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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1946, p. 4

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.l ' <4,". «ftf» IW at Wr hot* on Csetar street. MisslltoefcJd and famflar, Mr Sad Contfwu the i edpisnt of a variety Harry Carpenter, and lui T1 of useful and lovely gtfta. On Wednesday wning, lira. Kinley Engvalsen of Wonder Lake was hostess at a shower and cocktail party in her honor. Tasty refreshments were served and the,, bride-to Circle 1 Wttk MMrsIU^ay be presented with the next meeting of Circle 8 of the gifts. M W. S. C. S. when it meets on May • $ in the church hall. BreMd of Chicago and tiu Charlee Brda family of McHenry. Bdwin Walsh of Chicago was a McHenry caller the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., and son of Chicago visited relatives here last weekend. Mrs. Jack Walsh spent Easter in the George Miller home in Chicago. Men Foresters To * . j Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger and Hold Feat May 1 [family visited in Indianapolis, Ind., The Men Foresters at Johnsburg last weekend. , __«_±are holding their annual Forester j Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Justen and ofer Fest at Nell's Jt>allroom on May 1. family of Momence, 111., Cant. Paul | Rev. Baumhofer To Speak Before P. T. Rev. Father -Eugenfc . „ ^ ., -- • v, wCl be guest speaker at the P. T. A. An invitation is extended to the Mc-1 Justen of Camp Grant, and Mr. and meeting to be held on Wednesday Henry Court to attend. i Mrs. Harold Skow of Woodstock afternoon. May 1. This is a much » » * r j spent the weekend visiting in the anticipated meeting and it is hoped ( * • • 'Ben Justen home.- that a larfre crowd will be in at- Announce Engagement v, j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart and son, tendance. A very special and lovely of Dolores Sattem AS OOVALT ITOKDAY T' A be--tiful day, a beautiful setting and a beautiful bride--such were the comments at the Community Methodist church last Saturday afternoon when Miss Shirley Covalt, only daughter of Mrs. Floyd E„ Covalt, Sr., necame the bride of Captain Norman Blomgren, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Allan Blomgren of Pistakee Bay. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Wayne Price at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Serving Miss Covalt as matron of honor was Mrs. Kinley Engvalsen of Wonder Lake, while Lewis Blompri? P will be given away during the. Friends will read with interest of j Arnold Anderson, daughter, Marcia, afternoon. :the announcement made by Mrs. Rose and son, Ronald, of Chicago _ were * * * 'Sattem of Woodstock of the engage-, dinner guests in the Jacob F. Justen Hearty Thanks Given jment of her daughter, Dolores Eliz-^ome on Easter Sunday. _ ' Camp Grant Hostesses ' . labeth, to Henry Ardis Russell, son of | The Elmer Justen family of Ring- In a message sent to Mrs. William Mrs. Henry Russell of Marengo. Norwood spent the holiday in the Nick feA2i«: acted Green from Mary B. Axtell, chair- plans have been made for the wedmsn of the hospital recreation corps ding. at Camp Grant, Mrs. Axtell sends i « • • a hearty 'thank you" to the girls McHenry Ladies " _ : from McHenry who have acted as Attend Convention hostesses at the Camp Grant hos-: Three McHenry ladies, represent M. Justen home here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Justen and son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen, in Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda spent as best man. Ushers were two friends of the groom, Adam Romeiser of Chicago and Robert Simmons of Middleton, Pa. Following the nuptials, a reception and buffet supper fbr approximately 100 guests were enjoyed at the Riverside hotel. Later Saturday evening, the young couple left on a honeymoon trip. ; The bride, who spent most of her life in McHenry, is a graduate of the Community high school, Moser Business college in Chicago, the Mid pftal for the past few years. Camp jn{r the local R. N. tA. 'camps, at-j the Easter vacation visiting her par Grant will be inactivated on April tended the state convention at Spring-' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie, SO and thus there will be no further field on April 17. They Were Mrs.:in Winnebago, Minn. j d o^h ] r R Hi in Kansas Citv tfeed for hostesses / .-.vpeter M. Justen, Mrs. George Lind-I Miss Kathleen Henn, senior stu- JJJF Se ScSolrf AeiSiaSL at V • * n -i v;< jay and Mrs George Worts. Head-jdent at Rosary college in River For-1°i' Aeronautics ^t Formal Dance At v " [quarters were in the Lincoin hotel, est, spent the holiday vacation with | pilot's license last July, giving her 8.0. On May 1 " . • : %here an mormal reception was held j her parents the Al. . the distinction of being probabfy the On Mav 1 the regular night for fro the supreme officers on the even- Miss Kay Reuland visited at her fi wom__ aviatrix m McHenrv Iocs" girts to entertam at thf U. S. ing of April 16. The convention it-[home in Ctiicago over the^weekend. ™ty WOman aviatri* ,n McHenry ~ *11 «... -- V ^1*1 a If a* f* M *s (*ita HVAiin/i an/i M M ' I111fA 1 - » O. center in Waukegan, there will self was held in the K, be a formal dance held there. All torium. tingle girls who are more than 18 years of age are invited to join the Girls' Service Organization. Pros- j WMW§ pective members are asked to con- j m mm Wd tact Mrs. William Green after 6 p.m., i any day until April 30 if they wish j to attend the dance on May 1. The i bos leaves McHenry at ?:15 p-m. Mrs. Gus Freund and Mrs. Mike The groom was employed in Chi- Budl«r .pent one May l«t w«.k in |cag0 on,fl 1942 whc„ hc offercd hi, Mrs N» e. lIli ei B4aoo«n. vM«r* »M\ t _.ri li . !! tao f r c o r p s * JHt l?i .s f i n a l d e s t i n a t i o n iwlsl!s Payis Ani Italy, where he spent the year of and Miss^119^4, receiving the Presidential Cita- Park callers one day tion, the Distinguished Flying Cross ** and many other decorations for meriSt. Anthony"s Hospital School' of torious service. Upon returning to Nursing in Rockford, spent the her parents 4-H Cldb Elects Officers For Year At the last meeting (Getters 4-H club, the following of- ^ " ;ed: C man, president; Julia Foley, prisident: Josephine Guercio, secretary; Celia Page, treasurer; Diane1 Bacon, scrap board chairman and reporter; Marjorie Thomas, recreation chairman. * * Alfred F. Kempfer CeMrites Birthday Easter guests in the Martin Con- _ way home were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Easter" vacation 'with Smth and son, Dennis, of Rockton, j,ere Mrs Celia Knox of Crystal Lake j MJ. aiid M„. Geonre Reiker and nf tu. nn J""*, Mr. and Mrs. EM. Holle of Oak I Miit, Pederson spent Easter in Chic- Ji)5" j „ .'ago, where Mr. Reiker marched in fcers .ere elected: Gerry AW I ' hSidav^T tb! B^leth'„rS|0mb0l<lt P»rk WIPP-HKTTKRBIANN J™" Hairy Zhnmermann home here. j Mr and Mr8. Harry Lawrence of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blount visit- I Chicago spent the weekend with her ed relatives in the southern part of;mother Mollie Qivens. 5, weekend. | Miss Mary Ann NoOnan, student Callers in the Linus Newman home at Rosary college, River Forest, spent 0*VSunda/o w<Te D Mr *nd S i the holiday and several days vaca- Allbee of Park Rapids, Minn^, Mr. | tjon wfth her parents, the Allen ind Mrs. Lewis McDonald of Wood- Noonans „ . „ p- . r «r ltock,'J >ir\TE- J- Bussi Mr- anl MrsJ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Albert and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank K«nnfer, S .. Gerald P. Newman and Mr. and Mrs., Ronajd were dinner guests in the --Mr and Mrs Albert Valesspent Curtis Newman and son, Tommy, all i Walter Bruhn home in Chicago on a recent day in Chicago, where they 0f West McHenry. Faster Sundav H " ' s> '! w RelMMd tar Wcatarn Newspaper Union. By VIRGINIA VALE. AVE you ever wondered how it happened that so many movie stars were accomplished musicians? Some are, of course. But--well, at Warner Bros, there's a music school which teaches stars to "finger," but not to play. Recording artists, off stage, supply the music. Errol Flynn learned to look like a guitar player for "San Antonio"; Victor Francen fakes a piano solo for "The Beast with Five Fingers." And John Garfield turns concert violinist for "Humoresque." Of course many a star has seemed to sing while someone aise reaUy tjid* it. • ,:'v' P | V, • •' * ' When Jane Wither*' gested for the dramatic leading lady's role in "Danger Street," Producer's Pine and Thomas said, "But she's too small isn't she?" Then in Easter Sunday. Mrs. George Lindsay attended the funeral of a relative in Antioch on Monday afternoon. Beulah, Wis., arrived in McHenry on Tuesday to visit her grandfather, helped celebrate the birthday of j Sunday visitors in the John Phalin their grandson, Albert Frank Kemp-: home were Mr and Mrs Howard fer, who re now 2 years old. | phaiin and Mrs. Mildred Cue of Wil- A 5 o clock supper was ser\'ed, the mette, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney teble being beautifully decorated for of chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Glen tk® occasion with a large birthday Robison of Woodstock. K"j f~m°W,h0^*V"d-idaSte™ Soger fl»ent &»ter &S'idSe,^ IU" ^ 8eVer*' dayS &h»ret„n,ed ^tlK pa"few m<,nth3 Mrs. Fred Simon, daughters, Ksth , Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald and \ Bernard and Walter Frisby of Si aKoo?fvra MrannC^rU? Va£' Mrs' Ric,hard, McDonaid of Wwdstock | Cbicago sp€nt Tuesday evening in Kay Kopriva, Mrs. Charles Vales, were caners ,n the Linus Newman; McHenry. On Wednesday, accom- ' • home last Thursday. : panied by Mrs. Mollie Givens and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McCracken i son, Donald, and Mrs. Nellie Bacon, __ . .. j and family spent the holiday with they attended the funeral of Edward •SSSSow I relatives at Greenville, 111. |p. Walsh in Harvard. ttrMtal ®how*r . . .1 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon spent j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thill and Mr. Miss Louella Thelen was guest of Saturday in Chicago. and Mrs. Michael Thill and daughter, ^nor at a bridal shower held at her | Among those from out of town Janice, of Aurora visited in the home •parents home in Johnsburg last Sun- j who attended the Covalt-Blomgren Qf Mrs. Jacob Diedrich on Easter. ifym!?eM«n'T«£0SS€ol ill i wedding on Satunlay were Mr. and j Mrs. Leonard Antonson and Mrs. | c- H- Romeiser Mr. and Mrs.(Merle Davis attended the wedding Rome»»er and Mr. and Mrs. cf a friend in Chicago on Tuesday. Cards were played, with pnzes be-j William Saul of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams of feg won by Mrs. John N. Schmitt, | Miss Loretta Quinn of Chicago vis- anAr,+ i..t Mrs. Joe Nett and Mrs. (Fred Fuchs jted relatives here last weekend. in five hundred, and by Dons Jean Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder and Freund, Mrs. Donald Freund and children of Palatine visited in the Bita Schmitt in bunco. 'Jacob Steffes home on Easter Sun- A delicious lunch was served and day Miss Thelen presented with many the United States he decided to further his career in aviation and is now serving at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where he will take his bride to make their future home. . VOWS EXCHANGED IN INDIANA, APBJL 22 In a quiet ceremony performed at St. John's church in Indianapolis, Ind., at 9 o'clock on April 22, Miss Louise Wipp of that city was united in marriage with Mr. Donald Hettermann of Johnsburg. Rev. Father Ray Hettermann of Aurora, brother of the groom, officiated at the service. The bride was attired in a gray dressmaker suit, with black acces- Mrs. Anna Marie Knowles of Glen i sories and a corsage of red roses. Joseph Lauritz and Frank Kenlpfer, Jr.,^ LeRoy Hettermann, brother of the groom, and Miss Millie Stefanich, friend of the bride, were the attendants. A wedding breakfast was held at Hotel Severin in Indianapolis, after which the newlyweds motored to Johnsburg1 and enjoyed a dinner in the home of his sister, Mrs. Joe E. Freund. Those present Were Henry Hettermann, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund and Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Freund, Elaine and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hettermann and Janicc and Peter Blake of McHenry, LeRoy Hettermann of Chicago, Rev. Father Ray Hettermann of Aurora, Mrs.! tation free. Helen Hettermann, Rev. Fathers Neidert and Thennes and Elizabeth Stehman. The young couple was surprised JANE WITHERS came Jane, who's 20 now, and stands 8 feet 7 in her stocking feet. She was taller than the producers, a grown-up glamour girl. Then they began worrying for fear Robert Lowery, the leading man, would be too short. Twelve of Hollywood's biggest, brawniest men appear in "Angel on My Shoulder," starring Paul Muni and Claude Rains. They're ali more than 6 feet, 4Vi inches tall weigh more than 250 pounds -- and have photogenic muscles. And -- Paul Muni fights them! #-- If the- Hollywood bowl doesn't have a conflicting date, it will be the scene of the finals for Sammy Kaye's, "So You Want to "Lead a Band" contest in June. Winners will be sleeted from the south, east, midwest and west, and given transpor- Ipvely gifts. She will become the bride S.meg J. Hunter of this city ay 1. Konored At Two Bridal Showers Miss Shirley Covalt, a bride . Chicago spent the holiday with their Bn | parents in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and family of Marengo spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Curtis Newman, who is attending ... _ of school in Champaign, spent Saturday test, Saturday was guest at two pre-jaT"f Sunday with nis family here. Buptial showers held last week. On I __ Mr. and Mrs. O. Eder and Mr. and Tuesday evening, Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Mrs. George E. Johnson of Evanston Jr., entertained at a kitchen shower "Pent Easter Sunday in the George H. Johnson home. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Martin May were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smallfeldt and family of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and family and Mrs. Mae Bungard of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May and daughters of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Britz and daughters, Joan, Rose Marie and Marjorie Ann, of Rock Island, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Felgenhauer of Carj pentersville and Mr. and Mrs. Earl | Walsh and family spent Sunday in jthe Jacob Freund home. I Easter Sunday guests in the B. J. |Brefeld home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnsburg spent last week visiting in the Alex Adams home here. Miss Anna Diedrich visited her folks near Ingleside last weekend. Atty. and Mrs. Harry Hitzman and family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, Jr., of Lowell Nye and children of Harvard It seems certain that Mary Mar* tin will return to pictures before very long -- though you never can Chtirilari in th® -nVeni£*- J*1"'1 too sure about those things. She's and Mrs. Hettermann will make their home in Memphis, Tenn., where he is employed with the Chicago and Southern Airlines. \ ir m• McHenry,mineis FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Dorothy McGaire -- George Brent Ethel Barrymore •THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE" Flue--Musical, Cartoon and News spent the Easter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye. Miss Elaine Landgren of St. Elizabeth's hospital, Chicago, visited for a few days the last of the week in the home of her parents, the Edgar Landgrens. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCafferty of Wonder Lake > were guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Kathryn Smith, in West McHenry on Easter Sunday. A. E. Nye was a Harvard visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Walsh, son, Billy, and daughters, Shirley and Pamela, of Fox Lake visited in the Alfons Adams home here last Thursday, Invention of Loom Boosted Irish Linens When you look at a piece ol beautiful Irish linen damask, it's hard to believe that its intricate design was woven, thread by thread, on a machine-- the Jacquard loom. It was named for its inventor, Joseph Marie Jacquard, the son of a French silk weaver, who got the idea when ha was called to Paris by Napoleon I to repair a special loom on which a shawl for the Empress Josephine was being wrpven. The art of weaving figured fabrics had been known for generations before the invention ol the Jacquard SUN. A MON„ APRIL 28-29 Judy Garland -- John Hodiak "THE HARVEY GIRLS" Pins World News, Cartoon Novelty mm and TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Warner Baxter -- John Litel 1. "The Crime Doctor's Warning" James Warren -- Audrey Long 2. "Wanderer of the Wasteland" WEDNESDAY (ONE DAY) Susanna Foster -- Franchot Tone Louiae Albrltton -- David Bruce "THAT NIGHT WITH YOU" Plus--Selected Short Subjects THURSDAY TO SATURDAY (S DAYS) "SCARLET STREET" Woodstock, 111. ENDS FRIDAY, APRIL M •"MAN ALIVE" Plus Van Johnson ii| "TOO MANY GIRLS" SATURDAY ONLY, APRIL 27 Gene Autry in ' v "RED RIVER VALLEY" Plus: Leon Errol in "RIVERBOAT RHYTHM" SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY April 28-29-80 Ingrid Bergman Gregory Peck in "SPELLBOUND" Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of | loom. And figured silks, woven in Wauconda visited relatives here on China, had been shipped to Europe Sunday. „ | through the city of Damascus, from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Kate j which we get the wand "damask," and Tom McLaughlin spent Easter #or a ionff ion- t;me MutLv^nla^a.8i8ter' M"' SSL w^'vary slow and Mr. ind Mrs. John Murtaugh vis.! tedious In order to fojm the deited relatives in Chicago on Sunday, cert?m warp threads had to be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and M*** and others lowered by hand children spent Easter in the Leo ] before each passage of the shuttle Blake home here. across the loom. Jacquard invent- Sunday guests in the Louis' Young! a way of making this patternhome at Waukegan were Mrs. M. J. forming movement of warp threads Walsh, daughters, Mary and Dorothy, automatic. and sons, Melvin and Joseph, Miss The first Jacqu.xd loom was Ellen Doherty, Mrs. Stacia Malone,1 brought to Ireland in 1823. Although all"f Unen damask had bMn woven l0ng McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. EL B. Ward visited in Rockford on Tuesday, where Mr. Schwerman attended a dinner for Chevrolet dealers. appearing now on the stage in New York in "Lute Song," but is schec! uled to report to Paramount in Hollywood in Jane, to begin work In the picture version of the Barrie play, " Alice-Si" It'll be produced by Charles Bracket!, producer of "The Lost Weekend." • -- Angela Lansbury's appearance opposite George Sanders in United Artists' "Bel Ami, or History of a Scoundrel" is interesting, because Metro's been building her up to stardom, and that studio rarely lends a top player to another company. But the role in the Loew- Lewin production promises to do so. much for her that Metro let her do it. Thus the trio that made "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is reunited; Lewin wrote and directed that one. Sands and Miss Lansbury played the top roles. That title' will be cut down, of course. We provide forms on which can assemble, * . (he information we need to judge your loanf- y \ "j' Give us full details about the purpose of"; ^1; ;. loan, how long you will need it and how -V you plan to pay it back. The more facts we have about your financial problem, the betted ^ > we can help yoo solve it. \ v * Your first step in arranging any loan is tOF > -.%- tome in and talk over the details with us. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation •• .'< • "v.:- 1 »!•»< 11II111 I I I I HI IIM* MI Mfl t j IU 1111 Hi 11H 1857--1946 Dult Dogs Dogs can be freed ol fleas by light applications of a 10 per cent DDT dust, but cats should not bit treated with the new insecticide. Roads Designed for Safety The safety of traffic is recognized as one of the most important factors governing the geometric design of highways. " Book Bindings --You can preserve leather bookbindings by working lanolin or castor oil into them with the hands. Pay special attention to the back bindings. 9 JOSEPH J. FRETT Beloved by a host of friends in McHenry, Joseph J. Frett's death on April 5, 1946, was mourned by the entire community. Funeral services were held at St. Patrick's church, with interment in Johnsburg. . .. before that date, the Jacquard loom made it possible to weave the most elaborate patterns in sufficient quantities lor export all 6ver the world. Easter guests in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon were the H. L. Damm family and Mr. and Mrs... Carl Hyatt and daughter, Roberta, of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang and family of Hammond, Ind., Bob Bacon of Chicago, the L. B. Mitchell family of Waukegan and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Heights. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix and Rev. Remove Whitewash Never paint over whitewash; wash it off with clear water, and after wall has dried thoroughly, apply the Saccharin Sweetens* Saccharin has long been used is a sweetener for diabetics since their bodies have certain difficulties in using sugar. Its use by others has never been extensive in the United States. In fact, since it contains no calorie value, its use in commercial products is controlled by certain regulations set up by the U. S. food and drug laws. In addition to this limitation, the use of saccharin has not been widespread because an unpleasant flavor so often develops. Concerning methods which help to prevent the development of bitterness, experiments have been carried out at the University of Bristol, England, jsnd elsewhe||ir . Wool Resiliency A good wool fiber can be stretchad •s much as SO per cent beyond its length without damaga. T. B. Examination Development of an electric-eya exposure meter which enables one crew of X-ray technicians to examine the chests of 1,000 people a day for signs of tuberculosis is revealed by Popular Photography. Sogar Beet Machines Improved machines and methods have been valuabfci aids to wartime sugar beet production, according tfe the U. S. department of agriculture. 'By eliminating hand labor operas tions, time and work have been saved and greater production mad# possible. Among the means ar# cross-blocking the rows to get rid of excess plants, the use of harvester# and loaders and the most recenp development, shearing*^ seeds t# increase the number of single*, germ units. Improvement in pro* duction and planting of sheared seed, and increased experience growers, are reported to be coro> bining to produce stands that caA be thinned to yield well with a mink mum of labor. * 8hrab In transplanting shrubs, some soft should be retained on the roots ani r>d soil worked in about the plant, water is available, run some it about the roots as the soil is added. At least one-third of the older po*» tions of the shrub Should be pruned out and young shoots tipped back* before transplanting. mil »im i it 11 mm 11* i-H nil m <m n mifii mi 11 Indian on the NltM Several Indians have been publicized as the original of the Indianhead or "Buffalo" nickel but James Clarence Thennes attended funerai Earle Frazer, who designed it, said rites for Rev. Father HeCkinger,: the head is an idealized portrait chaplain at St. Joseph's Elgin, on i and represents no particular Indi- Tuesday morning. j an. Several Indians posed for him, Mrs. Velma Douglas and daughter,; at the time he was making prelim- Sara Kay, visited in the home of the inary studies, including Chief,,Two former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Thomas, Guns White Calf, of the Blackfeet in Wisconsin last week. Mrs. Thomas, tribe, and Iron Tail, a Sioux chief accompanied them home and will re- of Pine Ridge reservation. main for a two weeks visit. I * STARTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 FOR 4 DAYS 2-CoVor Hits-2 v "SON OF LASSIE* in Technicolor Plast "THE CARAVAN TRAIL" In color Mr. and Mrs. Zion F. Baker spent Easter with their son. Professor Joseph E Baker, and family at Iowa City, la. Penny Coinage There were nine different United States pennies coined in the year 1909. Reduces Blood Cells Macrocytic anemia is marked % a severe reduction in the number of red blood cells. Effective treatment includes a restoration at the cells to or near their normal number, with increasing hemoglobin content.' Poinsett!as Last A native Shrub of tropical, America, the poinsettia has flame-red leaves clustered about inconspicuous flowers, but once the leaves fall it has no particular value as an ornament. If poinsettias are kept in warm, humid atmosphere the leaves will be retained for a long period. The plants should be thoroughly moistened each day, but care given that no water touches, the leaves. When water strikes the leaves they begin to turn yellow fend drop. Keeping these plants out of drafts and cold air helps prolong their life. They require plenty of sunlight and a 65-degree Fahrenheit temperature. When Joan Crawford returned to the set of "Humoresque" after having won the Aeademy award for her "Mildred Pierce," the east gave her a live Oscar -- they'd swathed Oscar Leavant in cellophane and stationed him at her dressing room door. Agnes Moorhead's new radio program, "Calamity Jane," is likely to rate high in those popularity surveys. Of course, everyone has heard her in "Suspense." Now replacing the "Beulah" series Sundays on CBS, "Calamity Jane" offers a new story situation each week. --*-- Martha Vickers of "The Time, the Place and the Girl," doesn't put all her hobbies in one basket. Two evenings a week she studies ballet, her spare time weekends are spent learning to fly, and for relaxation she plays an almost professional game of pool. --*-- ODDS AND ENDS--Johnny Desmond, 1 of the air's "Follies ol '46," is the only musical member o/ his family; brothers and sisters, father and mother, can't sinjt m note. . . . Anna Baxter got the coveted role of "Sophia" in The Raxor's Edge" at 20th Century-Fox. .. . Visiting relative* have increased the^number of children al the Annie Morgan dinner table to nine. . . . Jack Banny't godfather to Bob mingi* baby. • • • LiUi Palmer, meeting her co-star, Gary Cooper, on the "CUmk hhJ Dagger" set, described him ax "tail. tan and terrific.". .« Diet and 36 holes of golf daily have removed 22 of the pounds Wayna Morris put o% while in service. What more appropriate time than this month to give her the jewel j • of her dreams--her engagement diamond? It holds and reflect* the love in your heart, the promise of your future together. Select he *to«g here. . / Perfect solitaire flanked by two minature diamonds. Misname Balsam Just ss Panama hats come from Ecuador and not from Panama, balsam of Peru is an exclusive product of El Salvador. Some believe that the term was given through a misinterpretation of the Indian word "piru" meaning pottery vessel and not the fabled kingdom of Peru. It is, however, more generally thought that the false name originated from the fact tha| the product was confused with Peruvian goods when galleons bore it from El Salvador to Peru to be trans-shipped to Spain. Unusual gold setting framen this perfect gem-diamond. We have beautiful gifts for Mather's - Day, Graduation and Weddings. See us first for gifts. Come in and see the new , ZENITH RADIO Iffe have some <*f the new models in now. *. \ fit south side of Main street is being aH dressed up, tea, with a •ew sidewalk. Remember, we are on the south ii|j, H. A. STEFFAN, Jewelry, Music, Radio Phone 123-J Main Street McHenry ± Engagement and wedding set in matching design. • » l 1 1 I I I H Ml miMIMIM Mil I I n 81 m»: UU8 I i i h k 19

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