*k •* ' 'XUV .«' ,v 9*pL 12--A we<kfing of greet in tereft wjss fohmnind at St. Feter** chart* when Corp. I*e J. 8ehaefer claimedas-- (Continued from page 6) September 2*--Two very beautiful weddints occurred in oor comorailitl^ of Evanston became the bride At St. John's church Miss Oln Zio- Corp. Robert W. Waagh. lowski became ^the bride of Eugene May 9--In a single ring ceremony Freund, while at St. Mary's church, performed at St. Mary's church, Fre- Fremont Center, Bernard Lemen mont Center, Miss Dorothy Obenaut claimed as his bride Miss Mercedes became the bride of Alfred Regiter of ; Unts. Lily Lake. j September 29 -- The Ringwood May 19--A wedding of great in* : Methodist church was the scene of tereat here united in marriage Miss;a very pretty wedding when Miss Mary Simon of this city and Gerald Helen Ruth Butler became the wife Rettermann and Johnsburg. ,of Sgt. Harold Stanek. May 29--In a nuptial service of October 3 -- A beautiful autumn great beauty, Miss Claire Ramaeker wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's became the bride of Pfc. Alvin Mil- church, uniting in wedlock Miss Isaler. Both are Ringwood residents, bell Fellens of this city and Corp. June 9 proved a popular day for George P. Horcher of Arlington weddings, with two local couples ex- j Heights. j changing vows. They were Missi October 10--A lovely fall wedding; Mabel Bolger and Marine Richard J. performed at St. Joseph's Catholic Weber, who were married in St. Pat-; church, Richmond, united in marriage ^ rick's church at 10 o'clock and Mis* Miss Theresa Condon and Daniel, Laura Sherman and Don Smith, who Miller of Spring Grove. I exchanged vows at the Methodist Oct. 13--Mjss Mertie Beard of church in a candlelight service. Woodstock became the bride of Lt.1 June 16--An early summer Wed- Frank Harrison of Ringwood in a' ding solemnized at St. John's church simple service performed at the home•! united Miss Edna King of Johnsburg j of Rev. Collins. j and Earl Paddock, Jr., of McHenry.' October 21--Miss Estella Doweil of i June 20--Lt. (JG) Richard Weg- Wauconda became the; bride of Mr.' ener married Miss Gabriel Cazevane Lawrence Cook in a ceremflny per-! in San Francisco. ,formed at the Wauconda Federated! June 23--Two beautiful June wed- church. .' i dings were solemnized, uniting in' October. 24 -- St. Peter's church,1 marriage a McHenry man and a Spring Grove, was the scene of a, Round Lake girl in one ceremony and beautiful nuptial service in which a former local girl and a young man Miss Lorraine May became the bride j from Forest Park in the other. In of Stanley Freund of Johnsburg. | St. Joseph's church. Round Lake, Oc'ober 27--Pvt. Roy Darnell, a Eugene Hergott took as his bride1 former resident, married Miss Violet; Miss Frances Sherwood of Round Sedenberg in Elgin. ^ j Lake. It/ an evening ceremony taking November 10--TVfro nuptial cere- j place at LaGrange, Miss Virginia monies were of interest locally. At Thompson of Congress Park became St. Joseph's church, Richmond, Miss the bride of George C. Koltz, Jr., Teresa Howden of that city became of Forest Park. the bride of LeRoy Conway of Mc- j June 27--St. John's church was the Henry. In Woodstock Justice of tin scene of a beautiful wedding, when Peace Charles Hayes married Alfred Miss Florence Duffy of Wonder Lake Hulquist of this city and Bemice' became the bride of Wilfred Freund. Djupman of Franklin Park. j July 7--Weddings bells rang for November 11--This date will al-j Miss Louella Smith and William w»vs have double meaning for one] Funk, both of McHrnry, who were McHenry girl. Betty Edstrom, fori married in St. Marv's rectory. besides observing Armistice day she July 11--Corp. William O'Brien of also celebrate her wedding an- McHenry and Fort Custer, Mich., niversary. She was married in Chi-f took as bis bride Miss Bette Buss. to William Lingenfelter of The wedding took place in St. Mary's Elgin. church. November 24--In the Congrega- July 11--A double ring ceremonv fioria1 church in Crystal Lake, Mr. performed in the rectory of St. John's Darold Thomas of this city took as church, Johnsburg, united Miss Delma his bride Miss Doris Sorensen. Thelen of' that community and Don- December 8--'Francis Grasser of aid Monte, GM 2-C. this city took as his bride Miss Olgn ; August 16--A late summer wed- N. Nelson of Woodstock. ding of extreme lovliness united Miss „ ^cem^,eiL ^7--Lloyd Lorraine Schaefer and Lieut. E. J. Kidder of Palo Alto, Calif., took as Gausden, the ceremony being per- bride Miss Jane Durland of this formed at St. Mary's church. The couole was married in August 1&--Miss Wanda Smith ofthe rectory of St. Mary's church. - this city became the wife of Jackj »«vAi!*irpuE>*nr ' McCafferty at a nuptial service per- ... ANNOUNCEMENT_ formed at St. Mary's. I 1 de8,re to announce that I will be j August 22--Miss Virginia Freund a candidate for the office of Sheriff* of Woodstock and Paul Pitzen of of McHenry county on ,the Republi- Johnsburg a veteran of three years f8" ticket,, at the primaries to be PaCi,,C• WOT St" JPG. "CU8&" STEVENS, August 26--Walter Heil returned OA Treasurer of McHenry County, from six months in a German prison', "1S ~ I ~ ~ camp to take as his bride Miss Rita i Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer Wegener of Ingleside in a ceremony performed at St. Peter's church, Volo. j XT .. . . _ . . . „ August 29--In a late summer nup- N°Vue» "wh*5eby & l ?£IF? tial service held at St. Peter's church, i *?ns ,that .M?n*,y;lt Mar?}\ 4' ,19 T 46' 18 Volo, Miss Agnes Diedrich became j * rf 0 ' J. Doherty. Deceased, pending in the M. Tht couple naided %• their early mwkd Ufa, Mr. being in the livery baei- OF THE TEM1945 Married probably longer than any other couple in the nearby, area wdre Mr. and Mrs. Abraham yllawrence of Ringsmid, their sixty Wsteady St., McHenry! with Ha parents, Mr. nie Smith. Mrs. 8m__ him as far as Chicago. Mrs. Lonnis Smith is visiting in the home of her daughter, MrsTWm. Wurtringer, at Wbodstock. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington 7 celebrated ia,,d Mrs- Paul Walkington and son,; anniver- Jay. spent Snnday afternoon in the HELP WANTED--High Fnnk Walkington home at Liberty- or woman to do ironing and i#" . „ „ . . , work one day a week. IlHllllie . Mrs Roy Wiednch and 108 Elm street, second floor. *84 Cotta, July 7, 1881. They have fo:r chil- .M/*. *ndMrs. Lester Carr, -- trick's dren, three sons and a daughter. .I? . ^r:' and Jack Leon- HELP WANTED--Married who on J A golden wedding of unusual in- i sixty-fourth w< terest was that of Mr. and Mrs.; aary. The "bride," 83, and the Michael Knox, who on February 6,: "groom," 86, were married at old observed that anniversary. The St. Patrick's church in* McHenry on couple, residents of Terra were married in old St. Patrick ard were visitors in the Fred Wied- man for work farm. Modern of single on dairy and hog house near tows. church by Father O'Neill in 1895. ! Members of pioneer Chicago fami- !™ w£e v'«^re T In Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Schmidt: lies and summer residents of Mc-, oi r t^k t »«»«•»* .re®, iwwb. on June 17 celebrated their golden Henry for forty years, Mr. and Mrs. T.t John .Doherty of Great Mitchell Kane, Ringwood. Call Rich* wedding .n„iver«ry_«t their horn. Joseph A. mile? on September i ^ '» on Riverside Drive. They were m»r. • celebrated their golden wedding an- ' Thomaa Doh- -- l ied m Chicago m 1895 and have niversary. The celebration took L WANTED--Young married man «• two children. WhUe visiting in Mc- place at the home of a daughter, wj rw£° w V?1??* LeanJ /UT faf™W- qnartw* Henry *foVr1 'fnorvty, y»e«a•r»s,! they mui»a«diec aMirrss,. Cu. Gu.. Kn.uussxtnneerr,, whneerree txhnee rree--1 n^,, nr.i^ Haob erle?n- furnished. -AAddddrreessss Box t, years perm*nent here """ tired arehitect and his bride of Bfty tenant of^he^ L__l2S? y Friinds here- atte^led the of the MethodistWlliver HELP WANTED _ Light fete, wedding celebration of. Mr., ^nd Mrs.; o__|. t am nf f 1 Conference, will deliver the sermor. work, steady employment, age 26 MB. AND MRS. BRUCE KLONTZ • Charles E. Lamphere of Elgin, who tnorn J inS ^°"hlp service of to 35; day or evening shift; 5 to 19 .. observed that milestone on^ Siindav .;r®8p«<!t«a coupes, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- the Ringwood Methodist church next p.m. Too wares for 'conscientio^"*^ Above is a picture of Bruce Klontz, . y> tin Stoffel of Pearl street, observed Sunday, January 13, at 9:30 o'clock.! workers, rvilnlnsp TnHretriM Hectrician's Mate First Class, and i their golden wedding anniversary by Dr. Bradburn is known as a force- mond 111 Tel Richmond ^85 J Photo by A". Worwlck. McHenry ! NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE r : Estate of JAMES J. DOHERTY, ; Deceased. the wife of Donald Hay. t ~ . „ . * tt . September 1-The first locaI wed-! ^ M«H«7 _<^'£ ding of the fall season united in marriage Miss Hilda Herdrich and Robert Moifield both of West McHenry. Hie ceremony took place at St. Mary's church. September 7--Marine Lieut. Richard Justen took as his bride Elaine Fredricksen of Wonder Lake, the ceremony taking place at Quantico, Va., where he was stationed. September 5 -- At Grace Lutheran Illinois, and that claims may filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. PAUL DOHERTY, NELUE DOHERTY, Executors. {Pub. Jan. 10-17-24) Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealar. Electrician his bride of a year, the former Miss Mitzi Zatlow, daughter pf Mrs. Sonja Zatlow of Minneapolis, Minn. Bruce, a navy man, is the son of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz of this city. The couple was married on January 6, 1945, in the Methodist Episcipal church in Baltimore, Md. • Bruce is a graduate pf the local high school in 1939 and later of the Chicago Technical college. At the completion of his schooling, he enlisted in the navy, and during his almost three years of service, he has | been in many parts of these United States. While attending navy school in Washington, D. C., he met his future wife, who was employed for | four years in the office of the Bureau of Navy Personnel there. Six weeks ago she resigned her position* to join h$r husband in Panama, where they are now residing! while he is stationed there. Their1 last visit in MpHenry was in February of last year. McCullom Lake (By Miss Ercell Lock) The news of this community is again hard to put into words. Our little neighbor and friend, Zelma Lee Grotthus, succumbed to a heart desease Tuesday, January 2. The sudden ending of so young and sweet a life shocked the community beyond I word description and leaves us groping for expressions which might in some way console her grief stricken family. The entire community extends their most sincere sympathy. Steve Huska called home Sunday night, January 6, from San Francisco | to say he docked the Friday night be» fore. However, he gave no information about coming home. | Allan McKim, who has been enjoying his leave here and there seeing friends, left to report back to Norfolk Wednesday, January 9. Mr. and Mrs. Chris D'vore drove; to Rockford Sunday, January 6. Mrs. D'vore said some of the streets weie' flooded with water. You should have j taken your swimming suits with you i folks and enjoyed a dip while you were there. j Say, thats quite the talented car | Fred Thomsen has! When the snow. metlecL the other day it rolled down! the hill--all by itself. The Ladies Pinochle club of this1 community met at Mrs. Halley's last1 Thursday, January 3. Mrs. Ball, who I is a new resident of this community, j attended the meeting. ( The Edmonds and the Harkers were out over the drippy weekend. Dolores Schlitt was 19 on January 7. Happy birthday! Order your rubber stamps at tba The Plaindealer. Bloody Glue Operate Schools Only two states -- North Carolina and Delaware -- have taken over from local units full responsibility for operation of the public schools. MR. and MRS. HARRY SCHMIDT entertaining a few relatives and ful speaker and will bring a great friends at their home. Four days message. At the close of the ser- ; later they were surprised at open vice he will meet with the members ! house held at the school hall, when Qf the Ringwood church official more than 200 guests called to offer board in a brief session^ ^ ' congratulations. The couple, married •---- v..;; ; in 1895 in Volo, have seven living children, including two in service, all : of whom were able to he with tte | ; couple to join in the celebration. j _ , , ; Oct. 8-vThe day was a memorable blood for that Rurpoi* j one .for Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of ---; • Johnsburg, who fifty years previous • had marched to the altar for the j fixst time 4n a Burlington, WSs.,1 | church. A dinner and open house < i were part of the day's planned en-! | tertainment in honor of the couple, to which eight of their nine living • children were able to attend. I Oct. 24--Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. (, Remove Shine ' Adams of Johnsburg celebrated their ; Shine may be removed; from a I golden wedding anniversary with1 worsted suit by pressing with a , their eight sons, fourteen grand- warm iron and cloth dipped in wa- I children and a host of relatives , ter containing vinegar. Then Mb and friends. The couple, -lifelong lightly with fine sandpaper, residents of that community, - were, > I honored guests at open house. . I Nov. 13--The fiftieth wedding an-. Need Rubber Stampsf Oldw It niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wulianii'^h* Plaindealer. | L. McCannon of Ringwood was cele- | brated at their home on the previous I Sunday, when the couple held open house for their relatives and friends. j Lifelong residents of that communi lty, the couple celebrated the oc- 1 casion in good health and spirit. ! November 23--Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Bohlander observed the fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding date, 82^ . f WANTED ?5s. SITUATION WANTED--Housework^ experienced in informal home, coohk trig, no heavy laundry; reference^ When an - Aleut desired glue he Write Box "G," care Plaindealer. ; - struck himself on the nose, and used *33-Jt ."•'..V! WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- House, » rooms or more. Call McHenry Dr. H. S. Fike, 305 Waukegan 28-f WANTED TO RENT--High schocf teacher, who is ex-navy Lt. and wife, need 3 to 5 room house or apart* ment, furnished or unfurnished. Call McHenry 214-R. *3^ WANTED TO BUY •H WANTED TO BUY -- Two chesla drawers and upright piano. Inquire at 108 Elm street, second floor. *3NI WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five room summer home, near McHenry, on or near Fox River. Address Beat 'BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MR. and MRS. WM. McCANNON ^ JOHN IGOE Auctioneer ' Central States Land A Livestock Sales Co., 5718 Manton Ave., Ch|» , , . . . . . . . . . c a g o , 3 0 . C a l l P e n s a c o l a 9 8 1 7 -- R 4 > both in quite good health and able to FOR SALE--Parlor table, end table verse charges. *344 be about each day. The couple have* and roll-a-way bed. Phone 136-R, -- ; **•:* made their home here since 1902, after 5 p.m. *34 IF moths damage your rug withll having operated a general store in: ; 5 years, Bcrlou will repair "or re- West McHenry for many years. t$FOR SALE--Ice cream cabinets. Mc- place it without cost to you. Buy Decejnbtr 30--Mr. and Mrs. Emil i Henry Ice Cream Co. Phone Mc- Berlou today. Bolger's Drug Store. S c h n e i d e r o f W o o d s t o c k c e l e b r a t e d i " e n r y 3 4 - t f ^ 3 4 their golden wedding anniversary by | holding open house for frierids and i relatives. Their three children, INSULATED ALL-YEAR ROUND REFRIGERATORS --F Blade while HOME iwith Nu-Enamel Modfern finish for Tmr. 5 rooms, modern bath, 2 bedrooms, 95c. Carey Electric Shop, Green si. i Mayme, Mrs. Harvilla Irvin and R°^- cement walks, 2-car garage, - 5 lot3,1 McHenry. M j ©rt were sule to be with the (inn /oai frAm HivKwov i^n Pi»w on this anniversary. Mrs. is a former McHenry girl. couple Schneider i RINGWOOD (By Mrs. George Shepard) 100 feet from Highway 120. Price $4,250. Terms $1500 down, $25 WELL WORK --Order your driven monthly, plus carrying charges. ED. well now. We sell, repair and ia> M. LANNES, Exclusive agent. Phone stall all pumps, including electrii. McHenry 667-R-2 or 674-M-2. 34 Bacon Bros., 203 John St., West McHenry, 111. Tel 176. 3S-tf FOR SALE--Coal cook stove, excellent condition. Also Hoover Vac- GENERAL TRUCKING -- Freight uum cleaner. McHenry 203-J-X. and general moving in McHenry aai •34 surrounding territory; prompt service. Stanley Brown. -Phone Me» HOME FOR SALE Henry 145-W. *33-1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Mrs. George Haberlein entertained a group of women at a 12:30 o'clock: luncheon at her home, Friday. In i 5-room all year round insulated LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank the afternoon 500 and bunco were j bungalow, 60-foot frontage, fenced Raycraft, West McHenry, HI. Phone played with prises in 500 going to j jn, 100 feet from lake, gas, electric, McHenry 149-J. *33-4 Mrs. Ber«r and Mrs. Viola Low, j water, bath, fireplace, furniture, par- "»- in bunco to Mrs. Shadle, Mrs. S. W. | tial basement, furnace heat. Good MAGAZINE AGENCY--Agency fOt magazine subscriptions, new aol wals. Mayme Buss, 616 Wauke- MR. and MRS. MARTIN STOFFEL MRS. ANDY RAMAEKER THE EUGENE FREUNDS THE WILLIAM O'BRIENS , Brown ihd Mrs. W^m. McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Dave Ramaeker of Somen, Iowa, spent a few days the past week here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Emmerson of Chicago were callers at Rev. Collin's Sunday afternoon. Calvin Mphr spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison spent Sunday afternoon with their son and family at Round Lake. Edward Harrison of Elgin was a caller in the Harrison-Peet home Sunday morning. Miss Bemice Duff of Dundee spent New Year's day with Marion Peet in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. roads, 1 block from Route 120. Price all LANNES, Exclusive renewals. F West $5,750. ED M. Agent, Hines Realty A Co., Phone McHenry 674-M-2. Construction gan .Road. 667-R-2 or 139-W. 84 McHenry. Tst 33-1 TRUCKING of all kinds, shirts, livestock; 24-hour service. ~ TtL j§ FOR SALE--H dozen new size 15 % -34, never used. Also some Berg, Ringwood, 111. size 16-34. 2 pair Jady's white kid 1637. oxfords, size 8H. Will sell reason- j ^ ^ ~ " able. Phone 678-J-2. 34! SKATE SHARPENING-- Dent ft*- -- get your lawn mowers. Robert JF. FOR SALE--Mallard ducks, alive or; Thurlwell, 110 Main st; Weet Medressed. Phone Richmond 626. *84, Henry. 31-tf MR. and MRS. JACOB ADAMS FOR SALE--Corner lot at Wonder1 WATCH AND JEWELRY REP ABB* Lake, across the road from Wonder > ING -- All work folly guaranteed Lake Park and Beach. Length of [ "Torchy" Krause, S10 Elm St* M#" lot faces beach--Make offer. Write [ Henry. Tel. 379. 4f-|j in Care of Box "B," Plaindealer. j ..... , *841 HAVE YOU HEARD about the ne# reduced Auto Liahility and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask ns for insurance rate*. Th« Kent Co.,. McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tT WANTED . , . , , HOMES AND FARMS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., j i„ ^n<i around McHenry and Lake and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Helen! counties. We will get you top prices Johnson and daughter, Janet, spent |0n gn exclusive basis. ED M. LANSunday in the Katherine Yogel ^ES, Agent, Hines Realty A Con- nirin iVIU1I8 ^ " home at Elkhorn. Jstruction Co. Tel. McHenry 674-M-2 ~^ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and j or 687-R-2 34-tf • P®y 5 .Pfamily returned to their home at! «»*•• '.n ™"dltlo£u Neosha, Mo., Wednesday after spend- |FQR SALE--Milk truck with route. Rendering Q>. Phone Wheeling Na. the holidays in the Fred Wied-1 Charles Brennan, Ringwood, 111.,!"* Reverse the charges. No help -- - • 33-2 needed to load. 14-|f in I rich, Jr., home. Jack returned to Phone Richmond 736 Caimjip^ Ctirt owgd e/^IM go . ^ ^ SALE-B^e fore buw ying . »„erGARBAGt COU^CTUJC-Let Mrs. Helen Johnson Friday?7anua^ pump,Tee the new'F^banks Morse dispose of your garbage «ch we^ jg ejector water systems, complete $96. j or oitener a desired. Keasor*- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pulaski of An-; Engstrom Sales and Service. Tel. tioch, Wm. Britz and John Rauen 696-W-l. 34-tf of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Worts of McHenry ! spent Sunday in the James Bell home. Mr. and Mrs. C- L. Harrison and 1 daughters, Amy and Carol, and Mrs. Etta Wattles and son, Glenn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison: | Sl-C., Charles Smith returned to California Thursday after a visit FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manv; ille Rock Wool ' Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 3«tf. nahh rates. Regular year round route, toi* merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smhfc. Phone 366. lf- Palnt That Bm ; ; A bus travels 125,000 to 135,00t : miles between paintings while # streetcar travels 80,000 to 100,006 miles--about 1V4 to 2 years' service* "M FOR RENT World's Largest hatchery According to the records of MR. and MRS. JOHN SMITH MRS. JAMES E. WAGNER * ^ ^ MBS. STANLEY FREUND MRS. RALPH FREUN1* FOR RENT-Thre^om cottage oil lTSDA, the largest hatchery in th« Cullom Lake. Call Chicago Sunnj -" I United States ^ at Vineland. N. J., where 1 500 000 eggs can ^ ^ side 3489. i at one time. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Vi. -«>. CLEANERS 103 Elm Street 104-M McHenry Cleaners and Laundry DON HOWARD"