ttailwiftl tat* ndaattrm; dresser; vanity; table with six chairs .- girl's Phone McHenry, 678-R-2. i tam m AM m Mi MASKS* pwrAun -80 to IK MM: wiQ pajr all cash. Must have good baiMlm, fwnl soil and wtU located. Please give section number,, acreage and pnee. Address P. O. Box »8, W^okegan, I1L 87-4 FOB SALE--Two 500-ca"pacity electric brooders, used once. Call Wauconda 261#--Hansen Poultry Farm, Wauconda. 39-tf WANTED HOMES AND FARMS In jand around McHenry and Lake counties. We will get you top prices on an exclusive basis. ED M. LANCharlaS Freund) / The Firemen held their regular meeting at ToWn Hall on Monday night of last week. After the meeting cards were played tfnd refreshments served. Mrs. Frank Sanders entertained members of her club at her home on Tuesday night. Two tables of flvef hundred were in play and prises went to MA Mark Pierce, Mrs. John Lay and $(rs. Sanders received consolation. Lunch was served by the hostess after cards. A post-nuptial shower was given FOE SALB-Four-room home, bnse- NEg Ageht Hinej| R€|llty 4 Con- .fo..r Mrs. Clarence Adams at the ment, automatic oil furna£e, d p, structjon qo. Tel. McHerifry 674-M-2 i home of her bridesmaid, Miss Luella <>" wo<^1.Jot8'p™«SuIJS"1; or 667-R-2. 84-tf Hanford, on Thursday night. Games $5,250. Willits, Phone Mc-;_ wer« 'layed »nd several prises Henry 678-R-2. #OQ wm piajrva nuu NTVIVI |»IWB _ _ ! ATTENTION FARMERS -- Veteran awarded the winners. The honored Richmond 929. *39 one who has creeks, swamps, lakesj This community was greatly shockand are within 30 miles or less of! ed to hear of the death of Frank FOR SALE--22 brood sows, farrow Elgin phone Elgin 2100-R or write \ Schumacher, who passed away at in March and April. Gregory Katt- R. Williams, Box 108, West Middle' his home in Marshfield, Wis., on ner, 3 miles north of Johnsburg. Tel. St., So. Elgin, 111. 38-2 Wednesday, February 8. Mr. Schu Richmond 929. *39 - FOR SALE --- Modern, year-round MISCELLANEOUS macher was a resident here- quite a few years ago and well known in these parts. His many friends and home with garage; 7-room efficiency; YOUR overcoat mothproofed for 5 relatives mourn his passing. 6 rooms and bath on ground floor, years for only 62c. Berlou Moth-' Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of plastered. Hardwood floors. Upstairs s£ray (guarantees to repair or replace Wilmette were callers in town last finished off for 1 large room; effi- vour coat jf damaged by moths with--week. cient kitchen; wall cabinets; electric -n 5 years. Bolger's Drug Store, Mc-j Ford Hanford arid Walter Brown range; rugs to fit dining and living Henry. 39 attended the Legion meeting at rooms; Venetian blinds; half base-' -----: Memorial Hall in Richmond Thursday ment; hot air furnace; Targe shade WELL WORK -- Order your driven njght and greatly enjoyed the oyster trees; also evergreens on lot 50x135, well now. We sell, repair and install ;stew served by the committee, in wooded section of subdivision, all pumps, including electric. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund en- Excellent place fbr children. School Bacon, 206 Main street, West Mc-j tertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, bus service. C. A NW. commuters Henry. Tel. 93-J. 39-tf,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and Mrs. service. 1 hour to loop. Address -- -- -- ' . » .. IA1 Schmeltzer in their home on Box B, in care of Plaindealer. 39-tf NOTICE-- Reward , information (prj{jay nig-ht. Cards were played dealer. 39-tf. leading to recovery of 91 mutation an(j refreshments served. n.,_ ----r 1 7 mink taken or lost from Northwood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lent moved FOR SALE--;We Jiave ten fine wool Fox Farm near Cary, 111. Kepiy o^jthis week to the upstairs flat in th6 and silk pastel and dark colored writing Box W, in care of PI**"-1 Edward Keefe building. dresses, sizes 10, 11 and 12, worth dealer. 391 Mr. and Mrs. Stanlev Freund $15 each. For quick sale, _$5 each. -- John, FttR SALE--One ween with cream ^rTav?^!^can>f480-JCOWoSstock" ^rt^riU^sTturday^ghf were Viccolor enamel kitchen coal or wood . I?, McHenry, ca» Sob , Frisby, .Jr.,j ^Lyk^Thomas^M Lh£i\™orabiv range. One circulator coal or wood phone 163-W, or Robert Knox, , ^en honorably sss-.jftFf* Bauer'Phone SJt navy and Menry wi M . w ROOFING AND SIDING | .Lloyd Franzen, who was honorably FOR SALE--Acorn gas stove, dining See Frank Gans for an estimate on! discharged from the navy, after three room table and chairs, upright piano, that new roof or siding, guaranteed. years in service, is spending several two beds with springs, Jibrary _table, by Sears Roebuck A Co. Call Mc- days here with relatives dishes, ssnitary cot. 51-J. =o, xw, ** "*•" ....... ucaici. i mr. ana mrs. oianiey rreunu "S Tailor,'416 Main'Stf, ^NOTICE-D. you n.*d .nv r<K>f.»fJ<£ «« Freund farm on Frid,y snry. Phone 123-R. 39 siding or insul Dinne^ts of Mr. and Mrs. Al- Tel. McHenry! Henry 106-W or call at 300 River- *39 side Drive, McHenry. 39-4 FOR SALE--One-third horse cooler NOTICE--Not responsible for any compressor, brand new; stoker. Tel.. bills except those contracted by my- McHenry 360. 391 self since Jan. 3, 1945. 37-3 MRS ELWOOD DOWELL. FOR SALE--1935 Dodge truck, extra heavy, stake body bed. Below OPA NOTICE--Not responsible for any ceiling. Phone Wonder Lake 298. 1 debts incurred by anyone but myself. I 39 37-2 CARL F. SCHWEITZER. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wagner, daughter, Carol Ann, of Chicago spent Sunday at the J. G. Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James of Rockford were callers in Town Monday and visited in the Frank Sanders home. A party sponsored by the Christian Mothers and Young Ladies Sodality will be held in St. Peter's Parish Hall on Sunday night, February 17. The ladies have arranged to have iB BsfeL Yeart HeHas CTPRCT MpTOgl Up « Bureau Containing File of 300 CUM. Call NOTICE--Not responsible for any mnnw j ~ will be served throughout the even' ing. Everybody welcome. Mrs. George W. May, daughters, Georgia, Donna and Diane, and Mrs. Charles Freund, son, Tommy, and daughter, Charlott, enjoyed the mati REW YORK. -- Adam Yulch, whose system of identifying criminals by laundry marks, had a perfect batting average in 1944, doesn't look like a man you'd expect to tod mixed up in crime, says an Associated Press writer. He can identify most murder or amnesia victims within 24 hours Since he established the first laundry, mark filing bureau eight years ago, no defense attorney ever has challenged his evidence in cross-examination. A lieutenant on the Nassau county police force, he likes to cali himself "consultant for the entire nation's law enforcement agencies and that includes the FBI." | Adam, who is 60, joined the police force of Nassau county 30 years ago. It was in 1936, while he was on the detective division, that he became aware of the potentialities 61 laundry marks. Three bandits in a stolen car had made a haul of $10,- 500, abandoned the car and escaped. In the car was a suit of clothes with a cleaner's mark,. "Then," says Adam, "yours truly was called in and given the suit of clothes with: 'Find the man who cleaned suit. I don't care how long it takes or how expensive it is, but don't come back until you've found him.' " Searched for Three Months. For three months Adam canvassed cleaning establishments in metropolitan area. New York City alone has 11,000. Says Adam, "I don't know how many pairs of shoes I wore out." Then one day up in Westchester, "to my surprise and I almost done a backflip, a cleaner says 'yes, that's my mark.' " All three bandits were caught and convicted. Criminals had been detected by laundry marks since 1883, but detection was haphazard and tedious because not even the FBI had a laundry mark file. Adam proposed to start one. He told his commanding officer, Inspector Henry B. King, what he had learned. Every cleaner's mark has an indicator, a route designation and a customer's designation. By collecting sample marks and filing them, Adam thought he could find the proper cleaner. From the route and customer's marks, the cleaner could tell the name of the person in question. Many cleaners use the same indicator but, with the selection narrowed by locality, Adam main- FOR SALE--Upright piano. McHenry 81-W. FOR SALE -- One beautiful 5-room oil heater, like new, or one Quakerj HAVE YOU nEAItD about the new 5-room oil heater; both can be seen; reduced Auto Liability and Property in operation. Fbone McHenry 20&J-X. Damage rates? They will surprise ' ^ j yov. Ask us for insurance rates. TAVERN FOR SALE--A going busi- Th" Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. nees in this territory for years, lo- 27-tf cated on corner of two paved roads; -- T~7i ~ large bar in dining room, will seat DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars " . ,CUI1U „„,„c were xur. ana mrs. 1 ...» 0 .(.mnina m» 100 people; large modern kitchen, 5 the least we pay for dead hOTses and; Walter Brown and Miss Georgia . ' stamping mabedrooms, living room, large sitting cows ,n &°°d condition. Wheeling I May. chine. and smoking room. This place is in Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No.; Visitors in the Albert Britz home! "Inspector King gave me the the McHisnry-Pistakee Bay district. 3• Reverse the charges. No help on Sunday, were the Andy Straub green light,"^*ays Adam, and he Seen by appointment only. I have needed to load. 14-tf family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. started out. within a few months ! GARBAGE COLLECTING - Let nee at Liberty theatre in Libertyville; tained he could pick the right Saturday afternoon. The occassion j cleaner "because no two marks are W8q *n,hon?r of Mrs- May's birthday.| alike." Some cleaners use indelible Fr^nd yhinew^Mr" ind SlSl penci1' *°m' prU"' *0me also farms in the the Johnsburg dis-1 GARBAGE CUMJSCTINl,-- Let u» triet Carl Ohrwall. P O.. Crystal of your garbage each week, Lake, 111. Phone 8049-Y-4. 39 or oftener if desired. Reasonable _ -- ----7 ; rates. Regular year round route, fory? Winchester automatic merly George Mayers'. Ben J. Smith. S u 5 i P h M M M 8 - " -- ~| Nucleus of Atom FOR SALE--Before buying a water! pm -jm p_„i rnArffV pump, see the new Fairbanks Morsel rrov des Ureat Energy Rector water systems, complete $96. Light and other'manifestations of Engstrom Sales and Service. Tel. atomic energy are produced in two 34-tf, ways, points out the Better Vision SALE Year-round comfort and j ^ eeonomy with fire-proof Johns-Man electrons, negalive charges of elecville Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEQ J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. FOR SALE--Two lots in McHenry, good location. Call 147-J. 38-2 tricity which revolve around the nucleus of atoms. The nucleus, composed of protons which are positively charged and neutrons which are electrically neutral, is not affected when electrons are torn away% from the atom, as when wood burns or chemical action takes place. Under ordinary conditions the atomic nucleus is very stable and resists change. to 85; day or evening shift; 5 to 101 ®nca most of the energy in an atom HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Couple extra men, Hvnter Boat Co., McHenry. 39-tf Keneth Crain, son, Roger, and- Mrs. Herman Crain of Woodstock. Many friends of Mrs. Anna Schaefer attended the wake held for her in St. John's church, Johnsburg, Sunday evening. Heartfelt sympathies are extended the bereaved family. William Nimsgern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nimsgern has returned to St. Peter's school. William was quite ill with pneumonia for several week. Mr. and Mrs. WalCer Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Freund of Mchis first murdes case turned up. The body of a man who had been chained to a tree, his clothing saturated with gasoline and set afire, was found on New Jersey's Palisades along the Hudson river. Call in Yulch. No one could identify the victim. Yulch was called in. He carefully sifted charred cloth. With a magnifying glass he found the smudge of a cleaner's mark. Since most cleaner's ink if .indelible, Adam took a chance on moistening it. The M M mi St. Mary's Catholic Charek Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00: 10:00. Week Days: 6:46 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00^,. , ' Confessions: /:• Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 8:0ft p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. IWUS 9t mm. to a 'Miafle i wMeh wefS'i cent church _ Mr. MBler hokftsg tt> hwfar wabtl TWENTY YEARS AGO St. Patrick's Catholic Orar* Masses: .:-\- Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:80 On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7 :30 Mass. Confessions: ... . Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 Rev. Wn. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. S.t. John's Catholic Church, Johnsbarg Masses: Sunday: 8:Q0 and ¥):00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00 « ' First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80 Thursday before First FridaJF-E 2:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Paster. St. Peter's Catho&c Charts 0 Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00; Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: ________ Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30" and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zkm Evangelical Lutheran Church John St. East of Highway 81 West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your heart with hope and courage. Services .9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--WGN 11:80 a.m. Community Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. Wbrship Service: 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. •Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Chujffll (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a.m. Divine services--3:00 p.m. H. L. Pfotenhauer; Pastor. Ringwood Church Ringwood, III. Sunday--Public worship, 9:30. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. ?« cme through Within two hours he Was in a tailor shop in the Bronx. The tailor cards in the Edwin Freund home in Crystal Lake on Sunday. Refreshments were served. Mortality Rait Among the white population of the United States, the mortality rate 'for men is greater than for women. p.m. Top wages for conscientious workers. Cellulose Industries, Rich-' mond, 111. Tel. Richmond 385. I! 32-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- House, 6 rooms or more. Call McHenry 31. fir. H. S. Flke, 805 Waukegan St. 23-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five room summer home, near McHenry, on or near Fox River. Address Box MBJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf resides in the nucleus, tremendous amounts of energy are released when atoms are smashed. The sun's energy arises from atom smashing. If its energy came from simple electronic changes, as in the burning of wood, the sun would have become cold end dark long ago. But because it obtains the bulk of its en- Ghipplng 8parrow The chipping sparrow has been called the hairbird because of its fondness for horse hair which it uses for its nest. FORENOON SALE JOHN HEICK AUCTION FRANK MILLER, Auctioneer got out his books, turned to the prop* er page, then became hysterical. The mark was that of his father-inlaw. A dentist's examination clinched the identification. West coast states and the FBI began'to consult Adam. He identified amnesia victims, he caught OPA violators, he identified a drowned man whose, body had been in the water four years. He caught a counterfeiter who had deemed himself safe for two years. The man had left his kit of tools and a pair of trousers in an automatic locker at a train station. If not taken out in 24 hours, the parcels are stored by the station for two years, then opened. Thirty minutes after he received the trousers, Adam identi- TWICE TOLD TAlfiS Items of interest fallen Frost the Files of the Plaindealer of Years Ago Mrs. Joe M. Sehaefer accompanied her daughter, Dora, to Milwaukee, where she entered the St. Joseph's convent, Saturday. Father William A. OHonrke of Rockford will succeed to the pastorship of St. ftrtrick's church in this city, left vacant by the death of the late Rev. M. J. McEvoy. At the first stockholders' meeting held in the banking quarters of the new Waukegan State bank, Saturday, February 13, at 2 p.m., Carl W. Stenger, president of the West McHenry State bank, was elected president of the new institution. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Anna Loos, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that March 4th, 1946, is the claim date in the estate of Anna Loos, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenxy County, 111., pnd that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HUGH A. BENEEN, Executor. (Pub. Jan. 81-Feb. 7-14) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Ludwig Plenxler, also known as Louis Plencner, Deceased. Notice is hereby giveii to all persons that March 4th, 1946, is the claim d/ite in the estate of Ludwig Plenzler, also known as Louis Plencner, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illi nois, end that claims may be filed against the said estate on ur before said date without issuance of summons. HUGH A. DENEEN, Administrator. (Pub. Jan. 31-Feb. 7-14) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Edward Loos, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that March 4th, 1946, is the claim dpte in the estate of Edward Loos, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, pnd that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HUGH A. DENEEN, Administrator. (Pub. Jan. 31-Feb. 7-14) cm ( urn, or leas efficiently, kept flu from .-the cold flats' off the user's feet. WALTER P. BROOKS MMteg and Decorating Wallpaper mad Paint at 116 Washington St, McHenry TeL 181-R A.P.Freatt0 Go. Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic I and Crane Service. *-Bo»d Building-- tel. 204-M >fcH«nry, Ik ' TeL McHewy 248-J HABOLD H. BELL Painting; Papirksfeging, Reaoving Old Wall Paper With Steamer Spray Paintlag 105 N. OREEN ST1., WHENRY .y:> •vhV1* r Extends Sugar Drinks to be served cold, such as iced tea, coffee, etc.. Should be sweetened while hot, when less sugar is required. ^ Ay»# OWi WftHilngton's staid navy department switchboard, which handles more than 60,000 calls a day, has turned as salty as a talker on a battlewagon's bridge. No longer do operators answer with, "I'll get your number, sir," or even just plain, "Yes, sir." Now it's "Aye; aye, sir." WEINGART TRUCKING McHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Filling and Limestone Telephone McHenry 655-R-l My herdsman being about to ^ their Three hours later leave, I have fully decided to quit ;the man was under arrest. ergy from the interior of atoms, it [dairying and will sell at Public Auc-j Adam added institutional laundry will snine and provide light for hu- |tion, on what is known as the Cor-1, marks to his files. His samples apman teeds millions upon millions of nelius Nolan Farm, located 3 miles | proached the 300,000 mark. Paper Money . AD genuine United States paper money is printed on one piece of high quality all-rag paper.- years in the future before all its energy Li dissipated. Lest Production Enough time was lost from farm accidents last year toliave produced five bushels of wheat for each of the 137 million persons in the United States. North of Hartland, 7 miles south- SIXTY YEARS AGO Frank Going and wife were called to Chicago on Monday by a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. Going's father. John Myers finished filling the ice houses in this village on Tuesday, and this Wednesday morning, started with tools and men for Fox Lake, where he has the job of putting up the ice for the club houses, hotels, etc. Capt. Walter Hill has bought the steamer "Mamie," and now owns the entire steamboat line from here to Fox Lake. Butter, creamery fancy, 80 to 88 cents, dairy to choice 22 and 25 cents; eggs, good fresh, 19 and 20 cents; chickens 5 and 6 cents. FIFTY YEARS' AGO Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- Cinders Black Dirt -- Limestone Dump Tryclts For Hire • Phone Johnsburg 677-W-2 McHenry, I1L _2D*. *. DeROMS -- -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street r Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:80 pan. Other hoars by appointment. TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 DR. R, H WATKINS .Dentist . <t>4tfle« Hem • - Tuesday A Saturdays: • a.m. to 5 pa. Evenings and Sanday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, IR Office Honrs--Daily Except Than. 10 to 12,1 JO to 4:S0, Men, Wed* Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Honrs by Appointment H. a VAN DEN BURGH, DC, PhC Chiropractor 120 Green SU Tel. 292-R. McHenry Residence "Phone Hebron 926 V DR. H S. FIKB •eterlnaftaa 865 Waakegan St. Phone 81 r McHENRY. ILL. C Phone McHenry 86Jf 0. N. FREUND TRUCKING LIVESTOCK -- LIME -- COAL ||6 Waukegan Road West McHenry, III. east of Harvard, 7 miles northwest lis. I :t. of Woodstock and 7 miles southwest **WIM nw L,te to 3t1i of Hebron, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th commencing at 10 o'clock sharp Kidt From Falling Plane SIGNAL HILL, CALIF. - Lt. Herman A. Albertmi, 23, of Stanton, 111., combat flier returned from Eunron. iv10^. P*™"*1 ro^, recently was credited with " risking his life to avoid hitting chil- PICK-UP AND DELIVERY • VCX5UE CLEANERS SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY „ ^McHENRY CLEANERS % tenry Cleaners and Laundry Services. Elm Street Plume McHenry I0N|*M DON HOWARD property 6S HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE consisting of the following: 44 Head of Dairy cows. 84 Hoistein, 7 Guernsey, 4 Durhama. 14 cows of this herd are fresh, balance are milking or close springers. This is a high producing herd with a production of $4ZXtll lba. of milk in the past twelve months with average butterfat test of 8.8 and an average of 264 ks. of butterfat per head, per year. Prospective buyers are welcome to inspect this herd at any time before SAM* Reg. Holstein bull, 2 years old; 17 head of Holstein, Guernsey and Durham heifers, 11 head dm to freshen by June; 6 to 18-month-old heifers; 2 Holstein heifers, 2 months old. Milking Bquipmenf 2 unit DeLaval milking machine; 2 extra single units, pails and strainera. TERMS All sums of 825 and under that amount, cash, over that amount a credit of six months, at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Those desiring credit kindly make arrangements prior to purchase. No property to be remeeed until settled' for. JOHN HE1CK First National Bank ef Woodblock, Clerking, dren in the path of his disabled Thunderbolt fighter plafte. The plane, its engine smoking, cut a telephone pole in two, sheared through telephone and power lines and ripped off the roof of a warehouse before craahlsnding. Police said the plane was barely 100 feet high when onlookers saw the pilot leaning out, waving frantically at children to get out of his way. The plane bunt into flames and waa destroyed, bat Albertini walked •way with only bruises anil •cratches, Is serving with the 6th lerrying gamp gf the air tr Revival meetings are being held at the M. E. church every evening this week except Saturday evening, the pastor, Rev. V. C. Cook, officiating. We learn that the Parker estate has been finally settled and that the hotel property comes into the hands of Frank A. Parker, who we are told intends to build a hotel on the old site at once. Mat Pitxen is serving on the United States Jury at Chicago, this week. A new floor is being laid in the store of Owen A Chapell this week, which is a great improvement in appearance and otherwise. FORTY YEARS AGO Al'g Welding Service West of C. A N. W. Depot Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALRX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. A. WORWIOK PHOTOGRAPHER PertraKare Commsreial Photography Hionr 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY. IlL. McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 608-R1 -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route SI Flowed for all ooeaaiona! JACOB FRITZ Reel Estate and Insurance Main 8L, Jahnshnrg TeL McHenry 672-R-2 Chicago Office me Lincoln lttM Telephone Huntley 8644 RAYMOND J. KELLEY -Attorney at Law HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS New One 12-ounce glass of • new nvy lemonade will provide more than half of a person's daily vitamin C requirement. A time tested freckle ismoyw Is an oatmeal pack, made by mixing of one egg with sufficient oatmeal (or almood meal) to.aaalm e thin paste. ApPfr paste to freckled areas and, when dry, rinse with warm water. The storm and -sleet on Sunday and Monday gave the local manager of the Chicago Telephone company. R. W. Marshall, an extra session of hard labor, but the lines are again in the best of working order. The Borden factory is this week shipping ice to their Cary plant from here; A sleighing party waa enjoved by a number of our young people last Wednesday evening. M. D. Weber, who about two months ago broke his leg, is again able, with the assistance of crutches, to bis about. THIRTY YEARS AGO Michael Freund will told an auction sale on his farm east of McHenry and expects to move to this village about the Arst of March. He and his family wilt occupy his, the old Wightman place, which he purchased some tiara ago. Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt have moved from the Jacob Justen Phone McHenry 687-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt .. Power fueling and Grading. J. E. NHTT Johnsburg P. O.--HeHsnry CRYSTAL LAKH LAUNDRY ^ AND CLKANER8 AH r. F. Phone 82 . Ag«i* 117 Grant St. 96 to for We pay US for Old Horace, Issi cattle. Matt's Ranch Johnsburg-Spring draws Read GALL AT ONCS ON MAD HOGS, HOBOS A CATTLE We pay phoas charges. ^ Telephone No. 866 Stoffel A Refhaaspsrger Insurance agents for eO classes ef property in the best tosvmniee. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS INSURANCE EARL R. WALSI Prsssntlng Reliable Companies fhm yen> need lase r in is «f aaor Mat PhsM 48 er 118-M Green A Elm McHenry For t MTRIOERAWJr Call 'w' WONDER LAKM 868 ~ir ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC BLBCRICAL OQNTRACTORS RADIO RBWUR8 LBO 6. Prepw 272-M Drive - , . . « . ... *