DINER nrv.i. ^ * •* _ OIMBMI Bridgt af IMmH MM FIM IkinhitftlM ifTiui Ait SIXTY TOABS AGO Burglars or nmk tUtra again paid hhm of our citizens a visit WWW Ml Drinks Hoae-made ^Pfegtry^^ As.*,«Ml MtNdiMd of bsauty culture position to offer in Iwehm, and so the HOuKS 11 ml to nidnifht PH:< CLARENCE'S SHOP HIM order* BOW for bird houees, lawn chairs and twiap, picnic tables, pier and )ark benches, picket flic--, trellises aad pergolas, window boxes, etc. MI line of leather belte and bill folds. Barn and hen broons/ete. OLAUNCE J. SMITH, Johnsbnrg. JOHN TAILOR (nmring, Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same Day Satisfaction Guaranteed a PHONE 123-R 416 Main Street West McHenry $1,700 worth or property. David Pkrker will build an addition and otherwise improve hi* residence* the coming summer. *TFTY TEARS AGO fe understand that Thomas Startce contemplates rebuilding and enlarging his market and residence early in the spring. The contract for building the new residence of John H. Millelr has been let to 'EL W. Howe, who will commence the work as soon as the weather will permit. We learn that Mrs. S. Stoddard is sold her residence in this village to John Doherty. Consideration {1,500. Mrs. Stoddard will move to JBdvidere. P. S. McOmber is moving into the Mrs. Blackman house on the /west side this week, and A. C. Friedley has moved into the house on Park avenue owned by Joseph Dietrich. ITORTY YEARS AGO lite Elgin butter price dropped to 27 cents Monday. George Wahmslleeyy hhaass ggiivveenn uupp his mail route and will go back to farming. Joseph N. Miner' has been ap- 'pomted carrier to <111 'the vacancy thus caused. Mr. Miller began his duties last Thursday. Worts A Boley, the new propriers of the McHenry brewery, the two busiest men in McHenry are They are putting the plant in the best condition it nas beert*for years. Miss Edna Saylelr, who for the past year has been upon the Plaindealer pay roll, resigned her position with the company and has moved with the famil> to Elgin. THIRTY YEARS AGO That there is sure to fee a scrap on at the coming town caucus was made certain on Wednesday, when William B. Tonyan stepped into our office and left a card announcing his candidacy for the office of highway commissioner. C. W. Harrison of Ringwood is the other candidate. Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 34 cents per pound last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson have moved from the Mrs. Elizabeth Smith farm near Emerald Park to the Theodore Winkle house in the north end of town. Miss Elizabeth Miller resumed her duties at the McHenry postoffice on Wednesday after enjoying a month's vacation. 4 ILOW TKMPKKATU&K REFRIGERATION '* ' ?V "Iv'-I PSODUOK TXMPERATUBJU AS LOW AS --130 DKQKKKS J. R' l i • : See'as about the* . PEEP FREEZER Knight's Refrigeration ns sue ST. PHONE 439-W TWENTY YEARS AGO There will be a hearing on the building of the bridge on the Fox river at McHenry before the en- S'neers of the war department in licago on Friday of this week. The McGuken & Vander Heyden C9mpany is back in McHenry and expects to resume work on the paving of the roads by April 10. Mrs. Evelyn Thurlwell, daughter of Mrs. Anna Thurlwell of McHenry, and Mr. Walter Patzke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patzke, also of this city, were united in marriage Saturday at the parsonage of Rev. H. A. Saufer at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Patzke were the attendants. Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Efctate of MARGARET M. FREUND, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday May 6, 1946, is the claim date in the estate of .Margaret M. Freund, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ARTHUR VERNON FREUND, Administrates, (Pub. March 14-21-28) ™ ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I am a candidate for re-election as Republican precinct committeeman from the second precinct of McHenry township at the prima™ election to be held Tuesday, April 9. Your support will be appreciated. 42-5 GERALD P. NEWMAN. Eat Fish The per capita consumption of fish in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands is the highest of all people living under the flag at the United States but 80 per cent of. theaafllk must be imported. Rleh Pert Puerto Rico, meaning rich port, #£00 p. m. and 7:00 p. a _ before First Friday-- After Mo Mass on Ttamday; S tOO pi m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Chan* Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Weekdays: 7:80. First Frifeys: 7:80 On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00 and before and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 ,to 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. OHourke, Pastor. St Jehu's Catholic Church, Johneburg Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and HfOO., , WiAMa: 8:00 • Flrat Friday: 8:00. , . Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80 v Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. Masses: Peter's Cathode Chun*, Spring Grova ays: . Holy Days: 6:80 and ®:00r Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. v Confttskmi: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleidenx Pastor. Zien Evangelical Lutheran Church John St Bast of Highway 81 West McHenry, I1L Herman C. NolL pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit we are sure, will All your heart with hope and courage. Services 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--WGN 11:80 a.m. Coauaanity Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. Wbrship Service: 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Miasouri Synod.) Sunday school--10:00 a.m. Divine servicea--8:00 p.m. H. L. Pfotenhauer, Pastor. Ringwood Church Ringwood, lit Sunday--Public worship, 9:8i> Church School: , 10:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. . Luxury Feed Scarcity, brought .on by years ol careless, unplanned fishing, has put the terrapin into the class of highpriced luxury foods. ^ Wall Innalptt-- Wall Insulation saves fuel and keeps the wall warmer. This is important because your body loses less heat to a warm aurfica than to a cold one. In a room with a temperature of 70*. an uninsulated wall may be as cold as 80*, while an insulated wall would fee approximately 65*. If you standout sit nasi to a cold wall you will fM| oold, a van if the air temperature J* the room is 70* or 72*. said town will ha held at the tour of 2 o'clock, njB., on aaid day at tha Town Clacln office, and a moderator having Una elected, wffl proceed to hear and consider reporta of officers, to appropriate auMf to defray tha necessary expenses of the town and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of .law, come before the Given under my hand at McHenry, this 21st day of March, A. D- IMS. 9. WALTER ANDERSON, Town Clerk. <F»b. March 21 and 28) It Silence Cloth the silence cloth, for the dining room table is too large, fasten loops at aach corner and catch them to small hooks on the under aide of tha table. r Overhaul Furnace Overhaul your furnace to atava fuel. One eighth of an toclr 6f fly ash wastes 1 out of every 10 tons of coal burned. Clean flre pot smoke Populate DeuMeiF ' Puerto Rico's population has mora than doubled under Uncle Sam'a stewardship, and now totals almost two million -- 540 people to the square mile. As a result, labor ia plentiful and the soil is intensively farmed from the shores almbat to the summits of mountains, which rise to 4,000 feet near the island's canter. Rubber Bona Tha most common causa of rubber burns in floors is soft wax or wax which has not been properly buffed. The common error is to apply too thick a coat of wax and then polish the surface only, leaving a considerable film of wax which, if it doesn't remain aoft and sticky, will *t least be susceptible to rubber burns. I LOST 52 Lbs.! wui ana 84 MMIIT* aaas. a. a. area**, rr. waarraa BOLGER'S DRUG STORE, McHeary 906 & Qteen St. Tel 465-R -- McHenry THENNES OIL CO aot its name from Columbus, and is the only land under the Stars and Stripes on whicH the New World's accredited discoverer set foot. Landing thera on November 19, 1493, he claimed it for Spain. When, in 1898, Spaniards withdrew from the port of San Juan, Spain had relinquished her last slender foothold la the Western hemisphere. First governor of the island was Ponce de Leon, who moved from Puerto Rico to Florida in his quest for the Fountain of Youth. Failure to remote all dirt and dust from a surface Mara painting or refinishing can bi a vary expensive omission. Not only will tha paint fail to adhere properly in the dirty or dusty spots* fut the dirt will mix with and show through tha paint especially if it ba white or a light tint and ruin what otherwise would be a long-lasting, attractive Job. After aandpapairlag, scraping or burning off old paint, a final thorough dusting with a aoft brash ia a aanaihle and profitable praetloe. OR His Record ' of public ssnriaa to the t 9- 9MM W* •M--aM--.Pa. Retain VERNON IJ ' NICKELL SIGNS and TRUCK LETTERING AL^ TYffl|S OP SPRAY PAINTING War* ') • . McHENRY, ILLINOIS : ^ - -• f •• V. Phone 640-J-J 4 ,"-f4 •v>r ; ... -- -- w^ j fHOlI* 156 301 X. P1AKL ST. MeH^ntT Africa la a Com- QUALITY FUEL "0087 LX8S TO TJ81" o ALSO •e Distribnton F|| WILLIAMS v'Mi-* ? , . . " ^ . #• T--7 -- -- British Tha Union of dominion with tha monwealth. It spraads over tha southern end of tha African continent with an area nearly one sixth as great as that of continental United States, and baa a population of 9,500,000, including 1,000,000 Europeans. Through tha South African port of Capetown had coma immigrants from many countries. In 1652 Jan van Riebeck, a surgeon of the Dutch East India company, established a small colony there to grow vegetables for sailors on the company's ships in oriental trade. The city was nicknamed "Tavern of the Sea." RE-ELECT THOMAS A. BOLGER" Democratic Candidate lor State! y: Representative Eighth Senatorial Dietriet PRIMARY APRIL 9, 1946 SiptriitMdMt of PaMte luslmctlM. * » mdPi OTE BLiCAN 'r AS-'KM 4'> For Republican Victory '( IN NOVEMBER ominate These QUALIFIED Candidates at th« Primary T--tday, April 9 --- FOR STATE TREASURER RICHARD YATES ROWE Able, Expcricnctd, Businsss Msn, Stsfs Official ami Vsfcrsit of World War I FOR nm Stsfs-sf>Lsvgt WILUMIS. 0STFATTOI Formsr CoigHMHE, Formsr State Trsasnrar and Now on Okinawa fa Hm U. S. |(wy * • I, " ; ~ grr i • .• - V E-* !'r , V .•I J: i ' ' PRiMARY, APRIL h «aaaOTa«MM ' i - V I ELIOT JAMES t. KACHERES ?i" •• ^ mpnbUwn- Omdidtta far •,; t STATS OSMTBAtv" MITTEEMAN Oongreestonal UtiatrtoiL • • SNtigreeaive iRepnblicaB Devoted to f&b Ideals flf the Bepnbliean Party PRIMARY, APRIL 9, 1946 k