83 WANTED TO BUY and plan a part of your own destiny. With the war over, we can look forward, wild some assurance, to a brave new world that will contain new ears, new refrigerators, ironers, and ah, yes--dishwashers, (wonderful thought!) We can hope for the settling of the differences between labor WANTED TO BUY -r Four or five and management; and we can hope room summer home, near McHenry, that every dollar will always buy a on or near Fox River. Address Bo* dollars worth. And while we are sumo BUREAU (By Mi* froell Loek) Tho "Screwy Domb" greeted 1944 at Horn's amid rainy friends ani neighbors. The nunc for the affair was furnished by Jerry Cermak, Phil newspaper^ with the Paul Struck, and a newcomer, 'BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf MISCELLANEOUS , WELL WORK -- Order your driven SAIJS--Seven pairs women's now. We sell, repair and in- ,-shoes, sise 7 AA exactly. British stall all pumps, including electric. / walkers, dress shoes, evening slip- Bacon Bros., 203 John St., West Mc- | beneath them for warmth, and pull n™' r 8** at Grande Henry, 111. Tel 175. • 83-tf an already tightened belt tighter, un- Cleaners. ^ _ . _ . . . 'less we share our wealth with them. | dreaming of sun-warmed houses, and ap easier way of we shouldn't forget to ftbld out a helping hand to the brother who is weaker--those on the other side of the world who arent so lucky as we--who, must drag their wretched rags around them, and tuck their chilblained feet EDITOR'S NOTE: This through special arrangement „ ~ .. . . , . , Washington Bureau of W estern Newspaper Brautlgan. Our old faithful, Otto Union at 1616 flye Street, Af. W., Washing-1 Peiritz, was absent due to the flu Ion, D. C., it able to bring readers this , bug catching up with him. This weekly column on problems of the veteran ^ may be late, IDtto, but we wish you and servicemen ani his family. Questions a happy new year and a speedy remay be addressed to the above Bureau and they will be answered in a sub si quent column. No replies can be made direct by mail, but only in the column which will appear in this newspaper regularly. \ New Veterans' Hospitals mo SAL.R--Milk truck with route ' GENERAL TRUCKING Freight i Somewhere I read that for the great RinirJood 111' and *eneral movin* m McHenry and est happiness in this life, you should JL1 .J surrounding territory; prompt ser-|strive every day for strength to .Phone Richmond 736 • , 33-^ vice. Stanley Brown. Phone Mc-1 change the things that cannot be SranftB oiiv !..«» .Mitnj ^i.Anoi)n1 Henrv 145-W. *33-2ichanged. (This time of year really 'brings out the philosopher in me!) J FOR SALE--Just arrived,, Coronado I Henry 145-W, : i moderatelv'triced LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank * Gamble's. Phone McHenry 459. 33 ?*y?raft» .W®st McHenry, 111. Phone i McHenry 149-J. " FOR SALE--Thirty-five Hampshire ' feeder pUrs, 10 to 12 weeks old. ?t^#«Gold®n Bull Farms, .Wauconda, 111. „«»•„,«• «*. »«m Wauconda 2614. 33 TREi$ TRIMMING--Now is the time |mrg# jvar Fredricksen, and son, Ronto trim yonr fnnt and shade trees nie> plan soon to be on their way to . Many parties took place to wela 41 come in the New Year, some gay, " I some serious. Then, many of our ,J district are getting ready to follow the sun to warmer climes. Mr. and Ir' .' V * FOR SALE--Springfield double bar- L^g M. .relied 12-gauge shotgun. Also Rem- 630-R-2. . ington pump, 12-guage shotgun and. __ shells for both. Must sell before January 8. Phone McHenry 27. *38 Witt. Tel. McHenry, ,Fiorida They will be busy acquiring a sun-tan while we are trying to dig ourselves out of the latest snowstorm. The "pity ofvit! (For us, I . -- 1 MAGAZINE AGENCY--Agency for j, FOB SALE -- Frigidaire, roll-AVAy ; ajj minzine subscriptions, new and Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Nagle hav©| bed, porch glider and pad, dining renewals. Mayme Buss 516 Wauke-1set their faces toward a Western j room table, 6 chairs and buffet, also «n Road. West McHenry. Tel. sun> and wil1 soon b® otl their way ! Ph&eo radio. Phone McHenry 136-R! 189-W. 83-2 to California for a vacation that] after 5 o'clock. 88-2 • ! | may last until spring comes again i --' i TRUCKING of all kinds, including to .Wonder Lake. I SALB--Coronado electric rree-- lliivveessttoocckk;; 2244--hhoouurr sseerrvviiccee.. LLeellaanndd;: Mrr.. aanndd "'MMrrss.. Andy Kunz are fet fi ^pftrator, 7 cubic Berg, Ringwood, HI. Tel. Richmond another Tucky couple that will soon 2 2 s n o w f r o m t h e i r b o o t s a n d I go to California for a visit. fFOR SALE--Corner lot across the' mowe£T~ RobeWT I- ^ Mrs^ Bett.y Pavljk-is another ploriroad from p«^ J£ODfrt..J- advocate, and is preparing to : ^3 model, moderately priced, 8147.95. 537" •iyGamble's. Phone McHenry 459. S3, SKATE SHARPENING -- Don't tor-. r-^L/orner lot across tne get your lawn mowers. Robert J. ida advocate and is nreDaria Wonder Lake Park and Thurlwell 110 Main SL West Mc- • aovocaie. ana is prepare gth of lot faces beach- Henry 31-tf 1 mnter ,n that land of flowers. Gen. Omar N. Bradley has announced authorlzat'on and approval by the President of 29 ne\v veterans administration hospitals. At 12 of these, a school of medicine is adjacent to the new hospital.* The new hospitals authorized are Birmingham, I.ZQ beds; Little Rock, 500 beds; Tallahassee, Fla., 200 beds; Saginaw, Mich., 200 beds; Tupelo, Miss., 200 beds; St. Louis, Mo., 500 beds; Southern Missouri, 1,000 beds; Poplar B'.ulY, Mo., 200 bs^s; Grand Island, Neb., SCO beds; Metropolitan New York, 1,000 beds; Syracuse, N. Y., l.COO beds; Durham, N. C.', 500 teds; Charlotte, N. C., 500 beds; Toledo, Ohio, 1,000 beds; Kalamath Falls, Ore., 200 beds; Philadelphia, Pa., 1,000 beas; Altoona, Pa., 200 beds; Erie, Pa., 200 beds; Harrisbiirgr Pa., 200 beds; Chattanooga, Tenn., 500 beds; Bonham, Texas,'50 beds; Houston, Texas, 1,000 beds; Salt Lake City, 500 beds; Spokane, Wash., 200 beds; Madicon, Wis., 500 beds and Beckley, W. Va., 200 beds. Questiont and Antwert Q.--Are requirements for discharge in the seabees the same as in the navy? And can a seabee ...Beach. Length llMake offer. Write in Care of Box IB, Plaindealer. *33 PRIVATE PARTY ! loan. has money If interested write box " (IFOR SALE--Before buying a water in care of The Plaindealer. tpump, see the new Fairbanks Morse to! That was a nice party that ""Mr. AB"|and Mrs. A1 Horn sponsored for *30-41 the children. Presents were given _ to each child attending. v Rejector water systems, complete $96. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR- J > imgstrom Sales and Service. Tel., fNG -- AH work fully guaranteed. There has been a lot of specula- 1696-y-l. • 33,'Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc- tion concerning that package that i XLad Q . 1 „ A, „ .. - Henry. Tel. 379. - 42-tf 1 went to Portland, Ore., from Wonder SALE -- Alcohol anti-freeze,! * ""|Lake> with so little information on * ^regular price $1.40 per gallon, our HAVE YOU IIEARI) about the new j ks cover. When the package arrived, "> il?„n rediiced Auto Liability and Property j we are told it_contained two words, covery. About 12 o'clock, a couple of characters walked in representing the old and the new year. Len Jensen, the decrepit old man '45, was closely followed by George Baumbeck, less all the attire associated with the new born. Miif.,. Jerry "Betty" Cermak, president of the ^'Screwy Dozen," welcomed all those present in a short impromptu message. » Harry Lock celebrated hit « - - - birthday, New Year's Eve? Among those present were Mr. and Mrs,. Harold Vycjtal of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. George Goranson, the Feiereisels, O'Connors, Lee Sawdos. Otto Ebert, the Jensens, Baumbecks, the Leo Sales, Syd Smiths, Frank Madsens of Chicago, Earl Whitings^ Paul Strucks, Cermaks, Sherriffs, William Rochelles with her sister Goldie Price, of Buffalo, New York, the Ben Gates, Barney Graffs, Mike and Clair Schmidt, the Sam Deskis, Dav$ Reeds, Adam Jablonski, the Don Johnsons of Crystal Lake, Mf. and Mrs. Walton, and the new residents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brautigan. There will 'be an old time "Box Social" at Horn's Saturday, January 26, sponsored by the Property Owners association. This affair is purely for the entertainment of all the people in the community and their friends. So pack those bOxes with good eats, gals, they'll be auctioned off at 9 p.m. The proceeds will be used to take care of the expenses of the party and the club guarantees be eligible for state-side duty be- .you. ple.nty of everything. Tell your fore he has achieved enough dis- 1 neighbors about this event, there will charge points? I«rs. W. 'C. G.fDiggs, i be further details announced later. Va. container. Gamble's. fEIenry 459. | *\ - SALE--Year- round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manjkrflle Rock Wool Home Insulation •"Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. i Damage rates ? They will surprise _ I you. Ask us for insurance rates. Th« Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf HELP WANTED ANTED--Would like couple to live %rith lady recovering from illness. jMcHenry home. Good location. Adtlress Box M., in care of Plaindealer. 88 t .WANTED--Young married man to I ^Vfleam fur farming. Living quarters Mfurnished. Address Box K, in care Vmat Plaindealer. Irene" and "Fragile"--Well, this is the way it happened. Little h-ene Landstrom moved to Oregon over a year ago, but some of her little school mates have kept in constant DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is touch w*th her. One of them, Joan the least we pay for dead horses and Biggers, mailed the package to Irene I cows in good condition. Wheeling! containing a Christmas present. Orig-! Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. inally Joan started to write out 3. Reverse the charges. No help the name in crayon, then she changed needed to load. 14-tf her mind in favor of gummed stick- ;-- ers--one that said "To--Irene Land- GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us strom and the address" and the other lispose of your garbage each week, said "From Joan Biggers." Probably ir oftener if desired. Reasonable the stickers^ -fell off at the sub "station rates. Regular year round route, for- i *n Portland because it had come merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. 1 witfr°ut difficulty to that point; the Phone 365. tf!return may have fallen off before • I that. When it got as far as. the A.--Yes, point ratings in the seabees are the same as in other branches of the navy and they can be assigned fcr duty anywhere in continental U. S. at any time. Q.--How many points are required for a dischargee from the coast guard? Also does a man in the coast guard get points when he pets married? A reader, Coleridge. Neb. A.--As of December 11, 1945, enlisted men in the coast guard are ! required to have 40 pojnts come eligible for discharge. Jack Borellif recently of McCullom Lake, has been discharged from service. Gladys Keegan, after working in Chicago two years, is back again. John Sharf, Jr., son of John, Sr., of these parts, has recently been discharged from the army.' John Jr.. makes his home near Bensenville, 111. "Tippy" McDonald has been mourning the loss of his pal "Tuffy" who was recently killed by a truck on Greenwood road. Jean McDonald's sister, Mrs. Thereto b?- i sa Cunningham, has recently return- To ob- ! ed to the city after a visit at the tain the dependency 4points, he must | McDonalds. Little Theresa will be have been married on„ or before! out Wednesday, January 2. August 15, 1945, and must have Allan-McKim, sailor of the E. O. made a financial allotment to his ! McKim family, is home on leave. wjfe | Mr. and Mrs. George Goranson Q.-My grandson was drowned in I drove to Chicago for their New Germany after serving over two i years in the army. His insurance I ATTENTION -- Order your driven 01811 on the rural route, he remem „ _ i well now. Repairing all pumps, bered that mail had come to Irene I Tel. McHenry 175. Bacon Brothers, I before from Wonder Lake and was Girl or older woman to!203 John St*** 28-tf able to make proper delivery. This eare for Children HUnavvAe other huaeIlmn iI --K~T-- - - - 7Z :Z --: ^ ppaarrttiiccuullaarr mmyysstteerryy wwaass aa ssyynnddiiccaatteedd . Gooa own M»:L^',R°bb?r Sta•,p,, 0rd'r throuSh°ut tte.Wnitoi States,| -- -- - - - ' w i t h e v e r y o n e w o n d e r i n g h o w i t c o u i d possibly have happened. But we know--don't we? j | George Wray, Oak St., Crystal Lake. |TeL Crystal Lake ,549. Reverse 'chaxges. *33 WANTED--Dishwasher; hours! from 10 to 8 and 6 to 8. Mi Place. Green St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 377. 32-tf i fM \ HELP WANTED -- Light factory work, steady employment, age 25 to 85; day or evening shift; 5 to 10 < p.m. Top wages for conscientious •3| workers. Cellulose Industries, Rich- /• mond, 111. Tel. Richmond 385 1 .HMfH News From Wonder Lake (By Vanese Sells) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burt and daughter, Lee, have just returned from having spent the Christmas holiday with relatives in Iowa. Misses Patricia Stoddard and Lu- Ann Howorka gallantly gave one Here we go into a brand new year, ^ °ut, ^Q e ] ir ^ h,ol|day sefon .with brand new hopes, and brand *? the ,h°apital. ,at ^odstock where new resolutions. This is the time !they ** aides- N,ce «oin «,rls* ,n to sluff off our old, bad habits, for- ' get our past mistakes, pick our- Mr. and Jfrs. Henry Stuvinga and OPBRATORS WANTBD-JUin^KW-. rtjrt ,11 .<>i« ..prin.1 ^ ^fden^Tfr'ou"%l«rictP<,M™. ing on skirts; steady work. 50c an *®lk8 say that it ts useless to Stuvin__ is another member of our hour; ^so part time workers. Call; tho«« :I*®°lu 1 tlon? do bet^* «Housino- WiHow»» rl,.K Mary Schiavone, Lily Lake. Tel.1 to ^ mUir and to strive more, be- McHenry 815-R-2. 31-3icaU8e a" too often those resolutions : ' -------- , •. are broken almost before January WANTED comes to .a close. 'Tain't so! The Housing Widows" club. These are the gala who were unable to land houseroom in Chicago, and have had to sometimes make perm a n e n t I/act that you face your own short- h°mes out of summer cottages. SITUATION WANTED--Housework; comings and definitely make a reso- j ^"e ent t 1 0 y md ^"nnlv experienced in informal home, cook-, " n. to try and do better, w a . over the weekend so thov in> no hffflvr laundrv- references ®tep for the bettering of your life. om.e °yer the weekend, so they aie Write Box "G'," care Prilaaiinnodeeaaileerr . Anyway, it is pretty hard to over- ^,^end wlves.as ^ell. Regardless come habita that have set>_ of the manner m which they came to so if you fail on the first try, try, °ur .midst. welcome, Mr. and Mrs. try^ again Therein lies growth. / j Stuvinga. Back in the middle ages, this was! „ , , . . , the time of year the kings called The_ Gospel club is busy planning *33-2 POSITION WANTED--Married man wants job as manager of hog or dairy farm. Lifetime experience. Can give good references. WYite Box Y, in care of Plaindealer. *83 upon the services of their seers, a" . ftfternoon of winter sports for necromancers, and prophets to fore-'their boy members... The boys and tell the things that might lie ahead, *irl! had a contest this fall ©^'attendance, and the boys won. The FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK HAULING CALL . &. AL. MnlM -- M < H E N R Y • || FIELD AND BARN UffE girls are green with envy over the party planned, and. wish they had been a little better about not missing the meetings. We are glad to report that Wayne Sartwell was able to return to work this week after a week of illness. Not Flu'--a bad back, we understand. "Straighten up and fly right--." The Ringwood Chemical sponsored a banquet and holiday party at the Mill Inn. The food was really sumpin' they tell me. GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE CLEANERS Elm Street McHenry 104-M A gay sorority party and dinne.* was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noren on Sunday. Bill and Betty Dean (summer residents of pur fair district) and young Betty Lou and Billie Dean, Mrs. Ethel Mc- Ewen and daughter* Nancy, Emma and Kenneth Todd, and Mrs. Esther Mages and small daughter, Melinda, all drove out from Chicago despite the iced condition of the roads. A tremendous dinner was served, and coffee klatche at two-hour intervals! Both the Rod and and CJun club and the auxiliary will hold their regular meeting this Sunday, January 6. All members please take ^notice; it will be at the Harrison school, a| 8 p.m. was made out to me, as his parents are dead and I raised him from the day he was bom. However, after sending in his insurance papers, the government wrote they didn't give it to grandmothers. Is there anything I can do or anyone I could write to so I can get it? Mrs. C. E. H., Hinsdale, III. A.--The veterans administration informs us that legally, grandpar ents are not included in the ran^e of kinship to whom insurance is payable, but in your case suggest tha' you legally establish your, loca parental, or that you have acted a: parent to this boy and contact youi nearest regional veterans administration office. Your local selective service board, Red Cross, or othe; service organization can aid you with your qasej ' Q.'--My boy has been in the South Pacific 18 moiulis. He is on Titian Island, U. S. Naval base hospita No. 19, Navy No. 3247. When wili he be home on a furlough?--Mrs. T. H. G., Vernonia, Oregon. A.--You do not give sufficient information concerning your son's time in service to venture an answer. You should give his age and complete service record. Q.--Does the period a serviceman enlists for mean anything or not? Our son became 18 years of age last January 29. He enlisted in the navy for the duration of the war and six months after,, now he has been sent to Japan and that surely does not look as if he is to be released soon. I am particularly concerned because he has another year in high school. Some boys in his «class who entered service last year are back in school now. How can that be for one and not for all? Isn't the war over since August? Mother, Sunbury, Pa. A.--You are right; it does not look as though your son will be home soon. The war is not over, and will not be over until so declared by the President or congress. No peace1 treaty has been signed. Only the i surrender of Japan and Germany has been concluded. Unless he i. released on points before, your soils eligible for service for six montlu after formal declaration of end o the war is made. Q.--Will a veteran who draws the $20 a week until he draws ten week: ever get a bonus? If a veicrar who is 100 pec cent disabled shouk get a light job would it cut his pen sion down? Mrs. M. K., Carrolton Ga. ' A.--Benefits received under th( G.I. bill of rights will be deducte; from any future bonus received bj the veteran. This does not apply, however, to disability payments. It a 100 per cent disabled veteran is able to hold a light job, it will not cut his pension, since it does not alter his disability rating. Year's dinner. Mrs. Radke had her mother, Mrs. Washburn, over for dinner New Years Day--which was Phylis (Mrs. Radke's) birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ebey greeted the New Year at McDonald's. Judv Struck, daughter of the Paul Strucks, received a tea set for Christmas, so she invited Patsy Jensen, TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 B. H. WATKINS Dentist • Office Horn - Taesday ft Saturdays: 9 aja. to ft p.* Evenings and Sunday Man lag* by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, H For MFRIOERATION SERVICE < Call WONDER LAKE 568 WEINGART TRUCKING McHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Filling and Limestone Telephone McHenry W5-R-2 Q-T TRUCKING 00. Sand -- Gravel -- Cinders Black Dirt -- Limestone Dump Trucks For Hire " Phone Johnsburg 677-W-2 McHenry, I1L OM Game Shuffleboar<| -waa playad aa earlv as the 15th century- . tt it ffaid to b» Comand at fimee, tha port and the patient is fre»l to mova about bi bed. Phone Wonder Lake 681 5^" •f ARTHUR. J. WRIGHT? GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Owsjffil . Homes * Remodeling IROUTE I'RINGW ^ ,/'* i.'v*"' ANNOUNCEMENT Having again returned to civilian life after service with the navy, I will resume my practice of medicine BEGINNING JANUARY 3 DR. WILLIAM A. NYE COMING SOQN *fARH UUEJLiJ £1?t eo insurance EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When yoo need iasaranee ef any klw Phone 48 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenry An anonymous squib in a New York paper held this ironic comment. "The atomic bomb will bring peace--with or without people." And I would like to close this column today on a serious note. May the New Year bring peace, brotherhood and understanding--with people! t>m Lenses fat Eya The eya of a crayfish has aboat 8,800 little lenses, each catching a f*p of light. •. ' Certified Seed Crop The largest producers of certified seed potatoes are North Dakota, Minnesota and Maine. Tniese states grow about 70 per cent of the certified seed crop. DR. R.DeROME -- Dentfct -- ISO Green Street Phono S92-J. McHenry Office Hours: 10 a.m. to I daily except Wednesday. .Tiea* day and Friday eights to 8:80 pn. Other hours by appoint ment. Land-Locked With no sea coast of her Paraguay sends her commerce (hides, tobacco, timber, vegetable oils) down broad rivers. Much of the yet-to-be-explored Gran Chaco ttes within^r bordera. n •»« • " WANTED TO BUY We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattle. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg • Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 660-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HURSE8 ft CATTLE , We pat T>hone. charges. PHILC0 RADIOS ---77-- REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS Electrical Appliances "Electric Supplies . Electrical Contractors Radio Service Model Airplane Kits ELECTRIC & RADIO SHOP --7 RINGWOOD, ILL. ifMi V'viik JOHN THE . TAILOR Cleaning, Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same DAy LAUNDRY AGENCY Satisfaction Guaranteed 416 Main Street Hi e of Ownership On Wednesday, January 2, the jewelry, music and radio store in West McHenry, formerly operated by A. E. Nye, changed ownership. We hope to give McHenry and surrounding territory the same fine service offered in the past and will greatly appreciate your patronage. We specialize in expert watch, clock tad jewelry repairing. Stop in and get acquainted. H. A. STEFFAN Jewelry -- Music Phone 123-J Radio West McHenry & A • • • • MILL INN (Formerly Barnard's Mill) North End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge Your Patronage has been our success • • • " We wish you all a V*SY HAPPY AND PEOSPKROOB N*W VBAS OPEN ALL WINTER DINNERS SERVED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Sandwiches at all times WE CATER TO PARTIES--MAKE RESERVATIONS Deac and Larry Richmond 312 • • A.;