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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1946, p. 3

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By "Yardstick" Harry •rty Owmh that the "Gay Nlnstfes"eaxnival will be held this year on My *6, ST and 28. Hm organisation for Oil jNKr*i affair is under way Fife. Jack Salsa, who la enlisted in tbo amy air corps, has hia basic tniataf at »s Field, Texas, and will be to duties aa control tower operator at Chanute Field, m_ within the next few weeks. Good lock to yon, Jack, in your new job. % -Cam" Marticke be biggat and more entertainThings are beginning to ham ing than last year. The gala atmosphere of the well remembered "Gay Nineties |km" will be developed. throughout the entire carnival. .One: Mrs. Stave Huska enjoyed a visit . _ 'o•f» the hm ain attractioun s will tie a with her son, S 1-C. Steve, who is .f? , : • ~ i r TI:- t* visited their homes oat here kend. With the Nicholas* •Qfeetings Folks: Mow that income tax day has come .tad gone and Winston Churchill is en his way back to England, we can all get back to a normal mode of j "Revue," presented each evening free at present stationed in Louisiana. It for the next twelve months at to all present. has been two long years since Steve The officers and directors of the lmst parents. Needless to association invite the p«k>ple of the **y wa? overjoyed by this community to attend a meeting at, gurPn»e vfait of Ws one and «ily the home of George Gorenson at (sweetheart, his Mom. ^ 10 a.m., on April 7, at which time __ , „ " A , plans will be developed and com- L. Mr- and Mrs.Winfield Ihetsch and mittoes appointed. •. " nephew, Chtrltt Hoddin^s, w- From all indications the coming 4jji| EARL WHISTON AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer in ^^1., Mo. »" "Grim Bmpw- bnucht Sit isTweii ™k. t£ '»"»h«rt •>' m"- *>«<«"• Because of ill health Mid b«ng; 8access are solicited and will be an- ' farced tq quit farming, I will sell at predated by the directors of the „„_2L auction on the farm known as Property Owners association. , /FjS this past week. Her pet dog passed last Fridsy. Mrs. Bennett spared no expense in giving her around the Bay now that the weather. givea an indications of staying warm. fcr. ttd )Kn> A1 Mullere, Sr. b* Mrs. Louis Huch, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Goorski and the William Nicholas* this was their daughter, Mrs. Betty Olsen, her sons, Dick and Bob. It agrcewith Great Britain dating from 1971. By it, Britain has stood barrier to attacks on both homelsnd and colonial empire of Portugal. By it, Portugal followed Britain into World War I. In World War II Portugal Maintained a neuwas justified as help, forestalling German and use of Portuguese wolfram and other war resourcNM. jfaithful companion a deMavtforiaLIj* h*'8 I ' The water-tight coffin in which thai , Sre5SUnd J» v th« i fha Gabe Farm, 2% milea north of m a r S S t h ^ r f H o k o m b l I * * ° n ^ ^o f P « ^ c h " w « f n t e T i ^w a s b u i u ' b y t h £ t ! S S J ^ * S T ^ ^ i S t n f ^ L ® 8 8. 1 I " c h * r d ^-i i i „ 4v^ :th® 'wcdL master craftsman, John Vycital, o£| , 1 jr^ndaon of the A1 Loren- List Saturday evening was strictly Green st., McHenry. Funeral ser-i "*• r* expected home Apnl 1st. .Charlie Coles night for it was,vices were conducted Saturday morn- T# . . , {Charlie's birthday anniversary. Ating and the pooch was laid to rest I « a priae we** given for the deepfriends and relatives of in the spacious grounds of the Ben-' most noticeable suntan of the Preduee Caffeine Most of the caffeine produced In wont be long now before all these! tMa country is derived through .theopeople come to stav all summer, i bromine, a substance contained in Permanent residents returning cacao beans and chocolate, which from vacations also add to the gen-, formerly was brought in from South eral liveliness. Jne Walter Ludwigs America in considerable quantities ""T"* California last, but which is now provided here. I! Tea w«8*®a are the largest single SrlSias ^oSses, coming fS»m| of caffeine in domestic solpoints South, got here within two vent extraction processes, being fai hours of each, other. j more important than coffee* which < provides the chemical through de- Although no one knows where he, caffeinaticn. the Crystal j road known on ;-"-e vflle school house on Lake-McHenry blacktc as the Paine-Hill roa< TUESDAY, MABOH 26 •T' .Commencing -ffe following described itt: HEAD or I4VEST00X 1 Consisting of good Holsteih dairy cows, of 9 are close springers; 2 2- ! least sixty bating Efficiency ' .> Tb get the utmost efficiency out of the fuel that is burned, the flues of steam heating, boilers should be ex- j ternally and internally clean. Just as it would be more difficult to boil! Bearlat FIom* Vermillion la a acarlet - which occurs mturallj as ihi cti» taHlne mineral cinnabar. Brightens Colors Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the flrst rinse ^ater when washing rib- V bons. This will keep their colors \ bri^it _ Nearer ft tiiree oftti planted to Population Increases Xft the last SO years the population increase alone has been about as great as the total population of 545 millions in the world in 1650. This grew to 908 millions in 1800, to 1,608 millions in 1900 and to 2,171 millions in 1940. The most widd/ all human speech i brew express toe "A not only by Jews, but bf and in a minor d medana as wdL Several million bushel* of are lost every year as • sprout growth in storage, age house temperatures caa under 40 degrees, little frowth will occur. s pa . „ ___ ___ „ We had no idea that Charlie' his. long journey to doe heaven was wa]r' isk< one. was Such a popular guy. The party built into his metal caslcet. We join lasted Jmr inte the "we sma'." j you in your sorrow, Mrs. Bennett. Twelve months is a short time for. Charlie to recuperate. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen were year-old heifers; 3 yearling heifers; iJfa^S-yw^id Holitehf*b^?; atSchaefer*sbowling_parlori week, at t o u t , ^ e n d e n j o y i n g t h e b a l m y J K i ^ f c o t l S ; No,v it wasn't an atomic bomb that1 sp^|n*[, *>r2S?e8\ , „ ^ ~ .Ceal Wheeler and Mr. Dean, -nA in McHenry last Sunday. The" Screwy |!!,Litt2e Dutchy** P«Wjof Hickory x^^nttLr^at £cIDoren chos« this place aa their arena!Credc farms, left Sunday evening Ty.LuTia! for their bowling contest with the {fr Lexington Kv., to attend an auc- HUhun ft and ©'"McCullom Lake All Stars." Judging borses. Team^ of PgAAI^g 8 9 j from the number of rooters in the1. Crick is enjoying an old, wt. ZW>0 pounds. "Screwy Dosen" corner there wasn't ^definite stay with her sister Haj, Grain and IfecMnvy L soul at home that day. I,L 126 shocks corn in. field; 5 acres! T_ v «_ I David Bo in Mrs. Florence Hauser and Mre. Geergtt- Kamerer had a short vacation last the home of their McNellis, and With the two sisters was Mrs. McNellis's greatgranddaughter, 4-year-old, Nancy Lee boiler water makes it more difficult to get up steam. The effect is to increase fuel consumption. The internal cleaning of boiler flues, as well as the entire inside of the boil- Ir, is done by the use of a good boiler cleaning compound. In the huge crowd we si Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon, Jr., of Okla^ have been visiting the Sr. Gordons here~ the past week or two. Another house guest is the mnttjkH Mr David Boyle, who served with an S7r, . tGjtoSrdhonn^'sk neAicrek. Miss Betty Powell we sawno?. engineering construction battalion, | Littleroek, Ark. mt i._» # : standing corn; 2f0 bu. Marion oats; Vy"" S7S bu. Columbia oats; 80 tons al- ^^a* discharged last Saturday from 3dtm hay; 145 hales timothy hay; 17 Thomp- McCoy Wu tons 1944 corrf in jcrib. This is one A* J*;Mrs. Steve Huska returned on year old corn and the best corn that | tklSI Sund*y evening from New Orleans, «T be fbought today. 16-ft. silage ^® !There "he her "on. 8teve, Jr. in M-ft. silo; lSMlbs. mineral. rf ^anmn' r-20 Farmall tractor on rubber, I T A-l coBd.;^2-row teac. j i^Fi^Edm^s, !at least fifty othe , , . . 4a t«a tractor plow, 2-bottom 14-iiu; Mc-D. Mrs. Mr. Leo and. This week's candidate for the title Somebody parking si topped it to open up a the little, blackon the McHenry road Dlscrimjnatien A person can hear another's speech better amid loud noise* if ha puts his fingers in his ears. The other person has to shout to be heard sbove the racket; but if he anv racket together are somewhere the upper limit of the kwdnef can hear, with all your auaii ry nerve-endings working, then the to accommodate the multitude ofi w^°^e mass of sound needs to be ears that are parked along it, mak-j atepped down, made quieter. When i%ng psasrsasge haaardous. . there is leas auditory commotion in a gas rationing off, it seems your esr, it can discriminste differ Tatnisll"*'tTT corn* nlinter"with I ^*1 ^dm°nd8» Barry Lock and Qf ^nnjPKiMhn?1" rnrs "*!» "il1 ^ ™ of Chicago is going to ence in sound better. You cannot •fertiliser attachment, new; Mc-D. jj jjj®4 fifty other unknownjWetle, who has so generously given diet with| he" what ^ Person is shouting Hi f jivw| 4~iiu» aav s/* binder, good shaoe; MC-D bundle new; Mc-D. silo filler, type ISA, 4 sets filler knives (2 new); Melt grain binder. David Bradley 3-section lever drag; ' - - - - ; ||C3. ip rake. delivery rake; Mc-D. 6-ft. mower; e-D. hay loader, nearly new Ifk tandem disc; dump rake; Mc-D. wVN< Deere walking breaking plow; plow; John John Deere ^ , °f his time and equipment so that . *" * *"d i the folks present at our social affairs bsttle all the way_through. The could better hear and enjoy the line up for the McCullom Lake All j goings on. By equipment we have 'P « , , ®*ni'wfi: Syd Smith, Lee Larson,, reference to the public address sys- n® S^es Einar Devik and Bill tern which Mr. Wetle owns and has RocheUe. For the "Senary Dosen": so graciously offered for our uae. I™*. Thompsen, Len Jensen, Lee Thank you, Mr. Wetle. Wish we had mwdo, George Baumbeck and Otto a medal we could pin on your manly I chest for services rendered. One 'Rail Pistakee Bay fish. That's as it should be, because that's what the fish are for. But the meantime something should way of preventing this lineup of cars, which threatens safe driving in thia community. Order your rubber stamps at the Jensen kept the pinj plow: Van Brunt grain drill; boys in a sweat with his consistent We are indeed happy to see Lee wheel wagon and hay rack;{Strikes. Otto Pyrits started out 8awde back in the swim after hia wagon; bob sleigh and Itiva | strong but weakened in the end. recent illnc 1-row horse cultivator; fanning j Fred Thompson' seemed to gain . small tools and equipment; 1000 j strength snd accuracy toward the Here is the latest dope on our rood !bk platform scales; Gehl hammer-! end. "Dynamite" George Baumbeck improvement program for the Knoll- •--*" A-l; buss saw; 8-horse power!almost created another exit in the wood district. Jerry Cermak informs gas engine; wheelbarrow; grasa place with his terrific speed ball, us that material and equipment for aaad sower 16-ft. (new); pump lack; In our estimation Leo Sales gave|this project have been contracted for earn sheller; 200-ft. hay rope (new).!the best exibition of correct bowling and, just as soon as Jupiter Pluvius Hinman milker, 2 single units and I technique during the whole contest, takes vacation activities will begin, nine for 30 cows; washing and steri-' Next in line were Syd Smith and "Rie roads will first be graded and Bang tanks; electric water heater;L*e Larson. The beer frame waa the,will then 'be filled with road gravel for milk house; 20 milk csns; De-;only one in which Fred Tliompsen which our friend, A. P. Freund, will Laval Separator. excelled. " The three game contest, provide through the generosity of Emery wheel; 2 gas tanks, 1 60-{ended with a score of 2182 to 2060 Frank Howard, a real friend of the gaL, 1 60-gal.; 150-ft. snow fencing; j in favor of the All Stars. This, people - of McCullom Lake. The *; grain sacks; small duck 132 lead would be somewhat reduced > George Baumbeck A Son Trucking ; new electric brooder; brooder , if it wasn't for the fact that some , Co. will do the hauling. Manpower 10x10 en skids; chicken \ culprit kept the finger holes in Fred; for this project will be provided by j Thompsen s ball filled with water. the Screwy Dosen Social club. With S ducks; 66 hens. I Jerry Cermak, president of the 8Uch co-operation old man mud will Some household goods; also many'Screwy Dozen was official scorekeeper soon be conquered. So, with a articles too numerous to mention, i while his better half, Betty, rooted hearty good luck, we say Not responsible for accidents. ! for his team. The affair ended with a j ADIOS. TERMS--All sums of $26 and under. delicious supper at Horn's, which * < that amount, cash; over that amount {was enjoyed by victors and vanquish-! Argentine Livestock Show a CHriit of six months at 6 per cent I ed alike. .We are all looking forward Held each August at Palermo will be extended on notes approved to see a return match in the near Park in Buenos Aires the Plural by clerk. Those desiring credit j future. Lest we forget to mention1 Argentina Livestock show is attenduntil settled for. cigarette stubs. _ ^ the dipl«m*tic corps and the cream ~ of society, in tribute to the meat in- SAKL WHISTON ' Owner Fhrst National Bank ef Clerking cigarette War I veteran, is at present con-1 Peat\Granf Champion Shorthorns fined to his bed at the Hines hos- i h*v® 1Suctioned fay as much pital, after undergoing surgery last1 M W5.S20. until you put your fingers in your ears. t Corn Nutrients It takes about ISO pounds of nitrogen, 25 pounds of phosphorus and 75 pounds of potassium delivered into the corn plants to produce 100 bushels of corn. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SANITARY QUICntEZ 7ARM LOCKER PLASTf ; With separate freezing comportment $ 12.5 cnbic feet White, sanitary finish CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Telephone 261 119 Green St. McHENRY, Tt.L JEW PLA1 IEIICES C0ISTIICTI0M CIAI6EI fOI IIIJU. TELEPIORE LIVES i Here*s good news for rural residents! A new plan, lowering construction charges for telephone lines, is now In effect % throughout our territory in Illinois. i * Mam Benefits to KBnl Subscribers: ). Where no pole line is now available along psiblic highways, the telephone company will vPonstruct a line for % of a mile without charge, b will continue the line free of charge whenever such extension results in an average of one customer for each % of a mile of pole line. In die past, y<± mile of such construction was fur* aished. This new change will enable many people to obtain service at little or no cost for yole line construction. 2. For the relatively few customers still pay sojne charge for highway construction, die plan provides that the amount may be paid hi monthly instalments. Whenever additional customers are connected in an area where confpaction charges are being applied, the charge will be refigured resulting, in many instances, in reductions of the monthly charges, for the customers involved. ' 3. Poles on private property to carry service from highway to tli* rural customers' premises have in the past been set and maintained at the . customers' expense. Under the new pUn) the telephone company will furnish, without struction charges, the number of poles i Jo provide 500 feet of entrance wires and all doI This new plan people in rural another step in your 's $3,000,000 program to phone service for For further details, con- ILLINOIS MIL £ • • 22* •'•i#, 4b r. LET'S WORK FOB 1HIIUSTBU1 PEACE M en want to work. t wants to produoe. Tha public want* to buy. Tho country wants prosperltr. Yet good times have been held up by an ajt'ony of strikes. --- : .• 1. Make employers and unions equal in responsibility under the law. 2. Let Congress set the rules for genu* ine collective bargaining, free from coercion and violence, and then let government enforce these rules with strict impartiality. Strikes breed bitterness . • .1 and economic stagnation. For die sake of our country, let's change this! Change it fast Time is running out! . • -- ""TV Let's work out a way to get -- and keep -- industrial peace and prosperity. k Sttl FIRST »T«P Isn't a sound national labor policy . • • one that treats workers and manage* guent exactly alike and above all one. that i| fair to the public'.. . tha hrit step ^toward that peac£.? Sincerely believing this to be so, we offer this program for peace and production and prosperity: 3. Provide safeguards for the pubiio against strikes or boyootts arising from disputes between unions. 4. Insure against strikes until all orderly procedures for settling disputes have been exhausted. Your representatives in Congress have the power to establish this pattern for an enduring and a fair labor peace. Let them know how you feel about it. Urge them to act promptly on legislation to include these four points. . ' Time alone won't bring industrial peace. Doing nothing won't bring it. Positive action is die only way. For your own sake and for die future of our country, • let your voice be heard! ^ :M i #1* i • Mftl A * •mtkTiUtiv b--U*t hMk --d tmJm* thai Pemc*," gives full dttmils this prtgrmm, including sptcific suggf thmt for legislatian. it it • useful bumA--k fmr every citizen, program ekairman, v gnup leader. A pntcurd brings it. Address: National Assad- 4fj*« •/ Manufacturert, 14 West 49tk Street, New York 20, N. Y. RATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS ------f ox a B e t t o r Tomorrow l o r E v e r y b o d y &

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