MM m. wry, took m Us wif* Mb* FVibcm Hw» Johnson of Woodstock. January 17 St. John's church, Johnsborg, was the scene of lovely nuptials which united Miss Roaalin Millar of Johnaburg and Harold R. Kollenkark of Crystal Lak«. January 21 -- Friends here read «t tka with interest of the marriage of fcoMeit weather, Corp. Vin- Miss Rosemary Stoffel of Woodstock ^ Ibnyan of Camp Many, Texas, and William Gancar, Jr., also of that w i. LI. LOJ. ui ctaiMi January 2--Braving « weather. teak a» his bride Miss Esther Smith city. «f Ring wood in a ceremony par-1 j« formed at St. John's church, Johns- Chic; January 8--In anuary 20--Resurrection church, -! Chicago, was the sfcene of a wedding which made Miss Kathryn a lovely wedding • Thompson of Chicago and McCullom at St. Gregory's church. Lake the wife of Rollin Justen of Miss Jane"McAndrews of,the navy. January 27 -- A beautiful winter J. Karowsky, SC 2-C., of Chicago wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's tho Country Club Drive subdivi- church when Miss Lucille Simon be- • ion, McHenry. (came the bride of Sgt. James January IS--A former McHenry .Wagner of Milton Junction, Wis. r, Wilbur Trainor, now with fte i February S--A beautiful nuptial ceremony unitiid Mist | "y* Andy. BiHiwtiiri i wood. The ceremony took place ! St. Mary'a church. ! February 7--United in matrimony in a service performed in St Patrick's church were Miss Bemice Ramaeker and Gerald Miller of Ringwood. February 24--Miss Verlaine Oeffling of this city and Hibbard Olsen of Pistakee Bay , were married in Woodstock. March 24--Miss Barbara Moore of New York City became the bride of Lieutenant Andmr S. Inky, Jr. April 4--In lovely weddings performed at St. Mary's church and at St. John's church, two couples exchanged nuptial vows. In the former ceremony Miss Marilyn Schaefer and Lieutenant (JG) Thomas Harrison became man and wife, and in the latter Miss Violet May of Johnsburg became the bride of Michael Diof Marengo. AprU 7--A very. popular day for brides was AprU f, when three waddings of local interest took place. In Chicago, Donald Justen at this city made Miss Betty Jane Rauen of Chicago Mrs. Justen; in St- Mary's rec.ory. in McHenry, Ralph Fi-eund and .Miss Inna Measman, the latter of Woodtsock, exchanged vows; and in a chureh wedding in Chicago Mae H. WTeland and Andrew J. Shaw were married. April 21--Miss Julia Garrelts of this city became the bride of Mr. Bdward Amann of Broadhead, Wis., in a ceremony performed in Woodstock. The same day Miss Esther AlthofT and Fred Chase, Jr., the latter of Wondor Lake, exchanged marital vows, and Helen Elizabeth Quig- (Continued on page 9) V"' MRS. ALVIN MILLER MRS. ROBERT DORAN MRS. ROBERT MOIFIELD •\r~ MRS. EARL PADDOCK, JR. ICRS. GERALD HETTERMANBf MRS. VINCENT-TONYAIT MRS. LEO SCHAEFER MRS. LON SMIT* MRS. HAROLD STANEK MRS. ALFRED REGNER • MRS. DONALD HAT MRS. DANIEL MILLER MRS. PAUL PITZEN ;V. MRS. HAROLD KOLLENKARK MRS. DONALD MONTE MRS. RICHARD J. WEBE MRS. GEORGE P. HORCHER to*- . -a •, f* <4 . THE LAWRENCE CwS8 THE ROLLIN JUSTENS MRS. EUGENE HERGOTT MRS. THOMAS HARRISON MRS. WILFRED FREUND MRS. WALTER HI# MRS. GERALD .MILLER MRS. MICHAEL DiPISRO * * £ * # i * • ~ i * •» _ *Siv ' \T. ' . A fee- U