K*. Mm* WCB flfl _w. hry." SiliertBg^JNir. SH- #9 l*7-««a» Owfi1! ivy, Qrapi ^QKBBf J3MH|^ •Wall» ouwMR 4Wn, DwarfBoston tel. Among general HoHage plants sore Pipnoints, ABtttricum, taatviera, Coleus, Baby's tears, Bex Begonia, Strawberry geranium. Boccutents have thick, fleshy and stems and require an of sunshine. They can withstand dry conditions. Outstanding succulents include Agave, Aloe, Grassula, Echereria, Euphorbia, Hsworthia, Kalanchoe, Masemhryanthninum, Stoneoop sedum, Sempervivum and Stapelia. For those interested in cacti as toast plants thm are Old Man cac- Organ Pipe cactus, Rabbit's cactus, Rat-tail cactus. Fishcactus, Living Rode cactus. Golden Ball cactus. Cacti grown for their flowers are Christor Crab cactus, Easter cac- Night-bloormnc Cereus, and Orcactua. « <• *,»- ' *r'1 !.• \ Mefttttka te raise • year to saptfr Mi Subscribe for Hie Plaindealer ties in wrtwfchss. When added to chopped carrot. shradded cabbage or diced arte onto a chewy spread results. Or, if peanut butler is added to dried fruits, Jelly or honey, the result is • sweet sandwich. When added to chopped pickle or catsup, still different flavors are achieved. Peanut batter may be added to salad dressing tor cabbage or fruit salad*, or it may be used in a cream soup to give a nutty flavor. Because of the high fat content of peanut butter, it may be used to replace part of tiie flat in muffins, cookies and griddle 4hkes. Using peanut butter as a shortening improves the n» tritive value of the baked product because of the protein which is in peanut butter, but not in fats commonly used as shortening, reminds the agent. Peanut butter may be inized with jams or preserves and ttaed #s a cake filling. Read the Want Ads t-M* •.. -•' 4•* «* i "• ^ *, r- sf* ^ Jt, 'T* ' ^ " V ^ V . ; * % * ' ? - BO FUTURE •stem S H O O T M E S T C I I I F t • * T .s. PHOMS 156 PSABL ST. McHKMKY •> SiomfuutaitA 17tU /ItuUo&tfatup and Verena Stompanato and Staff Extend Many Thanks Few Your Splendid Patronage. Sensational 17th Anniversary Permanent Wave Specials De-ter-ja-lized process Permanent Wave, Combining beat and cold ware f 15.00 Rajrmonde, reg. $25.00 .for Pre-war Croquignole Wind Oil Pennaneats. 10% Discount » $«f| AA Starting at , 1U UU Cold Wares Reylsr SltJiS for SiajWi Reg. »H. for S11JS Machineless Pernanenta Beg. SUM for 110. Reg, flkM fer 91&M Other Marhiiflni Wares S7JM ep Note Pre-War Oil Permanents for -All the above specials for February only i'. i ij.»mi y, j swiftiwi:' grown-ups, 10% discount School dirts only ..From 7.50 2 Persons Permanent Specials, starting At Single $7.60 *12 75 2 Persons for COMBINATION SPIRAL Croquignole or Bonat Wind HA tp Permanents No- other discount I V All Spiral or ALL Bonat Wind S4 £ Cf| up Permanents. No other discount IC*wU NOTE-- We give absolutely free a halrcnt or hair-shaping, scientific hair and scalp steamer oil streatment, special shampoo and halrdreaa, on all permanents. IF WE CAN HELP GROW HAIR! There Is say sign ef hair, yea have dandrafi; year scalp Is Itchy, year hair Is falling, yee are halt, yea have Alopecia, yew h*,r #nJ» tave skip Meals bet, t«r scientific met bed will help yee. . ^ . • "irri ' " Change Your Weight FOR BKAI TY*H SAKE . . Oar srleatlflc •Method will help yns redace II fa SO peaadN monthly. safely, healthfully. John Mtempeaate Vrad. Massear Phywle-Tberspy Hydro-Therapy Eleetrekfglst. Balrmttlag MylM Keaatfrlaa (Lady Asstntaat) Chalear Short-Wars let bed Wanted-- Beaety Operators i Days Weekly ^Tuesdays Threegh Saturdays •PAIN*~v« When your doctor recommends .. deep-heat Therapy to sllevtate pain due to colds . . nasal 'Sinuses, stiff joints with in flamed muscles .... rheumatism, arthritia, lumbago -and sack ailments. our new short wave radio therapy will bo very beneficial. We will go out on-calls. STOMPANATO*S •cnatf • Body Contour ^ KNHvelysIs Ralen Swedish Massage and Baths Phone Ml Woodstock, UL CM Bah 84. 07 Benton M, I'lesed AO Bay Bn •>a<sps Except Weeks Bsvtag BsBdays •pea Taesdays Thru Matardays 8 a. m. to 8 p. bl mm*ii - * - * 9- ; • - ' • 'i «rtnd trip iraond the Pacttc war ihsatsr to report en the army chaplains, lie found htmaelf unexpectedly Ncalled upon to conduct aervices on aevwal warships. lie had not previously wijoyed much contact with tiie navy. He was puzzled. Jut reluctant to inquire the meaning of a motto which was inscribed or a metal tag attached to every one >f the wooden pulpits installed or. .he decks of warahips. The motto said: "Overboard in action." At first he thought it might be sftme kind of a traditional navy ohrase, indicating that a preacher should go all-out in his preaching But that didn't seem to quite make sense, so at last he mustered up enough nerve to ask about it. He soon found out that the tag was an instruction to the crew for any time when the ship went into action and got into serious straits. The wooden reading desk, a fire hazard, was to be tossed to the waves. iitiiiiiim (By Vaneeae Sells) January ends this week. The end of the beginning of a new year. Although January -was not the beginning of the year in early times-- according to the earliest Roman calendars, Mareh m the first month of the year--the Soman god, Janus, for Whom the month was named, was the pptron saint of beginnings. tot hha. 1ft that either tlMy or their tenant will have to mof out becauae everything in tiie Immediate vteinfty is beginnings to smeU (flee that little skunk. Richard Wallace, resident of Wonder Woods, has deputy sheriff by Nulle, with nil the powers of that office. Congratulations, Mr. f Wal lace. - bjhe ef fin ' . hi •yhet to ldr tookfu .a hangar what wy* ak-' She sgpreak$ea me f eat&« and the loaves of the tared*. I have nad of the horrors of war, and I have viewed the pictures that came from the torn op areas, but somehow it didnt seem that these appointed j things could happen to us. Now I County Sheriff know they couhf--after hearing an ordinary American Wonym, in a fashionable blue dress, Tj^nrlr of savoring worms! And Pearl dhren hnva itay (infer out breathing. Thek ance is from 50 to W i and therefore was naturally the god of the beginning of the day, and eventually; of the beginning of the year. Tftie head of Janus was a fearful "thing, with a face on both sides, so that he could look, according to Longfellow, "Forward, backward and 'below." (This is a good trick, and one that most mothers could us to advantage!) This first fall in her home this week resulting in several broken ribs and sundry bruises. We hope that her convalescence will not be too painful. The R. Hesslers have added another little girl . to . their family. Iva Anderson, aged 10, is visiting their homo for an indefinite period. Iva started to school Monday. All Brttaia thousands of jiaraj ain formed part of ttt. mainland of Europe. Our sympathy to Mr. At tterritt' forests and across ite duwui who accidentally killed his little dog 41,8 men of the Old this week. The little creature had crs of bison and mammalS^.. ran to meet his car, and as the car and deer; gatherers of berries *OTl®d int® the drive, it skidded into roots. The Ice ace mrtnf km .^th2^^r^ luitttilre frr i^en djlsw,a Zb*u4t. litaor d,l_o!s°e sthhee ewt itthhder awNaolr t--h lihTrsrits nfftj^j' ohneea rtinac hthei.s manner must be a d««o«u"»b»l«e 1 channel came into'being and^ j ain became an island. If your husband doesn't < give you all the things he promised you bepHwth, which ». .nd th. ^ OkifhUd to mtTri^ S in U <m ?hl™tohr. Order your Rubber Staqa at Ifeg know as January, was named by the Scandinavians after Thor, their god of storms. The old Anglo-Saxons spoke of it as the Wolfmonth, be- The upper grades had a surprise party for JoAnne Resheske in honor cause the wolves came into the' vil-! of her twelfth birthday this week, lues in search of food, during the The sixth grade, were hosts and hos-1 cold of that month, when nothing tesses for the occasion. Barintra | alive was in the forests. Ko matter Sellek and Peggy Selsdorf baked I by what name this winter month cakes for the refreshments. I was known, surely even the ancients | : I I must have been glad to see it pass.) Mrs. Pat Wrede has gone to Ark., Me too. ion an errand of mercy. Wo hear! 1 that she has gone to take over the ] Mrs. Alan Armstrong took a few household of a sick relative. Must; days off this week and made a short ^ n>ce to have a relative like Pat!! visit to her sister in Milwaukee. I ' J Have you noticed that big, happy; On Tuesday of this week, otfr two ®n th® £ac® ^ Mra- M^yer? teachers. Mrs. Eleanor Foley, and J^11: ls 5 brand new stove in Uncle--You've grown a lot since I saw you last. Nephew--Yes. Uncle--If you keep it up, you-U soon be just like your father. Nephew--That's what mother says she's afraid of. Mrs. Bernice Blount, aided by Mrs. ! Jane Richards, broke in the new electric stove at the school. TCiey her kitchen, and everytime she looks' at it. she just has to smile! Makes her feel so good to see it, after: School Date Teacher--What is the plural of hippopotamus? Smarty--.The plural of hippopotamus is hip-pop-p- . . . Who wants more than one hippopotamus anyway? 8ad Saek Joe--Are you happy now that you're in the army? Bill--Yes. Joe--What were you in civilian life? Bill--Happier still. Anlnil Fte Returned Soldier--And" there at the end of the road was a barric a d e . . . . Small Boy--Were there any bears in it? favorite Seme Cat-Up Patient -- What's your sport? Doctor--Sleighing. Patient--You misunderstand me. I mean aside from your business, r Service Plus Diner--This steak isn't very tender. Waitress--Sorry, sir, but the only affectionate things in this restaurant is us waitresses. BOUGH BIDBft perpared and served a mid-day din- having cooked with kerosene through-( iner for twenty-five persons; teachers 0 war* j of the surrounding rural disticts, n j ^ .v Miss Cooley, kindeparten teacher in ™at Box supner sponsored by the McHenry, Mrs. Mary Endres, county ^°P]mun,ty ^UY, school on ' superintsRaant of ?eho«ls--Mrs. l^r'<iav was re^ly very touch, of a da Dieraen, assistant county super- fuc^f8' "etted a fine amount ; intendant. and Mrs. Clara Greaves ^ a.p»nst the new electnc | Sweeney, home advisor for McHenrv 8 ^ program wis pre- | county. The menu was a most hearty auctioning of the .one consisting of baked ham and ^ Blount sang ; srweet potatoes, peas, a molded salad, V •' se I fried pineapple rings, date pudding . rs weT^ and coffee received with grefet enthusiasm, and i „ , many asked that we repeat this type teacher for Df -program in the near future. Mrs. I the district, gave a lesson on clay Virginia Monteleone played the ac- I Jn?dehng, after which each teacher companiment foT all numbers. ;tried her bwul at shaping small Mr. Ray Von Bampus graciously: , k" ?? wiimals. Mrs. Mead donated his time as an auctioneer,: I had brought wiui her, from an ad- he was really a "Natural." Many j vance claasin Chicago, for display of the boxes sold for as high as $4.00 purposes, dosens of small modeled each. 7th and 8th grade mothers figures painted and shellacked, for made coffee. the teachers to examine. ( | After the dinner was eaten, Mrs. Sweeney gave the group a dancing was general in the upstairs demonstration on textile painting room. which received much favorable com- j * ^ men" | _ This week two most important A " 'drives sre in progress. Both are Over the weekend, Mrs. Foley and to be cleared through the school. Mrs. Cooley attended an art class The March of Dimes, for the aid at the University of Chicago. The of polio victims, and the Clothing class was under the direction of Drive for the aid of stricken Europe. Miss Jesse Todd, and covered both T^iese art worthy causes and deserve clay. modeling and finger painting, your wholehearted support. You may remember that Miss Todd, paid a visit to Harrison school last! Twelve-year old Richard Richard* year. won the envy of all his school mates J this week when he strutted into Mrs. Virginia Monteleone was hos- school clad in the complete costume i less for a group of her friends this of a paratrooner major. Helmet,1 week. The occasion was a home- boots, and jacket--what a dashing: making demonstration, after which figure he cut in the eyes of his coffee and cake was served. i generation! (The outfit was cont tributed by a friend of his father's Walter Stromski returned home who is plenty tired of it!) from the hospital in .Woodstock this j week, and we hear that he is very I I was one of the, hundreds at tho glad to be back. Taint no fun bein' Woodstock hieh school auditorium on sick, and we really hope Mr. 8. is.Farm and Home Dav to hepr Dr. genuinely on the mend .again, Evelyn Withoff <pe4k. Dr. Withoff _ told of her confinement for thirty- R. H. (Rudy) Pinkel is on the! Wonder Lake sick list. Hie doctor has ordered Mr. Pinkel to bed for a rest of from four to six weeks, and the doctor said, "Absolute quiet-- with no visitors!" Friends of Mr. Pinkel will be sorry that he is abed, and sorry that they cap't drop in for a little chat now and then, but the doctor says that recovery will be much quicker if the "no visitor" rule is strictly adhered to. You can call on the teleohone, though, if you want Mrs. Pinkel will be glad to pass along your good wishes to her husband. To the Vitas rf McHeiirj Coat? t BIB a candidate for tin office of ootmty tnuinf. Primary, April 9 ' ff I impeotfnlly solicit your vol•. E. F. KUECKER Knight's Refrigeration Commercial Refrigerating Machinery 4 to 50 H. P. • .-I FREEZERS FOR FARM OR tfOME BULK COOLERS We build ooolers any sixe--Over 26 yean , *' US FOR REPAIR 81ftVICT PHONE McHENRY 439-W WHY BE FAT Stableman--r>ow, isn't that a line horse for getting you over the jumps? New Rider--Yes, but I'd like it a lot better if he'd come with me. _ - Slow Fall Joe--Don't come down that"1a<fder. I've taken it away. Bill--It's too late. I'm already half way down. Dumb Dora Hi*--I'll have you know Tm a highminded girl. He--Yeah, if anyone says "Hi," you don't mind H. Not In the Contract She--Will you love me if I grow fat? He--No. I promised for better or wane, not through thick and thin* ; In the Rough Joe--My grandfather went around the golf course in 79. Bill--So what. My grandfathei went all the way to California in 'A Pretty Pointless Mack--What puzzles me is why there is a plant like a cactus. • Jack--Yes, that is a sticker. Over-Valued Jane-^I feel like thirty cents. Joan--Well, everything is priced nowadays. Quick Work Her--What would you say jf 1 said I didn't believe in kissing? Him--Good-byt Deep Fish Eytt Deep sea fish have large with large pupils so as to admit more of the dim light. Tree Saved Oeitss When Oortes made hi* famous march from Mexico City to the Gulf of Honduras, he and his companions were able to survive in the trackless Jungles of Peten Only because of the abundance of tzicopzapotl, a fruit which later became famous as the •ource of chewing gum. When Mr. Walter Troxell answered his service phone this week, he was quite surprised when a dulcet feminine voice said "Hello Darling," especially when he didn't recognize the voice. The lady was covered with confusion when she found she had miadialed a little and that her hus-i band was not on the other end of the wire! • * • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stuvinga have a new tenant under their house. A H H H 4 I I I H iH I H Ml 1 1 I I I ANNOUNCEMENT ^dasire to announce that I have pereheeed Mra. Adams' Taxi Service *nd will aim to give the best service possible. Every courtesy will be extended. Will meet all trains, bosses and other calls with prompt and reliable service. i • 4; /• ? ,• No trip too short or too long. 2^HOUR SERVICE .. rr, iiratAm' ie-'aSMt '*• fti CECIL L. BALLOWE Eat plenty yet lose weight with delicious candy reducing plan Have m more ttaader, graceful Hkwe No caercMing. No laxative*. Nodnifi With the (imple AYDS Vitamin Candjr Reduanc Plan you don't cut out anv meals. starchea. potatoea meats or butter you (imply cut them down. It'ieacaer when you enjoy delicioua (vitamin fartiMd) AYDS carxhr a* directed. Abaot- r^lv ° II lma dri atkhaaal SwTum aomaamda cttaardt Uby « am IeSd iMcaal .d octor! I II dIna daa fse w •••!• with AYDS Vitaaua Caady 1U-I Plan. I 'lwUitht vnm Mtpup.l vM ofO ANYKDYS B oAaClvK b oai lfi rlafta bMo. decbUnaMhM d DOLGER'S DRUG STORE, McHenry t Phone McHenry 59-W until 11 pjn. Phone Wonder Lake 113 after 11 pjn. TpUR PATRONAGE WILLtBE APPRECIATED , ;' ' y:- "I>ike sunset splendors o'ei ;• the sea,-. , f Like sea birds sunlit as they!! roam.M ' " '• • • • * .. ' / " A service that is inlpres-j j sively beautiful -- 8ympa-«» thetic understanding -- at-> • tention to every detail. Let us serve wbett the nesd' • m T arises. * Jacob Justen Sons •: FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Phone McHenry 10H-R Residence, McHenry 112-W < ^ Green Street, Cotnn Wkm :: MHEHRY THERE'S A NEW SMtLE at the Sign of Friendly • * . ? m v BEGINNING FEBRUARY 2nd SHORTTS TIRE SHOP will operate the Mobilgas Station at 409 West Elm street oa Rente 190. VULCANIZING, RECAPPING, TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIRE REPAIR! DRIVE IN FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE C A.1SHERIFF, Propnetor