frw Two :/;),.V / * ' , * RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Georr* Sheptrd^ Iron spent Tuesday with their grand- George and Nancy Ainger of He- "*y ' "" ' _ parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shep and Mrs. Jim Harrison and tmily of Green Bay, Wis., are visitg his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayto" Harrison. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry €pent Thursday with Mrs. J. C. Pearion and family. -- Mrs. William Roth of Minneapolis fpent a few days the past week ijrtth Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. , j Mrs. Doberstein daughter, Dorothy, ' And son, Gust, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olson of Chicago spent the Weekend with Relatives at Benton Harbor, Mich. « - , Mrs. William McCannon and Mrs. WHY BE FAT Bwn a wmt rienderr..m cefiilfiB- No taattm*. NoA^WIth tfmple A YDS I ;-. VMnafai Candy Reducing Plan 4yw ta't cat oat any meal*. luin potatoes, meats or bat- * cot them down. ' wbenyoo«njoy deliciouk jSt Wmh forttfied) AYDS candy M directed. Abaoiutelv h-rmlr^i lIlbiio kdt takiaeaa i WtMtai ncoaadan ctatortd 1b4y t om Ietd iMcal* d.*o*c*t*o*r** |l3llatdfet aP Iw--m. trn with AYDS Vitamin Candy Re- •, Vl <ai WIMll * rt YTT" mill IT TT If m J W*fc mmE* MONEY BACK on fint bn Phooc ' feOLGER'S DRUG STORE, McHenry It ' -- CALL WONDER LAKE 568 -- f°R HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION BKPAIKS AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL HAKES McMahon Refrigeration Service 24-Hour Service Route 1, Ringwood, Illinois Phone 200-J Robert Thompaon of McHenry spent Roth, to Minneapolis on Wednesday Friday with Mrs. VanNatta at Crys- for a few weeks visit tal Lake. Mrs. Fred Davis of Chicago spent Mr. and Mrs. George Haberleln! Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. Fred spent Friday in Chicago. [Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs. Lill' The .Keystone Home Bureau unit Conway of Crystal Lake spent Fri- met at the home of Mrs. John Hogan day afternoon with Mrs. Cora Kelley.' Friday, April 26. Fifteen members Mrs. Etaima Beatty spent Friday!were present. Mrs. Sweeney gave a with relatives at Woodstock. jdemonstration on "Pressure T>kiw. « t> . _ , , • . . ._ !The May meeting will be held at the Mrs. Peter Sebastian is entertain-j^ 0f Mrs. Glen Jackson. ; mg*-* her *s»i ster tf rom Mol,m.e . . , ' T__h e •Krr eystone „H o_m e „B ureau soc.i a,l Mrs. Rose Jepson returned home 5 was held Saturday, April ! Sunday from a seven weeks' visit \-on p,„h,v,«T„i h.u iwiv* . . . , . -- , , . . . mm I and Mrs. t^aroiine auuer: in Wednesday and Friday night. , 500 to Mrs Frank Marrahl and Mrs. Mr! and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended Frances Burger. Hostesses were a director-teacher meeting at Wood- Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Harry Anderson * stock Tuesday evening. and Mrs. Leo Karls. Assisting them Mrs. Vern Malsh of Glenview was were Mary Lee Vogel and Martha a visitor at the home of her par- j Gene Valentine. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harri-1 Mrg Paul E Hin and daughter, son, Wednesday. ; Patricia, are visiting her parents Mr. Mrs. Mayme H*rris6njt McHenjy and Mrs. Ray Merchant. 1 Dr. »d Mrs. W.tkins of Wonder Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and > Lake and Marion Hawk'y were ditrfamily and Oliver Amger of Hebron ner pruests in the Roy Neal home «•. spent Friday with Mr Frankie * Stephenson and Mrs.! her father, Joseph rfattner, at Spring OharfeT C^hoSf Fri<"!' .„d Mr,. A. Ock.rlund, Mr. The Ringwood Home Bureau will and Mrs. 0. Jones, Mrs. A. Carlson meet Tuesday, May 5, at the homeland Dr. and Mrs. G. Haberiein of of Mrs. Hoffman at McCullom Lake.! Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and Mrs. George Haberlein. sons of Evanston and Lt. and Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Roland McCannon and family of family arrived home Sundav. Jack Woodstock spent Sundav afternoon j has received his discharge from the and evening with Mrs. Rose Jepson. j army. ,'•«»• % , , , Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of j Mrs. Catherine Vogel and daugh- Chicago spent Sunday evening in the iter, Jean Rae; and Mrs. Ray Seng- George Shepard home. ?»sh of Elkhorn .spent Wednesday Mrs. Frankie Stephenson returned 1 in the Fred Wiednch, Jr., home, home with her neice, Mrs. William Arthur Dobersteiii of Chicago spent Monday evening* with his mother. Mrs. Libbie Ladd visited friends here the past week. Mrs. IFred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. Jack Leonard, Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mrs. John Blackman and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Helen Johnson atteded a kitchen shower for Helen Johnson, who will be a June bride, at the home of Mrs. Don Smart in Waukegan, Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Jincks spent the weekend with her daughter and family at Barrington. Mrs. Albert Escher and children of Chicago are visiting her mother, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt. Mrs. Agnes Jencks is enjoying a week's vacation from her teaching duties in Chicago. Ringwood School Notes The Community club will meet at the school house Friday evening, May 3, at 8 o'clock. A very interesting program is being planned by the committee in charge. Some of Mary Hogan's schoolmates helped her celebrate her tenth birthday Sunday afternoon. Mary's mother had a little birthday party for her From the reports we received, everyone had a good time. Donald, Marilyn and Dickie Rinkenberger visited some of their old schoolmates last weekend. The Johnsburg boys ball team took our boys into camp last week by a one run margin. The final score was 16 to 15. Thursday afternoon of this week the girls from our school will play the Johnsburg girls at Johnsburg. We are planning a return game of ball with the Harrison school in the near future. In a recent game of ball the Ringwood boys defeated the Harrison school team. We saw our last educational picture Tuesday afternoon. The Book cljib met in the upper grade room Tuesday morning. Dorothy Smith, president of the club for April, took charge of the meeting. We are making some interesting booklets on South America as we continue our study of the Latin I American countries. i Johnny Neal, Dorothy Smith, Kenjneth Betts, 1 Paul Glauser, James j Glauser and Jeanette Lawrence will graduate from the eighth grade from our school this year. .an? x lprtday nigh& Congratulations in ofder to the good Sisters for their excellent diftctkm and training of the children who put on this program: Mrs. George W. May, daughters, D*>nna and Diane, Mrs. Fred May •and children and Charlotte Freuna spent Monday in Waukegan. "Questions and Answers," "The Gingerbread Boy" and "Froggie,"-- Songs and Actions--Grade 1. "Feminine Bravery"--Playlet -- Girls of Grades 5 and 6. "Rabbit and the IS YOUR CAR VICTIM OF SPRING FEVER? Come spring and what happens to you?--no pep, no vim, no vigor. Come spring and the same condition overtakes your car. Just as you need a tonic to restore your vitality so does your car. The best cure for spring fever is our bumper to bumper check-up service. Expert mechanics to do the job. CENTRAL GARAGE-- F&ED J. SMITH, Prop. Towing lohnsbur, g 1 • .• SPRING GROVE TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS NOW AYAILABLfe Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry 634-W-l Thos. Thonneson, Prop. £ 9* mn yom tfodriapt flatter your l*g$l Use UINstoseRIT HOSIERY DYE fa o-- of fWse hmsrf new dhisi MKT MOWN BUTTERNUT SUN BBGS DESERT SAND WABANTW) to dy my stoefcfag PERFECTLYI • Um it for thoM prc- Ciou remaining ay Ions, tOC *11 tVDM, ulks, cot- i•t fMii adtcnh mfapd oedd do o(tcosc kto- ***• **r**'~f ntnfTilnmt IN THE BIO BOX V"' Thomas P. fiolger "The McHenry Druggist" Hunter"--Soi« and' Actions^ Grades 2, S and 4. 'TOather'e Letter"--Playlet-- Grades 2, 8 and 4. "Nearer My God To Thee"--Pantomfaie--Girls of Grade 8. "The Lost Do*"--Playlet-- Pupils of Grade 5 and 6. "The Whistling Farmer Boy" -- Song --• Pupils of Grades 8 ana 4. "Graduates Choice"--Play in one act -- Upper Grades. Trumpet and Clarinet Solos --Thomas Freund and Robert May. "Kingdom Coming"--Song1--Boys of Grades 5 and 6. Piano Duet--Georgia and Donna Schmitt. "Give Me a Home" -- Song -- Aqrfb of Upper Grades. Piano Aceompianist--Mrs. .Isabel Smith. Veterinary SeNMV . The Brat known veterinary school was established at Lyons, Franco. fa» 17tl. SIGN PAINTING -- ' ANYWHE&E . -- ' AKYTIJMX i Window Lettering ~ Trade Lettetinf - J EARL. LAWRENCE 122 Main St Phone Crystal Lake 10 Good Joiee Soft tomatoes or fruits, not firm enough for canning but still not overripe, make good juice if no bad spots are preseift Fresh water ice, mch as a. «v«r Arctic lake or river, is three times as strooc as salt ice. Seeead Bast Cera C For tiie. second time in 4fTyiai£ Kentucky "had a corn crop yielding an average of 30 bushels to the mam in 1944, according to the state college of agriculture and home nomics. Hie other 30-bushel czt» was produced in 19tt. g y>V;. ' :'\ 'A ,.- • McHenry Sand & Gravel Specialising in-^ -TRUCKING-- -EXCAVATINO-- TOM GRAVEL ORUSHXNO^ Do yon have your garden ready to be planted? If not, we are prepared to furnish yon with black soil to improve that favorite plot. MILLER BROTHERS 006 Front Street West McHenry, HI. TELEPHONE 97-J TOur Patronage Is Appreciated and TIME TOR- A Get your car ready for Spring and Summer driving See us soon--Save money QUICK SERVICE BUSS MOTOR SALES YOUR FORD DEALER 531 Main St. West^McHenry, 111* (by Mrs. Charles Freund) Charles May is recuperating very nicely, having undergone an appendectomy some Weeks ago. His friends will be glad to hear that he is again able to be up ajid around. The Charles Freund family joined in a family reunion at the Paul.Gerasch home in McHenry on Easter Sunday. j The Community club held their regular meeting at St. Peter's parish i hall on Monday night. Cards were I played following the meeting and re- . freshments were served. ; Among those from here who atl tended the dance at Memorial Hall in Richmond Mondav night were the Ben Mays, Jake Millers, Bob Kautz, Walter Browns, Charles Freiinds, A1 Britzs and A1 Schmeltzers. j Mr. and Mrs. Danny Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son, Bobby, spent a recent Sunday with relatives and i friends in Sharon. j Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's parish met at the I home of Jerry Miller for their reg- ! ular meeting on Tuesday night. | Cards were played throughout the (evening and refreshments served. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin Sodality held their meeting in St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night. After the meeting cards and bunco were played and prizes went to Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Jerry Miller, Miss Clarice May, Mrs. Ben Stnith and Miss Luella Hanford. Lunch was, served by the committee at the con- * elusion of cards. On Thursday afternoon, members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Koberstine for an afternoon at cards. Five hundred was played and prizes went to Mrs. Harry Hall, Mrs. Till, Mrs. Wm. Engels, Mrs. Fred May, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, and Mrs. Anton May received consolation. A lovely lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller have moved to Ringwood, having vacated the Mrs. Mike Rauen house. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith attended the silver weddingr anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huff in Waukegan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lent and* Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and children of Sharon, Wis., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lent. Guests in the Walter Brown home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and son of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. 41 Schmeltzer. A large crowd attended the school •lay given by the pupils of St. *s school in the parish hall on HI f § vv\ 7 . with a modern GAS RANGE! • / f . There's new freedom from your kitchen when'you have a new Gas range. It's speedy, perfectly controlled and easy to gives you mart leisure. 'A Gas nnge gives you the exact dtgm of heat you want::: and fast! You have simmer burners for use when a gentler heat is needed. It's no wonder so many women ate enthusiastic about the modern Gas range; Roasting or baking is automatically coa« noUed::; it's just like having an assistant cook; for ft# At the turn of the dial you gee accuiatcftempetatures. You can set the automatic timer ::: and relax: :;the bell announces when dinner is ready; You'll find the new and improved Gas range is easy on the budget. You'll save on fuel, food and upkeep. Some modem Gas tinges are now availahl%iaoce will be on sak soon; i4Xf9omt WISTIRM UNITBD GAS AND I1ICTRIC COMPANY '. *\*. v.v ' , , ... v -