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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1946, p. 3

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1--t.K W att inA a perfection to be pat'In thins didn't day, or win w LILYMOOR sais"5s w PMHQf 'WtVRAjMWmfat*| lamer, flatten by Freund, seconded by VMgnut, that the minutea of the last be approved as read. carri " Motion by Althoff, seconded by 10.00 fVlni V..f.inVllv.!f JWMOa m ^ if jkm -- 44451 BUu Motor Salsa, towear 2.50 Co. Farmers' Co-op^ salt ... 2.50 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co., meter* 169.24 J. C. Grobd, use of track on streets that the treasurer's report be ®®n J- Smith, trips for cinders Q-T Trucking Co., labor gp streets 3.00 10.00 (By Hattie Einspar) This past week was some week, never a doll moment. Bob comes home oh a furlough and everybody goes on a furlough with him. On Tuesday We all went to Chicago to pay a visit to some of the relatives to that just had And the dan it were wash f day, or the day we planned a picnic--I have forgotten all that now*--I saw a cucumber Saturday for toJe and it was 34c and now I dream over these in the catalogues, and drool over the description that says, ' Comes into Mr. pad Mrs. Joseph Kolar, Jr. were wwlwfai in their summei home this week? Judy and Rob Kolai hated to leave as badly as the? do each year in September. That valentine party planned by We hear a J. «rtak was the victim of a peculiar and.painful accident this _ week. After scrubbing she went out 1 brave new wend on her poreh to throw out the water:have. It is the and the railing of the porch gave the more reeHsti w*y* was thrown into the build that brave new bushes with great violence, as she;talking about, we are vai IMninff it^. --:i * Approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by w„nM,TO o*.™. n* jLlthoff, that the collector's report be j Stone Cd., ! MeH^^aSTcCwa^: Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund Oil Company* oil that the clerk's report be Illinois Bell Telephone Co., ed as read. Motion carried. telephone service ... j Motion by Althoff, seconded by Western United G. ft. E. Co., jBuss, that the following bills be, gas service v Said as appro'fed by the finance com-; Public Service Co., power and pttee. Motion carried. i light feter Wirfs, salary .....*120.00 SPECIAL SEWER FUND: Arthur J. Smith, salary .. 135.00 £red <?. Felt*, salary 180.00 W.JC. Feltz, salary 19^ Oft I Freund jOilCo..^distillate 27.19 *. L . William „„ 80.00 to pay the McHenry Public 30.00 Library $750.00 representing percent- Ceorge P. Freund, salary 80.00 *** of taxes due under levy and ap- Joeeph M. Regner, salary 80.00 propnation, Motion carried. 30.00 Motion by Buss, seconded by 30.00: Frefind, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. .Walsh, office 'expense 85.00 | Pn^c Service Co., power and _ Oyerton, salary ........ 48.00 Up^t ......-- - ............... 52.03 un H. Althoff, salary .... 80.00 j Motion by Buss, seconded by Ton 16.00 9.18 27.97 11.55 - 6.72 19.02 204.49 ttwiard J. Buss, salary Fred Ferwerda, salary ~ orge foeeph Alfred Tonyan nert L. Weber, salary. •arl R. Walsh Vernon J. Knox, salary Special Sewer Fund, sewer ;':j service ....... ---- Ifajrme Buss, salary and commissions John J. McCarthy, salary ^fke McHenry Plaindealef, printing - N. P. Justen, gas--police cai: and waterworks dept. .......... Dick Miller, labor putting .•» Cinders on streets Schmidt Auto Body Co., repairs to police car .... Iran Motor Sales ,B repairs-- police car 105.00, 50.00] Tfcooj 47.83 174.50, 1894; R I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. Pullets on Range Pullets should be on ran#* that has not been used by chickens or received poultry manure for at least 'In" ' Stretch goo After laundering lightly soiled ; pieces, such as neckwear, use the 97.50 Buds a second time for wiping off j dusty windowsills end fingermarks 394.78 on woodwork. WANT TO LEARN AVIATION AND EARN WHILE YOU LEARNT Yours is the opportunity for a fine education in the fast-growing field of aviation if you enlist in the U. & Army Air Forces. Important mm rnliilnwrt privileges now offered# Good pay. Family allowances* Overseas service wiflb pay. The finest retirement plan in Ae world. Get the .lads. No A»fir U.S. ARMY RICRUITINO STATION* ha 28, T«L Ontario 5260 >26 NO. GEN ESSE ST. WAUKBGAN, ILL. QoeriwsToirst QUALITY FUEL OIL 'w*' CALL 465-R THENNES OIL CO. 506 S. Green St. McHenry "KEEP FULL SERVICE" COMPLETE OIL BURNER SERVICE DUE TO MANUFACTURING DELAYS DODGE cannot be shown to the public until further notice 1 Watch this space for further announcement J • • • T I E l l t l I I f I • and to celebrate my grandson, Wil- Wi quickiy and « Very prolific; lard Einspar, Jr. s eighth birthday. / . . .. / * . On Wednesday to the Lily Lake as ma"y as forty fruits have been 2S iff b*""* Saturday « .ri*ta.U» -T.tod, bot Mra. SrtA,, w„ „ ,^^1 cut that seven stitches were required., Walter Troxell was. the good samarion Sunday. February 17, instead. Saturday night at the Grill had already been reserved for another Ladies Leagued on Thursday'a skat- grown on a single vine--" That does j party. Be 'sure and make your box j wl£„ ing party at the clubhouse, on Fri- it! Down on the list it goes--and a handsome one! They will be sold) ' aoctor. Our symday to a basketball game in Lake: je^ weeds grow. Right now I i highest bidder. Also a valep- BeHtary ^eHtary sandpipers ni^at hi doned robins' nests. tine box will be in the grill all week if you have one to send to your' neighbor, go up and drop it in. ) Zurich and Saturday to a party at1 ^ strong! the clubhouse. On Sunday the neigh? - r The Ringwood unit of th* Home £1?Bureau met at the home of Mrs. A. decorated with an airplane for * Maj^r' k^son ^ gi^en ^by th^H^le to' practice a center-piece and a marine guarding 1 Mrs' cSara Greaves Swe«i-',emon meringi it. On the table cloth letters were ' "Laundry Simplification" effort last week just pure acci-j pinned on to form the words, W*1; sh'e H^pussed at length the ™uL dent? The way I heard it, the! come Home, Bob," and as Bob and f f t- j t jcdd f. pie was a thing of beauty when Mrs.! I w»^T ef »n a record was playing houfehold tasks She Seested 8et il outside to cool with a! t^e-n song which was very th&t each ^omemaker try to ^limi- hi^ topping two inches high-- thrilling and I was so proud and . . stooDine and liftine as ah> but when she brouflfht »t in--it happy. Bob and I want to thank ££ Wo£vVJ.d rnVrruXn^ looked ^ a deflated Moon, which! Estelle Weiler and all my dear friends Jfexcea/K^ deflated the lady's spirit! and neighbors for such a kindly ges- . ^ hoUsewife, during other talks *inC±±n*}*Zd °! ?ymPathy' ture. 'as well as washing "er friends greeted her tale of woe On Saturday February ^ Mr and, Mrs E. E. Denman of McHenry °i 1 T au^h^- ^ kJ».0^ Mrs. George Nielsen celebrated their -ave t^e minor lesson on "Garden- i h?w ^ ls,' thoufirh' 1 those Wnd twenty-fifth anniversary at the Lily- ing» and the Proeer Tools." It waslof ^kea! > moor Club. In the afternoon, at the wjth trenuine regret that members of i ^ home of Mr. and Mrs. George Niel- lhe unjt said goodbye to Mrs. Den-' Virpl Burch and John Viol* have sen, on the estate of Mr. and Mrs. man> wh<f* iir~ moving to Gumee, 111., hoth purchased and installed new Al SefPerth,Pastor Noll from Round and must, therefore, resign from the!hot water heaters. My information Lake, remarried Mr. and Mrs. Niel- active membership she has held in advises me that both gentlemen in-j sen and. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Seyfferth' tjje unit fbr many years. tend to take a daily bath instead of! acted as attentants. In the evening! Mrs. L. B. Wheelock gave a medi-' that Saturday night effort--not until j over a hundred friends, relatives "and caj report on trichinosis in raw pork,, Spring, of course! neighbors joined the couple in the; anf| methods of prevention, among; _ ' i celebration. In the middle of the j which were both freezing and The Waltei' Harrison farm across! evening a wedding march was form-,thorough cooking. from our school will be occupied! ed and at the altar Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. H. Freund of West Mc-1 after March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nielsen were presented with a silver j Henry* gave a* recipe for a raw apple Larson and 6-month-old daughter, tree with twenty-five silver dollars | ca]ce (joes not require cake Sandra Lynn, are moving out from tied on it and a corsage. The cor- flour anj that even I can make. Chicago to make the farm their sage was made with a' chrysanfcjbe-1 Also, it requires only % cup of ne* home. A. big welcome to the mum and a silver doll and streamers, su„a'r an(j \ Gf gjrup newcomers. of white ribbon, with twenty-five ( Among the Wonder Lake residents | ^ ^ , silver quarters on them. They also'present at the meeting were Mrs 1 The James Selsdorrs had an old received other beautiful gifts. Among j h. Nixon, Mrs. I. Jacobsen, Mrs". frie"<i • house guest _ last those present where their niece and a. Grill Mrs. Walter Troxell, Mrs. wee*a when Guy Mitchell of St. children. Mrs. Maher from Barring-! a' Merritt Mrs. V. Milbrandt and ^*ou's dropped in. I understand that ton, and a niece and nephew from i Mrs. j. Selsdorf.' | Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Don Viconda. j and daughter, Joan. Mr. and Mrs.) We welcome back from- Florida George Nielsen want to thank all!thig week, the I. Fredrichson family; their friends and neighbors. j Ronnie is back in school, well tanned On Sunday, Ed. Meehan was taken | and glad to be home. He was asked to St. Thejrese hospital for a few!to report on his Florida visit, but days rest (bid for observation. I said he had forgotten everything he Visiting at the Einspars home at > saw. (Florida Chamber of Comthe weekend were their son, Willard,jnierce, please note.) his wife, Loretta, and their children,1 Willard, Jr., Jimmie and Marybeth.i The R. Noren's were happy to Mr. and Mrs. R. Cook and their j welcome houseguest, Mrs. Anne De daughter, Judy. Mooey of Chicago last weekend. Mrs. Thursday i-.t! Noren was associated in business -- CALL 118-- "TO HAVE THAT AILING HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE RECONDITIONED ? 1 WASHERS IRONKKS " TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS Parts Available For REFRIGERATORS MOTORS ^ MIX MASTERS ROASTERS FLOOR LAMPS AL*S GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE A> W. Merritt' Wonder Lake 641 On Thursday afternoon of last i ... u„ ~ week Mrs. Tom Legge entertained ™ ti,"Ly the Ladies of Lilyjnoor with cards and a delicious luncheon. Mrs. Ed Meehan is to be our next hostess. so the reminiscing flew thick and fast. Cake was probably scarce, though, because we hear that Mrs. ... . . .. ^ „ . N., in a frensy of cleaning, burned Was sorry to hear that O. Maher all her ^tion books, so the sugar had a slight accident at his work where a finger nail was pulled right off by. the machine he was working at. Visiting the Maher's over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Allison Maher of Chicago, a brother of Mr. Maher. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener were Mr. and Mrs .Harry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geiler of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rodda of Indiana the latter a neice of Mr. Wegener. Mr. Rodda showed the movies that he took last summer of Mr. Wegener picking com and putting wheat, of Mrs. Wegener feeding the chickens and of all the doings of the grandchildren. It must of been fun to see yourself working. On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. Flo Svoboda and Mrs. Lottie Btandsford entertained the P. T. A. with cards and bunco and a lovely luncheon. VWing his narents on Sunday was Vic Bassi, Jr., who came in on a twelve-hour pass from Fort Sheridan. He looks nice in hts uniform. He expectR to leave Fort Sheridan sow. Visit'ntr Ft the Bob Krinn house over Sunday were Ma *nd Pa Krinn from DesPlnines, and Mr. and Mrs. Born pnH Mr. and Mrs. Earl Born and children. On Monday, the first second and third graders had no school because Miss Anita Reed was home sick. We were glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers were out. Tt won't be long now if they will be out here to stay. Ladies of Lilymoor and Lily L£k£, please save your papers' cause pretty soon the Boy Scouts will be around t© wck up. Tiie proceeds are to buy equipment for the Scouts. Bob was quite happv to see two of hi* friends on Sundav afternoon that he hadn't seen for three years. Thev were Marty Wrublewski and: He*+ie K»em*nn and hi* wife. Herb' had been in the Army but has been ! discharged since December 7 ' M-4 M l I » ; n :-w WHY BE FAK J Eat plenty yet lose^Ufe W9i|ni wiin O0IICIOIII candy reducing plan VV i l \ DS * Ian '» 1% Have a more •tender.moehu Score No enrcisinf No luative*. Nodnig*. With the Mmpte AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan vou don't cut out any meals. ataichea, potatoea. meata or bat- • wl' tar. vou timpiy cut them down. I \ It'teaaier whenroueniordalicioui I % (vitamin fortified) AYDS candv ^ V at directrd. Abeoli tclv h-. | la cUaieal ImU coadactad br medical dpcMnl i Ml Mtaaaa laat Utali Ma. Miiasa| " i with AYDS Vitamin Caady Be-1 MONEY ajLCK on fait bos. PhoM BOLGBR*S DRUG STORf^ MeHeary Knight's Refrigeration • -j. Commercial Refrigerating Machinery ' > K# SALES AND MAINTENANCE OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE PHONE McHENRY -W NcwiFroa Wonder Lake (By Vanesise Sells) | This week has many important things that probably should be written about, and probably will -- Lincoln's birthday--Valentine's Day., I was trying hard to choose between them when the seed catalogue came. Golly, aren't the seed catalogues beautiful. Just - when you think you can't bear the browns and tans, and whites of a dull winter landscape, and when the memorips of Fall are dim, and the hope of Spring is still ;, distant, alone comes the Catalogues i from the seed companies. The green things are so green, and the red ones • so red. and the yellow ones true gold. The descriptions are written by a, poet who must h«ve been recently released from Hollywood. j I have stared with great intensity; and longing at all the green veget?- I tries that I want for next year, and have carefully checked along list of! flowers that I can't possibly afford. Next, week. I shall nrobably try cot fhe list *-"1 «<wne new or°* that will fust HAVE to be adH»d to irv order. The -s®ed companies are oretty smart--this is genuine salesmanship, because never was nostalgia hieher for the green things 'hat "row and tile faet that six months from now I shall be crawline _ along a row either weedimr or picking the produc*- doesn't intrude in my dreamine at present. I have forgotten how bitterly I comnlained about weeds that sprouted from nowhere, and beans that I canned today were ready agaiji tomorrow, and so were half a dozen other thine*. I have watched, with •baohite loathing, a cucumber that Day in, day out, %4aa protects htalth, costs only ponniosl H » • - •.a*,- k • . . i • , Y% -X" " Jr. •s$ i S Our food is more healthful • a a c tastes much better-- cookid property 2 on a modem GAS range. J'Dan's work is strenuous and the children play bard all day. My, how tired and hungry they arf when they come home at night. But somehow-- I noticed they stayed tired even after dinner was over. Something wrong? Well, I consulted a friendly Western United Home Economist--and she gave me some cooking hints that answered my problem -perfectly." ------- -- ; Foods have to be healthful as wefl as good! And tibat^s where your modern GAS range steps in to help you out. The foods you buy probably have all the. vitamins and minerals your family^ needs. But the only vitamins that count are the ones that reacK your table. WESTERN UNITED OAS "So I got busy--took advantage of the help my GAS range could give. Now I seal vitamins and minerals in foods instead of pouring them down the drain. I steam fruits and vegetables in small amounts of water. I also use low temperature oven cooking to preserve the natural vitamins in my meats. I never stir foods or lift saucepan covers to let vitamins escape in steam. "And what a difference I aotke ia my faaafly! They've lost that dragged-out-after-dinner feejjjgf. My GAS range sees that they get all the benefits of health-building vitamins. So take a tip from one who knows ... be sure you choose • vitamin-thrifty GAS range when once again they're available to yon. Then find out for yourself what a top-notch job ef cooking your GAS range will do for you, tool** .*• ' z* < , i. -4*

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