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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1946, p. 6

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FOE 1*1* ron SALE -- Beautiful hand Wilt boat, 18 feet long, in three UrtiflM. Inquire at Villa Club laiort on Piatakee Bay. TeL 878. 48 FOR SALB--"Wonder ~Miaor» cement mixer, hopper type. Ivar Fredriokson, Wonder Lake, Rt-L rood, m. 48-3 FOR SALB--Drive-wall pump ImuL 23 ft. of pipe, cylinder and Cleary, McHenry, DL •48-8 point. P. J. Nl UU^1te.tialM«f>rtaU mmmw with ftro-proof Johns Msnrfflt Ink Wool ffooM Insulation "Elewiita" wall* and ceiling*. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. WAlfTKD TO BKHT WANTED tO RENT -- House, 6 r mora. Call McHenry SI. Dr, H. S. Files, 806 Waukegan St. ^A - t8-tf FOR SALB--1941 Quaker oil circuHELP WAlfTKD lating heater, two 5&-g*l- oil drums $50, Tel" McHe5g HELP WANTED--Experienced gar- 1 j dener for care of gardens and lawns. FOR SALE--Second cutting alfalfa; Within driving distance v of Golden capacity electric broocTer. ' Call Farms, H. J. O'Brien, Wauconda 2SI7. ^onda on U. 48-tf 2614- one nile north Wau- S. 12. Tel. Wauconda •48-2 FOR SALE--Six-foot wall case and HELP WANTED -- Man or strong cigar counter, 135. Tel. WoUder **>y for„y*rf. W0Jk around summer jTirf, lot *4g home. Pistakee Bay. Two or three -- 1 .---- . ••--- days a week. Write Box- 10, care FOR SALE--Reed chair and rocker, < McHenry Plaindealer. •48-2 like new. Also studio couch. Picke, ____ _ fence for sale. Call McHenry 296-M. HELP WANTED--Combination day *4g bartender and cleaning man; must V j ' --«• --;--_ ;be neat appearing, honest and sober. THREE (8) HOMES FOR SALE 1 References required. Apply Mc- Nine-room house, h. w. oil heat, 2; Henry Town Club. Tel. 12. 48 SPECIAL -- Anyone who wishes ta <•0 their sunttner cottage, I wu k» tfnct Tm cn iBTt broker's oses. mission. Get in toneh wtth Mania J. Goldstein. Juniper 0890 o 0802, Chicago, 111. AVAILABLE -- For whitewnshfeg barns, basements, chicken j AL Phannenstfll, phone M< 488-R. "SMART FORM AND BARCLBV-- Individually designed foundation garments. By appdhtnKut Mario N. Sternberg, Phone McHenry 165 or Elgin 1598. *48 THHRB 18 NO SUBSTITUTE FOR PLASTER--McCullom Plastering Co. Plate, ornamental, stuoeo work. Rt L west McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 6U-W-2 or 078-M-2. *48-2 to •. ADAMS C. LURIE, WOERTER, LAMES* ITS HOUSECLEANING TIME--Take a second look at yOur window shades. Do they need replacing? We also have steel Venetian blinds, made to order. Located at Peter M! Justen Furniture store. Phone 68--Wesf McHenry, 111. *48-3 car garage, large lot, en Main st., • ~ , . r Johnsburg Price $12 000 HELP WANTED--Laborers and car- Six-rooms, furnace automatic oil Pinters for construction work; to heat; 2-car gar.; lot about 2 acres; le*ra ® trade. Fredrickson, Wonder 65 feet ^ter front on Fox River'. ! ^e. Tel. .Wonder Lake 221. 200 feet from blacktop road. •10,500 WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR ING -- All work fully guaranteed. "Torchy" Krause, 810 Elm St., Me Henry. Tel. 879. 47-tf TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. TeL McHenry 681-M-l. 42-tf Price! JACOB FRITZ, Realtor Johnsburg Tel. 672-R-2, or 2005 Shef- Ave., Chicago, Tel. Lincoln 1888. 48-8 SALE -- Stfc £room HELP WANTED--Experienced 1.--. w l struction labor, good pay. Call Mc- ^rV^U^oSfc#' ISfu Henry 678-M-l, «g-2 Pistakee Lake. $f759. HELP WANTED--Girl fer inspection work, also men to learn pressing and dry cleaning. Local Cleaners, Green St., McHenry. Phone 20. 48-tf. ,a _ LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank 4a-tt | Raycraft, West McHenry. Phone Mecon. I Henry 149-J. 41-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TRSE 8URGERT AND REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES J. W. R>AA YIVCHRAAI1F Tli. CP.. O. Bex Weat Mdrfsnry, IIL acres* running water, electricity, en house, forty fruit trees all bearing. $6,000. Call 615-W-l after 6:00 p.m. 48 FOR SALE--1986 tudor deluxe Ford, j WANTED -- Shtet metal working completely reconditioned mechani- machinery; brake, square-shears, cally. Tires good. Seaco Sate and \ folders, etc. Write Box 12, Care Semce, Ialymoor. Tel. McHenry ;0f McHenry Plaindealer. 47-2 615-W-2. 48-tf. SEPTIC cleaned. TANKS and Cess Pools HELP WANTED--Experienced sew. , Fred Wells., 128 Ellswo--r th in machine operators, part or full j ®t» Crystal Lake. Phone 548-M. time. Mary Schiavone, Lily Lake, I dO-tf MB-fc Kcfl"UT- PhoM .tSJlttlB* CHIOLS-Foxd.1. WMto Bank of Harrington, a out of the lands, tono- . s and chattels of the said ttJttfc J. ADAMS and LESTER V. ADAMS. I have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lots number 15 and 16 of the Conn* 5 Clerk's Plat of the 8outh half Soetion number 26 in Town- Ate number 46, North of Range 8. East of the 8rd Principal Meridian, according to. the Put thereof recorded m the Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 8 of Flats on page SB (excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof conveyed by Albert S. Parks anAfary Parks to Nicholaus J. and ^Gertrude S. Justin by warranty deed, dated March 8, IMS and recorded in said Recorder's office in Book 167 of tng -the wtaffc"'" ' f tf & DwWW^IttdiWai of labt Wed* nesday Ihe windmill on tiw farm of Henry Ihftwr was blown to the found, s--thf j aB to filets. Clarsaee UM ftCI .. . are able. to 1 Oliver Moot* and Chas. Phalin are still under the ear* of doctors and narsas. Jacob Sdkaafsr left Tuesday for North Dakota, whese he has iwnjni ed land and will fum it. THIRTY YEARS AGO ¥ . •. Butter on the Elgin board of trade was sold at 86 cents* per pound laat Saturday. The milk war is still unsettled, although several farmers have signed Borden contracts during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Noonan are now Deads on page 23) (also except-! occupying the Hogan house fei John ing parts of said tract conveyed | street, having moved there from the by A. S. Parks to the Village of, Whiting farm. McHenry for Public highway), sit- Lightning during a snow storm Hated in the City of McHenry, j was a rare sight witnessed by a Q tha said .WIRiaai 181-R Qftb and laned oJTcf Sb Couf+y of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. >, Parcel U A certain pioce of lmd in the South West quarter of the South East quarter, of the South East quarter m Section 27, Township 45, Rang* 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing not less than one-half acres, lying West of the ~ stal Lake Road and South of rai> CAI„ , HELP WANTED -- Men 20 to 85 FOR SALE -- Gentleman s summer, years of age to work as chemical formal, white coat and ™*?k trou- J plant operators. Experience not aere. Small 88. Tel. McHenry | necessary but work in food, paint Wl-K-1. 48-2 or similar industries helpful. Steady FOR SALE!--Seven-foot show case, I work. auitable for candy or other merchandise. Call McHenry 74-W. 48 FOR SALE - " (1) Set extra good work harness collars, $60.; (2) set good work 8 with collars, $40.; (3) 1931 Chevrolet truck, dual wheels, rack and grain bed, needs Leghorns and White Rocks won Illinois Egg Laying Contest 1945, most eggs best livability Try these improved strains this year; also rapid-feathering New Hampshiras and extra large Barred Rocks write or call for prices and details, FOX LAKE 2818. Rkj 59 near Fox Lake. FOXDALE POULTRY FARM A HATCHERY, INGLLBSIDE, ILL. 40-9 number of our early risers on Wednesday morning of this week, v TWENTY YEARS '• A<jc|f Henry Meyers, Sr., of this city broke his hip when he fell backwards from the stairs while at work at the Terra Cotta factory. Charley Correll and Freeman Gosden put on a whole evening's show Mill Race, intending thereby to without «ny assistance and kept deed that certain piece of land their audience spell bound from now occupied by The McHenry etart to .finish, last Monday evening Creamery Co., as a butter factory, when the members of the McHenry situated in the Village (now City Lodge A.F. A A.M. had these two of McHenry) situated in the City gentlemen as their invited guests, of McHenry, County of McHenry, Six hundred and seventy-seven - -- - - -- books, the complete library of {he late Father M. J. McEvoy, valued at between $2,000 and 88,000 was com Ringwood Chemical Corp., W®LL WORK --Order your driven Ringwood, IIL Phone Richmond 6. now. We sell, repair and install '47-21 pnmps, including electric. Bill HELP WANTED--Punch press operators. Holmes Products Co., 218 N. Madison St., Woodstock, Tel. 189. 46-8 WANTED--Man for general work. . . . . . , - » K r a m e r B o a t C o . , F o x L a k e . C a l l .$o25L0".; ei(74^) eapbrlaec "tic a?l nfeowr £7*-"ft". II pox --La--ke 4091. ---- 46-tfdrill, $100.; (5) serviceable WANTED -- Waitress. Apply at Tel. McHenry 38. 45-tf loader, $25.; (6) new large size'Eva's Restaurant. roughsge and combination mill, I (7) corn binder, $50.; (8) ni»- I. .. -- grain binder, $30. Call or see 5™ WANTED--Couple extra men, P. Freund, 111-W or Leo Hnnter Boat Co., McHenry. 89-tf 620-R-2. 48 HELP WANTH) -- Light fsctory 8ALE Hay, alfalfa and clover, work, steady employment, age 25 IP. Phone McHenry 655-R-l. jto *6; day or evening shift; 5 to 10 •48 p.m. Top wages for conscientious workers. Cellulose Industries, Richmood, IIL Tel. Richmond 385. 82-tf FOR 8ALB -- 5 tons lime and 3 fcvshels yellow Sweet Clover seed. Baiplus left from American Seed Co. eriter. All at half cost. Phoffc McHenry 646-W-l. *48 trfc Ugl SALE--4-room furnished coton Fox river; 3% miles south enry; electric pump and elechts, $4,000. Write A. F. 2804 S. Tenth Ave., May- Hl. . *47-2 LOST LOST -- Pocket watch with chain; keepsake; liberal reward. M. M. Niesen. Phone McHenry 52-R. 48 8ALB -- Easter bunnies, also rabbits. Fkone orders. Tel. ?7. *47-2 FOR SALE--One double bed, box LOST--Coat lapel ornament, in form of bee, with mother of pearl wings and green body. Loet in McHenry. Emily Simon. Tel. 157. • 4 48 WANTED WANTED--High inner springs, or one, like to c--are for Hollywood bed. Both in exert- Betty Long, Waukegan condition. Must be seen to be McHenry 447-W. ated. Phone McHenry 422, P.m. 47-2 FOR SALE--Dining room table and Six chairs, $75.00; three-piece wicker porch set, $50.00; Stewart gas $25.00; also three-quarter metal bed with springs and school girt would children evenings. Road. Tel. •48 Bacon, Henry. 206 Main street, Tel. 98-J. West Mc- 89-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars » the least we pay-for dead horses and raws in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 8. Reverse tha charges. No help needed to load. GARBAGE COLI.ECTING -- Let us dispose of year garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 865. tf in the State of Illinois. THEREFOR, according to said command, I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title Mid interest of the above named ELlffER J. ADAMS and LESTER V. ADAMS, in and to the above described property, on Fridav the 10th day of May, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., d. s. t., at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, in said £ounty. Dated at .Woodstock, Illinois, this 18th day of April, 1946. HENRY A. NULLE, Sheriff of McHenry County, 111. (Pub, Apr. 18-25 & May 2) pletely destroyed in the firs on Sonday in the Justen ftnmiture store in West McHenry. At the school election, with only three names appearing on the ballot, eleven votes were east for each candidate. John Pufahl was elected for tresident to serve one year and H. !. Buch and Stephen Freund was choeen for members to serve three years on the grade school beard. tUnCE TOIH ; TALES Items or Interest Takea From the Files of the Ptsiadealer of Years Ago HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise yoo. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tt FLOOR SANDING -- varnishing and waxing; new and old floors; the estimates. Call McHenry 266-R. *44^ '• • W--iim-'ili'i iriliiiiii'llii WANTED -- 1,000 people to attend the 9th annual (Antique it Hobby Show at Wheaton Metnodist church, April 24, 25 and 26. Admission 50c; 3-day pass $1.00. Fine meals at fair prices. *48 Thursday. studio couch, metal floor WANTED --We have cash buyers Tel. McHenry 164 after for *umra«r homes, city property and , • , • FOR SALE (The Following items) (1) Team Black Percheron mares, full ' ' s i s t e r s , well broke, harness andj (2) set good work harness' collars, $50 contplete; (3) 1931iIn 4g j farms. List your property with us, 'Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-1384 tf. High Wages for Telephone Operatoi* Ears $SS Per 5-Day To Start (Aboat $168. per aM«tl# Frequent salary increases thereafter, with opportunity to earn more by extra work at time a half. pay. ^ START TODAY SIXTY YEARS AGO We had another snow storm Sunday night, what they would call in the maple groves a sugar snow. H. H. Nichols has rented the briok church and is fitting it up for a paint shop. Shepherd A \Son are weighing up their last yean clover blossoms and making preparations for the coming season. They will put up another dryer out on the West side this spring and do a larger business this season than ever before. The McHenry bride manufacturing company have already contracted hsdf a million brick of the coming season's make. FIFTY YEARS AGO * Br. C. H. Fegers, of this^^tige, has now, without doubt, the finest turnouts in the shape of carriages of any physician in Northern Illinois. He has just received a new "Physician's Coupe," which is one of the finest vehicles ever seen in this section. .We have just learned that F. L. Carr has purchased the Wauconda Leader and will hereafter conduct the same. T. J. Walsh has taken the agency for the Buckeye Seeders and Drills. A. Englen has lategr pot into his : 11 Hi m MMH i m i . „„„ In a communications job which is' HOMES AND FARMS Ian essential part of the business! , *nd around McHenry and Lake and social life of your community.! Chevrolet truck, dual wheels,icounties. We will get you top prices!Experience unnecessary. Full payt rack and grain bed, motor | ?ILan ®XC'U8*V® basis. ED M. LAN-, while learning. Past service will be a little repair but servicable I NlSS, ^ Agent, Hines Realty A Con-, credited to former operators who are! as is for farm truck, $250. (4) Practical new 7-foot grain drill, $100. (5) Serviceable hay loader, $25. (6) Mew _ large size Let2 roughage and combination mill $500. Call or see George Freund, McHenry 111-W or Leo Miller 620-R-2. w 47-2 FOR SALE--Fairbanks-Morse ejector water and sump pumps, for immediate delivery; also a good buy in a new outboard motor. Engstrom and Service. Tel. McHenry T-1. 46-tf, struction Co. or 667-R-2. TeL McHenry 674-M-2 re-employed. 84-tf I WANTED TO BUT ENJOY PRIVATE PARTY WANTS TO BUY •Interesting, Steady Work near --a farm, with or without stock Home' and equipment. W. H. Hughes, Box 'Vacations Holidays with Pay 56, Park Ridge, IU. *46 •Sickness Benefits WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five!"Pension Plan room summer home, near McHenry, i • Pleasant, Safe Surroundings on or noar Fox River. Address Box i •Advancement "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf 8ft" - PICK-UP AND DELIVERY - VOGUE CLEANERS SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY It McHENRY CLEANERS McHenry Cleaners Laundry Services 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104*M HOWARD Apply today W JDhief Operator . )Park Avenn* ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE mmm Gold Oityst' III the last 60 years. South Africa's gold output totaled several billion dollars. Before the war this high» ly organized and mechanised industry was producing as much as 800 tons of gold a year. Hie particles of gold mined are so small as to be hardly visible, and are distributed through rock that must be crushed. Xt take* 185,900 tons o< rock to yie)d a ton of gold. ENDS FRIDAY, APRIL 19 THE VALLEY OF DBOSIO Greer Careen -- Gregory SATURDAY ONLY, APRIL janw Oliver Carwood's •VORTHWHST TRAIL** fa Tmuueolor PLUS 18T YANK INTO with Tw Neal and Barbara SUN, MON„ TUBS, ft WRD April 21-22-23-24 Centinaons Shows Sanday From t'M en sasn at 2:15 Wondarows Entertaiasaent Delight! ¥ JUDY GARLAND IN "THE HARVEY GIRLS'* In Gorgeone Color with JOHN RAY BOLG Court of aaid the siUt of -- (ho SfM WilliamJ9a*qpo*lii«V ** sand Mbos ana no ems.' tereet, directed to the mM County to eterwl Writ has been returned by said sher iff executed by Mrrfee thereof on Ray Smith f»emlines • Now, unless yon, tin aaid William Guy Gooding; shall personally be and Appear before the said Circuit Court of said Ceunty, on or before the 3rd Monday, of May, .1946, to be hoMeh at the Court Hone* in the City of Wbodstock, in said County, on the 3rd Monday in month of May, A. D. 1JM6, give special bidl and plead to said Plaintiirs action, judg ment will be entered Mrainst you tn fayor of said CJhester A. Shenoff and so much of the |iii;t>ift aftaifhed sold as may be jdKaent to salM the said judgm^iti intenst ai costs* - . ' .. ' - .. ; c V LEStRR EDINGER, s C l e r l t * Woods tock, Ill inois , April 1, 1946. Vernon J. Knox, Plaintiirs Attorney, Crystal Lake, Illinois. G. A. Bosomburg, 105 W. Madison St* Chdago, 2, Illinois. , (Pttb. Apr. 4-11-18) NOTICE 6F APPLICATION FOR PROBATE Of WILL STATE OF ILLINOIS McHENRY COUNTY, ss. To Mia Callahan, Sister, Adult, 7968 Vernon Avenue, Chicago, IIL; Kanpsret GUIis. Sister, Adult Woodstock, 111.;. John Long, Nephew, Adult, last known place of reef New York City, New York; mond Long, Nephew. Adult, U, «, Fort Str, Baltimore, Maryland: Edward Long, Nephew, Adult, Woodstock, IU.; Kathrtne Long Young, Niece, Adult. 494 D.' Avenue, Cor* onada, California; Bernard Long, Nephew, Adult, %The Lawson Company, 1? W. 60th St. New York City. New York; William Long, Nephew, Adult, R. 5, Box 11-A, Santa Ana, Calif.; Margaret Dwyer. Niece. Adult, Huntley, HI.; Harold Welch (also known as Harold Walsh), Grand-nephew, Adult, ,6847 Indiana A vet, Chicago, IU.; Raymond Welch (also known as Raymond Walsh), Nephew, Adult 9024 S. University Ave., Chicago, IU; Rev. William OHourke, Legatee^ Adult, McHenry IU.; Rev. Henry Boeckendorff. Legatee, Adult, Sacred Heart Monastery, Aurora, IIL; Rev. Walter Conway, Legatee, Adult, McHenry, ni.; St. Joseph's Union. Legates, New York City, New York; Pbor Clares Convent. Legatee, Rockford, HI.; St. Patrick's church, Legatee, McHenry, Dl.; Marie Zola, Legatee, Adult, .Woodstock, IIL: Nellie Doherty, Legatee, Adult, McHenry, DL; Lillian Anglese, Legatee, Adult, McHenry 111.; Mildred Joyce, Legatee, Adult, 7958 Vernon Ave^ Chicago, miiUllUn,Bol>y, Mtnauy. ill.; Bridget Donorty, Legatee, Adult, McHenry, IIL; Mary G. Doherty, Legatee, Adult, McHenry, HL; Catholic Church Extension Society, Legatee, 860 N. Michigan Ave^ Chicago, IU.; Society for the Propa- Btkm of the Putt, Legatee, 109 E. th St^ New York Cit£ New York; Shrine of the Tmmarnlste Conoeptkm, Legatee, %Cathoik Unhrersi^ of America, Washington, D. Cn heirs at law and legatees, so far as known, of MARY OmC ceased, late of MeQenry County Illinois- You are hereby notified that application has bean made to the County Court of Mdfehry County, Illinois, for the probate of the wiU of MARY A DOHHRTT, deceased, and that the hearing of the proof or paid will has] been set by said Court for the 6th day of Ihv, A. D. 1946, at the hour of 19 oxlock in the forenoon, at the- Court House in Woodstock in said County, when and where you can appear, if you see fit, and show cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitted to probate. RAYMOND D. WOODS, April 1, 1946 County Clerk. (Pub. April 4-11-18) mmtu, JtAYMOND J. KBLLEYl Attorney at Uf : HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS f*. W CRYSTAL LAKE LAUNDRY AMD CLBANIBRS ' r: p. Pke^e 82 F. Ladts, Agent 117 Graat St. Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand - Gravel - Dirt -- Tracks Esr Hire •H-W-2' m. ^nmaUdUmj 86-W C. N. FREUND TRUCKING 188 Waakegan Weat MfHwqr, DL Coal AL1 891 Mala .OAjO,«rAl* Anstjlsns ALEX 1 "^fcaTopeeatw Sthwry^DIL4*4 ^ McHenry 8874U* Anavateg WW SAND * GRA1 m **toe en Bead Gravel L«t PtBSmg . .Mask Dirt LeveBag and Gradlag. J. EL NETT P. Ov--McHenry „ --WANTED TO BUY-- w* w*7 H to $28 fer Old MATT* MSSTkamh WJMUD HOGS, ft TORSES AND-CATTLE MCHENRY GAXAGE ftwt St (Into 81) P.MILLER w • A P. FREUI9D CO. m- 'and XVane _ *-ROAD BUILDING-- TeL S84-M McHenry, Funeral Costs jj: Are Important i: I Because of the love held for ;! la dear one whose funeral; Imust be provided, folks lieei-; ;l Itate to consider costs. Oft* ' I times, however, circum-; ! stances require that fip^ral:: •coets be considered, j ^ ; I; ' 'There can be no embAfrlis-! li ment in the matter of costs! ',\ ' - when we are asked to serve.! < • •, , : Jacob Justen Sons!: !! FUNERAL DIRECTORS ;; ;; Phone McHenry 103-R «j ;; Residence, MoHourj 112-W; | ;; Gtmr teMt, Oonitr Urn ;; i n i n i i M n n n n n m n i Colony McHenry, IUiiioig ^ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Charlee Cobara -- Ginny Simnw Robert Paige "Shady Lady" News and Novelty SUNDAY AND MONDAY AprU 21-82 Robert Montgomery--John Wayne Donna Reed ; *Hiey Were Expendable" Bias -- World Newa Events and Cartoon TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Lou Chaney -- Noah Beery, Jr. Alan Curtis "The Daltoos Ride Again" Peggy Ryan Loaiee -- Jen HaB "Men In Her Diary" THURSDAY (ONE DAY ONLY) Merle Obersn -- Clauds "This Love Of Ours" Rnrt the Want Ads! McHENRY CAB 491 Waukegan Boad 84-Hour Service TEL. McHENRY 472-1 CBCIL BALLOWE WILSON'S RADIO SERVICE 806 E. Elm St Phone McHenry 4<9 Repairs on all makes, hoMT a * auto radios CLIFFORD E. WILSON, Prop. ALL WORK GUARANTEED INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fhre, Aato, Farm and Life Repreasntiag RELIABLE COIVANIBB When yon nee^ inearanee of aay Und Phone 41 or 118-M Green ft Bn McHenry fW HBFRIGBRAIION ^ 8ERVICB : i.;.T ;i,s r WONDHI » ^ ROTHBRMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Let aa aato that nest dsctrieal |sh af yens. LEO G. Phsne McHenry 894 Rivsi sids Drive ROTHERMEU Prep, s ITMI . "T:: : TeL McHenry 848-J „ , . HAROLD H. BELL Painting. ~ OM WaS Papw WUh _ PaiatiSKi 196 N. GREBN ST. CJ .'Spray DR. R. DeBOME * , -- Dentlut -- . * _ 129 Green Street - ^ * Phone 292-J. McHenry 9*?*e Henra: 19 a. a. to 8 p.M. «cspt Wedneeday. Taeaday Priday aighte to 8d9 Pm. Other hoars by appointment TeL Wonder Lake 418 ^ DR. R. H. WATKIMS Dentist ' ; , ^ • . --Office Hours-- Wieoasy ^Saturdays: 9aaa.toSpja. Eveninga and Sunday Morninga by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, III Ofije Hour*--Daily Except Thus. " \2, 1;89 to 4^9, IIotu, Wed, FrL Nighta: 7 to 8. Other Honrs by Appointment H. 8. VAN DENBURGH, DC, PhC. Chiropractor 189 Green St TeL 398.R. McHnry Residence Phono Hebron 926 ^ . rt rn:- -DR.- H. 8. FIKEfcM= Veterinarian 996 Waakegan St McHENRY; TLl. Mlp" A. WORWICK ' J . PHOTOGEAPMEB PertraMnre Commercial Phategraphy y8. -- laT*"Me Drive McHENRY, ILL. FLORAL COl <1SR.

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