(By Hattie Einspar) •.,>< <. . %*, '» . , -- > t Tf ; jf^'v iw.>: Vf.A* might .add that th«r to be bade also, f,{_ city cant '«vn «cnpct« with owr little community as a place to 8w in. , There were several parties out here this trade. A surprise annidinner was given for Mr., CUIJun s niui t: i*u newspaper, with the rwspmper ^ S^ttJkin#- married eighteen yean -- - - . 18. Mr. Mrs. Halleyt # . t__. ter, Gerri, also attended this ' sur- j. imv be addressed to the above' Bureau and prise get together. .j thev will be nhicred in a subsequent c<4- Kenneth White, recently discharged I umfJ- No replies ran be mnde direct b\ from the marines, was welcomed! °J,|y •" *he column which milt | back at a patty given in his honor | aPPeaT « this newspaper regularly. "' __ ~ 1 ~ -- 7 I iat Horn's, Saturday, February 16.i . , . . „ , » . Jhe f?1? J,,*111,,h?n* v?n ! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White (Mrs.* CaardAgamst Racket been sold, I will sell at public auction is ^ former Mi88 Poilyj . ^ Wo^J!Tr^U« -^ «f°Cterto ! !S£L '°r -ZLrf* JiTfe'l administration ottclal, Corners and 1 mile east of Boal's ™nto I 8re ur«in« discharged veterans to A surprise "sweet sixteen" Dart* I "s<op' lo?k ®nd ,:stcn" before .. !"!LT„ v™ xiSVZ! en«age m business. There ^aerye scores of pickets . (By 10M been Lock) Another week--another column, so tee I am again, folks. "V As ^uite a few of you already RUSSELL'S AUCTION Wijas, who cmm bade from Overseas recently. AH are from Chicago. From what Mrs. Baasi told me, ,Vlc Jr, was sent to Camp Blair, Hello folks, I hope everyone Is Va. Wo are hoping he likes it out feeling well far a dtuce. We sure j there. had enough sickness this year. Mr. I The monthly " birthdays will be Einspar wps down in bed for a week : celebrated at the Lilymoor club, again, and Mr. Madam was in the ! Those to be honored are John Molihoepital and Mr. Wetter was put tor and Jphn Warner. Congratulated for two days at least, but tions and many more of them. far the Boy Sorats, tor in the near fature they wffl be along to fide them qk Soot Cheeks Heat A heating engineer estimates a crust of soot one-sixteenth*of an inch thick wastes as much as a ton of coal in an average home during the winter. Canning Peaches For canning, select firm; fffjfe CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer have just passed a clean Bangs' test and T. B. test. 29 Holstein Heifers from 18 to 30 months old in ___ . __ _ . ighteen years ago February, toni o. C„ is able to bring reader* this they are up again, well and kicking. Mr. and Mrs. S. Griffith of Des- i P«aches, free from blemishes. Put *nd Mrs. Ball, Mr. IM j weekly column on proltlenu of the veteran | Mr. Meehan came home from the Plair.es are the Bob Krinn's steady ! J11 a wlre basket, dip in boiling waey, and the Nunn t daugn-1 and serviceman and his famU\^Que*ti<tni_, hospital Friday evening and all his Sunday visitors. They are helping j *®r, and then dip quickly in cold neighbors and friends were sure glad, the Krinns remodel their home. | water. In this way, the skins will They hope he keeps up the good ; Bob and I say thank you, Lil and i slip off easily. Then place the peeled work now and takes care of him- < Steve, for the grand welcome home j Peaches in a solution of three tables'- ! party you had for Bob. spcons of salt to four quarts pf \va- By the way, Mr. Median wants to j Visiting at the Einspar home on i |?r to keep them from turning dark. thank Mr* and Mrs. J. Molitor, Mr, Sunday and Monday were Mr. and Use either a thin syrup made of one 1 ®"d Mrs. S. Wijas and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bicknase from Lake Zurich,j CUP of sugar to two and one-third , Mrs. W. Einspar and Bob for their Mr. and Mrs. M. Kyle and son, raul, I cups of water or a very thin syrup kindness shown to him and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick and made of one cup of sugar to four and family while lie was m the hos- son, "Skipper," and nephew, Russell,! cups of water. Peaches are sweet .. . «• ^ „ •! who recently were discharged from , enough to can successfully with a „ Visiting the Meehans on Sunday the army. ^ j very ^ syrup if your sup. Were Mr. and Mrs. J. Thome and„ The Valentine Party fcnd Dance of ply is short. In making the syrup their son, Joe, who was re- the Lily Lake Beautifying club on add a cracked peach Dit to each iSATURDAY EVENING. MABCH # Corners, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 j was given to honor "Rosie" Matxat t Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp by her mother and a number of her j i t veteJaJsewho^Mo..tWnHhf the following described property, to-.friends that are juniors m high| afr h Ik wit- school. A good time was bad by all Qr n°vy with c^ish in their 7* mm T TTTVOTAPir land I hear everyone enjoyed the' p°ckets and with the privilege of HEftU Ur IIIVHIIWWBI Ifood that was so delicious. borrowing money under the G.I. All the following • described cattle i -pryg was out over the biI1 for purchase of a farm, a home weekend. The Harold Vycitals have bought the Bressman placc Joe Horn is in BJrrooo kfield doctoring or a business. "We won't tell the veteran what to do," says N. D. Hathaway, director of contact service for VA, family cow springing. P^ v^t. Jack Sales of the army a„i„r W feeding pUrBfWeight 126 pounds, forcej who is stationed at Sheppard JLJlack Poland China boar. jFidd, Texas, met Pvt. Robert Rich- 1 spotted pony. iardson, of McHenry, who is (also _ .. stationed there, Sunday, February International Harywter Co. 22-86 ]10. Bob bad just received Jack's tractor on steel; Model L, John Deere, address and was groing to look him tractor, 2 months oldwith mower and Up when ue two boys met on the all attachments. This mower has I street. never been used as it was delivered; , to me after haying season. 1937 International 1% ton truck with stock rack; 8-bot. John Deere 14-in. tractor plow; 12-ft. straight tractor disc MM; 3-section John Deere spring tooth harrow; 2-section wood drag; J. D. steel push type hay loader; New Idea tractor mower. 6- 7 Guernsey Heifers, 1% to 2 years u_ a cold, Hope next time we see | "but we will advise him th* K»ct dd; 2 Holstein buUs; 1 Guernsey hfm that he „ minus the sniffles. of ou7 abilitj "The best advice we caa give him is, 'Use your head. Don't rush into an investment. Seek good advice. Investigate until you are satisfied yourself. It is better to be sure than sorry.'" ^ In the meantime the veterans' contact service refers veterans to banks, or to the Better Business bureau in the city or town where he plans to invest his money. They give him. the address of the legal aid bureau where legal assistance is free to veterans, if they cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Contact advice always urges veterans to convert their national service life insurance. The VA does not tell the veteran where to invest or in what to invest his money. There are too many variable factors, so their only counsel is extreme caution. Qaasttofis and Antwmn Q. My brother Is n and Ms been In the merchant marine since December 4, 1944. When eaa he quit the merchant marines and not be drafted in the army?--Reader, Elkmont, Ala, A. Your brother has been deferred from the draft by reason of his service in the merchant marine ft.; iflC 8-ft. grain binder; 26-i Case steel threshing machine; 4-roll IHC corn busker; Case alio filler with Photos Speed Ship Repair* Repair of battle-damaged warships in U. S. navy yards has been speeded as jmuch as 25 per cent through the medium of photography. Eyen as the crippled vessel is steaming homeward, damaged parts are photographed in detail and flown ahead to the shipyard. Simultaneousim, corn nusKer; case alio nuer witn ^ microfilm reproductions of the hay cutting attachment and molasses > wi _ . . " , . pump new? IHC manure spreatfer^n ruSed n ,r°m rubber; lolft. grain drill with grass Wasnington to the shipyard. By the seeder; J. D. corn planter with fertil- i J^e, *be damaged ship reaches port iser attachment; Blackhawk corn' fabricated plates are ready to be planter with fertiliser attachment; 2 substituted tor the damaged ones, rubber tired wagons; new combination hav rack and box; new flare box; i 2 wheel trailer with grain box 6.00x 16 tires; 2 wheel trailer with 16-ft. flat rack 80x6 tires; set back pad, harness and collars; Page milking machine; 600 gal. gas tank; Steward electric clipper; new electric fence control; Starline hay fork and rope ! FORENOON SALE JOHN HEHX AUCTION New Idea 4-row corn huaker; power oil burner, furnace type; J. D. single row horse cultivator. Feed 860 FRANK MILLER, Auctioneer My herdsman being about to . . ... . ^ ^ . leave, I have fully decided to quit! £.5 e^gible to be drafted dairying and will sell at Public Auc- H""1 he fa ? unleM ^ (1> hm* tion, on what is known as the Cor- 111 merchant marines for not less rales second| cuttmg alfana nelius Nolan Farm, located 8 miles than 32 months on or after May 1, i North of Hartland, 7 miles south-! 1940; (2) at least 75 per cent of his eaat_ of Harvard, 7 miles northwest! time has been in active service; ning to stay the wedt. Marie is Mrs.! Alfred Seyfferth and Gertrude Hyatt. ! syrup from four to eight minutes. £sg£ -* Mrs- i On Thursday it l«8t ™ ta'^1 r™"* ^ . „ „ . i. J lEd. Meth.n mterUined th. Udies; "ot, cook ! A. however, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Bassi had a 0f Lilymoor with cards and a deli-' . a once, placing the halves, little excitement this wtekend. They jcjous lunch. Mrs. John Warner will Pl1 s^e down. Place the first half i^i came out for the weekend so they entertain this week. j the center of the jar, and the other lit their oil stoves and came over j On Wednesday night of this week1 halves around it overlapping the to have dinner >with me while their , Mrs. S. Wijas will entertain the center piece until the jar is full. Fill house wanaed up. Wnen they _ got i Teen-age club. There will be dancing,?1 the jar with hot syrup, seal accordback the whole house was nothing ; a ping, pong contest and a delicious t ing to the type jar used, and proeesi* but a smudge everything black and : iunch will be served. i in a water bath 15 minutes. smoky. j Visiting Mr. and Mrs. A1 Seyfferth i Visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Wijas over the weekend was their daughthis past weekend were Mr jtnd Mrs. ter, Mrs. Mildred Bettray of Chicago. Walter MeliaJce, SrM Walter, Jr., and; Don't forget to save your papers hay; 7 tons loose clover hay; 20 ft silage in 14-ft. silo; 100 shocks corn; 1,000 bu. Vicland oats. Poultry and Hog Eqaipment 125 White Rock and New Hampshire Red chickens, all good laying pullets; 800 chick sise electric brooder; quantity of chicken feeders and waterers; 4 hog troughs; 2 hog feeders: brooder house 10x12; quantity of hog barrels. Other Equipment Complete torch-weld welding and cutting torch; painters scaffold with block and tackles; chain hoist with of Woodstock and 7 miles southwest of Hebron, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. nth commencing at 10 o'clock sharp the following described personal property to-wit: 65 HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE consistir 44 Head of the following: Dairy cows. 34 Roland (3) he haa applied for and received from the War Shipping administration a certificate certifying he has completed his wartime service and is eligible to be relieved from further consideration as a draftee under the selective service system. v Q. 1 am the widow of a World War I veteran and haven't been receiving a dime of pension siaee his block and tackles; chain hoist with 8tein, 7 Guernsey, 4 Dnrfcaau. 14 death leraTmn'.» PvTtrM 10-ft. tripod, reg. blacksmith forge; (COWII 0f tfcia herd are fresh, balance leSL ^^Uk^ at th^t time brt lanre service station air compressor i .nu... » mamtmmmrm r%tm: " pensiwi at insi tune, HH % horse electric motor; large1 jg was told that we, In Wisconsin, did Is this true? If I am - ,a.r?e *eiT,ce station air compressor are muidng or cleoe apringers. This with ejectnc large !h a high pradMfate head with a „ . . ... drill press; small dnll press;; standjprodBCtioil of MLMA lbs. of milk in! 00t'f* V*' _t type grindstone; 3-horse electric A. tweiv« «r|th u' e»tlfl«d to a pension what must motor, single phase; 12-ft. line shaft ITerage Imtterfat teat of 8.8 and an 1 do to get it?--S. W., Ellsworth, complete with pulleys; table saw; average of 264 fee. of butterfat nerl Wla. form saw, power; 3" log chains, 3 .Mr w" " '***' ease guns, set tractor chains ; set j Prospective buyers sre welcome to A. If you are the legal* widow of .1T"*9^94\i Prospective buyers sre welcome to; a veteran of World War I, you are o 8*!5S inspect this herd at any time before entitled to a pension wherever you sale. Reg. Holstein bull, 2 years old: 17 head of Holstein, Guernsey and Durham heifers, 11 head due to freshen ,by June; 6 to 18-month-old heifers; i2 Holstein heifers, 2 months old. truck chains, set 9.00x20 truck chains; set 6.00 in. 5 hole wheels; set bolt dies. , Complete Burpee pressure canner including sealer and cans. Martin's lunch car will be on the grounds. ITiis is a large ssle with a lot of j 2 unit DeLaval^mil^tin^machine; good machinery and tools and we 2 extra single units, pails and strainwill have to start early. lers TERMS -- All sums of $26.00 and j TERMS--All sums of $25 and under under, cash; ewr that amount a that amount, cash, over that amount credit of 6 montte at 6 per cent on a credit of six months, at 6 per good bankable notes will be extended. \ eMlt will be extended on notes ao- If credit is desired make arrange ments with the clerk before sale. N< {iroperty to'be removed until settle* or. WILLIAM H. RUSSELL Owner First National Auk of Woodstock, Clerking cent will be extended on notes ap proved by the clerk. Those desiring credit kindly make arrangements Erior to purchase. No property to e removed until settled for. JOHN HEICK First Nsitional "Bank of Woodstock, Clerking. TIRES NEW and USED FOR CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS 100% SOLUTION FOR TRACTOR TIRES '/ RECAPPING and /' VULCANIZING ALOYL MOTOR OILS -- BATTERIES 1 RADIATOR CLEANING -- REPAIRING 0-- CALL OR WRITE McHenry Tire Recappers 311-ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. AL "RED1 live. Take your husband's record, his discharge papers and all available information you have and file a claim with the nearest office of the Veterans' administration. Your local Red Cross chapter could help you file this claim. Q. I weald like to know If a boy Is eligible for draft deferment wha is the main tcaetar and trash man on a hundred-acre term?--J> N„ Fair hope, Pa. A. That would be a question to be determined by the local selective service board. If the board determined that the boy was essential in raising food for the community or for the armed services, he could be given an agricultural deferment, as being of greater use on the farni than in the armed services. Q. My hnsbaad enlisted in the Seabees and oar son was bora two months after he went overseas. I did not receive any allotment on our son until he was six moaths old. My husband is home and has his discharge now. Is there any way I could get the allotment no#? --Wife, Glenweod Springs, Colo. A. The navy says the most common reason for failure to receive allotments is that the serviceman failed to apply for an allotment when he became eligible for one: Yes, allotments are'retroactive and may be obtained after discharge. Suggest you write to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Allotment Division, Navy Department, Cleveland, Ohio. ' Q. Is it true that a serviceman eaa take a trip around the world or across the oceaa free and only pay half-fare for his family?--M. B.. Superior, Wis. A. The war department has t> . knowledge of any such plan. Q. My brother was discharge from the army November t, 194 * Will he be eligible for pensions « anything under, the G.l. Bill o> Rights?--Worried sister, Ganters ville, Ala. " A. Yes, if he received an honorable discharge he is eligible Cor all benefits under the G J. bill. Dampen fclelhes -- Hang clothes in the shade until fust the right dampness tor ironing, or roll i|p in a Turkish towel. Avoid sprinkling. It may leave the fabric with a spotty look. to a survey, fliefj) are: cinnamon, mag, paprika, dovaa, • ... "'d/' ,* . •. U""- .. • Well Keep the "OLD BUS" Running for You New oars won't be available for some time. No need to let the "old bus" run down beyond repair. Our auto service will keep your car in running order. Our expert mechanic* can locate any trouble and do an A-l repair job. A slight disorder caught in time will save yon time and money. CENTRAL GARAGE ^ FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg lime. Cum dowska and land before Preserve Drop sliced apples IB and you will find yoe eab stand for some time aHhoiC coloring. BARN DAN OLD TIME DANCO FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH " HIGH SCHOOL, Guraee, BL .«> Sponsored by V WARREN TWP. P. T. A. EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING, MERRY GARDEN BALLROOM ^ Belmont * Shefieid, Chicago ; ^ Now in the Fourth Year :: MILL INN :: (Formerly Barnard's Mill) North End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge Tour Patronage has been our success OPEN ALL WINTER DINNERS SERVED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Sandwiches at all WE CATER TO PARTIES--MAKE RESERVATIONS Deac and Larry Phone Richmond SIS PI eti lament * t DM YM tvtr see such a sight in jour life as Phineas Plug-tugger? Coeds 6aj and fuses blow «bd Phineas P. comes in the house. ioonsr or later all "plug-tuggcrs" are woebegone. If you have one in your home it would be wd| to warn of the woe that will soon befall. Tell him how much longer the cords and fuses wiD lu|' if he pulls the plug out by the plug, not the wire--and gendy. AmI spooking of plugs--do you have enough convenience outlets for all the wonderful new fpffrir appliances you're plsnning foe your hone? If you are beset with an ' Oudet Octo|His nnsightly "dvtbU plugs •» tkmbU pl*p"--it's a good idea to find out about adequate wiring. - ' ' ** *' * "• •' 'v ' Plan ailnirst 1 wiring now... be ready to enjoy all the new electric*! spplianow coming yo« sooa. See us afjoiu dfrmral contractor for wiring information. • *3. Ji' 7 i ... -*».* ; " MM*