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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1946, p. 3

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ippypp • ; - '- ••y -- a- * . ' " : illl lHU M l 4W|4 fitfttiiwfl •Ml I t Hi n t LILY LAKE « m i i i i i i h h i i i u m h i h h at Fox Late Atom Secret in'35 IIII I111II > IN WII of PMpkea Bar large crowd thrilled spectacle lakt Sunday. An intereated spectator was Clarence TMHML batter known to JUcnanry l_ * By "Cam He Failed as Germans Have Got ft. mm Tbm Piatskee Bay-Johnsbofrg ana Into. jrafl4wi darkness night, when a _ Dick Toleeon crashed hMdkm; quite an1 accomplished sailor and a power pole near Adam's wins his shara of the races every leonwr, just outside Johnaburg. Dick summer during the PisUkee Bay his companion. Vernon Kenne- Yacht Club season. He believes that were on their way to a wed- ice boat racing will eventually der dance at Nell's dancing pavilion, velop into a major Sport in these k, critically injured, was taken parts. Woodstock hospital, whereas his A1 Lorensen, after a long conflned' Ve™?n .&»«*«* mu*cu-|ment in ^ f St TheresT hospital, escaped with minor injuries. !Waukegan, recently returned to his Kenneth Jensen of Pistakee Bay home on Fairfax Lane, Pistakee Bay is recovering from a major Woods. tion at his winter home in La- „£ and Mn clarence Regner *- playing pinochle last Saturday Laqre groups of fishermen are en-^Rjfht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. _ their favorite winter sport L.\ A. Blomgren, when their pleasant the Pistakee Bay ice. Parents in' gatae was ended abruptly by the vicinity hope that the fishermen' power cut-off. Efforts to continue chop their holes in the ice a «pfe; the game by candlelight were soon /Idtatance^from shore, to prevent ac- sbandoned. A wise decision, con- ^ddeiitfc^WSJkating children. Those sideryig that the game of pinochle ? kids, Pw skating, just forget to U difficult enough, even with per - look. -V/ ! feet lighting. . ,;Vv^ - Mrs. Leona Rfcuen of Regner road r--r-- •' "/'V' ;Jns left the Wesley Memorial hos-, Read the Want Ada Kenne Woods COST TO USE V. QUALITY FUEL OIL CALL 465-R y OIL CO. 505 S. Green St. McHenry ••KEEP FULL SERVICE" COMPLETE OIL BURNER SERVICE VI W,Art i/:) TfcGm? NEW DODGE M l 0 I I t* T 14 I #• F I I * A. S. Biake PHONE 156 PEARL ST. McHENRY jfir. Newshawk and TtlephoiM "Hay, Mr. TaUf 'lit. I want to "Don't dap MO ' j§(»opl« or* waiting for I'M milling to Iwtoll J."Mow Mr mmWt" "Wo'ro making good Headway. Intfolltd 50,000 tolophono* tinco tKo end of HM war in HM Illinois Bod territory olono. Bot in tow ptocol WO |*vo to odd now cwftdtboord* or ovon build whoto now control oMeo*. Toko* (hp*, yoo know." 9* "I M». SOOM flMN e> ymm mii o if got Hio iiutrvinoott and liwtoB jkoo. tot whoro you kavo to inrtoM t lot moto othor oqwipewnt, tkoro wfll ho low dolay. RightT" "Corroctl Thoro'* a hvga amount el hand work in making and InttaKog WCFTASIM- . Thousand* of doing OR that |oW wtt folk* kavo to 'In. lot tfco oqoipwnt it on tko way. And wo'ro going to hurry." 4. "Hionkt. old man. TWt wl, he nowt lor a lot of pooplo.** ----- "Soro wiN. f»oi/body notdk o phono. Molt bo torriblo not to IN fho koota. Ooo, I haHHr feiftQ* Se longl" NJJNOtS MLL nUMONi COMPANY iiirwwiii>ip»p»jipww.-|iyi'*w' SPOKANE. WASH. -- Dr. Enrico Fermi, an Italian scientist who participated in developing the atomic bomb in the United States almost discovered its secret 10 years ago which probably would have made it available to the Nazis. This was disclosed recently? by Col FrankHn T. Matthias, director of the Richland, Wash., atomic bomb plant "Dr. Fermi was so close to dis covering the secret of plutonium back in 1935," Colonel Matthias related, "that he probably would have published his knowledge to the world had it not been for a little platinum in his test tubeis which nullified the action he was looking for. "He told me that he was very glad his experiments then had 'failed, for there is no doubt the Nazis would'have ioosed the terror of the atomic bomb oh the world if the Fascists in Italy had possessed the knowledge and passed it on to them. "Germany had all the basic knowledge long before we started, but lacked the facilities and knowhow for putting the facts together. In the United States, 2,000 top flight scientists worked anonymously to bring scattered bits of knowledge into effective military tise." Plutonium produced at Richland was put into bombs which were assembled in New Mexico just before they were sent overseas, Colonel Matthias explained. He said the United States had more atomic bombs ready to drop on Japan when the war ended and that production of the new superweapon has continued since Japan surrendered. <By Diek Hyatt) . To begin with, folks, I owe you all an apology for not having our column in last week. It will not happen again if it can be helped, I'm sure. I spent enough time answering questions as to why there wasn't any column to write one twice. Now to get on with the news. Last Wednesday evening at the Lakeside but the Ladies League held its meeting. Tlte attendance was a great deal better than the meeting of a few weeks ago. Nice going, folks. A ftoraa ja taking it over the looks of things ha intends to make it some store. Hare's wishing him all the success in the world. Before I close I would like to remind you all about the Valentine dance > the lily Lake Beautifying club is holding at the Lilymoor club house on February 16. the centahts 16 slices. JMf if and laughs, that means a good time j for these foods, has been promised to all attending. Ill be seeing you there. It's about time I close .for now so you can all get back to figuring your income tax. ef Prelate Soybeans are high in protein, the principal nutritional element in Synthetfc. straw meat and eggs, and therefore make : to water, will be on the Fn®; excellent substitutes and fTtfndwi J year. They hold their ithetic Phosphoric Acid The principal prewar producers of ! phosphoric acid were the United I States, Germany, France, the Belgov CT*nil<!a8t' 1 ? ! Luxemburg Economic union, and . J*? Founders Day celebration at Australia. United States nmriiirtinn • Flooded Dutch Farms Five years will be needed to restore the flooded areas of the Netherlands to the point where they will be able to produce again, in the opinion of Leonard Peters, agricultural attache of the Netherlands embassy. sist rain and pet be sponged clean. . i-T ,J'- * "i leap le«r • To make a good soap scraps, use five cups of water to «•» ery half-cup of soap. If a tMaaafr jelly is preferred, the amotioft irf? water can be increased. production twas 35 per cent greater than that of Germany, 70 per cent greater than > the Lilymoor clubhouse. There was quite a gathering for the occasion. After a brief program, which was ... . _ , , ^ presented by the school children, the j ***} ot and L m°r« 11,811 two elders enjoyed cards, bunco and a one-half times that of either the light' lunch. The P. T. A. wishes; Belgo - Luxemburg Economic union to thank the ladies who contributed; °r Australia. The United States the refreshments. j also was the largest consumer, On Tuesday evening the P. T. K j with Germany, the Soviet Union, had their social at the school house. | prance, and Australia following in The chairmen of this ev?nt were Mrs.! order. The Belgo-Luxemburg Eco- Flo SVoboda and Mrs. L. Bransford. | nomic union ranked 12th in this cate- There pras a large gathering. , j gory. United States consumption Over the weekend, Pfc; Curtiss was about 20 per cent greater than Struts arrived home with a few of that of Germany, 75 per cent greathis buddies. Curtiss had 9 weekend er than that of the Soviet union, pass and was to report back to 90 per cent greater than that of camp on Monday. j France, more than 2.7 times that of Happy Birthday to Robert Dunn. Aiistralia, and nearly 8 times that Bob celebrated lw birthday on Fri- of the Belgo-Luxemburg Economic day. February 1. qe has npw reached the amazing age of 16. Oh, for, the good old days. j We also wish a happy birthday to'- . Medical Officers A1 Bellinie. A1 oelohrated his birth- Of 21,029 medical officers in the day a week ago Monday and spent it armed services, 47 per cent say they by traveling to Chicago to visit with wijl return to practice in former his famitv. communities. It H also proper at this time to wish Mrs. Normand'a happy birth-, v ^ day. Mrs. Normand's birthday was! To the Voters of McHenry Coimty , / . 't km a eandidAte for the office of county tUBMfuiii. , Primary, April 9 * S ; i I tiespectfully solicit yonr vote. E. F; KUECKER Poultry Malady - Coccidiosis is caused by a parasite which invader- the surface or lining of the intestinal tract, of chickens. Tiny Indian Ocean Atoll Fuels East-Bound Ships LONDON. -- A secret naval base on a tiny Indian ocean atoll, the admiralty discloses, guarded Britain's lifeline to India since a few weeks after Japan's entry into the war. Construction on the Addu island anchorage, south of India and 500 miles west of Ceylon, waa quietly started by royal marines in September, 1941, and the first convoy put into port four months later. Since then, British troopships and naval vessels have used Addu regularly for refueling. The Queen Mary, shuttling Australian soldiers home from the Middle East, made One stop. In 1941, during the first three Jhonths the marines were carving away the jungles, almost a fourth <nf them suffered tropical diseases and had to be evacuated. Climatic conditions brought growth of microerganisms that ate the akin away from the flesh. Workers waded thigh deep in ilack, foul-smelling mud, fighting off fiant land craba, to build a four mile runway acrosa one swamp. flans Are Being Speeded To Get DDT to the Publ'c NEW YORK.--War's end quickened the chemical industry's plans for mass distribution of DDT, the world's most effective insect killer, but medical experts warned that it must be used cautiously. L- Dr. Paul A. Neal, senior surgeon of the Industrial Hygiene labora tOry, National Institute of Health, found that careless handling of DDT residues--that part of a DDT spray jrhich remains when the liquid-carrying agent has evaporated--may cause toxic effects in humans. DDT is a tasteless white powder When it is dissolved in liquids to make a apray it assumes a com fhercial name of the manufacturer's choice. >Neal pointed out that DDT should be ' used under conditions which ex elude the heavy contamination of food." This means caution in spray ing the new insecticide liberally in kitchens or other food • storage places in the home, he said. Commission Uses Gavel Made From Historic Log CHARLESTON. W. VA.-Meetings of the West Virginia conservation commission are called to order with a gavel made from one of the original logs in historic Fort Ashby, in Mineral county. The gavel was a gift from the Potomac Valley chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of Keyaer, W, Va. It was made from a piece cut from a 45-foot white oak tog in the old fort. Fort Ashby was built in 1755 in a* community which was settled in 1735. It is the only standing unit in a chain of fortifications constructed by George Washington along the Virginia frontier for the protection Of early settlers from the Indiana. •I LOST 52 Lbs.! WKAR SIZK 14 AOAIN" amt. c. O. WELLS rr. WORTH At ffctwri Hai->> -•Yoorue m(l»eyn dIeorn, aptoacucnfdu*l afnvdc urhea. veN ao «Saut lm>e.a t,N op oAtatomea. iNraov yT.a nbtuivttcear.. a*T mkay i nmote bieh dnif 0f<e rMenrts .t hWanel lm*mmay Candy Ptaa? tLryo otkh ea tA tY hDaaSa V tintaumluin. UtowM wolalkma wiHithl data Caa«y GcmiMei last Sunday, February 3. ami re-' ceived an overwhelming amount of gif's. During the past week Mrs. Wood soent a very enjoyable vacation at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ceder-, berg. i Soendinsr a day in Chicago Inst week were Ruth Lavin and Mrs.; Ann Kriefrrr. i On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Normand entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Twell of Crystal Lake. j Congratulations to Mrs. LaMiere,' who has recently become a grand-! mother once again. Last week her: daughter, Mrs. Hazelbauer, gave" birth to a baby girl. | Billy and Darlene Hazelbauer have, returned home for a visit with their \ parents after staying with their' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. LaMiere. I We all wish to ioin in and con-1 gratulate Mr. and Mrs. Neilson, who| celebrated their twenty-fifth anniv-j ersary last Wednesday. ' On last Tuesday Mrs. Wrublewslu BOLGER'S DRUG STORE, McHeary entertained a few friends; among them were Mrs. Kiehl and Betty TTiorsel. in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Marsh, who celebrated her birthday. Sunday saw Mr. and Mrs. Kiehl nnd familv headiner for Brookfiell to visit with Mr. Kiehl's brother. Visiting with the Pete Koobs on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. LodtS of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. En eel sen of Marengo. Mrs. Pierotti spent the past week in Chicago with relatives. She arrived home to find there, was an addition made to their family, ftiis waa made when they received a small, German Police pup. It's* just like a baby, she has to feed it with an eye dropper. We are sorry to hear that Mr. and, Mrs. Abbinnati have taken a sudden. departure to Pittsburg, where they} will attend the funeral of a relative. Th»> Ahbinnati children will remain with other relatives in Chicago. j It's a happy week around 'h« t Skelly home as the Andrees girls*. mother has come from CaIiror*',ia for! ^ visit. She arrived on February j 1 and will return on Feb. 12. _ Last week we were ho^o^d with |>. visit from an old neighbor. MrJ Hintc. Ray was here on businesjur! The family, as '-ou know has movfd to Arkansas. Tb«> weather is warn th^e and they like it immensely. We are sorry to hear of all the ; bad news that the Swenskies have received in the past week. Last week Mrs. Swenskie received word her lather had had an heart attack. Friday, Mr. Swenskie's mo*her had a hfeart-atrack. And on Monday they received word that a cousin had. passed away. Saddness was brought twice to thjfc C. O. Hyatt home on Monday, onca when a telegram was received that Mr. Hyatt's uncle, who had been critically injured in an auto accident about six months ago, had passed away and another when Mrs. Hyatt received a phone call telling her thai, a cousin had also passed away. What's this we see John Kissel is back on duty again? After workover time for almost .two weeks straight he is home for the evenings. The family says it's good to be able to have him to themselves for a while again. On Sunday of last week Mr. and igeration Commercial Refrigerating Machinery I to 50 H. P. . - 7BSEZJ5RS FOR FARM OR HOMK MILK COOLERS * We build coolers any siie--Over 25 years experience 1 **• £' CALL US FOK KSPAIK SKKTIOX PHONE McHENRY 439-W L'^ - AT NO EXTRA CHARGE When you buy year Gamble* milker, you'll get theee handy milkiny supplies to make your work easier--a yawning and _ »l zinc-lined tank, 5 boxes of 7<Elgrade" 6-i milk filter pads, and a superior 18- quart milk strainer with handle .. or a beauty of a "Hiawatha" bicycle with balloon tires, girl's or toy's style. Come in and choose from our large selection of milkers. French Arrest Spies Who Assist Germans PARIS. -- Police officials and the ministry of the interior said that spies and would • be terrorists are operating in France on behalf of escaped Naria. They work under orders of varioua groups alleged to have established headquarters in ,Spain. More than 10,000 agents have been arrested. New fork Farmers Approximately 20,000 of the 1,200,- 000 New Yorkers in uniform want to don farmera' overalls attar tba war. A GUI From Heaven Wheat has been cultivated since In earliest ages. It was the main crop in ancient Egypt and Palestine end formed part of the food supply of the prehistoric cave dwellers. The Chineae cultivated wheat in STM B. C. They considered it a gift dt jyl from heaven. Mrs. ' C. J. Hyatt went to Chicago^ where they were joined by Mr. ang Mrs. W. J. Hyatt, after which tha party went to the Aragon ballroom to, dance to the music of Carmen Caballero and his orchestra. Over the week-end Mr. Staudt and his daughters p.tid some of their fiiends a visit. Mr. Staudt and family are former cottage owners !out here j Teen Age club would like to thank j Mrs. McDemiott for the delicious i cookies she donated for their last i met ting; also,"Mrs. Krieger and Mrs. i Hyatt for their donations of cups. But we still don't have enough to 1 meet our needs, so eome on follies, look around and find us some. When looking through the mail of last week I ran across a card sent me from Mrs. Sommons, from Cathedral Square, Milwaukee. Mrs. Simmons is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Hawthorne and Mrs. Grunholtz. < Every one of us is sorry to hear that during the next week Mr. andl Mrs. Grens are going to take their little daughter to the doctor. Hera a cast will be put on her ankle to correct, a slight foot deformation. Visiting at the home of Mr. an<f Mrs. Esser over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. .Williams jmd thHit icw little son, also their daughter, PHrley. All enjoyed a very splendid weekend. Well, here's some, news that should j be of interest to almost all of yoil folks. Our grocery store has been closed for the past few weeks due to the fact that Mrs. Vallone hat returned to the city to tend to her husband, who has just returned from the PIPELINE MILKER Save valuable time with this milker... rotary type comproasor with W HP motor. Balance stroke pulaator. Large vacuum tank and 24-quart paiL Vacuum controlled by aafoty valve. Single unit f o r 1 0cow h e r d . . . $ 1 9 9 * 9 5 Double unit for 30 cow herd |279.95 Urn Our Thrifty Payment Plan TRACK TYPE MILKER Hiia rn»rhirw, 0fln ajmplw, aafe, and convenient operation--milka directly into glaaa containers--no apecial pails, pulaators, or pipes necaaaary. Complete with 48 feet of tmck and hanfen. Handles herda up to 20 cows. Two unit size, electric motor .. .... .$175*M 'sTwo unit aise, gas engine.... 1815.00 Um Our Thrify Piymmt Plan PORTABLE MILKER $14950 ^ $2.13 Pa1 Week . Payable Monthly Here is an ideal milker--til 1 MI saving, efficient, easy to dean Milks directly into your shipping can--no need to boy extra cane. Each oat operates independently and its aetxm can be suited to tne lulhriduri cow. Two unit type, r electric naoSee *»••'»•*..*$S4$«8$ Two unit type, gaa engine .$MMt Ask About Our Ttrijfy Applfhs Amy Htm in tki* md The Friendly Store Authorised Detkr GEO. OOLLETTS, Pro*. '.f % IIScf,

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