tb« postofficc at 'McHenry, 1E^ voder the act of May 8, 187t. One Year $2.50 CDIIORIALSSOCIATION Timber Thinntnf The possibilities of increasing timber yield through frequent light thinnings were brought out in an experiment conducted on th« .Chippewa national forest. Vala Adams 01 his pKNMa, the lw®e from Cam* Grant last week following hia nmm from service. Miss Helen Stevens and members of her English IV claaa attended the stage play, "The Joyous Season," starring Ethel Barrymore, in Chicago oni Mr. Mrs. Andrew Nilson of Pistakee Bay are spending a few one day last week. and M: fertilising Pots jfcwer pots made of a special glbss which will supply food to the growing plants soon may be available. Certain chiemical fertilizers can be incorporated into glass. These chemicals will leak out slowly on contact with soil and water. "F inish"i n,gl, F7 r"init .• ! ugievH spent a iew at Fringe for finishing curtains or, week with relatives here', slip covers can be made from sel- -- vages of woolen, cotton or linen fabric. Trim off half an inch or so of thfe fabric with the selvage, then ravel it.'To make a brush fringe, stitch two or more thicknesses together. Mrs. Jack Walsh last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Janes Mahoaey and family of Chicago visited in the John Phalin home last weekend. Mrs. Harold Phalin visited in the Harry Lawrence home in Chicago last Saturday and helped Mrs. Lawrence celebrate her birthday anniversary. , Mr. Lawrence, who -was ill for many weeks, is again able to, be about. Mrs. Ida Mix of Chicago visited Mrs. Rose Miller the last of the weeks vacation in Texas. ~ I week. Mrs. Annabel Aicher is vacationing! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi and son in the south. {of Chicago spent the weekend in the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaefer Robert Knox home. j, left last Thursday morning1 for a! few weeks' vacation in Miami, Fla. Mrs. Anna Diedrich and daughter, Van, and Mrs. Kathryn Preund returned home from Pensacola, F]a., recently. Miss Rose Huemann, who: made the trip south with them, will remain for a few more weeks. Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mrs. Eliza-! beth Thompson arid Mrs. Nick Young attended a meeting of their bunco, The GI who drejamed of the "more club at the home of Mrs. Edgar j abundant life" on a farm can now Thomas in Woodstock last week. learn to be an expert and successful Mrs. Carl Couner of Marengo vis- farm operator at the expense of ited her mother Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Uncle S»m, without having to attend last Thursday afternoon. ! college, Homer G. Bradney, admin- • Mrs. Eugene O Neille ofLake igtrator of the Illinois Veterans' .9e^,eV^.Apen.^?:.. eT.day8 ^ P*8*' Commission has revealed. Under a new interpretation of the MM ttlMOtS VCTCKANS Paper Dnplicates A new invention eliminates the use of carbon paper for making duplicates on paper. Substituted is a sort of cellulose sandwich with dye inbetween. Impressions made on this material are transferred to paper beneath. Merle Blowers, who "is home on' pt d;ii nil„ in furlough from army duties in the!® nn state of Washington, accompanied by his wife and daughters of Fox Lake, visited her parents, the Nick B. u-i j • , government FYeunds, a few days last week "' while drawing regular working pay Mrs Mi-i- j from the farm owner or operator. Scheid visited Chicago relates. J1* .»ut»,ist'nce Friday. Little StisaSne Ntete? ?tra01!' ?° *»° for tboM turned home with them to spend have dependents. a few weeks with her grandparents.1 The program was worked out by the Nick Kennebecks. 'the Illinois Veterans' Commission m Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson 0f conjunction with the vocational •*«- LaGrange and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I culture section of the office of the Murray of- Wauconda visited in the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, under direction of J. E. Hill. Illinois is one of the first states in the nation to institute and apply the apprentice and on-the-job training programs to the farming industry, Bradney said. The objective is to make successful farm operators of those who participate. It is Alfons Adams home on Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Martin and daughter, Rita, and Miss Mary Kinney „ .. . spent Tuesday in Chicago. *t'mL* K ^ " s?db!d. - „rDI' and Mrs c- W. Klontz left That bare mineral sod is a much Wednesday morning for Lake Helen better seedbed than the original duff Fla., where they will spend a few surface of the natural forest floor or . weeks' vacation. duff shaded by a thin layer of log- { Ben Bonslett of Chicago spent ging slash is shown by an experi- i Saturday wfth his sister', Mrs. Simon ment with artificial seeding of white j Stoffel. _ <, sprucev|, bvslawcwkn sojp/ir uuvcve^, acsnasdvt ib/a«Ul0swaimii !t .-. "™« . ^1t 11*. .•* *• j. Wals_ h of Dews^P laines fir und.'r upland forest conditions in i „ friends and relatives in M<?- northeastern Minne§6ta. DELUXE SEATING COMFORT Woodstock, 111. FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 15-16 "HER HIGHNESS AND THE BELLBOY" Starring Hedy Lamarr -- Robert Walker and June Ally son SUNDAY*MONDAY, Fdb. 17-18 "The Enchanted Forest" AT NATURAL COLOR As Beautiful as a DISNEY FEA-i TURE COME TO LIFE! Plus Co-Hit Mo. 2 "GEO. WHITE'S SCANDALS" with Joan Davis and Jack Haley TUESDAY (ONE DAY),-FEB. 19 "WHAT A WOMAN" with Rosalind Roasell and Brian Aherne WED. & THURS., FEB. 20-21 First Time At Popular Prices! Continuous Shows Wednesday i froat 2:30 on 1 "WILSON" in Technicolor Henry on Sunday, Jacob Buss of Chicago was 9 Mc- Henry caller on Sunday. Mrs. Peter Trainor of San Francisco, Calif., arrived on Saturday for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bdmund Lowe. Capt. and Mrs. M. H. Boutelle and daughter, Virginia, of Panama, Mr. and Mrs. Fullerc Boutelle and sons, and Clyde of Lake Geneva, the Edward Smith family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith (By Mm fireell Lock) • There have been qtrftoa few birth* days in the past week out hcc*. They say that all great people are born in February because of Lincoln and Washington, so naturally the following are very proud of their birthdays. Allan McKim of the navy, who is stationed at Norfolk, Va., is now a man. He was 21 the sixth of February. Sandra Lock celebrated her eighth birthday, February 7, by having a few friends in to a party. Kenny Sawdo, Chiclde Sales, Georgie Baumbeck, Judy Struck, Alice Thomson, and Marie Rudin seemed to enjoy themselves playing games, coloring in color books, and last but not least eating, which always puts the finishing touches to a party. Patsy Jensen was unable to attend due to sickness. Harriet Lock celebrated her sixteenth birthday, February 9. She was thrilled mostly by the stuffed panda she received from the folks. Chuck Brocken of the army, is home and will receive his discharge from Camp Grant in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wortman were out over the weekend. From what I hear the Valentine designed to prevent students from developing into mere "farm laborers." The "earn-and-learn" farm program has been established on the same lines as programs already in operation for industry and .small business, but this new phase will open an entire new field for returning veterans and promises to maintain Illinois' status as one of the leading in progreessive agriculture, Bradney said. Two steps are necessary to put the program in operation--approval of the farm facility and approval of the veteran's eligibility. Approval of the farm will be aetermined by *[cHenry were Sunday guests in! the Superintendent of Public Inthe home of Mrs. John R. Smith. I struction on recommendation of ®rK'.™rs- E. J. Wiater spent,county agricultural committees, voa week with her parents, Mr. and j cational agriculture teachers, farm j a1?" Althoff, enroute from j advisors and other recognised agri- I isalma, Kas., where he was stationed cultural agencies. Hoino- » k;* •"* T ! with the army, to Redding. Pa., Approval of the veteran may be oSW with attending *e Wl11 ***1" the practice of 1 accomplished to any service officer Ieft JTohagin with folks, r*a fit ji flight enor to correct. Last week I .stated that Mr. and Mrs. Nielson celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary last Waqncsday, but this was wrong, the happy event was celebrated on February 13. In the beauiifully decorated Club Lilymoor, Mr. and Mrs. Nielson celebrated their silver wedding anniversary last Saturday evening. Among the - many Biests present were Mrs. Helen arker ot Bafrington, a neice of Mrs. Nielson, also another niece, Mrs. Viconda and husband of Chicago. Other guests present were » Mrs. Murphy of Round Lake, Miss Dorothy Nickles and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hewitt of Woodstock. Space would not permit me to list the huge number of friends and neighbors that were present. Cards, bunco and dancing were enjoyed by all attending. A buffet luncheon was then served and the party went on to the wee hours of the morning. We were all startled to hear of *he accident which occured last Sunday afternoon. While shooting at a target Ray Boro accidentally shot himself. Ray was shot just below the shoulder when a bullet bounced off the rock urpbn which the 4fter a }^ef Party at Horn's Saturday, February nicely now <^ctor» ®ay Is doing sponsored by the Screwy Dozen, . ^fter gone for a week, the Abbinnati8 are back with uS again. Mr. and Mrs. Abbinanti have return- , ,m Pittsbury, where they attended the funeral of a relative. One evening last week Doc Brunswick of Crystal Lake threw a party for a friend at Rudy's. After a most enjoyable ' dinner the group played cards and danced. All attending had a very delightful time. We are all sorry to hear that Doc Knegers father passed away last Friday morning. Services were held on Saturday. Come on girls get your beau; and fellows get your girls, for the Valentine dance isn't far off no#. The Valentine dance is being held by the Lily Lake Beautifying club at the Lilymoor cliibhohse on Saturday , evening, February 16. Everyone is | •> invited, with fun and laughs for all. IJIL Last week I said the store was to re-open soon and under new management. Well folks, it has and sooner ™an I thought it would. A veteran, Charles • Dardoni, is the new owner. Already new improvements can be seen. Vegetables, cold meats and groceries can npw be purchased here. Mr. Dardoni is a resident of Lilymoor. Mr. and Mrs. Sand were out over the weekend. Continuing their remodeling, which they hope to complete by spring. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaMiere were Mr. and Mrs. Hazelbauer and Mr. and Mrs. Konig. On Tuesday, Dagmar and Patricia Andree spent the day in Chicago !• had nmr aim _ and a half-y«r-old fare, and it nori is sw«0 home for good no#. Mrs. Thomas Kane was hostess to twenty women Monday, February 11, as they enjoyed another demonstration by Mrs. Nelson. wt P«pw, hold a two-year Ink supply, nevor smear, win writ* in any pontion and make carboas without tearing the paper. Manufacture of the pen is expected to. be en soon in the United StateA^8^ *» • <*'• " Need Rubber Stamps? The Plaindealer. _ Order at ' Read the Want Ads •fm jp~^ * ' A i-S 4 HEN'S WATERPROOF WRIST WATCHES 130 and up " LADIES' WRIST WATCHES $37.60 and ' Elgin American Compacts, CigarettB Cased f H. A. STEFFAN, Jewelry, Musiq Ra^io TEL. i23-j-JCAHr ST., McBXmet ' • *-f- Mi- 'IIS M '• ' < '*1 'i*- <. .Ci " \ 'I Housewives with discriminating taste-- those who want to look their best whil® carrying out regular household tasks--will be overjoyed to learn of our new selection of bright prints, floral designs and plain colors. Come in today! and look them over. Any one of thiese should do much to make the day more cheery. Sizes 14 to 52. $1.98 to $9.98 ^1C,ne' j » „ I °' Illinois Veterans' Commission. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. May and: The veteran's qualifications are that cniiaren of Johnsburp visited in the!he shall have served ninety days or nome ot Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Jus ten i more in the army, navy, marines, or on Saturday evening. coast guard and that his discharge I ounday dinner guests jn the Wil- is other than dishonorable. A certir 1" k°,me ™ere Mr. and i fied copy of the discharge should ac- ! , Jack . y)e/an and daughter,; company the application and if there F T wr- ? C"'£ago, pr. "and Mrs. are dependents, proof of such dej rt °t Pa., Mr. pendency must be furnished. and Mrs. John Smith, son, Clarence, Veterans will proceed through a I u r,v ' and Wiliam Myers 1 pre-determined training course on r 1 rimUr®'" farms of their own choosing, learn- , Larl Walsh was a caller in Chi- ing step by step, all phases of modcago on Wednesday. ern agriculture. In addition, they Miss Nellie Doherty and Mrs. Wal- ^iH be responsible to the Superter w.alsh attended funeral services intendent of Public Instruction for for Mrs. Ellen Kelley at Presenta- supervision of the veterans' educa- Itl0" church in Chicago last Saturday.! tion. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson | Veterans interested in agricultural lor hvanston spent the weekend with training may contact County Service | Ins parents in McHenry. Officer William R. Cairns, whose of- I. ,S8. Marguerite Johnson {8 vis-! fice is in the Murphy Block, Wood- |mng her aunt and uncle, Mr. and stock. Mrs. A. K. Burns, in Hollywood, r» have sold their , Park home and have purchased "fiiee:y also Hickory Colony McHenry, Illinois The Colony Theatre welcomes you again to attend our Theatre and enjoy the good projection and sound. We will be back on our regular schedule starting Thursday, February 14. The last chance to see some of the good pictures that accumulated during the time we were closed--The first picture will be "STATE FAIR" for 3 dsys-- Which every one will enjoy seeing the second time. Our schedule will be the same as in the past--except closed every Tuesday. a a home in Hollywood. have a summer home at <ir 'nge. . Norbert Mauch, who was recently discharged from the army, has resumed his position at the Alexander Lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May and daughters Lois and Joann, Mrs. William Staines, Mrs. Martin May, Mrs. Wesley Guffey and son, Bill, visited in the Elmer Smallfeldt home in Kenosha, Wis., on Sunday. Mrs. Valeska Hoppe, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe and Miss * Frances Vycital spent the past few weeks ; in Mexico. • » . Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park was a New Screen The Russians claim to have Invented a screen that gives a threedimensional effect to moving pictures. The screen is made of glasa on which are engraved several thousand fine lines. No Sate BaO There la no such animal as a "safe" bull. Well-constructed pens and fences are essential (or bulls. It's a good idea to have pens and gataft controlled from the outsiAi. making it unnecessary to handle the bull. Of course -vhen the bull is led out of a pen, a stout staff fastened to a nose ring should be used. THURSDAY TO SATURDAY "STATE FAIR" SUN. * MON„ FEB 17-18 Hedy Laaatrr -- Robert Walker "Her Highness and the Bellboy" Also--Cartoon and New# WEDNESDAY (ONE DAY) 'Don Juan Quilligan* William Bendix -- Joan Blondd! Also Selected Shorts THURSDAY FOR t DAYS "Weekend at*# the Waldorf* Cottsttmrf fotm? t, usually borrower's individuals for a$ paying up bills, and financing automor home repairs and modernization, loans are economical in cott. For details covering the amount you may. bofrow and the length of time you may hav«^ to repay your loaiv come In and talk with us.1 v West McVlenry State Bank ) Member Federal Reserve Systei|p| ^ ^ Member Federal Deposit Insuraiiee Corporation 11 n H i t ni 1 n n 1 »m» MMMninnmtMn in»m >»» for her home in California in the evening. A most happy birthday to John Kissel. John celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, Ffebraury 13. Spending a most delightful Sunday at the Normand home were Mr. and Mrs. Cy> Novak and children of Chicago. One evening last week our pinochle fans met and held a session. Among those present were Mrs. Krieger, the . Laian girls, Mrs. Normand, Mrs. Kiehl, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Peschke* and Mrs. A1 Regner. All attending a v?£y enjoyable time. Last Thursday Mrs. Wrublewski %nd daughter, Mrs. Marsh, visited Chicago. Weekend guests at the Marsh home were Mrs. Christenson and Mrs. Marsh s brother, Marty. Over the weekend the MoDermotts were honored with a visit front Mr and Mrs. Robert Corbin. As A1 Bellinne was returning from Kound Lake one evening last week he had the misfortune to go in the ditch. I*!?** Q»»te a busy weekend at ">e Wirfs residence as Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rodda were here from Indiana, also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geiler. Visitors at the George Wegener home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mackey visited their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carlin. _Mr. and Mrs. Esser were Sunday _ risjtors in Chicago. On the \v?,y in JL the Essers stoped off at DesPlaines 1 I to visit with Mr. Easer's cousin who V is attending St. Mary's training A* school, but were disappointed to find 4 that there were no visiting hours. V Upon reaching Chicago, they visited with two of their daughters and X turned home later in the day. V 1 > Mrs. Swenskie has given us word A that she expects her brother home jL around the fifteenth of this month. y On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. O. •> !!! Hyatt were honored with a visit JL ,, from some very old friends, Mr. V !' ®n<i Mrs. Smythem and daughter, O 1 > Betty, also a son, Bill, and his lady X • >! friend/ V During the week Mrs. Swenskie visited Chicago with the children. JL Alter a .show they went shopping, • 1 and I would like to hear Mr. Swenskie! V when he receives the bill for those | JL " two new hats the Mrs. purchased] 111 while shopping. •' The Teen Age clutwwould once' || again like to thank the iollowing for! _ «1 their generous contributions -- Mrs. • V • • | Bransford for cups; Mrs. Cederberg A •"d Mrs. Svoboda for refreshments. 1 jT Now folks we are going to ask you V for something once again. On the' «*• twenty-third of this month our field' JL trip to Chicago is 'coming up. We V are going to visit the Museum of & « ' j °cienc© and Industry. This tour .. will be very educational and also ; | j quite a~ pleasure. We are in need ..I°f a few cars to transport us their «»j and have their drivers accompany " | us on our trip. Your help would be ' greatly appreciated. Please contact JL any teen-ager so wo will know in t advance. Thank you. I Before I close I would like to re- JL mind you all once again of the Valen-; J tine dance next Saturday evening. Common Fungi« "Mildew" or "mold" is fungi that feeds on almost everything it needs no sunlight for growth and spores are always present in air, dust and water. The fungi remains dormant in dry weather but growth starts with a reasonable humidity. A new chemical has recently been developed to prevent the ' VISIT OUR INFANTS* WEAR •in 're .just the thing for coming spring--these gay blouses, sheers and spuns. We have dressmakier and tailored styles, with Jewelry necklines, bow-ties, convertible collars and soft jabots. These are blouses that will lift your spirit during the in-between season. See our selection of whites and pastels. Sizes 34 to 42. $1.98 to $3.98 mm * ANNOUNCEMENT We now have the original CHIPPEWA WORK SHOES complete range of sizes in stock Bine Ch&mbray Sanforised $1.09 Sanforised Bine Twill Sixes 14% to 17 $1.59 2 per customer Clothes that know how to keep working --sturdy and well constructed to give you |he inaximum in comfort and wear. /Be fn the beam in clothes made to do a job-- ind do it well. , Clothes • i, Heavy Weight Covert PANTS WORK PANTS $2.19 Rockford Work Socks Ipairfor -sua"4^/ Phone 459 621 Main St Authorized Dealer $EO. COLLETTE, we Friendly Store 'A *