... at to up t» wWi Mrs. ftsi w; who wSTlm'te iU Mm do as 11M do* llfary ef Imt now electric stove vu slightly delayed I* the flood of the and nmuHlarinr kom. If anyone gome -put the C. J. Hyatt home caelb anything delicaSfaeg,. K- on the the coming sum- 8mith entertained TWENTY TEARS AGtT Mrs. Mb A. Bngner. |> ilMMl the |okfa$ jnnire I^LllpnV^. Patrick's hall in Mc- j Stephen Sohmitt wasJbaptixed "Ken- Beny, Tuesday evening, January SS. j netli Stephen," with Key* C. Thennes and fiancee, Miss V kft for Alnda, Ohio, where they attended the anniversary of Mr. and K Mra. John P. Sobaefer. Mrs. Lena Hettermann, Mrs. Albert Pepping and Mrs. Catherine Smith were Om winners. Mr. and lbs. William Frye and Mpda and relatives awe invited family moved into the Mrs. Delia tversarv of K. Miller home, recently vacated by Mrs. William Freund house from 7 to 9 at "Bud" Miller. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lew Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitsen. Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiner, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pttzen, Mrs. Lewis Lawrence Pitxen and Mr. Mrs. Nick S. Pitxen, Sunday, and Mrs. Stephen Freund and Pitsen enter- officiatiiyj at tthhee cceerreemmoonnyy.. Miss Shirley May "and Lewis Schmitt were sponsors. Mrs. Dick Guyser of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling, several .days last week. Guests in the Arthur Klein home, Mr. and Mrs. William May honoring Hank Brits on his birthday KNOWS with health. There'! V* too much at stake! Better Jmvc a talk your doctor, right away. And, when jam have his prescription, we hope you will* being it here to this "Reliable Prescript---- tions" Pharmacy where careful, skilled, roistered pharmacists give their undi* --- vided attention to precise compounding. 1H0MAS P. BOLGER "TheMcHenry Druggist" •oee ••aoeeeeeeeeeeeeee [•••• * •> i.i • %ippi THE GREA A. S. Blake Motor Sales PHONE 156 PEARL ST. McHENRY Cob, port. ious, a nice roast cooking or" a cake Steve Schaefer juid in the baking, can credit it to the to be a hilarious ^njtay should try to attend. Local talent will take Mr. and Mrs, sonft. Bob and Jack, Mr. and Mrs.1 fact that they have received their Steve Kucera and daughter, Clemen- new electric stove. tine, and Miss June Klaus werej Mr. and Mrs. Wirfs spent Wedguests in the Arthur Klein, home nesday evening in Chicago visiting « . . - . ^ A , Sunday, celebrating the ninth birth- j with relatives. * Guests at the Wirfs .f7 . if8* .W**K to take up a day anniversary of Patty Klein. I home on Friday evening were Mr. " "" Miss Patty Klein celebrated her and Mrs. Clem .Wirfs and son. It ninth birthday anniversary in the ! was Clem, Jr.'a birthday anniversary home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.! and the kids had a small party with spreading _ „ Tonyan OMMtkn rtirtWNAs gf*1,, *: ^Qdsh, ttm&t Ah^inder Lumber Co, co*l „ McHenry Lumber Co, coal and calcium chloride Th* McHenry Plaindea le r, printing and publications .... Thieves were busy in this city Harold Hobbe, work on street Wednesday night, when over $35 was": lights stolen from Schiepale's soft drink Illinois Municipal League, anparlor and Vogt's drug store in West I nu»l dues McHenry. W*m. H. Althoff Hdwe., sup- Miss Ellen Walsh of West Mc- , position in the American Trust Co., bank at South Bend, Ind. Dr. C. I who will W. Klontx, of Richmond, locate in McHenry soon, plies Mueller Co., waterworks suppii •John lies Art Klein. Games were played with the usual party games and refresh-1*1®8 purchased the Kent home, onj^l's prises awarded. Patty was the re-jments. cipient of many lovely gifts. Classmates and friends who spent this happy occasion with her were: Misses! Hello Friends: DZ7o- rLis ,, Jant e and JoanW Michel*s, Juudy!o Juist am nnoowte; tvou «>* on mversiae urive irom Ar Michels, June Klaus, Betty Lou Kee-, appreciation along with that of all Schneider and will build a home Jan. 18» 1946. express my deep J. Vycital Hdwe., supplies „.. Buss Motor Sales, oil and repairs, police car the corner of Green and Waukeganj Welding Service, elear- in? snow off streetg" Worts's Sinclair Service.!** well as his home there. Mrs. Laura Kent has purchased a lot Riverside Drive from Anton it in the near future. City Gonncil Proceedings The City Council met in regular 5?ml"n,0,lUl|y Mayor v" night; the Lily like ildiM °^rton _ presiding. Aldermen pres- ?uddy Broa" cleanin« mam ue who loaned us their card and ®nt: Althoff, Ferwerda, Freund,: nan, Rose Marie Schmitt, Elaine you Teen Agers for your wonderfiii Turner, Adele Schmitt, Mary Ann response to the card and bunco party Miller, Mildred Hiller, Shirley Chris-' last Friday. As you all know by tensen, Janice and Ardele Oeffling, j now, it was a huge success. It Jewel May, Beverly May,-Christy Lee J could never have been possible with- Britz, Carol Ann Stilling, Dorothy j out the co-operation of the P. Ti A. Hiller, Betsy Ann Huff, Kathleen'who let us use their regular meet- ^mi-monthly meeting with Freund. Margaret Karls, Jane and'ing nip4"'" ^' ' ' " -- A,J Peggy Ann Klein, Mrs. Alfred Oef- League „11U ling and Mrs. Hank Brits. Uncle!bunco equipment and gave us pop ^e8T,eT» Tonyari. Absent: Buss. "Slim" took flashlight pictures of com and pretzels; the Lakeside Inn, Motion by Regrer, seconded bv' the group. Lunch was served, with whose ladles donated their services Tonyan, that the minutes of the last, birthday cake and the trimmings. | in addition the place to hold the af-' regular meeting be approved as read.' Mr. and Mrs. Hokan Christensen, fair and all the coffee we needed- Motion carried. [ ••Caroline" of the famed De Zurich;Rudy's Place, who let us use extra Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by! Sisters, and son, Richard, and Miss tables and chairs and added a cake Freund, that the treasurer's report! Rit* Cosorso of Chicago visited in, to our collection; Veloni's Grocery, be approved as read. Motion carthe Jeppe C. Jepson home, Monday, who gave us several pounds of cook-.ried. Mrs. .Wanda Palmer and daughter,jies and candy. The Lilymoor Coun-! Motion by Tonyan, seconded by! Sandra Lfe. returned with them to,try Club and Bemie's Place, who Regner, that the collector's report spend a few dajg. \ both gave prises. Besides these be approved as read. Motion carried.: Miss Angela B. Tonyan, recently business houses. We are indebted to. Motion by Althoff, seconded bv! discharged from service, is now sup- j the following families for their gen- Freund, that the clerk's report be • ervisor of a cardiac: and medical erosity: Bassi, Cedarburg, Cinnelli, approved as read. Motion carried. 1 ward m Children's Memorial hos,! Einspar. Fast, Hyatt, LaMiere.i Motion by Althoff, seconded by. i pital in Chicago. T.avin, Madrieri, Normand, O'Brien, Ferwerda, that the following bills be Capt. Frank Hrejsa, who has been Regner, Seyfferth, Simmons, Skelly, paid as approved by the finance comserving overseas the past eighteen Svoboda and Yaeger. The boys and mittee: months, returned homo Sunday and: ^jris received so many gifts that i Motion carried. will receive his discharge this week.; they were unable to use them all at Howard Cairns, salary $132.30 His wife and two sons, A Hen and! this time, The extras will be packed Peter Wirfs, salary 120.00 j Paul, welcomed him home in the f°r future use. Several fam- Arthur J. Smith, salary 135.00, Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan home, where who were not able to be there W. C. Felts, salary 123.60! they will reside for the present. jsent donations of^eash. | Earl R. Walsh, office expense 35.00, Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt left A few months ago, when I wrote Mayme Buss, salary and exfor Florida last week. - iyou at*>ut the wishes of your teen-' pense and special assessu. , w„ 1 I nad no idea the response ments 70.68! k.k» »!ll the happy wouid be so great, both for members Collector of Internal Rev., inparents of a baby girl. ^ ^ of the T. A. C. and .for their needs! come tax ! 153.50 Arnold Michels, Miss Clara Bug- j in the line of refreshments for par- Milwaukee Lead .Works, waterner, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Michels j ties, meetings, etc. | works supplies 16.53 and daughter, Leo_ Michels and Mr. | The membership list is steadily Ben J. Smith, hauling cinders 15.00 . U. j? Klein were guests in growing. Our next problem is going, Q-T Trucking Co., hauling and the Leo F. Smith home Friday even- to be l place to meet with space ing. | enough to accommodate ping pong We are happy to see returning, tables, dancing and table, games. veterans. Mrs. Darlene Kennebeck It may be that our dreams are soarand two sons welcomed home Daniel ing too high when we hope for a Kennebeck, Mrs. Sal Smith and son, real community center which will be Jimmy, welcomed home Charles open to the children at all times, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F"red J. Smith | under proper supervision, of course. and family were happy to welcome j The boys^ and girls have repeatedly their son, Norbert and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Michels and family were elated to see their son, Arnold, homo after so many years overseas. Welcome home, boys' police car and Waterworks department Arthuf J. Smith, calcium chloride Illinois Belt Telephone Co., ! telephone service Public Service Co., power and light UM 8A.fl 5.0i SPECIAL 8EWKB 1*52 Fred a ' 23.26 cone * Republic 48.80 suppl Paul E. Gerasch, 14.00 posal plant Freund Oil Co., distillate 20.00 Public Service Co.. power ! lifrht '6^1 Mayor Overton appointed till lowing named as members «C 4.67 McHenry Library Board: M--~ H. Duker, Mrs. A. I. .Fro 7.67 C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. Goodell, Mrs. George Kramer. Mfl, 18.23 Clarence Anglese. F. Ferwerda, CSoow P. Freund, Earl R. Walsh. 2.50 Moti«m by Althoff, seconded hr „ Freund. that the meeting be adk joumed. Motion carried. ! EARL R. WALSH, City Cleffc. 82.54 R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. 5.00 $.03 208.65 Qriek Frosea Oli Quick freezing of fruits, bles and meats is not new. Herod ef .Tudea served frozen moth to Emperor Caligula. 3 * MILL (Formerly Barnard's Kill) Hiath End of Wonder Lake at the Bridg« , Your Patronage has been our success OPEN ALL WINTER BINHEKS SERVED SATURDAYS AMD SUNDAYS French Fried Shrimp Daily -- Sandwiches at all times *Ri CATSft fO PARTIES-MAKE RESEftVATIOHS . Deac and Larry Phone Richmond 312 told of the many ways which the; could help build and maintain sue! a place, and, believe me, they, are no foolish ideas. At any rate, this should furnish food for thought for Bob Hettermann observed his sev-'a" °f our community clubs. It would enth birthday anniversary on Satur- j ^ • *teP m the right dlday of last week by entertaining j several of his little friends at a. the meantime you may be sure party held at the home of his j>ar- ; th®t anV donations or earnings of the ents, the Edwin Hettermanns. i V*eeJ11 Club will be gratefully received and carefully spent. i I H II I I 1 11 I M I Ml • < t HI <•< 1 ~ LILY LAKE Thanks a rain, EVELYN L LAVIN, (By Dick Hyatt* On this coming Saturday evening the Lily Lake Beautifying club will hold its monthly meeting at the tower. The meeting will have a short business session, after which cards and other games will be played. There will be a slight cost for the social entertainment. Light flurries of snow fell last Friday afternoon" and mgny of the kids were fearing their party would be a total flop, but to their amasement it was a much greater success than they had anticipated. For further information about this wonder- TWICE TOLD TALES Item of Interest Taken From the Files of the Plaindealer of Years Age / SIXTY YEARS AGO We are selling Strictly all wool underwear for men at 49c. Per^fT and Owen., C. E. Chapell will sell a car of ful achievement, please read the let-8prin*f er"' *< ter printed later iinn tthhiis. mcolnlummnn . , Algonquin on Saturday, next, #con*. : Q Visiting with th, Normand, .„d »l, i Lavins over Sunday were the Leawashers Many improv«RMiits K. Grangflfr is the auctioneer. - »'-l^sisrJr£krSUi'ySL tk ftd Mrs. V. Adams. What's this we also hear, the Normands have been once again receiving some of those famous eggs. Also the Schiavonis hpve been having quite a time when receiving a few of those extraordinary ones. lage. here on Tuesday looking up the matter. It is no Chinaman but § "Melican man." O. W. Owen has started a Newsroom in his store, where those who wish cfcn hereafter, order daily or FIFTY YEARS AGO Saturday evening ^the Lakeside i ^ p*pe« Inn was filled with gaiety and laughter as Mr. Seyfferth of Lilymoor C^5"v,1„dhi'wab,iT.viL Tirr'of f A t»k«. plac in th. M w -uraftirxr fnr tli« tn otriko established mercantile business in 12 sI uXv «ven?„e Mr Se,S »*«">'» ">""»• ""T * 0-«n, of ... nUn hJ Ki/'Jife At th's village, having sold their busi- 5ie strike of 12 lauehter filled the ness and s!ock of *?oods to Lewis H. pud Jhen j£ JIH S- S, Ch.p.11, .nd th. the stairs with a platter in- hand JL™ w"' . and on that platter was a small cake A ChapeH bearing one c.andle. Happy birthday, Mr. S<?yfferth. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Chmiel and Mr. firm will hereafter be known j|Bhadsoeie New Modeb Iflnhuivt Maytag Peatuies bfortant "Pose-War" IasfHimmti +Wmf F^saen^Tetsss ^liMlIadwa Aliowsacr Clary Electric Shop Phone 251 McHenry Fiftv inch hepvy serge suitings to navy blue only 25 cents per yard at Simon Stoffels. mm Mrs. Cairns, also Mr. and Mrs. Thos® apnles are^nice^ and the Erwin were the weekend guests of prlce, a^tep January IS will be S2.50 Mpgand MMrns . KKii«ssaeell .annrdf tthhfe OOiill - Per barrel. Send your order in now >t $2 25. j. W. Cristy & Son. Ring- Doing a bit of stepping during wo°d. the week were Mrs. Wrublewski and . ^ thf ^arna ff ^cen*es J,S8«f daughter. On Fridav of last week week ^ CountV ^l.rk » ^e two went to Waukegan shop- we n°f Uc* 1h« na.mes °J *mtl ping and stopped off for dinner. Schnnder of Woodstock and Miss Weekend guests at the Marsh home Barbara Stegemann, of McHenry. were Mr. and Mrs. F. Kurth. | cnDTV vv ido irA, On Monday Mrs. Peschke and Mrs.; FORTY YfcAKS AGO' Simmons spent the day in Chicago _ " "• . oing a bit of shopping. George Meyers ^'tb • gang Over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. !"en, commenced the- filling of the Esser's daughter and husband were I0®*! lce nouses last Monday morn- Out. Mr. and Mrs. Frigone. In£. ' ' . D , , Some of our part-time residents The filling the Borden s loe were out for the weekend. Mr. and houses was commenced Monday morn- Mrs. Runs, also a few guests, ac- '?*• The ,ce 18 about twelve inches eompanied them, Among them were thick. ... , . Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie. The Gil- Thos. Kane while chopping wood lespies were recently married and on« da/ recently had the misforare still on their honeymoon. tune of cutting his right foot, in- Visiting with the McDermotts for flictmg an ugly gash. _ the past week was Mrs. Morrison, Fancy Flannelettes, 36 inches wide, v#hile Mr. McDermott has gone down worth 17 cents, going at 13 cents. |> LaSalle for a few days. °"r uncolored Japan tea is the finest Mrs. Vallone's husband and son cents per pound. M. J, ont for a brief visit Sunday Walsh. *fc"°Sund.y Riy Boro and his| t THIRTY YEARS AGO brother John (Corky), also Dick} ^ TT~ .. . . March took the bus into Chicago and'. The McHenry bakery, which dorattended a show. It is reported the ing the past few years has been bovs went to eat about three times, conducted by A. Tlets. has been Thursday was Ruth Lavin's birth- sold and is now owned by Albert day anniversary and the occasion Lallinger of _ Chicago, the latter was celebrated by a pinochle party, takm* possession of the business last Among tho«e present were Mrs. Thursday. ' Kiehl. Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. A1 Reg-, The Ben Stilling property at Pisiw »r M's. Krieger and Mrs. Peschke. takee Bay. which includes the famous *!so Mrs. Normand and Evelyn hotel bearing his name, and which Lavin. One of the main delicacies was disposed of to a Minneapolis was a strawberry whip cream cake, land company, brought $30,000. Hanpy birthday once again, Ruth, j Butter on the • Elgin board We are sorry to hear that the, trade sold at 30 and SI cents edson family was forced from pound last Saturday. - im, Vft* Point, N. Y : A •quad of 18 football players came out of the Midwest to battta tti mighty Cadets... to give them a "breather." The Mow York newspapers sent cub reporters to watch the workout. And saw plenty! They saw forward passing the liks of which had lever before been aeen on an eastern gridiron. They saw the teaA young mat from the prairies take a 14-13 lead at the hal& and go on to win, 36-13, in a game that established Ndn Dame as a football power. And three of the touchdown passes were caught by Notre Dame's capta%. • law-headed end--named--KNUTIIOOMS. 1946, anywhere in the Midwest, anothsr great - -thrill! Split-second starting with Standard Red Crown or Standard White Crown Gasoline, no# stepped-up with aviation fuel ingredients. Yes, ffterrfs a thrill you'll appreciate theee oold days. Quia flashing pick-up ... full, smooth power... •fleage. Find out, today, how well your car can For quick starting, say to your Standard Oil OOoea•••••• STANDARD SERVICE RED CKOWtt GAS white atom MS THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... & antomobfla. but in the hands of a doesn't know how to drive it or is it becomes a mrnarr Likewise, it's not At use but the abuse of alcoholic that causes trouble. DICK: "Wonder why it fc drink moderately and othen can't? OLD JUDGE:" Intwni n i wmmh at a pat umvenity baa shown that Ui Bikers an redly pineal. aocU w trmsl yp--* And _ made m devdopiat dinfcal methods of io( thne unfortunate people,** DICK: "I wonder how the dfetifiers Ml about that new movie built around ai alcoholic^ OLD JUDGE: "It's funny you asked thatr Dick... I was just reading a piece about it.** DICK: "What did it OLD JUDGE: "A very sensible statement It said the beverage distillers are fully aware of this problem and are cooperating in every way possible to help solve it. The alcoholic is to the beverafle distilling inddalty what the reckless driver is to the automobile industry. Then it nothing wrong with the m . w - - • ' • ' ' i - v . - • • • i"---