(By Mn. Geotre Skwtt Xn. Look Hawlay «i| Rickey spent Wednesday ill Mrs. Corm Walters «g Lake was a visitor here W< The Riidch) mood Legfe* v •u entertained in tit MM of Mrs. Andrew Hawley Ttoeday even III. Mrs. IL M. ~ ~ assistant hostess. Mrs. Boy Dodd, Km. Mrs. Oscar Berg entertained Home Circle in Masses hall Thursday. A I «?elode was served and b^Uh fNfrul «M ehjoyed in the (pkeiuouu. Mr. and •I1, ta •with Mr rmm ir. and Xrs. Graf* apart fMiy in Chicago. Xr. and llrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Maywood spent the weateod in the Ch|tM Bmee ' School election was held at the school house Saturday evening. Mrs Lonnie Smith was elected as a director In the place of Mrs. Chancy Harrison who retired. Dr. and Mrs. George Haberfain of Chicago spent the weekend with 4ii> CLARENCE'S SHOP Flaoo orders bow for bird boons, laws chain ud swings, picnic tajbtea, pitr md pvk benohea, picks! fences, trellises and pergolas, window boxes, etc. Fofl Use of leather belts and bill folds. bouse brooms, etc. , * V CLARENCE J. SMITH, Johnslwi*. ALL SIZES ANT QUANTITY | Rock ?ace . Panel Face, Plain Face &andom Sixes For Ashlar Pattern * -. Drywell Blocks--Ooncrete Brick - lee Us For Your Concrete MUtaf Unfit ^ West McHenry; 111. (At Water Tower) GALL McHENRY 245-J -L; ' WEDEUVKR mmm . 'bm K-Jt"" • ^ for Dabs at Mia, ^ daughter of Wiodrtock, Am Bnca ofBelvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Axfl Carieon rfM VaHey spent inM^ STX^^wley at, Mrs* MIldfSrSSaAaw of it visitin* her coastal, Mrs, ^Mt^Mae Harrison spent Smiday with Iw dwtfltor».liw--®'n Treon, at £rir*ta} Lake. . Mrs. Panl Walklngton md son. Jay spent the weekend with and Marion P*t in Hie W. S. a 8. Mrs. <V I* Harrison 18. Alice meet with Friday, April Amy, Barbara and Helen La^- iwee of Chicago »»»» «• : endT with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrer Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Writer and f«»- iW nf Chicago spent Sunday -erfth hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. llr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison of Chioigo spent Saturday evening in the J. C. Pearson hoflM.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Iterlowe and family of Huntley. Mrs. Wattles end •on, Gkn, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison ww Smidny dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home. Will Collins of Beloit wd son, David, of Great Lake* called on Bev. and'Mrs. CoBtaa Toeedayaf^noon. Mrs. Ted Kooistra and children and Mrm. Alec Anderson of jftawn, Sgt. Robert Andsgson of^CMcago - " and Mrs. FdfV Davis and vntfl Sunday Mr. and ^jyj K11 •K ,\V,< •YEINO WORDS--A mar dye. All Purpose Rit. ad riff your dull or faded frocks. Wonderful--because punmmttts to dye all fabrics perfectly, including acetate, span rayon and all those other tmdje* #bl«. What's more--it last-dyes witkmt TUfty shades--anddwrtaews. Package, 29c tlTiomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist JOHN TAILOR Cleaning, Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same Day Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 123-R 416 Main Street West McHenry r-f -<"<i1j k • Amg. Harrisw •pent from Wednesday night with her J#m M5r igTfenk Collins of Wilmette w^Sundaydinner r*«J« of ttev and Mn. <JUins. InjBhe afternoon they attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Abbott, at Wood- #tMrs. Lulu Foster of Leland, HI., was a caller in the Mrs. Emma Beatty home Monday afternoon. F. N. Muszy returned home- Saturday evening from a v«it with relatives at Minneapolis, Mmn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and three daughters of Arlington Heights spent Sunday afternoon with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Stanley Thomas of Denver, Colo., was a caller in the Clayton Harrison home Friday. . Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughter, Joan, spent Thursday in the Marvin Anneau home at Crystal Late* William Harrison and son of Round Lake spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Friday with relatives at Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich of Whitewater spent Saturday with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. _ Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. Helen Johnson and Louis .Winn »ent Monday at Lake Geneva and khorn _ . Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek spent the weekend with the former's sisters at LaCross, Wis. iFloyd Foss of Richmond spent Monday evening with his brother, Wayne Foes. , Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday with the former's mother at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren and daughter, Nancy, of Wisnkegan spent lay afternoon and evening hi the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were Sunday dinner Sists of Mr. and' Mrs. Kenneth sty. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., is on a business trip to Albert Lee, Minn. Mrs. Doberstein and son, Gus, were visitors at Woodstock Monday morning. nylons! had sixteen gnstune she had a' And for a pre* <ef tlide* preciotH PPW URG _ (By Chit and Chat) Emil Boiler, «on4n-law of W*. G. Richs, anflt Larry Goffin of Chicago visited Mr. Mch» Banday. Mr. Boiler reported his wife Ml from a ladder and Moped t tor,. a|dne and ha# to stay mtnt, iMMtng a grand day at Johnsbmg. Mrm. Jdnl HerdrMi and sons, Dkk end Dan, vteited with Mrs. Bdea Hettermann, Sunday. St. IflWi sehool attended the moga, "The Beds of St,<MaryV at McHenry en FMday. The Jdmsbttv boys took an awful beating from the Schaefer riris 8aturdajr night at the local alleys. The girls beat the hoys three games out «f three. • little more tice is all the boys need. Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Oeffling and 'JSf am now mat Lon Mfehels eon, home lata Miss Gladys Vlwnd spent Sunday with her nediv, Mrs. Martha Freund. Gladys is at the Waukegan McHenry7 irliited wfth*^ter^S&ier, Mrs. Stephen flnrfth, on Sunday. Theee attending Ike V. F. W. Auxiliary meeting fm, her# were Mrs. Lena Hettermann, Mrs. Mamie King, Mrs. Tena L«, lbs. Mamie Jaekson, Mrs. Olivia aeenan and Mrs. Mary Hettermann. The Lady Foresters will hold their annual banquet at "Lee's Kitchen," Hettennann s, .Tuesday, April 28, at 6:80. Reservations must be made before Sunday to Mrs. Leo Freund, phone 67S-W-1. Juveniles invited. Installation will be held in the school hall following the banquet. Leroy Hettermann, employed as co-pilot for P. C. A. at Capital Airlines, Municipal Airport, Chicago, spent Monday with his father, Henry Hettermann. • Mr. and Mrs. George Kiddlesen and son, Willard, of McCullom Lake Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martinec one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie' DeSlyste of Chicago visited at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Michels. The Johnsbunr kali team started its spring training. The first game of the season will oe the first Sunday in May. Mrs. Art Klein, Mrs. John P. Schaefer, Mrs. Wm. Britz, of Spring Grove and Mrs. John Felts Of McHenry visited with Mrs. Ed Hoffman in Wilmette Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Blades visited her aunt, Mrs. Opal Duncan of Chicago,- Friday. Summer schedule for St. John's: Masses are at 7:00, &:00, and 11:00. Pvt. Carl Adams of Camp Grant spent the weekend with his parents,' the Otto Adams. Mrs. Leo Michels and daughter* Judy, Mrs. Art Klein, Mrs. LeRoy Miller, Mrs. Stanley Freund, Mrs. mini I 'M I > 11 M< I III I nil Between Classes 441.,MUM 1 Ml Hit MIS 11 !•!•» WHY BE FAT directed. Abaolntdv h-- KbcSaic Imk thl |Sa£Sn5!'* w<t>> AVn> BOLGER'S DRUG STQB& McHear^ (By Mark Hopkins) .The Warriors licked Ela of Lake Ztlrich, 12 to 0, last Friday. Hugh Murphy hit another home run, which is his third this year. Carl Neiss got two triples in a row, which helped our score along. A majority of our runs came in because of Ela's fielding errors. "Murph" pitched a nice no-hit game. I SOLON TAVERN ON U. S. 12 SOLON MILLS, JSJU Vuw; r. , o ~ jli"; Vv 6iir very special Sea Food, served every day, starting April 12, 1946, at the dinner hour from 5 to 10 p.nL, Sundays 1 to 8 p.m. LOBSTER TAILS OYSTERS - t-iM •SCALLOPS ^ WHITE FISH LAKE TROUT PIKE FILLETS 1 fOMPANO ' RED SNAPPERS •< taoa uhw WBSTLAMrfrup, • A big crowd showed at skating party given by tne junior class last Thursday. Marianne Rogers won the free ticket for the girls' musical chairs and for the boys' musical chairs, Ed Buss was the victor. Mrs. Richardson, the junior class sponsor, was skating, which she does quite well. Mr. Egbert was also roaming around, but didn't indulge in any of the skating. The night of the party, Nancy Cristy celebrated her sixteenth birthday and Susan Olsen celebrated her seventeenth birthday. During the party a surprise happy-birthday was. sung to the two girls. Jack Sales was back at school for a short visit last Friday. Jack joined the air corps and us been stationed in Texas. Ralph Fierce, the magician that ormed here last Tuesday, April made quite a hit. The IF. F. A. sponsored the show and also helped in the entertainment. F. F. A. boys put on a mock beauty show which ranged from sweater girl models to the modeling of (ahem) unmentionables. Mr. Pierce mistyfying one mad figWfe how Anew? the a 4iird paa a seemingly live mbVts being piffled clothee. - formed some very (which got everythey couldn't ic was done), one that made per bag to oulb. Aree away after receiver's contest that Id in the hich school aelfeojrierm nut Saturday.v t tem * sehool orchestra and girls* chorus ANOfKR CAS GOB TO TK SOUP Mi All over America, cars are goinp out of business -t • .leaving their owners "high and dry" . ; . with little chance of getting a new car for probably qnite some time to come.' Don't let four car join this hard-luck parade. Keep it in action... running smoothly, d+ondmhly, and safely... by Dredging it "back home" to OS for regular servicing and inspection. BUSS MOTOR SALES TOUR FORD DEALER Ml Main Stream West Mdtoy, Maris if-jfcit' ,,,,'* % 4$ t y1 II m tf t>, $ t ^ ;f <• 'Vrf T continue to 4* Now is the time to gut In on the groimd floor, and be % part of Wo hams openings now for women and girls to sew cotton and Learn simoNled sewing taught by Women and girls will always be in v«;s We have girls who earn an aversgo of 90o and aWhOTBM Work 10 honrs per ATTENTION: High school gh% accepting applications for those W&0 mer vacatMn. Ooad ment. IM O to who wigt w%.. tat •v,r'.,>x. 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE HOME OWNERS! fi.-i -J--* djh. ' ii- l» * -ri i"rS.s'?. I W •:«®s SC'-'. •in * Cmpiudm • < . -i. _ McHENRY, II /raT-nfft