w*. MRS. HELEN LONG FOUND DEAD I • mm TAVERN l'c, . Death From Natural datum Determined ' After Investigation ; "DICK" TOLESON IN CRITICAL CONDITION FOLLOWING ACCIDENT A tragic auto accident occurring last Saturday evening about 11:30 o'clock placed Richard Toleson of this city in the Wbodstock hospital, where his condition remains critical. A few times since being admitted, % it •m * "1 shortly after midnight, on February 8, he has shown a little improvement, but except for these brief moments he has remained unconscious. "Dick" and a companion, Vernon _ .. . . , X-1 Kennebeck, were traveling north on Pyfh W the Pistakee Bay blacktop road en +***?} ^.5pI?hof ""te to a wedding dan J at Nell'. Monday afternoon in the dea ballroom when the accident occurred. I FREUND BROTHERS SERVE IN STATES AND OVERSEAS -Monday sM- rs. , H, ele.n . B,i rk Lon-g ,• who was Kennebeck was unable to sSy just ft*! £ ^ nf what happened, but it is thought that ] *the**n Connor Xr^LT Fe£ the ear skidded on some loosi gravel1 7 Jrnt 8t the intersection at the Otto tte sKieofher ^fbycou"ty author- Adams' garage, careeninr into a telhone * on the irft side of tties. who were called by an employee .^ j of the tavern who was unable to . . . tain entrance earlier in the day. | Toleson suffered a basal skull frac- Mrs. Long, 40 years old, had been ture and his condition was first desiderating the Connor tavern since " f° critical that he was not -the owner and his wife left for expected to live for more than a "Florida a few weeks ago. Formerly few hours. However since that time •he had operated the Farmhouse tav- "e V.as re!n51?™1 unc ^ . an A, j -ern on Route SI, south of McHenry, £amily fnends offering their for five years, but sold out recently hopes and prayers thst ^ will soon NSW LIBRARY BOARD SELECTED TO CHOOSE SUITABLE LOCATION FEW CONTESTS ARE SLATED APRIL9 IDIMARY ... - Treasurer, Sheriff ;c . taoee Are Expected . ,„ ; B l i a f ' O u t V o t e J | | f f April 9 may •••*** like the distant future, but for those who will be opposed in the primary election that day, the tints will pass quickly. The last day for filing was last week and it closed with flrw surprises in the way Of unexpected contests. There will ba only two races for county positions on the Republican ticket, those being for treasurer and sheriff.; „ .. .,. ,, . , Four coi\tests are slated for precinct' "^ting with Mayor Overton last committeemen posts in the Republi-iw . were, following ladies, all can ranks and one in the Democratic mem the Mothers club, which Photo by A Worwick. McHenry ROBERT FREUND Representatives from each McHenry ward and also of the City Council met last week for the purpose of discussing a possible site for the public library. Since its inception many years ago, the library has been located in a small room in the local high school, with permission of the board of education. Now with the greater need for space by the school, it is necessary that the library seek new quarters. Also, 1h the result of a tax levy approved by the City Council some time ago, the library will receive approximately $760 a year for its support. With the addition of new books made possible though the city's aid, there would seem to be a second reason for the library moving to a more spacious place. THOMAS F. HATES, LIFELONG RESIDENT OF COUNTY, IS DEAD Thomas F. Hayes, 85, a lifelong resident of Woodstock and Harvard and well known in this community, died last Thursday, January 31, 194*6, i in Woodstock. ' Mr. Hayes was the last member of his own family, his parents and | brothers having preceded him in} death. He was a veteran of the' Chicago and Northwestern railroad I company, working for them for fifty-! five years. He retired from duty in j 1931, after serving as chief train) electrician. Survivors include, besides MRS. P. F. FRE MET UNEXPEOTEI DEATH SATORDAY Died Short Tim* V After Attending' fjP.-j Nuptial Service l\ party. was responsible for the start of the ISSKr, supervisor of >£ c"°H ship, have entered the race. Star. Mrs.' OJ Reih^s£rger; «d'sine/That timeTad "moveTinto be^in to improve Kennebeck suffer- The above pi^red brothers ate i Mrs. Clarence Angiese, Mrs. A. L trnilpr in the Grove near the Con- ^ on,y • *ew tosses- ;sons of Gerald Freund, former Mc-;.Lui j n o, ,, Froehlich, Mrs. George Kramer, *Dr tavern. When Mr. Connor de- i Both boys were recently discharged Henry resident, who resided for a pre8cnt treasurer and Harold "f* ^STTer^a' ®eor*e Freun<l •*»<! aTp MuX for « vacation, from then.vy. Toleson h,ving>- «m. on Elm «.«t until ^yin* 4. R^^^SienyesS^chirf ^*r , W*Uh: Goo4.ll wu die nude airanrements to operate rived heme in November after Dundee . y,,r «(fo ' 'JS^ VherW. fresidetit Mrs Ihttor, vice. ~Us place during his absence. j serving more than two years in Second Lieutenant Robert entered, „ T . rir., T , President and Mrs. Reihansperger, - ASan^nn Tnnnft Panama. service three years ago and gradu- .**enry ** Cowlia of Crystal Lake secretary and treasurer. „ _ - ti t|l_f n-rh.n* , ated as a pilot in the army air J"11 T" ^°,?P°8?? as ^""ty judge. ^Believing for a. time ttot perhaps HoffMl Jtiirh ! corps last October. At present he J^°n A Wicks, who was elevated to gpo6<aT Peoverv From Ae had met foul play, a coroners «ROnn X|Ogan O80 Olgn ..g sUtioned in Oklahoma. Prior to the ^ •• •*»*•« attorney when sfceCOvery XTOm inquest was ordered but later Cor- Dairy Herd For Year (entering service he lived in McHenry, w!%$ M. Carroll was elected cir- PnenmOIlia Made By Leonard The McHenry ' County Dairy as and r Ehorn said that he was satis ied that she died from natural -causes, probably from a heart at' . .. ^ - .. 4 _ u » tack. There were no marks of vio- Ration reports that John Hogan lance on her body and the taverii re- Rmgwood has the high herd in eeipt8 and her diamond rings had »BSOC'a^'Q" for w'th a" not been disturbed. I°L1868^* P®unds of milk and Mrs. Long was apparently prepar-' UnL \Pn • 0 ? ^ milkmgs. to retire when she was stricken, 0 ^ ^ra •»a fell face forward on the floor. Sieves that feed and care Evelyn Stedman, an employee, re- _a m*ior pa ln ,t e dairy prop o r t e d f o r w o r k S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n . . . . . and was unable to get into the 9tJ*€' .h**}1 Aeili8. were .Mj0®®,?! "tavern. Authorities were summoned Ralph Nichols iof Hebron, with 12166 pnd upon finding the body it was pounds of milk, and 447 per cent -taken to the Merwin funeral hdm*1**4' an<* .^®t of Ben Winn of Richla Woodstock. mond, with 12709 pounds of milk Mrs. Long was born in Woodstock and 433.2 fat. 1i July 15, 1905, and had lived in "McHenry county all her life. She wait a d«ughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Birk. who preceded her in death. She is survived by a son, Raymond <3ehrs, now in the navy, and three toothers, Harold, Vernon and Armour Birk, the latter a deputy sheriff in -flit county. ! having been employed by his uncle) £!"t_jtfdge, is being' honored with the . Walter Freund, in West McHenry. Kepublican nomination without NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN WALTER WINN AOA1 , REELECTED DIRECT^ OF THIS PMA DISTRICT Walter. Winn, director of the Sixth lure Milk district foe the paat ten years, was re-elected again Saturday at the annual meeting of the district held in the Woodstock high school. His re-election almost makes it cer- Lloyd W. Oeffling is one of 2,099 army veteran* who have returned to the United States aboard the S. S. Cape Per-: ?stua, which left { okohama, Japan, | on Jan. 14. This Bany F of the Third Illinois Reserve [ilitia: Lyle E. Mathews, Harvard, second lieutenant. John L. Townsend, Woodstock, first sergeant. Lawrence H. Sward, Marong<u sergeant. T«, „> T We «re kappy to report that Willi.™ D. H.nford, McHenry. «rh" Charles "DulT,"' l^onard of Wood-! Kenneth A. Hicgins, Capron, mesa _ . _ . , . . . s t o c k , p o p u l a r a u c t i o n e e r m t h i s s e r g e a n t ' Raymond D. Wbods for the third part of the state, is making a splen-1 An unexpected death which east a grey cloud over the reigning happithe'ness a nuptial ceremony occurred widow," Elizabeth button" H^yes, five last L Saturday »n. Johnsburg. Within children, Mrs. Frank J. Green,l£,n ^our ®f.th« time that Mrs. PetCT Charles, Mrs. Edwin Conway andif' Fr®und knelt m St. Johns church Mrs. Harold Kemmerling, all of I1® Wltn^s the marriage, ceremony Woodstock, and Mrs. Will Daly of!?f a. neighbor, she passed away in Chicago. Funeral services were held' £ home not far away. at St. Mary's church, Woodstock, on] „Bec(%amg. 'l1 u the. serX!!?' Monday morning, with burial in Cal-'^T8- Freund left the church. Outside she met Clarence Martin, was delivering mail nearby, and asked it' he would give her a ride home. Her husband, who was working at the mink ranch just north of Johnsburg, was summoned immediately and reached home shortly be- . for her death. The deceased had The following promotions have j apparently been in good health until been announced by Captain Claude Saturday, not having complained to Pagles, commanding officer of Comvary cemetery. MEMBERS OF RESERVE MILITIA GIVEN PROMOTIONS j position, 'term. Walter E. Low, Ringwojd, corporal. Casimer E. Gondik, Alden, corporal. posed b MM McCannon, wSo WM~Srtrrt iltaesT'Vn| B±l'Ph B~>m' Cry*,al Uk*- seeks| the title of superintendent of forty-seven years and rumors spread! ' j ago but resigned to enter service. it wm h£TOu!th0Ut the °°unty thBt Bobegene Potmen Named Endres held during his absence. J time is running unopposed for the did recovery after a recent%out with , office of county clerk. Also unop-; pneumonia. According to Mr. Leon Charles F. Renich, publisher of ;°L^t« £ .Tmmrf fri.nH." r ^ y ^ardeners closed , burg on May 10. 1886, the daughter i the PlaindeataY^ is seeking re-election ^ ^ in JmS w. » I | of John and Christina Miller, aad as senatorial committeeman from ^ ILZ. t/> th« Vic- j liV€d her entire lifetime in this vteinjthe Eighth Senatorial district, com- ^ ^ l Pr.offram wa" officially, ity. The family resided in Wert Mcprising Lake, Boone and McHenry |£ng period of tim«^ senred OTer a I* the presentation of Henry for a short time abort five her family at any previous time. Susan Miller was born in Jokaacounties. He has no opposition. i Three Candidates ; Dd. Vogel of Solon Mills, has been | On the Democratic ticket, three j handling Mr. Leonard's sales. j candidates are in the field. Allan' F. Penney of .Marengo seeks the ; gQy SCOUTS MARK job of county clerk, Donald J. Dea Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry DONALD FREUND with rr ,. .. , ^ of • State-wide "green j years'ago and since that time have During his illness, his fuisociate, thumb contest. (lived in Johnsburg. On November 27, 1907, aha was united in marriage to Peter V. Miller at St. John s church by Rev. Father Mehring.' Last fall a family RY.OF RICA mond of Woodstock has filed for'36TH ANNTV. treasurer, and Robert E. Ruaboldt of; VftTTHnTNA TW Harvard for sheriff. All three are jrUUWAHI,U unopposed as is E. M. Phillips of „ , . „ v, . Woodstock, a candidate for re-elec- Nearly two million Boy Scouts, tio.n as senstorial committeeman. ICub Scouts, Senior Scouts, and their filed for several years. ajr an(j ]an^ forces throughout the Abbott Laboratories in No. Chicago. Director Winn was unanimously pacific tour * i •Hd for the job even though he r*C1 . 7,000 GARMENTS GIVEN strongly urged members to elect ^ Jensen, stationed at Channte w nnMIWTTtfTTV gvvn< someone else. His re-election for a Field, 111., spent the weekend at the vUflLfllUrill X o&H 1 TheH-e, are no candidates for any of'adult leaders throughout the United the other offices on the Democratic States will commemorate Boy Scout While Pfc. Donald Freund never j ticket. Week, which begins Fn<Uy. Feb^anr ship is one of the called McHenry his home, he will In the precinct committeemen races, ill hundreds of navy be remembered for his frequent viaito! Colonel C. C. Miner and Edwin Comand war shipping here. He entered the army a year iskey are candidates in Doit Two; r*m?nrfin» If administratio n ago last November and at preaent is Gerald Newman and C. J. Downs ^ An^rir. ^ ^onntil ships which ac- with an infantry unit stationed in:seek the post in McHenry Two; com pJished the Czechoslovakia. Before donning an I Walter Schuett and Edwin A. Ben- of the World--Building Together. -- - •* ' ^ . - i The Boy Scouts of America have Harold J. Roth of Glenview was adjuged grand champion and was awarded a $200 war bond. In the high school division only eight high school students were named as outstanding. Among these waa Bobegene Petersen of .West McHenry, who [was given honorable mention. MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE "'life tain he will be renamed treasurer of ^ ^ the association, a position he has! huge™ task of supplying U. S. sea, army uniform he was employed at: son are candidates in Algonquin One, sixth term was evidence that his George Rieker home. fellow members appreciate his ef- j Sfcrts. _ . i Adolph Weideman enters the army TO EMBARKATION PORT and W. L. Miller and Joseph Henry! created a "World Friendship Fund in Marengo One. These men are all and nearly two million members have; running on the Republican ticket lbeen inviu?d and urged to contribute In the Democratic ranka, opposing voluntarily to it. Through the fund, candidates for the committeeman post Scout a"00,*?1,'?/18 in lands ravaged in Nunda One are Albert Pearson <*"""* World War II are being helpand Robert Knox. ed to rebuild their organizations. At <Ar ll members of wthhei. hV ictorLyA C louth.t- •" loca' precincts are as ,fo „ll ows: Republican Candidates for the above nosts in the outbreak of the war in 1939 there. were more than three million Scouta and leaders in seventy different; lands. 'j Msny Boy Scout Troops, Cu|i celebration marked their thirtyeighth wedding anniversary. Hdpfal Neighber Mrs. Miller possessed a friendly personality which had made her a cherished neighbor in the comaumity of her birth. She was helpful and kind and was always present to aid in the work of any groups to which ' she belonged. She was a member of the Christian Mothers society aad_ the Lady Foresters. Survivors besides the widower la- First of all, before I start ram- four daughters, Mrs. Alice bling on, I want to th»wk von for Wilke of Lincolnwood, I1L, Mrs. Car* i sending me the'^7" ^?,n" of WooArtock, Mis. greatest little Yio1* ^hneider and Miss Lama* paper in the States i JftntM Thomas .WulM) two mwii I also have a ®fre- and Mrs. Steve change of address ^ again. As you may JacobMiUerof Lato^Gea^vaknow, I had been ^is., and Nick and Joseph Miller «t ' "m J t Laborand stfet^gn.test his.brother RotnTH, retu™ in^" (^m^gn, whTch cloVed^Us't nr his ory. will have mueh to do f,ome as a civilian after many months Saturday, uiah to acknowledge and aiw!F ?ri8rhih ' y^fi «P®nt overseas. Adolph was inducted thank every person in this commun. McHenry l--Earl Whiting. „Hnv ^ Troon. t:ull Arthur E. Lauterbach, general mans- -t, Fort Sheridan laat week and spent ;tv for twe;r verv «ne co-oneration McHenrv 2--Gerald Nawman *»A r Many Boy Scout Troops, S'thrir^Mn^l^^tinW Cheme ^md i ' wiU> ^ i? aSisttaJVtSs • v i . . ., .. A total of 7,000 garments were re- McHenry 3--R. I. Overt#*. evaporated pneea are the two items, Vernon Kennebeck received his dis- ccivedi including 600 pairs of shoes, McHenry 4--Josenh Frett. J;charge from the navy at Great Lak« twenty-four pieces of bedding and Nunda 1-John Barnings, iTv^win week. {sheets, and the remainder wearing Nunda 2--George J. Ehlert. niS o? - • .PE»"1 of .11 kind,. Nunda 8 Henry L. Cowlla. -iir \i i ®°1^> Richardson, who recently en- * t'he home economics classes, under' Democratic ^.red « "Wving at the direction of Miss May Justen, McHenry 1--Stanley Hunt ^TT nrT^y hnnrfrrd He PP* Field. Texas. and the first aid class of Mrs. Rulien McHcnry 2--Lester Bacon. •Ifffffi pm t „...n i , , t i T , _ , .. . deserve special mention for their McHenry 3--Henry J. Miller. Stoessed PMAs increased service to) jack Sales, who was recently in- distance in counting and boxing all Nunda 1--Albert Pearson ami Robert '""m JLL,:' asembers and its expanded plant pro- ducted into the army, ia stationed ot the froods received Special thanks Knor parson ana Kooert wor|d of tomorrow gram to assure stability in co-opera- at Sheppard Field, Teaxs. ivnox. I lively marketing their milk in the years ahead. Attacking the problem of wid1 fare also due Ardin Frisbie and his Nunda 3--Paul Doherty. trades classes for sealing, weighing sUtioned on Sta- Rl^rt10I?l-J . , . . ten Island for|. ^ ^7 J^ted at the Freaad about the last Wednesday awning at 8 months where I 10:16 o'clock when a requiem mass w a s temporarily ?unfk at St. John's church. Barial attached to , ship was »n tha church cemetery. mark Boy Scout Week by contribu- repair unit. That braneh was dis-' _______ l ting to the fund through local Boy continued about a month ago and SURVEY GOMM111 EE ' | Scout Councils. The national execu- we were assigned to ships. They nVflTKS WORK O^jT ili tive board of the movement author- had a little difficulty locating mv ,"l , I TT - ised the World Friendship Fund, be- ship so I've been hanging around Nor- TWO-YEAR PROJECT licking it can make a definite con- folk, Va. I could think of a lot ^ 1 'c tribution to the post-war world, since of nicer places to be. However, my j Members of the McHenry County boys dedicated to the Scout ideals orders came through this afternoon school survey committee met at the of tolerance, friendliness, and democ- and I ship out tomorrow morning, 'office of the county superintendent racy, may be the leaders of the I guess I've gone on enough for of schools at Woodcock Thursday now. Please change my mailing ad- evening. January 24, to begin actual dress in closing may I thank you work on the two-year project for >. Vale Adams arrived home last amj labeling all cartons. Now they DAfTT vidtq "TYMY" . .. . - ... , itiiSL weekend after serving for several wjh be transported via truck to the ^ ' sanation between milk produCtidti ijv Months in Saipan. He was one ot firgt point of embarkation to foreign WEBER NAMED AS the spriag and in^ the^fall, Lauter- McHenry's first young men to be- landa come an army pilot. GENEROUS DONATION MADE TO HOSPITAL BV MRS. LILLIAN KELTER ksch announced that PMA has re quested a hearing on federal milk i" thi.» " 264 MILES Or RURAL • vuen it will urge amendments pro- _____ ______ . .... ^ viding level-production price incen-1 POWER LINE8 BUILT i 8TAT1 DTTRnfO 1MB ""™im'am 100 per'cent against sub-1 ,D?r rin* 1946 T1t|1€ -Pu^l^1.SeJ7jce sidy," declared Lauterbach, "because °' Northern Illinois, built 264 miles Whoever has power will use subsidy rural nower lines in its territory.! is s weapon. But when subsidies Nearly 200 miles of the total were! MAIL CARRIERS HERE again for sending the paper. "BOB" A. JUSTEN, Norfolk, Va. kr which they were electeidd last Noi ber. In addition to Roland B. McCaa- Hie Woodatock Public hospital is Births I Richardson of Spring Grove, .Frank desirous of expressing its apprecia- !£J_ageI of Fox Kiver Grave, James j On Tuesday morning of this week, tion to several people in McHenry for M*MMMHIIMie>MM»«M iftil? ifrL Alfi 'XfliSr ph ?1trri^\f\w^U.SrslinCS' C°Vering Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien Joh^VcSSoLSke.^d llS! rMcHenrys two mail earners, Paul a ^ in the war <Bette Buss) are the parenta of a Ruth Dean of Marengo. ^ wd ?1rhar<i h**!" thw wfih to Sa^k minv of the daughter, born at the Woodstock Discussion eeHtaradaboat raporta I u ma«l through- they wish to thank mai^ of^ the hogpiul ,ast Thursd.y morning, which were made by several aS commonplace or would who have gofe to the hospital every i*nuary Ua 31-1 f Mr °^rie" rJ" ^ °<J** commonplace, or wouia in moat cities, , ?nr al_n,t tw. an(t been released from army service. Mr. school surveys made in neighboring but for McHenry .t wis the first, ^1^da%J^ev a™°Vxt t ra 0 ils and Mra. Linus Newman and Jacob counties in previous yea^. Ail ^ history1"and° thST wera^manj most. The hospital thanks sre great grandparenU of the attempt was made to arrive at a on-the-job or apprentice train- staring eyes and wiahes of rood these people who assisted during a %& •UNOIS VETERANS go, farmera must have higher prices. I ^ui,t pi.nce summer, when the war tal^^™the^job o^annrentice "train- history, and there were ma^ thM^Deoofe ^ who assisted^"durinVa ^y- , general understanding of what tha Government gave labor Its subsidy production board began lifting its . u_der the G 1 ^ill within the ft*"1* and W18^le8 *°od d : _« _atefuf to Friends here will be interested to committee is to aecompliah and sugbyi . w ay of time .,5 a half, hopin-j "- '. t1 n --ctio-. aganinst the euse of cxriti- JJJJtt ff eeww mm oonntt hh*s Is hh oo Su dl d Sf i^l em i mTm^e - t h e i r c a l k tWO y°Un* ^-- t h o s e w h o f u r n i s h e d St r ia inSs p So r St a tei So n . >^n.o, f the ,.birrth, . o f a soTn at Sh«er«- g^tiona w^ offe^d for after the war to drop it, just .as cal materials. - Idistely for a certificate of eligibility. ^ .. A more recent ' thank you," and a man hosPiUl Elgin, on Janu^r 2B, they hoped J.o drop milk production; .The new power lines jnade elec- Sei-vice Officer William R. Cairns , Naturally, it wi lL™ ,* verv heartv one. is extended by the J? ^!r". ?n<! ^rs* Cilkerson of for a postal staff which haa been 'nf* sincerity perpetually subsidised? It will, at the end of the year. He said born on January hospital, Elgin, Ernest Riehl of had to regimentation and dictator «Wp." discharge Many veterans wait until ready to Among: the Sick <? John Knox of West McHenry has ftssn a nawirsl pa^i^it at .tha Woodstock hospital. Mrs. George Glosson of Wast Mc- Bennr has been a patient at the Waautoek hospital. Mrs. Peter Doherty is still confined to St. TOerese hospital, Wsukegan, she has been for several additional rural power lines were enter school or training before they experiencing being built as rapidly as manpower file. Since it takes considerable t"™ undertaking. headache very material way. by purchasing , and giving to the hospital a piece Mr. and canying on the necessary reeesreh. The duties of the county survey committee as set forth in the "Manual for County School Surrey Cosamittees of the State of Illinois," prepared by Vernon I* Nidtd, State Riehl was former-1 Superintendent of Public Instruction. McHenry Cleaners, j are as follows: August Langfieldj It was brought to the attention are the parents of a daughter, born I of the group that and.materials would permit and that time after filing to complete the •.«••• ti . he utility's goal was to complete process, payment of the veterans' ORCHESTRA CONCERT the job of rural electrification livine allowances are delayed. WTT.T. M PBJMBIITKn throughout its square-mile ter-. Where a veteran baa a dependent, anm.v vvn 4- ritory by the end of 1M6. 'proof of marriage and birth of chil- On 8Ufll/A*, xUS, 17 There are about 80,000 farms and dren or proof Oi dependency of par- _ i [tmuunK U1 iicwiy own wvki. Tmnarv rural units in the company's terri- ents should also accompany the orig- Tickets are now on sale for tha There is no doubt that this equip- tpv.Twj.,, tory, all but 2,6T2 of which are now inal application. j annual high school band and orches- ment contributed by Mrs. Kelter will, P ' " ------ ' tra concerts, which will be held dur- be instrumental in saving the lives LEGION ENTERTAINS SCOUTS in«r the next few weeks. The same; of many infants who will become The American Legion post will , ticket will admit a person to both our future citizena. It will also be adjacent to power lines, he said. i . tnnnrn o. . Friday, February 1, at Sherman; school districts which have lasnaat- \nirZt£ ^Thll hospital, tlgin. ered difficulties in the peat year or u A daughter was born at the Wood-!two and are ^ " mwhanism is useful for toth adulte stocJc hospital on Friday, February j re-organisation i];^r" ^ A" hSn;Vli ^ £ 1. to Mr. and Mrs. James Powers, (help in solving their [livery room of the hospital to be jjr and Mrs. Earl Turner oftthe county committee. Tha hoaid agreed tint it iheald get an avstaB view of tha situation la tha as quickly as propiriate racoi wde ha cases naediag hMasdtalt attention. . j.ij 'used primarily in promoting the johnlbari_ m tte ^^ts of , hreathmg °f . to™ born on January 31 at St. 1H iersae OOMING EVENT! entertain the local Boy Scouts at concerts and are being sold for fifty,useful to adults when the occasion! Felraary T the regular monthly meeting on Mon- certs. i necessitates its use. . Circle 8, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Qw|l IP William Doherty, Sr^ is quite ill at his home south of the city. Miss Charlotte Madden suffered a fk-ac'urpd-'hip in a fall in her home last Friday and ia now confined to Tberese hospital. MARRIED RRCOT < In a terswseny perfoiaisi at St. JbhnV A--ah an Vdbednr nwrn- &FWwrr A VanSwiiif city llfiwi iftrMla af Smith rfft INJURED IN CRASH Mias Jean Kimball, Waucoada. recently diicharged from .the WAC,jday evening, February 11. This haa The orchestra concert is*the first' The above named donation is only was psinfully Injured Inst wade when : come to be one of the annual ob- 'one wiiednM and will be nresented ore of three contributions to the hos- C. D. of A.--Businasa her automobfle was involved In a: servances of Boy Scout Week and at 8:1R o'clock in tha high aehool pital nursery. The other two arel Fehraary t. collision at the interiection of Route; ia eagerly lookfed forward to by the. auditorium on Sund&v evening. Feb- a humidcrib, which is an automatic Mathers Club. 176 and *he Volo-Gihner road, three,boys and Learionnaires alike. Fred rusrv 17. The concert will include selective control of humidity andi _ Fehraary IS miles east of Waueonda. William, Svoboda of Lily Lake is the new special mothers, including two with temperature in a baby incubator, and Circle 1, W. 8. C. 8.----Mrs. Ftuk F. Becker, Wheeling, driver of the scoutmaster. a boys' chorus and three vocal duets. • wo rerm-ray lights which will be i Beatty. second car, suffered cuta on hk nose,! ---- -- ---- The comfdete program .wOf^appear in used in the nursery to keep the air) _ FAnuf If scalp and right hand. Both ears' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mueller have next week's issue. to wi > absolutely germ-free. The humidcrib. Orchestra CoaaoL d«aagnd. hy tte eraah been vfadtinr his mother. Mrs. Rasa The band concert will be presented and the germ-frae Hghti have haen Mueller, in thb city. They are en- in March. Paul Taada is dimtor of ordered a^d when they arrive will beWashington's Blrtibday Dessert ir in Boston, both oiganiiatiens. much appreciated by the entire haa- Bridge--1:80 o'clock--O.K& WtiL Tha Plaladoaler. wha sanr route sooth after living (Mass., for many montha, where he pitpl staff. I Man* 4 Jjwas stationed with the •***%;-• . Mr. and Mrs. WTIUam Jnstan •Is- Surely Mrs. letter's geatura in!Altar and Raaaiy I «._j the hoasa «f Mr. and Mrs. this worthy behalf Merita reeogai- Maitfc V I lead tha Want Ada-:- iHeffasan fat WBawUa en today. tin. 'Christian Mothers and Altar i caidMr m CAttat The third eldest the Uaitad inson, Bi 1, after a rwal tea eaner Jaaa IS, mi Fir tan ha drew* a teaaa «f "* da rural areaa Ha rh«ig>: to *