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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1946, p. 3

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Mrs. HIHIHIHMIHMHHm land iS With an a 9tfvr . attendance MBbm, jfM.lmHi.ff some visitors, 4ha Teen-Am ehib held it* first meeting at its new home, the Tower bnUraif. The Lavin girls will still supervise the club with the helo of Mr. Weiler. (By Dick Hyatt) Oor little community has settled for toe »'K po^ table apd Easter, we seemed to have our newspaper. parade at the highway on Sun-1 Mrs. Weber isn't just like most a few days rest and quiet {5»e help of Mr. Weiler. < Plans were Easter holidays. Speaking madl> «*• °* • „ _ . ' , *! pons table and the birth of a club on^ a tenaee. By the terraoa has been in the lailliia Till the |Mt three years, so it was time to pat a mark on the wall at its completion. * Over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and son, William, were out at their summer cottage. Bill has just recently his discharge from the navy. When it came time for them to get ready to leave for home. Bill decided ne would stay for the ^ - v • . . g t i T T . j r w i i s u n - M r s . W e o e r isnt "wwee*k-. Wweenll,, bDeefxoorree you ccoouulldd snap •ay morn. Young and old streamed folks, when it comes to taking an!a finger Mrs. Nelson was also going |tp siyl down with the excuse, "Oh #.She was in the f° s^ay- Bill plans to do some fish- I1" h«t goittg the Daoers." 5"*' J»r "« K." S'lfe 1* ?! m . Easter vacation. jurt going- after tke papers," ^ irt they made sore e^ryone «™ A(wr sp.Dding . ft,r. llieur new apparel. , lough at home with his family. "How tired I am," 'Oh, what a Radar Man Third Class James Krein were a few of the remarks has returned to Great Lakes.6 James from the school children as enjoyed his stay at home and wishes left the bus on Monday even- it could have been longer. .---- ....^ - amon WUi,u, In spite of their weariness, Spending a week at their cottage1 while in Chicago one day last week regretted their going for they were Mr. and 'Mrs. rfarder. With' Mr. and Mrs. Fast met another Lily j*d a wonderful time. This trip spring in the air as it is, Mr. Har-1 Lr.ker. This was quite accidental. Ifeookfield Zoo was chaparoned by der got busy and finished some work j Going fn on business, the Fasts I ended up doing a bit of shopping, I going out to dinner,, which was Mr. Fast's treat, and they finished the i day off by visiting with several i 'friends because of the work to be done. Visiting rt the Simmons home over the weekend were Mrs. Simmons' son-in-law, Ed Steadman, and a friend, Bemie Vogt. J"ust to prove what people say about this being a small world, lbs. Kenits of Jrs. Mervin Spear •Hl^^Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mrs. Fred . . house guest, Mrs. Miller of Chicago, and about sixty per cant of depopulation of McCullom Lake. The afternoon was •pent in dancing to the music of the "Blue Gills, after which a de- LILYMOOR (By Francis Edward) j in a Chicago hospital, as a result of ' The folka jaafc j a street car accident. i tended musical j Weekend holiday visitors at Mrs. Mr. Day is a pi j Martha Gedyme's were her two » managed by the I daughters, Mrs. Helen Novak and;0* America. i Ann Martin. James Martin and his '-- fiancee. Miss Bernice O'Neil, and two There were forty-five children of granddaughters, Beverley and Helen1 CotembM Settled ta Cai the Lily Lake School captured and Novak. ! On his third voyage licious buffet supper with baked ham! „boaunlsd--^I t^m eaBn rsogoelEl- bou^-byT^o annuVi-" . £Prr,iivvajlttee DDoonnaal.ldd MMiilliinnaacc iiss nnooww eenn--!' R£?u,mlunb^uuss "se^tttlleedd nneeaarr C and roast turkey as the piece de. re-; ^red, irVa? air school located in JlUo (formerly Santo D< sistance was served by &e gracious L KeAsl% Fie d- Miss- the Dominican republic. LLiillll SSaawwddoo,, tthhee hhoosstteessss.. . Jj ; „£ ., ^', On 20. the After this heavenlv ext>*ri»noa ffc empty tummys. ; Lilymoor clubhouse resounded with folks settled down to enmJ « tin I „Ho,€8 in their shoes or thinning ringing voices to the tune of "Happy was" Mm^*^ p^i^°Vkhtihei° ^ ^ts^l^went with^the Ap^d*^0^ pendent oftiljs Sejjewy Dozen, Jerry £°up*f fg* Funds' | BaSh! ages! Jerry took on his weekly cLise|(S"®y) Wf!ler-; . , mente we™6" ^ •Ref^" through the community kept the ! . ^l3 combination narty and educa- "^fnts AY£r* and enjoyed by crowdin stitches. How well we re-1}0"41 out»»K sponsorcdthrough^fl AlfredSeyfferth. one of the Order yo member our childhood days when ^e«gt^>d *racea, Llly ^ak* v. cl"b topped the piaindcaier mother admonished us to be good or P- T- A- .The children's enthusiasm ^venine by treating all to ice cream the bogey man will get you. Now. *nd behavior was kept in check as a finale. Mrs Wyjas immediate •i»_ i "JOOd OF J^"" Ml thrmiffk fka nMnArAoitv nf AVA larliAo I&ITIllV Oilt frnm rhlPncrt a parting Ursolic Acid Cranberry skins yield a wi ursolic acid that may come dining tables as an emi agent i:i mayonnaise, or to tables in cosmetics. * h H. Miller & Son ;V. r v>OW is. the timi . - to select your ' • Family Monument, Mauso- ^ leum or Marker •fOR DECORATION DAY f^nce 1890--The Old and Reliable McHENRY, ILL. Serving All Cemeteries Everywhere Order your ruooer stamps at tt» V * - Z * 4 Z - 1 - • . * • o ™ . , a - i i " " -- n r J w 5 " " , 1 U U . " ^ * 7 t h e b o e e v m a n w i l l e e t v o u " N « w a n d b e h a v i o r w a s k e p t i n c h e c k » « n a i e . a i r s , w y j a s i m m e d i a t e make the trip possible. Those we The Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Rueck- ppimmn ; # So, as alert. their nephew, ' ' / Ii the presidential citation fori _ TT -0 • --- . ider fire on Saipan when ?rvice )n the U- S. navy, the fam he kept men of a platoon alive that jhad been pinned down by shell fire, land wounded, until they could be ;evacuated. | Claude Vachet also received word'win that his ~ 'Men frequent [been assigned „ ___ achusetts, Flagship of Admiral Hal- , Rueckowe thanks to are Miss Anita Reed heim returned home after a threeteacher^ stay in Needles. Calif. They ;rade enjoyed basking? in the summer T ukbuui nuit (The weather of the west and felt sorry • us Easterners with our heating t: -- --j .«*-»» Ll ms. Lilymoor welcomes its ad-. i teacher of the lower grades, Mrs. months a- W?Va* ^ 'Mike Schmidt, on Fountain teacher, Mrs. Eleanor Wirf Visitors at the Vachets over the La"e- lady who passed the apples) Mr?, for u-. week-end were Ex-Sgt. Arthur Metz. J^® * ceAe; Christine Krinn and Miss "Jo" profclc with his wife and j:e_i,'PIW, 'n* , ' , gh. the Dosch. A bushel of apples was venturers back home. ' " " iS'TveW mo'-P m'ke M«. H.,tie Ein;P.r is the p, Kr«v^ry ^" -n" Sniofln "whra ; strvice in the U. S. navy, the fam-; ^ P enjoyable. owner of a beautiful giant size prayery under fire on Saipan when u cipe,e ig comply | _. „ "I T s plant presented to her Among the many guests present ' ^The PPaarreenntt TTeeaacchheerrss AAssssoocciiaattiioonn EEaasstteerr moorrnniinngg bbyy hheerr ssoonn,, BBoobb . to welcome Mickey and Jean ?{ J'}}*' . scho°l wUl h^.d their Mr. and Mrs. Jack Day were out ("Toots" to you) home were Mr. aii(i !nst»UaiJO^ceremony Fnua^r even- this weekend. While relaxing there Mrs. John Glaser, Mr. and Mrs. in£. "ijly 3, ffbo^o clock. The offi- abode was underging a spring fresh- * a a a a a a a Y5 *"^1 aiso received wora,Henry .Wuestenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Hvs> Mrs. Louise Nielson,.president; ening with soap, water and paint. 11s J^phew Brfiy Lenahan, a j Ed. filadhill and daughter, Berniece. ^,ra- Lee„®®?81- vic^-president; Mrs. VT ,yQHke4#hM °f Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eeanoi Wirfs secretary, and Mrs. ssigned to the U. S. S. Mass-! Qf Ikirlaaide Florence Svoboda, treasurer. The tts, L : • , • • executive council or second and third REMEMBER THE 1946 "Gay Nineties1 OF JtfcCULLOM T.AICie Sll To Be Held : V ;;, JULY 26 - 27 - 28 ^ rC ^ at McCullom Lake SmSH LAKE FRONT All - YEAt - SOUND HOME i rooms, large enclosed porch, 2 bedrooms, 20 x 24 recreation room, parqnette floor, complete with bar, billiard table, chairs. All furnishings such as refrigerator, gas stove, heating units, Venetian blinds. $4,000 cash, balance easy terms. : , ^ . • .. : EDWARD M. f^NNES Exclusive Ag«nt llines Realty & Construction Co. Tal. McHenry 674-M-2 or 667-R-2 -- -- . .. vice-presidents, consist of Mr. Yaemain in the navy for some time. 1 „ u Per and Mrs. Lottie Bransford. In- .n^mTeS'^,f' 'i!ttl,i'l.n5Uli'd 'Si'ibuLii .«u»d McCullom UkVta ErtSie'°w!3ta? ^ COndUCt«d b!r M" nnff o L iX V a P^'done nipped another one of our re- 1- v n ^ . t •. nnv"t®' Hi® beac^ I turned heroes. This time it's Everett The ^ig May Day dance at Lilvare welcome to all the wood they and the lady of his choice "1®°* clubhouse is an event nobody can use for a fire as the Vachefs is the beauteous Gladys Keegan, shou'd miss Who knows ? You have tons of it left from their tree who at present is enjoying her stav, "?av be selected to be queen or you,; removal. j^h and ~jean McDonald. SIri "?a^. CVen k"?g M/y' During the past week Mr. and Mrs. Make it soon, kids, and good luck to *j a.s something. Dancing, fun Lannes were honored by a visit from; both of you. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ?. ^a ?re" whoopmif good, their son and his wif;. The young! Kennedy, Clarence Minic of Chicago Vme' T t"at s what the Lily Lake La- Mr. Lannes has just recently re- and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Becker of ?'es L,eaput\ has in store for you.' ceived his discharge from the navy.' Elmhurst were also weekend guests Ic /°il,re 'j re' you." ,r SOrrjl'! While traveling over the highways of the McDonalds. ? *,' Y . ?. /» ^vcninjf, May 4, and byways ftom Chicago, another i8 0 c,ock« tlU ? ? ?~ni ** seein y°u! ! load of furniture found it's way to Harry and Charles Ingersol spent Victor Bassi, president of the Lily- Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Casey are Easter Sunday with their fhother, moor Property Owners Assn., adlour new neighbors. They have moved Mrs. Adam Jablonski, at her home Vlses that there will be a meeting in on the north side of the highway,! on Fountain Lane. ; and nomination of officers on May. The Casey's have two children, one j ------ 5 at the Lily Lake schoolhouse, at of which will attend the Lily Lake Betinie McMurray, the hew owner 2:30 sharp. For your voice in the school very shortly. of the Willits home, was the honored association and aid to your com- Another family can^be added to;guest at a farewell party in his munity, progress, sacrifice your time our list of summer residents. Mr. honor held Saturday evening at an® attend this important gathering, and Mrs. Emerson Morris and family Horn's Community Center. Mr. Mc- Private Victor Bassi, Jr., one of have recently purchased the former Murray served with the 29th Infan-' J*16 ooys from Lilymoor, i: Sahlin cottage. The Morris' have try division for three years in the i f °'"t Belvoir, Va. His four children. Patricia. Geonria. Dro- ; Eu rone an theater. After hia Hia. ' looked for a homecoming al ?NEED DECORATING AM1> • PAINTING A PHONE CALL TO % HcHENRY 689-W-2 will bring an estimator. We will help yon solve yonr dscorating problems. Interior and Exterior Work FRANK WEILER MORE RURAL TELEPHONES . ~ - % ARE ON THE WAY n We know what tlie telephone means to rural families--how much it is needed to help produce and market crops--keep in touch with friendgp get help in emergencies. _ is now in ^ mom and dad children7 Patricia, Georgia, 6V0-; Euro^theater? After" "his' dis- |°oked a at Easter ( othy and Tom. From what they can charge he secured employment at ,no Maybe soon they hope. tell so far, they like it out here the Alemite plant in Woodstock, but,jH* 18 W1j «n e"*lneeri"K unitand hODfi til 8AKIP dflv molrA +hia Koin<« o Tavan k» Wfh tvio i».. Mr. and Mrs. George Sunde were the siscottage are Mrs. Mary Scanlon' year's service in the armed forces, ter °* Sunde, is still confined and Vera Sampillar. He left Monday to report for duty 1J-u-ur^-u-irTj-u-u-u-u-tjT-^^ On Tuesday Mr. and Sirs. Sand at Fort Slhoridan. Good luck to you, came out to their cottage, where, Mac. » they remained for the rest of the' ______ _ ----- ----, -- While out here they erected : We are indeed happy to report SE * a garage. *They informed me that that the McCullom Lake Wildcats = wey expect to become permanent resi-' will be stronger than ever this year. = dents of our community before the I These boys .nave proven themselves sE £wt ,°f July. Sunday witnessed the to be champions last year by ending ' s Sand's entertaining Mr. and Mrs.; the season as victors in every game! -- Links and Mr. and Mrs. Abrams played. With so many of their top j ss a'l °f Chicago. j notchers back from the services | -- Mr. and Mrs. George Tysler were: there is every promise that our tesm j S also among the summer residents ; will go through the season unbeaten jss OUj l m °®ty 40 *njoy the week- once again. Go to it, gang, and re- ss here. George has just been member McCullom Lake is with you sE discharged from the army a few1100 per cent. j ss w«eks ago. j _____ !== Spending a very enjoyable week- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nerstad en- EE end at the C. O. Hyatt home were, tertained R. M. 3/c Ray Schmidler =2 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hyatt and their,and his lady friend. Miss Alice Arnt- SS lirae son, Billy, of Chicago. sen, over the weekend. ' £ Mr. and Mrs. Gilman were also . ~ out for the weekend. Along with Mrs. George Scheubert was the = tnem were their son, Julius, and honored guest at' a surprise party ss Kichard and his wife. j last Saturday evening in her home. ~E . Another of our young ladies is1 The occasion was her birthday an- ss joining the ranks of the working niversary. At least twenty friends -- people once again. This Miss is Ruth and relatives enjoyed an evening of -- Lavin. The beginning of the new dancing and rayety. The guests also == week will see her making those d 'ily enjoyed a delicious buffet supper = JSP8, to. Chicago rain or shine, served by thtir gracious hostess, zsz Whatfs the matter, Ruthie, get tired Music. was supplied by Clem Wirfs of housework? jand his belly pintfi^iv Our belated riri Keeping to thst old saying, "As congratulations to you, Mrs. Scheu- ~ one comes, another goes." We learn bert. It is our wish that you enjoy ss that one of our ladies is leaving many more such happy days. ; s: the ranks of the working people. i ss On Friday, Mrs. C. O. Hyatt ,-will j ; Congratulations To-- s: say goodbye to her job, and from Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid on their ~ what I gather it's to be for good. ;32nd weddingr anniversary, Saturday ss Guests at the Rossow home over April 20. , ' .ss the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Gladys Keegan on her 20th 'ss Donahue and family from Chicago, birthday anniversary, April 18. rr; Mrs. Donahue is Mrs. Rossow'^; Joseph Lfkovitch on his 27th birth- ss dauR-nter. , day anniversary, April 14. ss On Sunday Doc and Mrs. Krieger; ---- ---- s°n, Les. went to Chicago to j The Interstate Commerce Commis- -- v&it with friends. sion held a final hearing on the W. SS . Willert-were visited A. F. Transportation Co.'s petition ss: ty Edith Dahl and Ed. Grom of to operate a bus line from Wonder SS Chicago over the weekend. Lake through Rin?wood, McCullom iEs ,?*[• an^ Mrs. Joe Raimondj and Lake, McHenry, Crystal Lake and ss children also Sam and Josephine Woodstock. There is every indication SS Palumho were weekend guests at the that °"r dream of bus service ~ Abbmantti home. j through McCullom Lake to the ~ If wondering whether its time above towns will soon become a .or swimir.inj yet or not. I woujd reality. • ~ advise you to ask Ray Boro and Ever since our community was es- ~E Richard Marsh how the water is ? tablished the need for such service js5 Their boat sank Sunday afternoon wrs recognized cut no one did any-'SS while they were Out for a ride. I thing about it until Mr. Winkel and ~-* s*1 t'lev sli»ht,y wet* I ^r* Antonson took up the matter. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Esser spent Sunday These men soon saw our need and ias in Chicago at an Easter party given; decided to solve our problem for us. SS •t his daughter's home. j They formed the > W. A. F. Trans- SS Before closing I would like to | portation Co. and have been fight- -- remind you all of the coming May j ing our cause for the past two --- Fat/ co WHITE SPAR-LUX HOUSE PAINT That is why we are moving rapidly ahead . on our $3,000,000 program to extend and improve rural telephone service. will take tune, of course, to give telephone service to every one who wants it. It will take time to install all the switchboards and build all the lines that are needed. But many new developments are helping. It's a big job, but we are turning our efforls back to civilian service just as £ast as we, turned them to the instant needs of war. ILLINOIS BELL COMPANY dance. This will be held May 4 *t the Lilymoor Country Club. A king and queen will be chosen. McCullom Lake ; On Paratfl By "Yardstick" months. At Tuesday's final hearing on their SS netition before the commission Mc- 25 Cullom Lake was ably represented SB by Sam Nathanson, Harry Lock, ^S Paul Struck, George Harker, Mrs. ss Fred Edmonds, Mrs. Max Kolin, Mrs. SS Wilburt Hecht, Mrs. Paul Struck and ss Mrs. Wm. Rochelle. Es These folks are to be commended ~~ for their splendid co-operation. We ss have been assured that their testi- ss mony will be a contributing factor --• towards getting a iavorable decision ss from the Conimerce Commission. As SS the issue stands at this writing it = remains for the commission to de- -EE ride who gets the franchise. The SS W. A. F. Transportation Co., head- -- Coven 350 to 400 square feet pear gallon. Made of the very lhaeat materiak, it coven more, hidwbittw, lull loofir and aata ~ len In !h» long tcd. 1 pff n jr» jr. ni PER GAL. 3*289 1 $3.19 mm ksG«L Lou Greetings, Folks! One of the gayest Easter Sundays in the history of McCullom Lake was enjoyed by the residents of this community this year. The weather was r. uonnriw., nwi- , ideal and Dame Fashion reigned su- ed by our local boys, or the rival Fox ; nrpmo a» nnr invaiv la/iioo <n~A Valley Bus Co., which filed an iden- | tical petition a month later. The j next ten days will bring forth the. : answer. • preme as our lovely ladies (God bless them) adorned in their new Blaster fluff joined in our annual Easter parade. We find it difficult to describe some of those ungodly creations the gals chose to refer to as hats which adorned their heads. 8b much for our Easter Parade. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sawdo was the scene of a gay open house party commemorating their daughter, Barbara Ann's second birthday anniversary. At least sixty guests were ™resent at this gala af- *air. Among those present were Grandma Annie Sawdo, her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lassen, of Jhqr, Wa*, Mas. Sachette of The ScreWy Dozen will hold their; -- regular monthly meetings-at Horn's -- Community Center next Sunday at SS 8 p. m. Ring the bell with 100 per ss cent attendance as is the custom of,-- you members. j ~ That's all for this week. I :~s ADIOS. | = Feeding Sows Proper feeding of the sow after farrowing will help to keep the pigs fri m devest ins scoui^. £***»L2? Friday and Saturday Specials Knapp's Monarch Automatic * " Electric Iron $5.95 14-in. Reflector Yard Lamp $2.98 X" All Steel Metal Utility Cabinet 12.95 • % 4-qt. size "Presto Cooker $12.50 Geo. Collette Owner GomUe^ The Friendly Store Authorised Dealer Waal 1

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