!>.'H 'v v-.- • ' X, s , m :Wv THK WAP , January •3'•',•"• 1--U. S. Third army attacks north of Bastogne against German's Belgian •r^y: salient In France the German* attack U. t Seventh American forces made • • j. - - ; • • small gain In Itahr. In the Pacific * i - American planes raid Luzon and Necros V - ' islands to) the Philippinea. - •-German bulge In Belgium compressed ' .. V new Allied gains. - »-rorces under Genei vade Luzon. In Philippine pital. •ral MacArthur la- 17--Warsaw. Polish cap! (alls to Russians. U--Russian forces reach Oder river. SR--U. S. First army strikes near St. Vlth, Belgium. British advance north of Aachen, Germany. Russians reach a point M miles from Berlin. American Th'rd army enters Germany for first time n*ar Oberhausen. French forces also smash across border. Htbruary •--First 0. S. cavalry enters Manila. .•--Manila fails to U. 8. forces. IS--U. S. First army gains control of main Roer river dam. U. S. superfortresses raid Japan from Guam base, hitting Tokyo district in daylight. •Decisions of Big Three meeting at Yalta. Russia, announced. 0--Budapest. Hungarian eapitaL (alia to Russians. t^--U. S. troops land, on - Bataan. outside _/ Manila. ( H--American Thunderbolt .planes bomb Berchtesgaden, Germany. Hitler's moun- . tain retreat. March S--Chinese take Chaling, Importaaf strong . hold in Hunan province. •--Cologne. Germany's fourth largest city falls to U S First army. (•--Tokyo hit.by 1.000 tons of Incendiary ' bombs lrv^Tieavteit raid. ~®p--American troops Invade Mindanao is land In Philippines. M--London area hit by V-2 bomb* launched from Belgium and Holland. IXr-Coblenz. Germany, captured by U. S. Third army. Resistance of Japanese on two ends battle. y German troops In rout. after long fierce ^-U. S. Third army enters Ludwigshaten ill-Seven Allied armies advance east of the • Rhine river. 1--U. S. Tenth army Invades Okinawa. 11--Vienna, capital of Austria, capitulates . to Ukrainian armies of Russian forces. ll»-Leipzig, fifth city o( Germany, (alls to U. S. First • U. S. Seventh takes Nuremberg. Nazi "shrine" city. B--Berlin encircled by first two Russian armies. M--Bremen falls to British Second army. Russians capture Stettin. Important Baltic port. U. 5. First army meets Russian First Ukrainian army on bridge over Kibe river near Torgau. " across border to Gegenbach. __ Mttmar gives self up ^ at Magdeburg, admitting war la over. gp-False surrender report denied officially by President. H Bsntto Mussolini, former Italian premier. Is executed by Italian partisans near Doijfo, Italy. • U. S. Seventh amy enters Munich, birthnlaoe of Nasi party. VeSwTand Milan, major ItaUaa etttsa. _ laD to U. S. Fifth army. £--Russian flag fllaa over German tag bullfac. a ^ river . •i American tanks gush Austria and capture , 14. Gen. Kurt Dittmi M-y li-Prsinler Sta. lin Russia In May day VScS^'MSSM "the^SMWjfmtler. Ite Germany B a matter at the bfunediate future. -A million German soldiers, sailors and airmen la Italy and part ol.Austria surrender, under unconditional terms signed April » at Caaerta, Italy. Berlin capttulatea to Russian armies under Marshals Zhukov and Konev. • Allied combined forces Invade Borneo. •-All German forces In northwest Ger- -i many, the Netberlandai Denmark, Helgoland and the Frisian Wands surrender Hrynailillspsltr la British IlaM Marshal Montgomery -German army group G. comprising «00.: 000 men. surrenders to C. S. General Severs In the north Huaslaas take Vwtnemuende. -and two Isaportant lalands. _ •--U. S. Third army advances into Chechoslovakia and Austria, taking Pilsen and Karlsbad. f--German high command representatives, heeded by Col. Gen. Gustav JodL meet Allied officers to arrange surrender details at Reims. France. •--UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF GERMANY FORMALLY RATIFIED IN BERLIN. ENDING WAR IN EUROPE -- AT 11:01 CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME (0:01 EWT.) U. S. war and navy secretaries release news on Japanese bomb-carrying balloons. stating that they are of slight military importance. British forces land at Hong Kong. S--Tokyo hit by 4.000 tons of Incendiary bombs from 500 superfortresses f|--Chinese capture Nanning. June S--U. S Third fleet under Admiral Hslsey raids Japan from cajrriers. IS--Daylight rsid made on Osaka This -- marks the 77th superfortress raid on ak-Alfresistance on Okinawa ends aftei bitter 01 day struggle, during which 00,401 Japa were killed, 4.000 captured American loaset were 11.100 killed. T3. 700 wounded. M -A11 of island of Luzon, largest ol Phil ippines. Is liberated. TKMALLY. go< 16--Nc to accept %*i uig~ ot Potadam tlon. Preshlsat Truman announcea cap. itulatioa of Japan at 7 p. m. General MacArthur Is appointed supreme commander for the Allied powers, to make all arrangements on surrender details, and to set up miliary lovernment Tew Japaneee cabinet formed, beaded by Prince Naruhlko Hlgsshi-Kunl 17--Japanese commanders of Truk. Rota. Yap and Jaluit ^negotiate to lay down arms. In Philippines. Genera) Yamashita prepares to quit 50--First of U. S. occupation troops land In Japan. Lt. Gen. Jonathan Watnwright and 30 other high-ranking officers of American. British and .Dutch armies who had been Rrisoners of Japs at Mukden, China, are own to Chunking 51--Genera] MacArtnur establishes headquarters at New Grand hotel In Yoko-. hama. September 1--Main force of U. S. Eighth army lands at Yokohama and spreads out in surrounding area. 9--JAPANESE SURRENDER TERMS OFFICIALLY SIGNED on U. S. Battleship Missouri In Tokyo biy. •--Army and navy casualty figures released Total «rmy dead since Dec 7. 1941. aU theaters Is 903.979; navy. 33,617. Wounded, army. 571.500; navy, 70.071. 10--Japanese Imperial staff ordered dissolved by General MacArthur. 11--Former Jap premier Hldeki Toio attempts suicide by shooting, but falls and Is saved by American medical aid. "Big Five conference opens In London, ss foreign ministers of the United States, Britain. Russia. France and China meet for preliminary arrangements ol peace problems. „ Octnlvr S~ Gen George Patton removed as military governor of Bavaria. • Japanese cabinet resigns. 9-Pierre Laval, condemned to death as a traitor. 12 French Communists win largest num> ber of seats in Assembly. 34 V'kdum Quisling. Norwegian collaburatiur. ist. executed as traitor. SH i i! n"Sf om al government and Communisi forces clash !Nu rnlitT 1- British government plans to "national- , Ue" civil airlines, rsdio and cable systems 1--Arabian Nationalists call general strike, and riot in Syria. Lebanon, Egypt and Palestine. 10 Chinese Central government troops clash with Chinese Communist forces near Shanhaikwan. British Indian troops open drive against rebel srmy In Java. 10--Revolt flares In northern Iran, In zone occupied by Russian troops. ' 20--German war criminals go on trial at Nuernberg. 90--Russian troops evacuate Teheran, capital of Iraa. but refuse to allow Iranian forces to enter territory now occupied by Russians. December •--General MacArthur orders arrest of 50 Eromlnent Japanese ss war criminals, icluding Prince Nashlmoto and two for* mer premiers. 0--U. S. lends 080 mlllloa dollars to France through Export-Import bank credit for rehabhf 7--JJa ap generj "•rfger ol I by banging litaUon general " Tomoyukl Yamashita. Manila," condemned to die for war crimes. 11--Russia agrees to allow Chinese nationalist troops to fly Into Manchuria and take over several strategic cities. 11--British and French alga pact on (yrla and the Levant - 10--Prince Fumimaro Kuuu^. of Japaa's royal family, committed suicide rathsr than stand trial as war criminal. 17--Foreign ministers el Russia. Great Britain and the United States begin atomic parley at Moscow. reconvenes. Sam Rayburn ts January 9--Congress re-elected speaker el the' bouse 0 President Roosevelt delivers message to congress, urging a National Service act; use a* OF In war service; a draft ot aurses; universal military training after the. war; a new las program lor peace. •--President's budget message sets expenditures for 1*40 fiscal year at OS billion dollars. Transports) cancellation of all train schedules to tourist resorts. 90--President Roooevalt Inaugurated for fourth term. 99--Government's seizure ol Montgomery Ward- -Co . plants •In- seven cities ruled Illegal by federal Jw February J*'i •--ENTIRE PHILIP PINK ISLANDS 4JB DERATED._AND CAMPAIGN -- ALLY OVER. GENERAL OUNCES. VIKTU MAC ARTH UR ANNOUNl U. S Third fleet battleships shell Hon shu island bases, only S7f miles north of Tokyo. TMs Is Ann direct neval at tack on home Islands si Jspsn •• Labor party wins British election K-- U S. destroyer force oI Thir# fleet shell* Shimlsu, aluminum production centei • eo ilMjehu Island. Japan. U S. Twentieth air force drope leeflefs on 19 Japanese Cities, warning them that thay were maiSted tor destruction Sw* A_ Berlin oonfsrsnss oa Oermaay*s (Mars ends. •-ATOMIC BOMB USED FOR FIRS1 . TIME IN WAR. levels tour square •Biles of Hlr sehlma. Japan, kills M.000 hu! NEW ERA iN WARFARE BE i-RuHiA DECLARES WAR ON JAPAN and begins offensive operations in Man- * churl* A-SECOND ATOMIC BOMB DROPPED ^TON NAGASAU. JAPAN, razing onethird of cS^ Mai killed 11.1® This bomb wss more powerful than one that | Masted H roshima. 19--All places of entertainment are ordered closed at midnight by War Mobilization Director Byrnes, to save light and fuel. March 1--Henry A. Wallace Is confirmed as secretary of commerce by senate, 90 to 99, 7--WiUIsm Davis is appointed director of economic stabilization by the President, to succeed Fred Vinson. IS--Nine army officers are raised to full generals by the President They ere: McNarney. Bradley. Krueger, Somer. veil. Spaatz. Kenney. Clark. Devers and Handy. a--Subsidy on beef to slaughterers Is raised 80 cents s hundred pounds by OPA. 17--Rationing of gasoline made more rigid by OPA. affecting "C" card holders in particular. April 11--Soft coal miners sign s new contract, ending serious strike threat . IS--PRESIDE)*! KOOSEVELT DIES at Warm Springs. Gs.. of cerebral hemorrhage. Vice President Harry S. Truman takes oath al office as President. He asks cabinet members to continue to serve. M--President Truman sddresses a toint session ol congress, saying that "we must carry on as Roosevelt would want us to do." 04--Senste extends draft tot one year, with amendmenta. 5--United Nations conference opens at SaiT Francisco with 40 nations represented. SI--War Production Board revokes 40 controls over Industry, affecting a variety oI consumer goods. May . •--The Wssidsnt «sks tor redactions to 1M0 federal budget, totaling 00 milboo dollars. Various wsr sgencies sre President Tinman 'names Robert H Jackaon. associate justice of the U S Supreme court to be chief counsel for the United States on the allied war * crimes tribunal. Robert E Hsnnegan. ehsirmsn el the Democratic national committee, is appointed postmastergenerel succeeding Frank Walker. 4--Great meteor dashes across sky of eastern United States. Explosions and shocks and blue-white lights noted in osstern Pennsylvania. Maryland. New Jersey and Delaware •--President officially announces surrender ol Germany. Nation celebrates ' v. s. Bml»t fBxty per cent ol all the homes to f§!B United States are now over IB 3'1 One hundred years ago It took st lMst 190-days to sail from New York to Singapore. Fifty years ago, the same voyage required SO days. Aft present, three days are sufficient Sail (Vita Fires Common salt is still a favorite remedy for checking chimney fires. .It is thrown on the fire in stove or furnace to smother the chimney blaze. Less soot will gather in pipes and chimney if dry fuel Is used and fires are not checked too close ly at night. * ^ Order your rubber stamps at the 1® OWMu* op manufacture ci farm ma Chins ry . Jilted on most Items by War- Prwtacden Board. Onb 10 at the pie- Jfsus 00 arUcles now Umited, m atrIking coal mtoets return to . Ortr seven ol the 939 mines _ sslssd jbr the government hold out - » Several changes In cabtoet made by Prasldsnt Truman. Thomas Oarii re- Prsnc1* Blddle as attorney gen- . .aral; Lewis Schwellenbach becomes sec- «*teor ol labor. repUdng Francis Perkins; Clinton Anderson replaces Claude . Wlckard as secretary ol agriculture. June *--U- 8- Jtepreme court upholds OAm ol • Price Administration In its method oI determining maximum prices. •--Gen. George Patton, Lt. Gen. James .. Doollttle returir to U. s. and receive ovations. • Gen. Omar Bradley, who Came back June 7. Is honored at birthplace In Randolph Co , Mo 90--James W. Byrnes appointed state by President secretary ol July I President Truman presents United Nations charter to achate, urging "prompt rattftcatiMk." 19--Penicillin made available to public, beginning Aug. 1. 10 Secretory ol Agriculture Anderson advises that food supplies sre short, especially meat fats, snd dairy products, and that the nation should eat 9 per cent less then In the previous yesr. SO--House passes senste bill on Bretton Woods International money accord. SO--Senate ratifies United Nstions chsrter. August •tOPA raises to 100 per cent of base quota the number of cattle that may be Slaughtered at non-federally Inspected Slaughter houses, s 19 per cent In- . crease over July. T--Addition of 190,000 barrels a day of high test gasoline to national quota practically doubles supply to civilians, petroleum administration announces. 9--President Truman signs UAIted Nations charter, making U. S-first nation to accept famous documen^n full. 14--Official presidential proclamation announces end of war with Japan. War manpower controls sre lifted entirely, WMC announces. 15--Gasoline, fuel oil, canned fruits and vegetables removed from ration list. IS--Army and navy procurement departments cancel orders for munitions, ships and supplies for 16 billion dollars. 7 Riotous peace celebration in San Francisco ends with ten dead, many injured, and property damage and losses from looting very heavy. Navy personnel barred from city. 19--Churches of nation offer prayers of thanks for victory. 11--Lend-lease ends, except for commitments already made but not delivered, 99--Army announces demobilization plan. - September „ S--President in radio address on official V-J day praises armed forces. •--Congress reconvenes. Reconversion, demobilization. taxes and budget ere among great problems fsoed. •--President'! message to congress contains 21 points, designed to speed return to peacetime living. 19--House votes to restore country to standard time, effective Sept 90. 10 Senate passes compromise unemployment benefit bill, providing for payments up to 10 weeks st from $10 toSM weekly, as determined by state laws. •I President Truman states tint he win take (ull responsibility tor development of the atomic bomb and atomic energy. The secret o( the bomb will not soon be divulged, he essures. Strikes spread, involving ell industry, auto manufacturing, coal mining, ana numerous service industries. -Round-the-world air service initiated. First fUgbt begins from Wsshington as 00-pasacngcr Skymaster takes off on first leg of 19.147-mils Dais Bermuda. October of commit IT--Strike of Journey, with stsp at Ttumaa asks tor croottoa sion to control atomic bomb, coal miners replace nounced by Western Union TMsgraph SI--President Truman outltnss IS-psM program on foreign policy. IS Prssldsnt Truman stantlally highsr factory workers aad othsrs that jeannot aspect the same S&S. November tam profits tax iter Attleo arrives la Washington. IS--Pearl Harbor Inquiry of !•--President Truman asks tlonal .compulsory health Insurance set. SI--United Auto Workers union goes on strike at all General Motors " SS^-Atl rationing of meat and butter termt> ~ nated ST Strikes begin at several Montgomery. Ward and Co. plants and stores. Mi-- Admiral Halsey raised to Ave-etar rank ol sdmlrel ot the (Wet December S--President Truman's std asked la ing shortsge crisis. •--Grand championship In fat cattle competition won for fourth consecutive time at Chicago by Karl Hoffman and Robert Store of Ida Grove. Iowa. •--Government agencies announce that 400.000 tires will be released to civilians ^trom military stock piles within e month, with more to follow. . 7--Governor Greee of Illinois delivers speech at opening session of Republican National committee that is considered ' first blast In 1040 congressional cam- IS ipaign. Sugar rationing will have to extend 1M7. -declares Earl Wilson. chief sugar branch. U S. D. A. President Truman asks for price ceilings on old and new housing, and reinstatement of priority system on building materials. [ President Truman laid down U. S policy in China as Gen. George C. liarshall deports for Fsr East. January 1--Southern California U. win aanual Roee Bowl game, defeating Tsnnsssee. S-0 Other scores. Duke a0. Alaboma : Miami 90 Geoiala Tsch II; Shrine game at San Francisco. West 19. East 7; Southwestern U. 30. National U. is&; Mexico 0 S- -Saaimy Snead wins Loe Angeles Open golf tournament with score ot 101. 10--New York Ysnkees sold to syndicate beaded by Larry McPhaiL Febraary IS--Byran Wslssa wins Mow fhlaaiis Opsa golf tournament after playoff of tie with Jug McSpaden SO--New York Athletic club retains team title la National AAU track aad field April S--Most valuable plays* award gtvaa to Frank Slnkwlch ol Detroit Lions professional football club ot National 19--National AAU women's swimming meet at Chicago gives title to San Frsncfeco team, star ot which is Ann Curtis, a--Toronto Maple Leafs win National Hockey League Stanley Cup, beattag the Red Wings In playoff. i-L SO--Major leagues sslsct Sen. Albert! (Happy I Qiaadlsr al Kentucky st! ossebell commlaahmor to succeed: Ju^e Reaesaw M. Landis. June •--Kentucky Derby is won by Boop Jr. with Eadte Arcaro riding. SO--Sammy Byrd takes "Big Fore" golf tournment st Detroit, defeating Byran 1 Nelson by nine strokes. , July j i--National professional tennis title won tar Welby Van Horn. •--'roomy Holmes. Itsstan Braves right, •elder, breaks modern mark for fits! Ih consecutive games by Uttlng in 94th straight game. •--Charles Beeudry of Marquette U.,: Milwaukee, wins NAAU decathlon tai BtoomfieM, N. J. ID--Byron Nelson takea All-Americaa golf tournament at Chicago. Augu&t •--Hambletonlan Stake, nation's leading trotting honse race, won by llton Hanover, driven by Harry PownalL at Goshen.. N. Y. !•--Michigan State Psltega wins men's National AAU swimming championships. O--Pitcher Robert Feller, released (ram nsvy rejoins Cleveland Indians, snd wins first game. 90--Green Bay Packers, professional football team, defeat collegiate All-Stars In snnual game at Chicago. 10 to T. September •--Mrs. Sarah Cooke Of Boston defeats Miss Pauline Bets. Los Angeles," for > women's national tennis title, at Forest! Hills. N. Y. 9--Sgt. Frank Parker srlna men's amateur i national tennis title at Forest Park, N. Y. j 19--Professional football season begins, i 91--Chicago Cube clinch national league1 pennant by defeating St Louis. i October j 10--Detroit Tigers win world series from the Chicsgo Cubs. Total paid attendance for seven games. 333.457. a new record. Receipts, gross. 01.599.454, also a record. 14--The Louisville Colonels of American Association win "little world series" from Newark Bears of International league, four gamee to two. at Louisville. Ky. 15--Joe Louis and Billy Conn sign for heavyweight champion fight for oext June. November 14--Phil Cavarretta. Chicago Cubs first baseman. voted most valuable player In National league. U-- Hal Newhouser. Detroit Tigers' pitcher, is voted most valuable player in American league. December 1--Army beats Nsvy H»1S. 10--Washington Redskins win eastern professional football title by defeating New ! York Giants, 17-0. 19--Big league baaeball meeting in Chicago enda. Pacific coast league refuaed major i league status. February t--Most popular ssafo, according to oo^ vey tar Variety ~ theatrical Unagastoa. are "Don't Fence Me In," "Accentuate the Positive." "Rum and Cocoa-Cola." "1 Dream ol You." and "There Goes That Song Again." 14~*Greer Garson. screen actress, receives gold medal aa "most popular star In the United States," as cnastn by Gallup poll. Marqh 15--Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman receive Academy of Motion Picture Aria and Science awards ("Oscars") for outstanding performances. • v,,-- April ' . 91- -Glorie Vanderbllt an hetreM elr ffl* 1» mous Vanderbllt fortune. Is married to Leopold Stokowski. noted orchestra conductor. in Mexico. May . 16--Most popular songs, according to Va rt£t3r. "Bell-Boltom Trousers," .Dream," "There! Said It Again." Candy. ' "My Dreams Are Getting Bet .tor All the Time " Leland S. (Larry) MacPhall. part own • - «• of the N Y. Yankees, marries Jean B. Wanamaker. in Baltimore. She had been his secretary. 11--Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bog art film stars, are married In Mansfield. O June '--Pr Emerson Fosdick. pastor ol the Riverside church, New York city, and well-known lecturer and author, announces his retirement effective May. 1940. 7--"Axis Sally." who broadcast Fascist propaganda In English on the Turin Tt*ly. radio. Is Identified as Rita Louise Zucca, a native of the U. S. 19- Deanpa Ourbin. singing film star, and Felix Jackson, movie producer, are married in Las Vegas. Nev. M -Merle Oberon, movie star, ia married to Lucien Ballard, film camerman, by proxy in Juarez, Mex. July •--Total eclipse of Ihe sun, beginning at 7:58 a m.. eastern war time, la visible ui path extending from Idaho through Montana and into Canada. n -Virginia (Ginnyi Slmms. radio and screen singer, is married to Hyatt R. Dehn. housing executive. In Beverly Hills. Calif. Alipinl . 15 Most popular songs, according to MB boardv tlH»atrti-al magazine, are "On the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe," "Sentimental Journey," "Bell-Bottom Trous ers " "If I Ixived You," "Gotta Be This or That." ~- MAAC MTURNS - Ph<m. OneMlk Sonttif# Bout* 81 for aU ~ - JACOB 7BXXS B«d Estate and Imiu iint OhjrOfflg lttM A V ^ v Telepboaa No. KM : • Btoffel ABtiha--ptrgw Inranaca areata far aD flaaasa «C property ia the best WEST MeHSNST > . ILtlNOU tUINf SEWER OLOO0KD? Have It Chood With the SANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING All Work Goaioahoi H. L. EAPP •Crystal Lake, ID. Crystal Laka SS2 Seplctuber January SI--Day nursery la Auburn. Me., burns down. Sixteen children, one woman February IS--Forty-three persons dIs are Injured by a ton through Meridian. Miss. March swesplng twarti to to highest flood stage sines is dsstnutlon in five states. " halting ted at is and para. war factoriss. Damage estimated half NlHsn dollars. Ita deaths injuries result. April S--Flood ot MIsslsslpBl dear la LsaMaaa ««m IMH pioile to evacuate tSS IS A tornado i Oklahoma. Arkai minots, kills 100 - drods mora. Hardool Okie., whsrs SS mT Jane IS Collision st .. _ train near Milton. Pa., kills IS. Injures SO. A broken Journal Is rsnss inly S9--Floods In northern Nnr Jaronr csuss damaae esUmstad al Owe sniUnsu dollars The Berknlre mountain grea In . Massachusetts alao Is Inuadatod with serious uio|ieily loss, ruaalnc bstwssn one end two million dollars. SS--A SB bonfear srashss Mo Empire State building in New York CKy. The three occupants of the plane and ten persons In building kfltod. V Injured. Fire sweeps entire floor. Damage amounts to 0500.000. ^ August 0--Thirty-four killed. 40 Injured, when second section of crack train hits rear of first section near Michigan. N. D. SO-- Hurricane roars on coast ot Texss st 110-miles per hour lor three days, causing floods and wind damage to many cities of coastal ragtoa. --- September IS--Hurricane strikes Mlsml snd travels Inland with peek velocity of 141 miles per hour. Injuring 50 and caualng damage of 00 miilloo dollars. November SO--Fourteen school children aad a bus driver drown when a school bus plunges off an embankment into 80 feet of water In Lake Chelan, near Chelaa. Wash. SO--Four killed and 23 injured when bus strikes oil truck on highway near *Lumbertoo. N. C. December 1--Fire kills four chlldrsa whan home bums down In Fax River Grave. 111. S--Soowstorm, accompanied by violent artnd. leaves a dead In path acroea northeastern states. 1>-Psssenger train rams troop train in CMcaas. More than a hundred sailors Injured. January IS Seven Mlllaa dollars* ererth of liquor was swallowed la the OhMsd Statasdurtog 1*44. not oouatiag bsotlsg. the department at commerce reports, as IS par cent Incroess ever HO. lS-- Semewhere down the Has eomooes made a sslstsfce." regrsts Secretary at War Stlmssn, referring la the hunting at three service men from aa army cargo plans to make room ler a dog. Tne mastiff wss consigned by COL Elliott Boosevelt to bis wife, Faya. la Hollywood. CaUl It had bean purchased in England. 10 Adolf Hitler, broadcasting en SOth anniversary of accession to power, tolls Gormen people. "However grave the crisis | may be at the moment. It wtU. despite! everything, finally be mastered by our, unalterable wifl.' ' 1--Screen and radio aetMss Betty Ituftfc , weds Theodore Brlskin. Chicago busl- I ness man. in Chicago. ! IS -Shirl"v Temple, former clilld film star. ! . weds Sgt. John Agar, scion of a Lake ! Forest, IQ.. meat-packinf fortune, la I Los Angeles. October 0--Round the world flight of the Globe sters ends In Wsshington. Flight covered 23.170 miles In 140 hours. 44 minutes. Including S3 hours 31 minutes ground time. 17--Most popular songs, sccordlng to Billboard masarine are: "TU1 the End ol Time"; "I'll Buy T7»at Dream"; "On the Atchlaon, Topeka and Santa Fa;" "Along the Navajo Trail"; "tf I Loved You." November IS--A thousand U. 8. navy men reply to at tacks by Hawaiian bullies by smsshlng property in Honolulu. Fifty ssltors are arrested. 10---Two new elements sre discovered as re suit of stomic Investigations, by bom- Dr. irdlng ursnium 23S snd plulonium '. Glenn See bore ot V. ot California New elements are unnamed. aad known merely ss "00" snd "00." A propeller-driven plans attains spsad ol 900 miles per hour In level fitghthigbest rate ever reeched. emwia by Jet planes. Flight made at might fltfd. 2T^%2,VSirw December I pole ot great heard ot precious BlOro tMlft •MiQQO J9W9H German tokHests are bein_ 3--New treatment tor allergy allmenta aaaounced by University oTuttsols college ot medicine. Drug Is called benadryL 0--Delicate operatlan performed in Baltimore oa two-year-old Judy Haekman ot Seattle la effort to save lite. Baby's heart Is too smsIL IS -Carole Landis, movie star, msrrisd tot fourth time. Mew husband Is W. Horsee Schmldlapo, movie producer. General George S. Patton Jr., wai hero, suffers broken neck in suto ocddsnt la Germany. 13 Mysterious Illness strikes 74 C. 8. see •wn returning from Philippines. Thsy an la Navy iKMVital st Valtejo, CsBf January 10--U S. Senator Francis T. Msioney, Dem.. C^nn.^ serving second consecutive tpria. February • S-William E. "Pussyfoot" Mtaaon. «. leader In prohibition crusade, diss In Blnghamton. N. Y. March 4--Charles W. Brysn, brother of William Jendings Brysn, snd three-times governor of NN( ebraska. In Lincoln. Neb. April 5--Alfred V. Do Forest 50. noted snglnssi. profsssolr. snd radio Inventor, in Marlbora, N. H. IS--PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT DIES AT WARM SPRINGS. GA.. OF CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE. IS--Ernie Pyle. famous wsr correspondent, killed by machine-gun buflst on n Island, near Okinawa. Mav 14--Heber J. Grant. SS. prssldsnt si Latter Day Saints (Mormwo church), in Salt Lake City, ,, August 0--Seh Hiram W. Johnaso. It, la Washington. D C. He entered the ssaate In ISlT. September 10--John McCormack. famed lyric taner. SL to Dublin, lira. November 10--John Thomas. P. «.• oistar fMas Msho. In Wsshington. D. C.. st TL . 11--Jerome Kern, noted song writer, at 00. in New York CMy ... U--Robert Bsnshley. M. dramatis crttle. playwright snd actor, la New York City Gen. Alexander Patch Jr.. former commander ot the Seventh army, and later ot the Fourth, at San Antonio. Tax. Be wes 5ft. to--Dwight Davis, 00. secretary of war la cabinet of Calvta Coolidge. to Waahing Ion, D. C. Released he Weatern Newapaper Union. IM s ^ ' ROTHERMEL ELE0TB10 SHOP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO REPAIRS Let m aatisoate that nest ricctrieal jab of yoara. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Pnpw Phaoie McHeary 272-M SM Riverside Drin Offieo Hoars--Dally Eseapt Than, lt to 11.1M to 4M, Moa, WaA. PrL Nifkta: 7 ta 8. Other Hours by Appoiatascat R. & VAN DEN BURGH, DC, PIC Chiropractor lit Green St Tw. 29S-R. MeHeavy Reeideace Phoaa HeWon Ml Da. H. 0. nu A.P.FroaaiO». ' f . '."f MMI HsBwry, Dl A. WOtVltil svs - ; ILL. fhows McHaovy M-W O N. rREUKB TRUCKING LIVESTOCK -- LIME - COAL 1M Waakagaa Raad Waat McHeary, HL Al's WeldiBf 8«rvk« Woat af C. I K, V. Dapat Biititi Pso tails Aratylo-- WaMac si ALEX W. WIRPS, Phaow C1S-W-1 ar Ml MipRT, ILL. McHeary <87-R<J Excavatiac-- NETTYS 8AHD ft GRAVEL Spodal Ratao an Road Gravol sai Lot Plffine .. Black Dbt I-eraUac ood Gndhfr J. E.NETT P. ' * • ' ' #• • • A t o m i c Y t i r '"tws. Food Outlet One out of every three retail stores In the United States is a food outlet. i In all Chinese drinking games, the loaar Instead of the winner drinks. A woif is the emblem of cupidity aad rapacity--just aa on Broadway. Chinese shake their own hands when pteting each otticr. Lata Discoveries We had no tea and coffee until the 17th century; no telephones, gas at f Hm until the 19th century. - Sava Wear aa Vi Another History First In 1902, the University of Illinois had the world's first cheer leader. Those In Nero's day were not count- • ed- To save some of the "prft ol rapairs; to vacuum cleaners, pick strings,' pins, hair pins, tacks and other stray hits of metal or cloth from rugs and floors before run* Smallest U. 9. Sect The Smallest American sect Is tto Society of Primitive Friends, a Quaker group created in 1881. It has one church at Woodbourne, Pa., and members. Eyas (how Eyes of the opossum are not MDy developed at birth, but continue to grow donpg the first month af Ufa. Hla lift OM of the biggest spring house cleaning jobs in the United States to the task of giving a soap aad water bath to the T.000.M0 square feet of tile in the New York City ?•> •' at HJtiHBlOOk 11JPaiatiag, iag OU WaO 8pray tOSN-GREENSl •iU-'