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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1946, p. 8

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it Fttes of th» Ptahiiilir •fT«n An Xr : G#®»BtftibttflNL tftat db&tefett Hnr tkb twmnhftk. ntanied Mi hooka last iwrtt, which ibow that ott of tax of $11357.90. ha collected all but mm W% MUM by the Chicago MMTI that IM Brown, son of Dr. EL T. Bttnm, of .this village, haa boon admitted to tho bar, and is now fledged lawyer. Nick • last and and two iifiiiiiimio :~v t Ok Mark Hopkine) la owidmAlk ni of gn fKuttk. ' fftsfi' IIMIWIIII that stoodt» for ha> an 88 par oant bt flMir ^rttamln C. that stood an how loot M per thaao that 188 par cent--or aff ofthovi» 4$ YBA1S AGO thine to HAWS pieea dan« vlsitta* s ?- far sassBiig « added variety to by patting on and BOOM nunkbars SO YEARS AGO tar of tho && -i HWvwr' tfjr or ehair win Moid Robber Stasspe? Order at •ifV- «?;' , Subscribe te lie flaindoaler It Is aaAd that tho idea of driving cattle from Tesaa to the railroad In Kansas came after the civil war from a livestock dealer In *HUnois named Joaeph McCoy. The band entertainment on Thurs- ^ evening last was a success, both financially and otherwise, and netted the band about $50. Miss Jessie Wightman, deputy postmaster, in this village, returned FJ3L McOmbar has a new Ken- 4rood bicycle in his show window which is run by steam. New steps and platform have been built In front of Ow?n A Chappell's store, which is a great improvement in appearance and otherwise. J. D. Lodts, Jr., was at (Elgin last week and took orders for sixteen SOLON TAVERN , ONU S. IS v; SOLON MILLS, ILU ",i 4 --j --o--- 'J «4, 1 To* will enjoy our very special Sea Food, served every day, starting April 12, 1946, at thedinner hour from 5 It 10 p,m., Sundays 1 to 8 p.m. •;%. LOBSTER TAILS OYSTERS SHRIMP LAKE TROUT WHITE FISH PIKE FILLET! POMPAHO RED SNAPPERS FROa LEGS OHAS. WESTLAKE, Prop. official prise, SS cents. DJ. Baniy ia tuning • very lag as a fault MMai kf t dog last weak. rainfuT but net eon- Dr. R^*ChaSsberlin wfll imm his dental office in rooms over MJ. Walsh's store. MTBARSAlGO Mr. sad Mrs. X. W. Smith to move into their naw hana across the river In the very near Mm A very novel sight to MeHsnryMee was the appoaraftoe on our ariU Pirt fcuM tho (Ms* gym show --la FrMg, lfc> show la under tte ilraallsn tf Miss 1%yk>r, who has wntH a IspK time' on the entertahnusat TCrs are over 100 tonrS? 5if..TB Flrad Matthews house on John Mike Ffceund fat new ocafrfl home, formerly the Wightman in this village, having moved Ingleside last 80 YBAR8 AGO JOHN THE TAILOR . , Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same Day Satisfaction Guaranteed PRONE 123-R 416 Main Street West MeHenry ;V r The .fire alarm from MeHenry Saturday night, awakend aoase of the residents of Ostand but not e thought of a fire. Were of the {oppression that it was aMrain of cars on the Northwestern railroad. For two days only, stamped a hemstitched pillow eases at |1 a pair at the Agatha Gift Simp. Rev. Father Robert C. ffVeund of this place has been recently a rinted by the, Right Revefend Pel Muldoon, Bishop -of. Rockford to act as assistant pastor of St. Mary's church in Elgin, Illinois. Th old Perry homestead local on Richmond road and recently parchased by John A. Conrad .has been sold to John R. Knox. TjO^mA St. Mary'a Catholic Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:80 Holy Days: 6:00; 8.1)0: 10:00. Week Days: 8:46 and 8:00. First Friday: 0:80 and 8:00, Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. as. Thursday before First Friday After 8:00 Mass on Itandajr; 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. as. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Paaler. St. Patrick's CatheHc Chart* Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:88 On First Friday, Communion di tribdted at 6:80, 7:00 and bsfere and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to.5:00 p. n. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 6:00 pja. and 7:00 to 141 ---Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourko, Pastor. CHARLES LEONARD AND ED. VOGEL, Auctioneers i,V Having sold my farm I will sell at public auction on located on blacktop road one mile East of Wonder Lake, 8 miles Soulh East of Ringwood, 5 Miles North West of Mo- --SUNDAY, APRIL 28 at 12:30 o'clock--the following property to-wit: 27 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of Y IS iliiK 0OW8--10 head being Holstein, 1 Brown Swiss and 'jt Guernsey--These are all good young cows; 5 head 2-yearold Holstein heifers, bred; 2 Holstein calves, 5 months old; 1 Hnktein Bull Calf, 6 weeks old. 1 HORSES Black mare, 8 years old, wt 1,600 lbs.; gray •ai% 12 ytan old, weight, 1,400 lbs.; black mare, 13 yean old, weight'1350 lbs.; set of heavy breeching harness. • S BROOD 4SQw&--to farrow latter part of May. 175 HAMP^InRE BED HENS--1-year-old, all laying good FEED--200 bu. Vicland oats, good clean oats;. 2 Ion oar oorn; 7 ft silage in 14-ft. silo; 3 ton straw in barn. W MACHINERY St. John's Catholic Charch, Masses: Sunday: 7KN>, 9:00 and 11:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 6*6 and 8:00 First Friday: 6:86 and 8KM) Confessions: Saturdays: 7:26 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-*. 2:8ft and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidort, St. Peter's Cathefee Spriag Grove KftllM! Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy bay«: 8J0 and IM Weekdhys: 8:00. • First Friday: 8KM). Confessions: Saturdays: 2^0 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:16. Rev. John L. Zion Brangelical Lathsran John St. Bast of Bighway 81 West MeHenry, 11L Herman C. NoU^gaator, Round Lake, A cordial welcome la si] who have no church affiliation worship with us. The hmi from our pulpit, #e are _ fill your heart with hope and Services Sunday School --...10 "Christ Our Onlj W B in Listen to the an Hoar Sundays WOM 11:80 Coauaaaitv Chnrsh Church School: 10:00 »•» Worship Service: 11:00 - Methodbt Youth Fellowship 7 KM pja. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. Lnth. Churdl (Missouri 8ynod) . Sunday school--10:00 s.Ml Divine services--8:0t pja. H. L. Pfotenhauer, Pastor. pi Ho-D. ewn binder; Van Brunt 7-ft. grain drill; <M ft { ft planter; 5-ft. Deering mower; dump rake; single row cultivator;.8-ft. horse disc; sulky plow; single row cultivator now wheelbarrow; steel auto axle; wagon with rack; wooden wind wagon with box; set bob sleighs; Mc-D. grain binder §0ase manure spreader; Mc-D. 14-in. tractor plow; Mc-D. 7-ft : traetor diss; derrick; log chains and crow bars; grindstone, wooden barrels; Losee electric water heater; Universal" double mil, motor and pump, pipe for 16 cows; wash: and solution teak; pails and strainers; 5 good milk cans; new 20-ft. ladder, sotiiml hog troughs; quantity of 2-inch planks, 22 16 and 8-ft. \ lengths; ^quantity of 1-inch lumber; chicken feeders, waterers, '®rks, shovels and manv other sundry articles. Some bovsehold furniture. Home Comfort cook stove. Talking PototT O M B CLARENCE'S SHOP PImo orders now for bird hows*, laifB chairs and •wlags, picnic tables, pier and patk benohos, pioket Cnwes, trollises and pwyolas, window boxes, etc. Full line leather belli and biU folds, Bam and it ta«oms,etc. OLAKXNOl / SMITH, JohBsbmy. CONCRETE ~ T* ^ 4 -BLOCKS AWT QVAlniTT Rook Faoe, Panel Faoe, Plain Face ^ Random Siaes For A^ilar Pattern tprywell Blocks--Concrete BtUk Us For Your Concrete Building Units y? von Bampus & Sons West MeHenry, HL (Aft Water Towex) CALL MdHENRY 245-J WE DELIVER 7:30 p.m., shajrp OanB^i Sale Barn--Route 47-- "v Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HEAD OF DAIRY C0W8, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRE8H WITH OALF BY SIDE^;V , I FEEDER PIQS STOCK BULLS • BEEF CATTLE * HHP BROOD SOWS FEEDER oMftW YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL , Oiiir Woodstock 572 or 489 if you hate tttesiodc ^ to consign ALL CONSIGNORS PAID 0A8H DAY AFTER SALE. All consignors make arrangements to get year livestocl in, cither the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per cent down, balanoe ia nontkly installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per c«t interest i Woodstock CommisskMi Sales Go. Inc. WM. E. OAULXE, OwiMT-Phoiw 873 • sums of $25.00 and under that a.winn«t cash; onNrtfwt amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent on good ®®tes will be extended. If credit is desired •Raagements with the clerk before sale. No uropertv to be rawed until settled for. CHARLES K Rinsrwoed Charch Ringwood, IB. Sunday--Pubuc worship, IdO. Church 8diool: 10:80. Choir Bnhnsrssls Wsdnssdsj evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. 'Gringo' Meant Feselgs^i Contrary to U. 8. popular belief, the term "gringo" ia not derogatory, states the Inter - American magazine. There are aevera ories about tho origin of "gringo.** Some say It originated during . Ilia war between Mexico and the united Stages, when Maadcan aotttmr heard the Yankees singing "Green Grow the Radios, O"! Another version of the same story Is that the U. S. soldiers were singing "The Green Goes Over the HilL" But here Is the true story. Tlw tern Is a corruption of grlego, or Greek, which was used in Bps in long ogo to describe any one speakingnsaa> lah with a foreign accent. At time Latin Americans applied term to aU foreigners, except fl tarda, but In moat rnundilse it haa come to be uaed only In refeteuua to natives of the United States. Need Rubber Stampat .•A . * • '.A - ' Ihea simpty chante to adequate wtrtngL Ei^oy die luxury of bieskfiut cookod at the table without this extension cord maze. Eliminate extension cord "obc* rah" forever with conveniently placed outlets. If you are beset with doubie-ptugs-on-dotMe-plugs and unsightly extension cocds, find out about adequate wiring. It means no more "lazy" appliances-- there'll be enough circuits to operate them efficiently--and the wonderful new ones you are planning to own. It means plenty of convenience outlets to do away with troublesome extension cords. And youll want multiple switches to light the way ahead as you enter a room. Plan now for adequate wiring when materials are available--enjoy a new, more pleasant way of living, See us or your electrical pintractor and learn how easy and inexpensive it is. J H t 'r t m $ r %'. ,f S8KVKI COMPANY 01 NORINHN lUINOIf • * Xl i A. . . ' t... .AL..t:

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