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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1946, p. 6

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FOE SALE WANTED TO BUY--Usdd cm plate!J. W. EATORAfT, P. O. Be* or a small gas stove, Ph. McHenry 634-J-l. 49 fMiiMy, m (FOR SALE -- Farmall tractor, F-12, i And cultivator. Leslie Davis, R-2, tfcHoiiry. Phone Wauconda 2311. 49 i SEPTIC TANKS and CM cleaned. Fred Wflls, 123 St., Crystal Lake. Phone 54S 40-tf SALE--Complete spraying outbarrel on wheels. A. Gehrman, |06 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 57-W. - " *49 WANTED TO BENT WANTED TO KENT -- House, 6 rooms or more. Call McHetiry 31. | BABY CHICKS--Foxdale White Leg- Dr. H. S. Fike, 806 Waukegan St. horns and Whit* Rocks woh Illinois 2S-tf Egg Laying Contest 1945, most eggs --, best livability Try these improved HELP WANTED . strains this year; alio rapid-featherinjf New Hampshire* and extra large WANTED--Women and girls to sew J Barred Rocks Write or call for prices FOR SALE--Beautiful cedar shingle cotton and rayon dresses. Learn; and details, FOX LAKE J»M. Rt. home; accommodations for sixteen simplified sewing taught by the as- 59 near Lake. TOXDAU! tteoplc; 100-ft. frontage; also two seirtbly line system. Women and POULTRY FARM & HATCHERY, * One mile from McHenry, near girls will always^ be in demand in 1INGLLB8IDE, ILL.- 40-9 liver. Can be made into year this industry. We have girls who wnnir n_. _All, "ZJZZ Ground home For quick sale, $7,500. earn art average of 90 cents and over 1 WELL WORK -- Order your driven JWjnrticteB Booxx 'Ww," 'iinn ccaarree of Plain- per hour. Work 40 hours per week.jwell now. We seU, repair and install 01 ria,J ^ ly at our ofRce or teleT>hone Mc.inli pumps, ^adingelecWc. Bill ®ea,er- 00 o: 200 Bacon, 206 Main street, West Mc- Jots fox FOR SALE--Ten tons alfalfa phone McHenry 612-J-2. Henry 39. Riverside Mfg. Co., hay. Riverside Drive. 49 49-3 Henry. Tel. 98-J. 39-tf „ OFFICE HELP WANTED -- CRYS-1 DEAD ANIMALS --Five dollars w FOR SALE-Rich humus, also sand, TAL LAKE, ILL. -- High school i the least we pay for dead horses and gravel and black dirt. Wholesale trained men or'women to assist in I cows in good condition. Wheeling and retail. Prompt delivery. Phone scientific work. Also several for' Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No, 4#eHenrv 421-M. 49 general office work. Full time pre-;3. Reverse the charges. No help ---- -- ferred but will consider part-time needed to load. 14-tf "tV-FOR SALE--- McHenry, 111. Imm. arrangement. Apply in person at "'lioss. 7-room fra. hse.; other bldgs.; WEATHER FORECASTS, INC., n GARBAGE COLLECTING ^ Let u? •*as, elec., furnace, toilet, bath, Williams & Brink Streets (2nd floor), j dispose of your garbage each week, T " pump, sun. ^ porch, fruit Crystal Lake, 111., or phone Crystal! or oftener if desired. Reasonable Lake 1040 for appointment. 49 j rates. Regular year round route, for- J>smt.. ¥lec. . y-i *hade trees; one acre trishaped, i. OA n 200- ft. rd. front; propert.y SO-ft. fr^o m „ .... r, . merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. jperm. access to riv.; E. side of Fox HELP WANTED--Experienced gar- puone ogg •t fiver; S. of new bridge on Fox st; dener for care of gardens and lawns, j . '"'ftoute 2; $7,500; Terms.: Ernest Within driving disiance of Golden v.-6loev, 6228 So. Maplewood Ave., Bull' Farms, one mile .north Wau- • -. Tel. Republic 2363, Chicago. 49 conda, on U. S. 12. Tel. Wauconda - 2614. • *48-2 A-^.f'jFOR SALE--Combination gas :'wjoal stove- good condition, Frank Gende, McHenry. . ^ and $15. HELP WANTED -- Man or strong ,49 boy for yard work around summer -- home. Pistakee Bay. Two or three SALE--Three-piece maple liy- days a week. Write Box 10, care room set; electric refrigerator in ' McHenry Plaindealer. *48-2 running order; Coleman's gaso- --: , line range. Contact Harry H. Wise, HELP WANTED--Laborers and car •Fhistledew cottage, Lily Lake, Rt. 2, penters foi construction work; JlcHenry, Friday or Saturday, or I learn a trade. Fredrickson, |>hone 667-M-l. 49 j Lake. HAVE YOU HEARD about the hew reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They wil) surprise yon. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf to Wonder Tel. Wonder Lake 221. 48-tf FOR SALE--Hoover electric brooder, HELP WANTED--Experienced coi tor 500 baby chicks; used one sea-1 struction labor, good pay. Call Mc( ton; like new. A. R. Quaintance, Henry 673-M-l. 48-2 1 Route 1, OB77-W-2. Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry •49 FOR SALE--Need fill-in dirt. McHenry 423-M. HELP WANTED--Girl for inspec- , tion work, also men to learn press- Call j ing and dry cleaning. Local Cleaners, *49 Green St., McHenry. Phone 20. „ 48-tf. HELP WANTED--Experienced sew- St., in machine operators, part or full time. Mary Schiavone, Lily Lake, Rt. 2, McHenry. Phone McHenry 615-R-2. *47-3 WANTED--Man for general work. Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake. Call Fox Lake 4091. 46-tf THREE (3) HOMES FOR SALE Nine-room house, h. w. oil heat, 2 car garage, large lot, on Main Johnsburg. Price $12,000. Six-rooms, furnace automatic oil !heat; 2-car gar.; lot about 2 acres; 166 feet water front on iFox River, 200 feet from blacktop road. Price <$10,500. " (Six-room house, large lot, running water; bath; in Oeffling's sub., at Pistakee Lake. $5,750. Also beautiful homes at Pistakee Bay, which must be seen to be appreciated. Immediate possession. JACOB FRITZ, Realtor Johnsburg Tel. 672-R-2, or 2005 Shef- Held Ave., Chicago, Tel. Lincoln 1333.; HELP WANTED -- Light factory 49-2 • work, steady employment, age 25 to 35; day or evening shift; 5 to 10 WANTED -- Waitress. Apply at Eva's Restaurant. Tel. McHenry 38. 45-tf HELP WANTED--Couple extra men, Hunter Boat Co., McHenry. 39-tf FOR SALE--Grass or thin steers 1 p.m. Top wages for conscientious are selling out of reason at present, j Cellulose Industries, Richeo I am buying Kansas and Colorado three and four-year-old Hereford cows for my grass and my customers. Due to regulations, must sell ten or more, and in Illinois only. Visitors welcome at my farm on Route 20, two miles west of Belvidere, 111. Guaranteed against death leas, as usual, for thirty days. H. L. DUNNING. 49-3 mond, 111. Tel. Richmond 385. 82-tf WANTED FOR SALE--Brand new picture win rr ~ dow 8' x 3'8", 40 panes, $15. Phone 664-W-L. WANTED -- Riders, up to five in number, working in Woodstock, 7:00 to 4:30 shift, can secure daily transportation by calling McHenry 658-J-l. •49 ; FOR SALE--Started baby McHenry Flour Mills, FOR SALE -- Hybrid Seed Corn, Kirr, National and other varieties. McHenry Flour Mills. 49-4 WANTED -- We have cash buyers for summer homes, city property and farms. List your property with us, chicks, I Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 49.411, McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-13C4 tf. FOR SALE--"Wonder ment mixer, hopper Fredriokson, Wonder Ringwood, 111. FOR SALE--Drive-well pump head, about 23 ft. of pipe, cylinder and point. P. J. Cleary, McHenry, 111. ^ WANTED ^ HOMES AND FARMS In and around McHenry and Lake Mixer" ce- counties. We will get you top prices type. Ivar on an exclusive basis. ED M. LANLake, Rt-1, NES, Agent, Hines Realty & Con- 48-tf struction Co. Tel. McHenry 674-M-2 or 667-R-2. ~ 34-tf MISCELLANEOUS J*48-3 ; THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR New High Wages for Telephone Operatoxf Earn $25 Per 5-Day Week J , To Start (About $108 per month) Frequent salary increases thereafter, with opportunity to earn 'more by extra work at time and a half pay. BTART TODAY _ In e communications job which Is an essential part of the business and social life of your community. Experience unnecessary. Full pay while learning. Past service will be credited to former operators who are re-employed. ENJOY •Interesting. Steady Work--near Home •Vacations Holidays with Pay *Sickness Benefits •Pension Plan * •Pleasant, Safe Surroundings •Advancement (By Vanesse Sells) Fatriot's Day, or the Anniversary of the Hde of Paul Revere, occurred in Massachusetts, where the name Patriot's vDay" originated, the 18th of April is • holiday. In Boston, on that day, services are held in the Old North Church, arid a sexton, dreased in the clothes of *75, carries an ancient lantern the length of the church before he climbs into the tower and hangs it there. Whereupon a man, clad in. the manner of rani Revere, waiting for the light on the opposite bank, climbs astride a white hone and rides the^ twentyeight miles to Concord, crying "The British are coming!" This lent strictly according to histoiy- r-lMeause Paul Revere never finished his ride. He was captured by the British just a short distance out of Boston. Two other men, also on the business of arousing the Minutemen, rode much farther than Paul Revere. Their names were Dawes and Prescott. Dawes was captured farther along the road to Concord, but Prescott made the complete trip. . When Longfellow ssft down and wrote his famous poem, he left generations to believe that without Paul i Revere, the entire turn_ of history might ha^ve been different. Perhaps it was because the names of Billy Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott did not lend themselves to rhyme So readily as did the name of Paul Revere. I keep wondering what the poet might nave said had he had these men in mind for his poem instead of Paul Revere. Would he have started like this ? "Listen my children and give ye pause, While I tell of till ride of Billy Dawes--" -- Or-perhaps something like this: The Minute men might never have fired a single shot, If the British had stopped the ride of Dr. Samuel Prescott Of course Longfellow might even have given all three credit and started his poem like this: Listen my children and you shall ^ hear Of the rides of Prescott, Dawes and Paul Revere Anyway, I'll bet you and you and you never even heard of those other two boys! (Had to look them up!) nonititar we park. maa out doaea eg|^ trere fertile jrlee&t children. The most sought after egg--a jure Irhite one--was found by Kobt; Armtrbng. One dollar had been promised to the child who was able to find .this particular one. Unfortunately the white one had not ^sen hard-boiled and Bob, in his-zeal clutched it a little too tightly--with disastrous results! However, enough evidence of his find remained for him to collect his reward. Aren't the folks lucky that Bob didn't throw that egg? Seventeen of the High School crowd gathered at the home of Lu- Ann Howorka for an Easter egg hunt of their own. Gil Rohde won top honors among boys as a prize finder! He found eight. Two of the girls tied for first with five eggs •each. They were the Missels Jean Vitek and Joanne Andreen. As a special^Easter treat, a cake baked in the shape of a little lamb, was served to the young folks. Located on highway 63, being' 1 mile north of Lake Zurich, 6 miles southwest of Mundelein, 5 . miles east of Wauconda^ on ' SUNDAY, APjllL 28 AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, D. 8. T. Lake Zarich LadJee' Aid Wdl Serve FRANK & WEILEB PAINTING AND DBOORA PWm McHenry M9-W-2 Paiatiag, Paporfcaagiag, Brtfaatea Cheerfully Fi The presidents of all the organized subdivisions met last week to discuss the possibility of getting up a central buying committee for road materials and other organization needs. No final decisions were made. Easter Sunday and the getting ready for Easter, occupied most of the week. Weren't we lucky to have such a nice day for Easter? The Wonder .Lake Gospel Club had a record turnout. There was really standing room only. Long stemmed pink carnations were gifts to each adult and a epecial prize of a potted hyacinth was given to the largest complete family present. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glouser, attending with their five children, were the recipients of this attractive gift. Robt. Lindberg of Chicago sang a solo and the Easter lesson was given by Miss Marge Kott, the beloved teadher who helped inaugurate the Gospel Club. John Swensen, also one of the founders of the club, solemnly read the Easter story as given in Matthew. Among the many visitor* were Mrs. Clyde Clark of Woodstock and Apply Today Jto Chief Operator Park Avenue RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORP. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE STEADY WORK in Which FOR SALE--Second cutting alfalfa; PLASTER^McCullom Plastering Co. 500 capacity electric brooder. Call H. J. O'Brien, Wauconda 2317 Plain, ornamental, stucco work. 1, West McHenry, 111. Phone Rt. Mc- 4g_tf Henry 611-W-2 or 678-M-2. *48-2 FOR SALE -- Gentleman's summer formal, white coat and black trousers. Small 38. Tel. McHenry 632-R-l. 48-2 LADIES' ITS HOUSECLEANING | TIME--Take a second look at your j window shades. Do they need re-1 p l a c i n g ? We a l s o h a v e s t e e l V e n e -J tian blinds, made to order. Located j FOR SALE--iFairbanks-Morsc ejec tor water and sump pumps, for im- Phone 63--West McHenry, 111. rl'^wtitboari motor? E^strom *£TCH JEWELRY REPAIRChemical Treatment Adds To Quality of Gauze If you could see an ordinary open weave cotton gauze bandage under a magnifying glass, and then look at the same bandage under the same magnification aftef the gauze had been chemically treated to make itinto new semi-elastic bandage, you could easily understand what chemat Peter M. Justen Furniture store.' ists of the department of agricul- *48-3 j ture are doing. The chemical soluactually growing organization gives: 1 week paid vacatiotf after six months service. 2 weeks paid vacation after twelve • months service. 5 paid holidays per year 5 days paid sick leave pe? year A Two popular couples of the district celebrated wedding anniversaries this week. "Deac" and "Lil" Strong celebrated their twenty-sixth on the 26th; Wally and Florence Dean celebrated number 9 on the 27th. A four-leaved clover to all four. 90 HEAD 07 LIVESTOCK 1 registered Holatein herd sirle, 16 months old, eired by Chieftan, wkoa| dam had 631 lbs. of fat; 20 Hoi* stein milk cows consisting of springers, frceh cows and milkers; 5 bred, Holstein heifers; S open Holsteia heifers. These heifers have been vaccinated. * T. B. and' Bangs tested. Brown Swiss bnlL HORSES, HARNESS AND SADDLE --Team of bays, 10 and 11 years old^ weight 3,000 lbs.; 2 sets of breech* ii^ hfrness, good saddle. --48 HOOS 4a-- ;. 7 Duroc sows, due to farrow by sale time; 20 feeder pigs, average weight .160 lbs.; 20 feeder pigs, average weight 100 lbs. Duroc boar, w4 300 lbs. POULTRY--100 Leghorn hens; 100 White Rock hens. {FERTILIZER, FEED AND SEED-- 2,000 bushel Vicland oats; 2,000 bushel corn: 85 bushel soy beans (fit for seea); 25 ton baled ftlfalfa hay; 2 ton baled straw; some daily feed; seed com; 2 ton 3-12-12 fertilizer; 14 ft. silage in 14-ft. silo (put in before frost). BUILDINGS--Four • x 8-ft. farrow- Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gallagher | ing houses; one 8 x 12-ft. brooder have purchased the former Nelson j house; one 12 x 24-ft, granary (put home in Lookout Point and have up in sections). just moved there permanently. The <IA„i Gallaghers have two sons, Jack, MACHINERY --- J. D. Model A Navy-V-12, and Bob, aged nine, Kho tractor on rubber (with starter and will be a new member of the fourth -1^1^s) ; J. D. power lift 2-row cultigrade. v_yator;*New Idea one row, pull type, - - , Tcorn picker (on rubber); Mc-D. 3- Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bart and 14-inch tractor plow; J. D. 2- daughter Lee spent the Easter! bottom 16-mch tractor J>low; J. D, Mrs. Jane Dunaway has purchased the Allen Armstrong home and will be moving iii around May 1. This is the end of a long house-hunt for Mrs. Dunaway, and are happy for her. The Allen Armstrongs have purchased the former Johnson home, and will move there around May 1. Wasn't it lucky that that long awaited bathtub arrived at the Joseph Riegal home just before Easter? Mr. and Mrs. John Overgard are new -permanent residents of Indian who is now recuperating appendectomy. from Young Paul Reuter has our sympathy over the finger he recently smashed. It was discovered that the finger had been broken and was healing crookedly. The doctor has now rebroken and re-set it and it will be O. K. Tommy Cashin of Wards, who has been spending1 a lot of time in our district looking for a home here says that while it is hard these days to find lumber to build, you can always make your home a little more snug with insulation. If you are thinking of insulating, Tommy is the man to see. an fertilizer and bean attachment); Mc- |D. 5-ft. mower; Mc-D. silo filler; Rosenthal 4-roll corn shredder; New Mc-D. corn binder with bundle loader and bundle carrier; Power corn sheller (with corn blower); Mc-D. side delivery rake; Gehl hammermill; new hammermill belt; dump rake; buzz saw; fanning mill; auto-steer wagon and rack (on rubber); rubber tired wagon and rack; wagon and box; 20-ft. feed rack on wagon; corrugated roller. share of profits, in sddfUeti regular pay. to Sales and Service. Tel. McHenry work fully ^uaranteed., wr 1 J "Torchv" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc-; 46~tf' Henry. Tel. 379. 47-tf i ROCK WOOL INSULATION blown in. by WARD'S. Experts with com^j FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home "Blownin" walls and ceilings LEO J. STILLING, McHeniy 18. tion the scientists use swells the individual fibers within the spiral structure of the yarn. That swelling causes the yarn to shorten. That shortening, in turn, causes the cloth to shrink. ; Insulation piete Modern Equipment will do the j When you compare the treated ilings. Call job the Right Way. Satisfaction i and the untreated gauze, you notice guaranteed. Roofing:. Sidine and Jn- the threads in the treated materi- Training on the job. Tuition for approved outside schooling. PRESENT NEED& MEN Chemical Plant Operator* 20 to 35 years of age to learn how to operate manufacturing equipment and later learn how to run chemical processes. All training and supervision by experienccd chemists. WANTED TO BUY Woodstock, 111. Phone Woodstock Free 992. Estimates. 49-tf 1 WAMTFn TO R1TY pw TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEworn summer hoinc, nc&r Mcn6nryi Wm Ai S%Hjf INtjG -- cqFir ank Henkel, Volo. HA i AO on or near Fox River. Address tJ. Tel- McHenry 681-M-l. 42-tf *BJ'" care Plaindealer. 26_tf LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank Phone Mc- 41-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Dump truck, Raycraft West McHenry 114 or 2-ton. Ivar Fredrickson, Won- , Henry 149-J. dsr Lake. Rt.. 1, Ringwood, Il^^i Order your rubber »tanr<ps at the The Plaindealer. - PICK-UP AND DELIVERY - VOGUE CLEANERS SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY McHENRY CLEANERS 36tf. sulation at MONTGOMERY WARD'S. al are thicker and fuzzier and the openings in the mesh are smaller. In the light, open-weave surgical gauze that's been treated, you'll notice crimps and kinks in the crossing threads. Those crimps and kinks shrink the gauze more, but make it easily stretchable and somewhat elastic. Surgeons report this semi-elastic cotton gauze tends to fit more snugly than ordinary gauze. And the surface irregularities of each layer interlock with those A the next layer and keep the bandage from slipping^, The department chemists have also applied this same general idea to more closely-woven goods. By treating yarn with chemical solutions they swell the yarn, shrink the cloth and make the openings in the mesh smaller. Cotton hose that leak less water and water-resistant clothing and tarpaulins are possible neW products of this "swell" research on cotton goods. Janitors A man who keeps his own basement d?an. Work is keeping plant neat and orderly. Process Watchers This may not be permanent. " Older inactive men can qualify because it requires only depend- M,lS) ability and the ability to follow1 expenditure. The operation of the instnictions. No hard work. 3 £arm household absorbed another 10 to midnightT mWnUtmti « S'.m ** centr °r Furniture and McHenry Cleaners and Laundry Services 10^ Hm Street Phone McHenry 104'M DON HOWARD That baseball game between Ringwood Grade School and Harrison School finally took place. Our team lost the game. The score was 28 to 14 in favor of Ringwood. ~ Our boys say that Ringwood plays a nice clean game, and they were just better-- However, the boys at Harrison are already in trafning for a return game. Ex-Mayor LaGuardia of New York made a speech this week. During that speech he said, "Peace has returned to the earth--it is up to us to provide the good-will." * - iJ'i List Farmers' Expenses In Living Cost Stuay It is reported by the U. S. department of agriculture that in 1941 the average rural farm family had a net money income of $1,130, in addition to. the net value of food, clothing, and other items with which they supplied themselves, worth about $520 per family. Nearly twothirds of the farm families had a j net money income of less than $1,000 and for more than, one-third it was less than $400, while for only onefourth did it exceed $1,500. Out of the reported money income of $1,130 about $290 was saved and a little over $800 was spent. Foods took $250, or nearly 30 per,cent. Clothing requirements amounting to $135 required about one-sixth of the total. On transportation the average farm family spent $109, of which $103 was on automobiles (for uses other than farm production) and $6 on other types of transportation, about 13 per cent for this class of MISCELLANEOUS--Large air compressor (complete); 500 chick oil brooder stove; chicken feeders; chicken waterers; scalding kettle; hog wire; steel posts; 1 H. P. electric motor; 2 electric fence controllers; wooden posts; Stewart electric clippers; 800 lb. scale; 25 bushel hog feeder; snow fene; 75-ft. 1% inch oipe; electric sickle grinder; 6 tonjack; 3 jack screws; 100-ft. inch cable: & bee hives; 8-hole metal nest| srarden seeder; 2 pulleys (1 inch ana 8-inch face); 2 canvasses. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- DeT aval Speed Way 2 single unit milking machine with, pump and pipe; Universal 2 double unit milking machine, complete; 3 steriliziner tanks; electrife water "heater; 30 milk cans, ctc. TRUCK--Ford Model "A" truck with grain box and rack. FURNITURE--Shellane combination ffras stove; Majestic cabinet radio; Philco radio, etc. OTTO METZLER, OWNER Froelieh, Wick A Chandler, Aucts. Public Auction Service Co., Clerk WALTER P. BROOKS Painting and Decorating Wallpaper and Paint at lit Washington St* McHenry TeL 1S1-R Telephone Hnntley SS44 RAYMOND J. KELLEY Attorney at Law;" HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS CRYSTAL LAKE LAUNDRY ^ AND CLEANERS All services '* .% W. Lodts, Age^gii Phone 32 117 Grant St Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- Cfates y : Black Dirt -- Limestone Damp Tracks For Hire - Phone Johnsburg 677-W-2 McHenry, I1L -'to I r pgr pfkoae McHenry 86-W C. N. FREUND TRUCKING Livestock -- Lima 106 Wankegan Road West McHenry, HL AL*S WELDING AND REPAlS SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone -615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. -- Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--McHeary --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down herees and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH -- Johnsburg - Spring Grove Read Phone Johnsburg 650-J-2 CAL|, AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges McHENRY GARAGE 666 Front St. (Route SI) General Repairing Welding--Arc aad Acetylene light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McHenry 108-R 0 P. FREUND Cft Excavating Contractor Tracking, HydrauHs and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M McHenry, lit JfeL McHenry 243^ McHENRY CAB 401 Wankegan Road -- 24-Hour Service TEL. McHENRY 472-J CECIL BALLOWE Disclosed Papermaldng The Chinese mystery of papermaking was first disclosed to thf Saracens in 751 A. D. when Chines* papermakers, captured duri~? a fight at Samarkand, agreed to Try on their craft. Chemical Plant Helpers Young men (over 17 years of -age) who will help in drying and packing finished chemicals. Later train for chemical plant operators. Maintenance Helpers Young men (over 17 years of age) interested in mechanics or trade. Will be trained in maintaining motors, blowers, pumps, glass and rubber lined kettles, stainless steel and other JJfc£ei»l piping setups; '- K ' WOMEN '2**;" Photo Packers Young women who like to work in a group. Work is filling, labeling and packing liquid photographic chemicals. household equipment accounted for 7 to 8 per cent of the total, or $66. Medical care required $80, about 9 per cent. Expenditures for housing were only 2 per cent of the total, averaging $21 per family. The balance of about $140, amounting to 16 per cent of the total expenditures, was spent to cover education, recreation, personal care, gifts, personal taxes, and miscellaneous items. - * ' v - WILSON'S RADIO SERVICE 206 E. Elm St. Phone McHenry 469 Repairs on all makes, home and auto radios CLIFFORD E. WILSON, Prop. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ° INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fhre, Auto, Farm and Life Insurance ~~ Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Hlgh-Powered Jet The six-inch archer fish can shoot a six-foot stream of water from its mouth, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The fish uses this jet to wet Insects, knocking them into the water where they caa be eaten. APPLY RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORP. Ringwood, Illinois Pbfloe Richmond S Stradivarlus Violins The earliest violins known to have been made by Antonio Stradivarius ' are inscribed Antonius Stradiuari- . us Cermonensis Alumnus Nicolai Amati, Faciebat Anno (the date), followed by the Maltese cross and the initials A. S. enclosed within S double circle. On later instruments "Fecit" appears instead of MFaciebat" and his name is spelled "Stradivarius," the change from u to v having been made about 1730. There have been so many excellent Imitations of the genuine Stradivarius that the expert knowledge of a connoisseur is required to determine the authenticity of en instrument after careful For REFRIGERATION SERVICE Call *P$NDER LAKE 868 HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhanging, Removing Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray 'Painting 105 N. GREEN ST. WcHENRY DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHeary Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 5 . daily except Wednesday. Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 pju. Other ' hours by - appointment Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist -^Office Hour Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. t»S PJB. ' Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L Office Hours--Daily Except Thurs. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4:90, Mon., Wed., Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appointment H. S. VAN DENBURGH, DC., PhC. Chiropractor 120 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHeury Residence Phone Hebron 916 . . DR. H. S. FIKE -- Veterinarian - SOS Waukegan St. Phoae S| McHENRY, ILL. ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractors Radio Repairs Let us estimate that next electrics! job of yours. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prep. Phone McHenry 272-M 304 Riverside Drive Telephone No. 806 STOFFEL 1 REIHANSPERGER Inauraace agents for all dassss sf property in the best companies. West McBsvy, mhsnis A. WORWICK / PHOTOGRAPHER 1 Portraiture Commercial Photography Phone .275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. MeHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 666-R-l - One Mile South of McHeaury Jtoute 31 Fie* "Ukaoute «n fwW1 flit' JACOB FRITZ Real Ibtato and Insurance Main St, Johnsburg JfcL McHenry 673-R-2 ' Chicago Olict huu Lokcebi 1333-4 .,1

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