•*SJ ,A^.vfJ *~ ' ' ^ H f> . k* ' * ' ^ >1 l?Av> TO! Bond riid i). -»i Ew^' *it'"^'%M ^ ^ ' "|K'* Ififci^*' *- Jill- " f t h M M I I I I M •• •.r* tw rkni T •:.: 'M % " ***K ^ ,' > ,' K"C'*"•,. t.. • • £.; • w '• *S STATE OF County of MeHenry, Town of MeHenry, Oflfce of Ttamnr of the Road •"d ^Bridfo Flmv of said Town. t*» Hjffcwnjr OouniidoiMr, TMre of MeHenry, County of Mcfcenry, State of IUinbia: I, Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer of the Road and Bride* Fonda for the Town and County afpreeaid, State of Illinois. teing duly sworn, depoee and say thatthe following statement by the subscribed Is » comct statement of the amount of road and bridge funds an M at the beginning of the ftsctl yejsraboive stated; theamount of road and bridge funds received; the aourjss fxem which received; the ataouft expended, and the purposei for which expended, as let forth in said statement. MATH N. SCHMITT, ' . I Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of March, 1946. ALBERT KRAUSE, Notary Public. Statement of Receipts, Sumsmry of Expeaditarae and Balaaiee On Hani IMS Match TJ Math N. Schmitt, balance on hand 4 "£9 May M J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, partial payment of taxes * 5,325,00 Ann* If J. G. Stevens, County . Treasurer, partial payment of taxes....™. : 2.662.60 November IS 3. G. Stevens, County Treasure re, final payment of taxes ....... l,M8Ji November 23 ^ J. G. Stevens, back taxes 75.83 Total Receipts ......... Balance on Hand 10,046.25 .^108.05 ORDERS PAID May 29 ' Continental National Bank A Trust Co., of Chicago. int e r e s t, $960.00; bank charges, $5.00 $ 966.00 November 28 Continental National Bank A Trust Co. of Chicago, principal on bonds,, $8,000; interest, $960.00; bank chVrges, $13.20 8,973.20 Total Expense^ 938.20 Balance on Hand .$ 108.05 TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT 1 Bond Fnnd Ho. 2 ... * • W Of. Funda Received and Disbursed For the Fieeal Tear ffadlng March 2S, 1946 STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of MeHenry, Town of MeHenry, ss. Office of Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds of said Town; To the Highway Commissioner, Town of MeHenry, County of MeHenry, State of Illinois: I, Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds for the Town and County aforesaid. State of Illinois, being duly sworn, depose and say that the following statement by me subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of road and bridge funds on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year above stated; the amount of road and bridge funds received; the sources from which received; the amount expended, and the purpose for which expended, as set forth in said statement. MIATH N. SCHMITT, Treausurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of March 1946. ^ ALBERT KRAUSE. • Notary Public. Statement of Receipts. Sammary of Expenditures and Balance On Hand 1945 March 27 Math N. Schmitt, balance on hand *...$88£81.15 July 2 J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, partial payment taxes .......... August 16 J. G. Stevens, County""" Treasurer, partial payment taxes 2,662.50 November IS J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, Anal payment of taxes .... 1,868JM Total Receipts $98,136.99 Total Expenses 92,842.70 1946 March 25 Balance on Hand 5,79429 ORDERS PAID 1945 June 7 Victor B. Kasser, pay on engineering - $ 500.00 Suburban Oil Co., pay on blacktopping 6,061.77 Jane XI Continental National Bank 4 Trust Co. of Chicago, interest Nov. let 1944 to July 1, 1946, $1,500.30; bank charges, $WH>~. 1,506.30 Victor H. Kasser, pay on engineering 300.00 Suburban Oil Co., pay on blacktopping 6,842.88 July 28 Suburban Oil Co., pay on blacktopping .. 4,221.54 Victor H. Kasser, pay mi engineering -- x..*...... 150.00 September 5 Victor H. Kasser, pay OS _ engineering 375.09 Suburban Oil Co., pay on blacktoppin^^.^.............. 38,434.01 Suburban Oil Co., pay on blacktopping ................ 20,423.70 Victor H. Kasser, pay on Kath 8,119.00 Total 1M6 Balance on Hand ..$ 6,794^8 BUPSETOOE'ft AHHUAL REPORT STATE OF ILLMoife ' ^ - Town of MeHenry, i v, County of MeHenry, as. OFFICE OP TOWN SUPERVISOR The following ia a statement by Math N. SM, Supervisor of the Town of MeHenry in the Goupty and State aforesaid, of the amount of pubtie fundi nedvtd and aptadtd «r him dm lug the fiscal year just wsed, ending on the 25th day of March, 1946* showing the amount of public funds en hmid at the commencement ot aaid flacal year; the amount of public tods received, and from what eoureee received; the amount of jlublic funda expended, and for vmt purposes expended, during fiscal year cnAfanr as aforesaid. The said Math N. Schmitt, being duly sworn, doth depoee and say, that the following statement by him subscribed ia a comet statement of the amount of public funds on hand at tin commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funda received, and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purposes for ^hich expended, as set forth in said statement. MATH N. SCHMITT. Subscribed and Sworn to before me, thia 26th day of March, 1946. ALBERT KRAUSE, Notary Public. Funds Received and From What Soarcse Received - Amount of public funds da „ | hand at the commence- I | ment of the fiscal year, commencing the 27th day of March, 1946 .,.$1,086.90 May 26 Received from J. G. Stevens. County Treasurer, partial payment on taxes 600.00 Julv 2 Received from J. G. Stevens. . County Treasurer, partial payment on taxes 2,600.00 August 16 Received from J. G. Stevena. County Treasurer, partial payment on taxes 1,500.00 November 15 Received from J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, final payment on taxes 1,250.80 November 23 Received from J. G. Stevens, ^ County Treasurer, back ^ taxes ...i..*................... 142.34 Total Income Total Expenses $6,979.04 6,473.25 Aalantie on Hand ..............$1,605.79 Fnnda Expended and For What . Purposes Expended 194S March 27 Board of Town Auditors, meeting $ 25.00 Caroline Schiessle. rent H year 60.00 H. Walter Anderson, town clerk's supplies 2.00 Math N. Schmitt, township work, telephone, stem pa, etc. ...i..*.. --..... 67.75 April 4 Board of Election. Precinct No. 1--3 judges, 3 clerks, rent poling place, $10. ... 40.00 Board of Election, Precinct No. 4--3 judges, 3 clerks, rent poling place, $10. .... 40.00 Board of Election, Precinct No. 3--3 judges, 3 clerks rent poling place, $10 40.00 Board of Eleetion, Precinct No. 2--3 iudgea, 3 clerks. Town clerk poeting notice of eleetion and delivering -. ballots 83.00 April S Canvassing Board Supli, Town Clerk, Aasessor Canvassing votes 15.00 May 23 Collector of Internal Rev„ withholding tax, J. J. Freund, $29.10; J. N. Schmitt. $30.70 69.80 May 25 Earl Walsh, Supervisor---™ bond 200.00 MeHenry Plaindealer, publishing notice of meeting, $8.80; public hearing $5.80; town auditors' meeting, $1.39; ballots, $55; sample ballots. $12.00; publishing ballots, $24.00 106.90 Jaly » J. G. Stevens, County , Tress., 3 county Atlasses 160.00 Aagnat 8 MeHenry Plaindealer, publishing annual report ...»» 93.19 Angaet 29 Roy A. Koat. Secretary it Treas., State Aas'n dues Township officials 20.00 Collector of Internal Rev* withholding tax, J. j. Freund, *38.60; J. N. Schmitt. $84.50; Fred C. Felts, $6.60 -- 79.60 Atlas Printing Co., J. P. supplies ... 21.00 September 4 Joe. J. Frewnd, highway commission«r. 143 days, $868iK); witiibolding $70.30 787.70 Jos. N. Schmitt, assessor, 5 months salary, $500.00, withholding tax, $57.60 .. 442.60 Math N. Schmitt, supervisor, 6 months salary at $60.00 per month ^ 250.00 H. Walter Andersen, town cleric, 5 months salary at $25.00 per month 125.00 Board Auditors, meeting 20.00 Caroline 8chieeale, H year rent 60.00 March 14 Fred C. Feita, 90 days thiatle commissioner, $860. with- 840.50 15.00 engineering ... November 21 Victor H. Kasser, pay on engineering Subuiban Ou Co^ pay on blacktopping -- November 23 Suburban (Ml Co, .pay M blacktopping Deemnber 28 Continental National Bank Jk Trual Co. of Chicago, int. on Bond^ $1,1£&00; . 260.00 75.00 6,000.00 2^6£50 holding tax, $19.50 Beard of Health, meeting .. Jos. N. Schnrijfc, 7 months assessing, $fWJ0; withholding tax, $80JO 619.50 Jos. J. iFreund, road eommissioner, ISO days. $1,200.00; withholdinff tax, $126.10 ... M73J0 MeHenry Plaindealer, pub lishing notice of Pubiie Hearing and Math N. Schmitt, visor, 7 months salary at -$50.00 per month ...'. 350.00 H. Walter Anderson, Town Clerk, 7 months salary at County Association dnee, Supervisor, Town dpk Rom Commissioner and Assessor, 2 months -- 4.00 Collector of Internal Rev. iililluMKn toon J. If. Saniitt, ~«ttJOO; J. J. ef fMm Anditers, Calleetor ef Iatsmal Rev* withholdiaf tax en J. N. flebsaiUr$S4J0; and J. J. Freund. $56JO; 3 months . Total Expmaee 78JO 15.09 s'fcf • • ii 9M7SJS TOWWBHIP TREASURER'S AOTTDAL REPORT ; or Received and Disbniasl For the Fiscal Tear Ending March 25, 1946 STATE OF ILLINOIS, ' , ; ^ ^ ^ Couqjty- of MeHenry, •' * Town of MeHenry, ss. _ Office of Treasurer of the Road and Bride Funds of said Town. 1V> the Highway Commissioner .Town |OM|cIta^ County of Mcbenry, u, Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer of tite Road and Bridge Funds for the Town arid Comity aforesaid, Stata of Illinois, bring duly sworn, depoee and say that the following statement by me subscribed is a correct Statement of the amount of: road and bridge flinds on hand at the beginning of . the fiscal year above stated; the amount of road and bridge funds received: the sources from which received; the amount expended, the purpose for which expended* aa set forth in said statement. y . .MATH N. SCHMITT, Treaaurcr. Subocribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of March, 1946. ALBERT KRAUSE. * Notary Public. Statement of Receipts, 8mam«cjjof Expenditures and Bahnci ; On Hand 1945 March 27 < Matt N. Schmitt, balance on hand $ 2,7t5.07 April 27 ~ State of Illinois, refund en gas tax May X Fred Beller, plowing snow H July 2 , J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, partial pay en taxes 80J6 12.00 Aagnat 16 J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, partial pay «ft . taxes Septeadber 23 John E. Nett, for gravel November IS J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, final payment of taxes i November £1 J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, back taxes . December 24 Refund freight on snow plow 1946 February 8 State of Illinois, refund on gas tax .... 7,200.00 1,600.06 2,610.16 136.05 7.01 Ml Total Receipts $16,438.08 Summary of expenditures 13,641.22 Balance on hand $ 2,796.86 ORDERS PAID 1945 April 25 Win. Grasser, grading M>HH$ 26J6 Ringwood Garage, gas and oil 88.62 Peter Miller, grading 41.40 Henry N. Sompel, turns. work j*.17.00 Frank L. Adams, grading .. 62.10 Jos. Kloeckner, grading ... 25J6 Elmer Vogt, grading 4.10 Henry J. Weber, grading ... 14.00 John E. Nett, grading and graveling 194.00 Joe. Nett, grading ..--.--. 9J5 Howard Wattles, 200 yds. gravel 20.00 May 28 Suburban Oil Co., road mix to patch hard roads .... 80.38 Wm. Grasser, grading .**«. 12.50 Jos. Nett, grading 18.13 John E. Nett, graveling .... 204.60 Howard Wattles, 266 yards of gravel 26.60 Frank L. Adams, grading .... . Jil.25 Peter Miller, grading J..., 17.15 Elmer Vogt, grading 4.60 John Weingart, labor and graveling 38.06 June 27 John J. Thelen, grading ... 62.13 Jos. Nett, grading 7.65 John E. Nett, grading and ' gravel in«?; tax $5.49 208.04 Howard Wattles, 217 yards of gravel 21.70 MeHenry Lumber Co., lumber ...i...4. 22.69 Frank S. May, labor on road 8.75 Frank L. Adams, grading ... 10.60 Jos. Kloeckner, grading .... 11 JO Bernard N. Smith, grading and graveling 88J0 Jaly 25 Suburban Oil Co., patching hard roads 16.60 Nickels Hdw.. 2 shovetk 4J0 Rii^jwood Garage, gas and Peter Miller, grading 26J5 John E. Nett, grading and gravelinr 197.78 Howard Wattlea, 77 yaida gravel 7.70 Stephen Freund, 196 yarda gravel 19.60 Wm. Grasser, grading 38.60 August 22 Ford Jackson, denning diteh 51.76 Henry M. Smith, cutting weeds SJ0 George Hiller, repairing bridge 7.00 Walter Troxel, mowing / weeds • t% 7.00 Wm. May, mowing weeds .... 10.00 Peter M. Schaefer, grading and labor on road 119.53 Arthur Stilling, grading and ^ cutting weeds 82.86 Alec Anderson, cutting brush --«... 86.25 Edward Bauer, cutting weeds --.. 18J!5 Jos. Nett. grading 16.76 John E. Nett, graveling ... 186.84 Central Garage, gas snd oil 121.14 Henry J. Weber, grading and cutting weeds 33.00 Ebser Vogt, grading 16.75 Howard Wattles, 238 yards „ of gravel 4|§pS$0 Iowa Mutual Xiability Insuranee Co., insure tractor, 977.70; Comp. $62.00 Miaitin Immega. 316 yards crushed gravel September 26 Jos. King, labor on road ... Jos. Kloeckner, grading ...... Stephen Freund, 1*258 yards . fjgwwal -- Waneonda Construction Co.. Alexander Umber Co., culverts Jossph tlHIbig, 76 yards J<mn EL Nett, gravel and Reward Jfcattlae, 197 yarda of giuvd TTltsbw 24 Suburban On Co* blacktopping roads 3J91.30 Pratt Brotn ' culvert and • bridge ripnir 636w03 MeHenry I.umber Co^ posts SJ1 Peter MUler, digging 22.06 Was. May, cutting weeds -- 24,90 Wm. Young, catting weeds.. 10.50 Alexander unmr Cb., culverta y-g y--- Chicago A N^ttWestern- ;i/; Co* frefrht on snow*,',' 7.04 258.00 IU.48 bladcttmninr WUI^nBKi Frank L. Adams, grading and labor an read 9.35 Henry 3. Wdber, grading .... 7«00 Alexander LuoAtr Co., cul->- verta ... ...... 11.74 MeHenry Lumber Co., planks A and nails 16.77 Edw. Baxnr, cutting weeds .. 24.00 Bernard Bauer, grading 16.00 Joe. Nett, gramar 15.00 Central QaA#v Jpk» oil and* machinery rupiur -- 21.16 Fatten Tractor, Oe., snow plow 788.00 John E> Melt; grading and graveling; tax, $5.91 202.86 Elmer Vert, grading , 6.60 Stephen Freund, 108 yards I gravel --iiicimuKirZi MeHenry Lumber Co., stakes and wire ..---- 4.77 Alexander Iflmbcr Co., culverts ...xWiilirW«..m. 18.61 Jos. H. Huemuan A Sons, storage and labor 165.40 Walter J. Freund, prestone .. e . 16.22. Bernard N. Smith, hauling Cttlverts Jos. King, putting up snowfences Wm. B. Smith, putting up snow fences Wm. May, putting up snowfences John J. Thelen, grading and cutting weeda Eldrad L. weeds . Frank Kaiser, grading and Johneon, cutting cutting. Arthur Hoppe, grading and cutting weeds .-- Tonynn Broe., graveling .... Anton H. Freund, grading and cutting weeds 1946 January 23 Ringwood Garage, gas and Oil muiip»n»ottisiaei>»»«ti«MW»Mw»«» Wlm. Spencer, machine work MeHenry Co, Farmers Cooperative, Aas'n, posts ... John Smith, labor on road .. Peter Miller, grading Jacob Freund, cleaning brush C. C. Fuller Co* parts for tractor Wm. Grasser, grading and cutting weeds --. John E. Nett, graveling and grading .--* Stephen Freund, 258 yards gravel February 27 Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Co., ad. prem, audit on comp. ............. Otto Adams, grader repairing John E. Nett, grading and graveling j....... March 25 Joseph Kloeckner, grading .. Weingart Trucking, hauling 35.00 50.00 60.00 79.00 54.58 -moo 108.04 Jue IS Kathryn Conway, tent flag JOOf .-.I.........i|p72.00 July 2 iUMan BToa., groceries fdUr •poor 13.76 Peter J; Schaefer, groceries for poor 34^9 '. G. Stevens County Treas., board for county home- April and May .... 192.15 Afcgust « Dr. L. L. Kagan, operation for - poor 100.00 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor : 13.93 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 32.83 _ Aaguat 9 Elgin State Hospital, clothes for poor 86.11 Aagust 29 '. G. Stevens. County Trens., board for county h6me-- June and July 198.10 . Aagnat 31 St., Hierese Hospital, hospitalitation for poor 166.31 Ssptembei 1 Peter J. Schatfer, groceries for poor --1 .i.:.. 26.94 Barbian Bins., groceries for poor 10 J5 October" 1 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor --^ 38.80 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor -- 12.09 Alexander Lumber Co., coal for poor I...., 13.44 October 11 St. Therese Hospital, hospitalisation for poor 64.69 October 13 Ralph Trigen, rent and heat . for poor 45.00 October 24 Wbodstock Public Hospital, hospitalisation for poor 77.77 November 2 Barbian Bros., groceries for „ Poor 12.40 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 88.63 Cricks Royal Blue Store, groceries for poor 15.00 November 8 J. G. Stevens County Treas., < board for county home--August and September 192.15 November 30 Woodstock Public Hospital, hospitalisation for poor ...... 84.05 December 1 t • Barttian Bros., groceries f<$ poor -- 14.48 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 37.68 Alexander Lumber Co., coal 108.75 107.68 St.90 20l35 5.40 6.30 163 18.37 25.00 172.76 20.00 207.18 26.80 gravel Wfllliiaaim Grasser, grading .... Peter Miller, grading C. C. Fuller £ Co* write on tractor .......................... Wm. Spencer, bolts ............ Alexander Lumber Co* ctdverta John EL Nett, grading and graveling; tax, $2.44 ....... George Pester, griding and graveling; tax, 96c ......... Stephen Freund, 357 ynrds gravel Math N. Schmitt, treasurer's commission ±... --9.92 $.00 194.33 47.65 166,39 30.26 82.40 4.76 .60 15J9 196.07 186J6 86.70 1S4J6 Total Expense .....$13,641.22 DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURES Earth Road, Construction ....$6,681.72 Earth Road, Grading 1,318.78 Hard Road, Construction .... 4^278.78 Hard Road, Maintenance .... 46.43 Bridges and Culvarta Repairs 728.96 Machinery Purchased ... 788.00 Machinery Repairs --..... 186.61 Suppliee ...,...*..*...4. .... 7.17 Miscellaneous .................. 455.01 Treasurer Commission ....... 164J6 Total --.$13,641.22 crushing A hauling gravel Charles Ensign, labor on road Henry V. Sompel, trucking .. 129.70 157.60 93.00 26.40 126JO 1,316.90 2.50 12.00 SUPERVISOR'* FINANCIAL STATEMENT A FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Town of MeHenry, MeHenry County, Illinois, for the fftr A. D. 1946, made by Math N. Schmitt, Supervisor of said Town: Amount received frdm predecessor in office 4.............J6,111.16 Amount received frbm any other source none Amount of Tax Levied the preceding year, to-wit: 1944, for the payment of Town indebtednees and charges none Amount collected and paid over to me as Supervisor.. 1MJ6 Dd! 13.59 21.90 20.00 6.73 46.00 tor poor Cricks Royal Blue Storey groceries for poor George R. Justen, ambulance service for poor ... Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for - poor Ralph Trigin, rent and heat for poor .... 1946 January 3 Barbian Bros., groceries for Poor 36.23 Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poor 5.78 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 2.78 Alexander Lunger Co., coal for poor 13.58 Cricks Royal Blue Store, groceries for poor 32.96 Jsnusry 30 Jacob Justen Sons, burial, $75; ambulance service, $10; , for poor 85.00 January 31 St. Therese Hospital, hospitalisation for poor 166.73 J. G. Stevens, County Treas., board for county home--October November and December * 266.30 February 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor * 35.28 Alexander Lumber Co., coal . for poor 14.52 B. T. Butler, coal for poor .... 40.92 January 3 Ralph Trigin, rent and heat for poor 46.00 February 1 Cricks Royal Blue Store, groceries for poor Charles Schaefer, groceries for poor Hios. P. Belger, medicine for 85.32 29.27 poor 6.17 March 1 Alexander Lumber Co., coal . for poor 17.79 St. Joseph Hospital, hospitalisation for poor ....; 86.83 . February 1 Ralph Trigin, rent and heat - for poor 45.00 March 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor 31.92 Cricks Royal Blue Store, groceries for poor 29.82 Thomas P. .Bolger, medicine for poor 5.74 Dr. u L. Kagan, medical for poor 24,00 Dr. J. F. Harris, medical for poor 20.00 George R. Justen, ambulance service for poor 12.00 March 14 H«lph Trjggin, rent and heat for poor 46.00 J. G. Stevens, County Trees., board for county home--• January and February 475.00 Dr. C. W. Klontz, medical for poor 52.50 Amount Received $6,246.11 Amount Paid 3,301.94 Balance on hand STATE OF ILLINOIS, MeHenry County, ...$2,944.17 Total Receipts ...... .$6,246.11 Town Frpitosss Paid April 2 • Barbian Bros., groceries for poor --...J...4 12.47 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries' for poor --86.70 Alexander Lumber Co., coal for poor ......... --....... 18*54 April 19 St Therese Hospital, hoepitalisation for poor ........ 77.66 May 2 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor .-- --* ....... Peter J. Schaefer, groceriee for poor J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, board for county home--Feb. and March 174J0 June 1 Barbian Broa., groceries for poor .12J4 Peter J. Schaefer, groceriea f for poor .«*«. 86.00 11.20 36.20 ................. 4i Alexander Lumber Co* com for poor ..mmh*..h*m.h4mmhm.*h« L98 Town of MeHenry, ss. I, Math N. Schmitt, Supervisor' of said Town, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct, «s I verily believe. WITNESS: my hand this 26th day of March A. 1946. MATH N. SCHMITT. Supervisor of Town of MeHenry. Millers of 1777 Beburled Not so long ago the skeletons of four soldiers, of the Battle of Saratoga, October 7, 17'(7, were reburiedU erlth military honor*. Handy Rags Don't discaid children's holey socks after being gashed since they make fine aoft. little rags for odd jobs such as polishing silver, sudsing off paint apots,' or doing especially dirty jp^is. Drying Shirts Hang shirts by folding the tad, front and back together, almost up to the underarm, over the line. This holds the garment firmly, yet lets its heavy parts, the yoke and collar, hang freely and dry quickly. Fit summer coata on rust-proof hangers to dry. Dry sweaters flat or on frames, according to prewashing measurements. A. WICKS, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois STATE,OF ILLINOIS, . County of MeHenry. ss. In the Circuit Court of Molfanirv County. JOHN M. PITZEN, Plaintiff, v KATE JARNECKE, et al., Defendants. Complaint in Chancery for Partition and to Quet Title. General No. 30462. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Decree entered by the Circuit Court of MeHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 15th day of April, A. D. 1946, I, Hugh A. De7 neen, Master; in Chancery of said Court, will on the 17th day of M5ay, A. D. 1946, at the hour of ten o'clock central standard time in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the Court House in the city of Woodstock, MeHenry county, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and beat bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Part of Fractional SECTIONS 8, 17, and 18, IN TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 9, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ALSO BEING A PART OF LOTS 2, 10 and 12 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT IN McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, described as follows: Commencing on the east line of said Section 18 at a point 1320 feet north fitfm the East quarter Corner thereof; thence Northwesterly on a line forming an angle of 7 degrees and 27 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line 294.06 feet to a point for a place of beginning; " thence Northwesterly on a con tin uation of the last described line 144.56 feet; thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line bf a certain tract of land heretofore conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to George W. Reiker and Elsie A | Reiker, said conveyance being of | record in Book 252 of Deeds on | page 88, for a distance of 726.15 • feet; thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly boundary of the Reiker property, conveyed as aforesaid 272.6 feet to a point on the Southeasterly line ox a certain tract of land conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to Earl P. Koch and Helen M. Koch, said conveyance being of record in Book 252 of Deeds, page 92; thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly boundary of th©. said Koch property and also being along the Southeasterly boundary of a certain tract of land conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to George JV. Reiker and Elsie A. Reiker said conveyance being of record in Book 252 of Deeds, page 370, for a distance of 660.73 feet; thence Northwesterly being along the Northeasterly boundary of said Reiker property, last above described, for a distance of 148.95 feet to a point on the southeasterly boundary of Riverside Drive, as shown on the plat of "First Addition to River Terrace" according to the plat thereof, recorded in Book 5 of Plats, page 105, MeHenry County Records; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Riverside Drive for a distance of 509.85 feet to a point which is on the southeasterly line of Lot 19 of the aforesaid "First Addition to River Terrace" extended southeasterly; thence Northwesterly on the last described line 40.1 feet to the most southerly corner of a certain tract of land conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to Johanna Lutx and recorded in book 231 of Deeds, page 573; thence North 37 degrees and 28 minutes East 541.35 feet to the most easterly corner of a certain tract of land conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to Ella R. Smith, et al and recorded in Book 262 of Deeds, page 274; thence north westerly alone: the northeasterly boundary of said Smith property 125 feet more or less to the waters edge of Fox River; thence in an easterly direction, being along the waters edge of Fox River and along the waters edge of Pistakee Lake following the various meanders thereof in an easterly, southwesterly and southeasterly direction to an intersection with the northwesterly boundary of a certain tract of land, heretofore conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to John Paulus described in Book 135 of Deeds, page 51; thence southwesterly being parallel with Lot 10 as shown by the Plat of "Crystal Glen" Subdivision, recorded in Book 1 of Plats, page 46 MeHenry County Records, a distance of 210 feet more or less to the most west eriy corner of said John Paulus property; thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly boundary of the said John Paulus property and along the Southwesterly boundary of "Crystal Glen" Subdivision as aforesaid, to the most southerly corner of Lot 1 thereof, said point being the most westerly corner of a certain tract of land conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to Wallace Berger, said conveyance being of record in . Book 167 of Deeds, page 396; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of said Wallace Berger property 69.3 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of a certain tract of land conveyed by Mathias J. Pitzen to Lewis J. Pitzen, said conveyance being of record in Book 245 of Deeds, page 457; thence Southeasterly along the westerly boundary of said Lewis J. Pitzen proTier ty being on a line forming an angle of 19 degrees and 16 minutes to the right with a prolonfation of the last described line 1.9 feet; thence southwesterly along the westerly boundary of the said Lewis J. Pitzen property and said line extended being on a line forming an angle of 29 degrees and 14 minutes to the right, with a prolongation of the last described line 224.3 feet to a point on the line described in a certain tract of land heretofore conveyed by John J. Pitzen and wife to Edward Bankes and recorded in Book 175 of Deeds, page 315; thence North 69 degrees and 36 minutes west 379.15 feet; thence South 81 degrees and 42 minutes West 393.0 feet: thence South 67 degrees and 36 minutes West 1102.2 feet; thence South 59 degrees and 48 minutes West 404 feet to the place of beginning and containing 41.63 acres of land, more or less. Excepting and reserving therefrom certain parcels of land follows: Mathias J. Pitzen to James Kons and Martha Kons recorded in Book 257 of Deeds, page 19; also, Mathias J. Pitsen to James Konz and Martha Kons recorded in Book 257 of Deeds, page 20, also Mathias J. Pitaen to Carl G. Kustner and Helen M. Kustner, his wife, recorded in Book 226 of Dssds, PftaS Helen M. corded in 272; ___ Hugh Fannin* i ning, hbwiftt 225 of Deede, mm thias J. PItsen' to and wife, rseordetf _ Cige 556; alao 9J8' nd described h l I riven by Mafltfas T. Lewis J. Pttrsn. roc 245 of Deeds. MM ALSO inciuSte Oe described tract ef * " " Fox River nd lows: Starting at the corner of Lot 19 Slat of the "First iver Terrace" Recorder's Office of County, Illinois, in Book 5 page 105; thence South < and 25 minutes East 20 iron stoke; thence N< grees and 28 minutes feet to an iron stalot fog fUii of beginning; thence North tTM grees and 28 minutes East ffrU feet to an iron stake; thence Nbrtl 48 degrees and 25 minutes Wm 140 feet to an iron stake; tallS South 37 degrees and 28 ariuuM West 60.15 feet to an iron itahe thence South 48 degreee and minutes East 140 feet to the n of beginning. • ALSO an adjoining parcel land described by beginning at most Northerly corner of die al described tract; thence North degrees and 25 miaufeee Weet feet more or lass to the edge of Fox River; westerly along- the waters ate said Fox River to an inf with the Southweeteriy of the above deeerihed tract duced northwaetetfgr; thmn 48 degrees and 26 •»<-- feet more or leis to the westerly corner of said abovu scribed tract; thence North pees and 28 minutes Eaat feet to the place of heginaln containing in both pieeea 0J1 of land more or less. ^ ALSO including the foBjfrtg described tract of land fiimllM m Fox River, commencing at the easterly corner of Lot 10 fl r ft tttOMH 10 aeetB*» »• reees*. ing to the fdat of the Tint dition to Nver Tsrraee" ed in Book S M'FMrui MM US: thence South M dsgrss^iwil minutes Eaat 24Mfoet to an >fcNNi stake; thence Nonfc 87 denote and 28 minutes EaatJOOJ ihet te an iron stake for a nlace ef beginning; thence Nortl&dS dmriuaa and 25 minutes .Weet J49 liet ta an iron stake; thence Nttth 87 |b» ?rees snd 28 minutes Mat OMS eet to an iron stahS fhsMa South 48 degrees andfu ssi East 140 feet to thence South 37 minutes Weet 60.16~fedl to place of beginning. ALSO an adjoining jmrcel .uf land described by hsginiinf at III most westerly corner «the abaM described tract; then# North degrees and 28 mlniMa feet; thence North « d 25 minutes West 7 feetless to the wutirs edge ef River; thence Souths the watera edge of Fox an intersection with the westerly boundary of Mil described tract, produced westerly; thence South 4S < and 25 minutes East 12 or less to the place of and containing 0.20 ef an land, more or leee in both ALSO including fle tract of land deecriSMd i Commencing at the ly corner of Lot 19 the plat of the "First River Terrace," reeevdad ft| 5 of Plats, page 106; 48 degrees and 25 feet to an iron North 37 degrees East 421.05 feet to for a place of w North 48 degreee and .West 125 feet to an iron thence North 37 minutn East 60.15 feat stake; thence 8outh 48 " 25 minutes Eaat 120 iron stake; thence SouCh If grees and 28 minutes IWt OMft' feet to the place of bar*-- ALSO an adjoining ^ land described es follows: Beginning at the corner o f the last abanro tract; thence North 87 de|_ 28 minutes East 60.15 feet; North 48 degreee and 28 mini West 6 feet more or less to waters edge of Fox Rfosr; south-westerly along the edge of Fox River to M tion with the Southwesterly dary of said above produced northwesterly t South 48 degress and 25 East 15 feet more or hn place of beginning and 0.15 of an acre ef land less in both pieces, laakiag a |4 tal area of 40.28 acree of IbmL , more or less. ^ TERMS OF SALE Twenty-five per cent (25%) on date of sale, the be' paid upon the approval of the by this Court, at which tisaa» purchaser or purchaaers will deed or deeds to be executed Master. ioDated this 17th day ef April, h. Ik 3 HUGH A. DENESV, ,ir- if Master ia fhantana Published April £6, May t ana lL 1946. • ^ v| City OouieQ Trnn98i|lR|| Council Room, April lit The City Council met m semi-monthly, meeting with Overton presiding. AldeOMU ent: Altnoff, Buss, f ner, Freund, lYmyan. Motion by Regner, iiinaiil M* Freund, that the ssiautsa at Motion by Buas. tember