J . i . '.4-m • ui.puiip» H C. L. Harrison, arT Mid krs. Mr. and for the (By Mrs. Geoixs Shegard) Mrs. Charles Mn. W. Shadle and son, hnl, want to Chicago 011 Monday to meet tor brother, And Hollywood, Calif. Mr*. Hoe* Jepson is vhttfaur in the home of her daughter, Mrs/Paul Norman, and family at Stouten. Mrs. Boy Dodd and Mrs. Arthur Low spent Tuesday in Chicago. lbs. A. Weiser entertained the afternoon "500" club at her home <3v * " W'. IP7 [ t-r* - , ; ^"1 ^ WANT YOUR LIVESTOCK ;FULLY HANDU & BRENNAN PHONE McHENRY 218-M OR RICHMOND 637 Wm. *• Low • beauty in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George spent Friday in Chicago. Haheriein Among Wee from hen <to attend the Bingwood Home Bureau at the Legtonhall in McHeiiry Tueeday afternoon were Mis. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Ed Pest, Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs. Mitchell Kane and Mrs. Ifcoee Jepeon. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward of Washington, D.C., are die parents of a son, horn Wed March 6w Mrs. Woodward is former Shirley Hawley of this place. Mrs. Antone. Weiser entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Helen. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. John Merle and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merle and children of Chicago. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Young and aon of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinie of Crys tal Lake spent Sunday afternoon in AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Moving1 to Colorado, I will sell at public auction, my hon|f||^| furnishing®, on ^ tnm»AY, MARCH 17, AT I pjt ; ,•••• Consisting of- ' Love seat, spool bed, Rosewood square piano, dishes, bric-a-brac, lamps,- {fruit handle china cabinet, cradle, drop leaf table and chairs, organ, chests, wire plant stand, tea leaf iron stove, set of dishes, cranberry hall lamp and many other articles. 343 JEFFERSON ST.,' R-14, WOODSTOCK, ILL. * AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS VICTOR HEEQ, Auctioneer Saturday, March I6n - 1:30 O'CLOCK at barn on farm known as Keefe Bros, farm, 2 miles east of Spring Grove and 4 miles north of Fox Lake, on black top road. 30 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS from Wood County, Wis. 20 Holsteins, 10 Guernseys, 15 with calf by side, bal- • --- „ . p # _ ance close up, blood tested. Can go anywhere. These cows are hand-picked, young and goo§. producers. Can be seen at barn any day before sale.. VictorHeeg,Owner lbHenry Stat* Bank, Clerking L Los the Harrison-Peet home. Mrs. S. W. Brown left by plane Thursday to visit friends at ~ Angeles, Calif. The Bunco club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Nkk Young at McHenrv Thursday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Dehorty> Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entertained the "600" club at their home Thursday evening. Prises wefe merited by Mrs. B. T. Butler and Ed. Whiting, high, and Mrs. Ed. Whiting and Roy Neal, low. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Sunday dinner guests of lfrs. Clara E. Foster of Richmond at Genoa City Sunday. Mrs. Sibre Baldwin, Mrs. Neilsea and Mrs. Griener of Norwood Park were guests of Mrs. Ed. Whiting lay. They, with Mrs. Whiting, had dinner at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Jack Leonard and children spent Friday and Saturday in the Bob Leonard home at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan spent Saturday afternoon in the John Blacksnan home at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slavac of Elgin were callers in the Lester Carr home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hunter, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. .Collins of Beloit were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Peggy Leonard is visiting in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Landwehr aad children of Dundee and Mrs. Laura Landwehr of Harrington spent Sunday afternoon in the J. C. Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. Pttelphs Saunders of Sycamore, VKds. Bertha Saunders and Captain Ben Saunders of Harvard spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Floyd Carr of Greenwood called in the William McCannon home Satur- *Mrs. Tad Kooistra and children and Mrs. Emma Anderson of Sharon, have moved Ackerman to Genoa, Fred Leonard _ Monday with relatives at Mr. and Mrs« Rdy Wiedrich and Greenwood culled on his '.«and Mrs. Fred .Wiedrich, Mr. and Mrs. Mqrritt Cruiluhank of Morton Grove spent Sunday in the WHttnm McOnmen home. In the afternoon they all called in the Floyd Carr home near -Greenwood. Cadet Audrey Merchant of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. S 1-Class Nelson Cristy of Glenview spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoppe attended the Pure Milk meeting fat Chicago Tuesday. Writer Krehn has gone to work for Frank Harrison. The W. S. C. 8. will meet with Mrs. Paul Walkington Friday, March 15. Pfc. Charles Askerman is enjoying a nine-day furlough trxnm California. Mr. and Mis. Jona Cristy and children of Woodstock and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy visited their son and at the Rockford hospital afternoon. f Leonard Brown spent the weekend with his father, 8. W. Brown. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Miss Marguerite Ackerman arrived here Saturday from Washington and is visitinjr nor sister, Mrs. John Hogan and family. i Among those wm here to attend the concert at the high school Mrs. Axel Carlson of Bull Valley and Aaron Bruce of Belvidere spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruee homo. Mr. aad Mrs. Hetuy Marlowe and family of Huntley. Mrs. Wattles and son, Glenn, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday with the letter's parents at Algonquin. Mrs. Georgie Harrison and daughters, Bernice and Mrs. Olive Dahl, and daughter of Elgin were visitors in the Cnancy Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T._ Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stamk and Mrs. I. N. Butler spent Sunday in the F. A. Hitchens home at Sycamore. T ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I am a candidate for re-election as Republican precinct committeeman from the second precinct of McHenry township at tne primary election to be held Tuesday, April 9. Your sup- Srt will be appreciated. . •6 GERALD P. NEWMAN. FARM SERVICE WAT AUCTION _ Pats Tfcng to 91m When you make fruit pica or ewbiers, bake a few thin slices "of lemon right in with the fruit, and you can accentuate the sweet flavor by contrasting it with the tangy, citrus Juice. W4ALL WONDER LAKE 568 FOR HOUSEHOLD AMD COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION y nK i REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL MAKES "mpk; McMahon Refrigeration Service S4-Ho«r Servioe Route 1, Ringwood, Illinois lj» remove atnlns by pnchci, peers and pihuns. use niH *J?rcierin*" Mwt, i the stain well with cold water xben t- k* e°M*PD|*8lse «shria^mJp^oo0, f on the stafin --* I mA*a1®il *• •s n1Mnr6s-rlsi^ to raver it Work in by rub- 42? ^^JAM«i hing the fabric between your Let stand for several hours, then put 0,1 .• drops of vinegar or acid. Allow it to remain for a mtw. _1.rTn"' «t twoi then rtas* well In water. TUNE-UP TIPS FOR " SPRING DRIVING f 3 Our spring tun»-up seryice means longer life for car, more pleasant, safe driving and more miles mi l-- gas. Let our experts give your car a complete tuae-vy and check-up--motor, lubrication, radiator flush, brakes, battery. Drive in now and let us "rejuvenate" your ear, " /«• ^ *'*i (V-." '• • " CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. 8MITH, Prop. Towing t: MILL INN :t (Formerly Barnard's lfill) ^ ^ North End of Wonder Lake at tile Bridge " , pRwr Patronage has been our muBpjL:^^ o , ^ ^ J OPEN ALL WINTER S DINNXK8 SSSVXD SATUKOAYS AMD liniDATS ^%luidwieh« at all tfcaai ", r i*0^-- ' ^ U J ^ • • •' • - • .•••.• v- - --•---®-- WE CATER TO PARTIES--MAKE RRSERKASX^M DEAC STRONG. Owner i Ckkaoo andNorthein nHnois. # # f * L. H. FREEMAN A SON and S. R. HUNTER, Auctioneers ix.'.-. DAY 1:30 p.m., sharp Wednesday, Mar. 20 At Qaulke's Bam--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HHin OF DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CAJ-F BY SQ>E. FEEDER PIGS STOCK BULLS BEEF CATTLE BROOD SOWS CALVES HORSES SHEEP FEEDER CATTLE YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL « Call Woodstock 572 or 489 if you have livestock 4 . ' *' ; |o consign ' ^ ALL CONSIOTOS^PAID 0A8B DAT ATTES SALE. All consignors make arrangements to get your livestocl In, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per tent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales' Co. Inc. WM. E. GAULKE, Own«r--Phone 872 The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the Walworth Farms, located at the South limits of Walworth, Wis., on Highwsy 14. on ^ TUESDAY, MARCH 19 1946, starting ait 10 olelecfc AJL, sharp. Lanch Wagon on Grsands. 83 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 20 DAIRY COWSy SPRINGING OR FRESH 1§ Bred and Open Heifert; S Helstein Stock Balk; T. B. and Bangs Tested. 50 FEEDER PIGS, weight SO te 100 pounds. MACHINERY--This being a large sale all Machinery wffl he eold by 1 o'clock. F-20 Farmall on rubber; Mc-D. 2- row mounted corn picker; Mc-D. 2- row cultivator for F-20 Allis-Chalmers U. tractor; John Deere plow; McCormick-Deerinr 8-ft tractor disc. Case 8 ft. tractor disc, John Deere 8 ft. field tiller with power lift; Mc- Cormick-Deering 8 ft. fertiliser tractor grain drill; Mc-D. tractor manure spreader on rubber; Gehl silo filler and hay chopper with molasses pump, 22-S6; Case threshing machine; Bear-Cat hammermill: tractor buck rake; 2-row Blackhawk tractor corn planter with fertiliser attach* ment and wire; 2-row M.M. corn planter with tongue truck and fertilizer attachment and wire; Meyers portable elevator with wagon hoist and 3 h.p. electric motor; 8-ft. power grain binder; 1-row power corn binder with loader and wagon hitch, 3-section John Deere spring tooth harrow. New Ides all steel hay loader; New Idea side rake; Mc-D. 6-ft mower, Case 6-ft. mower, hay and straw baler; end gate seeder; 8-ft. tractor cultipacker; 2 four-section harrowers and eveners; 2 wagons and boxes; 2 roller bearing wagons and racks; Sharpies cream separator: Mc-D. milker with pipe and 2 singles, 1 double; 75 ft. tractor drive belt; Stewart electric clippers; 2-hole corn shelter; 1-hole corn sheller; 7 milk cans; 2 four-horse eveners; 1 threehorse evener; several horse eveners and neck yokes; prewar hay rope and Meyers fork; 2 8tarline hay forks; stone boat; electric grinder; lawn mower; fanning mill; solution and wash tanks; 1-horse garden cultivator; pump jack; Losee electric water heater; Btadley corn planter with 80 rods of wire, several steel oil drums; Starline gTspple folk; McCormick 9teel dump rake. The above listed Machinery is all in perfect shape and much of it is like new. This is an outstanding lot of Machinery and a chance te buy the best at auction. FEED--50 tons baled alfalfa hay, 40 tons good ear corn in crib, 2 stacks of straw in field. HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- Sewing machine, excellent walnut dining room set. Usual Wisconsin Farm Auction Service Terms. JOE LA BREO FARM AUCTION 8ERVICB -Auctions that nay are Msnagsd the Farm flat vice Way!" Henry A. fYeonun Phone Behron lit . Ckrk R. D. Keel* CasHa* ~ 'Tmrnm MS o • A u J i -I 2 aa INTERNATIONAL suvket Nfftkre nc9gmti$* m this *n* « s gnitim*rmh tmmal mmkmiug mmr. For yeere the Middle Vkst hes been a leader in the pcedocdoa of goods foe cxpoct. Chicago and Northern Illinois--hub of the astioo's popoktioa, indastxy, raw matenals. transportatioo aod agoculrow "proiiilw unrifaled export and import facilities. Today more than a fifth of the 10,000 manufacturing firms in Chicago aad Northern Illinois engage in foreign trade, producing * variety of merchandise to satisfy almost any demand from any part of the wodd. of inland waterways serve this area. Transati map come direct to Chicago and other Lake Michigan pons vis the Sc. Lawrence and the Great Lakes. The Illinois deep waterway provides a direct link with the Gulf of Mexico. Current developments in international air travel designate Chicago as the great teatrsl terminal for direct routes to the Orient, Europe, Sooth Amelia, Africa, and the Near East. By rail, the area is connected with SVSI^iaaportanC asapoct in this country and in Canada. Ueatfen In Chisago sai Nerthem Mile sis facilitates expansion of business to reach wodd-wide aubs. Hen; expert guidance is available ia conducting export and import business fioea a score of service agendas--banks with for* eiga departments, international freight transportation representatives, foreign consulates, customs oinsn, foreign trade departments of com menial associations, aad others, Whether an industry's sales plans encompass the central msea. the nation or foreign markets, the Chicago sad Northern legion offers more efficient distribution to more customers than sag odber industrial area in the nation. We will gladly assist in making factual aad cooidenrial studiss of this area and the possibilities k holds Cor say particular indesoy. This service is without charge. a Jtm , fesSSKs"- «?•&,< ; v» ;v 4 •4U.S. a TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENTS -*?&• w |. snvna COMMMT or NORTUKM 'fe,r -1 .