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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1946, p. 6

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•* " n ""SSSS roxsAU •AU--6400m cottage near Km with all fantishlngs incladsd; a' idee place. $5^00. Carl •M* OhrwnM, P. O. Box 211, Crystal take, m. Phone 804&-Y-4. LOST Bitww 409 Waukagmn Raad mm! Qreaa flUoot fmi% • biriek fait bcaale (hat)) with wtoi krf ttMMT ii top. WuIk gin call M3f or leave hat at Gram Otieot Ijivtrn. *S6 STRAYED--Tom turkey gobler, in Lilymoor, after wire fence was aammorning. Finder conm" « tact Mr*. Roy Grooms, Route 2, 86~* McHenry. *36 » LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Small barn radios, $10. $12, and j good working sets; alarm- clock, | MISCELLANEOUS beautiful 9-tube General Electric {FREE--Two 10-gal. milk cans with console, all wave, radio, phone,; Electric Portable Milker, 2-oonn., etc., $116. Cole's Radio Ser-jeasy Tioe, Venice Park, across from hall, McHenry, Fiione SOS. tone, luecuic jroixaoie mixer, z-unit type; to clean; sanitary. fltfiSO, city payable monthly. GAMBLE'S. Tel. 86 McHenry 460. 36 FOR SALE--0-room house, 2 river NOTICE--Do you need any roofing, front lots and 7 acres of land Uiat;siding or insolation work done? If can be subdivid, with access to Fox j so c*ll Durfee Roofing Co., 335 Put- River and Chain O'Lakes waterway, man ave., or call 480-J Woodstock. CfxiV cJjltd iSSTm. Phone ttat ,h« U h.ving . wonderful Urn. »49-Y-4. (By Battle Efaapar) This weather la just Meal for the skatera of Lilmnoor. «. There was a skating birthday party Saturday evo celebrating Roger Svobodas birthday. On Sunday, all the neighbors and all the boys and girls were on the ice and haa one grand time, then on Monday night again a few neighbors got together and had another skating party, makes1 one wish they could do the same thing. From what I hear German Topel is getting along jus$ fine, he was taken out of tne oxygen tent last Friday which is very encouraging. Hope as time goes on we*H hear more good news; Keep up the good work, Herman! Mrs. Joe Landl heard from her daughter, Eileen, who is vacationing with her grand parents in Florida, FOR SALE--Upright piano Box "S," in care of Plaindealer, 36-21 PROTECT your v new chair from . Aa djdjr„es.s. ' moths for only 25c a year. One 36 spraying of Berlou stops moth dam' age for 5 vtirs or Berlou pays the JOR SALE--Dining room set, buffet, Bolger*s Drug Store, 36 Me. six chairs, dining room nig GENERAL TRUCKING -- Freight '5?J££ ™ ~UP Chair9 a2i and general moving in McHenry and gaa stove. Tel. 470. ^surrounding territory; prompt ser- FOR SALE-S0 acre farm, modern .!*}«*• Brown. Phone Mc- : buildings; immediate possession; nenry 1-Wlarge house and all buildings in]'. JOHN IGOE good repair; Ringwood vicinity.! * nrtinnwr §£°°* ?: ^Certtral 'stateTL^Sd ft Livestock and likes it out there very much. On Thursday and Friday of last week, Mrs: R. Krimm was a Chicago visitor attending the American Legion Auxiliary District meeting and on Sunday visited some friends in DesPlaines, 111. On Saturday, January 26, 1046, the birthday club of Lilymoor will have their birthday party for all those *35-2 who have their birthdays in the ' month of January, at the Lilymoor dub. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wijas »T 211 Crvatil L»lr« 111 Phnno " V?I1U " .t"Ycathis last weekend was Ed Malecke H(M9 Y \ • oa o ^a es «*718. Manton. Aye., Chi-;from California. Ed was just dis- - _I--_ 1l cago,. 30. Call Pensacola 9817--Re- j charged from the army, and had JfX>R SALE -- Eight rooms modern verse charges. 34-4; fought on Okinawa. He is Mrs. house, hot water heat, with oil WIMnAir on 4 nun t 1 Wijas' cousin, and on Monday Mr. burner; also two lots. Call 147-J ^JNTOW SHADE^I*t ard Mrs" Walter Malecke of Chicago ilcHenry. 36-2 , ?i w ? / ; also visited the Wijas. Walter was A liberal allowance will be made f**1") just discharged from the army and A REAL BARGAIN the rollers. C. M. Niesen, in care |s a brother of Mrs. Wijas ^ 4-room plastered brick house, of Peter M. Justen Furniture Store, j Qn Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Ed furnished, 3 years old, full attic, West McHenry. Phone McHenry Meehan visited Cary, 111., to watch Complete basement, lot 50x100; im-,63, or 295-M. 34-3jthe ski meet which was very thrill- »ediate possession; livable; some . wnnif n j,.;,!ing. From what I hear there was %ork needed to be done for com- W,, Order > oar driven |Qne jump t^at was 17g feet hjgh( fletion; just the thing for handy ™no,y" 8 .' ,r®Pa,r , ,which I think I wouldn't care to trv. , - _ . r man; includes lake rights. ! Jf*11 induding electnc., t Hattie Einspar, want to thank has a notic« in another column which $1,500 DOWN; $25 MONTHLY Bacon Bros., 203 John St., West Mc- the Lily. Ladies League and no one should fail to read. He h*s LANNES, Exclusive Agent for; Henry, 111.. Tel 175. ?3-tf ^ a]] those who sent me cardg and , no superior in his line in this part of anahwaaiy Friday, January }8. ConrTMfliuT folks. The Ladies Pinochle club of this community met at the home of KM. H. C. Lodk Thursday, January 17. Mrs. Cburence Feiereisel won first priae, Mrs. Thomas Kane, < second, and lira. Syd Smith, the cbnsolation Srise. The next meeting will be at lie (Feiereisel residence. Mrs. Schlitt, Dolores and Billy Schlitt, and Clarence Feiereisel went to the ski jump at Fox River Grove, Sunday, January 20. Bob Sheriff sure played a swell game of Basketball for I. A. C. D., even though they were defeated by the McHenry Co-op's. 88-44 on Sunday, January 20. Bob scored the first basket of the game--^t was a beautiful long shot. Steve Huska Jr., and Bob Sales, both of the navy and of this community, had a reunion in San Francisco, whieh really must have been a super treat for both boys. You see, they have been friends for many years, growing up and going to school together. After graduating from high school and/ enlisting in the navy it had been a long time since they hsd been together, and naturally in such a big city it must ham been swell to see such an old friend. TWICE TOLD Items irf Interest Taken Froa the Filea of the Piaindealar . of Years Ago SIXTY YEARS AGO Our photographer, L. E. Bennett, It i * 14* «1 mprwinij itr 1 :, '; Vow is the time tof take advaottfi of the opportunity to work four own home towti. We have five openingB for women and girl* with home-sewing experience to sew on women's apparel. •*i <•<* Clean, healthy woridng eonditlons. Fifty oents per hour to start; Ton can earn more ISf yon art amhltioiis. Our $hon» nnmbsr is »• •• • wv-;> ^ " ' ' '• .jf-s • '*"• 'I.'-"-'" Riverside tlVCBSIDB DEIVE AMD PSAKL ST| m: BcHBHET, 1LI, !. * *•' ; I v!#- * ' CHURCH SERVICES St. Mary's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Nation's Safest City Milwaukee, ' Wis., has been ftwarded top honors as the safest large city for pedestrians in the country in the 1944 national pedestrian safety contest. Despite a national increase of 2 per cent in pedestrian fatalities in 1944 over 1943, Milwaukee showed a reduction of 39 per cent in the number of |>edestrian deaths as compared with 1942 and 1943. pines Realty & "instruction Co.J. TVF<STnrir xmrrifiKr ir«.nir wished me well this last two weeks ith® state* thone McHenry 674-M-2 or 667-R-2. JIWCKI^ -- *™™ when I was sick in bed with the! 0« Fnd&V laat- while cutting ice illu ' Chicago phone. Keystone 2060. 36 „ ^ ' ,7^, McHenry' 1U* vJ,o ! flu. j on the pond, a team belonging to I ConfessionsfftR aiii? 1- nau- Pf McIifnry 149-J- Sorry to hear that a cousin of John Meyers broke through andjg^ d 3:00 p. m. and 7;00 p. m. FOR SALE--Ice cream cabinets.. Mc- „ F E Wpilpr Aucruat Hnnnanal- nt < came near being drowned. It was a 1* > j_„ llenry Ice Cream Co.1 Phone Mc- TRUCKING of all kinds, including Br00kfieid passed away'Jan 19 ic°ld bath but they were rescued -- y- »«», 302. 34-tl hv««toch; 24-hotir Inland; 0„ of ^ Mr without inta, g ' ni* ^ Rlchm°I~ and Mrs. IF. E. Weiler were Chicago! Sundfty» Monday and Tuesday will FOR SALE--Before buying a water 637. SS-41 visitors. pass as three of the coldest days of yump, see the new Fairbanks Morse' Ojector water systems, complete $96.. SKATE SHARPENING -- Don't for-1 t,,c Arice" "'J®.8 naa from 18 to 30 decrees below xero Ingstrom Sales and Service. TVlJget your lawn mowers. Robert J.! a toothache so her Imother told her a reg^MlS^bl^S 'lSS •96-W-l. v 34-tf Thurlwell, 110 Main st., West Mc- i 8h«Jf°uldI have to have her tooth | the northwest. blowing irom tTlhe. other dj_ay„ A4 rleen xWtijras: vh adj ' the winter, the thermometer ranging ifrom ih an ,Wr~.a h«irtW LJf Henry. 31-tf FOR SALE -- Pure-bred Hampshire bred gilts. Philip Thennes, R-2, Mc- WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRHenry. Tel. McHenry 612-W-l. ING -- All work fully guaranteed. -y. *35-8 "Torchy" Krause, 310 film St, McfOR SALE--Year- round comfort ami j Henry. Tel. 379. . 42-tf Economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- HAVE YOU HEARD about the new jjjje Rock Wool Home Insulation 1 reduccd Auto Liability and Property yUownm" walls and ceilings. Call Damage rates? They will surprise pEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. I yon. Ask us for insurance rates. 8®tf* j Thw Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. HELP WANTED -- 27-tl St -- jDEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is WANTED--Young girl or woman to the least we pay for dead horses and Work in bakery^ Apply at Riversfde cows in good condition. Wheeling Bake Shop. Mrs. Wolff. 36 Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. •BIB VIWMT 7 ~ 3. Reverse the charges. No help WANTE^-Saiesman to sell needed to load. 14-tf Xoonng, siding and insulation. Fine! , '•pportunity. Drawing account. Car GARBAGE COU.ECTING -- Let uf 552UISi. <-5wit*ct dwpose of your garbage each week, W5?oLoxdUstowcvk,m iIl1iLa V€"' °r € 36-3 or oftener if desired. Reasonable ratefl. ReguUr year round rout6f for. pulled. Arleen thought about it j fjje foip_A *ntr • niafpa, ®A i|*i o€vvacrryv mmAorwniiinngff: 1 oMn/iiu wwrivll obAriniiod*) oAurtc inn oaw fprcwh GwsMrskin>^ and evening and clean them for me?" I Ml™ i# FIFTY YEARS AGO HELP WANTED--Short order cook, merly George Meyers'. Ren J. Smith, •teady employment. Mi-Place, Green Phone 365. tf i V . fit» McHenry. Phone McHenry 377. • -- . . > . 34-tf Workers. *ond, 111. *bid wiwnh .... ConaUtent Cleaning Adds HELP WANTED -- Light factory! _ _ * , _ *dA, steady employment, age 25 j lO Life Or KtlgS to 35; day or evening shift; 5 to 10 Consistent cleaning is a rug's '"m- °^<-.T,a?es T or, conscientious; greatest lifesaver. Rugs in constant use should be thoroughly cleaned at Tel. Richmond 385. least once a>^eek. Occasionally the •« ---- backs should receive attention also, WANTED for dirt and insects tend to work - ; through the rug so they cannot be WANTED--Small business with liv- Picked up by surface cleaning. Jbig quarters--(Food shop, hamburger Vacuum cleaning is the easiest litand or other business, in resort! way to clean a rug. Moved in long ion. Write details, Leigh, 1837' strokes crosswise on the rug, a 104th st., Chicago, 43, 111. *36 j vacuum cleaner picks up insects, WANTKn ~~ " crum'0fc and dirt with a minimum of hamra ivn varms ' wear oil the pile. Remember to In and around McHenry and Lake | V1® ™cu"m ,b?g each * inties. We will get you top prices an exclusive basis. ED LANAgent, Hines Realty ft Con- 'reeafter using, for the cleaner operates efficiently only if the bag i» dustatruction Co. Tel. McHenry 674-M-2 4>r 667-R-2. 34-tf WANTED TO RENT If a broom must be used, be sure thf straws are soft and pliable. An energetic homemaker, who jabs at her rugs with a stiff stubby broom does them more harm than good. Arleen is >ix old »d didn't1 "The B,nk*r'" mind the idea of having her teeth pulled or receiving new teeth but she didn't like to think about taking her plates out and washing them! - „ ^ On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. ,J Mll,er has shown Flo Svaboda entertained the Ladies :Plans for a new house, which he will of Lilymoor with cards, bunco coffee 1 build early in the .on the lot and cake. Everybody had a' grand where his old house now stands. time even I, although I couldn't go I The ice hanrest. which was inter- I bought some tickets and won the ruPte(l by the late thaw, was reprize which was a beautiful casserole i 8Umed again on Monday, and they This Thursday Mrs. Larry Bartelt'are now Puttin? UP fine dear ice will entertain at her home. j 12^u inclie* thick. Visiting the Svobodas this last The firm of H- Mlller * Son dealers week were Mrs. Nan Katz of Erm-iin Marble» Granite, etc., was diswood Park and Mildred Svoboda of ®°lved on January ^ J- H. Miller Chicago. j having purchased his father's inter- The biggest night of young Vic est in the same,.and will hereafter Bassi's life was Friday January 18 F1111 tbe business at the old stand, the night of the Senior'Prom of the iin *his Tilla*e* Crane high school of Chicago. His' There 18 80me corn to husk yet, date for the evening was Miss and numerous farmers are pressed Kathryn Nye of McHenry. The *or want °f crib room to store Prom of 40d was in the Grand Ball-'tb® enormous crop. room of the Continental hotel. Then I forty wars arn to round off the evening a party of! FOKTY YEARS AGO twelve went to dine -'and dance at e . t . the Stevens hotel in the Boulevard _Sa£ar» ">est granulated, per pound, room. They ended the evenine at!4* cent«; fancy maple sugar, pound, the Sky Club. He bought Kathryn'10 cents; fancy salmon, 9 cents; half a beautiful white orchid corsage IE,1.1?.1 lx>ltles «ood catsup, .8 cents. Some thrill ' hey boys" to spend an Gl^rt®r°8 Co , . .. ^ evening like that? • The "ark hotel is being repapered Stanley Mann, son-in- law of Mr. J throughout, and when finished will and Mrs. Vic Bassi, Sr. is in De- Pre8e.nt a neat appearance.. The work A T x iff* _ V i • ia Kaimm ilA«A W«« u* !.!> o •»! troit, Mich., on business, is being done by E. B. Perkins. Dr. Larson's office is undoubtedly one of the busiest places in the coun- -- m _ _ -ty of late. Since the installation of MfiCllllOflll l.alf ^ the ^^tric appliances the doctor re- •• • | ports a rapidly increasing business. Nearly all of eur teachers attended •••••••< the county federation at Woodstock |¥ANTED TO RENT -- House, 6 j jj^gs should not be beaten or (By Miss Ereell Loek) Remember the box social Saturday night, January 26, at Horn's. Cards were mailed out to all known residents of the community. If you didn't receive one it doesn't mean that you are not welcome. This party is for all residents of this community and their guests, so come over adn get acquainted with your neighlast Hiursday and Friday. THIRTY YEARS AGO Community Church 1 Church School: 10:00 a.m. ? « ii w »T qi i **'®* ---- -- "- i »uh ni acquaintea witn vour neiirh- A- P« Freund, the local milk man,' ^^K8^? Service: 11:00 a-m. ooms or more. Call McHenry 31. j rf^en, for this loosena the tufts, bors. q y° F ^ jhas purchased a second hand Partinr. u. s. rme, SOD Waukegan^^ ^ jn addition to ^ caiuful cleaning, j ^ The ladies are to pack a box lunch' Palmer touring car, which he has Hup rains of the past few days have again cut the ice in the river. This is the first time in many years that the river has opened up during mid-winter when once solidly frozen over. After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; ShOO p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. * St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00, Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:30 On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Maaa. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:0(rto 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Johnaborg Maases: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 Holy Daya: 7:00 aad 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00 Firat Friday: 8:0fe* Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80 Thursday before Firat Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. Tel. McHenry 24S-J • HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhangiiig, Removing Old Wall Paper With Steamer Spray Painting 105 N. GREEN Si., M'HENRY DS. R. DeBOMH .. -- Deatkrt- 120 Green Street v Phone M2-J. MeHe^f Office Hoars: It to f pja. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:80 Other homi by appointaient TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 D». E. H. WATKIMS Dorttit ^ ; - Office Hons* . '•'*•7 A Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 pj||- Evenings and Sunday Mornings " - by Appointaient! Loekoat Point Wonder Lake. IN. A.P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic . and Crane Service. _ iL Road Building-- Tel. 234-M McHenry, Hi Office Hows--Daily Except Thars. II to 12,1:M to 4:30, Mon„ Wed^ Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appointment H. 8. VAN DENBURGH. DC. PhC Chiropractor 120 Green 8t Tel. 292-R. McHenrf -Residence Phone Hebron 926 WEINOART TRUCKINO McHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Filling and Lii Vetephone McHenry 655-R-2 St. Peter's Cathohc Church, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00, Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:09. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:lfi, Taursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:16. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch John St. East of Highway 81 West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation v to worship with us. The mesaage heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your heart with hope and courage; Services ;9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Talking Point!* W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--WGN 11:$0 a.m. Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand «-- Grivd -- Cinders Btftek Dirt -- Limestone Dump Trucks For Hire Phone Johnsburg 677-W-2 ^ McHenry, UL ifljm. H. 8. Fin • Veteftptjrteii .. 80S Wauktgan Ht. ftlcHENRY, ILL. SI j A. WORWIOK ' Commercial Phe^graphy Phone 27ft -- Riverside Drive McHENRY. Ii,L. WANTED TO RENT years may be added to the life of a j for two people, wrap it in fancy converted into a truck for use in Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. • Apartment ! ^8 by using a pad under it, espe- i paper or otherwise, then the men jhi8 ^airv. business. t or house; returning serviceman and! cially if the floors are rough or un- ' will purchase them at the auction.' , The rain and sleet storm of Tueswife. Bussell Stewart, Phone Burl- even. Put glass furniture rests under ,on t forget to put your name in- j "ay n>ght and Wednesday morning fngton 909-J. Reverse charges, or! the legs of all heavy furniture, and |?lde the l|K>x' 80 th® male species will | P"^_a"f1® the u iwrite to 681 Liberty St., Burlington, make sure that doors do not scrape Know who he with, when the n«88 h«re and a8,a re8«u ^e,arn^ gjWis. *35-2 ulrruM i S,me comes- A11 money received of workers as well as the employers ' wie rugs- 11 from the auction will be used at are *nythinK but happy. WANTED TO BUY Uthis party and if any is left over it The village lodging house, under' . Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a.m. Divine services--3:00 p.m. H. L. Pfotenhauer, Pastor. WANTED TO iBUY -- Dump truck,• „ . ,#° OM to Pf**" 4 ,1937 to 1940 model. Call Crystal! . People are generally too old to ^liLake 8061-Y-3. *36 dream when they reach their 65th '1 ------ : * birthday. According to Encyclo- IWANTED TO BUY -- Four or five paedia Britannica, dreams tend to jroom summer home, near McHenry, on or near Fox River. Address Box f"BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf become less vivid with advancing age and are rare among normal individuals past 65. V'T^V" ' will be used for subsequent affairs Ithe management of Revor' and \ New of similar nature. |man, has been doing a big bsuiness The auction will start at 9-00 since the advent of cold weather, p.m., so come early and enjoy the Near'y every night finds at least fun. Nobody can have more fun one or more o{ the8e unemployed than people, except more people. ««eking shelter in McHenry. Ringwood Church Ringwood, HI. The board of directors of the, TWENTY YEARS AG© Property Owner's association will ~T"--1 " , . meet at Goranson's Sunday, February Mlss Alvira Heimer returned home 2, at 10:30. We are going to start Monday after spending a few daya Sunday--Public worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. Phone McHenry 86-W 0. N. FREUND UVfeBTOCK -- LIME -- COAL 106 Waukegan Road Weat McHenry, I1L Al's Welding Service West of C. ft N. W. Depot EScetric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. McHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R J -- One JlUe South of McHeary on Route SI Flowers for all occasions! Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Elstate of JAMES J. DOHERTY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March 4, 1946, is the claim date in the estate of James £hone McHenry 637-R-2 * -- Basement Ekcavating -- - NETT'S SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dili .. Power T "veling and Grading. J. K. *ETT JACOB FRITZ Real Estate and Insurance Mala St, Jehnsbarg m McHeary I7M14 Chicago Office Lmcoln IStM - PICK-UP AND DELIVERY - VOGUE CLEANERS SNOW WHITE ^AUNDRY McHENRY CLEANERS plans for the Gay Nineties of 1946, wiit. CWcago relatives so if you have any ideas or sug-! Miss Elizabeth Miller has returned; jt Doherty. Deceased, pending in the gestions, attend this meeting. Your ,?m, a three weeks v«|t with County Court of McHenry County, interest is solicited--we can make, n«, 8, *"« relatives in Chicago. ? Illinois, and that claims may be this a big year with your help. Men s all-wool suits, 116.50; mens against the said estate on or Some time pgo, someone took tar- neckband shirts, $1.79; men s flannel gaij date without issuance of . ^ . --u* -- McGoe's Cloth- .. . . PAUL DOHERTY, NELLIE DOHERTY, Executors. (Pub. Jan. 10-17-24) McMen^ CleaneTs and Laffilfcy Services 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M !get practice on the beach lights and P'^ht gowns, $1.35. shot them all out. Who the person M ,. . _ or persons were, we have no way of Miss Eleanor Phalin and Genevieve i knowing. We can only hope that Knox of DeKalb spent the week-end {they have had their fun and are now with the home folks in McHenry. , willing to let the skaters enjoy going -- ' to and from the lake. TTiese things Stiffen Rayon t _. all cost money and any unnecessary Perhaps you would like to add j „ Locusts Die K«riy repair bills take away from some pertneas to an old, limp rayon dress. ! Mature "-year locuata Uve o^rja future improvement. We hope that Ray0n does not take starch as does Jew weeks, the female dying after if anything bothers anyone, that cotton ReneatPd washing or clean- i her 400 to 600 eggs are laU».. The they will bring it to the attentoin full-grown insects eat Uttle comof the association before taking any Pared food totake of ^ unsavory action. Some day we PP., ?Vay„De reiievfr Dy us ® •- J wmight be able to do you a good turn. ® gelatin dip. Use two tablespoons of * * ' plain, granulated gelatin and soak in small amount of cold water CRYSTAL LAKE LAUNDRY AMD CLEANERS All services P. F. Ledts, Agent Phone 32 117 Gnu* St. At least give us a chance. H. C. LOCK, Pres. of Property Owner's Aaan. Some of the folks seen putting up with the cold winter winds in these parts last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gregory.*' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riemr, Ann Berg and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johnson. I hear that Joe Horn was testing the ice on the lake for the skaters. Ray C. Willits and daughters, lone and Juanita, viaited the Clarke Jan. a to soften. Pour boiling water into the softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Cool with cold water until it ia easy to work in. Dip the cleanly washed and rinsed dress into this solution and squeeze between the hands. Roll in a towel until dry enough to iron. For more details, aee your home demonstration agent. Subscribe for The Plaiadaalar grub years. Chief damage done by tiie locust is caused by the female --the wounding of young trees in the preparation of the egg nests. From 4 to 20 nests have bean found in a single twig; 80 nests ih a Hne have beiif cut in a single limb. The ragged slits cause twigs and branches to break, and leave unsightly scats. Yeu&g osdiards, especially auffer. Order your rubber stamps at the Ptaindealet. WANTED TO BUY We pay 9S to $25 for Old Horses, lesa for down horses aad cattle. fitaft's Mink Ranch JuhnsburgV Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 669-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HOR8E8 4 CATTLE We pay phone charges. Stractaral Steel - Oraamental Jro* Building SpsdalNsa . gtain aad H. L. BECKER SM Railroad SL MARENGO, ILL. Ml Telephone No. S00 Stoffe! A Reihangperger Insurance agents for all classss of property in the beat eoapanies. WEST MeHENRY - - ILLINOIS FIRE AUTO INSURANCE EAKL K. VALSI PreseatiBg Reliable Companies k yoa aeed iasaiaaia ef «n kM Phone 43 or 118-M Oreen 4 Elm McHenrf For MFRIOERATIOI SERVICE OaO WONDER LAO 068 ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO REFAIR8 Let as laiisMls that aoxt electri. LBO G^JSimdtat 272-M Oritt C,

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