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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1946, p. 1

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: • s-*- McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 84/1916 Earl Dowel! Is Appointed ? "New Chier As Ci Reorganizes Police Force .LOCAL ARK WiMtn m VICTORY - ^CLOTHING CAMPAIGN By Christmas this year, approximately 25,000,000 children, men ami women in the war-torn countries overseas had received clothing donated by the American people In the United Clothing Collection of last . spring. However, 25,000,000 is only t Inl' Dowell, recently returnedj building gets into fall swing, it is a small percentage of the destitute,^ from overseas military service, was I reasoned that McHenry will grow! homeless and looted people of Eur- . appointed by Mayor Overton, and considerbly in the nextf ew years. I ope, the Philippines and the Far Be appointment aproved by the The Council subscribed to the idea j Bast Therefore, the aid of every • .Y;/1. «ity council at the meeting Monday j than an impressive police foroe will j community is asked in the current t x-Ve-, sight, as Chief of Police in the City j prove a great factor in the further j Victory Clothing Collection vf «r McHenry. !development of our city. Shorter' s In appointing Dowell, the Council hours and favorable working condir! took further steps in the reorganiza- tions are expected to produce utv •'*"tien of the local police force. The most efficiency in the department. . city will now have three policemen1 More Street Lights m jn g_}X)ar shifts. ! A recent day ana night inspection 5 4 " John J. McCarthy, who has been-and survey of street lights jn the V v * acting under special appointment by residential districts by Aldermen He mayor to. fill the vacancy left Regner and Ferwerda, accompanied through the resignation of Howard by engineers from Public Service Cairns on January 1st, was also ap- Company, substantiated the opinion OF COUNTY ROADS Snrfaoes Selected By Snpwintendent Of Highways Here .yy*r _ . McHenry county folks, especially Leaders in the current drive have;J®10** *n communities, will been selected as follows: Mrs. A. ** h*M>y to„^^ county J. Ruiien, general chairman; Miss j . be*n allocated $104,480.01 for Adele Froehlich, publicity chairman; jthe improvement of farm-to-highway Miss Helen Stevens, educational di-|">~?' announcement rector; Miss Margaret Larkin and:Of. «*• a«"«on of highways of the Miss Carolyn Bauer, secretaries on 1 , jf Department of Public Works reports;' Mrs. Lenore Cooley and|an<* Mrs. Jennie Mae Richadrson, in j In announcing the allocations for charge or posters and typing; Mrs. each county under the bill appropria- Mrs. Helen, ting $15,000j000 from state funds NSW FACULTY MEMBER PETER J. ROCHE Having received his releaaa from Further Development: of River Valley Should Make It Pride of Entire State "'SSirtti The program planned by Governor "Within' a feilr years the Foac Green for restoring the Fox river "valley is to be the garden spot rf valley to its original beauty was the entire United States, brutgiag given unanimous approval last week happiness to more people than tire by public officials of the valley,; served by any other recreation spati representatives of conservation or- in this entire country. Our task i# - ganizations and public-spirited citi- to clean the river, deepen it for sens who for years have long await- navigation and restore its originate - ed the development of the greater shore line." • f Chicago area. Included in the plans When asked how long he believedF is the work of making the stream the program would take, Director! navigable from the northern state Osborne stated it depended upon thaf * line not far from McHenry to its decision of the Illinois Post-Wart mouth at Ottawa. Planning commission and the ea»J ' Livingston E. Osborne, director of operation of the state legislature^ the state department of conservation, but h,e believed the plan substantiallywas host at last week's meeting, would h® earned out m a period of vbuiio vii ••uiwij xbv, wm lusu «|»- w-...,--•'<> T""."* " i GpOrge Bafbiait and mis. ncicu, «•>* *.avm suite iunw Cinted On Monday night as a regu- that certain streets were inadequate-, Glgi, collection supervisors; Ardin for such roads, the highways division r police officer for the City of ly lighted. Detailed recommendations j prisbie, shipping officer, - with Earl explained tha rales and regulations McHenry. As previously reported, were presented to the Council on Conway and students as assistants;! under which $10,000,000 of the funds IJV"TTO ™ rci^?1 XIwn which wis hpin"in ThTfour to six years. Officer McCarthy has had long years Monday night and the wouest for Mi„ May jU8ten and Mrs. John may be spent in 1946. the navy after serving as a liartw- jeld in.the state conaf experience in police work and installations approved. This is * Boiger, clothing security chairmen;' The legialation providing these ? Pr. years, Peter J. Roche m. si0__h -d-vnfpj kv tv. Answering the question - » ' 1 -»--• -- ' " * ' ' " - ~ ' '-J --*1 -t has Joined ™^ was F^lf speed ahTad whether thf state aimSTo a< Present at the session were the ownership-of the dams in the river*' 1_ i m a .i « * . Via eai/i ' TltA afa1m>4 •• i ? H V• -- m r tha Council feels that his experience project started about two years ago,jam] Mrs. A. Wirt* and Mrs. Carl funds was written and sponsored at f*as, joined the faculty at the local "Pull .need sho»H " and proven qualities will aid greatly but held pending due to war-time re- Freund. supervisors of volunteers. the last session of the general as- m? " j fk Present at the Erosion were the mr u»ma m me n»«r, la the efficient operation of the local stnctions. ! Articles of clothing which have sembly by the Illinois Agricultural ?^ch.® '5^. f ? and math- g. . t members of ^ le_isl|ltUre he said, «The state at least will hav*; force. . Although residents hava managed several pieces, such as two-piece association, which is keenly interest- duties »s|from Kane, McHenry Kendall Boone to have control of the dams befora? Peter Wirfs will continue in his jn years to shovel out^when dresses or men's suits, should be ed in its administration. Under this coach. jan(] count,eSi a'n 0f ^hom are can sPend any money on their pledged to do everything possible Permanent improvement." to make the project succeed. The ^ we«kwiththe publia legislators included State Senators officials, which included Mayor R. Eig, Merritt J. Little of Aurora and Ray Overton of McHenry were a number Paddock of Round Lake and State °.f Perso1!8 who have long been iden^ man with many friends in the" com" 1 the delivery date of this new equip-. The reception center is the public dedwting^TOrtain ^^molTnts^for^ad- Herb Reihansperger last weekend j Aurora. aijl¥his entire Ppart of the state. Tha a> vivi vv uas w*aa vwiivaituv aaa aaao # " •••" -- - . : uirooco vi iiicii s ouito* BUUUIU vc ••• "uvivn. v iiuci tuts present capacity as police officer, a blanketed with heavy snow-fall, the sewed together and the entire col- law, the state for the first time ---Dn n_TTy. ' position he has held faithfully for Council members have an eye sky- iection from one individual should be recognizes soma obligation for the MEWS KAxUAHSJrEAwEK many years. ward as they anxiously await deliv-^;^ with stout cord or some heavy | improvement of local township and T« GRADUATED FROM The appointment of Dowell as ery of a city truck and snow plow piece of material. Persons may or,district roads. nrrenAvoTir mmranoTiim .* Chief is sure to meet with favor purchased some time ago. _ Strikes, may not include their names inside Allocate Funds WlovUIIBlH UKIVEimUTz throughout the city. He is a young which have stopiped^p^ucti^, make the^package. j The legislation provides that after munity and possesses the qu,alifica- ment uncertain. tions which merit respect. grade The question of widening Green a fajr school gymnasium. To date, ministrative and engineering expense ^nipleted his college course, ma- i Lisle Lnufer of Hampshire, Thomas \jneeting opened with a dinner, folamount of clothing has been • the funds shall be allocated among J?rin* in .economics, at the Univer- A. Boiger of MVfHenry, Nick Keller lowe<[ by *n . informal session of "^i tv mmuiuc iu u ciucr iiiiuiii^iu. v/i- v; t-»v vi^.i.vvx j ciuincs io ine ccnier ana lv is w- Lllt>j • ^ fleer Wirfs will work the midnight this project, but through necessity pected that by next week a fine county course in one more semester thus re-fiJ,,r; CI,"'US . - . --~ to 8 a.m.. shift. filed away during the war. While port can be made. 1 Ff. .,^„ f y8 "electing ceivin„ his degree in three and one-l fl®cted . the. se"ou" thought being week by the announcement of Gov- Since the local Dolice are on duty conditions are not favorable for im-, The nation wide drive extends .7?^ *? ba^ iaaproyed, in co-operation i,aif VMn. 'i given by important people to the ernor Green that $20,000 in peat* seven day* each week, will be left flexible k, the shift plan mediate action, it is hoped that the through January 81. There is a par-; ^ enough to allow improvement can be carried out in • ticular need for serviceable clothing,; • with r™; After serving two years with an' o-iSTTL ?h. 'rijS h" "f*" to, ^ !-army infantrv unit the local youth »;akos the entire Fox river finance engineering surveys of tha the members .of the force to work the not too distant future. Approxi- j shoes and bedding. Among the "not;, T^.e ^ w»e members of the | resumed his college work last fall, va;,ey\ A" realised the need of valley. •ut a suitable plan for time off. ; mately SIS,000 has been accumulated j wanted" items are handbags, straw legislature, who introduced and sup- following his release from service!, <*1?™ *n<l. ^ .With the conittiinnuueedd popularity of in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund which j hats, toys, feather beds, pillows, mat- Pprted the legislation, requested that Herb has accepted a position with r d5( \° put ,• shoulders to the mean a great deal to everyone ia this srea as a summer resort andean be used toward payment of tresses, novelties and household' furn- th®, design for these Moody> Investors Service in Chicago, the expected development when new this improvement. ishings. McHenry and the surrounding "PEP PARADE" RECALLS EARLIER PRODUCTIONS j bright and Thomas Antonfon as j BOND SAXJB8 IN ^ • ! runners-up. . POX RTVKR VALLBT runners-up. Winners were given mm mTTTAW ;gift certificates to have photographs: lUiAlj ZYD MliiLlUK I made at Worwick's studio and also roads be held to the minimum in order and will enter their employ on Feb- , ' ^f are. determined to restore to munity. Wa hava long I that the maximum mileage of im- " employ on *eb-1he pox iv,r Tailey the beauty it of our beautiful riv«Tand I proved roads might be obtained from The importance of improvements' Summer R66id6Ht Of of these farm-to-market roads in Johnsbunr Is Dead Illinois is shown by the fact that I of the 105,000 miles of road in the I has lost during the past 100 years ! panying advantages. This prop Seal and make it a center for fishing, improvement will not only add ta hunting and other recreation. 'our pride but also our popularity. blue ribbons. Ribbons were also According to the latest reports, stat^TS.OM^miiiM *are" townshiD and' Clinto!\ A- ^efJ"anri- 5^, a awarded to rurtner»-up. _ the Fox river valley turned in a road district roads. P and j mer resident of the Johnsburg com- |NEW SAVINGS BOND _ PROGRAM LAUNCHED . .v , . . . ThU was "Pep Parade" and Its remarkable performance in war""and ' The^IAA* h^Tlsked farmers and ?oUnlVy:. ^ ^8t F"d^y-uJ?n?ary THIS W*1K IN STATl Amidst chocolate cake crumbs and accompanying specialities, which will victory in the way of financing, the j those interested in country rosd im- ' ?' In pi «ie hearty applause of an enthusias- live h>ng in the memories of per- Treasury has revealed. provement to co-oi»iite with an emPloy®* of J.he Western Electnc tfe audience, the curtain fell,. lMt formers and audiences alike. As wei In a summation of war and vie- officials in order Hie new peacetime program to LAST RITES FRIDAY FOR MRS. L R. MURPHY, SR. _ _ _ i 1 c o m p a n y f o r t h i r t y - f i v e y e a r s . H e p o n M m i - T r w p . ^ p n t i n Saturdav n^ht on the last perform- Compare Tt with our home talent pro- torv bond buying totaU >or the tenefita may be derived JKm SS 5s «urvive 1 d & his wife, Anna. bonds is being launched' in IllimS i .JfcHen.ry is, ^i8 ance of "Pep Parade^," the hom.e auction of fifteen yyeaaar«s aaggoo.. ssoo mmfatyy 11^M422*-4455 wwasrr YnMe*rinooHd,. tthhpe TTrrpe#aasnurrvy ,u«sibea oa#f these s.4t«a4t.e^ fund* i Mr» And Mrs. Geor^pe Rcikcr ftnd #Kia waair wa• antift»in<~A«i k« a». i pminj Mrs< 6* talent play sponsored by the Ameri- audiences of a future day recall the: revealed that Kane. Lake, McHenry, «an Legion Auxiliary. j highlights of the 1946 presentation. jOuPaffe and DeKalb counties rolled There were those who said it --up $275.200,000. in bond purchases couldn't be done--that eight days I USE PLAY PR0CXEDS TO ** ar*inst a combined goal of $168,- was too short a time to prepare for ©it® my a o» VSATinTnP 612.000. a full evening's entertainment. In ruftwimoa rawawiwa , Among smaller population counties. fact, there were several moments FOR VETERAN HOSPITAL i McHenry and DeKalb • ranked well. during that week that the cast was; iMcHenry averaged 147 percent of inclined to agree. However, is L . . . all nno'ss. while DeKalb turned in well that ends well, and by Friday! At thefr regular mertmg last)a 142 WTrmt performance ^ night things were well under con- Monday evening, the American Le- fftp th^ NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN mourning mr. ana mrs ueorge neiaer ana this week> it WM announced by Ar- j ^ iSSS* Mr. and Mrs. James Smith attended nold j Rauen 8tate director, U. S. ^'7^° ^ funeral services on Tuesday after- j bonds division of the treasnoon m Chicago Mr Reilter and u for IlIinoi8. State headquarters gSod?1--•. ^ ^ •whood"n •*106 w-A,tonu Hundreds of volunteer leaden who V. . « . made so successful the eight war ' bond campaigns have already said' i ™ record fo^Vh^^e^l ^unties. ^hi„°N ™ USS LSM IJH^taphen CECIL BALLOWE HAS PURCHASED FORMER ADAMS' TAXI SERVICE "•that they will continue th5r acUvi- thj?'hZ.t 'ti^ 'ties in their communties, Mr. Rauen toSC'of ^^r.e. MiM Helen ^e^ns fQ^y^ha^1^ projector'and^a Vib- ' Quota* jand jmrehas^ combinH, |®* CM?k^nr^ ^ Tsking its pi^Twith the many 5 said. Indicative of the splendid work ^t.^0 AOT Otr tayuic IV wc I «»/»***»* ;M Mfawan kAattifala 1 OWiWTl players from off stage, but this only • ' J5L.JS > «4.J>77 000 $ 97.708 000 addietd to the already humorous situ- ®^k» *" f^ l^ed hv tL nresf T"V'1 •• << 251 000 96.7SS.000 y p j MrHpnry .... 13 257 (W) 1» B75.000 ations. OI • VUvUm* ni«Pa#M 04 607AAA Oi imo 2S.9R7.000 17,140,000 S6.778.000 24.406.000 It will be a longtime before the ^ Auxiliary unit wishes at this n"£"£ hrve audiences who gathered on time to lhank the meavbers of the 0*^1® botin nights forget that Alice Gaulke Past and choruses for their loyal j nvvTATQ tifts «i9 nnn «97k oiwi ami n really a beauty operator and not supp0rt in puttin* on the home! lOTALS »16®»612 000 $275,200,000 Hortense, the Swedish maid, and talent show "Pep Parade." For the state as a whole, the bond that "Bud" Adams earns his livli- j The unit is also very grateful to IPoals for all drives combined averhood by setting type for your waeMy; th« members of the high school fac- "Red 150 percent of attainment. newspaper end not by reading soles. uJty and the pianists who assisted ". . J*' Monday morning was quite a j„ many ways to make a success , FARM AND HOME DAY letdown for McHenry s stars aa they cf the production. ! lirrr T. HE HET n JAM. Oft resumed their usual work, with only aDl«Bdid co-ot>eration of the HC1*U iAMj XO fond memories of their short but busineaa people in helping to pro- AT WOODSTOCK SCHOOL successful fling at the glamorous life j ^ the show and to conduct the •f the theatre. Tiny Tot contest and the very fine these volunteers was the record1 the victory bond campaign in I Hi- :.ijv t * • h • m^iuin linHUo "*cx*«snry is uwi 01 mc no is which closed December 31. This <«' JL » „ K-? Adams' Taxi Service, operated by campaign, the "toughest" of the Jf. jy IjJrnn aiK^ Kathleen Mane Mur> P»>n Adams. Cecil 1. Ballowe eight, and with virtually every ob- ph*; v , , . nw.' of .Wonder Lake last week purchased server voicing the opinion it would; . The body is resting at tha Hutsea inawa. ine ves- this business and is now serving the not reach its quota, wound up with funeral home at Western^ and Madisai spent seven prhUc in and around McHenry. Illinois reaching 112 percent of its •on until Friday morning at 1® imonths ttrteen Mr Ballowe is giving twenty-four "E" bond quota, leading sll other, ° cloc^,when services wdl he held ten hours hour service, his motto being "No high-quota ' E" bonid states. During St Jarlath church, Chicago. atUktnawa, begin- trip too short or too long." Details the eight War loans, as well as in' Survivors include her husband aai ning LMlay, April Qf Ballowe's service can be the interim, approximately eleven son. Dr. L. B. Murphy, Jr., both * n.v„ found in an advertisement elsewhere billion dollars in U. S. bonds of all practicing dentists in McHenry until November 15, when she sailed thi Daner to Pearl Harbor by way of Saipan. H« troop* *"• j LLOYD OBTPLINO IN «• «l»™ bi^ | GROUP SELECTED TO Miw?nA.d^^"xasJrM?1- EETURN ™" T0KY0 Bnidei those «tr«ady mentioned, p*trr>n»(rt> at both performances of |nJua»y>>n, i R°V M' B'*ke *"d ^ Scho€nholU- W1XH the 1ST CAVALRY DJV- Ulouwnd» of outlet, »uch at banks. NEW MA1T. SERVIOE athers who shared in the applause "pep Parade" will long be remem- at the Woodstock Community high j„k„ Dohertv who is stationed at ISION IN TOKYO--Technician Fifth post offices, Savings A Loan groups hwneiKrea nAHl•b eTrYt nmBtatirvb iPaan<,r ot hteti <ih uern*p«encnk.eMd bered byA the members of tl,e Mc- ^' S^onswill beglnst 10-53 r^t ^ vhited hU Jswntalalt Grade Lloyd W. Oeffling, McHenry, «"d other participating agencies. mariMn Tjurin*. AnvtlUrv r^T.. . *.ln •*- luo" Ureat LAKes. VlSiiea ma parent* - i .. _• Ul.i. aJ! n a : m a.w_' In denominations were sold in Illinois, j Chicago, and s sister, Laurette Muri- First aim of the new U. S. sav- . Chl*»«£- A brothec 4i«4 iings bonds division will be to assure ;last Christmas Eva. rd»he public that the sale of bonds _ • jand stamps is to be continued on a| STRESS PUBLIC'S widespread scale, Mr. Rauen ssid. /\RT TflATTAWS nrrartr ' *5 They are to be available through OBUGATIOWS WITH |; ^ husband; Dorothy Page, theur«son," Henry American Legion Auxiliaryand 'wilT'i^e reiUated'at l p.m" weSend*^' v,8,lCTI "** """"jIllinois, of the eighth army's first The Payroll Savings Plan for the' ee ITf^Lse**^ hraae'^^TddSf Charlotte Mehr. their lovely daugh- . program, with six different! !Cavalry Division now in Tokyo, is purchase of U. S. savings bonds is *2?\ ter: Barbian, the colored S«m«el Lelbsohn New Isessions in progress st the same Donald Doherty has been stationed •naong the latest group of men se- to continued on a widespread scale, pJ!,'sij£ the imnorSmce^S Triin ^t^ MSdaie DJll CW?£ MaWtfW At OladrtOIie's '» -PoniorS by the McHen^ .t ^S Sheridan follo^Eg hi. in- lecte/ to return to the United States Mr Rjuen Mid They are to be EKgations of ToSl^Sienta Artecn ^6tti A« I !Ooiintv F*Arnn tnd Honis Bumaui ! j,«»4iAn -int-A t-ho Arnv liit wwifc. dcmobilizAtion* AVAilftblc through thousands of out-, . • Ann Nett, the lady osteopath; and with Home" Adviser -Clara Greaves1 -- ' Overseas seven months, T-5 Oef-'lets such as banks, post offices. Sav-' 9.1® »»ong these is the need ftf Edith Wolf as the unpredictable Samuel Leibsohn of Los Angeles, Sweeney and Farm Adviser W. H. Staff S*t. Daniel Justen received served in second Squadron ings 4 Loan groups and other par- "J81' boxes. These should be pa# 1 ~ -- -- hi*.* ® * f.m m t. h• « irmv at Fv*o rta HU/e adquarter TTr oop, Bth Cavalry Reg- ticipating agencies. d now, , .w h,i le- .t han is ^ . include Prof. H. W. Friday after than »nent as a medical aid man. A vet- The Payroll Savings Plan for the !^e fn up t p h^ Aunt Hattie. I Calif., is the new manager of Glad- Tammcus "in^charge The play reminded old timers of stones Department store, assisting Speakers will inciuae rn«. n. w. Sheridan last rriaay axier more mmi -- -- • ine r»yrou oauuga rm iui un cl t : th# doora k. »_ ihe last similar production j" our {,ls Ma«"ce Gladstone. Mr. Gilbert, landscape architecture; Prof, three and one-half years of ser- eran of one campaign, he wears the purchase of U. S. savings bonds is tex« Ze^f5Lhk fair city back in the earlv thirties. Leifceohn has had many years ex- peane Carter, farm building soecial- vice Much of this time was spent Asiatic-Pacific theatre ribbon with a to continue, Mr. Rauen said, in re- * " boxes are pr^^le. •Henry's Wedding was the choice, perience in this line and should i8tf Chairman, 111., Small Homes at Modesta Calif., where he served campaign star for Luzon, the Com- sponse to thousands of requests from Other necessities include the mu% and on two October evenings, caps- prove* resl asset to this large and Council and Midwest Farm Building as a member of the medical corps bat tnfantryman's badge and the all over the country by labor and °«nnf « bemg, sura city audiences filled the same high friendly store. He expects to_ en- Plan Service committee; Prof. R. C. at Hammond General hospital. There Philippine Liberation ribbon with-one management groups and the bond address is on all mail. Ia school auditorium to see 126 of Mc- large ^some departments and do ioma Hay, extension engineer; Prof. J. B. he waT^n charge of detaU work in ^ buyers themselves. ?^er to proper delivery whea Cunnmrham. eeonomi.,; ..and .ftof. Sf. o*pcr,.i„K. rS,m. After a period „?*• Bood and ^mp.pu^h^, thr^h *»£?£« UtSSTSS groom Sutton, may groups throughout country number. As to procuring house John Stilling as his childhood sweet- _ . ..... . heart, while C. H. Duker played FARMERS WILL BE •tivi'.y ri}1 bers. this only supplies, in a around lessons in personal ssvings Engleking^ home _adviser, DeKalb Bob Jensen of Chanute Field, 111., I "ve at same address. County; Howard Rutt, agricultural spent the weekend in the George \ evTma ditgivvso larouna swings «or il' ^neineer, Portland cement ass'n; and Bfeker home. I lT ENTERS BUSINESS ^ 'and government financing and the T8®8- |Palph Ostrander, Woodstock Lake * r ^ ., who returned from 0p0rtunity to save in school through h nroWt 'Farm Loan ass'n. Donald H. Tony*n is one of 2122 Eu.opean sennce in December. has a^weekl/sUm d savings day or r^thS , w Topics will include "Home and high-point amy vetarans whom the engaged in the sign painting andbank d/y P i t Z i which featured leading business men. it is not too early to begin plan. Farmstead Planning;" "Farm Home navy is returning to the States for Poster business in our city, an an-; -- tu_t .v -- •»_ v-- § Amoni g the4mi.. wcne re Edward Buss, wwhilo. n_uin_gT --fa rm _o/p eration«s.. rrB ert Bridges., 'and Farm Buildings of the Future;" discharge aboard the U. S. S. Bunker noucement which should be Spod Tho«^ whoeHrfi iki 3B I * Nev i_ j ii .. R ^ news to manv local merchants. Mr. 1WJ OvAlwwIa flt> 1 i oers. inose wno Wiaa to KBOW waa» ? \ their number should ha are Brother Jones of the Mystic Shrine. VJgJTED REGARDING The laugh hit of that show of p a mu aav wi/\b mja fifteen years ago was "The Beaus * ARM PLAN FOR 1946 and Belles of Grandma's Time," _1_ kiiiainnsii man T4 »».4 4^. f A- 1_ • * I Varnaof a««1 DlanNaiin." „ TT " • a. f ik. /na DOSLSI" DUS1L _ _ _ _ _ which should be good posed "as the Floradora Beauty, Wil- chairman of the McHenry "(County ' ^ew H»ymaking"Met|iods and Hay Hill, "an "aircraft of the "Magic to many local merchants. Mr. Svoboda, Sr., nam Srencer as the Pantelette Girl, AAA committee, wishes to inform and Grain Drying in Storage;" "Farm Carpet" fleet, which left Saipan on Kfese is specializing in individual _ »a_ «Uv»ntmaat<»r Glen Wattles as the Broadway But- farmers ol' this county that during Leases and Land Valuations;" 'Home January 1.: _ !serTlcii and promises prompt delivery 48 H6W SWOUlIDUier terfly of the 90's and Maurice Crouch the last week in January and the Freezer Locker Purchase, Care, and, |OTL-u l« ° -t"" • An advertisement hou«« nnmhor* ss Beau Brummel of I860. first week in February their commun- Maintenance;" and "Our Soil Fertil- Sgt. Pete J. Dowell of Route 2, w"lch describes in full his many ser-j Svoboda Sr., of Lilymoor has . , , . These chai-acters ran through the ity committeemen will call upon Program." McHenry, received his honorable dis- v'c** ^ found on another P*ffe j,een named as new scoutmaster of Omjr paid J^afl ^is to be plaead ia memories of local folks as they them with the intention of complet-, A general session in the auditor- charge at Camp Grant on January jot th,s I8sue- • McHenry Troop No. 162, replacing boxes; the boxes^are to ha nasi contact Earl R. W^lah, city dak who has a map of tha city aad «• watched last week's performances, ing the 1946 Farm Plan. Prior to ium will follow from 2:45 to 3:30, 16, after serving more than forty- Wliile mo~t of us have had the opin- this call, it is hoped that all farmers j with Dr. Evelyn Witthoff, M. D., a four months with Uncle Sam's army, ion that 1946 has been a trend to- will give some thought to what con-1 missionary to the far east, who ward the carefree and bolder life, we servation practices they intend to could hardly imagine today's busi- complete during the 1946 program RESIDENCE CHANGES Ernest Stelrer, (this spelling is Ray 'o* ®o other material. McGee's) who was called to Mon- iMUMOMMIIMMtMIIU treal, Canada, to work for the Ca- Anonf the Skk Last week's two performances, eight community committeemen at Wrinf* about the latest develop-1 the army this weekend. while le« dazzling, were equally en- a meeting held at the AAA office on j ments in the above topics are invited, j - vable. with dance routines by an Tuesday, January 15. The practiccs brin ed programs will be available at' Glenn W. Benson has been recentr ^ - - - • 5 - •* " • !-a_a:._ * |y discharged from the army after serving more than three years. 'k~ k-c 0f" iovely high school 'girls selected are as follows: Contouring! the registration desk, so. that everymusical numbers by a senior girls' intertilled crops; contour farming of one can select the sessions they wish choir, and a snappy tap dance rou- drilled or close-sown crops; establish-1 to attend. tine, with baton, by little Dianne ing sod waterways; construction of Tanyan. 4 Have You Got Old Clothes", open farm drainage ditches; excavawas a novelty song presented by tion of ditches ?or tile drainage; gimif school pupils, advertising the green manure craps; harvesting hay- SrrTnt Victory Clothing Campaign, seed; liming materials; fertilisers With the distinct approval of all, and plkuajMataa. . little Susaime McVicker was an- There ava mmny oOtars tfcat ana aounred the winner of the "moat rood practices but it wm decided popular baby" contest, while Jimmy that those selactad are the ones Eater-topped tha male voting. Eih- which should be streessed m ear jnnmM ta latkfaa spent thirty-seven months in the' Joseph Jackson has received his Mr. and Mrs. Peter /Roche have nadian government. Jap Q^ison camp at Santo Tomas release from the army. jmoveo into the Forst hoifne near the • Assisting Mr. Svoboda, actiajr aaj University in Manila. ^ - C^"r t^„d C%b r, ch.r|„ Enlig, have'g^g^n N'ye.'^,'ili.m°G^:i " - - - - - - M r f c from St. impTo^ad. •r aaa, CL Dowaa. Mmtgr h nkely at St. nessmen donning the costumes of the year. . gay 90's and parading across the AAA assistance will be given only Farmers and* their wives, business; Sylvester .Wirfs is stationed at staire for the amusement of their on the practices selected by the three: men, lumber dealers, contractors and Camp Grant since his return from j moved from Fourth street to the Lester Bacon and Ray McGae. fellow townspeople. county committeemen and toe forty-, anyone else who is interested in, overseas. He will be relessed from home of Mrs. Rose Miller on Main PURCHASE HOMES Pete Brown, who resides near Volo, has purchased the Hunter house on John street. Henry Schaefer of Big Hollow recently bought the Owen house oa Waukegan road, which is occupied by the Harold Vj»- dtal family. r PUBLISH TEAR BOOK After twenty years of non-existence the "Woodcohi" which in case you've forgotten is the name of the Woodstock year book* will once again be edited, minted and pablished. The last year fcaok puhBshad waa ia 19S8. The "Woodcohi" owfec Ha rejuvena street Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Benson have moved to the Weber cottage in the Country Club subdivision. The Donsld Hunter family has moved from the Kelter farm south of the city to Woodstock. MtlHtlM<»»miipiHllir and is mach ~~<T- " Births NOTKB Vdiiele licenses for IMS wa aow duift, 8S-2-fp CITY OF .MeHENRT. , , Jcaiili N. Schmitt sea of tha Math tioa ta tha saaiors af W. C. H. S. Sdudtfta, who is aar^nr is fapaw. and Misa Weiffer who ovavwlMta-l^TfiMB premotad ta^ia raakW A 10 pound son waa born oa Sunday, January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Jade Dowaa of Carif. CkHt. Tha coupto formerly made thatr heaM te McHenry. Virginia Shirley arrived oa Sati day. January 19, at tha Charles 8tfliing heaM aa Pfaiakae Bay read. ThTtiba lady watghad 1% poaaT m. t* Azd, kegan, whan for the Math waak^i ITta--. Mis. Ella » tf tt* rt«ar; hi tieat ia the W«

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