•pKirVij £53$ Aw-we drat bcBm It! They told u tiut,pic|piD«r sold his car and would bmiuttM riding into town on a horse. < Jack Benny's stock rose with, us last Sunday night as he closed his broadcast with dne of the finest little speeches on "Good. Fellowship' that we have heard. THIS seems to be as good it spot eg. any other to give you the various champions of 1946. by EARL R. WALSH >1 i i ; 1 * It isn't only the boys who want to operate taxis who are swooping on Washington these days. Lotus Haw- m ley, well-known Ringwood hatcher, thinks the same of us as we do [various nominations, but if you ILa TaVao VABIffn* Ui «m T IpAAm fltAflA ^Vl Altivflf U ! PATY1 hlTlfi tllO nQCt Y\A1 •ard is ight i liore news to weak any minute. J Atlas ramr, L , 21041' 74; DwS; 471 Tavern Pale, 2--Bakfcom, 0. G. Mansfield, M04N; Sans, 178-474; Stoller, 470; teMtt, 689. MacArthur Vogue, 2--Fenske, 1 Farmhouse, 2 -- Wattles, t. B. Hoyte, 418; E. Rand, 186-461; FitzGeralds, 2--McHfcnry Bank, 1. M. Weingart, 469; B. Blake, 400. This being "Good Fellowship" week, it behooves us to take stock I course there may be a slight eleof ourselves. Maybe the other fellow; ment of chance involved in these We saw golfers on the Chapel Hill flBurse a few days ago. Yep. They y^ere golfers. We looked twice. Things are humming around the itcHenry Country club in anticipation of a big season. Improvements. - . . . ... - . Sill be made in the club house that porting let us pack into this first are bound to catch the fancy of both paragraph the information that Hemembers and visitors: jbron Hi^lis hjh-ranking basketball ™ | five beat our MCHS Warriors 46 to tried -to see his good points. McHENRY LIGHTS BEAT HEBRON IN THRILLER; HEAVIES LOSE 46. TO 41 For the purpose of accurate rethe right to make a few changes later on when some of the mists and fogs have lifted and there is store light ahead. These selections belong to the snows of winter, not the flowers of April and May nor i the red and gold | tints of next au- | tumn. Here is our ! prediction for big j league baseball: . i American league ] & *3 Victory Ladies-- . Rochelle Constructionettw, 2-- Farmers Mill, 1. G. Weber, 430; R. Freund, 172-479. Nielsens Dress Shop, .3--Harrisons, 0, F. Larsen, 417; M. Wilbrpndt, With 1058 ptos in the second ^2; D. Schaefer 416; L. Schmitt, round of five games, "Hup" Smith; Pe'sert, 427. , .„ took over first place in the Cityi, Pe£e^*H Bo?£\ 4%. Championship race. His total for i* Freund' 464» ten games is 1948 pins. Joe Jack- E- Peterson, 185-465. son, who held first place after the i first round, is now in the second K. of C.-- i , notch with a 1878 total. "Torch"! McGees, 2--Ny« Jewelers, h J. Krause is third with 1827. Felix Frisbv, 206-561; G. Barbian, 196-499. j Unti rolled a 5-game series of 976; Schaefers Market, 3--Regners, 0.1 Saturday night. Hiere were mftny *• Schaefer, 189-462; V. Johnson,! Btmes over 200 Saturday night with 221-588; C. Brda, 491"; N. Justen, j erman Steffes' 247 and Joe Jack- „ ' • J son's 244 topping the list. : FitzGeralds, 2, -- Blakes, 1. G.! Larkin, 207-508. i "Hop" Smith's 67« series listed' SUllings, 3--H^ts^Tayern, 0. P. 1 scores rates Brefeld, 179-468; L. Stilling, 473; B. | it'**^- lot of Bac°n. . j mmutwrn,. __ lak fpots cm tot rengvill by poor- Instable Mh on <ho spot while it ig •till wet. As soon « the sah a" sorb* the ink, remove it and replace with fresh salt. Repeat »ntii spot disappears. ^ 7^ Tame, wilfl Berries Blueberries and huckleberries which are often confused are similar in appearance and use. This usual distinction is that the blueberry is tame and the huckleberry wiljfc- Lf'-i'r • i' jim Perkins is a director our home floor la8t immencaii f 670 . Henry's second team pulling up from ; toa/t chp- ^ The dub has gone mlon$ vwry nice^ a 28 to 23 deficit in the waning I HBflMH Red fox and Tigers | bowling! ^ .. . T-- .^yjj3. iaiisf i NWNB ch"" l0u M- •• • H»& ** isma-I. toilniente in back of u», the present j, stllt lto to » tournament finals j GrutUadrice N.UomI teafM-- ^"NR2Sson22oi ^Schlt' officers are determined to prew for- hyateria. .V , ! „ The St. Louia Cardi- 'IJoJi. i Buv; ?:!: Rochelle' 496; A Schae" jtajd 1.1 WMrt'. Un a**.:***--* OM. W'.ferTh™3Bridg. Tavern, 8 _ Roek,.! ®hlbi iCompmed with determined _neyer-say-( close up. I Bacons. 2396 --Jones. 2396. Les Tavern. 0. Justen. 190-509: Bacon J WWpc nnoottei fat rreetutran^ oft lioo<cb» l ^ interest second tesm, turned ^th%e ^tidCe5 oei« ftnp* s^ememOs ^to ebJen m0mor e wnJr°rieM ) MnhcnGiiat rtthhy* |i B jaaac.o n, 195-201-199-595; N. Freund, 220-571; KrauseT 202-551; Sutton, \r t..*. mo 482. Basts, 2--Bernies O^sis, 1. „ , - j team, the tide of ap- seems be more worried about the ijofi. v Jnn»« 19S-&SS in the club. Maybe some of »» «e | parent defat into sweet victory. It Red Sox with Ted Williams, Bobby I ' * ' -beginning to realise that the local was a thriller to the final second, j Doerr anrt r« k««v U A r< course is a great asset to McHenry. | While the big game lacked the the Tigers with Wakefield and Ben- " nett, '528; Schlitt, 232-594; Schreiner, ' heroics of the opening battle, it was j GrWbergWttbS pl^ tSe pitching i Stores SLisajre-iSTLwre1 Lsonf The,Benton- Occasionally we have reason or cook up some reason to visit many, tator's st&ndjpoint, to offices in Chicago. Invariably wh«i j McHenry's noor this season. McHenry is mentioned some guy will .warriors worked hard from the! Outside of the Cardinals, the pipe up with a report of • having start, but left something to be de-; scramble to finish in the first four _____ played golf on our course. j sired in their shooting accuracy dur-' teams will be terrific, depending 1 Tnhniharf ^ ccooumrsee iiss mgoodd.6 7 ^ ^ ^ I an edge ^of f2rfof m 3J to 5 points , pic^ ®f ^^Brw^n's11!!*,#*#^' HinS^M^vTThSS?^8'52718°" maybe $150,Mt worth of pitchers, in- ~ ~ ' " again; fielders and outfielders. I don't Smiths, 2442 -- Winkels, 2305. 501 : Herdrich, 484; E. Smith, 502. H. G. Weber, 192-526; C. Stilling,! * 514; Ed Smith, 568. Freunds, 2493 -- Thennes, 2355. Gus Freund, 264-606; H. Steffes, 234- 614. s ! throughout. Free throws Some of them mention beautiful loomed up as an Important way of i. . . . . .... , Fox River. Of course, most of us wimmig games in the modern way , B _ T . individualnatives have taken that river for 0f playing basketbjall. Each team Iy< ^M pyeadon has already sold franted these many years, eps rollin' along. It just scored "l7°field goals. Hebron sank | ?ver <*•.••• worth of talent and he j 12 of her 18 tries from the free1 **" «®mething like $7M,0M tn the 1 throw line. McHenry made 7 out wmJ ®* talent left. Owner Sam Bread- Wonder if we haven't done the 0f 14. I on will have a big influence on the same with our golf course--taken it The game was a battle of styles, next National league race, for granted. { While Hebron could force their slow, sure-fire style of, play on McHenry We have news on baseball, basket- they held the upper hand. When Joe McCarthy, one of the top managers of all time, is tot) conservative to make any predictions. Meat Alternates Meat alternates, as the name implies, are foods which can be used in place of meats. They have similar food value. Poultry, fish, eggs, H. cheese, dry beans and peas, and nuts are excellent meat alternates. Any Freunds, 2006--Smiths, 1771. Ben one of these foods may be used Freund, 482. ; in place of meat as the main dish of Hettermanns, 2100 --r Smiths, 2041. | the meal. C. Michels, 190-521. j . Freunds, 2166 -- Fretts, 2100. J. i Weingart, 208-534, - , ball, football, tennis, bowling and our boysi could get Hebron into the ,<TI7,T u_ . what not. Now, why not a little spirit of the fast break, the tides of, V? . ^ t even seen such men column on golf each week during fortune seemed to 6e turning. as y' Gordon, DiMaggio, Rizthe season. I Victory would have been sweet j 2uto, Johnson and others in several ------ , ! for three seniors (Jim Althoff, years. How could I know what they It will take co-operation on the Lloyd Freund and George Goranson) have? All I know is what they were art of members in turning in news.1 playing their last home game on the { --not what they are. Remember that laybe a news box can be installed regular schedule. Each of these, old song of George Cohan's -- 'It in the chib house. imen saw service in the game and isn't what you used to be--it's what ' I each contributed a share in a great! you are today.' " It will be your column, golfers, SO effort that fell 5 points short of a start picking a name for it. (Hebron team that seems destined to The basketball season is fast drawreach greater heights in another it araw-; year, ing to a close, but some of the I HEBRON choice dishes are still coming up. J Tibbitts IJohnson Down at the high school Friday DeVries Slight the school team -will meet the Mau town team (Co-ops) in a game that Halstead is drawing a lot of interest. TOTALS FG .,3 2 6 The Co-ops will have an edge in! „ „„„„„ size. Perhaps the high school boys McHENRY FG •ill hold the edge in condition. Both Goranson 1 teams have key men who can make Althoff' 1 ft basketball do tricks. It's going Neiss 5 to be interesting to watch. I Murphy -- 8 (Freund 1 The town team fellows will have W. Miller ...-- 2 to watch their step in fouling since • G. Miller 2 it is well known that fouls are called Lockwood mm.m,....n..2 much coser in high school games. Season tickets issued for the high school games will not be honored at this game Friday night. FT ft t 5 1 S iS FT * $9 a «I # PF Anyway, our first prediction stands -- Yankees and Cardinals, which is no wild dash into the unknown. It is no long shot selection. 3! Army on Top in Football ?i TOTALS Score by Quarters N 7 1 .17 HEBRO! McHENRY 85 In a preliminary attraction, the, McHenry Lights PGr local grade school boys will meet! Peisert 7 , ft team from .Woodstock. This game Miller S ivill start at 7:30 and, no doobt, j Peterson 0 will be limited to 5-minute quarters. I Bock™*** .••• IB. Freund . Nert Sunday night Antioch will Feiereisel play the Co-ops here. Krieger Becker 1 0 1 1 0 Then comes the Regional Tourna- Wilhdm .0 ment at Elgin next week. McHenry E- Freund «... .0 plays y Dundee. Full information is Strever ...0 "It Might As Well Be Spring" Although there u some snow on the gronnd in this community, Old Man Winter is being handed quite a jolt with the son shining brightly as this copy is being written. The big league baseball teams have left for their spring training camps, the voices of a few of the returning birds are being heard and the radio reminds us every day and evening with the song, "It Might As Well Be Spring." We know that spring is not so far away because we have received our annual supply of garden seeds for those who are again plan ning to raise a part of their food snpply. Why not come in fl-nri get yours while ^the stock is complete? E. H. Nickels Hardware PHONE 2 VIST MUKNBY TOTALS, ..IS Hebron Lights Woods Peacock ........... Nichola Stanley Scholl .. Johnson Hen ricks Simes FG A 4 2 1 1 0 0 .0 TOTALS 11 Score by Quarters: McHENRY 9 HEBRON 8 19 25 46 41 Ft 1 I t 0 * r i o 0 0 0 FT 6 0 1- I 1 0 0 9 82 31 As far as football goes, our top" ., nomination is Red Blaik's Army _I team. This Army team has been H i the high spot of college football for 4 j the last two years. For 1946 it will pp | still have most of its stars on hand, I! including Blanchard, Davis, Tucker, 11 McWilliams, Coulter, Foldberg, 4 Poole, Fuson and several new addi- 2 tions. Army's 1946 team may be 1: even better than her 1944 and 1945 1; squads that outclassed the country, g' I know Oklahoma A. and M., In- ~ | diana aqd Alabama believe they 15 could have given Army an even | scrap. Notre Dame and Pennsylvania felt the same way this last | fall. Result against both: Army 109-- Notre Dame and Pennsylvania 0. And don't forget Army was under wraps. I'd pick Alabama In the south next to Army. Fraak Thomas had a fine squad last fall and he will have a much hotter team next fall, •e has more than a few outstanding stars coming hack, plna the squad he already has. Oklahoma A. and M. Won't be far City League-- I Sip Snack Inn, 2"'-- McGees, 1. Krause, 195-245-180-620; J. Carlson, 598; Gus Freund, 606. Tonyjan Construction Co., 2--Meister Brau, 1. Ed Smith, 530; M. Budler, 520. Walsh Insurance, 8 -- Alexander Lumber Co. . "Hup" Smith, 209-221- 246-676; Schlitt, 201-622. The Fox Hole, 8^54re Recappers, 0. P. Smith. 507;/W. Pries. 516. Thursday Coam'l-- | McHenry Laundry,- 2--Old Bridge Tavern, 1. V. Adams, 185-483; Funk, I 174-477. Norsemen, 2--Kleinhans, 1. Eastern Bfack Ducks Scarce Several important factors limiting black duck abundance have been an» nounced by Ducks Unlimited, following a survey conducted by that of ganization, assisted by Canadian and U. S. government agencies in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. These are given as destruction of nests by spring floods, egg eating by predatory crows and scarcity of aquatic insect foods considered essential for young ducklings. A surprising discovery was the large numbers of breeding ring-necked ducks, heretofore considered a western species. Almost as many ringnecks as black ducks were found ia the survey. w 3 0, 0 1 0 0 0| Severe buuuum Contrary to popular belief, sunburn is not as severe at the seashore as it is in the mountains, according to the Better Vision institute. The burning ultra-violet rays in the sunshine are absorbed to a large extent by the atmosphere. At high altitudes where the sun rays move less distance through the air, and thus lose less of their tanning power, the burning of the skin is more rapid ar.d more severe than at sea level. But whether one goes to the shore or to the mountains for a vacation, it's a good idea, coo-' eludes the institute, to wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from harmful ultra-violet rays. Seed Pellets Plastic, artificial coatings applied to seeds are a new research development'for conserving farm labor and increasing crop yields. The first experiments were made with sugar beet clusters of seed. When planted, clusters of seedlings come up which have to be thinned by hand. Modern research has discovered , how to "segment" the seed clusj ters so as to separate individual I seeds. But these individual seeds i are of such irregular shapes that I they cannot be planted evenly. Furj ther research led to discovery that i irregularly shaped seeds can be rolled into spherical "pills" with a plastic coating that resembles the seed coat in water-absorbing qualities, does not interfere with germination, and permits planting with mathematical heeuracy. i away with another big, fast, rugged 10 and experienced bunch. Bo McMil- I lin believes his Indiana team could PF 8*ve Army an even game, but I 0, doubt Indiana could beat Alabama lj or Oklahoma A. and M. 2 * Michigan, if the draft doesn't mow ^ 2,i down Fritz Crisler's freshmen, can * be one of the best. So can St. - 0 Mary's with new and bigger men 0 coming in. Navy may rank close to •* -I Army--but not too close. Navy will „ 9 certainly be the second best team in the east. Pennsylvania won't be far away, the top of the Ivy league, in a much closer run. What about Notre Dame with Frank Leahy back? Good, but not great. The South and Midwest will both be strong. The East, outside of Army and Navy, won't be much different. The Far West still has a wide gap to close. The best pick along the Pacific will be St. Mary's, where Jimmy Phelan gave out one of the best coaching jobs I've ever seen and where Herman Wedemeyer will again be a vital factor. What about the two pro leagues? We'll turn that over to the Delphic Oracle. What about boxing? The two tops in the country should be foe Louis in the heavyweight division and Sugar Robinson among the welterweights. They should remain the two best ringmen of the year. Beau Jack win remain the best club fighter and the most popular entertainer. Grasiano won't be far away. A Beau Jack • Grastano roundup can be one of the main features, where neither can box a lick. But where both like to throw punches, and let the clips fall where they may. They always pat on a good, scrappy show. the Want Ada • Y Determine Refage An important safety-first rule, the foresters call their prize-warning, concerns tree-felling itself. Before you fell any sizable tree, decide exactly where you are going to run to when the tree starta its groaning at the stump. When you've made that decision you're not likely to get the sort of buck-fever that keeps a man rooted cm the spot and often causes him to suffer painful injury, or Subscribe for The Plaindealet Because our chicks come from a long line of sturdy producers, we have no hesitancy recommending them for poultry profits. After all, profits are what you are after in the poultry business. Buy your baby chicks here and you'fl l* well on the road to poultry profits. McHaifCo. FmmersPGO Plume 29 •OP. West McHenry TOWNSTEAM McHENRY TOWN TEAM vs. McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL Sunday Evening, Feb/24 MaHENRY TOWN vs. ANTIOCH LEOIO J Two games starting at 7:30 McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL GYM Last home game will be played SUNDAY, MARCH'S bead the sWapt Ads ' On* si with ton*, frequently also with a soapy and perspiration an in this summer Skin i ing sure that skin Js is - important, so definitely include a gentl# even for older folk who are ceptible to prickly _ who cavort under the lawn , get cooled but they also get #o make sure they have a " Scrub-up before tumbling S A V E HESTER OILS •JThe Best For Less" , J GET OUR PRICES ON TANK WAGON SERVICES, WE GUARANTEE^ TO SAVE YOU MONEY FUEL OIL, GASOLINE LUBRICANTS WEST or C. & N W. R. WEST M'HEHKT, ILL. TELSPHOHX M'HKHEY 240 - S A V E •RAPE-NUTS FOULDS' COMCAAAIN ssr •iniv FLAKES Mr OlfiKFTTI PEANUT GRAPE-HUTS jerMIIBI II or MACARONI BiTTER 2«~25€ 2 - l 5# WELCOME TO SAVINGS SAVE WITHOUT SKIMPIM -- SWITCH TO MTIOIAL HAZa NMCME FLOW .... .1 Sf ISOLIVE. PIMENTO, OR RELISH __ SHEFFORD'S CHEESE.. 2^.35* TENDER MACARONI PRODUCT CREAMETTES...... 2 nil ia* CHEF BOY-AR-OEE SPAGHETTI DIHNER... .^29* POSTS CRISPY II-OZ. '• • • PKG. CORN TOASTIES QUALITY CANNED MACKEREL .. . ££14* Orasge Mn :y Quality 39* Fancy 44-OZ. CAN MasMMes id 6rap«fr*ll I 3?U Oranq* aad Crapvtrvi) 44-OZ. CAN UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE....2* AMERICAN HOME COFFEE 2 ££47* AU VARIETIES •UE MOM CKESE .. 2™H' VARIETY CEREALS POST TENS . ....... ~ tt CELLO ROLL COOKIES SALERNO • • • • • O O • • • O PKG. WASHING POWDER OOLD DUST POWDER.... --It* IVORY FLAKES MAY NOT IE AVAILAILE BECAUSE OF LIMITED SUPPLY kmt. Fanfly SOAP FLAKES MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE BECAUSE OF LIMITED SUPPLY DUZ SOAP POWDE* MAY NOT IE AVAILABLE BECAUSE OF LIMITED SUPPLY GARDEN FRESH at NATIONAL TEXAS SEEDLESS EXTRA LARGE AND JUMBO ^ CMKFMT 4f TEXAS O* FLORIDA--EXTRA LARGE A0D JUMBO _ ORANGES ... • • • • S u& MANGES...w. ImSI^ST^ TEXAS FRESH • •. ^ ^ CARROTS. • • •- ei J ichiU* | FRESH .v,_, ' 4* * BROCCOLI •»»/ • • • wnchat IDAHO RUSSET--U S. MO. I SOS *Am POTATOES N iKr USktN MESH BAG' Amer. FaaBy SOAP MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE BECAUSE OF LIMITED SUPPLY LUX FLAKES MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE BECAUSE OF LIMITED SUPPLY OXYDOL MAY MOT BE AVAILABLE MCAIffK OP LIMIT* 9UMLV tr ' A•. t} * OiiiE&MUS