. . !;.<**- ,-%t evening th* Pinocle TVeee ladice gathered at of Mrs. Nonnand. All had wy enfoyshlo tfaaa, and prises iriNpir HOUSHSOLD AMU Lak# • ' K: REFR1GERA1I0II REPAIRS A*D MAINTENANCE OF ALL MAKES • r ^ » }X j j i < • ' H » ; ™ > • * . ' 5 A..^ ?u.«t /3V**V" ' t * *<•% \./%: McMahon Refrigeration .Service 24-Hour Service ,0;' Route X Ringwood, Illinois IS YOUR CAR VICTIM OF SPRING FEVER? bm* spriw and what happens to yaat^no P«P> no Tim, no vfgvr. 4toa» spring and the MUM condition overtakfes your oar. Jut 11 yon need a tonie to restore your vitality so does .your car. The bast core for spring fever is onr bumper to bumper check-up MI vine. * mechanics to do the job. CENTRAL GARAGE, mi) J. SMITH, Prep. 1? Fhone 200-J Towing Johnsbnrf WHEN LENT ENDS, THE GRAND OPENING STARTS at the Saturday - Sunday, April 20-21 4 pjn. to 2 am. ^ You are incited to mm la and inspect our "Bib Manufacturing Department" and partake of onr genuine Hickory Barbecue Bibs, Golden Brawn Chicken, French Med Shrimp, Spaghetti ' -- " Bridge" Bar at your service, also. 138 N. Biverside Dr., Phone McHenry 422 I m - Don't start the Spring off with that hard working, dull mower, if yon do your "spring fever" will leave you before yau get it out of storage. Keep your mower really sharp lltad easy running by having it sharpened by us. We make your mower cut better, run easier and ^ ^ M for 4nick d.pend.ble Hettermann's Sinclair Service OKBALD J. HETTTERMANN Prop, Jacobean Sales and Serrioa 618-M-2 > Johniburg . J .3 TARPAULINS CANVAS GOQP§ way. After NMiviif a win en Wain-- to aftanoML Mr. end Mrs. La 10M MR Thauaday *meswlng te Woodruff, Wis. Hea* . lK»T La- Mine's sister, Mn. GhMiys Rossnhauer, is critically ill. life folks wltt algp visit wth Mrs. LaMere's mother, Mrs. Ed fimwo, while «p ttkwy. A HfeHa BOWS from aiwtti TIN Lily Uk» school houae vffl tab o oaa am n though. lbs. Mr. over te the highsehool ia MeBavy, where the ecvaarth and cjchtii gradea took their exams. On Easter Monday the entire school will enjoy a trip to BrooUMd Zoo. lb. and Mrs. Vschet were oat for the weekend, with the hopes of coming oat to stay when their remodeling is finished. fldna Bourbon was a weekend visitor it her summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fraytag sprat the weekend *t their summer home. Bob reports their soft, Allen, has decide^ to make the army Jris career. He is now a chief warrant offieer. We are all very sorry to hear that little Cliff Kiehl ha sheen quite ill the past Week. Another member of onr community on the sick list this past week has been Roy Morrison. Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace made tha trip to E^in to do a bit of shopping. On Sunday the folks went to Chicago to attend a birthday party given in honor of Mr. Wallace's father. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Koob were honored with a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Montgomery of Chicago. We were all glad to hear the news that Den Schiavonie was home diving the past week. To bad that Jt was only for one day, Schiavoni's sister and and Mrs. Corsi, of .Wisconsin over to visit with Don and the rsst of the family. Mrs. Moliter has been tn Chicago for a few days visiting with her son, George, and his family. Last Thursday Mrs. Ntelson visited with friends and relatives in Chicago and Jfaywood. Visitors at the Lackman home over the weekend ware Mr. and Mrs. Olson of Chicago and Miss Noriee Lee, Mn. Lsckman's sister. After spending a very enjoyable two-week vacation with her mother at (FYeeport, Mrs. Gannon has returned home. On last Saturday, Mrs. Weber celebrated her birthday. Among the guests present to help with the eelsoration were: Mr. and Mrs. Van Hide, Mr. and lbs. Patterson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson, all of Chicago. Visitors at the Kunx home for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Kossak of Chicago. Wfc are all sorry to hear that Mrs. Kuns's dog Was killed on the highway by a passing auto last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilman ware out at their summer cottage over the weekend. Their son, Julius, a veteran, accompanied them. Mrs. Cederberg had quite a busy time of ft last wade. On Monday she went to Elgin shopping, on Tuesday to,Woodstock, and on Thursday to Chicago. All this shopping was for little Kaye. On Wednesday Mr. Cederbarr celebrated his birthday. To top Jt off, a four guests over the weskand dHnt add much to that aching head. Fbr on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. & & Storm outfor a visit and when Sunday rams around MA MMtor found herself entertainfaur Mr. and Mrs. \W. Oenrieti and Mr. and Mrs. Lduwig, all of -- glance and asked that add question that husbands reserve for new hats: "WHERE did jroo gat that hatT" On the way to their dsatiaatfcB he Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brivles the lady felt were^ week-end viStor. iiii>Mie»es|iiii>niniii Sells) here this weekend, in the district are a new bonnet, or the aid one with a pile of HMH -«SW hats look like astray. A lady wore her mln'ifininiii '^Pr OTHMI Si| MM. Ill tUM Mft to lis ieb at tfca Very +mm Hrry Cflaty was so jaarried tecantly. Nat that he dhbrt lava har, hut whan dn moved away foam heme. Jtarry gat her room, I hear that he was moving in before the rice was off the ioor! his Bag -Rudy" that he The manv Pinkel iSTha clad to has completed lus leng convalescence, . ^_i_ qv., «d anas again wekomee visitors. Jt J,-t to V™*9 that he Is really well w. ^ ^ whan again, ha want fishing this wask. . hMband gatfe'^tt ardent ftsherwoman with him was his wife's mother, Mrs. Pauline Anderson, who is certafoly Moving that 81 is young! like an old hag. time the gentleman | __ . _ caustic comments' •r. and Mrs. Wauy s hats in general and i ^ CMcfSTO^on his wife's taste in particular. Upon arriving at the party, they that daasns of other ladies worn thair Easter hats--and was erafeier than the last. Some were like inverted flowerpots, Dasn motored . to apead the day with Mr. DsS? toother, Mrs. Sarah Dean of Lackawanna, N. T. The Wonder Lake Rod and Gun Club will sponsor a party on, May „ 15th which will be held at' the were Just one large unnaturai American Legion Hall in Woodstock, nestiing to yards of veiling; will be a general get-together for then there ware ladies who had ap- » ^ood time, and there vtill be parantly abandoned the hats and music, and refreshments. There will worn the boxes, and many creations ** 00 admission and the public is inwithoat ftonto, without backs and vited. witooat tops. (None withdut bills,1 ' probably.) I The Women's Auxilliary of the The chastened husband of our *?d G?n story decided that he liked the con-1JS#,/";a»uSp5afi wh?T servative little number on- his wife's ,at the Grill on May 11. i -- . ] T h e r e w i l l a l s o b e p r i s e s a n d e n t e r - Th. <* tki. Btory ^ think that your wife has the craziest I P^rty* misukes ,re They ten me that that* is a cure always being "age. for being goealpped about See nothing, be nothing, do nothing, and This has been a busy week. lite people will never mention your "Wonder .Waawi* met at the Grill > for luncheon on Wednesday with ten meaofcera and three visitors present. Mrs. Alyee Hoeft, who is taking in fashion designing gave talk on how fashcut a miniature of a design to show the in whieh it is done. LILYMOOR the girls a short ta] Ions are born. She (By Francis 'Edward) Clarence Stilling was re-elected to the school board of the Lily Lake On Saturday night, the "Wonder school, having received 83 votes out Women" sponaarsd s progressive din- of 131 votes cast. Mrs. Florence ner te entertain their husbands. Svoboda received 3$ votes and Al- Eleven eouplee fen. Cocktails participated m the fred Seyfferth 4 votes, nd hors d* oeuvres 1 were discarded. Eight votes at the Grill; soup and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. aurt; the main course, consisting of ham, sweet potatoes and peas ware ssrved in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoeft; coffee, cookies and ice-cream at the home of Mr. auid Mrs. Joseph Monteleone, and a liquor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Richards. BfuRaataBUnd enough to his trailer for the drive; Better Hay Green cured alfalfa has a digestible protein content of around 14 per cant.' Brown or black tests only S or even aa low as 1 per cent of thia valuable protein element. Vitamin content is also much higher to green-cured hay. A woolen cloth gasoline will makf KM pear as if by magic porcelain sinks, bathtubs wash bo» >« *Wd sheets hem to heft affltf pta with the small hem out ID hanging oa» line. Hang tablecloths with selt| as over the line amd pin every 12 inches. Smooth two or three napkins, handkerchiefs, or washcloths all together and pin with a deep overhang. Turn pillowcaises wrong aide out end pin closed aid well <r*er the line. Hang towels a jOot over the line. Whin the towels have dried, ahaka than to fluff, don't iron them. . •8 Staice insulation gieallj flow of heat through makes possible better with less change in temperature less moisture condensation CB WL fuel is saved in heated buQdings t JUave been properly inmlcted. ' ; • . . ' Seed Ealstag Producing high grade vegetable aeed is one of the most difficult joba in the agricultural field. Experts at it work under controlled conditloaia. They guard against plant diseaaa. They get a high per cent of germination. They take care to avoid croak pollination between different varieties. A home gardener is not prepared to do thia. Consequently, he can't know exactly what'a going to come up from many kinds of aeed when he plants a home-produced aeed--if anything does come up. Seed can look good and still carry disease or not germinate or turn out to be aomethtog less than what you'd expect. So the wise gardener eoesn't bother to save aeed of most crops. a Decorative Window Ffir' m^httime in a dull --have a decorative window You can make this yourself ^ plfl! flowered chintz by mounting it oar" MI old shade roller. To cleans sponge off with dry soapsuds. Wipe^ with a clean damp clcth and pnsal" with an iron. THE IMS OF McOUILOM Te Be Held : JULY 90 . 27 - 28 at MeOulkna Lake Chteago. Mr. and Mrs Sai were out for the folks opened their HOW AVAILABLE and family tend. The for the -- J spring planting. The Andree Girls, Dagmar and Patricia, had a big day. last Sunday, for they were among the nine to make their confirmation at Evangelical Lutheran church. We are all glad to hear that Clarence Stilling won the election last Saturday night. He i» now a member of the school board. During the past week Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth, along with Mr. and Mrs. Wijas, vUited Chicago. While there, they did some shopping and visited with relatives. Spending a very enjoyable Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. WruMewslri, was Mrs. Hiedemann of Lake Zurich. A weekend guest at the Normand home was Miss Joyce Porter of Skokie. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Abbinantti received a supprise visit from their nephew, Chief Petty Officer Mark Dugo. Mark is a native of Pittsburgh and is stationed at Great Lakes. Over the weekend Mrs. Abbinantti's children, Sam and Josephine Paumble, were out for a visit. Pat Gilmore is now home for the Easter holidays with her parents. . Well, with the coming season we ! see the Casino, newly re-decorated, preparing! for a big and better ses- 1 son. Also, when passing the Vogue, | those new neon lights attract your eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnik spent the I weekend at their summer cottage. Other summer residents out for | the weekend were Mary Hubbetl, [Viola Brady, Mrs. Helen Robison and son, William. Mr. and Mrs. Breaks, and Mr. and Mrs. Provides. On Sunday Mr. Fruetz and her son. Ray and his wife and family visited with the C. O. Hyatt family. Sdtnndav saw the Hyatt family doinr a bit of shonninar in Chicsaro and heard Mr. Hyatt declare he woaldn't eo through that again. I wonder if he was referring to those few hours spent waiting for Mrs. Hyatt to pick out a hat. We were all surprised to hear of the accident, Mrs. Boro had last wed. While in Chicago, a car nulled out of an alley, directly in front of the car she was driving. To avoid hitting this car, she went uo the curb, lost control, went mgh a nearby fence and ended against the wall of a building. Mrs. Boro escaped without Jnhiry. oh-what a mess the car is in. Well, folks, this is the last colon Wore Easter so here's wishing an JI snqr -fpd Joyous G. M. 3/c George Roeske, after a 21-day leave, has returned to Bremerton, Wash, where he is stationed. He hopee* to be discharged and home in about forty-five days. "Had a great time on my leave," he says. Football is a tough game, but don't overlook ping pong. Jimmie Molidor, in an exciting game, picked up -- !a ball that fell on the floor and pop The baseball game held .on Sun- i went his head on the way up, smack day between Wonder Lake and Wood-! into something that didnt give. The stock resulted in a striking victory I result, a bad cut on his head. But, for us. The score--17 to 1. thanks to the quick action of Ruth As my baseball knowledge is ex- j and Evelyn Lavin and a doctor's tremely limited,-1 shall simply quote care everything is now under converbatim the young man who re- trol. PS>--Jimmie's rarin' for anported the game. j other game. "Our team woai--17 to 1. Art Ep-1 Mr. and Mrs. Farrara and family a nice fly from Center of Chicago were out for the weekfast pitch from Wonderland getting ready for a summer's Lake 1st Basen&a; Wilhelm to 3rd «tav. caaght a Herman Topal is hack in the Hines • a Mop- hospital. iso into Mrs. Jo Bartelt is a working girl again, commuting daily to Chicago. She enjoys riding on the steam engine trains, but there's no place like Lilymoor after the hustle and bustle of the big city. The Lily Lake Card of Thanks "frpr -> * «•> »"•. -| :? i>i I wish to thank the many voters and workers who supported me in the primary, Tuesday, April 9. FRED C. Bepubliean Candidate For Sheriff of McHenry Oeuaty pert got Field. A Groeao who flatfooted. There in ping right drive off of Grosso Wagners hands and foam 3rd to •kort. Henry Schau was the winning pitcher. HM ball was donated hyn Mr. Clarence Wilhelm. More halls are needed If i like to donate them." would Ladies League is be pk*ed at having a benefit sale of polish. Any-I seores body wishing to have this marvelous sy do so bj A return game will Woodstock this wask, will ha reported next week. ! polish msy by calling on Mrs. On Saturday eiwiag aa flwHrni! Hattie Einspar of Lilymoor or Mrs. was held at Harrison school. Mr. Kate Wegener. Kindly bring your Radph White, who had served three' own containers. All profits to be years on the Board, w*s retiring, turned over to the Ladies' League. Due to the illness of Mia. JFhite, he The Birthday club party is at the felt that he would he --Ht to Lilymoor clubhouse Saturday evening, again aerve. Onl/ ' earn nomination I April 20, for all those whose birthansa made, that of llr. M. H. Burt, I days are in April. who was elected fay a vote of 26 A May dance will be held at the tel. [Lilymoor clubhouse. Get set for s • • grand time. A king and queen of The 7th and 8th Grades want Into May will be selected. Music by thst McHenry for their annual achieve- i good 'Turner" orchestra. This gala t tests on Fridanr. All of the occasion will be sponsored by the group approached the exam with! Lily Lake Ladies' League on Satgreat trepidation, bat they all re-! urday, May 4. It's a date to rememwe have smart ehillnn ? for her guardian angel. The little The Gospel Club of Wonder Lake miss fell down with s cost hsnger held an anniversary service on Sun- and the hook caught her under the day. The Club is one year' old, and eyelid. Our little heroine unhooked 60 persons were in attendance to it herself. She is a good little solcommemorate the birthday. We dier. hope . they will someday celebrate A day's outing at the Brookfield their 50th. jsoo for the youngsters of the Lily ! Lake school and the small fry broth- Mr. and Mrs. Endres (she is Mrs. ers end sinters of pre-school sge. Mary Endres, acting County School Children will all gather at the school- Supt. in the absence of Roland Mc- 1 house, Monday, April 22, 8 a. m. A Cannon, in service.) have pujnehased a home in Wickline Bay, and will soon be in residence there. Young ' Bud" Schau will Thursday for a - physical to Uncle Sam wants him. NEED PAINTING • : : AFHOHSWTO r ts . will bring an estimator. We will help jw solve decorating problems. ' Interior and Exterior Work FRANK WEILER bus will take them to and from. Lunches will be brought from home by the kiddies. The entire trio will be chaperoned by P. T. A. ladies. Have a good time, kddies, but don't put your fingers in the cages! A drive for waste paper Tuesday, April 23, by the Boy Scoute. Have your bundles neatly tied and leeve • v vr % 4 » C ' Young Walter OCT IT MM SO TM NOAM Of • ' - - •*** -r*- " Specialising in TBUGKINCM hrnrnmrnmrmk 1 your garden'read^tfr be4ftB$*df K not, we are prepared to furnish you with black soil to t fl improve that favorite plod * MILLER BROTHERS #06 rront 8tr»* j. ' Previous to the war, SS per cant of the farms In Deamark >nd M par cent in Oar* SB per oast In France p»nrtk al|y 100 per cant In